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العودة   بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية > المنتدى التخصصي للمعلمين > المنتدى الأكاديمي للمعلمين

المنتدى الأكاديمي للمعلمين ملتقى مهني أكاديمي متخصص للأساتذة الأفاضل في جميع المواد التعليمية (تربية وتعليم & أزهر)

أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 18-06-2016, 01:21 AM
ابو بيشو ابو بيشو غير متواجد حالياً
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2009
العمر: 51
المشاركات: 6,122
معدل تقييم المستوى: 22
ابو بيشو is on a distinguished road
Icon114 تصحيح

يلا نصحح
1-I promise I pay you tomorrow.
2-This is the first time I'm here.
3-I've been here since three days.
4-If I'll have time, I'll go home.
5-If I knew the price, I will tell you.
6-He said me that he was Chinese.
7-She told me she has a headache.
8-There's the man that I work for
9-I've told you all what I know.
10-Although it was late, but she
went out.
11-You have better to see the doctor.
12-I use to play tennis at weekends.
13-It can rain this evening.
14-My parents wanted that I study.
15-You must stop to smoke.
16-I look forward to see you.
17-I'm boring in the lessons.
18-He has much money.
19-Most of people agree with me.
20-I looked at me in the mirror.
21-We waited during six hours.
22-I like eating chocolate milk.
23-Come here and look at that paper.
24-We go there every Saturdays.
25-Which is the biggest city of
the world?
26-I'm thinking to change my job.
27-Can you give me an information?
28-He's married with a doctor.
29-Can you mend this until Tuesday?
30-There's a hotel in front of
our house.
31-I like warm countries, as Spain.
32-Please explain me what you want.
33-When you come, take your bike.
34-My brother has got a new worle.
35-He's Dutch, or better Belgian.

العلامات المرجعية

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