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العودة   بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية > القسم الإداري > أرشيف المنتدى

أرشيف المنتدى هنا نقل الموضوعات المكررة والروابط التى لا تعمل

أدوات الموضوع ابحث في الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 06-06-2010, 01:10 AM
hericho hericho غير متواجد حالياً
عضو ممتاز
تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2009
المشاركات: 315
معدل تقييم المستوى: 16
hericho is on a distinguished road
افتراضي الى عمالقة اللغة الأنجليزية

أرجو نمزج اجابة لهذة الأسئلة حتى يستفيد طلاب الثانوية جزاكم الله خيرا
لقد ساعدنى مدرسى المنتدى الجميل فى حل الجمل التى وقفت على ولكنى أحب ان يكون هناك نموزج اجابة حتى يستفيد باقى زملائى وشكرا لكل من يساهم فى حل أسئلتنا ( أرجو تصحيح الخطأ ) وحل الجمل التى لا اجابة لها


Unit ( 1 )
2nd Year
1- My uncle ……….. to Germany lately. ( 2001 1st )
a) is b) will be c) has been d) is being
2- You look pale. ……….. to you ? ( 2001 1st )
a) Has anything happened b) Will anything happen
c) had anything happened d) Was anything happening
3- It ……….. very cold lately, but it's just beginning to get warmer. ( 2002 A )
a) was b) has been c) is d) had been
4- Why ……….. away last week-end ? ( 2002 2nd )
a) didn't you go b) won't you go c) are you going d) haven't you gone
5- I haven't seen Mr. John ……….. . ( 2003 1st )
a) long time b) recently c) sometimes d) lately
6- He ……….. the piano since he was eight. ( 2004 1st )
a) plays b) is playing c) has played d) had played
7- We haven't seen him ……….. over a year. ( 2005 2nd )
a) since b) for c) from d) in
8- ……….. been to Aswan ? ( 2005 2nd )
a) Had you ever b) Have you ever c) Have you never d) You have never
9- A long time has passed ……….. I saw him. ( 2006 2nd )
a) as long as b) because c) since d) until
10- She has been to America. This means that she ……….. there. ( 2008 1st )
a) is still b) is no longer c) will be d) won't be
3rd Year
11- We ……….. our old friends for a year. They are too busy. ( 2004 2nd )
a) hadn't met b) didn't meet c) haven't met d) haven't been met
12- Scientists are still ……….. to find out what happens when we sleep.
( 2005 2nd )
a) try b) trying c) have been trying d) tried
13- Scientists ……….. to find more sources of renewable energy. ( 2005 1st )
a) is wanted b) am wanted c) has wanted d) want
14- It ……….. for the past three hours. ( 2006 1st )
a) has rained b) had rained c) was raining d) has been raining
15- They ……….. what to do for the holidays yet. ( 2007 2nd )
a) hadn't decided b) haven't decided c) don't decide d) won't decide

Unit 2
2nd Year
1- ……….. the man was very sick, he didn't see the doctor. ( 2001 2nd )
a) As b) So c) Unless d) Although
2- He arrived early ……….. get a good seat. ( 2002 1st )
a) in order to b) so c) because d) although
3- I'm not very good at most sports, ……….. I can swim very well. ( 2002 2nd )
a) despite b) however c) because d) whatever
4- ……….. you are an amateur, you can't take part in the Olympic Games.
( 2003 1st )
a) Unless b) Because c) So d) As
5- ………. the students are studying French, no one speaks it well. ( 2003 2nd )
a) Because b) Unless c) Although d) In spite of
6- The team played carelessly in yesterday's semi-final, ….. they lost the match.
( 2004 2nd )
a) because b) if c) so d) as
7- ……….. his disability, he reached his goal in life. ( 2006 1st )
a) Despite b) Due to c) Even if d) Even though
8- ……….. you are too young, you can't vote. ( 2007 1st )
a) So b) However c) Unless d) As
9- ……….. he was a beginner, he won the gold medal. ( 2007 2nd )
a) Because b) However c) Unless d) Even
10- I felt ill. That's ……….. I went to bed. ( 2008 1st )
a) because b) why c) consequently d) so
11- ……….. people are being educated about saving their heritage, there is no hope for the future. ( 2009 1st )
a) Unless b) Because c) In order to d) So that
3rd Year
12- The old man is not happy ……….. his big fortune. ( 2002 1st )
a) although b) but c) however d) despite
13- He went out early, ……….. he arrived late. ( 2003 1st )
a) however b) despite c) as d) but for
14- The food smelt wonderful, ……….. she didn't even try it. ( 2003 2nd )
a) despite b) however c) so d) because
15- He went to school ……….. he had a bad cold. ( 2004 1st )
a) despite b) because c) although d) unless
16- We went out ……….. the rain. ( 2004 2nd )
a) although b) in spite of c) despite the fact that d) even
17- Once Ola's children left home, she had some free time. ……….. when the grandchildren arrived, there was more work to do. ( 2005 1st )
a) However b) Although c) So d) Despite

