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أرشيف المنتدى هنا نقل الموضوعات المكررة والروابط التى لا تعمل

أدوات الموضوع ابحث في الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 01-11-2006, 10:58 PM
shady10 shady10 غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2006
المشاركات: 3
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
shady10 is an unknown quantity at this point

ياجماعة عايز ملخص للقصة الانجليزى واكون مشكورا لو حد اهتم
قديم 02-11-2006, 12:26 AM
mr ahmed2006 mr ahmed2006 غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2006
المشاركات: 6
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
mr ahmed2006 is an unknown quantity at this point

سنة كام / تلخيص بالعربى ولا بالانجليزى ؟
قديم 02-11-2006, 02:34 PM
shady10 shady10 غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2006
المشاركات: 3
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
shady10 is an unknown quantity at this point

1 ثانوى سوال با جابة
قديم 20-05-2007, 02:08 PM
samysars samysars غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2007
المشاركات: 1
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
samysars is an unknown quantity at this point

thanksfor your efoort and we hop eto find the best of hte sdthialjsdkljer
قديم 02-09-2007, 05:54 PM
adham_592005 adham_592005 غير متواجد حالياً
تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2007
العمر: 49
المشاركات: 179
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
adham_592005 is an unknown quantity at this point

القصة الاولى An Artist's Story

1-What was Augusts? He was an artist who was unable to sell any of his paintings?

2-What did Augustus think his visitor was? He thought his visitor was a doctor.

3-Why did Augustus think the stranger came? He thought the stranger came to save him from suffering.

4-why did the stranger want to interrupt Augusts? He wanted to interrupt Augustus to tell him that he was not a doctor.

5-How did Augustus describe his friends? He described them as interfering and so-called.

6-How was Augustus brought up? He was brought up delicately.

7-When did Augustus get a prize for a drawing? He got a prize at the age of seven.

8-What did Augustus get a prize for? He got a prize for a drawing of an animal.

9-What did he intend his drawing to represent? He intended his drawing to represent sunset over London.

10- How did his parents encourage him? They provided him with pencils and paper and gave him the opportunity of studying under great painters.

11-What kind of painting did Augustus start at the age of twenty-one? He painted pictures of his face (pictures of people).

12-When did he start his business as a painter of people? He started his business as a painter of people at the age of twenty-one.

13-Why didn't Augustus's business as a painter of people do well? Nobody wanted the pictures of his face and nobody came to have their pictures painted.

14-Where were the pictures kept? They were kept in the sitting room.

15-What did Augustus do when he stopped painting people? He began to paint the country.

16-To what extent did he succeed in painting the country? He didn’t sell any of his painting.

17- After turning to paint the country why didn't Augustus sell any of paintings? Because he only painted the view from his back and front window. Nobody came to buy them.

18-What did he decide to do when he couldn't sell any of his paintings of the country? He decided to paint funny pictures for the newspapers.

19-What made Augustus decide to forget his soul? Because he had no money left. He needed money.

20-Why did he describe drawing for the newspapers as "selling his soul"? Because he thought it was against his principles .He considered himself a true artist.

21-How did Augustus test his drawings? He tested them on the cat. He put them in a line and carried the cat in front of them.

22-What did he decide to do after failing to paint for the newspapers? What was his last attempt to get money? He decided to paint for the advertisements.

23-What was the result of drawing for the advertisements? He only received sample bottles. He got no money.

24- What did Augustus decide to do after being unable to sell any of his work? He decided to take to his bed and never to rise again.

25-Why did Augustus decide to take to his bed? He was more disheartened.

26-Why did the man visit Augustus? The man visited him to take the bed away.

27-Why did the man come to take the bed? The man came to take the bed as it wasn't paid for.

28-Why was the stranger sure that Augustus would rise from his bed? Because he came to take the bed as it was not paid for.

29-By whom was Augustus taken from his bed? By the man from the furniture shop.

