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أرشيف المنتدي هنا نقل الموضوعات المكررة والروابط التى لا تعمل

أدوات الموضوع ابحث في الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 13-09-2008, 12:45 PM
الصورة الرمزية Hazem Sheir
Hazem Sheir Hazem Sheir غير متواجد حالياً
مدرس اللغة الانجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2008
المشاركات: 58
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
Hazem Sheir is on a distinguished road
Icon114 سلسة امتحانات رائعة 2 ثانوى (3)

Ministry of Education

General Secondary Education Certificate Examination,2006
First Stage Test three Time : 3 hours

1-Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:Salwa has been waiting for her friend Rania
Rania: Sorry, I'm late.
Salwa: ........... (1) ...........?
Rania: ........... (2) ...........
Salwa: Why didn't you go to a petrol station?
Rania: There wasn't any one nearby. So, I parked it and decided to take a taxi.
Salwa: ........... (3) ...........
Rania: You are right. It is the rush hour and ........... (4) ...........
Salwa: That is why you are late all that time.

2- Supply the missing parts in the following mini - dialogues:
a- Mother: ……….. (1) ………..?
Daughter: Sure, mum. I'll mail it for you on my way to the bank.
b- Nagy: ……….. (2) ………...
Friend: Why won't you help me with that?
c- Wife: Do you think you can afford to buy this new car?
Husband: ........... (3) ...........
Wife: ........... (4) ...........?
Husband: I have been saving to buy it for five years.

3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. Scientists are always looking for solutions ( to , from , of, with ) the world's problems.
2. As cities grow bigger , the amount of land available for farming is ( increased , deserted , cultivated , limited )
3. Self-employed people enjoyed (to have , to be having , having, have) the freedom to work when they like.
5. Every leaf plays a part ( in making , to make , of making , with making) food for the plant.
6. His business ( exploded , existed , expanded , extracted ) and he had
to hire new workers
7. The statue ( has carved , was carved , has been carved , will be carved ) out of stone by the ancient Egyptians .

8. The village was ( supposed , supported , subjected , submerged ) when the river flooded
9. The advantages are outweighed ( by , from , with , for ) the disadvantages
10. In AD 106 , Petra was ( arrested , captured , accused , caught) by the Romans. .
11. Thomas stayed (with , at, in , for) Mr and Mrs Jones in England .
12. Thomas looked ( for , forward , around , up ) to seeing Mr and Mrs Jones
13. ( Despite , Because , In spite of, Although ) he didn't feel well, he was always happy to see them
14. This is the best book ..... on Egyptology.
a - that you can find b - where you can find c - You are finding d - to be finding
15-This winter was………… than last year
a - more cold b - colder c - coldest d - the coldest
16 Perhaps I looked bad this morning but she looked .................
a - badly b - the worst c - worse d - more badly
17.............her English vocabulary is excellent, her pronunciation needs some Work.
a - However b - Although c - Therefore d - Besides
18. The book ..............was found in the playground has been returned to Adel.
a - where b - that c - It d - whose
19. The flight............... because of bad weather yesterday.
a - been delayed b - had delayed c - is delaying d - was delayed
20. Mona discovered her mistake after all the answer sheets .......... collected.
a - have been b - were being c - had been d - are being
21. This idea is ................as the previous one.
a-good b-as good c - as best d - better as
22. In sports ................athletes are not paid.
a - poor b - amateur c - professional d - competitive
23.I ............. Judo on Friday at the club. a - go b – play c-do d-make
24.I didn't understand the lesson. The teacher's explanation ........
a - went over my head b - put me on the picture
e - got the draft d - got the message
25. We stayed in a 5-star hotel that was very comfortable and ...............
a- boring b - dangerous c - interested d - luxurious
26. piranhas hunt in ..................of about twenty fish.
a-group b-packs c-Schools d-herds
27. The man in torn clothes asked the people to ............him money .
a - give b - borrow c - spend d - take
28. The golden cup .........winning .
a- reserved b - presented c- a preserved d - represented
29- She went to the (journalist / professor / lawyer / architect) to seek legal advice.
30- When Nabil applied for the job, the manager invited him for (a meeting / an appointment / an interview / a lecture) to decide whether he is fit.
31- I can't remember when the accident (took place / took part / took advantage / took time).
32- A group of (mechanic / software / civil / electric) engineers participated in planning the road to the city.

4- Rewrite the following sentences, using the words in brackets, to give the same meaning:
1- I prefer working in my country to travelling abroad. (I'd rather)
2- He plays the piano well and I play the piano well too. (as well as)
3- Why don't you write to him and tell him what exactly happened? (How)
4- She put on her overcoat so as not to catch cold. (so that)
5- Men don't take as much interest in clothes as women, (more)
6- He can't repair the car as he is not a mechanic. (If)
7- My car is broken. I'll ask a mechanic to repair it. (need)
8- We haven't visited the zoo for two years. (It's)
9- His brother gave him some money and found him a job. (Not only)
10- He doesn't possess a mobile, [got]
11-Do you own a house in the country? [got]
12- Smoking affects the lung badly, [effect]
13- He recovered from the f1u in a week. , [got]
14- 1 tried to make him understand the problem, [get]
15- If you don't have a proper study plan, it is easy to waste time.(Without)
16- You shouldn't go out in this cold weather without a coat. (better not)
17- Why don't you phone Dalia and ask her to come to dinner? (How)
18- Akram borrowed a tennis racket from Fawzi. (lent)
19- I don't like going to the cinema very much. (keen)
20- He asked me what I thought he should do. (advice)
21- I like playing tennis better than swimming, (prefer)
22- I like football but I'm not very good at it. (although)
23- The girl did her homework then she went to the cinema, (after)
24-My aunt gave me a camera for my birthday, (received)
25-I think you should do your homework before you watch television. (better)
26-It is an unfortunate fact that cars cause pollution, (one disadvantage)
27- Mary lent Seila her dictionary, (borrow)
28- When you are going to give the money back to him which you borrowed? (repay)
29-1 heard the news on the radio and I immediately phoned Nadia.(as soon as)
30- He is my brother but we don't look like. (although)
34-You should make a study plan to organize your work. (good idea)
35-Let's go to the beach on Saturday. (How about)
36-You should read this book, it's very interesting, (ought)
37- Can you lend me a pencil, please? (borrow)
D- The Novel
7-A- Answer the following questions:
1- What was Dr Fakhry's opinion about the disappearance of the town?
2- Why did the spider need to find a home?
3- In what way was the spider dangerous?
4- Show that Dr Shereen Fakhry was a practical person.
5- Ayman was a victim of his courage. Explain
6- Why did professor Jones visit Hanidayya?
B- Read the following quotation then answer the questions:
1-"I have read your translation of the story about the black and yellow spiders" Do you think the story is true?"
a- What story did the speaker refer to?
b- How did the speaker receive the news?
c- To whom was this quotation addressed?
2-"The spider's fangs broke through his face mask! We must leave here immediately."
1- Who said this to whom?
2- What did the other two officers do when the spider attacked the young officer?
3- Did the spider bite the young officer? How do you know that? C- Complete the following sentences:
1- The spider didn't attack Najat because .........
2- If the spiders were an unknown species,.........
3- Captain Osama and Farouk went into the water so that......

9- a- Translate into Arabic:
Savings is the most important principle of economy. Investment of savings in banks helps the state to carry out useful projects and benefits the investor, so we should not be extravagant.
على المدير الناجح اتخاذ القرارت المناسبة التى تساعده على تحقيقأهدافه


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