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أرشيف المنتدى هنا نقل الموضوعات المكررة والروابط التى لا تعمل

أدوات الموضوع ابحث في الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 14-03-2008, 07:22 PM
misirliosma misirliosma غير متواجد حالياً
مدرس اللغة الإنجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2008
المشاركات: 539
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
misirliosma is on a distinguished road
Neww1qw1 القصة اعدادى اسامه عبد الرحيم

Chapter 8
As I ran along the shore, I saw something shiningيلمع in the sand. I bent downينحنى and picked it upيلتقط . It was a knife. I showed it to my uncle. 'That is your knife, Axel. You must have dropped it.'يسقط
'No, uncle I did not bring a knife with me. What about you?''No,' my uncle replied. 'I have never seen this knife before. Perhaps it belongs to تخص Hans.'But it was not Hans's knife. My uncle picked it up and looked at it carefully. 'This knife has been here for many years,' he said. 'It is made of steel,صلب therefore it can be a few hundred years old. But the bladeنصل of the knife is roughغير مستو. Someone has used this knife to carveينحت his name on a stone. And that stone is somewhere near here. We must find it.'
The three of us looked all over the rocks around us. At the foot of a cliffمنحدر we found the entrance to a dark tunnel. There we saw two letters carved on the rock: A.S.
'A.S.,' my uncle exclaimed. 'Arne Saknussemm again!' All my doubtsشكوك about our journey disappeared. A great traveler had been here before us. He had carved his initialsمن اسمه الحروف الاولى in the rock to guide us on our way. And I was holding his knife! I forgot the dangers of our journey. I was not worried about how we would return. Now I was filled with as much excitement as my uncle. I turned to him. 'Uncle, I think that something is guiding us on our journey,' I said. 'Let us enter the tunnel and continue to the center of the Earth!'
We had only traveled a few meters, when we came up again a huge rock. It blocked our pathيسد الممر , so we could not continue. We looked to the left and to the right of it, but there was no way past it. 'This rock must have fallen since Saknussemm was here,' I said 'If we cannot break it down, we do not deserve يستحقto reach the center of the Earth!
Hans and I tried to break the rock with pickaxes, but it was too hard. Then I had an idea. 'Gunpowder!'البارود I exclaimed. 'Let's blow it up يفجرwith gun powder!' Hans made a hole in the rock with his pickaxe. We packedيحشو-يعبى the hole with gunpowder. I made a long fuseفتيل out of cloth and laidيضع it against the gunpowder. By midnightمنتصف الليل, everything was ready. I wanted to lightيشعل the fuse then, but my uncle refused. 'Tomorrow,' he said. 'We need to sleep now.'
The next day was the most important day in our journey. I cannot write about it now without my heart beatingيدق قلبى with fear. At six o'clock I was ready to light the fuse. There would be a delay of ten minutes before the gunpowder explodedينفجر. I told my uncle I was ready. I lit the fuse and returned to the raft. We counted the time on my uncle's watch. 'Five seconds more.' He said. ' Four … three … two… one. Now!'
I don't think I heard the explosion. But the shape of the rocks changed before my eyes. A huge hole opened and the sea became one big wave. It lifted us and threw us forward.
In less than a second we were in complete darkness. The water carried us along at a frightening speed. An hour passed perhaps two. We held يمسكon to each other preventيمنع us being thrown offيلقى -يسقط the raft. It was then that I found that we had lost everything we owedنملك. Our tools and instruments and most of our food and water had been swept away by the waves. All we had were some biscuits and small piece of meat. I decided not to tell my uncle of my discovery. In any case, there was no point in worrying about food: we would probably be killed quite soon! We continued to go faster. It felt as if we were falling. But where were we falling?
1-What did Axel see as he ran along the shore ما الذي رآه اكسل وهو يجرى على الشاطى
He saw a steel knife with rough blade .سكينة معدنية حادة النصل
2-Why did the professor think that the knife was only a few hundred years old?
Because it was made of steel .لماذا اعتقد أن السكينة فقط منذ قلائل من السنيين ؟لأنها من الصلب
3-Why was the blade rough ? Because someone used it to carve his name on a stone .لماذا نصل السكينة غير مستو ؟ لان شخص ما استخدمها ليحفر اسمه على الصخر .
4-Where did they see the letters AS? On the rock at the entrance to a dark tunnel
أين رأوا الحروف ؟ على صخرة عند مدخل نفق مظلم .
5-Why did Arne Saknussemm carve his initials on a stone ? To guide them on their way .لماذا حفر ارن الحروف الأولى من اسمه على الصخرة ؟ ليرشدهم
6-How was Axel when he saw the letters? He was very excited .He forgot the danger of the journey and his worry about their return .
كيف كان اكسل عندما رأى الحروف ؟ كان مثار ونسى خطر الرحلة أو حتى القلق بشان الرجوع.
6-What did the letters mean ?They meant that Arne had been the center of the earth before them .ماذا تعنى الحروف ؟ أن العالم ارن قد ذهب إلى مركز الأرض قبلهم .
7-What prevented them from entering the tunnel first ? It was blocked by a huge rock .ما الذى منعهم من الدخول في البداية ؟ صخرة كبيرة سدت الطريق .
8-How did they break the rock ? At first Hans tried to break it by a pickaxe but it was too hard , then made hole in the rock , they filed it with gunpowder .
كيف استطاعوا كسر الصخرة ؟ في البداية حاول هانز ان يكسرها بالبلطة (الفاس ) ولكنها كانت صلبة ثم قام بعمل فتحة في الحائط وملئها بالبارود .