30-Why did the stranger place Augustus on the carpet? He placed him on the carpet to take the bed back to the furniture shop.

31-How did the stranger surprise Augustus at the end? He told him he was not a doctor and he came to take the bed.

آخر تعديل بواسطة adham_592005 ، 02-09-2007 الساعة 10:01 PM
قديم 02-09-2007, 05:55 PM
adham_592005 adham_592005 غير متواجد حالياً
تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2007
العمر: 49
المشاركات: 179
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
adham_592005 is an unknown quantity at this point

Called to the Rescue /القصة الثالثة

1-What was M r D-? He was a young man studying at Cambridge University in summer.

2-What was the ferry used for in Exmouth? It was used for crossing the river to go to the railway station.

3- What was Mr D- doing at Exmouth? He was studying there.

4- What did Mr D- hear during his sleep? He heard a strange voice ordering him to go down to the ferry.

5-What did the voice order Mr D- to do? The voice ordered him to go down to the ferry.

6-Why couldn't Mr D- ignore the second voice? Because it was commanding.

7-Why did Mr D- decide to go to the ferry? Because sleep was impossible and it was a short walk to the ferry and back?

8- Why was Mr D- astonished when he reached the ferry? Because he heard the boatman's voice calling to him.

9-Why did Mr D- go to Exeter? Because the word Exeter sounded in his head. He thought that the purpose of his journey would be completed there.

ً10-What were Mr D-'s thoughts and feelings when he arrived in Exeter? He felt that his ideas and feelings had gone.

11-What did Mr D- do when he arrived in Exeter? He wandered aimlessly and blamed himself for coming to the place and felt that his ideas and feelings had gone.

12-Why did Mr D- go to the hotel? He went to the hotel to have breakfast.

13-What made the waiter apologize to Mr D-? He apologized for the delay because the hotel was full.

14-Why was the hotel at Exeter full of people? Because a lot of people were going to the court concerning the cases.

15-How did Mr D- know about the cases in the court? The waiter told him about them.

16-What did the waiter tell Mr D-about the cases? He told him about the history of the cases tried and his ideas about the cases that remained.

17-When did Mr D- decide to go to the courthouse? After he became interested in the cases.

18-Why did the case Mr D- attended cause unusual excitement? Because the prisoner was accused of murder. No one had seen him committing the act murder.

19-What was the prisoner accused of? He was accused of murder.

20-What was the case (Mr D- attended) about? It was about a prisoner accused of a murder he didn't commit.

21-What was the only hope of the prisoner? To prove that he hadn't been there at the time of the crime.

22-What did the prisoner say to defend himself? At the time of the murder he was mending a window at Mr G's house at M.

23-Why couldn't the prisoner prove his innocence? He couldn't because he didn't know the name or the address of the man who was with him at the time of the crime.

24-How were the accused man's feelings? He was hopeless and sad.

25-Why was the prisoner hopeless? Because he couldn't prove his innocence and he didn't know where the man was.

26-Why was the prisoner hopeless? Because he couldn't prove his innocence and he didn't know where the man was.

27-What happened when the prisoner ended his sad and hopeless speech? Mr D looked at him and remembered that he had seen him before.

28-Where did Mr D- meet the prisoner in the court? He met him at Mr G's house at M.

29-What did Mr D- do when didn't find his friend there? He waited in the library.

30-What did Mr D- do to pass the time while he was waiting for his friend? He passed the time watching the man mending the window and talking to him.

31-Who did Mr D- find in his friend's library? What was he doing there? Mr D- found the prisoner mending the window.

32-How could Mr D-prove that the prisoner was innocent? He told the judge that he saw the prisoner mending a window for Mr G- at the time of the murder when he went to visit Mr. G-.

33- At what point did Mr D- realize that he could prove the prisoner's innocence? After the prisoner had ended his speech protesting his innocence.

34-What was the result of Mr. D-'s evidence? The prisoner was found not guilty and set free.

