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أرشيف المنتدى هنا نقل الموضوعات المكررة والروابط التى لا تعمل

أدوات الموضوع ابحث في الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 09-06-2008, 01:15 PM
Arstorm Arstorm غير متواجد حالياً
عضو نشيط
تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2008
المشاركات: 175
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
Arstorm is on a distinguished road
افتراضي هااام بسرعة

أريد لو سمحتم

Unit 2

كاملة و ليس ملخص بسرعة علشان أراجعها كويس
قديم 09-06-2008, 01:47 PM
الصورة الرمزية mero_63
mero_63 mero_63 غير متواجد حالياً
عضو فعال
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2008
المشاركات: 384
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
mero_63 is on a distinguished road

وانا عاوز المنهج كله
Hero Lost Love
قديم 09-06-2008, 01:51 PM
الصورة الرمزية samybassam
samybassam samybassam غير متواجد حالياً
مدرس اللغة الانجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2008
المشاركات: 346
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
samybassam is on a distinguished road

Unit 2
Famous Writers
culture ثقافة religion دين
religious دينى matter موضوع- أمر
famous for مشهور ب well – known for معروف بـ
in addition to بالإضافة إلى courageous شجاع
rights حقوق society مجتمع
dominate يهيمن على illiterate أمى / جاهل
persuade يقنع pen-name اسم مستعار
tradition تقاليد traditional تقليدى
the press الصحافة as a sign of كدليل
respect يحترم refer to يشير إلى
birth place محل الميلاد successful ناجح
literature أدب a man of letter أديب
award يمنح (be) awarded يمنح
responsible for مسئول عن support يساند
prejudice تحيز mainly أساسا
lifetime مدى الحياة affairs شئون
current جارى vacation أجازه
personal شخصى task مهمة
tell the truth يقول الحقيقة spread ينشر
spread out ينتشر concerned with مهتم ب
a scholarship منحة دراسية during the reign of فى عهد
at the age of فى سن a witness to the age شاهد على العصر
department قسم restrictions قيود
over come يتغلب على run into يقابل بالصدفة- يصطدم ـ
master works أعمال رائعة include يشتمل على
prophet نبى entitle يعطى عنوان
evil شر argue for يساند
argue against يستنكر various مختلف- متنوع
advocate يؤيد- يدافع عن promote يعزز- يساند
leading قيادى – بارز outstanding بارز
spread ينشر Publish ينشر
awards جوائز ministry وزارة
minister وزير prime minister رئيس وزراء
perform يقوم بـ theatre company فرقة مسرحية
a playwright كاتب مسرحى a novelist كاتب روائى
bring up يربى crash يتحطم
crash into يصطدم بـ set off يقوم بـ
spokesman متحدث رسمى original أصلي
teaching staff هيئة التدريس overcome يتغلب على
biography سيرة ذاتية auto-biography سيرة ذاتية بقلم المؤلف نفسه
Vocabulary for Translation
costs of living تكاليف الحياة burdens of life أعباء الحياة
raise the standard of living for all people يرفع مستوى المعيشة لكل المواطنين
equality in society المساواة فى المجتمع addiction الإدمان
exporting تصدير national income الدخل القومي
culture ثقافة rationalize يرشد
celebrate يحتفل festival مهرجان
terrorism الإرهاب reconstructing إعادة أعمار
activity نشاط regret يقدم
the most important الأهم Historical novel تاريخي في موضوعة
bases أسس Historic event / place تاريخي في قيمته
a basis أساس Protest march مسيرة اعتراض
economy اقتصاد Economic reform اصلاح اقتصادي
national قومي Bread-winner عائل العائلة
international دولي economize يقتصد
realize يدرك throughout من خلال
recognize يتعرف على behaviour تصرف
believe in يؤمن بـ arise تبرز
believe that يعتقد أن claim that يدعى أن
prove that يثبت أن prevail يسود- يعم
Idioms & Expressions
in addition to that بالإضافة إلى ذلك bring up يربى ( إنسان)
make full use of يستغل أفضل استغلال benefit from يستفيد من
invading the desert يغزو الصحراء reclaiming the desert استصلاح الصحراء
take part in يشارك فى open the way for يفتح الطريق ل
pave the way for يمهد الطريق ل highlight يلقى الضوء على
as a sign of respect كدليل احترام take up much of يشغل فترة كبيرة
responsible from مسئول من responsible for مسئول عن
take, do exercises يمارس تمرينات set off journey يقوم برحلات
all around the world فى جميع أنحاء العالم all over the world فى جميع أنحاء العالم
the cradle of civilization مهد الحضارة all around Egypt فى جميع أرجاء مصر