9-What was the result of blowing the rock ? A huge hole opened in the rock and the sea become a big wave ,the water carried them at a great speed .
ما هي نتيجة الانفجار ؟ فتحت فتحة كبيرة وأصبح البحر موجة كبيرة وحملتهم المياه بسرعة هائلة .
10-Why did they hold on to each other ? To prevent themselves from being thrown off the raft .لماذا مسكوا فى بعض؟ لكى لا يقعوا من على القارب .
11-What did they lose after the explosion ? They lost their tools , food , water and instruments .ماالذى فقدوه بعد الانفجار ؟فقدوا الأدوات الطعام والشراب والمعدات
12-Why didn't Axel worry about losing their things ? Because he thought they would probably be killed soon .لماذا لم يقلق اكسل عن فقدان الطعام ؟ لأنه اعتقد أنهم سيموتوا
13-How did they lose their things? The waves swept them away .
كيف فقدوا أشيائهم؟ لان الأمواج جرفتهم بعيدا
Chapter 9
We were going over a big waterfall. There was a huge splash as we landed, then we rushed on as before. But now there was a change. My uncle felt it too. 'We're going up!' He exclaimed. It was true. The water was driving us up very quickly. 'We are in a kind of chimney,' my uncle explained. 'The water is rising and taking us with it.''But where is it taking us?'
'Who knows? We must be ready for anything. So let us eat to keep up our strength.' Then I had to tell my uncle that nearly all our food was gone.
He said nothing, but I knew what he thought. We would never see our beloved Hamburg again. As the water drove us upwards, it got hotter. 'Uncle, these rocks are burning hot. And the water is boiling. The rock walls seem to be moving.' My uncle shook his head. He did not want to listen. 'But look at the compass, Uncle. It's going crazy!' It was true. The needle of the compass was going from north to south, and from east to west. My uncle looked at it with interest. He looked very excited. 'What's the matter, Uncle?' I asked.
'We must be in the middle of an active volcano,' he said.
'There's going to be an eruption. And I think it's the best thing that could happen to us. It's our only chance of returning to the surface of the Earth.'I was sure now that my uncle had gone mad. However, I said nothing. There was nothing we could do. We continued our journey upwards. It got hotter and hotter. The water under the raft boiled. Flames licked the walls of the tunnel. We were pushed up with terrific force. We held on to each other and clung to the raft.
The heat was unbearable now. I lost consciousness and my eyes closed. For part of that time I have no clear memory of what happened next. I remember explosions, and falling rocks. I remember the raft spinning around in circles. There were waves of red-hot lava. Ashes rained down on us. There were flames everywhere. My last memory was of Hans looking at me. His face was calm as always. There was one last explosion and then I remembered no more. When I opened my eyes again, Hans was holding me. I was lying on a steep mountain slope. I could see the sky, so I knew that we were back on the surface of the Earth. But where were we?
1-What were the tree men going over after the explosion ?They were going over a big waterfall ?الى أين كانوا ذاهبين بعد الانفجار
2-What happened when they become over the waterfall ?The water was going up quickly in a chimney and taking them with it ?ماذا حدث عندما كانوا فوق الشلال ؟كانت المياة ترتفع بهم بسرعة فى المدخنة وتأخذهم معها
3-When did Axel have to tell his uncle about losing food ? When his uncle want to eat to keep their strengthمتى اضطر اكسل ان يخبر عمه بفقدان الطعام ؟ عندم اراد عمه ان ياكل ليحافظوا على قوتهم .
4-What did he say when he knew that they nearly lost their food ? He said nothing because he thought that they would never see Hamburg a gain .ماذا قال ليدنبروك عندما علم أنهم فقدوا الطعام ؟ لم يقل شي لأنه اعتقد أنهم لن يعدوا إلى هامبورج مرة ثانية .
5-Why was needle moving in all directions ? Because they were in the middle of an active volcano لماذ كان الموشر يتحرك في مل الاتجاهات ؟ لأنهم كانوا في منتصف بركان نشط .
6-What was strange about the needle of compass ? It was moving in all directions.ما الغربي فى موشر البوصلة ؟ كان يتحرك فى كل الاتجاهات .
7-How did the professor when he knew they were in the middle of active volcano ?He was happy because he thought that it was the only chance to return to the surface of the earth .كيف كان البروفسور عندما علم أنهم في منصف بركان نشط ؟ كان سعيد لأنه اعتقد أن هذه هي فرصتهم الوحيدة للعودة إلى سطح الأرض .
8-What was the only chance to return to the surface of the earth؟ The explosion the volcano .ما هى فرصتهم الوحيدة في الرجوع ؟ انفجار البركان
9-What happened when the volcano erupted ?There was explosions, falling rocks ,waves of red lava and flames everywhere . ماذا حدث عندما انفجر البركان ؟حدث انفجار, وتساقطت الصخور ,وأمواج من الحمم البركانية , ولهب فى كل مكان .
10-What happen to Axel during the explosion ? He fainted ماذا حدث لاكسل اثناء الانفجار ؟ أغمى عليه .
11-Why did Axel fainted ?Because the heat was unbreable . لماذا اغمى على اكسل ؟لان الحرارة كانت لا تطاق .
قديم 14-03-2008, 09:43 PM
الصورة الرمزية Mr Hamza
Mr Hamza Mr Hamza غير متواجد حالياً
تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2007
المشاركات: 721
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
Mr Hamza is an unknown quantity at this point

