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العودة   بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية > القسم الإداري > أرشيف المنتدى

أرشيف المنتدى هنا نقل الموضوعات المكررة والروابط التى لا تعمل

أدوات الموضوع ابحث في الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 12-06-2010, 05:30 PM
الصورة الرمزية مصراوى22
مصراوى22 مصراوى22 غير متواجد حالياً
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2008
المشاركات: 2,625
معدل تقييم المستوى: 19
مصراوى22 is on a distinguished road
Icon114 انجليزى 2 ثانوى عام شكرا لصاحبه منقول

Unit 01 : The world of work

· accountant محاسب
· actor ممثل
· actress ممثلة
· architect مهندس معمارى
· journalist صحفى
· lawyer محامى
· researcher باحث
· receptionist موظف استقبال
· designer مصمم
· professor استاذ جامعى
· devise يبتكر
· atom ذرة
· molecule جزئ
· award يمنح منحة
· encourage يشجع
· encouragement تشجيع
· lecture محاضرة
· lecturer محاضر
· responsible for مسؤل عن
· intensify يكثف
· intensive مكثف
· graduated from خريج من
· occupation مهنة
· tolerate يتسامح
· symbol رمز
· portrait صورة
· tolerance التسامح
· symbolize يرمز
· honour تكريم- شرف
· attend يحضر
· decide يقرر
· decision قرار

Grammar :
The definite article “The” أداة المعرفة
أ- تستعمل أداة المعرفة "The"
1- When there is only ONE of something.
1- عندما لا يوجد إلا واحد من هذا الشيء
The Sun rises in the east
2- When we mean the general idea.
2- عندما نعني فكرة عامة
We like living in the countryside.
3- When we talk about species.
3- عندما نتحدث عن نوع أو سلالة وليس الجمع
The Giraffe is found in Africa.
4- When we talk about a discovery or invention.
4- عندما نتحدث عن اكتشاف أو اختراع
Graham Bell invented the telephone.
5- For the cinema, the theatre, the radio and the Internet.
5- تستعمل للسينما والمسرح والراديو وشكة الإنترنت
Samy went to the cinema alone.
6- For the names of some countries, mountains and rivers.
6- تستعمل مع أسماء بعض البلاد والجبال والأنهار
The Nile , The Sudan and The Himalayas.
7- With clauses of comparison.
7- تستعمل مع جمل بعض صيغ المقارنة مثل :
The more you study, the higher marks you get.
تستعمل مع بعض أسماء البلاد المركبة مثل
8- The United Kingdom - The Arab Republic of Egypt

We don’t use “the”
- لا تستعمل أداة المعرفة " The"
1- When we make general statements.
a) with countable nouns in the plural.
1- عندما نعطي ( أو نتحدث) عن إفادة عامة
أ- مع الأسماء القابلة للعدد في الجمع
-Women are not allowed to vote in some countries. (people)
-Vegetables are important for your health. (Food)
-Journalists write articles in newspapers. (Jobs)
-Trees don’t grow without water. (plants)

ولكن عندما نحدد (أي فئة من الناس) نضع الأداة.
The people who live in Egypt are friendly.

b) with uncountable names.
- مع الأسماء التي لا تًعد .
-Milk is good for children. (Food)
-Oil is used in making food. (Substances)
-Basketball is a popular game in America. (sports)
-Happiness has no relation with money. (Abstract)
-He studies Biology and physics at school.(School subj.)
-French is a very delicate language.(Languages)
Unit 02 : Go for your goal
· Get down to يشرع فى عمل
· Get across يوضح-يبين
· Get by يعيش على الكفاف
· Get at يفهم
· Get over يبرأ من مرض
· Get together يتقابل
· Get away with يفلت من عقاب
· Pile up يكوم
· Muddle يلخبط
· Advantages مزايا
· disadvantages عيوب
· energy طاقة
· In advance مقدما
· Chemistry كيمياء
· Physics فيزياء
· Maths رياضيات
· session جلسة
· career مهنة المستقبل
· organized منظم
· disorganized غير منظم
· organization منظمة- هيئة
· update يجدد
· force قوة
· possess يمتلك
· details تفاصيل
· In detail بالتفصيل
· excel يتفوق
· excellent متفوق
· excellence التفوق
· separate يفصل
· similar to متشابه
· diseases أمراض
· rush يدفع
· germs جراثيم
· Breathe يتنفس
· Breath اتنفس
· Leisure time وقت الفراغ

Have / have got بمعنى يملك
· ?? ????? ?????????? (???????) ?????? Have got / has got
· ?? ????? ?????????? (??????) ?????? Have
· ?????? ??????????? ????
· I have got a new car.
· I have a new car.
صيغة الاستفهام والإجابة بالنفي في اللغة الإنجليزية البريطانية.
· ???????? - got في هذذه الأحوال :
· Have you got any books?
· Has he got a penknife?
Negative :
· No, I haven’t.
· No, I haven’t got any books.
· No, he hasn’t got a penknife
صيغة الاستفهام والإجابة بالنفي في اللغة الإنجليزية الأمريكية .
· Do you have any books?
· Does he have a penknife?
· No, I don’t have any books.
· No, he doesn’t have a penknife.
- أما في صيغة الماضي لا نستعمل got
· I had a bicycle when I was a child.
- صيغة السؤال والإجابة بالنفي في الماضي
· Did you have a car last year?
· No, I didn’t have, but I could buy one this year.
- تستعمل have مع هذه الأحداث ولا نستعمل got Have
breakfast, lunch, supper, a drink.
a swim, a rest, a holiday, a party, a good time,
a shower, a bath, a wash.
a discussion, an argument
a hair cut, an operation, a baby.
· ???? ????? ?? ?????? ?? ????????
· I have a shower every day.
· I have got a shower.
1- تعني أن هذا الحدث يحدث كل يوم
2- تعني تركيب (امتلاك) هذا الشيء.

Unit 03 : Money

· currency عملة
· coinعملة معدنية
· Bank note عملة ورقية
· Borrow يستعير-يستلف
· Lend يسلف
· Invest يستثمر
· investment استثمار
· investor مستثمر
· Credit card كارت ائتمان
· accounts حسابات
· Bank accounts حسابات بنكية
· increase يزداد
· decrease ينقص
· loss خسارة
· profit ربح
· repay يرد
· article سلعة
· Barter system نظام المقايضة
· trade تجارة
· exchange يتبادل
· suitable forمناسب
· goodsبضائع
· scarce نادر
· guarantee ضمان - يضمن
· Value قيمة
· cattle ماشية
· Services خدمات
· explore يستكشف
· explorer مستكشف
· Exploration استكشاف
· Common عام - شائع
· Tax ضريبة
· tax authority مأورية الضرائب
· euro اليورو(عملة أوروبية موحدة)
· Suspect يشك
· suspicious مرتاب شكاك -
· suspicion الشك
· bill فاتورة
· accept يقبل
· refuse يرفض
· instruct يخبر- يعلم
· Protest against يعترض على
· booking clerk موظف حجز

استعمال الماضي البسيط
To express a finished action in the past
أ-يستعمل للتعبير عن حدث انتهى في الماضي
e .g.
· I traveled to Alex last week.
· Did you meet Ahmed yesterday?
· I didn’t write my homework yesterday.

b) To express actions which follow each other in a story.
ب - يستعمل للتعبير عن أحداث متتالية في قصة (الماضي)
· Ayman sent Dr Fakhry an email. He received a reply the following day.

c) To express a past situation or habit.
ج- يستعمل للتعبير عن موقف أو عادة في الماضي
· We lived at Shoubra when we were young.

d) We use “used to” to express past situation or habits.
د- نستعمل used to للتعبير عن حدث أو موقف (في الماضي)
· My family used to live in Alex and my brother used to go swimming every Friday.

1. تصريف الأفعال المنتظمة في الماضي The spelling of regular verbs
1- add ed (or d if the verb ends in e)
· help helped
· move moved
2- verbs ending in a vowel “y” or “w” add ed
2- يضاف ed للأفعال التي تنتهي حرف "y" أو "w"
· enjoy enjoyed
· Borrow Borrowed

3- If the verb has one syllable and ends with a vowel + constant, the constant doubles before adding “ed”
3- إذا كان الفعل ذو مقطع واحد وينتهي بحرف متحرك ثم حرف ساكن يضعف الحرف الساكن قل إضافة "ed" للدلالة على الماضي
· Stop stopped
· Plan planned

4- verbs ending in a constant + y changed into“ied”.
4- الأفعال التي تنتهي حرف ساكن ثم "y" تتغير "y" إلى "ied "
· Carry carried
· Study studied

B- Irregular verbs
5 - الأفعال (الشاذة) الغير منتظمة
توجد قائمة هذه الأفعال في قاموس
Actives study Dictionary صـ802 - 803

The past continuous tense
زمن الماضي المستمر
التركيب: يتكون من

(Was / Were) + infinitive + ing
1- I was playing football at noon yesterday.
2- She was writing a letter at 7 o’clock this morning.
3- They were swimming in the pool when I arrived.
4- He was lying in bed when the telephone rang.

1- Express an activity in progress during a time in the past.
1- يعبر الماضي المستمر عند استمرار حدث معين أثناء زمن في الماضي Ex 1;2
2- Express an interrupted action (past activity)
2- يعبر الماضي المستمر عن وقوع حدث أثناء استمرار الآخر EX 4.
3- Express the setting for a situation or a story.
3- يعبر عن مكان حدوث الموقف أو القصة. Ex 3

Unit 04 : The wise chief
· joy فرحة
· sorrow حزن
· hatred كراهية
· beggar متسول
· wealth ثروة
· wealthy ثرى
· health صحة
· healthy سليم ذو صحة
· kingdom مملكة
· obvious واضح
· obviously بوضوح
· represent -يمثل ينوب
· representative مندوب
· poverty الفقر
· puzzled - مذهول محتار
· puzzlingمذهل - مربك - محي ر
· amazed مذهول
· amazingمذهل- بديع
· rescue ينقذ
· definitely بالتأكيد
· merchant تاجر
· generation جيل
· deceive يخدع
· perceive -يلحظ يستبين
· fear الخو ف
· fearful مخيف
· successors الخلف
· ancestor السلف
· criminal مجرم
· adventure مغامرة
· venture يغامر
· chief رئيس
· chef طباخ
· ugly قبيح
· ugliness القبح
· delighted مسرور
· delightful السرور
· announce يذيع - يعلن
· announcement -اعلان اذاعة
· war حرب
· peace سلام
· tongue لسان
· selfish أنانى
· selfishness أنانية
· professional محترف
· amateur هاوى
· boring ممل
· bored مصاب بالملل- سئم

The past perfect tense
تركيب الماضى التام

Had + past participle

1. Samy had eaten the meal before studying.

1- It describes actions in the past that were completed before other actions.
1- الماضي التام يصف أحداثاً حدثت وانتهت في الماضي قل أحداث أخرى.
· ???? ????? ?? ?????? (???????) Notice the difference
2. 2- when I arrived at the party, Samy left.
1- ذلك يعني أن سامي غادر المكان في نفس وقت وصولي.
3. 3- When I arrived at the party, Samy had left
2- ذلك يعني أن سامي قد غادر (الحفل) قل وصولي.

Unit 05 : Rvesion
Sample Examination

A- Language function
1) Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:-
Ahmed and his friend Bassam are talking about two of their classmates who had a fight in the school.
Ahmed : Did you hear what happened in the club yesterday
Bassam : # : No, you know, I was absent.#
Ahmed : Samy and Yasser had a fight yesterday.
Bassam : # : why did they fight?#
Ahmed : Samy said some bad words about Yasser’s shirt. So, they had a fight.
Bassam : # : What about our friends? #
Ahmed : Our friends, in the class, made Samy apologize.
Bassam : # : Did Yasser accept Samy’s apology?#
Ahmed : Yes, after we all convinced him.

2-Give the situations:
1-A- Can I help you?
B- Yes, I’d like to buy a shirt, please.
A- What do you think of this?
B- Nice, let me try it on.

Place :#clothing shop#
A :#salesman (shop assistant) #
B :# customer #

2- A- Could you help me, please?
B- What Is wrong with you?
It’s my teeth. I want to have that tooth
pulled out.
Don’t worry. I’ll do what’s necessary.

Place :#Dentist’s clinic (practice) #
A : # : patient #
B :#Doctor,(dentist)#

B - Vocabulary and structure
3 -Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d :
1- A civil engineer ……… and designs roads.-
- plans
- takes
- keeps
- writes
2- At school, teachers …… your studies.
- direct
- organize
- arrange
- complete
3- The more you eat, ……… fatter you become.
- the
- a
- an
- no article
4- My family ……… a nice time on the beach last summer.
- spent
- made
- did
- gave
5- Samy kept his ……… in the national Bank.
- savings
- reserves
- economy
- living
6- If you find yourself tired of work, you should have a ………
- rest
- rust
- resting
- right
7- In our flat, we ……… a shower because the old one was bad.
- have got
- have
- had
- has got
8- We can’t ……… him to play basketball as he is lame.
- force
- asked
- demand
- order
9- Shady is a very bad driver, he always drives at … speed.
a) breakneck
b) breakout
c) breakdown
d) break in
10- Many foreign people come to Egypt to ……… their money in large projects.
- invest
- lend
- borrow
- sell
11- Ahmed Galal bought a new car on ……… as he hadn’t enough money to pay in cash.
- credit
- currency
- borrow
- coins
12- The Chinese used paper money in the ……… century.
- 13th
- 16th
- 17th
- 19th
13- My uncle ……… his room when we called on him.
- was painting
- paints
- painted
- painting
14- He was ……… because he inherited a large sum of money when his uncle died.
- lucky
- unlucky
- luck
- bad luck
15- The student didn’t go to the club until he ……… all his homework.
- had finished
- finishes
- finishing
- was finishing
16- The empty basket represents ………
- poverty
- wealth
- beauty
- ugliness

4- Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- He went to the supermarket then he returned home. (after)
- After he had gone to the super market, he returned home.
2- They sat on the café yesterday and Ahmed saw them. (while)
- While they were sitting on the café yesterday, Ahmed saw them.
3- The headmaster doesn’t own a car. (got)
- The headmaster hasn’t got a car.
4- stress affected teachers greatly. (effect)
- Stress had a great effect on teachers
5- Sometimes it is difficult to reach your goals. (easy)
- Sometimes it is not easy reach your goals.

- Reading comprehension
-أ Read and then write notes on the passage:-
A small horse spoke one day and said. Our master was a good kind man. He gave us good food and lodging. He spoke to us kindly as he spoke to his little children. We all loved him and specially my mother. When she saw him at the gate, she would neigh with joy. He would pat her and give me a piece of sugar lump which was very good. Sometimes he brought a carrot for my mother. My mother always took him to town on a market day.