35-How was the prisoner set free? Mr D- proved that the man was mending the window at the time of murder.

36-How did God's will save the accused man? (OR)Show that Mr D – was led to the court by an act of fate. He was called to go to the ferry and to go to Exeter. He went to the court though he wasn't interested in the cases. He witnessed for the sake of the innocent man.

آخر تعديل بواسطة adham_592005 ، 02-09-2007 الساعة 09:59 PM
قديم 02-09-2007, 09:36 PM
adham_592005 adham_592005 غير متواجد حالياً
تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2007
العمر: 49
المشاركات: 179
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
adham_592005 is an unknown quantity at this point

القصة الثانيةI never forget a face

1-What was strange about the writer's memory? He never forgot faces but he forgot names.

2-Why did the writer's wife think he ought to be a reporter? He could look for the faces of famous people who went to see films at first nights at cinema.

3-Why did the writer think that he couldn't do well as a reporter? He would remember famous people's faces but he wouldn't remember their names.

4-How did the writer's trouble with names put him in difficulties from time to time? He forgot people's names annoyed them and lost good business more than once.

5-How did the writer overcome his weak memory for names? With a little skill and he connected a face with a place.

6-What were the two social activities did the writer mention that he could connect people's faces with? A big dinner and a football match.

7-How did the writer use his memory for faces to help him in his business? He approached people he had seen before and reminded them of the place where they met. Within five minutes, they were talking about business.

8-Why did the writer like Bardfield? He lived there for a long time and there is a lot of country there. It was only forty miles form London.

9-Why did writer's wife complain? She complained that he forgot the names of his neighbours.

10-How did the writer start the conversation with the stranger? As if they were old friends. He asked him if he traveled down on that train.

11-How did some of the villagers feel towards the newcomers? They were unfriendly towards them.

12-What did the writer say about the people of Bardfield? He said they are unfriendly towards newcomers.

13-How long did it take to reach Bardfield from Ellingham? It took ten minutes and a half to travel by train between Bardfield and Ellingham.

14-How did the writer treat the newcomers? Why? He was friendly with them because business might come from one of them.

15- How did the writer account for his lack of success in getting the stranger to talk? He thought the stranger had been working too hard, and was tired.

16-What did the writer mean when he said "It's only human nature"? He meant that it is human nature for people to talk about themselves given the opportunity.

17-Why did the writer boast about a business he had done? He boasted about a business He had done to start the stranger talking.

18-Why did the writer suspect that the stranger did not own a car? Because he thought he lived in one of the small houses by the bus stop.

19-What was the weather like when the writer left the station? It was raining heavily, the wind was strong and it was bitterly cold.

20-How did the writer prove to be kind? He awakened the stranger and offered him a lift.

21-Why did the writer offer to give the stranger a lift? He offered the stranger a lift as the weather was so bad.

22-Why was the writer surprised when the stranger asked him to get him out of the car? Because there wasn't a house within five hundred yards, and it was raining and blowing like the end of the world

23-What happened when the writer slowed down? The stranger hit hard on the back of his head.

24-How was the stranger ungrateful? He hit the writer , threw him in a ditch and stole his car and money although the writer offered to give him a lift

25-Where was the writer when he came to himself? He was lying in a ditch.

26-What did the robber steal from the writer? He stole his car, his umbrella, his gold watch and his money.

27-Why did the writer go to the police station? To report the crime.

28-Where did the writer see the stranger's picture? He saw it on the wall of the police station.

29-Why was the writer surprised when he reached the police station? He remembered that had seen the picture of the man for a week.

30-What surprise did the writer find out when he went to the police station? He found the stranger's picture on the wall of the police station
by :Mohamed Abdallah
الصفا تمى الامديد دقهلية.

آخر تعديل بواسطة adham_592005 ، 02-09-2007 الساعة 10:04 PM
قديم 02-09-2007, 09:39 PM
adham_592005 adham_592005 غير متواجد حالياً
تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2007
العمر: 49
المشاركات: 179
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
adham_592005 is an unknown quantity at this point

The face on the wall

1-What were the speakers talking about? They were talking about unusual events that seemed to have no natural explanation.

