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معلومة جديدة
اختصار هذة الحروف C E Common Era, abbreviated as CE, is one of the designations for the world's most commonly used year-numbering system The numbering of years using Common Era notation is identical to the numbering used with Anno Domini (BC/AD) notation, 2010 being the current year in both notations and neither using a year zeroCommon Era is also known as Christian Era[ and Current Era with all three expressions abbreviated as CE.Christian Era is, however, also abbreviated AD, for Anno Domini Dates before the year 1 CE are indicated by the usage of BCE, short for "Before the Common Era", "Before the Christian Era", or "Before the Current Era Both the BCE/CE and BC/AD notations are based on a sixth-century estimate for the year in which Jesus was conceived or born, with the common era designation originating among Christians in Europe at least as early as 1615 (at first in Latin] The Gregorian calendar, and the year-numbering system associated with it, is the calendar system with most widespread usage in the world today. For decades, it has been the de facto global standard, recognized by international institutions such as the United Nations and the Universal Postal Union. There are many names in many languages used to designate this year-numbering system that originated in Western Europe. Common Era notation has been adopted in several non-Christian cultures and by many scholars in religious studies and other academic fields[10] [11] wishing to be sensitive to non-Christians,[12] because Common Era does not explicitly make use of religious titles for Jesus, such as Christ and Lord, which are used in the BC/AD notation.[10][13][14][15] Some who oppose Common Era notation claim that its propagation is the result of secularization, anti-supernaturalism, religious pluralism, and political correctness.[16][17][18][19] Others suggest it does not go far enough—because it does not remove the birth of Jesus as the era marker, and still focuses on an event in Western civilization.] Contents [hide] هذة الجملة فى كتاب الورك بوك d Petra/the Romans/CE 106 (capture آخر تعديل بواسطة samir Meabed ، 29-10-2010 الساعة 12:42 PM |
تسلم ايديك ياريس ودائما تأتى بالجديد
(إن لله عباداً اختصهم بقضاء حوائج الناس،حببهم إلى الخير،وحبب الخير إليهم،هم الآمنون من عذاب الله يوم القيامة)
thaaaaaaaaaks alot
تحيــــاتي وتقــديري للجمــــيع <CENTER></CENTER><CENTER></CENTER> |
دائما تاتى بالجديد و المفيد
بارك الله لنا فيك
و الله يا احبابى الكبار انا قابلتنى هذة المعلومةفى الوحدة الخامسة فقلت للطلبة انا اول مرة اسمع عن الاختصار هذا فقلت لما اسال احبابى فى المنتدى الذى ادين لة بالفضل بعد الله و قبل ما اسال هدانى الله الى الاجابة و هنا تظهر فائدة المنتدى
هو دا الكلام يا باشا
تسلم ايديك ياريس ودائما تأتى بالجديد
ليســت مشكــله ، إذآ حلمــت بشــيء "و لـــم يتتـحـقق" ، يكفـــي انـــه جعـــل شفـــآتــي تبتــسم "لمجـــرد" الحلـــم بـــه ... ۩ اللهـم لاتعـلـق قلوبـنـا بمـا ليس لـنـا و اجـعل لنـا فـي مـا نـحـب نصيـب ۩ |
شكرالك على العلومة الرائعة
سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم |
شكر على المعلومة
سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم |
تســــــــــــــــــــــلم ايديك
- كلنا كالقمر ... له جانب مظلم ! |
شكرا مستر عصام سعيد نورت المشاركة
العلامات المرجعية |