Complete the following sentence ?
1- The master gave his horses # good food and lodging.#
2- All the horses # loved him as treated them kindly.#
3- The mother takes # the master to the town on a market day. #
6- Read the following passage, then answer the questions.
Summer has come, with its warm sunny days making us think of all sorts of nice things, such as holidays in the country, picnics and making parties.
When spring came, she found the earth cold and hard, but she soon changed all that, and by the time, summer arrives, the world is a very different place. It is a green world now, green leaves, flowers opening every where, green grass in the fields, green plants crowding in the hedges and green leaves on trees.
The days are long and the nights are short, for the sun gets up early and goes to bed late in sunny June. It is one of the best and brightest months in the year. Birds sing from sunrise till long after sunset.
As night falls, one after another the birds sing their song, and after a few last sleepy sounds, put their heads under their wings to rest for an hour or two before beginning again. They do not all sleep, however, when other birds are silent, come a soft cry, then, after a few moments, another, louder this time, and soon the nightingale is pouring out his wonderful song.
Not only at night does the nightingale sing. On almost every warm day in early June, the little brown bird sings away in the roads and woods, but, as all other birds are also singing at the same time, we do not notice his voice so much. It is at night, when he has the field all to himself, that we hear the nightingale at his best.

Answer the following questions:
1-How does the writer say that spring changed the earth?
- Spring changed the earth by covering it with green leaves on the trees, green in the fields and flowers opening everywhere.
2- Why does the writer call June one of the brightest months in the year?
- Because the days are long and the nights are short.
3- What do birds do as night falls?
- The birds stop their songs, put their heads under their wings.
4- write the main idea in this passage?
- The changes of earth from cold and hard into green leaves, grass and flowers. Birds sing from sunrise till sunsets by the coming of spring.

-Choose the best answer from a, b, c and d.
5-The days are long ………….
- because the sun gets up early.
- because the sun goes to bed early.
- Because it is spring.
- because the night falls early.
6-As the night falls , means ……
-the sun goes to bed.
-The birds stop their singing.
-The birds put their heads under wings.
- The sun gets up.
7-We hear the nightingale at his best ………
- at night.
- in spring.
- during the day time.
- In the roads and woods.
8- The opposite of louder is ………
- lower.
- smaller
- shorter
- softer

- The Novel
Based on chap. 1 and 2
7 -A : Answer the following questions:
1-what did the pilot of the helicopter do?
A- 1- The pilot of the helicopter landed his plane and hurried to the men with water to the four men lying on the desert beside the land cruiser.

2- What was Ayman’s favorite hobby?
2- Ayman’s favorite hobby was computer. He used it in his study in the university and making friends in other countries.

3- How did the spider make a family?
3- The spider made a family by hiding in a safe place and lying 2000 eggs in four sacs.

B : Read the following quotation then answer the questions:
“Spiders use Webs to catch flies, but I’m going to use the web to find a spider.”
1- Who said these words?
B- 1- Ayman said these words.

2- What is the difference in meaning between webs and the web in this quotation?
2- The difference in meaning.
Webs : means the houses of spiders.
The web: means the huge library in the Internet

3- Where can you find the web?
3- We can find the web, through the internet.
c -Complete the following sentences:
1-The computer with the four men, changes the radio # waves into pictures on the screen #
2-The police officer was surprised because # he found jewelers and treasures in the boxes. #
3-Dr. Shereen Fakhry worked with the # University of Oxford. #
8- Writing
-Write a paragraph , of eight sentences about:
“ Inviting a friend from England to visit Egypt.”
You may use the following guiding ideas:-
Book a room - ancient Egyptian temples- new projects - the underground.

I invited my friend Jack last summer to visit Egypt. I booked a room in a good hotel for him to stay in. When he arrived in Egypt, we went to Luxor and saw the monuments in Aswan.
After a tour of three days, we returned to Cairo to see the grand project that connects most of the greater Cairo, which is the underground. He was so fascinated with it. We also visited some of the new societies in 6th of October and the new town of 10th of Ramadan.
Finally, my friend Jack said that he would like to visit Egypt again and again.
9- Translation
a- Translate into Arabic: -
Many people now prefer watching TV to reading as it shows various programs. You can watch the programme that you are interested in. On the other hand, TV. Supplies us with the news all over the world.
- يفضل كثير من الناس مشاهدة التليفزيون على القراءة لأنه يعرض برامج متنوعة . لذلك فإنك تستطيع مشاهدة البرنامج الذي يروق لك. و من ناحية أخرى فالتليفزيون يمدنا بالأخبار في كل أنحاء العالم.

- Translate into English: -
لقد نال أحمد زويل جائزة نوبل للكيمياء و هي أعلى جائزة يمكن لأي شخص الحصول عليها.
-Ahmed Zewail was awarded the Nobel Prize for chemistry, it is the highest award that anyone can be given.

Unit 06 : Amazing,but true!
· Atmosphere جوى غلاف
· conquer يغزو
· conquest (n)غزو
· pinpoint يحدد
· submarine غواصة
· Belong to يخص
· weather طقس
· climate مناخ
· Weather forecast نشرة جوية
· survive ينجو
· survival النجاة
· hunt يصطاد
· haunt يلزم- يسكن
· Prey فريسة
· Divide into يقسم
· grip قبضة
· seek يبحث
· challenge يتحدى
· Ocean محيط
· victim ضحية
· Terrify يرعب
· creatures مخلوقات
· surface سطح
· Senior أكبر أقدم
· Junior أصغر أحدث
· violence العنف
· Violent عنيف
· Violently بعنف
· oven فرن
· fridge ثلاجة
· Print يطبع
· Printer طباعة
· Explain يفسر

Grammar :
Comparative and superlative adjective.
أولاً المقارنة بين الصفات وهي ثلاث درجات.
هناك نوعان من الصفات.
I - ???? ??? ???? ????. One syllable adj.:
P - ???? ??? ???? ?? ????. More than one syllable adj.
درجات المقارنة Comparative Degrees.
Positive.وهي مقارنة بين اثنان في مستوى واحد من هذه الصفة
Comparative.وهي مقارنة بين اثنان منهم واحد أعلى من الآخر في هذه الصفة.
Superlative . وهي مقارنة ين واحد ومجموعة وهو أعلى منهم في هذه الصفة
نستطيع تلخيص هذه الدرجات كالآتي :
A- Positive. B- comparative. c- superlative.
As صفة as صفة-er than the صفة-est
Ex: as cheap as cheaper than the cheapest

I - ???? ??? ???? ???? One syllable adjectives.
Add “er” to short adj.
يضاف "er " في درجة المقارنة B- للصفة.
Ex: It is cheaper to travel to Aswan by train than by plane.
Add “er” to adjectives ending in “y” and change “y” into “I”
2- أضف " er" للصفات التي تنتهي حرف "y" مع تحويل "y" إلى "I" .
Ex: lucky, funny, happy
Samy is luckier than Wagdy in playing backgammon.
Add “er” to adjectives ending in a consonant preceded by a vowel and double the consonant.
3- أضف "er" للصفات التي تنتهي حرف ساكن ويسقه حرف متحرك مع مضاعفة الحرف الساكن.
Ex: big, hot, fat
Ahmed is fatter than Mohmoud
Irregular adjective
الصفات الشاذة

A. Positive B- Comparative C- Superlative
good Better than The best
Bad Worse Worst
Little Less Least
Much / many More Most
Far Farther Farthest
Further Furthest

P- ???? ??? ???? ?? ????.More than one syllable
A- positive B- comparative C- superlative Adj.-
As صفة as more صفة than the most صفة
A-1- Shadia is as beautiful as Laila.
B-2- Laila is more beautiful than Noha.
C-3- Samia is the most beautiful girl in our class

Unit 07 : The olympic games

· The Olympic Games الألعاب الأولمبية
· water-skiing التزحلق على الماء
· snow-skiing التزحلق على الجليد
· horse-riding ركوب الخيل
· diving الغطس
· Running الجرى - العدو
· wrestling المصارعة
· karate كاراتيه
· ban يمنع
· Win يكسب
· lose يخسر
· beat يهزم
· Amateur هاوى
· Professional محترف
· Expert خبير
· insist on يصر على
· Race سباق
· Drugs عقاقير طبية- مخدرات
· Addict يدمن
· Addiction ادمان
· Individual فردى
· Religion دبن
· Festival مهرجان
· original أصلى
· competition منافسة
· train يتدرب- يدرب
· Trainer مدرب
· Trainee متدرب
· empireة امبراطوري
· attack يهجم
· earthquake زلزال
· volcano بركان
· courage شجاعة
· Courageous شجاع
· Coward جبان
· stripped of يحرم من
· Committee لجنة
· perform يؤدى
· performance أداء
· harmful to مؤذى - ضار
· champion بظل
· championship بطولة
· run out ينتهى - ينفذ
· skill مهارة
· skillful ماهر

الأفعال Play , go , do تستخدم مع الألعاب الرياضية
أولاً : play يستخدم مع الألعاب التي نلعبها استخدام كرة.
· Example: play football, play basketball, play tennis, play table tennis.
ثانياً : go يستخدم مع الألعاب التي تنتهي حرف ...ing.
· Example: go swimming, go riding, go running, go wrestling.
ثالثاً: do يستخدم مع الرياضيات الأخرى.
· Example: do karate, do gymnastics.

يوجد في اللغة الإنجليزية كلمات وعبارات لرابط جملتين أو أكثر لتصح جملة واحدة.
بدلاً من استعمال كلمة and فقط.
يوجد أيضاً الكلمات الآتية :
بالإضافة إلى , in addition to الإضافة إلى Besides ليس فقط ... ولكن أيضاً as well ...... , not only علاوة على ذلك as well as
· On the feast we went to our uncle and the club.
· On the feast, besides going to our uncle, went to the club.
· -On the feast, in addition to going to our uncle, We went to the club.
· -On the feast, as well as going to our uncle, we went to the club.
· -On the feast, we not only went to our uncle, but we went to the club as well.
لاحظ الفرق في الاستخدام.
· Not only did we go to our uncle, but we also went to
· the club on the feast.
بدلاً من استعمال كلمة Because فقط.
يوجد أيضاً الكلمات الآتية نفس المعنى " لأن / س"
Since , as , due to , owing to
· He didn’t go to the party because he was sick.
· Since he was tired, he went to bed.
· As he was ill, he couldn’t go to work.
· The student succeeded in the exam due to being clever (due to his cleverness )
· We didn’t go to the garden owing to bad weather.
أ- كلمات ربط بمعنى " لكي"

· That, so that, in order that, to, so as to, in order to.
- كلمات ربط معنى " خوفاً من / لئلا / خشيةً أن "
Lest, for fear that ,So as not to
Examples A:-
· The student studied hard so that he could get high marks.
· The student studied hard that he could get high marks.
· The student studied hard in order that he could get high marks.
· The student studied hard in order to get high marks.
· The student studied hard so as to get high marks.
· The student studied hard to get high marks.

Examples B :-
· He behaved well lest he should fall in trouble
· He behaved well for fear that he might fall in trouble
· He behaved well so as not to fall in trouble.

كلمات ربط بمعنى (But)
بالرغم من / مع أنAlthough , even though , however
· The dress was tight but the lady bought it.
· Although the dress was tight, the lady bought it.
· The lady bought the dress even though it was tight.
· The lady bought the dress, however it was tight.
كلمات ربط بمعنى (So)
ولذلك Therefore , consequently
· He had a good command of English and computer so he got a very good job.
· He had a good command of English and computer, therefore he got a very good job.
· He had a good command of English and computer, consequently he got a very good job.
كلمات ربط بمعنى (If .. not)
إذا.... لم unless
· He won’t work unless you give him money in advance.
· He won’t work if you don’t give him money in advance.

Unit 08 : Zarafa
· Capture يأسر
· Welfare رفاهية
· Prosperity رخاء
· Transfer يحول
· handler راعى
· hand over يسلم الى
· dignityوقار - هيبة
· devoted مخلص
· Wonder يندهش
· Wander يتجول
· Gaze at يحملق
· Impression انطباع
· adore يولع - يحب
· Break into يندفع - يقتحم
· break out تشتعل
· platformرصيف محطة
· Pavementرصيف الشارع
· scratch يخدش
· approve يستحسن
· approval استحسان
· disapprove يستاء
· disapproval استياء
· reasonable معقول - على صواب
· athletics قوىألعاب
· on purpose عمدا
· paradiseجنة
· Hellجهنم
· Homesickمشتاق للوطن
· Homesicknessالحنين للوطن
· Trust يثق
· register يسجل - سجل
· nailsأظافر - مسامير
· Behaviour تصرف - سلوك
المبني للمجهول The passive Voice
1- زمن المضارع البسيط: V . Present
( am /is /are + PP)
· Active: He studies many subjects everyday.
· Passive: Many subjects are studied everyday.
2- زمن الماضي البسيط :V. Past
· Active : she ate the meal in the kitchen yesterday.
· Passive : The meal was eaten in the kitchen yesterday.
3- زمن المستقبل البسيط :
(will,shall,can,may ... + be + PP)

· Active : I shall conquer them.
· Passive : they will be conquered.
4- زمن المضارع
البسيط \V + ing
am ,is ,are + being + pp
· Active : He is collecting stamps .
· Passive : Stamps are being collected.
5- زمن الماضي البسيط
was , were + being + PP
Active: Someone was painting the room when I arrived.
Passive: The room was being painted when I arrived.
6- زمن المضارع التام:
Have ,has + been +PP
· Active: She has switched on the lights.
· Passive: the lights have been switched on.
7- الماضي التام:
had +been + pp
· Active: The thieves had broken the fan
· Passive: The fan had been broken.
8- going to
· Active: They are going to build a bridge.
· Passive: A bridge is going to be built.
9- give
· Active: I gave him many pens.
· Passive: He was given many pens.
· Many pens were given to him.
10- Modals أفعال ناقصة:
· 10 - Active : She can clean the house.
· Passive : The house can be cleaned
11- الجملة التي تبدأ ـ No…………….
· Active : Nobody has heard of this teacher.
· Passive : This teacher hasn’t been heard of by any body.

Unit 09 : Business around the world

· Commerce تجارة
· employيوظف
· Employee موظف
· Employmentتوظيف
· unemployment بطالة
· gap فجوة
· expressيعبر
· expression تعبير
· manager مدير
· Sale بيع
· Produceينتج
· Production انتاج
· Colleagueزميل
· Growthالنمو
· break-up تدهور
· declineيتدهور - ينهار
· Association جمعية- اتحاد
· spices توابل
· includeيشمل - يضم
· containيحتوى
· consist of يتكون من
· caravanقافلة
· luxury goodsبضائع كمالية
· carry out ينفذ
· millennium ألفية
· materialsمواد
· the pressالصحافة
· mass media وسائل الاعلام
· training centreمركز تدريب
· trade routeطريق تجارى
· colonyمستعمرة
· frontiersحدود
· set upينشأ - يقيم
· localمحلى
· Transportالنقل - المواصلات
· Economyالأقتصاد
· economicsعلم الاقتصاد
· volumeحجم
· expand يتوسع
· expansion توسع
· exportيصدر - تصدير
· importيستورد - استيراد
· foreign tradeتجارة اجنبية
· result in يتسبب فى

Grammar :
ضمائر الوصل Relative Pronouns
1. - تحل محل الأشخاص - Who / that
· Ex.: The boy plays tennis. He is clever.-
· The boy who / that plays tennis is clever.-
· The boy who / that is clever plays tennis.-
· Ex : This man is the train driver. I was talking with him.
· This man, who / that I was talking with, is the train driver.-
2. - Which / that - تحل محل الأشياء
· Ex : this is a fast plane. I came to Cairo by it.
· This is a fast plane by which / that I came to Cairo.
3. Whose - تستعمل لكى تدل على الملكية
· Ex.: Samia studies English . Her mother is a teacher of Math.
· Samia whose mother is a teacher of math studies English.