2-Who encouraged the storyteller to tell the story? Dabney.

3-How did Dabney encourage the storyteller to talk? He asked him if he had no experience to describe.

4-What did the storyteller say about truth? He said that truth is not only much stranger than stories but also much more interesting.

5-What did the storyteller say about his story? He said that the story happened to him personally and completed itself that afternoon.

6-Why were there *****es on the wall of the house? Because the house was old and the place was damp.

7-What was strange about one of the *****es on the wall? It was exactly like a human face. It never changed its shape.

8-How did the face on the wall control the storyteller? He used to watch it when he fell ill. It became the chief thing of his thoughts .He began to think of it as his fellow-lodger.

9-Describe the face. The nose had a curious turn and the shape of the head was very unusual.

10-What did the storyteller mean by" a man in a thousand"? He meant that he could easily recognize him and the shape of the head was very unusual.

11-What did the storyteller do after he had become well? He searched the streets for a man with a face on the wall.

12-Why does the storyteller feel sure that the face on his wall was the face of a real person? It controlled him that he began to think of it as his fellow lodger .The face didn't change on the wall.

13-Why did he search for that face? It controlled him .He was sure that the real man must exist. He thought they were connected by fate.

14-Where did the storyteller search for the man? He went to places where men collected together in large number such as political meetings, football matches and railway stations.

15-Why did the search become like madness to him? He neglected everything else.

16-Why did the police begin to suspect the storyteller? He used to watch people at busy corners. He looked at only men.

17-Where did the storyteller see the man? He saw him in a taxi.

18-What did the storyteller do to catch the man? He took another taxi to follow the taxi.

19-Who accompanied the rich man? Two ladies and a little girl.

20-Why did the man go to the railway station? He was going to take the train to Folkstone to take a boat to France.

21-What did the storyteller do to follow the man to France? He took the same train and the same boat.

22-Where did the man and his group disappear? They disappeared in a private room

23-What did the storyteller do to be able to talk with the man ? He waited in front of the room for half an hour.

24-What did the storyteller ask the man for? He asked him for his card.

25-Why did the storyteller ask the man for his card? He wanted to identify him.

26-Why did Mr. Wall give his card to the stranger? He thought the stranger was a madman and considered it best to do what he wanted.

27-What happened to the storyteller after reading the card? He fainted.

28-Why did the storyteller faint? Because he found the man's name "Mr. Ormond Wall" It was the same name of his street.

29-How did the storyteller get information about the man? He wrote to Pittsburg and to newspapermen .He met Americans in London.

30-What information did he get about Mr. Wall? He was an American millionaire with English parents who lived in London.

31-When did the face on the wall grow faint? When Mr. Ormond Wall had an accident.

32-When did the face on the wall disappear ? When Mr. Ormond Wall died.

33-What bad news did the storyteller read in the newspaper? He read that Mr. Wall had an accident when his car overturned.

34-Why did the storyteller describe going to his room as if he was in a dream? He couldn't believe that the face grew faint at the time of Mr. Wall had an accident.

35-What were the three extra ordinary things about the story?-The face on a wall in a house in London was like the face of a man in America .It disappeared with his death.

-The man's name had a relation to the place where the face appeared.

-The storyteller made the story up half an hour before telling it.

36-How did the storyteller surprise us at the end of the story? He made the story up half an hour before telling it.