18- ……….. I spent a lot of money, I didn't get what I wanted. ( 2005 2nd )
a) However b) Because c) Although d) So as to
19- The children couldn't play indoors anymore, …… they went to club instead. ( 2006 2nd )
a) because b) for c) so d) although
20- Hany Hussien is a new star. He has a beautiful singing voice …….. a talent for dancing and acting. ( 2006 1st )
a) as long as b) as well as c) soon d) so that
21- We had to change the plans …… problems we hadn't expected. ( 2007 1st )
a) owing to b) because c) although d) so as to
22- We enjoyed the football match ……….. the dust storm. ( 2007 2nd )
a) in spite b) in case c) despite d) because
23- ……….. the bad weather, the match was played. ( 2008 1st )
a) Although b) Despite c) However d) Because
24- I repeated the lesson ….... be sure that the students understood. ( 2008 2nd )
a) so as to b) as to c) therefore d) so that
Unit 3
2nd Year
1- When Nermeen went back to school, she found she ……….. the wrong composition, the day before. ( 2001 1st )
a) wrote b) had written c) has written d) had been written
2- She ……….. a magazine when somebody knocked at the door. ( 2001 2nd )
a) read b) reads c) was reading d) had read
3- As soon as the teacher ……….. the lesson, the students started to ask their questions. ( 2001 2nd )
a) finishes b) have finished c) had finished d) will finish
4- I said "Hello" to my uncle, but he couldn't hear me because he ……….. to the radio. ( 2002 2nd )
a) has listened b) was listening c) is listening d) would listen
5- After they ……….. the match, the players jumped with joy. ( 2004 2nd )
a) would win b) win c) winning d) had won
6- By the time I arrived at school, the bell ……….. ( 2005 2nd )
a) rang b) rings c) would ring d) had already rung
7- They couldn't go swimming because they …….. their swimsuits. ( 2007 1st )
a) forget b) have forgotten c) had forgotten d) will forget
8- Before ……….. for London, he had paid off his debts. ( 2007 1st )
a) leaving b) left c) had left d) leave
9- Hany couldn't answer the phone because ……….. a shower. ( 2007 1st )
a) had b) was having c) had d) had had
10- I ……….. a book when somebody knocked on the door. ( 2007 2nd )
a) read b) has read c) am reading d) was reading

11- By the time he reached the bus stop, the bus ……….. ( 2007 2nd )
a) leave b) leaves c) will leave d) had left
12- When he returned home, he found that his mobile phone ……… ( 2008 1st )
a) had disappeared b) has disappeared
c) has been disappeared d) had been disappeared
3rd Year
13- After he ……….. some good news, he left home. ( 2006 2nd )
a) had received b) has received c) is received d) receives
Unit 4
3rd Year
1- She ……….. to London next Spring. ( 2003 1st )
a) is traveling b) travels c) traveled d) has traveled
2- I expect he ……….. pass his exams easily. ( 2005 1st ) ( 2007 2nd )
a) would b) should c) will d) must
3- My sister ……….. at six tomorrow morning. ( 2006 2nd )
a) arrives b) arrived c) has arrived d) was arrived
Unit 5
2nd Year
1- This is ……….. child my sister helped. ( 2001 2nd )
a) an b) a c) the d) no article
2- Sterling Pound is the currency of ……….. United Kingdom. ( 2004 1st )
a) an b) a c) the d) no article
3- One system of government is ……….. democracy. ( 2007 1st )
a) an b) a c) the d) no article
4- It is said that ……….. apples are good for you. ( 2007 2nd )
a) an b) a c) the d) no article
Unit 6
2nd Year
1- I'm very clever at cooking, but my mother is ……… cook I've ever known.
( 2001 1st )
a) cleverer b) clever c) less clever d) the cleverest
2- I love all my family, but I love my father ……….. of all. ( 2001 1st )
a) more b) much c) the most d) most
3- Samy speaks French ……….. than he writes it. ( 2002 1st )
a) fewer b) worse c) fewest d) worst
4- Cars are twice as ……….. as they were a few years ago. ( 2003 2nd )
a) more expensive b) most expensive c) expensive d) less expensive

