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حي على الفلاح موضوعات وحوارات ومقالات إسلامية

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قديم 11-05-2016, 11:18 AM
الصورة الرمزية aymaan noor
aymaan noor aymaan noor غير متواجد حالياً
المدير التنفيذي
تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2008
المشاركات: 26,982
معدل تقييم المستوى: 10
aymaan noor has a reputation beyond reputeaymaan noor has a reputation beyond reputeaymaan noor has a reputation beyond reputeaymaan noor has a reputation beyond reputeaymaan noor has a reputation beyond reputeaymaan noor has a reputation beyond reputeaymaan noor has a reputation beyond reputeaymaan noor has a reputation beyond repute

رائع جدا أستاذنا الفاضل أبو مختار

جزاك الله خيرا و بارك الله فيك

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قديم 11-05-2016, 06:58 PM
abomokhtar abomokhtar غير متواجد حالياً
عضو لامع
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2008
المشاركات: 11,687
معدل تقييم المستوى: 28
abomokhtar is just really nice

Is it permissible to congratulate the parents of a child who was born out of wedlock?
Congratulating the parents for having a child is permissible in all cases as a sign of kindness and gentleness for the joy they feel with the advent of their baby.
It is rather a popular phenomenon in the West for the woman to have a child out of wedlock and the father of the child might marry her after a while or she might remain a single mother. This issue is known in the Islamic jurisprudence as taking the child that was born out of adultery as the legal child of the adulterer. This issue has two forms, the first form has to do with the woman if she was married and the second form has to do with the case if she wasn’t married.
The majority of scholars deemed it impermissible for the adulterer man to have legal parenthood of the child that was born out of adultery. A handful of scholars on the contrary allowed the legal parenthood of the adulterer man to the child only in the case if the woman was not married.
The major proof on which the scholarly opinion on this issue is based is the prophetic tradition in which the Prophet said “the child to bed and the adulterer to the stone”. The phrase of the child to bed means that if the woman is married and got pregnant, then her born child belongs to her husband and the child enjoys all legal rights such as inheritance as long as at least six months have passed since their last intercourse. As for the phrase “and the adulterer to the stone”, the Arabs used to refer to disappointment and deprivation with dust or stone. So in other words the adulterer has no legal right in this child.
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قديم 11-05-2016, 06:59 PM
abomokhtar abomokhtar غير متواجد حالياً
عضو لامع
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2008
المشاركات: 11,687
معدل تقييم المستوى: 28
abomokhtar is just really nice

What are the mutual responsibilities of both the wife and the husband in Islam?
The family is a single joint entity hence both spouses share the responsibility of caring for it. Among these are:
Cooperative parenting
It is not an easy task to parent and educate children to prepare them for their future responsibilities. This calls for the joint efforts of both parents who must teach their children to depend on themselves and use their competencies and abilities to the best of their ability. Children are the fruit of marriage and the ornament of this life. God the Almighty says: “Wealth and children are an ornament of the life of this world…” [18: 46].
Consequently, parents have duties toward their children, most important of which are:
• Parents are required to give an honorable and dignified life to their children starting from pregnancy until adulthood. Abortion is prohibited after ensoulment except in the existence of an overwhelming necessity such as to save the mother’s life, if the fetus is dead or cannot live after birth (if this is established by a trustworthy Muslim doctor). A mother cannot be coerced to terminate a pregnancy.
• A father must choose a wife with desirable characteristics. She must be religious, of good character and come from a good family.
• A couple must seek refuge in God the Almighty from the cursed Satan before engaging in intercourse. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “If any of you wants to have intercourse with his wife, he should first say, ‘In the name of God, O Allah! Protect us from Satan and protect what you bestow on us [children] from him.’ If the couple is destined to have a child, Satan will never be able to harm him or her” [recorded by Al-Bukhari].
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11-05-2016, 07:00 PM
abomokhtar abomokhtar غير متواجد حالياً
عضو لامع
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2008
المشاركات: 11,687
معدل تقييم المستوى: 28
abomokhtar is just really nice

