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أرشيف المنتدى هنا نقل الموضوعات المكررة والروابط التى لا تعمل

أدوات الموضوع ابحث في الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 25-05-2013, 11:57 AM
Nassif Nassif غير متواجد حالياً
مدرس اللغة الانجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2009
المشاركات: 537
معدل تقييم المستوى: 16
Nassif is on a distinguished road
افتراضي Some important sentenes

1. This new service will be available to all users _______ up for paid membership.
A. that sign B. that signed it C. which signed D. sign
2. That is a story of hardship _______ our own situation into perspective.
A. puts B. it puts C. that it puts D. that puts
3. John Smith, _______ of economic crimes, tax evasion and fraud, is being accused of attempted murder now.
A. of that he was accused B. that was accused C. whom he was accuse D. who was accused
4. The process uses an innovative digital technology __________ the products with as many colors as the image contains.
(A) imprints that imprints it C) that imprints D) that it imprints
5. The police were greatly outnumbered by rioters, _______ ran into the hundreds.

A. whose figures B. those figures C. that its figures D. its figures that
6. __________ getting the highest result in the class, John still had problems with the teacher. (A) Despite of In spite of C) Even though D) Nonetheless
7. _______ air is composed of about 78 percent nitrogen and only about 21 percent oxygen, is a little known fact on the streets.
A. How that B. That C. When D. However
8. _______ he was seen to be an aggressive politician, he was a quiet and loving family man at home.

A. Although B. Despite C. In spite of D. Nevertheless
9. _______ the variable drops by a unit of 1, the rank drops by X amount.

A. Why B. Whenever C. How D. What
10. This method is widely used _______ algorithm is not only effective but also very simple.

A. because its B. because C. it is because D. because of its
10. It is said he was a man, _________ to have the vision of an eagle and courage of a lion.
(A) who appeared he appeared C) that appears D) and appears
11. Before Johnson & Smith reached great heights in the business world, ______ encountered many great difficulties in promoting their theories and methods.

A. they B. who C. which D. and
12. After the discovery of the abandoned getaway vehicle, ________ believed to be hiding in the nearby Riverside forest region.

A. that the bank robber is B. the bank robber who
C. the bank robber is D. the bank robber who is
13. A gifted scientist, Newton _______ some of the most fundamental laws in the history of science.

A. keeps discovering B. who discovered
C. the discoverer of D. discovered

14. George Washington once said that _______ have virtue enough to withstand the highest bidder.
A. few men B. the few men
C. few are the men D. the men are few
قديم 25-05-2013, 12:34 PM
Mr.Nashaat Elhamaki Mr.Nashaat Elhamaki غير متواجد حالياً
مدرس اللغة الانجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2012
المشاركات: 1,184
معدل تقييم المستوى: 14
Mr.Nashaat Elhamaki is on a distinguished road

جزاكم الله خيرا
فعلا جمل جميله وصعبه
When a friend asks there is no tomorrow
قديم 25-05-2013, 11:44 PM
مستر خالد غباشى مستر خالد غباشى غير متواجد حالياً
مشرف عام لأقسام الأزهر الشريف
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2008
المشاركات: 6,467
معدل تقييم المستوى: 23
مستر خالد غباشى is a jewel in the rough

كم نفتقدك.............................

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