4. Where (which / that) - تستعمل لكى تدل على المكان
· Ex: This is the school. I learnt English in it.
· -This is the school where I learnt English.
لاحظ حذف حرف الجر
· This is the school in which / that I learnt English.
· This is the school which / that I learnt English in.

5. When - تستعمل لكى تدل على الزمان
· Ex.: I played baseball, I was in America at that time.
· -I played baseball when I was in America.
- لابد من استعمال ضمير وصل عندما يحل محل الفاعل
6. which / who / that
· Ex.: The boy who got the highest marks is my neighbor.
· Ex.: She put the books which / that were here on the shelf.
- لا نحتاج لاستعمال ضمير وصل عندما يحل المفعول
· Ex.: The boy (who / that) I met yesterday is careless.
· Ex.: The jacket (which / that) Samia bought is expensive.
7. بعد كلمة all نستخدم كلمة that
· Ex.: This all that I can do for you.

Unit 10 : Revision

Test. A language Functions
A- supply the missing parts in the following dialogue between Baher and Ahmed about finding a job.
Ahmed : I am looking for a job.
Baher : #what kind of work do you want? #
Ahmed : secretarial work of any kind.
Baher : # When can you start ?#
Ahmed : I’m ready to start immediately.
Baher : #Do you know how to use a computer? #
Ahmed : of course, I have many courses in
Baher : # what about English language ? #
Ahmed : I speak English well and a bit of
Baher : I’ll keep you in mind.

A- give the situations.
A : Can I find silk shirts, please .
B : yes, we have the best collection.
A : How much is this shirt?
B : not too much and it is of the finest quality

Place : #clothes shop. Or shirts shop. #
Speaker A : #customer #
Speaker B : #shop assistant #
A : Excuse me , can you help me, please?
B : yes, It’s a pleasure.
A : I’d like to travel to Tanta.
B : The train will leave at 7 p.m. platform 2A.
A : Thank you.

Place :# Station . or train station #
Speaker A :# passenger #
Speaker B : # Train official, or booking clerk #

B . Vocabulary and structure
A- choose the correct answer from a,b,c and d.

1- Mount Everest is ………… mountain in the world.
The highest
As high as
2- The ………… place in the ocean is called “ challenger Deep “
3- The Piranha fish always hunt in ………… of
about twenty fish.
4- Samy is not good ………… writing English.
5-Success at the Olympic games was a ………….. question for some countries.
6-Nowadays most of sports ……… are professionals.
7- However ……… Aly is at sports, he won the medal of running race.
the worst
8- The pupils went to the zoo …………… watch the giraffe.
so as to
so that
such So
9-When a school of Piranha fish is in a feeding ………, the water appears to boil with blood .
10- ………… you don’t pay the plumber, he won’t do any work.
11- The French people were surprised as the giraffe was a ………… present .
12- A ………… is the person whom you work with at any place.
13- In the 20th century , world trade ……… rapidly.
14- No sooner …………… home than he met his uncle.
had he returned
he had re turned
is returning
15- They, as well as I, ………. in grade two.
16- When the giraffe of France died, it was ………… and kept in a museum.
A- Rewrite the following sentences using the word (s) in brackets to give the same meaning .
1- As samy had no money, he couldn’t buy a new car. (Owing to )
-Owing to having no money, Samy couldn’t buy a new car.
- Athletes are not allowed to use drugs. (Forbidden)
- It’s forbidden for athletes to use drugs
- Although the boy is polite, he insulted his friends. (However)
- However polite the boy is, he insulted his friends.
- She went to the cinema because she wanted to watch the new film. (so that)
- She went to the cinema so that she could watch the new film.
- The ship flew the flags of Egypt and France. (the flags)
-The flags of Egypt and France were flown by the ship.

C - Reading Comprehension
A-Read and then Write notes on the passage :
Dear Ahmed
While you were in the garage. Mr. Jack Philip Phoned to book a room for 13th May but I couldn’t find the booking forms.
So, here are his details. He wants a double room for 2 nights. Mr. Jack will arrive at 2 p.m. He wants to pay by credit card (visa) its number is 3221 9881 5441 .

Name :# Mr. Jack Philip#
Date of arrival: #12th May #
Method of payment: #credit card No 3221 9881 5441 #

A-Read the following passage and then answer the questions :
Our interviewer also spoke to Janet West. Her sister is an airhostess for a famous international airlines, and Janet wants to become one too. Of course, she is still too young. The minimum age for an airhostess is twenty and Janet is only Just over sixteen. For the moment she has taken a job in an office. But she is also going to attend evening classes. In particular, she wants to improve her French and she has also decided to take up a second language (probably Spanish).
This is because foreign languages are an essential qualification for an airhostess.
Later on, when she is about eighteen, she plans to work in a hotel for a while. This will not be difficult to arrange because one of her uncles is the manager of a big London hotel.
Among other things, she proposes to work in the kitchen and the dining - room.
This will be specially a valuable experience because an important part of an airhostess’s work is to serve and feed the passengers.
Finally, she intends to study first-aids and perhaps, if she has the time, she will go and work in a hospital for a while.
Meanwhile Janet is gaining experience through her present job. For the office where she works is a travel agency. In this way she is learning not only how to deal with people but also quite a lot about the places which she one day hopes to fly to.

A- Answer the following questions:
1- Why is Janet unable to get the Job of an airhostess?
because she is only just over sixteen.

2-What is the most needed for a successful airhostess?
Foreign languages are essential
-How is her job in the office going to be useful ?
because she is learning not only how to deal with people but also quite a lot about the places which she one day hopes to fly to.

3-Why does Janet plan to do several jobs in the next four years?
To become a successful air hostess.

A- choose the correct answer:
4- When Janet becomes eighteen, she ……………
-Plans to work in a hotel
-Will work in an office
-Will apply for the job of an air hostess.
-Will take up languages
5- Janet is going to attend evening classes to …………
be better in French and learn Spanish
Learn French
Learn English
Learn Spanish
6- It will be easy for Jaunt to get a Job in a hotel because …………..
Her uncle is a hotel manager
Her sister is an airhostess
She wants to get experience
She is well experienced

D - The Novel
A-Answer the following questions:

1-what did the German Egyptologist tell Dr shereen in his e. mail?

He told her about a medicine from the root of "Echinacea Negro " against the bite of the black and yellow spider

2-How many known species of spiders are there in the world?

There are about 30 000 and the number goes up all the time.
3-What is Professor Malcolm Jones?

He is the head of zoology Department at Oxford University. He is one of the top archeologists in the world.

B-Read the following quotations and answer the questions:
“ If the spiders are unknown, there is no antivenom for them “
-Who said this sentence?
This sentence was said by Dr. Malcolm Jones.
- Why was it difficult to have antivenom ?
Because the venom has to be injected in animals and when they form antibodies. Scientists extract these antibodies and try to make a safe antivenom. This will take years.
- What did the listener and the speaker hope ?
They hoped the spider might be a known species so that they can have antivenom.

C -Complete the following sentences:
b- Ayman used the Internet for # his studies and making friends abroad. #
- Firemen and fire Department use protective clothes in # fighting fires # . # extinguishing fires #
- Captain Ahmed wanted professor Jones to # to tell him everything about spiders #

E. Writing
8- Write a paragraph of eight sentences about
Living in New cities
You can make use of the following points.
Healthy atmosphere - modern flats - parks wide streets - no pollution.

F. Translation
9- A- Translate into Arabic:
The progress of technology has changed the position of women in society. She can take an active part in social life, but she can’t be free from her role as a mother.
إن التقدم التكنولوجي قد غير مكانة المرأة في المجتمع . وأصح لها دوراً فعالاً في هذا المجتمع ولكن ذلك لا يلغى دورها كأم .
B- Translate into English
أكتشف الباحثون المصريون طبقات كثيفة من البترول في الصحراء الغرية
Egyptian researchers discovered thick layers of petroleum in the western desert.

Unit 11 : Off the beaten track

· Antiquities آثار قديمة
· Remote بعيد
· regions مناطق
· landscapes مناظر طبيعية
· wildlife حياة برية
· Monastery دير
· St Catherineسانت كاترين
· Moses سيدنا موسى
· Commandments الوصايا
· Chapel كنيسة
· Beneath تحت
· Massive هائل
· fortress قلعة
· Entrance مدخل
· pulleys بكرة
· Solar شمسى
· Worship يعبد
· intend ينوى
· Remain يظل - يبقى
· Coptic قبطى
· Oases واحات
· Situate يقع- يضع
· Borders حدود
· Depressionاكتئاب- منخفض
· Bubbles فقاقيع
· Mediterraneanالبحر المتوسط
· Greeks اليونانيون
· Oracles الكهنة
· Priest قسيس
· Predictions تنبؤات
· Culture ثقافة
· Customs عادات
· Berbers البربر
· Traditional تقليدى
· Rugs سجاجيد
· Decorated مزين

Grammar :
تركيب المبنى للمجهول
مبنى للمعلوم
· People say that this tree is nearly 5000 years old
عند تحويل مثل هذه الجملة إلي مبنى للمجهول تصبح كالآتى :
· It is said that this tree is nearly 5000 years old
· This tree is said to be nearly 5000 years old.
ويستعمل هذا التركيب مع بعض الأفعال مثل :
Say, believe, expect, understand, allege, report, think, know
وهذه بعض الأمثلة :
· Ex: People believe that the convict has a gun.
تصبح صيغة المبنى للمجهول كالآتي :
· 1-It is believed that the convict has a gun.
· 2-The convict is believed to have a gun.
· Ex: she expects that her son would be a doctor
- صيغة المبنى للمجهول -
· 1-It is expected that her son would be a doctor
· Her son is expected to be a doctor.
· Ex: People know that the sun rises from the east.
تركيب المبنى للمجهول :
· It is known that the sun rises from the east.
· ?? the sun is known to rise from the east.
يمكن أيضاً استعمال هذا التركيب مع الجمع
· Ex: He reports that invaders will attack the castle.
· 1-It is reported that invaders will attack the castle.
· Invaders are reported to attack the castle.

Unit 12 : The food we eat

· Modify يعدل
· argue يجادل
· isolate يعزل
· rot عفن
· process عملية
· interfering تدخل
· sow يبذر
· nuts مكسرات
· characteristics خصائص
· genes جينات
· ripen ينضج
· roots جذور
· laboratory معمل
· proportions نسب
· settle يستوطن
· in favour of مؤيد - فى صالح
· ingredient مكونات
· yield(n) ناتج - ثمرة
· yield (v) يخضع - يتنازل
· starvation مجاعة
· cells خلايا
· virus فيروس
· evidence دليل

Countable and uncountable nouns
الأسماء القابلة للعدد والغير قابلة العد
أولاً : الأسماء القابلة للعدد: Countable noun
هى الأسماء التى يمكن جمعها .
نضع الاداة “a ” أمام الاسم المفرد الذي يبدأ بحرف ساكن مثل a pen
نضع الأداه” an”أمام الاسم المفرد الذي يبدأ بصوت متحرك مثل an egg
ملحوظة :
أ- الصوت المتحرك هو أحد الحروف المتحركة
a , e , I , o , u
ولكن ينطق " همزه "
· Ex: umbrella , engineer , ox
· apple , iron
نلاحظ أن بعض الحروف المتحركة لا تنطق وهمزه
· Ex: uniform , university
وفي الجمع نستعمل الكلمات الآتية :
· a lot , some , many , a few
· Ex:a lot of pens , some pens
· a few pens , many pens
في السؤال مع الجمع نستعمل كلمة any

· Ex: Are there any pens?
2- uncountable nouns.
ثانياً : الأسماء الغير قابلة للعدد
(a , an) لا نضع أمام هذه الأسماء
· Ex, rice, water , sugar
ويمكن استعمال الكلمات الآتية مع الأسماء الغير قابله للعدد
· a lot , some , much , a little
· Ex: some water , a lot of water
· a little water , much water
لا حظ هذا الاستخدام
· a reel of thread , a kilo of rice
· a bottle of milk , a tube of toothpaste
· a slice of bread / meat, a piece of news
· a bar of chocolate,

Unit 13 : The internet is for everyone

· Printer طابعة
· Screen شاشة
· Mouse الفأرة
· Keyboard لوحة المفاتيح
· Photosynthesis التمثيل الضوئى
· Type يكتب على الآلة أو الكمبيوتر
· Typewriter الآلة الكاتبة
· article مقالة - سلعة
· project مشروع
· accountant محاسب
· communicate يتصل
· communication اتصال
· link يربط
· Button زر
· Biography سيرة ذاتية
· contact عقد
· proper مناسب
· provide يزود - يمد
· spare time وقت الفراغ
· available متاح
· skin جلد
· liver الكبد
· kidney كلية
· stomach معدة

Grammar :
Formation of present perfect
تكوين المضارع التام

have + past participle
or has التصريف الثالث للفعل

· ???? ??????? ????? ?? ??? ????? ?? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?? ????? ?????? ?? ???????? :
· Ex. I have lost my Keys and I can’t open the door.
· ???? ??????? ????? ?? ??? ??? ?? ?????? ?????? ??????? .
· Ex. I have lived in Alex. for 5 years.
وهذه الجملة تعنى إنني مازلت أسكن الإسكندرية .ولكن :
· Ex. I lived in Alex for 5 years.
الماضي البسيط يعنى أنني لم اعد اسكن الإسكندرية .
· ?????? ??????? ????? ?? ??????? Recently, lately لكي تدل على الماضي القريب ولكن زمن غير محدد .
· Ex. I have got a letter from America recently.
وتستعمل كلمة Lately عادة مع النفي .
· Ex. I haven’t heard from Aly lately.

· ?????? ???? Ever فى السؤال مع المضارع التام وتستخدم كلمة never فى الإجابة النفي مع المضارع التام .
· Ex. Have you ever visited Aswan ?
· Ex. I have never played basketball.
· ?????? ??? To be فى المضارع التام بمعنى ( ذهب ) وقد عاد .
· Ex. She has been to Canada .
· ?????? ??? to go فى المضارع التام معنى ( ذهب ) ولم يرجع
· Ex. She has gone to Aswan.

Since زمن محدد البداية مضارع تام أو مضارع مستمر
For زمن محدد البداية والنهاية ( فترة زمنية )
Ago زمن محدد النهاية ( ماضي بسيط )

· Ex. I have been teaching English since 1971.
· She has studied French for 2 Years.
· I didn’t meet my friend Samy 3 days ago.

Unit 14 : Tourism today
· lighthouse فنار
· site موقع
· grand كبير
· broaden يوسع
· knowledge معرفة
· package رزمة
· offer يعرض - يقدم
· fixed ثابت
· passengers ركاب
· massive ضخم كبير
· industry صناعة
· stretch يمد - يمط
· advantages مميزات
· disadvantages عيوب
· inhabitants سكان
· earner مكسب مالي
· foreign أجنبي
· currency عملة
· petroleum بترول
· travel agency وكالة سفرية
· guide مرشد
· staff مجموعة عمل
· leisure فراغ
· facilities تسهيلات

Grammar :
أزمنة الماضي Past tenses
· ?????? ?????? Past simple
يستخدم هذا الزمن للدلالة على حدث إنتهى فى الماضي مع هذه الكلمات :-
For, in, ago, from . to .

يأتى بعدها ( فترة زمنية ) زمن محدد البداية والنهاية for
يأتى بعدها زمن محدد ( التاريخ ) in
يأتى قبلها حدث فى الماضى البسيط ago
تحدد زمن from …. To

· The boy studied his lesson for 2 hours.
· Mr. Shady got his Ph. D in 1996.
· This teacher joined the national basketball team 2 years ago.