اعتقد ان ده لازم يوضع في المرحله الاعداديه
قديم 05-04-2008, 09:23 PM
علا وعلياء عزمى عوض علا وعلياء عزمى عوض غير متواجد حالياً
عضو مجتهد
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2008
المشاركات: 60
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
علا وعلياء عزمى عوض is on a distinguished road

ميرسى يا مستر كده تمام
قديم 11-04-2008, 11:29 PM
الصورة الرمزية •-{«-•OkOhama•«-}-•
•-{«-•OkOhama•«-}-• •-{«-•OkOhama•«-}-• غير متواجد حالياً
طالب بالصف الثالث الثانوي
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2008
العمر: 31
المشاركات: 1,161
معدل تقييم المستوى: 18
•-{«-•OkOhama•«-}-• is on a distinguished road

جزاك الله خيرا اسامه

قديم 16-04-2008, 08:48 PM
الصورة الرمزية goda2
goda2 goda2 غير متواجد حالياً
عضو متواصل
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2008
المشاركات: 854
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
goda2 is on a distinguished road

[.جزاك الله خير
يا امنه بشراك سبحان من اعطاكى
بحملك محمدا رب السما هناك
حملت بالحبيب وصفوة المجيب
عيشى به وطيبى من كيد من عاداك
قديم 27-04-2008, 08:49 PM
catty catty غير متواجد حالياً
عضو مجتهد
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2008
المشاركات: 362
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
catty is on a distinguished road

osama is a great master
قديم 10-06-2008, 11:02 AM
الصورة الرمزية ahmed_burhany
ahmed_burhany ahmed_burhany غير متواجد حالياً
مدرس اللغة الانجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2008
المشاركات: 474
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
ahmed_burhany is on a distinguished road

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