5- Perhaps I looked bad this morning, but she looked ……….. ( 2004 2nd )
a) worst b) the worst c) more badly d) badly
6- Ali is as ……….. as Samy. They are the same height. ( 2005 1st )
a) tall b) high c) heavy d) long
7- Which do you think is ……….. city in the world ? ( 2007 2nd )
a) exciting b) more exciting c) most exciting d) the most exciting
8- A woolen suit is not as ………. as the clothing climbers use today. ( 2009 1st )
a) waterproof b) more waterproof
c) less waterproof d) most waterproof
3rd Year
1- The teacher told us ……….. an interesting story. ( 2002 2nd )
a) so b) thus c) very d) such
2- Ali said that he was ……….. sorry to be late for the meeting. ( 2005 2nd )
a) easily b) awfully c) slightly d) hardly
Unit 7
2nd Year
1- Is that the woman ……….. bag was stolen ? ( 2001 1st )
a) whose b) where c) who d) which
2- President Mubarak visited China ……. he was warmly welcomed. (2002 1st )
a) where b) whose c) which d) who
3- The dog barked ……….. it saw itself in a mirror. ( 2003 1st )
a) which b) what c) who d) when
4- She couldn't understand ……….. he said. ( 2003 2nd )
a) what b) why c) who d) which
5- Egypt is the land ……….. people of different cultures can live peacefully.
( 2006 1st )
a) who b) whose c) where d) which
6- Is that the flat ……….. was advertised in the paper last week ? ( 2006 2nd )
a) where b) which c) when d) what
7- Siwa ……….. is an oasis in the Western Desert, is very beautiful. ( 2009 1st )
a) which b) where c) who d) when
3rd Year
1- Sham El-Nesiem is a day …….. marks the beginning of spring. ( 2004 1st )
a) in which b) which c) who d) whose
Unit 8
2nd Year
1- When I was young, we ……….. live in a small village. ( 2005 1st )
a) were used to b) get used to c) used to d) are used to

Unit 9
3rd Year
1- I'm a student in the third in the third secondary grade. I ……….. English for eight years. ( 2004 1st )
a) learn b) learnt c) are learning d) have been learning
2- Ali and his brother ……….. the desert land and farming it for about eight years now. ( 2006 2nd )
a) had been reclaiming b) would be reclaiming
c) are reclaiming d) have been reclaiming
3- She ……….. hard for about eight hours now. ( 2008 1st )
a) has been working b) is working c) works d) will work
Unit 10
3rd Year
1- She wouldn't mind if I didn't go, ……. ? ( 2002 1st )
a) did she b) wouldn't she c) hadn't she d) would she
2- I am really late, ……….. I ? ( 2003 1st )
a) am b) don't c) have d) aren't
3- The boy came late to class, ……….. he ? ( 2004 1st )
a) wasn't b) didn't c) isn't d) doesn't
4- They should have arrived on time, ……….. ? ( 2005 1st )
a) should they b) shouldn't they c) do they d) don't they
5- Salwa is not at school today, ……….. ? ( 2005 2nd )
a) isn't she b) is she c) does she d) doesn't she
6- She won't mind if I leave early, ……….. ? ( 2006 1st )
a) has she b) can she c) will she d) is she
7- The chocolate tasted delicious, ……….. it ? ( 2002 2nd ) ( 2006 2nd )
a) isn't b) wasn't c) doesn't d) didn't
8- She wouldn't mind if I didn't go, ……….. ? ( 2008 1st )
a) hadn't she b) would she c) wouldn't she d) did she
Unit 12
2nd Year
1- She liked the diamond ……….. , but not the setting. ( 2002 2nd )
a) herself b) ourselves c) themselves d) itself
2- Have you got Nora's phone number ? ( 2003 2nd )
- I have got Maged's, but I haven't got ………..
a) her b) hers c) its d) his
3- The dogs barked when they saw ……….. in the mirror. ( 2004 1st )
a) itself b) its c) themselves d) their