· ??? ??????? ????? present perfect tense

Sinceزمن محدد البداية ( في الماضي ) مضارع تام مستمر
ever since زمن غير محدد أو مضارع مستمر
For زمن محدد الداية والنهاية ( فترة زمنية )

· I have worked as a teacher since 1971.
· I have worked as a teacher ever since I was 26.

· زمن المضارع التام المستمر Present perfect continuous

يستعمل ليؤكد على طول مدة الحدث :
· This officer has been working with the ministry of internal affairs for 16 years.

It needs to be + done ( past participle )

نستعمل هذا التعبير عندما يكون ضروريا لشيء ما أن يحدث ولكن ليس من الضرورى ان نعرف من يقوم بهذا الحدث .
وهذا التركيب يمكن أن يستعمل مع كافة كل الأزمنة.

· Ex. This cassette player doesn’t work, it needs to be repaired.
· Ex. Our curtains became old, they will need to be replaced by new ones.

Unit 15 : Revision
Sample Examination

Language Functions
Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue between Amir and Hatem about Hatem’s wallet.( 4 Marks )

Amir : What‘s the matter Hatem ?
Hatem : I forget my wallet.
Amir : # What are you going to do ? #
Hatem : I have to be back home to get it.
Amir : #Are you sure, it is at home ? #
Hatem : of course, I’m sure it is at home.
Amir :# Try to search in your pockets. #
Hatem : I searched all my pockets but I didn’t find it.
Amir : No problem, # I can lend you some money. #
Hatem : Thanks, I don’t like borrowing.

2- Supply the missing parts in the following mini-dialogue.
( 4 Marks )
A : What would you like to drink, sir?
B : coffee, please.
A : How would you like your coffee, sir.
B : Black and without sugar.
Place :# coffee shop# 1 mark
Speaker A :# shop assistant / waiter #
½ mark
Speaker B :# customer.#
½ mark
A : Can I help you, sir
B : yes, I want fuel for my car.
A : What kind of petrol, sir.
B : Go, please.

place: # gas station / petrol station #
speaker A :# assistant #
speaker B : #driver #

B- Vocabulary and structure

3- Choose the correct answer from a,b, c, d,
1-A package is a holiday for tourists arranged by a ………
2-Yesterday , I had to go by taxi as my car ……. Repaired.
needed to be
3- The …… enables the user of computer to move around the screen.
CD room
Floppy disk
4- The internet is the fastest growing ……… system in human history
5-One of the main … .of cars is that they increase pollution.

6-Samy…..to London, he won’t return till the next year .
Has gone
Has been
Have gone
7-This student……..studying English for 7 years.
Has been
8-Have you……..the temple of Abu Simble?
Ever visited
Not visit
Not visited
9-A…….tour is a holiday for tourists arranged by a company.
10-The grand tour is done to……..the sons.
11-The business man used a fast car to reach his ….. as quickly as possible.
- distinction
- distribute
- dishing wished

12-I …… my colleague Adel 2 days ago.
-didn’t see
-haven’t seen
- don’t see
- hasn’t seen

13-I need butter, will you buy …. For me ?
- few
- no

14-Five bottles of milk ….. by my mother.
- are bought
-is bought
- have bought
- is baying

15-That tree over there …… cut down.
-needs to be
- needn’t to be
- is
- needed

16-Have you …. to Aswan recently ?
- been
- went

4-Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets, without changing the meaning of the sentences . ( 5 Marks )

1-The price of sugar will rise by 10% next month in Ramadan.
(report )
-It is reported that the price of sugar will rise by 10% next month in Ramadan .

2-The boy became very angry when his mother didn’t allow him to go to the cinema. ( flew ).
-The boy flew into rage when his mother didn’t allow him to go the cinema.

- I last met Samy when I was in London. ( Since )
-I haven’t met Samy since I was in London.

-I visited my relatives at Zagazig in 1999.
( haven’t )
-I haven’t visited my relatives in Zagazig since 1999.

- The small horse won the race yesterday .( the race )
-The race was won by the small horse yesterday.

C- Reading Comprehension
5- Read and then write notes on the passage : ( 3 Marks ) Oil is usually found in porous rock under a layer of impermeable rock which prevents it from escaping. It can then only be reached by drilling. The initial gushing of oil out of a drill pipe is caused by the pressure of the gas trapped and compressed immediately above the oil deposits. In time, this pressure decreases and the oil has to be pumped to the surface.
-How to reach oil # By drilling. #- The initial gushing is # Is caused by the pressure of the gas trapped and compressed above oil deposits. #
- When oil has to be pumped # When time passes and gas pressure decreases. #

6) Read the following passage and then answer the questions ( 7 Marks )
While I was walking along the road the other day, I happened to notice a small brown leather purse lying on the pavement. I picked it up and opened it to see if I could find out the owner’s name. There was nothing inside it except some small change and a rather old photograph, a picture of a woman and a young girl about twelve years old who looked like the woman’s daughter. I put the photograph back and took the purse to the police stations, where, I handed it to the sergeant in charge. Before I left, the sergeant made a note of my name and address in case the owner of the purse wanted to write and thank me. That evening I went to have dinner with an uncle and aunt of mine. They had also invited another person, a young woman, so, there would be four people at table. The young woman’s face was familiar but I couldn’t remember where I had seen her. I was quite sure that we hadn’t met before. In the course of conversation, the young woman happened to remark that she had lost her purse that afternoon. At once, I remembered where I had seen her face. She was the young girl in the photograph, although she was now older. Of course, she was surprised when I was able to describe her purse to her. Then I explained that I had recognized her face from the photograph I had found in the purse. My uncle insisted on going to the police station immediately to claim the purse. As the police sergeant handed it over, he said that it was a remarkable coincidence that I had found not only the purse but also the person who had lost it.

Answer the following questions :-
1-What did the writer do with the purse ?

The writer opened the purse to see if he could find out the owner’s name. There was nothing in the purse except some small change and a photograph. So, he handed the purse to the police sergeant.

2-When did the writer remember where he had seen the woman’s face ?
In the course of conversation, when the young woman happened to remark that she had lost her purse that afternoon.
What did the purse contain?
It contained some small change and old picture.
-Choose the correct answer :
4- The writer recognized the young woman because …... ---She looked rather the young girl in the photograph.
-he had met her some where before.
-She was the woman in the photograph.
-She was a relative.
5 -The writer was invited to dinner to …………
-see his uncle and aunt .
-meet the girl.
-Return the purse to the girl.
-Be the fourth member at the table.
6- The woman was surprised because …….
-The writer could exactly describe the purse.
-she was different from the picture.
-The police called her.
-The writer was invited to dinner.

The Novel

A- Answer the following questions : ( 9 Marks )
1-How is an anti_venom made ?
-The professor said that scientists inject the venom into animals and after animals make antibodies, the scientists extract the antibodies from the animals and make the anti_venom.

2-How did the men get ready to enter the tombs ?
-The men wore strong black plastic suits with thick transparent window over the face and a filter to breathe through .

3-Why did professor Jones refuse to let captain Ahmed destroy the spiders ?
-… because the spider is a new species and it is a great scientific discovery.

B- Read the following quotation and answer the questions
“ Over there, I think, He pointed at a place where many large webs hung from the ceiling. “
1- Who said this statement ?
-Professor Jones said this sentence

2-Where did the speaker say this sentence ?
-Inside the tomb after following the route of the robbers.

3-Why did he choose this place ?
- …… because there are many webs which contain spiders for sure.

C- Complete the following sentences :
1-The female is a thousand times dangerous not only for # Its bites but it may produce 1000 to 2000 young. #
2-When the men used the insecticide, young spiders #jumped onto the walls and on to the men, others escaped through the door way. #
3-The message from Sinai said that # there is a bad storm in the area and the helicopter can’t get to the cars. #

8- Writing

C-Write a paragraph of eight sentences about :
Advertisements ( 6 Marks )
You may use the following guiding points.
Newspapers and magazines - TV and radio.
Offers attract his consumers - why they advertise.

9- Translation
Translate into Arabic : ( 3 Marks )
In summer, it is the habit of almost everyone to go for a holiday. There are many kinds of resorts such as the seaside. The main reason for this holiday is that one gets complete change .

إنه من عادة معظم الناس صيفا أن يقوموا إجازة ويوجد هناك عدة أنواع كثيرة من المصايف خاصة الشواطيء وان السبب الرئيسي في هذه الإجازات هو حصول الإنسان على تغيير شامل .

- Translate into English : ( 1 Mark )

للألعاب الرياضية مزايا عديدة فهي تجعلنا قادرين على مقاومة الأمراض

Sports have many advantages that they make us able to resist diseases.

Unit 16 : Home,sweet home!

· protect يحمى
· region منطقة
· insulated معزول
· Extra اضافى
· slope منحدر
· steeply بانحدار
· flat شقة
· Finland فنلندا
· Finnish فنلندى
· Lock يغلق - يقفل
· unlock يفتح
· connect يوصل
· Conductor موصل (حرارة - كهرباء)
· construction بناء - تشييد
· materials مواد
· available متاح
· local محلى
· locally محليا
· steel صلب
· concrete خرسانة
· realize يدرك
· value قيمة
· valuable قيم - ذو قيمة
· traditional تقليدى
· carry out ينفذ
· research بحث
· preserve يحفظ
· preserved محفوظ
· fascinated مفتون
· keep out يمنع
· Unfamiliar غير مألوف
· move in يعزل من
· move out يعزل الى
· Particularly على الأخص
· rise (rose-risen) يرتفع - يعلو
· raise يرفع
· arise (arose-arisen) ينشأ عن
· adapt to يتكيف مع
· Adopt يتبنى - يتخذ

Grammar :
Reflexive pronouns الضمائر المنعكسة

1- تستعمل الضمائر المنعكسة عندما يكون الفاعل والمفعول ( واحد)
When the subject and the object are the same .
· -The hunter killed himself when he was cleaning the gun.
2- للتأكد for emphasis
· -I repaired my car myself.
· -She met the mayor himself and discussed many subjects with him .
· on my own , by myself

3- كلا من التعبيرين يعنى " بمفرده " دون مساعدة .the
-Both express the meaning of “ alone” “ with no help”.
· -she went to the cinema by herself . بمفردها
· -I learned to drive a car by myself . دون مساعدة
· -Samy had lunch in the restaurant on his own . مفرده

4- لا يستعمل الضمير المنعكس بعد بعض الأفعال : مثل
Reflexive pronouns are not usually used after certain verbs :
· Ex : wash , shower , shave , dress .
· She dressed and went to the party.

Unit 17 : the pump of life

· sore throat احتقان الزور
· indigestion عسر هضم
· feel fainيشعر باغماء
· Feverحمى
· swallowing ابتلاع
· infected wound جرح ملوث
· waste matter فضلات
· operate on يجرى عملية
· open-heart surgery جراحة القلب المفتوح
· anaesthetic مخدر
· bypass يتجنب
· Circulation دورة
· veins أوردة
· arteries شرايين
· pulse (beat) نبض - ينبض
· cut off يتوقف
· Disorderاضطراب
· Dressing ضمادة
· surgery جراحة
· Sterilize يعقم
· heart transplant زرع قلب
· take over يتولى مسئولية
· temporarily مؤقتا
· contract تنكمش
· expand تتمدد
· instruments أدوات
· properly بشكل مناسب
· Arouse يثير
· valve صمام
· Give up يقلع عن - يتخلى عن
· Complicated معقد

Grammar :
Nouns, verbs and adjectives followed by prepositions
حروف الجر بعد الاسم، الفعل، الصفة
أولا: الاسم + حرف جر Nouns + preposition
- Reason for
- Cause of
- Cause … to
- increase / decrease in
- Advantage of
- disease of
- Solution to
· Ex: There is an increase in the production of cars.
· Dermatitis is a disease of skin
ثانياً: الصفه + حرف جر Adjectives + preposition
- Delighted
- disappointed
- pleased (with)
- proud
- ,ashamed (of)
- afraid ,terrified, scared
- ,frightened ( of)
- bored
- ,fed up (with)
- good
- ,bad
- hopeless
- ,brilliant (at)
- happy,
- excited
- worried ( about)
- angry ,annoyed, furious (with / about)
· Ex: Samy is good at English but bad at Math.
· I am afraid of spiders.
· Students are worried about his exam result.
ثالثا : فعل + حرف جر . Verb + preposition
وتسمى Phrasal verbs
- belong to
- care about
- care for
- complain to
- consist of
- die of
- crash
- bump, run
- drive (into)
· Ex: While he was driving fast, his car crashed into a tree.
· -Don’t take this book, it belongs to Shady.
· -Our school consists of three main buildings and a large playground.

Unit 18 : Protecting our heritage

· Heritage تراث
· Inheritance ميراث
· Souvenir هدية تذكارية
· Scenery منظر طبيعى
· in particularly بصفة خاصة
· host مضيف
· environment بيئة
· dump يفرغ شحنة
· Interference تدخل
· coral reefs شعب مرجانية
· pass succeed in / ينجح فى
· take a test an exam يمتحن /
· skeleton هيكل عظمى
· anchor هلب السفينة يرسى -
· drop the anchor المرساه/ الهلب
· limestone حجر جيرى
· tiny صغير جدا
· magnificent رائع
· generation جيل
· disastrous مسبب كارثة
· serious خطير
· bring about يسبب يحدث -
· earn a living يكسب قوته
· resort منتجع - مصيف
· license رخصة قيادة
· give outيطلو - يرسل
· The Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA) الوكالة المصرية لشئون البيئة
Grammar :
أدوات الربط
1. كلمة بشرط أن بمعنى إذا Provided (that) = if
· Ex: You can have my camera provided that you use it carefully. هذه الجملة تساوى / معنى
· You can have the camera if you use it carefully.
2. كلمة طالما بمعنى إذا as long as = if
· Ex: The girl will get an excellent job as long as she knows how to use a computer.
هذه الجملة بمعنى
· The girl will get an excellent job if she knows how to use a computer.
3- إذا لم … Unless = If ……… not
· Ex: The plumber won’t work unless you give him money.
· هذه الجملة نفس المعنى
· The plumber won’t work if you don’t give him money.

“Verb + object + preposition”
حرف جر + مفعول + فعل
هذا التركيب شائع في اللغة الإنجليزية This structure is very common in English

Borrow from
accuse of
prepare for
inform about
congratulate on
made from / of
blame for
discourage from
tell about
charged with

· Ex: I congratulated Samy on his success.
· The police accused the thief of robbing the shop.
· The teacher blamed the pupil for talking in class.
· The employee told the manager about his experience.

Unit 19 : Global warming

· Global -كونى عالمى
· Climate مناخ
· Weather طقس
· Atmosphereغلاف جوى
· Forecast يتنبأ -
· cloudy ملبد بالسحب
· misty كثيف الضباب
· Sunny مشمس
· Weather forecast النشرة الجوية
· humidity رطوبة
· temperature درجة الحرارة
· Celsius مئوى
· Emitيقذف - يطلق
· Erupt يثور
· eruption ثورة
· radiate يشع
· radiation اشعاع
· Roughly تقريبا
· Average - معدل متوسط
· Forest غابة
· Invisible غير مرئى
· infrared ray أشعة تحت الحمراء
· ultraviolet أشعة فوق البنفسجية
· Green house صوبة زراعية
· Block Out تحجب
· Partially جزئي
· Consequences نتائج
· Absorb يمتص
· lightning برق
· Thunder الرعد
· Submerged مغمور بالمياه
· destruction دمار - تحطيم
Grammar :
Conditionals جمل الشرط

· Zero: If we heat water, it boils.
· If the student studies hard, he will get high marks.
· If our team played well, our school would win the governorate cup.
· If my parents had been richer, I would have bought a racing car.