Language Notes:
be concerned to مهتم بـ
She has been concerned to spread the truth.
 Such as / such……..as: مثل
•Her works include such titles as ……..أعمالها الادبية تتضمن عناوين مثل
•We study many school subjects such as English, French and Chemistry.
Would rather + inf. يفضل
•Would you like to come with us?
No, thanks. I'd rather stay here.
Learn to + inf. •She learnt to drive.
persuade…to •He persuaded me to sign the cheque.
Choose to : • They chose to ignore her warning.
allow…to • They allowed us to stay.
 Let…inf They let us stay.
• لاحظ استخدام حرف الجر on مع الشهور في خالة تحديد اليوم :
in December  On December 2nd
 take up يشغل •It has taken up much of her personal life.
be awarded يمنح
•The 1988 Nobel Prize for literature went to Naguib Mahfouz. (awarded)
Naguib Mahfouz was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1988.
matter (n/v) •It doesn't matter.لا يهم
•What's the matter? ما الامر ؟
had better = ought to = should
• The government should do something to help the homeless children.
• Do you think I ought to apply for this job?
• Do you think I should apply for this job?
• We'd better stop for petrol soon. The tank is almost empty.
 know (v) (knowledge)
•She knew nothing about physics. (knowledge)
She had no knowledge of physics
To the best of my knowledge = in my opinion knowledgeable
= having much knowledge لديه معرفة ودراية واسعة
take part يشارك •Students should take part in school activities.
take place يحدث •A terrible accident took place opposite our house.
take (his/their..) place of يحل مكان
•When the boss passed away, his son took his place.
Present = gift هدية prize = award جائزة reward مكافأة
observant قوي الملاحظة
•Luckily, an observant passer-by noticed the fire.
leading هـام / بارز
• Naguib Mahfouz is the most leading writer in Egypt.
Prepositions:حروف الجر
•Be successful at school •speak out against يعبر عن معارضته لـ
•Think of يفكر في •bring up يربي
•Burn down يحرق •hold a post يشغل وظيفة
•At the age of في سن •at a time في وقت ما (في الماضي)
•Write an article on يكتب مقال في •responsible for مسئول عن
•Write under a pen name يكتب تحت اسم مستعار
• respect for احترام لـ
•Take part in يشارك في •refer to يشير الي
•A witness to the age شاهد علي العصر = an observer of the events that took place in one's lifetime
•argue powerfully for يؤيد أو يساند بقوة
•Overcome traditional restrictions يتغلب علي القيود التقليدية
•a male-dominated society مجتمع يهيمن عليه الذكور
Grammar Review
The past simple tense:الماضي البسيط
1-to express a finished action in the past.يعبر عن حدث انتهي في الماضي

We met in 1987.
The ancient Egyptians built the pyramids thousands of years ago.
Naguib Mahfouz began writing when he was seventeen.
I wrote the letter and posted it.
They helped me repair my car yesterday.
My uncle studied philosophy at Cairo University and graduated in 1945.
2-to express actions which follow each other in a story:
• في سياق قصــة في الماضي
Mary walked into the room and stopped. She listened carefully. She heard a noise coming from behind the curtain. She threw the curtain open and saw a man with a gun. She………
3-to express a past situation or habit:للتعبير عن موقف أو عادة في الماضي
•When I was a child, we lived in a small house by the sea. Every day I walked for miles on the beach with my sister.
•We often use used to express a past situation or habit:عند التعبير عن عادة في الماضي
•When I was young, we used to live in Marsa Matrouh and we used to go swimming every day.
يضاف للفعل ed عند استخدام الماضي البسيط و إذا انتهى الفعل بـ e يضاف له d فقط
help helped want wanted
live lived like liked
 إذا انتهى الفعل بـ y يسبقه حرف متحرك يضاف للفعل ed
play played enjoy enjoyed
إذا انتهى الفعل بـ y يسبقه حرف ساكن ، تتحول إلي ied
hurry hurried carry carried
 إذا كان الفعل يتكون من مقطع واحد و ينتهي بحرف ساكن يسبقه متحرك ، يضاعف الحرف الأخير
plan planned stop stopped
grab grabbed refer referred
 في حالة وجود حرفين متحركين قبل الحرف الأخير الساكن لا يضاعف الحرف الأخير:
seat seated dream dreamed
cook cooked
♠ يستخدم past simple غالبا مع كلمات مثل:
last (year, night, week, month) / ago / yesterday, in ancient times / once upon a time / the other day, year (= a few days, years ago) in 1990 / when I was young…
 و يستخدم past simple بعد would rather في حالة وجود فاعل
•I'd rather he left now.

 كما يستخدم أيضا بعد I wish / If only في حالة التعبير عن أمنية في الحاضر
•If only I had a car. = I don't have a car.
•I wish they were with us now. = They aren't with us now.
 In questions we use DID… + inf. In negatives we use DIDN’T + inf.
It rained. Did it rain? It didn’t rain.
• Did you see the film on TV last night, Tom?
• Yes, I did, but I didn’t enjoy it.
لاحظ تصريف هذا الفعل :
Be Is
Are Was
Were Been
 Why were you so angry?
 I was angry because he insulted me.
 Tom wasn’t at work yesterday.
 They were absent yesterday so they did not hear the news.
 في المبني للمجهول :
Was / were + PP.
The police arrested the woman for murder.
The woman was arrested for murder.
The government built thousands of schools last year.
Thousands of schools were built last year.

