المنتدى الأكاديمي للمعلمين ملتقى مهني أكاديمي متخصص للأساتذة الأفاضل في جميع المواد التعليمية (تربية وتعليم & أزهر) |
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امتحان الثانوية 2013 ونموذج الاجابة (وورد)وpdf
امتحان الثانوية 2013
آخر تعديل بواسطة مستر خالد غباشى ، 10-06-2013 الساعة 05:14 PM |
The exam is very very very easy
شكرا يا كبير
محمود عبد العاطى مدرس اول اللغه الانجليزيه |
شكرا جزيلا أستاذنا الفاضل
Minds, like parachutes, only work when opened
نموذج الإجابة كاملا:
مع اطيب أمنياتنا بالنجاح و التوفيق Model Answer 2013 Situations Mr Ahmed Abdel Aleem 1- You should take an umbrella with you 2- I regret not visiting my uncle OR (I wish / If only ) I had visited my uncle 3- What is wrong with you ? 4- What about going to the cinema ? Speakers place : Library A : reader B : librarian Function : polite request - thanking - ...... 2- place : dentist's - hospital A : dentists B : patient Function : Asking for information - giving information / inquiring Choose the correct answer: 1- d ) profession 2- ( c ) correspondent 3- ( a ) distinctive 4- ( b ) would have met 5- ( d ) have been translated 6- ( b ) had to 7- ( a ) is 8- ( a ) which 9- ( d ) walk 10- ( b ) ultraviolet 11- ( b ) influential 12- ( c ) fossil 13- ( a ) An eclipse 14- ( d ) to pass 15- ( b ) hadn't 16- ( d ) so Find the mistakes 1- would I ------------> I would 2- boring --------------> bored 3-illustrate ------------> illuminate 4- chronic --------------> diabetic 5- Despite -------------> although 6- replaced -------------> recycled 5-Read the passage 1- No, because they are very dangerous sports 2- To make the balloon go higher, the ballon pilot blasts hot air inside the baloon. To make the balloon descend, the air has to be left to cool. 3- because it requires skill and technique and a sense of adventure 4- c) ballonist 5- c) pilot and passengers 6-Read the passage 1- It occurs when not enough rain falls.Also, It happens when weather is hot and water is quickly evaporated in dry areas of land. 2- They cause loss of topsoil and damage of crops. They can result in famines, diseases and wildfires. 3- lightening occurs when thunderstorms form in clouds. These contain drops of water and fragments of ice which rup and hit to form electricity. 4- d ) land can not absorb rain. 5- b) temperature 7-The Novel 1-At first he told her that he was going hunting as he was going to hunt a big animal , then he told her that he was going to hunt Michael. 2- According to Rudolf Rassendyll he hated to kill , but if Max woke up , he would be in trouble. 3- Sapt planned that Rassendyll would be king forever. 4- Because the city gates would be closed at this time of the day and no one was allowed to leave or enter the city without a permission Quotation 1- Rudolf Elphberg to Rudolf Rassendyll 2- In the forest of Zenda 3- he was surprised as they looked the same ( like each other ), ( they were identical ) Find The Mistake 1- Michael ------> Rassendyll 2- kill -------> guard 9- Translate into Arabic : لكى يتم تصنيع الورق من الخشب ، تطحن القطع الخشبية الى قطع صغيرة والتيتخلط بمواد كيمائية ثم تُبيض. يزالالماء من الخليط الذى يمر خلال اسطوانات ساخنة لإنتاج الورقالجاف. Translate into English : * Solar energy is used to generate / produce electricity in some giant power stations. * Excuse me, can you tell me to the shortest way to reach Cairo Stadium ? |
شكرا لكم جميعا
يجماااااااااعه انا جاوبت السؤال التانى فى القصه
because he want to take his boat and to revange of killing josef صح ولا خطأ |
الف مليون شكر يا مستر خالد .. بارك الله فيك
أستاذ/ أيمن الجمال مدرس اللغة الإنجليزية لمرحلة الثانوية العامة www.aymanelgammal.net |
شكرا جزيييييييييلا
thankss mr
بارك الله فيك.
شكرا علي هذا العمل الرائع
مشكور مشكور...................................مشكور مشكور مشكور...........مشكور.......................مشكور. ........مشكور مشكور......................مشكور......مشكور....... ............مشكور مشكور...........تسلمــــ.........مشكور.........ايد كــــــ........مشكور مشكور............................................. ...............مشكور مشكور..................Taya Tayo ......................مشكور مشكور............................................. ....مشكور مشكور.......Thanks Ya Man..........مشكور مشكور....................................مشكور مشكور...........................مشكور مشكور................مشكور مشكور.......مشكور مشكور Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness |
العلامات المرجعية |