Unit 20 : Revision

Sample Examination

Language Functions
1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue between John, an English youth who is visiting Egypt and Ahmed, his friend who wishes to visit England: (4 Marks)
Jhon : I intend to visit England.
Ahmed : … (1) … When do you intend to visit Egypt?
John : During the summer vacation.
Ahmed : … (2) … How long would you stay?
John : Two months. Could you tell me about the weather and what I should bring with me?
Ahmed : … (3) … It will be somewhat hot, so bring light clothes
John : … (4) … Where shall we go?
Ahmed : We’ll visit many interesting places
John : Thank you for this advice.

2. Supply the missing parts in the following
mini-dialogues: (4 Marks)

a) Aly and Noha are on holiday in Alexandria:
Aly : What shall we do today?
Noha: … (1) … Shall we go swimming?

b) Ahmed introduces his British friends Andrew and Tom to his friend Khaled.
Ahmed : … (2) …How do you do?
Khaled : How do you do?

c) Huda and her British friend Diana are at the Egyptian Museum
Huda : … (3) …What is your opinion about these monuments?
Diana : …(4) … I think they are marvellous.

B. Vocabulary and Structure
3. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: (8 Marks)

1. I lost my pen, I have to …….. a new one to write my homework.

2. Chinese people used paper money in the ……. century.
3. The door bell rang while my sister ……… our food.
was cooking
4. The policeman ……… Sally as she was driving at a breakneck speed.
was stopping
5. Cairo is one of the most ........... cities in the world .
6. Piranhas eat their ............ before it dies.

7. The place where pigs live is the ................... place in the world.
8. The Olympic games were part of a .............. festival held at the stadium of Olympia.
9. ……… hard work the pupil got the highest marks in class.
Due to
10. ................ being lazy, the student passed the exam.
d) But
11. I have a good command of English and computer, ............ I got a very good job.
12. A young female giraffe was ……… in Sennar , in the Sudan.

13. The electrician ……… for his work before he left.
had been paid
is paying
is paid
14. Good players of football never commit fouls , but they are always exposed to ……….. fouls from other players
15. Thousands of years ago, people …………. their needs.
16. In winter, it is dangerous to drive fast on the highways in the early morning as it is……….

4. Rewrite the following sentences using the word (s) in brackets without changing the meaning: (5 Marks)

1. I met Dr. Mona and her son has just got married. (whose)
I met Dr. Mona whose son has just got married.
2. The man didn’t have enough money, so he couldn’t buy a new car. (if)
If the man had had enough money , he could have bought a new car.
3. Our team won the match then they traveled to London to play the final match. (after)
After our team had won the match, they traveled to London to play the final match.
4. It is said that he has a very big library at home. (He)
He is said to have a very big library at home.
5. Amany, our teacher of English, is in America now. (go)
Amany, our teacher of English, has gone to America.

C. Reading comprehension
5. Read the following passage and then write notes on the passage: (3 Marks)

Then comes June and with it examinations; but these are soon finished and with them ends the school year. Boys and girls have nearly two months holiday before them as they leave school by train and car to return home to their fathers and mothers.
The summer holidays are the best part of the year for most children . The weather is usually good, so that one can spend most of one’s time playing in the garden or if one lives in a big town one can usually go to a park to play.

1. June ends …………………………
the school year.
2. The holiday of boys and girls ……………………………………
is two months
3. The best part of the year …………………………………
is the summer holiday.
4. Children living in the country play …………………………………
in the garden.
5. Children living in a big town play …………………………………
in a park
6. These holidays are called …………………………………
the summer holiday.

6. Read the following passage and then answer the questions: (7 Marks)

Only a few people in the Mediterranean had heard of the little country of Britain before the traders visited it in the third or fourth century B.C. These traders were the Phoenicians who lived in the country, which is now called Lebanon. They sailed to Britain all the way from the Mediterranean sea, a long and dangerous voyage of more than two thousand miles. They brought brightly coloured cloth and precious stones to trade with the Britons. They came to Britain because they had heard, on their travels, that Britain had a metal which they very much wanted.
This metal was tin, which they mixed with copper to produce bronze. The bronze was used to make many things, such as armour and jewellery.
Britain was such a good place to get tin that the traders called it the Tin Islands. Of course, as the fame of British tin spread to other parts of the world, other nations wanted to know where the Phoenicians got their tin. All the Phoenicians would say that their tin came from a place ‘near the ends of the earth’. Probably it did seem to them that Britain was near the ends of the earth-it was so far from their own country.
One Roman captain decided to follow the Phoenicians and discover the source of the tin.
For weeks the Roman captain followed the Phoenician ships in his ship. He discovered that the traders went to Britain to buy tin. On his return, his ship ran aground and was wrecked. The brave captain managed to escape by holding to a piece of wreckage. The Roman captain was richly rewarded

A. Answer the following questions:
Who were the Phoenicians? Why did they come to Britain?
The people who lived in Lebanon, They came to Britain to trade and because they had heard, on their travels, that Britain had a metal, which they very much wanted.
What did they do with the tin?
They mixed tin with copper to produce bronze. The bronze was used to make many things, such as armour and jewellery.
How did the Roman captain show abnormal courage?
He followed the Phoenician ships in his ship but his ship wrecked and by holding to a piece of wreckage. The Roman he was saved captain was richly rewarded

From where did the Phoenician get tin?
They got tin from Britain

B. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

5. Before the traders came to Britain, it was ………… to the rest of the world.
well known
little known
better known
6. A suitable title for the passage is:
The Roman captain.
Bronze and copper both have tin in them
The importance of copper
Phoenician traders in Britain
7. According to the passage, …………
a) you make copper by mixing tin and bronze
b) bronze and copper both have tin in them
c) mix copper with bronze and you get tin
d) bronze is made by mixing tin with copper

D. The Novel
7. A) Answer the following questions: (9 Marks)

1. Why did Ayman use the Internet?
He used it for his university studies and sometimes for making friends in other countries.
2. Why did Colonel Mikhail ask Ayman and Professor Malcolm to go to the police station?
Because Ayman told Colonel Mikhail that he had seen the spider and at the same time Ayman told him that an expert from Oxford University was with him. So, Colonel Mikhail asked them to go to the police station.
3. What was the great news in the hospital?
A nurse said Ayman was breathing normally and the news spread round the hospital like a fire.

Read the following quotations then answer the questions:

” Spider use webs to catch flies, but I'm going to use the web to find a spider.”
1. Who said these words?
Ayman said these words to himself.
2. What is the difference in meaning between webs and the web in the quotation?
Webs mean the house where spiders live and catch flies.
The web is like a great library, you can get information from at any time and place.
3. Where can you find the web?
Through the Internet.

C) Complete the following sentences:

1. Professor Malcolm is … …
A very famous archaeologist.
2. As Wafaa Sultan said that Echinacea Negra won’t work for ……
The bite of the female as its venom is too strong.
3. Great news, Ayman ……
Is breathing normally and he is going to be fine.

E. Writing
(6 Marks)
8. Write a paragraph pf not less than ten lines on:
How could you spend your summer holiday.
You may make use of the following points:
- Camps - excursion - reading in libraries - computer

F. Translation
9. A) Translate into Arabic: (3 Marks)
When you plant a tree, you are helping your environment. The tree will hold the soil together. It will provide shade in the summer and be a source of relief on hot days.
- عندما تزرع شجرة فأنك تساعد البيئة فأن الشجرة تساعد فى تماسك التربة وانها ايضاً تعطينا ظلالاً فى الصيف كما انها مصدر راحة فى الايام الحارة.

Translate into English: (One Mark)

- وجدت كتابى مصادفة عندما كنت ابحث عن بعض الأوراق الهامة.
I found my book by chance while I was searching for some important papers.

Unit 20 : Revision

Sample Examination

Language Functions
1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue between John, an English youth who is visiting Egypt and Ahmed, his friend who wishes to visit England: (4 Marks)
Jhon : I intend to visit England.
Ahmed : … (1) … When do you intend to visit Egypt?
John : During the summer vacation.
Ahmed : … (2) … How long would you stay?
John : Two months. Could you tell me about the weather and what I should bring with me?
Ahmed : … (3) … It will be somewhat hot, so bring light clothes
John : … (4) … Where shall we go?
Ahmed : We’ll visit many interesting places
John : Thank you for this advice.

2. Supply the missing parts in the following
mini-dialogues: (4 Marks)

a) Aly and Noha are on holiday in Alexandria:
Aly : What shall we do today?
Noha: … (1) … Shall we go swimming?

b) Ahmed introduces his British friends Andrew and Tom to his friend Khaled.
Ahmed : … (2) …How do you do?
Khaled : How do you do?

c) Huda and her British friend Diana are at the Egyptian Museum
Huda : … (3) …What is your opinion about these monuments?
Diana : …(4) … I think they are marvellous.

B. Vocabulary and Structure
3. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: (8 Marks)

1. I lost my pen, I have to …….. a new one to write my homework.

2. Chinese people used paper money in the ……. century.
3. The door bell rang while my sister ……… our food.
was cooking
4. The policeman ……… Sally as she was driving at a breakneck speed.
was stopping
5. Cairo is one of the most ........... cities in the world .
6. Piranhas eat their ............ before it dies.

7. The place where pigs live is the ................... place in the world.
8. The Olympic games were part of a .............. festival held at the stadium of Olympia.
9. ……… hard work the pupil got the highest marks in class.
Due to
10. ................ being lazy, the student passed the exam.
d) But
11. I have a good command of English and computer, ............ I got a very good job.
12. A young female giraffe was ……… in Sennar , in the Sudan.

13. The electrician ……… for his work before he left.
had been paid
is paying
is paid
14. Good players of football never commit fouls , but they are always exposed to ……….. fouls from other players
15. Thousands of years ago, people …………. their needs.
16. In winter, it is dangerous to drive fast on the highways in the early morning as it is……….

4. Rewrite the following sentences using the word (s) in brackets without changing the meaning: (5 Marks)

1. I met Dr. Mona and her son has just got married. (whose)
I met Dr. Mona whose son has just got married.
2. The man didn’t have enough money, so he couldn’t buy a new car. (if)
If the man had had enough money , he could have bought a new car.
3. Our team won the match then they traveled to London to play the final match. (after)
After our team had won the match, they traveled to London to play the final match.
4. It is said that he has a very big library at home. (He)
He is said to have a very big library at home.
5. Amany, our teacher of English, is in America now. (go)
Amany, our teacher of English, has gone to America.

C. Reading comprehension
5. Read the following passage and then write notes on the passage: (3 Marks)

Then comes June and with it examinations; but these are soon finished and with them ends the school year. Boys and girls have nearly two months holiday before them as they leave school by train and car to return home to their fathers and mothers.
The summer holidays are the best part of the year for most children . The weather is usually good, so that one can spend most of one’s time playing in the garden or if one lives in a big town one can usually go to a park to play.

1. June ends …………………………
the school year.
2. The holiday of boys and girls ……………………………………
is two months
3. The best part of the year …………………………………
is the summer holiday.
4. Children living in the country play …………………………………
in the garden.
5. Children living in a big town play …………………………………
in a park
6. These holidays are called …………………………………
the summer holiday.

6. Read the following passage and then answer the questions: (7 Marks)

Only a few people in the Mediterranean had heard of the little country of Britain before the traders visited it in the third or fourth century B.C. These traders were the Phoenicians who lived in the country, which is now called Lebanon. They sailed to Britain all the way from the Mediterranean sea, a long and dangerous voyage of more than two thousand miles. They brought brightly coloured cloth and precious stones to trade with the Britons. They came to Britain because they had heard, on their travels, that Britain had a metal which they very much wanted.
This metal was tin, which they mixed with copper to produce bronze. The bronze was used to make many things, such as armour and jewellery.
Britain was such a good place to get tin that the traders called it the Tin Islands. Of course, as the fame of British tin spread to other parts of the world, other nations wanted to know where the Phoenicians got their tin. All the Phoenicians would say that their tin came from a place ‘near the ends of the earth’. Probably it did seem to them that Britain was near the ends of the earth-it was so far from their own country.
One Roman captain decided to follow the Phoenicians and discover the source of the tin.
For weeks the Roman captain followed the Phoenician ships in his ship. He discovered that the traders went to Britain to buy tin. On his return, his ship ran aground and was wrecked. The brave captain managed to escape by holding to a piece of wreckage. The Roman captain was richly rewarded

A. Answer the following questions:
Who were the Phoenicians? Why did they come to Britain?
The people who lived in Lebanon, They came to Britain to trade and because they had heard, on their travels, that Britain had a metal, which they very much wanted.
What did they do with the tin?
They mixed tin with copper to produce bronze. The bronze was used to make many things, such as armour and jewellery.
How did the Roman captain show abnormal courage?
He followed the Phoenician ships in his ship but his ship wrecked and by holding to a piece of wreckage. The Roman he was saved captain was richly rewarded

From where did the Phoenician get tin?
They got tin from Britain

B. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

5. Before the traders came to Britain, it was ………… to the rest of the world.
well known
little known
better known
6. A suitable title for the passage is:
The Roman captain.
Bronze and copper both have tin in them
The importance of copper
Phoenician traders in Britain
7. According to the passage, …………
a) you make copper by mixing tin and bronze
b) bronze and copper both have tin in them
c) mix copper with bronze and you get tin
d) bronze is made by mixing tin with copper

D. The Novel
7. A) Answer the following questions: (9 Marks)

1. Why did Ayman use the Internet?
He used it for his university studies and sometimes for making friends in other countries.
2. Why did Colonel Mikhail ask Ayman and Professor Malcolm to go to the police station?
Because Ayman told Colonel Mikhail that he had seen the spider and at the same time Ayman told him that an expert from Oxford University was with him. So, Colonel Mikhail asked them to go to the police station.
3. What was the great news in the hospital?
A nurse said Ayman was breathing normally and the news spread round the hospital like a fire.

Read the following quotations then answer the questions:

” Spider use webs to catch flies, but I'm going to use the web to find a spider.”
1. Who said these words?
Ayman said these words to himself.
2. What is the difference in meaning between webs and the web in the quotation?
Webs mean the house where spiders live and catch flies.
The web is like a great library, you can get information from at any time and place.
3. Where can you find the web?
Through the Internet.

C) Complete the following sentences:

1. Professor Malcolm is … …
A very famous archaeologist.
2. As Wafaa Sultan said that Echinacea Negra won’t work for ……
The bite of the female as its venom is too strong.
3. Great news, Ayman ……
Is breathing normally and he is going to be fine.

E. Writing
(6 Marks)
8. Write a paragraph pf not less than ten lines on:
How could you spend your summer holiday.
You may make use of the following points:
- Camps - excursion - reading in libraries - computer

F. Translation
9. A) Translate into Arabic: (3 Marks)
When you plant a tree, you are helping your environment. The tree will hold the soil together. It will provide shade in the summer and be a source of relief on hot days.
- عندما تزرع شجرة فأنك تساعد البيئة فأن الشجرة تساعد فى تماسك التربة وانها ايضاً تعطينا ظلالاً فى الصيف كما انها مصدر راحة فى الايام الحارة.