Ten people were killed in the accident.
Naguib Mahfouz was born in Cairo in 1911.
The UNESCO was founded in 1946 in London.
لاحظ ما يلي جيدا
 Used to + inf. (past) تدل على عادة في الماضي و لا تحدث الان( كان معتادا على .....
 I used to draw when I was young.
 He didn’t use to play tennis, but now he does.
 He used to be a taxi driver, but now he isn’t.

Be used to + -ing (present) تدل على الحاضر( معتاد على ........
 She is used to listening to music.
Be supposed to + inf. = should = ought to + inf.
 تستخدم be supposed to عند الكلام عن شيء مفروض علينا من الخارج ( من المفروض أن )
We are supposed to write a composition tonight.
(The teacher told us to do this)
You're not supposed to drive fast in towns.
(The law tells us not to do this)
I was supposed to study yesterday evening, but I was too tired.
I must hurry. I'm supposed to meet professor Zwail at twelve.
Be supposed to = be said /believed/thought to
 و تستخدم be supposed to أيضا بمعني يعتقد أو يفترض أو يظن :
•Let's go and see that film.
It's supposed to be very good.
•I'm not going to read that book.
It's not supposed to be very interesting.
 لاحظ استخدام so بعد suppose لتجنب تكرار جملة :
•Are these people English? I suppose so.
I don't suppose so. OR I suppose not.
The Past continuousالماضي المستمر
Was / Were + -ing
 The Past Cont. Tense is used:
للتعبير عن حدث مستمر أثناء وقت معين في الماضي
•Between seven and half past seven this morning, I was listening to the news.
 للتعبير عن حدث مستمر قطعه حدث آخر
•I was reading the paper when my friend phoned.
 يأتى في سياق قصة أو موقف في الماضي
•I was studying law when I met Caroline.
•He was doing a dangerous experiment when the laboratory blew up.
 يستخدم الماضي المستمر غالبا مع كلمات مثل:
While / when / As / Just as
• While (When) we were leaving the meeting room, we heard a loud scream.
 لاحظ أن when يمكن أن يأتي بعدها past simple :
•We were playing tennis when it started to rain.

 يمكن أن يكون الحدثين مع while في past continuous
•While Hakeem was singing , Dina was dancing .

يمكن أن يكون الحدثين مع when في past simple
•When he arrived, he found the door locked.

 يمكن استخدام during بدلا من while و يأتي يعدها noun / v+ing
•While she was playing tennis, she got hurt. (During)
•During playing tennis, she got hurt.
•She got hurt during playing tennis.
Suffixes which make a word into a noun:
Suffix Example word Meaning
acy Democracy
ديموقراطية Government by democratically elected representatives of the people الحكم بواسطة نواب الشعب المنتخبين بشكل ديموقراطي
ion Communication
اتصال The exchange of the information or ideasتبادل المعلومات أو الأفكار
ment Agreement An opinion shared between two or more people
Suffixes which make a word into an adjective:
Suffix Example word Meaning
able Comfortableمريح Adjective from the noun comfort
al Biologicalبيولوجي To do with biology
en Wooden خشبي Made of wood
ful Wonderful Full of wonder
ious Ambitious طموح To have plans for the future
ous Dangerous Not safe
ive Effective فعال/مؤثر Having an effect
less Useless غير مفيد Without a use
ical Economical مقتصد/موفر Not wasteful
Suffixes which make a word into a verb:
Suffix Example word Meaning
ize Realize يدرك To notice and understand something
ify Falsify يزيف To make something false
en Shorten يقصر To make short
مهارات الاتصال و الحديث Communication Skills
Giving your opinion:
Asking someone for their opinion Giving your opinion
• What do you think of my new digital camera?
• Did you think the film was exciting? • I think it is rather expensive.
• Well, in my opinion it’s quite interesting.
• As far as I’m concerned, this film is boring.

Agreeing Saying you’re not sure Disagreeing
• I think so.
• You’re absolutely right.
• I couldn’t agree more.أوافقك الرأي تماما • I agree with you up to a point, but أتفق معك ألى حد ما و لكن
• I’m not sure about that.
• I disagree.
• I don’t agree with that.
• I’m afraid I can’t agree with you on that point.

Letter Writing

20 Nile Street,
Egypt .
25th June,2008
How nice to hear from you .I really feel very happy when I receive your most friendly letters and I find great pleasure in reading them. I must tell you that…..
مقدمة أخرى
Thank you so much for the letter/invitation you sent me before. It gives me great pleasure يسعدني كثيراto write you this letter. I hope that you are in good health.
جسم الخطاب
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………

خاتمة ) )
I am looking forward to seeing you soon.
Yours very sincerely,
Samy Hanna
قديم 11-06-2008, 03:49 PM
الصورة الرمزية mero_63
mero_63 mero_63 غير متواجد حالياً
عضو فعال
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2008
المشاركات: 384
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
mero_63 is on a distinguished road

جزاك الله خير يااستاذ
Hero Lost Love

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