How would Muslims in Ramadan fast more than 18 hours a day?
Muslims in countries where the fasting hours are 18 hours or more are to estimate the time for starting and breaking their fast. The principle of estimating fasting hours that extend beyond the normal hours is derived from actual circumstances. It is difficult for a person to fast continuously for 18 hours or more and experts have determined the inability of the human body to tolerate such extended periods of fasting which definitely poses harm. If this is so, it cannot be maintained that harm is the objective of Islamic law.
According to the opinion implemented for fatwa, Muslims in such countries should fast according to the timing of Mecca because it is the mother of cities (Umm al-Qura). This means that Muslims in countries where the fasting hours are 18 or more are to start fasting according to the time of fajr [dawn] in their countries, count the number of hours that people in Mecca fast and break their fast when the people of Mecca end theirs. This is to be observed daily; Mecca [prayer] times are available online. For example, if fajr in such countries is at 3 am and people in Mecca fast for 15 hours, the time for people in these countries to break their fast is at 6 pm according to their local time.
Allah the Almighty knows best.
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11-05-2016, 07:00 PM
abomokhtar abomokhtar غير متواجد حالياً
عضو لامع
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2008
المشاركات: 11,687
معدل تقييم المستوى: 28
abomokhtar is just really nice

Is it permissible to elect a non believer who issues laws against the Islamic Shari’ah in a non Muslim country?
It is widely known in Islamic Shari’ah that providing benefits and interests and preventing what causes calamities and mischief is part and parcel of the major objectives of the Islamic Shari’ah. Imam al Ghazali in his book (al Mustasfa) defined interest in its original state as bringing goodness and preventing harm which is related to creation and people’s objectives in seeking their best interest. As in Islam, interest is tailored to preserve the five major objectives of Shari’ah which are designed to cater for people’s needs. The five major objectives of Shari’ah to serve creation are meant to preserve their lives, religion, mind, dignity and possessions. Therefore whatever entails preserving these five major objectives is considered an interest and whatever prevents the accomplishment of these five objectives is a harm that should be removed.
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11-05-2016, 07:01 PM
abomokhtar abomokhtar غير متواجد حالياً
عضو لامع
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2008
المشاركات: 11,687
معدل تقييم المستوى: 28
abomokhtar is just really nice

My father suffers from narcissistic personality disorder. I can’t take his aggressive behavior anymore. What should I do?
Honorable sister,
Never give heed to your father's conduct toward you so long as to treat him kindly even by praying for him and you do not abuse him verbally or by action. Therefore, you should be content because Allah the Almighty knows everything and never support an oppressor. The utmost thing we seek is to please Allah and not merely the parents.
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11-05-2016, 07:02 PM
abomokhtar abomokhtar غير متواجد حالياً
عضو لامع
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2008
المشاركات: 11,687
معدل تقييم المستوى: 28
abomokhtar is just really nice

Can I travel alone with no mahram?
It is permissible for a woman to travel without a mahram1 provided the way, destination and return journey are safe and provided she does not meet with any harassment jeopardizing both her safety and religion. It has been narrated through 'Adiy Ibn Hatem (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet told him, "And if you live a long life, you will surely see women traveling from Hira till they circumambulate the Ka'ba, fearing no one except Allah" [Bukhari and others]. Imam Ahmed's report of the hadith includes: "By He in whose hands is my soul, verily Allah will bring this matter [Islam] into completion till women travel from Hira and circumambulate the Ka'ba without being accompanied by anyone."
From this hadith with its different chains of narration, some scholars have derived the permissibility of a woman traveling alone if her safety is guaranteed. Moreover, they have used this hadith to restrict other prohibiting hadiths which, according to them, referred to the lack of security associated with travel in the distant past.
The majority of scholars have permitted a woman to travel for obligatory hajj without a mahram if accompanied by trustworthy females or company. They based their opinion on the precedence of the Mothers of Believers (may Allah be pleased with them) who went on hajj after the Prophet's death and during the caliphate of 'Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) accompanied by 'Uthman ibn 'Affan (may Allah be pleased with him).
Imam Abu al-Hasan Ibn Batal mentioned in Sharh Bukhari (vol. 4, p. 532), "[Imams] Malik, al-Awza'i and al-Shafi'i said, 'A woman who does not have a mahram, may travel for her obligatory hajj with other women in trustworthy company; the majority of scholars permit this. Ibn 'Umar accompanied women from among his neighbors for hajj. This was the opinion of 'Ata`, Sa'id Ibn Jubair, Ibn Sirin and al-Hasan al-Basri who said that a Muslim man other than her mahram may even be more protective."
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 14-05-2016, 09:14 PM
abomokhtar abomokhtar غير متواجد حالياً
عضو لامع
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2008
المشاركات: 11,687
معدل تقييم المستوى: 28
abomokhtar is just really nice