4- He told ……….. to her face that she was wrong. ( 2004 2nd )
a) her b) him c) his d) hers
5- Human beings need to protect ……….. from the bad weather. ( 2009 1st )
a) ourselves b) themselves c) yourselves d) himself
Unit 13
2nd Year
1- ……….. very happy if you achieved your goals ? ( 2001 1st )
a) You would be b) Would you have been
c) You will be d) Would you be
2- ……….. him today, she would know what happened. ( 2001 2nd )
a) If she meets b) Had she met
c) Were she to meet d) Will she meet
3- The sea will be polluted ……….. we stop dumping oil and rubbish into it.
( 2002 1st )
a) as long as b) if c) so that d) unless
4- If he had remembered to set the alarm clock, Hany ……….. woken up late.
( 2003 1st )
a) would have b) wouldn't have c) have been d) would be
5- The Red Sea resorts will be popular ……….. they remain unpolluted.
( 2003 1st )
a) if not b) provided that c) so as d) unless
6- If he hadn't bought a car, he ……….. that accident. ( 2003 2nd )
a) didn't have b) wouldn't have had c) would have d) wouldn't have
7- If he hadn't driven so fast, he ……….. that accident. ( 2004 1st )
a) wouldn't have b) wouldn't have had c) didn't have d) hadn't had
8- Would Ahmed be angry if I ……….. his bicycle without asking ? ( 2004 2nd )
a) take b) will take c) took d) had taken
9- He won't do any work ……….. you pay him first. ( 2005 2nd )
a) without b) unless c) so d) in order to
10- Pilots won't be able to fly a plane unless they ……….. ( 2006 1st )
a) will train b) had trained c) are trained d) were trained
11- You won't be able to achieve your goal …….. you work hard. ( 2006 2nd )
a) if b) as long as c) provided d) unless
12- If I hadn't bought a car, I ……….. that accident. ( 2007 1st )
a) wouldn't have b) hadn't had c) didn't have d) wouldn't have had
13- Unless he had followed my advice, he ……….. all his money. ( 2008 1st )
a) would have lost b) would have a loss c) wouldn't lose d) wouldn't have lost
3rd Year
1- I wouldn't have reached this stage unless she ……….. me. ( 2002 1st )
a) helped b) had helped c) was helping d) would help

2- What ……….. if he had left the meeting ? ( 2002 2nd )
a) will happen b) would happen c) has happened d) would have happened
3- Plants can grow without soil ……….. they get food from water. ( 2002 2nd )
a) as much as b) as far as c) as long as d) as many as
4- …….. he understand the story if he read the summary ?
( 2003 1st ) ( 2008 2nd )
a) Will b) Did c) Would d) Can
5- She couldn't have gone out during the eclipse is she ……….. superstitious.
( 2003 2nd )
a) was b) had been c) were d) is
6- I ……….. out if it is stormy. ( 2004 2nd )
a) wouldn't go b) won't go c) wouldn't have gone d) hadn't gone
7- I would put on protective glasses if I ……….. you. ( 2005 1st )
a) were b) will be c) has been d) am
8- If she hadn't learned how to type, she ……….. so many books. ( 2005 2nd )
a) would have written b) will write
c) wouldn't have written d) would write
9- If he had studied well, he ……….. the best mark. ( 2006 1st )
a) would get b) will get c) would be got d) would have got
10- If Wael lost his job, he ……….. look for work in the city. ( 2006 2nd )
a) will b) would c) will not d) would not
11- Unless I'd had protective glasses, I ……….. the eclipse. ( 2007 1st )
a) could not watch b) would not watch
c) would have been watched d) wouldn't have watched
12- I wouldn't have reached this stage unless she ……….. me. ( 2008 1st )
a) was helping b) helped c) would help d) had helped
Unit 14
2nd Year
1- Although the risk is quite small, many people are afraid ………. surgery.
( 2001 2nd )
a) to b) with c) of d) through
2- The man was taken to court and charged ………. breaking his neighbour's window. ( 2002 2nd )
a) about b) of c) with d) at
3- Maher is interested ………. English. ( 2002 2nd )
a) at b) of c) in d) for
4- What was the reason ………. his absence ? ( 2003 1st )
a) with b) of c) for d) to
5- I'm bored ………. this book. I think I'll read another one. ( 2003 2nd )
a) with b) to c) from d) at