Translate into English: (One Mark)

- وجدت كتابى مصادفة عندما كنت ابحث عن بعض الأوراق الهامة.
I found my book by chance while I was searching for some important papers.


get down to يشرع فى عمل
get across يوضح - يبين
get by يعيش على الكفاف
get at يفهم
get over يبرأ من مرض - يشف
get together يتقابل
get away with يفلت من عقاب

not understanding

get to grips with ( something ) يتفهم
get the driftيفهم المعنى أو المغزى
get a clueيتوصل للمعنى
put (somebody) in the pictureيعطى شخصا معلومة ليفهم الموضوع
get the messageيفهم التلميح

Not understanding
can’t make head nor tailلا يفهم بالمرة
miss the pointلا يفهم النقطة الاساسية
go over your headصعب عليك فهمه

‘getting angry’
blow his top يغضب غضبا شديدا
flow into a rageينفجر فى ثورة غضب
hit the roofيغضب و يقلق
get steamed up يغضب و يستشيط من الغضب
give (someone) a piece of your mindيعبر عن غضبه
(they are) up in armsمحتجون و ثائرون

‘having problems’
to get into hot water يواجه صعوبة
to get (oneself) into deep water يورط نفسه
to be in a fixيواجه موقف صعب حله
to be in a tight spot / cornerفى موقف صعب
a stumbling block to حجرة فى الطريق


break down ينهار
break the iceيشجع على التحدث
break outينتشر
a break-inاقتحام
at a breakneck speedبسرعة متهورة
a breakthroughانجاز جديد( فى ميادين العلم )


make money يغتنى - يربح
put money into (something) يستثمر مال فى مشروع
throw his money about يبعثر ماله باسراف

words with more than one meaning
كلمات لها أكثر من معنى

Go for
Go for : attempt to achieve something يحاول تحقيق
If you want to achieve your goal , you should make a plan.

Go for : attack يهاجم
When El Ahli team lost two matches, the newspapers went for its coach

Go for : go to bring someone يذهب لإحضارشخص
Could you go for a doctor?

Go for : go to bring something يذهب لإحضارشيئ
Shall I go for some tea?

Go for : like or prefer يحب و يفضل
They go for football

Book (n) كتاب
Book (v)يحجز

School (n) مدرسة
School (v)سرب من السمك أو الحيتان

Rest (n)راحة
Rest (n) الباقى

Form (n) استمارة
Form (v) يشكل- يكون

Order (n) أمر - نظام
Order (v) يأمر

Light (n) مصباح - ضوء - وسيلة اشعال
Light (v) يضيئ

Break (n) فسحة
Break (v) يكسر

Water (n)ماء
Water (v) يروى

Verbs with "Sports"
أفعال مع الألعاب الرياضية
play, go, do
football , basketball , tennis , ping pong , volleyball , hokey , rackets , squash
swimming , running , riding , water skiing , shooting , climbing , hunting , wrestling , scuba diving
karate , gymnastics , athletics

verbs collocate with certain nouns
أفعال مع أسماء معينة
give , play, make , have

give a party يقيم حفلة give a speech يلقى خطبة
give a performance يقدم عرضا give advice يقدم نصيحة
give information يعطى معلومات give consideration يعطى اعتبارا

play a game يلعب لعبة play a trick يحتال
play a role يلعب دورا play with fire يلعب بالنار

make a suggestion يقدم اقتراح make a discovery يكتشف
make a decision يتخذ قرارا make a promise يوعد
make an effort يبذل جهدا make a mistake يرتكب خطأ
make tea يعد الشاى make the bed يرتب الفراش
make sense يعطى معنى

have a swim يسبح have a shower يأخذ د ش
have a problem عنده مشكلة have a discussion يناقش
have breakfast يتناول الافطار have fun يلهو

do research يقوم ببحث do the shopping يقوم بالشراء
do wonders يصنع العجائب do harm يؤذى
do an exercise يجل تمرين do homework يعمل الواجب المدرسى

A general summary

An Egyptian tomb
Four robbers entered an Egyptian tomb and stole treasures. Inside the tomb a lot of deadly spiders attacked and bit them. On their way back, they died of the spiders bites. A pilot in a helicopter saw them and reported the accident to the police who drove the robbers’ two cars to the police station in Hamadayya.

Getting information about the strange spider
A big spider escaped. It hid first in Ayman’s house then in an empty house. Ayman saw the big spider. He began to gather information about the strange spider. Ayman communicated with other people through the internet. He sent an e-mail to Dr Shereen who was working in Oxford University.

Exchanging E-mail messages
Ayman and Dr Shereen exchanged e-mail messages about spiders.
Dr Shereen advised Ayman to tell the police.

Taking measures
Professor Malcolm Jones flew to Egypt to identify the big spider. Ayman’s uncle Walid advised Ayman not to tell anyone about the spider. Colonel Mikhail asked his men to attack the spiders and asked Ayman and the Professor to join his men.

In the site
They arrived at the site and attacked the spiders. One of the officers fell to the ground and Captain Ahmad decided to leave fast. They left the place with some venom and three dead spiders.

Ayman was in danger
They found the nest of the female spider in the empty house. It had 2000 young spiders. They attacked the nest. Ayman was injured. He was in danger. Wafaa Sultan who had been sent to Sinai to fetch some medical plants found the plants.

Saving Ayman
Wafaa Sultan and the team were on their way back with the plants.
There were strong floods and a bad storm. Wafaa Sultan managed to return alone driving a car with the plant to save Ayman.

A brave young man
Ayman was at the intensive care at the hospital. Wafaa Sultan arrived at the hospital with the plants and the doctors made some medicine from the plants and gave it to Ayman. Ayman got better. Ayman got famous because he caught the female spider and saved the people.
Chapter One
The Egyptian Desert

Archaeologists and underground rooms
A team of six archaeologists were asleep in their tents in a far away part of the Western Desert. They found two underground rooms. In one of them, there were five ancient Egyptian mummies. The second room contained gold and other treasures which were sent to the museum in Cairo.
Non-Egyptian robbers arrived at the site
Four non-Egyptian men came down a hill in two Land Cruisers. They switched off the lights and the engines. When they arrived at the site, they climbed down into an underground passage. They switched on their torches to see around them. There were paintings of ancient Egyptian gods and writing on the walls.
The oldest man led the group
The oldest man led the group. The other three followed him. They were a small man, a big man and a tall man. They were carrying a machine like a large camera, a small computer and a large bag. They hoped to find other rooms containing gold
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
They use a machine connected with a computer called GPR, the small man could see a big room on the screen. The big man broke through the wall using a pickaxe and a heavy hammer. Then the men climbed into another passage.
All four men had been bitten
The four men broke down two gold doors at the end of the passage. A huge spider's web covered the face and body of the oldest man who went in first. They went into a room full of gold objects. There were also two mummies with gold masks. The men carried the treasures out. Suddenly the big man shouted in pain. Spiders were biting him. The tall man took off his coat and hit the spiders with it. Then a spider bit the small man on his leg. By the time they carried the gold out to their cars, all four men had been bitten.
They all were dead
They drove at top speed. The oldest man believed there weren't any deadly spiders in Egypt. He said that they might get sick, but they won't die. However the sickness and pain increased. They began to sweat heavily. They became thirsty and drank all the water they had with them. They could no longer drive the Land Cruisers. They all were dead. There were four spiders in the back of the car.
A helicopter was flying to a transmitter
The pilot of a helicopter which was flying to a transmitter in the desert saw the vehicles below. He landed the helicopter. The pilot, the engineer and the technician ran to the cars, carrying bottles of water. They found the four men dead. The pilot thought that the men got lost and died of thirst.
The pilot called the police
The pilot's hands were near the spiders, he went back to the helicopter and used the radio to call the police, so he escaped death. The police drove the cars to Hamdayya. The cars stopped at the police station. The biggest spider was still alive in the back of the car while the small spiders died of the heat.

A. Questions
Why did the four men break into the underground tomb?
To rob the gold and treasures in it.
What happened to them as they carried the gold out of the tomb?
They were bitten by spiders.
What did the oldest man think about spiders in Egypt?
He thought there weren't any deadly spiders in Egypt.
How did the pilot of the helicopter find the four men?
He found them dead.
What was in the back of the car when the police stopped it at the police station?
There was the biggest spider.

B. Complete the following sentences:
1. The four men switched off the lights and engines in order………………
not to be seen or heard by the archaeologists.
(OR : that the archaeologists might not see them.)
2. Using the Ground Penetrating Radar…………………………………….
they could see what was behind the walls.
3. The four men died of …………………………………………………….
the bites of the deadly spiders.
4. The pilot of the helicopter thought that ………………………………….
the four men got lost and died of thirst.
5. Nobody knew that there was a deadly spider in …………………………
the back of the car at the police station.

C. Read these quotations and then answer the questions:
1. "That's your job"
1. Who was the oldest man speaking to?
He was speaking to the small man who was carrying the GPR.
2. What was his job?
His job was to detect what was behind the walls.
3. Why did they want to do so?
To enter the rooms where there were gold and treasures.

2. "There aren't any deadly spiders in Egypt"
1.Who is the speaker?
The oldest man is the speaker.
2. Was his opinion right?
No, it wasn't.
3. How was he mistaken?
He was mistaken because he thought they might get sick, but they won't die. But they died.

3. " they probably got lost and died of thirst.."
1. Who is the speaker?
The speaker is the pilot of a helicopter.
2. Who was he speaking about?
He was speaking about the four dead men in the two cars.
3. Was his opinion about their death correct?
No, because they died of the bites of deadly spiders.

Chapter 2
Hamdayya, a new town
The spider escaped
The officer who opened one of the boxes was greatly surprised when he saw the treasures there. He never knew that he had been near death because the deadly spider was there. When he went to report on the gold, the spider escaped. It ran across some open ground and then disappeared.
The Hassan family
Ayman was the eldest son of the Hassan family. The family lived in the house next to the police station. He had a brother and two sisters. He was a university student. Ayman was glad to have a private room, where he kept his computer.
Ayman’s favourite hobby
The internet was his favourite hobby. He used the internet for his university studies and for making friends in other countries. Ayman didn’t know what he would do when he left the university.
Najat and the spider
The spider was crawling across the floor of the room where Ayman’s sisters, Najat and Lamia, were playing. They did not see the spider. Najat’s foot landed close to the spider. If she had not moved away, the spider would have attacked her.
The spider disappeared
The spider climbed, out of the window and down to the garden. Ayman saw it there. He was surprised at its speed and size. It was black, with two yellow lines on its back. It was as big as a small apple. It had eight eyes, eight legs and two long fangs. The spider ran up the wall and disappeared into the next house which was empty.
Getting information about the spider
Ayman phoned a friend who was a student of zoology. But there were no big black spiders with two yellow lines in his book called «Spiders of North Africa.»
Ayman used the World Wide Web of the internet; he began his search for "black and yellow" spider. On the screen of his computer, information about different species of spider appeared. But they were not Ayman’s spider.
Dr Shereen Fakhry:
The next page that appeared on the screen was the translation of a very old Egyptian text. It was about a town in ancient Egypt where many people were killed by black yellow spiders. The people burned the town to kill spiders. But many spiders were safe by hiding underground tombs and passages. The townspeople were forced to leave the town. The translation was by Dr Shereen Fakhry, Department of Egyptology, Oxford University.
Ayman wrote an e-mail to Dr Shereen:
Ayman wrote an e-mail to Dr Shereen Fakhry asking her if there was a picture with the text. He told her he had seen a black spider with two yellow lines on its back. In reply, Dr Fakhry told him that she thought the town was a real town but it might have disappeared under the desert sand. She hoped Ayman would identify his spider.

A safe place
The spider found a safe place in the house next to Ayman’s. Then it laid 2000 eggs. It enclosed them in four sacs of white silk and then began its long wait.


1. What did Ayman have in his room?
He had a computer of his own.
2 What did Ayman use the internet for7
Ayman used the internet for his studies and for making friends in other countries;
3. How did Najat escape death?
As the spider moved to attack her, Najat moved her foot away.
4. Where did the spider go after Ayman had seen it?
It ran up the wall and disappeared into the garden of the next house.
5. Why did Ayman phone his friend?
He phoned his friend because he had a book about the spiders of North Africa.
6. What was the old Egyptian text about?
It was about a town in ancient Egypt where a lot of people were killed by black and yellow spiders.
7 According to the story, how did the town disappear?
The people burnt the town in order to kill the spidery.
8 Why did the spider need to find a home?
Because it was ready to lay eggs.
9. Why was the police officer surprised?
The police officer was very surprised when he saw the gold and treasures in the boxes.

B. Complete the following sentences:

1. If the officer had not gone to tell his superior about the gold.................
he would have died by the spider’s bite.
2. Ayman saw the spider in the garden while...................
he was going out to the shops.
3. The spider was black with.........................................
two yellow lines on the back.
4. Ayman found three pictures of black and yellow spiders on the World Wide Web but…
none of them was like the spider he had seen.
5. The spider laid 2000 eggs which.............................
it enclosed in four sacs of white silk.
6 The spider didn’t attack Najat because.........................................
her foot moved away
7 The spider enclosed its eggs in silk sacs and then....................
began its long wait.

C. Read each quotation and then answer the questions
1."Spiders use webs to catch flies, but I’m going to use the Web to find a spider!"

1. Who is the speaker?
Ayman is the speaker.
2. Which Web was he speaking about?
He was speaking about the World Wide Web.
3. How might he find the spider?
He might find the spider by searching for it on the computer.

2."They hoped to kill all the spiders and then rebuild thetown."
1. Where did Ayman. read these words?
On the computer screen.
2. Where were they included ?
They were included in an English translation of a very old Egyptian text.
3. How would the people kill the spiders?
By burning the town down.

3. "Do you think the story is true?"
1. Who was Ayman addressing ?
He was addressing Dr Shereen Fakhry.
2. Why did he send the e-mail?
He sent it to ask if the story of the town in the text was true.
3. What was the reply he received?
She thought that the town was real but disappeared under desert sand.

4. ‘The story of the spiders may be just a story.’
I. Did Dr Fakhry think the story was just a story or did she think it was true7
She thinks it is just a story.
2..Do you think that Ayman was pleased or disappointed when Dr Fakhry told him this7
I think Ayman is disappointed because he saw a spider.
3. If the story wasn’t just a story, what might Ayman have thought?
If it isn't just a story, then perhaps the spiders in the story are the same species he saw.