Am I allowed to perform acts of worship during my non-menstrual bleeding?
A woman may be in a state of:
1. Purity (not menstruating).
2. Menstruation (experiencing menstruation during its regular time and conditions).
3. Istihada (bleeding that exceeds the normal duration of a woman's menstrual cycle and whose characteristics are different from menstrual bleeding).
4. Dysfunctional bleeding such as premenarchal bleeding.
The distinguishing factor between menstrual blood and the blood of istihada is the time of its occurrence and its characteristic features.
Evidence from the sunnah
- Describing menstrual blood, the Prophetsaid, "Menstrual blood is black and odorous.
If it is this [kind of] blood, do not pray and if it is another, perform ablution and pray" [Narrated by Fatima Bint Hubaysh through 'A`isha].
- The Prophetsaid, "Menstrual blood is thick and reddish-black while the blood of istihada is yellow and thin" [Recorded by Al-Darqatni, al-Baihaqi and al-Tabarani from a raised chain hadith narrated by Abu Umama].
- In another version of the hadith, hesaid, "Menstrual blood is always thick and reddish and non-menstrual blood is always thin and yellowish."
- "If it is menstrual blood, it is recognized from its dark color and you must refrain from praying. If it is another, perform ablution as it is venous bleeding" [Recorded by Al-Nisa`i and Abu Dawud from a raised chain hadith narrated by 'A`isha].
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 14-05-2016, 09:16 PM
abomokhtar abomokhtar غير متواجد حالياً
عضو لامع
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2008
المشاركات: 11,687
معدل تقييم المستوى: 28
abomokhtar is just really nice

My daughter is only 18 years old. Should I allow her to travel alone to study abroad in a university in Germany?
It is permissible for a woman to travel without a mahram provided the way, destination and return journey are safe and provided she does not encounter any harassment jeopardizing both her safety and religion. It has been narrated through 'Uday Ibn Hatem (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet told him, "And if you live a long life, you will surely see women traveling from Hira till they circumambulate the Ka'ba, fearing no one except Allah" [Bukhari and others]. Imam Ahmed's report of the hadith includes: "By He in whose hands is my soul, verily Allah will bring this matter [Islam] into completion till women travel from Hira and circumambulate the Ka'ba without being accompanied by anyone."
From this hadith with its different chains of narration, some scholars have derived the permissibility of a woman traveling alone if her safety is guaranteed. Moreover, they have used this hadith to restrict other prohibiting hadiths which, according to them, referred to the lack of security associated with travel in the distant past.
The majority of scholars have permitted a woman to travel for obligatory hajj without a mahram if accompanied by trustworthy females or company. They based their opinion on the precedence of the Mothers of Believers (may Allah be pleased with them) who went on hajj after the Prophet's death and during the caliphate of 'Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) accompanied by 'Uthman ibn 'Affan (may Allah be pleased with him).
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 14-05-2016, 09:17 PM
abomokhtar abomokhtar غير متواجد حالياً
عضو لامع
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2008
المشاركات: 11,687
معدل تقييم المستوى: 28
abomokhtar is just really nice