6- Monuments should be protected ………. pollution because it eats away the outer stonework. ( 2004 1st )
a) against b) by c) from d) to
7- The king asked the wise chief ………. advice. ( 2004 2nd )
a) to b) for c) with d) at
8- I was delighted ………. that good news. ( 2005 1st )
a) by b) from c) of d) with
9- What would discourage tourists ………. coming to Safaga ? ( 2005 2nd )
a) to b) from c) of d) on
10- I'm working ………. a science project. ( 2006 1st )
a) in b) at c) for d) on
11- The reason ………. his failure in the exam was that he didn't study well.
( 2007 1st )
a) on b) of c) for d) from
12- The function of the heart is to pump blood ………. the body. ( 2007 2nd )
a) out b) on c) round d) at
13- Please, could you exchange these dollars ………. Egyptian Pounds ?
( 2008 1st )
a) for b) with c) by d) to
3rd Year
1- The man they arrested last night has been charged ………. murder.
( 2003 2nd )
a) on b) with c) for d) about
2- The surgeon operated ………. the ill man. ( 2003 2nd )
a) at b) into c) over d) on
3- We congratulated her ………. her success. ( 2004 1st )
a) by b) on c) at d) for
4- Safiya Zaghlol held a protest march ………. the British authorities.
( 2005 1st ) ( 2006 1st )
a) for b) against c) on d) with
5- She is very keen ………. swimming. ( 2005 2nd )
a) in b) on c) of d) about
6- Graduates who apply ………. this job must be fluent in English. ( 2007 2nd )
a) on b) about c) for d) with

Unit 15 & 17
2nd Year
1- Toshka project ……….. out to achieve progress. ( 2001 1st )
a) is carrying b) is being carried c) will carry d) would carry
2- The wheel ……….. by the people of Sumeria. ( 2001 1st )
a) was being invented b) was invented c) invented d) will invent
3- My car is not working well, it needs ……….. to the mechanic. ( 2002 1st )
a) to be taken b) take c) be taken d) taken
4- Last week, it ……….. that the exam will be postponed until next month.
( 2002 1st )
a) was agreed b) agreed c) had agreed d) agreeing
5- These old houses need ……….. first. ( 2003 1st )
a) demolish b) to demolish c) have demolished d) to be demolished
6- Bicycles ……….. by the Germans. ( 2004 1st )
a) was invented b) were invented c) were discovered d) invent
7- Yesterday, a sports festival ……….. ( 2004 2nd )
a) held b) were held c) was held d) is being held
8- The Siwa Oasis ……….. in the Western Desert. ( 2005 1st )
a) situates b) situated c) are situated d) is situated
9- Since the computer was used in schools, remarkable progress in education …
( 2005 1st )
a) has made b) has been made c) had made d) had been made
10- ……….. to be successful in her work. ( 2006 1st )
a) It is said b) It says c) She says d) She is said
11- Tourists are ……….. to Hurghada because of its beautiful coral reefs.
( 2006 2nd )
a) attractive b) attracted c) attracting d) attraction
12- Look! The trees in the garden ……….. ( 2008 1st )
a) is watered b) is being watered c) has been watered d) are being watered
13- I feel hot because I ……….. for an hour. ( 2008 1st )
a) am running b) have been running c) had run d) was running
14- Um Kalthoum is still ……….. all around the world. ( 2009 1st )
a) know b) knows c) knew d) known
3rd Year
1- Your sister is ……….. do her work now. ( 2002 2nd )
a) should b) has to c) supposed to d) ought to
2- Most of our shopping ……….. done on the internet in the coming few years.
( 2003 2nd )
a) will b) will have c) shouldn't be d) will be