By Mr: Mohamed Abdullah
الصفا /تمى الامديد /دقهلية

آخر تعديل بواسطة adham_592005 ، 02-09-2007 الساعة 10:08 PM
قديم 02-09-2007, 09:41 PM
adham_592005 adham_592005 غير متواجد حالياً
تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2007
العمر: 49
المشاركات: 179
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
adham_592005 is an unknown quantity at this point

Quick Thinking

1-What was Jack Benting? Jack Benting was a policeman. He graduated in the police college in England. He joined the Indian police.
2-According to Mr Benting, what is the most important of a policeman's qualities? The ability to decide and to act quickly is the most important of the policeman's qualities.
3-Why did Mckeown rarely have to make any sudden decisions? Because his work had been done by meeting people talking to them and listening to what they said.
4-What was the two other men's opinion about quick thinking? Woodword didn't agree. Mckeown said Benting might be right but he seldom made quick decisions.
5-What had Mr Benting just completed when he was attracted to the advertisement in the Times? Mr Benting had just completed the PoliceCollege in England.
6-What did the advertisement which attracted Benting's attention say? It said something about "a young man wanted for unusual work. Must have a cool head".
7-What was Mr Benting employed to do? Mr. Benting was employed to look after the Rozelles diamonds.
8-Why did Van Lutjens want a man with a cool head to watch over his diamonds? Because he was restless concerning the two diamonds and wanted someone to watch over him. (So that he couldn't get angry quickly.)
9-How did Mr. Benting get his job with Van Lutjens? He got it through an advertisement in "The Times"
10-What was Van Lutjens? He was a leading diamond merchant.
11-Show that Van Lutjens admired his two diamonds. He spent hours looking at them. They never left him. He considered them his children.
12-Why did Mr Benting accept the job although it seemed dull? Because the money Lutjens offered was generous.
13-Why was Van Lutjens going to New York? He was going to New York to show his precious diamonds to an American group of diamond buyers.
14-Why did an American group of diamond buyers ask Van Lutjens to take the Rozelles diamonds to New York? Because Van Lutjens was one of Amsterdam's leading diamond merchants.
15-How did Lutjens obtain the two diamond earrings? He obtained them from a member of one the Central Europe's royal family in Paris.
16-Where did Van keep the leather case on board the ship? He kept it in the ship's safe.
17-What made Benting tell his friends his story with Van Lutjens? Benting wanted to prove that the ability to decide and to act quickly is the most important of the policeman's qualities.
18-How long had Van Lutjens handle diamonds? He had handled diamonds for forty-three years.
19-What did Lutjens do on the third day? He brought the leather case to see the earrings.
20-What did Van Lutjens say about the stones that had been cut by Van Meulen? Van Lutjens said that there were not many of his stones left that day but some were part of the British Crown Jewels. No one knew what had happened to some of the others.
21-What was Benting doing while Van Lutjens was looking with joy at his diamonds? While Van Lutjens was looking at the two diamonds, Benting was watching people walking or standing near them.
22-Why was Mr Benting worried when Van Lutjens took the diamond out of the safe? Because at that moment there was a crowd of people near them. He thought that they might be stolen.
23-What happened to Van Lutjens when the ship gave a sudden and violent roll? When the ship gave a sudden and violent roll, Van Lutjens was nearly thrown out of the chair and managed to seize the top of the iron railing, but dropped the black box which fell into the sea.
24- What did Benting conclude on the fourth day? He concluded that his real job was to watch over the owner of the diamonds and not any possible thief.
24-What did van do on the fourth day? He brought the case to watch the diamonds.
25-How did Lutjens show his foolishness? He brought the leather case to watch the diamonds on board the ship although there were a lot of people.
26- How did the little box fall into the sea? The ship gave a sudden and violent roll van was through out of his chair .He seized the iron railing but dropped the box .It fell into the sea.
26-What did Woodward suggest to get the box? He suggested telling the captain to stop the ship and send about.
27-Why was Woodward's suggestion not good? Because the ship was travelling quickly .It would have been two miles away .The captain would not agree to stop the ship in this rough sea.
28-Why did Mckeown ask Benting how much he was being paid? To tell him to swim into the sea to get the little box if the money was enough.
29-Why was Mckeown's suggestion not good? Because bunting would not find the box in that rough sea and the ship was moving fast.
30- What quick decision did Benting make? He threw a table and two chairs into the sea after the box. He went to the captain to ask him to stop the ship.
31-Why did beating throw a table and two chairs into the sea? To mark the place of the box. They would float together with the box.( To persuade the captain to stop the ship.)
32-What happened to Lutjens when the box fell into the sea? He had a heart failure and died.
33-Why didn't Lutjens pay Benting extra money for getting the box? He had no chance to know that the diamonds were back. He died of heart failure.