Does the intention of disbelief make someone a non- Muslim?
Honorable brother,
This is a sort of Satan's whispers (waswasa). A Muslim must be certain that certainty about the Islam of someone cannot be removed easily [by doubt]. It is impermissible for a Muslim to attribute kufr to himself easily. You must make remembrance of Allah (dhikr) and invoke peace and blessings on the Prophet (peace be upon him) in abundance.
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 14-05-2016, 09:19 PM
abomokhtar abomokhtar غير متواجد حالياً
عضو لامع
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2008
المشاركات: 11,687
معدل تقييم المستوى: 28
abomokhtar is just really nice

What does the good innovation (bid’ah) in religion means and does it exist?
Before answering, we have to clarify the meaning of bid’ah: the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “He who introduces something that is not in agreement with our matter (religion), will have it rejected” [Bukhari). The Prophet’s words illustrate that acts initiated in Islam that do not conflict with the established principles of Sacred law are accepted. This was exactly what ‘Uthman ibn ‘Affan (may Allah be pleased with him) did when he introduced the second Adhan [Eng. call to prayer] before Friday Prayers. And this is how the imams and scholars of the followed schools of jurisprudence understood the concept of bid’ah.
If we do not understand this issue in this way, life will be of difficulties to people and they will have to abandon many matters concerning their livelihood, and the Sharo’a comes with ease to humankind.
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 14-05-2016, 09:19 PM
abomokhtar abomokhtar غير متواجد حالياً
عضو لامع
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2008
المشاركات: 11,687
معدل تقييم المستوى: 28
abomokhtar is just really nice

Is it acceptable to lie if your purpose is to avoid hurting someone?
There is a difference between lying—i.e. deliberately contravening the truth—and giving a misleading impression [Ar.ma'areed] which means saying something that ostensibly implies one meaning while intending another. This does not contravene the truth of the message; but the speaker intends a specific referent while the hearer understands something else.
One can resort to this manner of discourse to avert harm.
For instance, it has been narrated that when Muslims sought refuge with the Negus [king of Abyssinia] and he refused to return them to the disbelievers, he was accused by the Christians of renouncing his religion. The Negus wrote on a piece of paper, "There is no god but Allah and Mohammed is His slave and Messenger. Jesus is His slave and Messenger, born of Mary, conceived without a father." He then pinned the paper under his shirt over his heart and went to meet the Abyssinians who accused him of rejecting Christianity. "You abandoned our religion and claim that Jesus is a servant while [our religion teaches us] he is the Son of God." The Negus placed his hand over his heart (and the paper) and said, "I testify that Jesus was no more than this" meaning what he wrote on the paper. The Christians took him at his word and left him.
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 14-05-2016, 09:20 PM
abomokhtar abomokhtar غير متواجد حالياً
عضو لامع
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2008
المشاركات: 11,687
معدل تقييم المستوى: 28
abomokhtar is just really nice

Is it permissible to fast based on the sighting of the new moon in a country other than the country in which one currently lives?
Residents of a given country should not begin or end their fast based on a moon sighting that differs from that of their country because this inconsistency divides the unity of Muslims and sows discord and division among them. It is established in Islamic law that the person charged with the affairs of Muslims must resolve any disagreements that occurs between them. Accordingly, if a fatwa is issued stating that the new moon of Ramadan, or of any other month for that matter, has been sighted in a particular country, it is incumbent upon the Muslims residing in that place to follow it and it is not permissible for them to disregard it. This is due to the narration of Karib who said that Um Al-Fadl Bint Al-Harith sent him to Mu’awiyah in the Levant. He said: “Ramadan started when I arrived in the Levant. I saw the new moon on the Friday. Then I arrived in Madina at the end of the month. ‘Abdullah Ibn ‘Abbas asked me, “When did you sight the new moon?” I replied, “We saw it Friday night.” He then asked me, “Did you see it?” “Yes,” I replied. “The people sighted it and fasted and Mu’awiyah fasted.” “But we saw it on Saturday night” he said. He added, “And we will continue to fast until we complete thirty days or see the new moon.” I asked him, “Are you not satisfied with the sighting and fasting of Mu’awiyah?” “No,” he said. “This is what the Messenger of God commanded us to do.” So the hadith indicates that every country should follow its own sighting and this is our position when issuing a fatwa on this matter.
And God the Almighty knows best.
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