3- The Mask of Gold was written …… A.Mclean and D.Tunnadiffe. ( 2004 1st )
a) for b) of c) by d) from
4- In the future, shopping ……….. on the internet. ( 2004 2nd )
a) will be done b) will do c) have been done d) were done
5- In the future solar heating ……….. in homes and industry. ( 2005 1st )
a) is used b) will be used c) are used d) would be used
6- In the future, most of our work ……….. by machines. ( 2005 2nd )
a) will be doing b) has been done c) will be d) will be done
7- The glass window……….. when the boy hit it with the ball. ( 2006 1st )
a) is breaking b) was breaking c) was broken d) had broken
8- The ancient sky map ……….. some time ago. ( 2007 2nd )
a) discovered b) was discovered
c) have been discovered d) could be discovered
9- All the efforts ……….. to increase our products. ( 2008 1st )
a) would be making b) will have made c) will make d) will be made
10- A basket of apples and oranges ……….. sent to me last week. ( 2009 1st )
a) is b) are c) was d) were
Unit 18
2nd Year
1- Stop! You'll be punished! You ……….. have parked here. ( 2001 1st )
a) shouldn't b) didn't c) can't d) wouldn't

قديم 06-06-2010, 01:21 AM
hericho hericho غير متواجد حالياً
عضو ممتاز
تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2009
المشاركات: 315
معدل تقييم المستوى: 16
hericho is on a distinguished road

ياريت وضعها فى ملف حتى يستفيد الجميع
أنا أسف أحسن أنا مبعرفش أزاى اعمل ملف
قديم 06-06-2010, 01:28 AM
مستر خالد غباشى مستر خالد غباشى غير متواجد حالياً
مشرف عام لأقسام الأزهر الشريف
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2008
المشاركات: 6,467
معدل تقييم المستوى: 23
مستر خالد غباشى is a jewel in the rough

الملف وورد
قديم 06-06-2010, 01:40 AM
hericho hericho غير متواجد حالياً
عضو ممتاز
تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2009
المشاركات: 315
معدل تقييم المستوى: 16
hericho is on a distinguished road

شكرا جزيلا أستاذى الفاضل ( مستر خالد )
ولكن هل تساعدنى وتراجع الأجابات وتكمل الباقى
قديم 06-06-2010, 01:48 AM
الصورة الرمزية Mr Hamada Hashish
Mr Hamada Hashish Mr Hamada Hashish غير متواجد حالياً
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2008
المشاركات: 2,359
معدل تقييم المستوى: 19
Mr Hamada Hashish will become famous soon enough

[quote=hericho;2233769]شكرا جزيلا أستاذى الفاضل ( مستر خالد )
ولكن هل تساعدنى وتراجع الأجابات وتكمل الباقى[/q

دايما رائع وسباق استاذي الكريم

قديم 06-06-2010, 08:04 AM
ASHASH666 ASHASH666 غير متواجد حالياً
عضو نشيط
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2009
المشاركات: 249
معدل تقييم المستوى: 16
ASHASH666 is on a distinguished road

الله أكبر
كل دى أسئله
ربنا يوفقك
قديم 06-06-2010, 06:40 PM
مستر هاني فاضل عبد الغني مستر هاني فاضل عبد الغني غير متواجد حالياً
مدرس اللغة الانجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2009
المشاركات: 253
معدل تقييم المستوى: 16
مستر هاني فاضل عبد الغني is on a distinguished road

جزاك الله خيرا
قديم 06-06-2010, 09:11 PM
mr_moh55555 mr_moh55555 غير متواجد حالياً
تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2009
المشاركات: 1,444
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
mr_moh55555 is on a distinguished road

1- The man they arrested last night has been charged ………. murder.
( 2003 2nd )
a) on b) with c) for d) about
2- The surgeon operated ………. the ill man. ( 2003 2nd )
a) at b) into c) over d) on
3- We congratulated her ………. her success. ( 2004 1st )
a) by b) on c) at d) for
4- Safiya Zaghlol held a protest march ………. the British authorities.
( 2005 1st ) ( 2006 1st )
a) for b) against c) on d) with
5- She is very keen ………. swimming. ( 2005 2nd )
a) in b) on c) of d) about
6- Graduates who apply ………. this job must be fluent in English. ( 2007 2nd )
a) on b) about c) for d) with

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