Chapter Three

A cold shiver down the back of Dr Fakhry's neck
An archaeologist in Egypt sent Dr Fakhry a very old picture of a spider that was found in a tomb near Bawiti. Dr Fakhry felt a cold shiver down the back of her neck. On the screen of her computer there was a big black spider with two thick yellow lines on its back.
Dr Fakhry's advice
Dr Fakhry forwarded the message and the picture of the spider she received to Ayman. In the chat, Ayman assured Dr Fakhry that the picture was the same as the spider he had seen. Ayman thought that the spider came with the boxes brought from the archaeological site to the police station. Dr Fakhry advised him to tell the police but he was afraid people would laugh at him.
Echinacea Negra
In an e-mail, a German Egyptologist told Dr Fakhry about an ancient Egyptian medicine called “Echinacea Negra”. From the root of that plant, medicine for the bite of the killer black and yellow spider was made.
Susan Bennett , a zoologist
Dr Fakhry began to think that the spider in the picture was probably the same as Ayman’s spider. She went to a friend, Susan Bennett, who was a zoologist at the university. Susan could not identify the spider in the picture. Susan told Dr Fakhry that there were 30.000 species of spider in the world. On the database Dr Fakhry and Susan saw six names and pictures on the screen. None of them was like Dr Fakhry’s description. , So they went to see Professor Jones.
Professor Malcolm Jones
Professor Malcolm Jones was the head of the zoology department. He was a very famous arachnologist. The walls of his study were covered with dead arachnids, in glass boxes. The professor hoped to find unknown species of arachnids. He said that spiders are useful because they eat insects.
Hamdayya might be in danger
Dr Fakhry told Professor Jones about Ayman’s spider and showed him the picture. As Ayman had described the spider before seeing the picture, the professor thought that the spider was real. In his opinion, the spiders were living under the ground in a remote part of the desert. People disturbed them and so they came into our world again. He believed that everyone in Hamdayya might be in danger.
A new antivenom
A person is injected by antivenom which works against the venom. But there was no antivenom for unknown species of spider. Scientists had to develop a new antivenom, but that would take years.
Spiders might spread
Professor Jones thought that the spider was female because it was very big. It would lay more than 2000 eggs at one time. It was not only Hamdayya that was in danger. Spiders might spread through Africa, Asia and Europe because Egypt is the meeting point of these three continents. The next day, Professor Jones flew to Cairo.

A. Answer the questions.
1 Why did Dr Fakhry feel a cold shiver down the back of her neck?
Because the spider in the picture was like the spider Ayman had described.
2 Why did Ayman think that the killer spiders in ancient Egypt were not the same as the spider he saw?
Because there are no killer spiders in Egypt nowadays.
3 Why did Dr Fakhry think Ayman should tell the police about the spider he saw?
She thought that the spider might be dangerous.
4 Why didn’t Ayman want to tell the police?
Because he thought that everyone would laugh at him.
5 Why did Dr Fakhry think that the spiders in the German Egyptologist’s text were real?
Because they were in a medical manuscript.
6 Why does the number of known species often go up?
Because scientists often discover unknown species.
7 What must be done to stop the deadly spiders from spreading through Africa, Asia and Europe?
The female spider that Ayman saw must be found before it produced new ones.
8. What did Dr Fakhry receive from an archaeologist in Egypt?
She received an ancient picture of a black and yellow spider.
9. What did Ayman tell Dr Shereen when he saw the ancient picture?
He told her that it was the same as the spider he had seen.
10. Who told Dr Fakhry about the medicine for the bite of the spider?
A German Egyptologist told her that.
11. Why won’t the antivenom of oüe spider work against the venom of a different spider?
Because every venomous animal has a different venom.
12. Why did Professor Jones think that the spider that Ayman saw was dangerous?
Because it was female and could lay 2000 eggs at one time.
13. Dr Fakhry felt a cold shiver down the back of her neck when ………….
she saw a black spider with two yellow lines on the screen of her computer.
14. From the root of a plant called "Echinacea Negra"…………….
a medicine for the bite of the black and yellow spider that kills was made.
15. Ayman described the spider he saw before…………………
he saw the picture of the spider of Bawiti.
B. Complete the sentences.
1 A doctor can give you……………..
an injection of antivenom.
2 The antivenom works…………………..
against the venom.
3 Every venomous animal……….
has a different venom
4 The antivenom for one spider…………..
won’t work against the venom of a different spider.
5 If a spider is unknown , ……….
there is no antivenom.
6 Scientists will have to…………………..
develop a new antivenom.
7. None of the six yellow and black spiders on the database were …………….
like the spider in the old picture.
8. Dr Fakhry asked Professor Jones why nobody ……………………………….
had seen these spiders before.
9. Perhaps all the other spiders died when ………………………………………
the climate changed 2000 years ago.

C. Read each quotation and then answer the questions:
1. “ I think you should tell the police about all that.”
1. Who is the speaker?
Dr Shereen Fakhry is the speaker.
2. What should Ayman tell the police about?
Ayman should tell the police about the spider he saw.
3. Why did Ayman refuse to tell the police?
Because he thought that everyone would laugh at him.

2. “Not just him and his family.”
1. Who is the speaker?
Professor Jones is the speaker.
2. Who was he speaking about?
He was speaking about Ayman and his family.
3. What did.he mean by these, words?
He meant that not only Ayman and his family were in danger, but danger would spread.

3. “If there’s an unknown species of spider in that town, I want to find it.”
1. Which town did Professor Jones speak about?
He spoke about Hamdayya.
2. Why was he interested in the unknown species of spider?
Because he was an arachnologist.
3. What did he do to achieve this?
He flew to Cairo.

4. ‘I haven’t seen anything like this before.’
1 Who says these words?
Professor Jones says these words.
2 What is the person looking at when he says these words?
He is looking at a very old picture of a spider that was found in a tomb near Bawiti.
3 If he hasn’t seen ‘anything like this before’, what does this probably mean?
It probably means that it is an unknown species.

Chapter Four

Dr Shereen Fakhry and Professor Malcolm Jones
Dr Fakhry told Ayman that she had discussed the black and yellow spider with Professor Malcolm Jones, a famous arachnologist. The professor was interested in the picture of the black and yellow spider and also in the spider that Ayman had seen. He thought the spider might be an unknown, very dangerous species. The professor would be in Hamdayya the next morning.
Uncle Walid’s point of view
Uncle Walid arrived. Ayman told him all about the spider. His family thought that some of his story was true and that he imagined the rest. Uncle Walid didn’t think that Ayman should tell the police about the spider he had seen. Stories about dangerous spiders were not good for business and they would frighten people. Ayman could see his uncle’s point of view, which was perhaps right.
At the police station:
Professor Malcolm Jones arrived at Ayman’s house. He was welcomed by the family.
At that time two big lorries stopped outside the police station. There were ten armed officers in each lorry. They were going to guard an archaeological site in the desert. The site was dangerous. All the archaeologists there died from spider bites.
A spider expert
Ayman’s uncle made a phone call to the police chief, Colonel Mikhail. The colonel said that the news of the spiders was true. Then Ayman talked to the colonel. He told him everything about the spider. He said that he had seen the spider just after the police had brought the boxes from the site. He added that there was a spider expert from Oxford University with him.
A campaign against spiders:
Ayman and the professor were called to the police station to meet the chief officer. On their way, they saw men carrying equipment out to the lorries. It was protective clothing which the officers would wear to keep the spiders out. Ayman and the professor would go to the site with the officers. The colonel asked the - professor to identify any spider he could find. Ayman was asked to tell them whether the spider that the professor would find was the same as the spider he had seen. The professor told the colonel that if the spiders were unknown, there was no antivenom for them. The professor went to his hotel to get his equipment.
An e-mail from Dr Shereen Fakhry
At home, Ayman found an e-mail from Dr Shereen Fakhry. He took the printout wit him to read later. Ayman, Professor Jones and the officers left the town towards the remote site under the supervision of Captain Ahmed El-Sherif.

1.Answer the questions.
What would happen to local businesses if people heard and believed Ayman’s story?
They would lose money.
How did Ayman’s family find out that he had already told other people about the spider?
Ayman showed them the e-mail from Dr Fakhry.
How was Professor Jones feeling when he arrived?
He was excited.
What did Ayman wish he had not done?
He wished he had not told anyone about the spider.
Why did Colonel Mikhail hope the spiders were a known species7
Colonel Mikhail hoped the spiders were a known species, so that there would be an antivenom for them.
Who wanted to know everything about spiders?
Captain Ahmed El-Sherif wanted to know everything about spiders

2.Complete the sentences.
1. Ayman’s family did not know about the professor’s visit until just before….
the professor arrived.
2. The chief of police was called………
Colonel Mikhail.
3. Ayman didn’t have time to read Dr Fakhry’s second e-mail, so……..
he printed it out and took it with him to read later.
1 At the police station Colonel Mikhail asked Professor Jones to ……………
find one of the spiders and identify it.
2 Professor Jones went to his hotel to…………………..
get his equipment.
3 Ayman went to his house to…………………..
get a few things.
4 Professor Jones, Captain Ahmed and another officer, and Ayman……………
went to the archaeological site in a car.
5 Twenty policemen in two lorries…………………
were behind them.
6 Captain Ahmed asked Professor Jones to………………………….
tell him everything about spiders.

3.Read the following quotation and then answer the questions.
“Spiders! Men don’t die from spider bites! How……?”
1 Is it true that men do not normally die from spider bites?
Yes, it is true.
2 Why had men died from these spider bites?
They had died from these spider bites because these spiders were an unknown deadly species.
3 What question do you think Mr Hassan started but did not finish7
How did these spiders’ bites kill them?

Chapter 5
How was antivenom made ?
Professor Jones explained how antivenom was made. Scientists put small quantities of venom into animals. The animals made antibodies to fight the venom. Scientists could then extract the antibodies from the animals. This would take a long time.
Wafaa Sultan
On their way to the site, Ayman read Dr Shereen’s e-mail. She told him that an ancient medical text described a medicine for bites of the deadly spider. The medicine was made from the roots of a plant called «Echinacea Negra» that grew only in Sinai. Wafaa Sultan, a botanic researcher at Cairo University had studied that plant. Captain Ahmed informed the colonel of the Echinacea plant. The colonel said that if the spiders were an unknown species, Wafaa Sultan would be sent to Sinai to get some of that plant.
The underground tomb
At the site, there were a wire fence and a gate at which two police guards stood. Ayman, Professor Jones, Captain Ahmed and three young officers were wearing suits made of strong plastic. Each suit had a thick transparent window over the face. So, spiders could not get through. They breathed through a filter like a gas mask. The group went down into the underground tomb. They were carrying sprays with insecticide tanks.
The professor's equipment
The professor set up his equipment in a place where many large webs hung from the ceiling. He fitted some metal tubes to make four legs and a frame. Then he fitted a large white sheet over the frame. Next, the professor switched on the smoker. Hot poisonous smoke poured out of the smoker and went up to the ceiling. Dead things began to fall onto the white sheet. The professor picked up three of the largest spiders. They were the same as the spider Ayman had seen except that his spider was much larger. They were adult males. The professor put them in a box.
A great scientific discovery
Then a spider, twice as big, dropped onto the sheet. It was not dead. It jumped onto one of the officers. Its fangs tried to break through his face mask. The other two officers sprayed it with insecticide. It fell to the ground and the professor examined it. It was a female. But the spider was still not dead. It ran and disappeared. Captain Ahmed carried the officer out. He was coughing badly because he had breathed in some insecticide, but he was not wounded. The professor was sure that the spider was a new species and it was a great scientific discovery. In the professor’s opinion it was impossible to destroy those spiders completely because some of them would go underground and live.
Captain Ahmed ordered the other officers not to let anybody come near the site. They should not let anything leave it without a careful search.
A radio call to the colonel
The captain spoke to the colonel on the radio. The colonel asked them to return to the town. He wanted to send the venom sacs of the dead spiders to an antivenom lab so that the scientists would work on it. He told the captain that the botanist from Cairo University was leaving by helicopter for Sinai to get some of the Echinacea Negra plants

A. Answer the questions.
1 Why had a fence been built around the site7
It had been built to keep robber out.
2 Why did the men need to wear special clothing when they went underground?
They needed to wear special clothing to protect them against spiders.
3 Where did the professor put his equipment7
The professor put his equipment in a place where many large webs hung from the ceiling.
4 Why do you think the large black and yellow spider did not die?
I think it didn’t die because it was stronger than the others.
5 How did they know that the spider had not bitten the man’s face7
They knew that because there was no blood on his face.
6 Who wanted to kill the spiders? Who didn’t want to kill them?
Captain Ahmed wanted to kill them. Professor Jones did not want to kill them.
7 Why would it be difficult to kill all the spiders?
Because they did not know where all the underground rooms and passages were, nor how big the area was.
8 Who agreed to take Wafaa Sultan into the mountains?
The police in Sinai agreed to do so.
9. What were the roots of «Echinacea Negra» used for?
They were used for making a medicine for bites of spiders that killed.
10. Why did Captain Ahmcd call the colonel on the radio?
He called the colonel to tell him the news about the echinacea plants.
11.Why did the men have filters?
They had filters to breathe in through them.
12.What shows that the officer was not bitten?
There was no blood on his face.
13. Why would the venom sacs be sent to an antivenom lab?
They would be sent there so that scientists would begin work on an antivenom.

B. Complete the sentences.
1 It could be many years before a…………………..
a safe antivenom is made in large quantities
2 The men who were going underground wore……………….
Large black suits made of strong plastic with a thick transparent window over the face.
3 The police officers tried to kill the large female spider by………………
using their insecticide spray
4. Making antivenom is like……………………
making antibodies to fight a virus.
5. Venom is put into animals………………..
and they make antibodies to fight it.
6. Scientists must get some venom from the spiders………………
and then use animals to produce antivenom from it.
7. They must then extract the antivenom from the blood of the animals………….
and make it safe to use.
8. Venom is put into animals which………..
make antibodies to fight it.
9. The professor set up his equipment in a place where………..
many large webs hung from the ceiling.
10. The officer was coughing badly because………
he had breathed in some insecticide.
11. If they tried to destroy the spiders, they …………
would damage that important archaeological site.
12. The botanist from Cairo University was …………
leaving by helicopter for Sinai.

C. Read the following quotation and then answer the questions.

1. ‘I will pass your opinion to the colonel. This matter must be decided at a higher level.’
1 Who was speaking to whom when this was said?
2 What exactly does ‘your opinion’ refer to in this quotation?
3 What exactly does ‘this matter’ refer to?

2.«I don’t know much about plants.»
1. Who does not know much about plants?
Professor Jones.
2. When did he say that?
He said that when Ayman showed him Dr Shereen’s e-mail about a plant used as a medicine for bites of deadly spiders.
3. Who was the person who had studied the plant?
A botanical researcher at Cairo University called Wafaa Sultan had studied the plant.
3. «Stand back! I’m going to switch on the smoker.»
1. Who was going to switch on the smoker?
Professor Jones.
2. Why was he going to do that?
He was going to do that so that poisonous hot smoke would pour out onto the spiders.
3. What was the result of doing so?
Dead insects and spiders fell onto the sheet.

4. «You can’t destroy these spiders. .»
1. Who is speaking to whom?
Professor Jones is speaking to Captain Ahmed.

2. Why couldn’t those spiders be destroyed?
Because nobody knew where all the underground rooms and passages were or how big the area was.
3. What damage would destroying the spiders do?
It would damage that important archaeological site.

