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قديم 13-09-2008, 01:01 PM
الصورة الرمزية Hazem Sheir
Hazem Sheir Hazem Sheir غير متواجد حالياً
مدرس اللغة الانجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2008
المشاركات: 58
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
Hazem Sheir is on a distinguished road
Icon114 سلسة امتحانات رائعة 2 ثانوى (9)

Ministry of Education

General Secondary Education Certificate Examination,2006
First Stage Test nine Time : 3 hours

1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- She is interested in different kinds of music found ( at - from -of-in) different countries
2- A deaf person's ears don't work (proper - well - easy - nice)
4 -The deluge left a thick (piece - deposit - bit - ground) of mud on the field
5-He ( dissatisfied - sighed - smiled - enjoyed) sadly when he heard that his team had lost
6-Yesterday I saw a (couple - pair - two - double) of cars running fast
7-An African person has a dark (skin - complexion - features - leather)
8-It (has rained - has been raining - rained - had rained) all day, it is still raining
9-He won't leave till he (finish - had finished - has finished - finished)
10-The false story he told is (believe - incredible - reasonable -possible); we can hardly believe it
11-You should make (out for - up for - up - for) the time you lost
12-The two brothers are of the same (tall - high - height - heavy )
13-Mary wishes she were as ( skinny - slim - bony - model) as her sister
14-She only thinks of her own interests , she is (selfish - courageous - generous
15-The kids promised (to play - play - playing - played ) quietly
16-You should avoid (to make - make - makes - making) friends with bad students 17-( Preference Prediction - Prevention - Pretence) is better than cure
18-We should wash regularly to ensure ( clean - hygiene- disease -infection)
19-Port Said is a big (harbour - port - beach - shelter ) on the Mediterranean Sea
20-She was (shy - ashamed - shameful) other bad conduct
21-Turtles lay eggs , (do they - don't they - didn't they) ?
22-He is never late for school, (is - isn't - was - wasn't) he ?
23-People don't believe him because he always (says - tells - gives - speaks) lies
24-Actors have to (memorize - remind - fix - forget) their lines very well 25-He went to the airport to see his brother (away - about - on - off)
26-The police (discussed - disguised - disappeared - hid) themselves as beggars to find the criminal
27-He presented all the (documents - certificates) that would prove his innocence
28-( Urban - Rural - Town) life is simpler than life in the city
29-( Global - Local - International Weather ) changes are taking place due to the advent of modem means of communication
30-If you buy something for more than it is worth, you make a (benefit -value - profit - loss)
31-1 haven't got enough money for the bus ( fees - fare - charge - fair )
32-He lost his ( hearing - listening - seeing - smelling) when he was young
33-He always tells people (not to believe - believe - don't believe -believed) what she says
34-1 spoke slowly but my meaning didn't get ( over - through -across - down) to him
35-The form of money used by a country is its ( coin - credit -cheque - currency)
36-My father went to (the - a -x an ) school to meet the principal
37-Hardly (he had arrived - has he arrived - he has arrived - had he arrived ) when he asked about his father
38-Because of (intense - intensive - tense - tentative ) pressure the machine exploded
39-Neither he nor his friends ( speak - speaks - is speaking - speaking ) French
40-( Luckily- Fortunately - Unfortunately) our team lost the match
41-He (smashed - locked - blocked - fastened) the safe to get the treasure
42- ( A - The - An - One ) healthy diet of fruit and vegetables will help prevent sickness
42- The meeting started with a small tea party to ( melt - saw - break- eat) the ice
43- Gold keeps its value because it is (scarcely - hard - scarce - seldom )
44- You can ( guarantee - protest - blame - ignore) about your income tax through the tax authority
45- ( Customers - Consumers - Shoppers - Traders ) sell and buy to make profit
46- I'd rather not play the piano .(hadn't I -wouldn't I -didn't I -shouldn't I) ?
47- We'd better go swimming , (haven't we -didn't we -hadn't we -wouldn't we)? 48- Would you like to listen to classic music, No , I'd ( rather - better - prefer) listen to soft music
49-You should answer most of the questions correctly to (modify -satisfy -justify) the examiner
50-Man does everything he can so that he may ( modify - satisfy - justify ) his needs
51- You should always (think - concentrate) on what the teacher says
52- A truck is some kind of a (tree - vehicle - bike - plane)
53- Touching the lute strings causes ( violation -vibration -function -permission) 54- He was playing notes (on - by - with - in) a drum
55- The violin is some sort of( instruction - instrument - plant)
56- The goal (picture - paragraph - poster) that he put on the wall reminds him of what he should do
57- You should always be (optimistic - pessimistic - positive - negative ) that you will really achieve your goals
