المنتدى الأكاديمي للمعلمين ملتقى مهني أكاديمي متخصص للأساتذة الأفاضل في جميع المواد التعليمية (تربية وتعليم & أزهر) |
أدوات الموضوع | انواع عرض الموضوع |
اجابة القطع والقصة فى الامتحان اليوم
القطعة الاولى 1- your eyes start to water , you cough , you sweat . your lips , tongue and mouth burn. It feels like your head is going to explode 2- is the oil found in no other plant except hot pepper . It is colourless and odourless 3- It depends on the type of the pepper not the amount 4- b 5- a اجابة القطعة الثانية 1- Because the think that computer games have a bad effect on their children 2- the little children who usually play games 3- I completely agree because alot of games may teach children violence , they may try to imitate these games themselves , thus they might hurt themselves or other children 4- c 5- d القصة 1-he fainted he was hardly breathing his face was red he was spoisioned 2-because he was afraid that he will be killed as all the people in the poor part of the town supported duke micheal so he was ofraid of his plane to be discovered 3- He pretended to shake Rass's hands and stapped him suddenly 4- He learnt to have responsibilities B-1 sapt to Rass 2-when sapt asked Rass to be the king at the hunting lodge 3-duke micheal will kill the king and to and take the throne 1- rewarded .... killed 2- sapt .... Rupert
سل نفسك ما هى إنجازاتى فى المجتمع ؟ ما هى المبادئ التى أعيش بها؟ هل أنا حقاً سعيد ؟ |
العلامات المرجعية |