Chapter 6

Precautions had been taken to prevent the spiders from getting into the town. At a barrier across the road the police asked Captain Ahmed, Ayman and the professor to leave their car and take another car waiting for them.
At the police station, the colonel told them that the area would be searched to find the spider that Ayman had seen. Extra officers had arrived. Captain Ahmed would lead the search. Professor Jones and Ayman would join him. The professor thought that there was only one female spider as only Ayman had reported seeing a big spider.
The empty house
The professor explained that a female spider was much more dangerous than any male because it might produce thousands of young spiders. Ayman told the colonel that he had seen the spider run towards the empty house next to his. Police officers, in protective suits, carried large insecticide sprays. They spread out and surrounded the empty house. Two ambulances waited in the street.
The attack
Police officers went to the empty house to kill the large spider. When they opened the door of the room, 2000 small black and yellow spiders moved. When poisonous insecticide was sprayed heavily, the young spiders jumped onto the walls and onto the men. They attacked the men trying to find a way in through their protective suits. Then the large female jumped onto the face of one of the men. However, it could not bite through his strong protective mask. The captain knocked the big spider to the ground. An officer brought his insecticide tank down on it, but the tank landed on one of its eight legs. The big spider cut through its leg with its sharp fangs and left it behind.
To hospital
With its other seven legs the spider jumped and landed on Ayman’s face. Losing his balance, Ayman fell to the ground. Small spiders ran all over him.
They were able to bite him because his suit was torn. Ayman was carried to an ambulance which took him to hospital. The captain ordered his men to look for the body of the dead female.
A telephone call from Sinai
Ayman had only hours to live unless the Echinacea Negara was brought in time. Wafaa Sultan and the plants would arrive in two hours. The medicine might save Ayman. But a telephone call from Sinai informed the colonel that there was a bad storm and the helicopter couldn’t get to the cars. They would drive through the storm and this would take more time. The colonel thought that Ayman did not have much time to live.

A. Answer the following questions
1. What measures did the police take in Hamdayya? Why?
Neither people nor cars could enter or leave the town for the protection and safety. The police would search the area to find the spider Ayman had seen.

2. Why did the police ask Captain Ahmed and his mates to take another car?
This was done as a precaution to prevent spiders from coming into the town.

3. What preparations did the colonel make to search for the female spider?
Extra officers had arrived and stronger protective suits had been ordered.

4. What did Ayman tell the colonel about the spider he had seen?
He told him that it ran into the empty house next to his.

5. What did the captain do when the large female attacked the officer?
The captain lifted up his hand and knocked it to the ground.

6. Why was Ayman’s condition critical ?
Because the medicine from Sinai was delayed by the storm.

7. To what extent was the female spider dangerous, compared with the male?
The female spider was a thousand times more dangerous than the male. It might produce thousands of young spiders

8. How did the spider get rid of the trap made for it?
The spider used its sharp fangs to cut through its own leg. It succeeded in getting released leaving its trapped leg behind.

9.What happened to Ayman when the female spider jumped on his face?
His suit was torn. The female spider bit Ayman more than once. Young spiders got through his torn suit. They bit him again and again before they died.

B. Complete the following sentences:
1. They would search for the spider which………………………….….
Ayman had seen.
2. As it could produce thousands of young spiders……………………..
the female spider was very dangerous.
3. When the officers sprayed the poisonous insecticide…………………
the spiders jumped onto the walls and onto the men.
4. The large female used its fangs to…………………………………….
cut through its leg.
5. Ayman was taken to hospital because……………………..…………
spiders bit him.

C. Read each quotation and then answer the questions:

1. "No cars can enter or leave the town."
1. Who said this to whom?
One of the police officers at the barrier at the edge of the town said this to Captain Ahmed and his team.
2. Why was this done?
This was done to prevent spiders from coming into the town.
3. How could those people go to the town?
Another car was waiting for them.

2. "I’ll be happy to do what I can."
1. Who said this to whom?
Professor Jones said this to Colonel Mikhail.
2. What would the speaker be happy to do?
He would be happy to join the police officers in the search for the spider which Ayman had seen.
3. How was the speaker helpful?
He was helpful when he collected spiders from the tomb to use their venom for producing antivenom.

3. "Get that spider ! "
1. Who is speaking to whom?
Captain Ahmed was speaking to the officer at whose foot the spider fell.

2. Which spider was he speaking about?
He was speaking about the large female spider.
3. How was the spider got?
The officer brought his insecticide tank on it but it landed on one of its legs.

4. “In any case the female spider is a thousand times more dangerous than the male.”
1- What was the occasion of this quotation?
This was said by Professor Jones to Colonel Mickhail when the latter asked about the danger that might result from one spider.
2- How far was the female spider so dangerous?
The female spider was extremely dangerous compared to the male spiders.
3-.How did the audience receive such a report?
They were all alarmed and they took adequate measures.

Chapter 7

In Sinai
The weather in Sinai was bad and the storm was beginning. Three cars were coming down the mountain. Wafaa, another botanist called Farouk and Captain Osama, a police officer, were in the first car. Two other cars followed. In each, there were two officers. The plants that might save Ayman and which the team had collected were in the third car. The road down the mountain was narrow and steep. The cars made slow progress for fear of sliding. There was lightning in the sky followed by loud thunder. Heavy rain started and the dangerous road became a river. Wafaa was anxious as they had a young man’s life in their hands.
Crossing the wadis
They had to cross three wadis. Captain Osama was worried that the rain would flood the wadis and they wouldn’t be able to cross them. They could cross the first two wadis although they were full of rain water. The third wadi was twenty minutes away. Captain Osama was afraid it would be deep by that time. He drove at top speed. At last they arrived at the third wadi. The water was brown, fast and deep. The captain drove slowly in the water. The heavy car moved through the water. At last they came up and were out.
A light jeep
The second car which was a light jeep moved sideways. Suddenly the water pushed it over. It crashed into some rocks and got stuck between two big rocks. The two men climbed out of the water onto a rocky island.
The third car
Captain Osama shouted across to the officers in the third car to come across because they had the plants. The car began to move. It entered the water slowly and moved forward. They were half way when the engine stopped and the driver could not start it again. Then a tree smashed into the car which rolled up on one side and sank. Captain Osama brought the towrope and attached one end of it to the tow bar of his car.
The rocky island
Leaving Wafaa in the car, the captain and Farouk went into the water. With difficulty they got to the car. With the help of the two officers who were in the car, they pulled the rope to the car and attached it. At that moment a tree hit the car in the water. The rope held the car, but the water carried the four men away from it. They managed to climb onto the rocky island with the other two men from the second car.
A young man’s life in our hands
Wafaa was now alone. She got into the first car and tried to pull the third car out of the water. When the third car reached the land, Wafaa climbed onto it, opened the door and carried the plants to the first car. Then she drove off fast in extremely bad weather. All the way she was fighting her fear and telling herself that she had a young man’s life in her hands.

A. Questions and answers
1. What was Mr Farouk?
He was a botanist who helped Wafaa Sultan to collect echinacea negra from Sinai.
2. What difficulties did Wafaa, Farouk and the officers face in Sinai?
It was raining heavily. The wadis were flooded with water. The road down the mountain was a narrow track. It had no surface and it was very steep.
3. Why did the rescuers’ cars make slow progress?
The roads were steepy, narrow and rocky. This made the cars move slowly. If the drivers tried to speed up, the cars would slide on the stony ground on the corners and go over the edge.
4. What did the rescuers encounter, before the heavy rain in Sinai?
The heavy rain was preceded by a bright flash of lightning in the sky and loud thunder.
5. What did Captain Osama warn his fellows against when it was raining heavily in Sinai?
Captain Osama warned his fellows against bad visibility telling them that the roads would disappear in such a foul weather.
6. How did Wafaa Sultan push her fellows to struggle hard and resist such a nasty weather?
She told them that she had to get through as they had a young man’s life in their hands. She urged them to do their best to save Ayman from certain death.
7. How did Captain Osama explain the difficulties that might face them?
He said that the heavy rain would pour down the mountains and flood the wadis below. They might not cross the wadis if they couldn’t get to them before they flooded.
8. What was the state of the wadis the rescuers had to get through?
- The first wadi was full of water. The water was about half way up the wheels.
- In the second wadi the water got higher.
- When they arrived at the third wadi, the water was brown, fast and deep. Captain
Osama had to stop the car. Then he put the car into a low gear and moved forward
slowly into the water. At the deepest part, water started to pour in under the doors.
9. What happened to the Jeep on its way to Hamdayya from Sinai?
Suddenly the Jeep was on its side and the rainwater was carrying it fast. It was going towards some rocks. It crashed into them. It was thrown to one side, crashed into more rocks and rolled over. Then it got stuck between two big rocks.
1O.How did the Jeep come to a standstill?
It was thrown to one side, crashed into more rocks and rolled over. Then it got stuck between two big rocks.

11.How did the rescuers get rid of the deep water and rocky land?
They struggled hard to reach some raised rocks. They couldn’t swim in such an island because the rocks might cut them to pieces.
12.How did Captain Osama and Farouk save the car containing the plants?
With the help of two other officers, Captain Osama and Farouk attached the towrope to the car and pulled it by Captain Osama’s car.
13.What did Wafaa do as soon as the third car was towed out of the deep and brown water?
Wafaa climbed into the third car, opened the door and carried the plants back to the captain’s car. Then she drove off fast.


(1) “We have to get through. We have a young man’s life in our hands.”
1. Who said this quotation? Why?
This quotation was said by Wafaa Sultan to her companions in their adventurous journey in Sinai. She intended to push others to go on with their human mission.
2. What troubles did Wafaa and her companions face?
They faced lightning, thunder, heavy rain and rocky road.
3. What did Wafaa emphasise while encouraging others to struggle hard?
She emphasised the rescue of Ayman’ s life through bringing the echinacea plants safely to the hospital. She had nothing to think about or care for but this great human task.

(2) “The road is not our only problem.”
1-. Who said this quotation? To whom?
This quotation was said by Captain Osama to Wafaa Sultan.
2- What were the other problems?
The other problems were the heavy rain that was pouring down the mountains and flooding the wadis below and the trees that were falling down because of rain and storms.
3- How did the speaker feel then?
He felt gloomy and depressed.

Chapter 8
Intensive care
Ayman was still in intensive care. His breathing stopped around 1 a.m. and he was kept alive on a ventilator.
Medicine from the plants
There was a storm. Two cars were damaged and six men were washed down a wadi, but Wafaa Sultan got through with the plants. The doctors made some medicine from the plants and gave it to Ayman.
The news spread like fire
When Ayman woke up, his parents, brother and sisters were all there, and the news spread around the hospital like fire. He felt enough to walk but his brother held his arm as he walked because he was still weak.
Ayman is rewarded
Ayman became famous. His brother, Mohamed, told him that there was a picture of him in the newspaper and on television. The newspaper said that he had saved hundreds of lives. It also said that there would have been thousands of killer spiders in Hamdayya if he hadn’t warned the police. His younger sister, Najat, said that Professor Malcolm Jones said that Ayman saved the world from the spider. His mother told him that the professor said that Ayman could go and study at Oxford University if he wanted to. His father added that Ayman would not have to worry about getting a job and Uncle Walid said all the best employers would want a man like Ayman. Ayman said he felt like a new person with a new future.
The professor's present
The camera was a present from the professor because he was pleased that he had discovered a new species of spiders. It was a good camera with lots of attachments which were kept in an expensive aluminium case.
Family photograph
Lamia suggested taking a family photograph with the new camera. Ayman got the camera out and put the aluminium case on the floor. As he was getting ready to take the photograph, he saw the deadly seven-legged female spider on the wall a few centimetres from his sister’s head.
Quick action
The spider was behind his sister’s head. Ayman’s quick decision was to keep his sister still. If she moved, the spider would bite her. So, he slowly raised the camera and moved towards his sister and asked her not to move. Then he pressed a button on the camera, its bright flashlight blinded the spider for a second. Ayman knocked the spider into the aluminium box and shut it.
Red marks
There were two bright red marks on Ayman’s hand. That meant that the spider had bitten him. He was shocked and the horror was too much for him. His eyes closed, and he fell to the floor.
The second bite
Dr Salah at the hospital explained that when the venom enters the body of a person or an animal, the body begins to make antivenom to fight the venom. That was what happened to Ayman. When he was bitten a second time, he had much antivenom in his body, so the bite had little effect on him.
The most popular young man in Egypt:
Ayman saw his photo on the television screen, and then the face of the minister. The reporter said that the minister described Ayman as a brave young man who was ready to give his life to save others. The minister added that many thousands of people might have died without the intelligence and bravery of that young man.
The reporter also said that people throughout Egypt were not only praising Ayman, but they were also celebrating because Ayman was still alive.

A. Answer the following questions

1- Which shift was ending when Ayman began breathing normally?
When Ayman began breathing normally the night shift was ending.
2- What did the doctors do with the plants?
The doctors made some medicine from the plants to give to Ayman.
3- Who came to see Ayman in hospital?
Ayman’s family came to see him in hospital.
4- Why did Ayman “feel like a person with a new future”?
Ayman felt like a person with a new future because he had an
offer from Professor Malcolm Jones to go and study at Oxford
University. And the best employers would want a man like Ayman.
5- Why didn’t Ayman tell his sister that the spider was behind her?
Ayman didn’t tell his sister that the spider was behind her because the spider would jump on her and hurt her if he disturbed it.
6- Why didn’t Ayman die from the deadly female spider’s bite?
Ayman’s body had produced a lot of antivenom when the spiders had bitten him at the first time.

7- What had Ayman’s body made when the female spider bit him?
Ayman’s body had already made a lot of antivenom when the female spider bit him.
8- Why do you think the reporter described Ayman as “the most popular young man in Egypt today”?
because everyone was talking about him, a newspaper said that he had saved hundreds of lives and there was a picture in the newspaper. Television had a report and interviews with doctors and important men as ministers. People throughout Egypt were not only praising him, but they were also celebrating.
9- How was Ayman before Wafaa arrived at the hospital?
Ayman was in a serious case. His breathing stopped and doctors kept him alive on a ventilator.
10-What great news did the third nurse bring into the room?
Ayman was breathing normally again and he was going to be fine.
11-How did Ayman manage to catch the female spider?
As soon as Ayman had seen the female spider near Lamia’s head on the wall he pressed a button on the camera. The bright light blinded the spider for a second, and then he knocked the spider into the aluminum box and shut quickly.

B. Complete the sentences:
1- Ayman saw the deadly 7-legged female spider that.................
everybody was searching for.
2- Horror was on everyone’s face when……………………..
they saw the deadly female spider’s bites on Ayman’s hand.
3- The professor had given Ayman a camera to…………..
thank him for helping to find a new species of spider.
4- Ayman was on television because……………….
he had saved other people’s lives and was still alive after the bite of the deadly female spider.
5- As soon as Ayman’s breathing bad stopped, doctors…………….......
put him on a ventilator in the intensive care.

C. Quotations

1. "We can only guess how many thousands of people might have died without the intelligence and bravery of this young man."
a) Who said this to whom?
This was said by the minister to the TV reporter.
b) Ayman showed intelligence and bravery. Explain!
Ayman showed intelligence When be used his camera and the aluminum case to catch the female spider. He also showed bravery when he knocked the female spider onto the aluminum case with his hand. Ayman sacrificed his life for the lives of others.
c) Why might thousands of people have died?
Thousands of people might have died because the female spider’s bites were very, very dangerous and they had no medicine for them.

2. “So why didn’t he die? “
a) Who said this to whom?
It was said by the TV reporter to Dr Salah.
b) Why didn’t “he” die?
He didn’t die because his body produced a lot of antivenom when he was bitten the first time and when he was bitten a second time, he already had so much antivenom in his body that the bite had little effect on him
c) What was wrong with “him”?
Ayman was bitten by the female spider when he tried to save his sister Lamia.

قديم 12-06-2010, 09:09 PM
araziq araziq غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2010
المشاركات: 1
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
araziq is on a distinguished road

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