58- He seldom works to a plan, (will he - does he - won't he - doesn't he) ?
59- Shells and ( shakes' - shirts' - sharks' - check's) teeth were used as money long ago
60- Precious metals don't ( cost - rust - rest - roast) when exposed to water
61- What do you want the money (to - by - for - with ) ?
62- We didn't pay for the tickets because they were (freely - free -freedom)
63- Atoms come together to form (molecular - molecules - Femto Second)
64- A clever student ( works - makes - does) a study plan
65-People who visit undiscovered places are (explorers -employers -employees) 66- Sick people should follow the doctor's (constructions -instructions-advices)
67- (At - In - With - After) time we will use credit cards instead of money
68- You are asked to write a long ( essay - reviewer - estimate)
69- The giraffe is a (less - lot - more - few) taller than the camel
70- Mary is ( a little - a few - a less - a more) cemimeters shorter than John
71- Local products are (much - more - many - a lot) cheaper than imported ones 72-The film we have seen is (little - much - most - least) interesting
73-Which of them is the (older - old - oldest - elder), the bride or the bridegroom ? 74- Mary has (many - much - little - a) more dresses than Sara
75-1 won't lend him any more money (because of- although - since -consequently) he never pay it back
76-1, as well as Mary ,(is - are - were - am) clever at chess
77- Those who don't follow traffic laws ( ought to -should -ought -ought to be) punished
78- This camera (isn't taken - doesn't take - won' be taken - wasn't taken ) good photos
79-He (will meet - meets - will be met) at the airport
80-His suggestion (will discus - is being discussed - is discussing - will be discussing) at the moment
81-More roads (has been built - have built - has built - have been built) recently 82-Clothing (is cost - costs - will be cost - are cost) us a lot of money
83- Dinner (hasn't prepared - hasn't been prepared - isn't preparing) yet
84- This is the place in ( where - which - that) we met
85- Across the road there is a hairdresser's (who - which - where - that) I have my hair cut
86- This is the novel (he lent me - he lent me it - which he lent it to me - that he lent me it) yesterday
87- The boys (were accused - accused - who accused - accusing) of robbery were innocent
88-Is there anything (which - that - where - whose) I can do for you ?
89-This is the most difficult problem (which - that -when -whose )I've met
80- This is the most difficult problem (which - what - X) I've ever met
81 - The actress (whose - which - where - no pronoun ) the ministry honoured
last week traveled to England
82- A dog's bite isn't (like - so - the same - such ) poisonous as a snake's
83-1 have got ( less - a fewer - many - most) shirts than my brother
84- This is the (most - more - least - little) expensive camera in the shop, all the others are much more expensive
85- Which of the two girls is the ( older - oldest - old - eldest) ?
86- (Whatever - However - Although - As) bad the weather is , I'll go to work
87- She stood by the cooker while the food (was cooking - was cooked - was being cooked)
88- Have you ever (gone - been - went) sailing ?
89-He can hardly drive (although - because - despite - therefore) he carries a driver's licence
90 - (Because - Although - Due to - Despite) his cleverness the manager raised his salary
1-She said she would like me to be more successful (encouraged )
3- Please, tidy your room (order)
4- He asked me to decide on the best place for the meeting (name )
5- He worked hard so he got high marks (It was for )
6-They finished their work a moment ago (just)
7-They want to know the time of his arrival ( when)
8-She said she didn't take the book (denied >^
9-She is efficient in her work (efficiently )
10-The last time she visited London was in April (since )
11-It took him three hours to fix the bike ( be )
12-He said to the students ," Show me the work you have done" (if)
13-He decorated our flat (We )
14-Tickets must be brought before entering the cinema ( People )
15-They are brothers . One was wearing a new suit, the other was wearing old clothes ( Although)
16 - He let us take part in the play (We )
17-Mary used to play tricks on her young brother( in the habit of)
18-They've got three private cars. That means they are rich (If)
19- However week he is , he won the race ( as)
20-It was necessary for us to go back ( had)
21-Afterhehadhadhisteahewentout (having )
22- I'll buy him a present when he succeeds (occasion )
23-He used to go to school by bicycle when he was a pupil(always)
24- Nothing is better than getting up early (The best )
25 - On finding her necklace she cried for joy ( The moment )
26- He led a poor life (in )
27- He didn't buy a gold ring till he had saved (before that)
28- Photography is banned here (mustn't )
29- The pilot sent a message after he had seen the signal( before / until)
30-Why did he decide to have that car rather than this car ? (choose )

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