By Mr. Mohamed Abdullah

الصفا /تمى الامديد/ دقهلية

آخر تعديل بواسطة adham_592005 ، 02-09-2007 الساعة 10:10 PM
قديم 02-09-2007, 10:13 PM
adham_592005 adham_592005 غير متواجد حالياً
تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2007
العمر: 49
المشاركات: 179
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
adham_592005 is an unknown quantity at this point

One of The Hot Spots
1-What is well-known about Semarang? Semarang is the hottest place in the whole of the islands.
2- How long did the writer stay in front of Semarang? He stayed for ten hours on two separate days.
3-Why did the ship have to stand half a mile from the shore? Because the harbour was too shallow.
4-How did the writer describe Semarang? He said "Semarang lacks colour and gaiety."
5-Why wasn't the writer attracted to Semarang? The appearance of Semarang didn't attract him because it lacked colour and gaiety.
6-Why was Semarang very hot? The mountain behind it kept the wind off.
7-Who was standing beside the writer? A young officer.
8-Why did the officer speak in English? Because he had lived most of his live in London.
9-Why did the officer want to speak with the writer in English? He liked to speak English and he didn't get many opportunities of doing so.
10-How was the water of the sea near Semarang? It was smooth, solid and glassy because there was no wind.
11-What made the writer decide to talk to the officer? Because the officer didn't move, the writer thought he ought to talk to him.
12-What question did the writer ask the officer? He asked him if he had ever been on a ship when someone jumped into the sea.
13-Why was the officer surprised when he heard the writer's question? Because it actually happened at that place.
14-What did the passenger do early in the morning? He jumped into the sea.
15-What was the officer doing when the passenger jumped into water? He was standing near one of the life boats to smoke a cigarette.
16-How did the passenger jump into the water? He jumped into the water with his feet first .
17-Why didn't the passenger notice the officer when he jumped into the water? He didn't notice things usually ,or he was thinking to much just then.
18-How did the officer know the man's shoes were made of leather? Because the shoes weren't white. They were black or brown.
19-What did the officer do when the passenger jumped into the sea why? He did nothing. There wasn't time for him to do any thing. The man climbed straight out again.
20-What did the man do after he had jumped into water? The man climbed straight out again. (He climbed up the ladder.)
21-What did the passenger do when he climbed up the ship? He looked at his watch and at the officer He looked at his watch again then he went to his room .
22-Why didn't the officer ask the passenger why he had jumped into the sea? Because he was surprised and he didn't know what to say .
23-When did the officer see the passenger after going back to his room? He saw him at breakfast . He sat next to him as usual .
24-Why did the officer not report the incident to the ship's captain? Because he was astonished. It was such a strange business.
25-Why was it wrong for the officer not to report the incident? He would have got into trouble if the captain had learned that he failed to report the incident.
26-What did the officer know about the passenger? He knew that he was coming back to his work in Semarang.
27-Why wasn't the writer surprised that the man jumped into the sea? What did he find more surprising? The writer wasn't surprised because the passenger was coming back to work in that great heat. He found that not all the people jumped into the sea was more surprising.
28-How did he feel towards the people in Semarang? He felt sorry for them.
29-What happened when the ship moved? The writer felt some air.
30-How did the writer feel when the ship began to move? He felt as if he was getting out of prison.
31-What was the writer's feeling about Semarang? He hated it and he didn't want to go there again.
By Mr. Mohamed Abdullah
الصفا /تمى الامديد /دقهلية

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