أرشيف المنتدى هنا نقل الموضوعات المكررة والروابط التى لا تعمل |
أدوات الموضوع | ابحث في الموضوع | انواع عرض الموضوع |
اسأل وان شاء الله هنجاوبك باسرع ما يمكن
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ابنى / ابنتى طالب و طالبة الصف الثانى الاعدادى هذا الموضوع مخصص لك لو عندك اى سؤال فى اللغة الانجليزيه متترددش اسأل وان شاء الله هنرد عليك وبالتوفيق
When a friend asks there is no tomorrow |
she felt exciting correct the underlined word
feel + صفه الصفه المنتهيه ب ed للاشخاص او من يقع عليه الفعل الصفه المنتهيه ب ing للاشياء او من يقوم بالفعل the film was boring so I felt bored
When a friend asks there is no tomorrow |
he left home without saying{anything-nothing{ g
he left home without saying anything لكن لاحظ ما يلى he left home saying nothing
When a friend asks there is no tomorrow |
You should do (little-a lot of ) exercise in order not to put on weight. |
no answer?
I answered this question three or four days ago but any way the answer is " a lot of
When a friend asks there is no tomorrow |
many thanks Mr Nashaat
Do you want me to do.............. Dad (something-anything) concrete is harder than wood. (begin with:wood |
Do you want me to do.............. Dad (something-anything) concrete is harder than wood. (begin with:wood |
Do you want me to do......anything........ Dad? Wood is not so / as hard as concrete . وبالتوفيق
When a friend asks there is no tomorrow |
many many many thankssssssssssss Mr Nashaat
youcan collect your car mr zaki all gobs (have been done - are being done
ارجوا الحل
العلامات المرجعية |