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العودة   بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية > القسم الإداري > أرشيف المنتدى

أرشيف المنتدى هنا نقل الموضوعات المكررة والروابط التى لا تعمل

أدوات الموضوع ابحث في الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 27-04-2012, 09:23 PM
poet62 poet62 غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2012
المشاركات: 1
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
poet62 is on a distinguished road
افتراضي مراجعة خطيرة وهامة الأستاذ / ناصر أبو العزم

Mr. Nasser Abullazm

The best Final Revision 1st year sec. Term 2
السؤال الأول
محادثات مجاب عنها
1- in a telephone call between Safy and her friend Engy:
Safy : Hello. I'm phoning to invite you to a small party tonight.
Engy :……………..(1)……………?
Safy : To celebrate our new house.
Engy : New house, really?
Safy : Yes, we've moved in ………….(2)…………..?
Engy : Oh! I will be very busy tomorrow but……….(3)……………?
Safy : At 8 o'clock.
Engy : ……………..(4)............... .
Safy : I'm pleased to hear this. Bye.
2- Eyad and a friend:
Eyad : I dropped you in yesterday but …………(1)………………. .
Friend :………………(2)…………… .
Eyad : Is your grandfather still alive?
Friend: Yes, he is still alive.
Eyad :……………..(3)…………………….?
Friend : He is over eighty.
Eyad :………………(4)…………………?
Friend : He's enjoying good health.
3- A tourist and a seller.
Seller :……………(1 )…………………?
Tourist: Yes. I'm looking for beautiful post cards.
Seller :………….(2)……………. .
Tourist: Can I have a look at them?
Seller :……………….(3)…………………….. .
Tourist: They are all about Old Egypt ............(4)…. ?
Seller : Yes. Here are some interesting ones about Modem Egypt.
4- at a hotel reception:
Sally : I'd like to book a room.
Receptionist:……………. (1)…………………. ?
Sally : For a week.
Sally : Single, please…………(3)……………… ?
Receptionist: Well you can receive it now.
Sally :………(4)………………….?
Receptionist: Fifty pounds a day including breakfast.
5- A tourist and a passer-by:
Tourist : Excuse me. How can I go to Khan El Khalili?
Passer-by: Oh,……………(1).............. .
Tourist : ………………(2)…………………?
Passer-by: You can take a taxi.
Tourist : …………………(3)………………….?
Passer-by: Twenty minutes from here............... (4)……………..?'
Tourist: To buy some souvenirs.
(1)1- Why are you going to make a party? 2- Will you be able to come?
3- When will the party start? 4- All right, I'll come.
(2)1- You were out. 2- I went to my grandfather's house.
3- How old is he? 4- What about his health?
(3)1- Can I help you? 2- I have a good collection of post cards.
3- Of course. They are over there 4- Have you got something about modern Egypt?
(4)1- How long will you stay here? 2- Return or single?
3- When can I receive it? 4- How much does it take?
(5)1- It's very far from here. 2- How can I go there?
[IMG]file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/speed/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image001.gif[/IMG]3-How long does it take? 4- Why are you going there

السؤال الثاني

- Let’s + inf
- How ( what ) about + v. ing ?
- Why don’t you ( we ) go ….?
Reply الرد
- it’s a good idea ( agreement ) موافقة
- I’m sorry . I’m afraid I can’t ( refusal)
Offeringعرض المساعدة
- Shall I ………. For you ?
- Can I help you ?
Reply الرد
- Yes , please ( agreement )
- No , thank you . I can mange ( Refusal )
Request الطلب
- Could you …… please ?
- Could you lend me your … please
Warning التحذير
- Be careful or you’ll get + p.p
- Thank you very much
Asking for opinionالسؤال عن وجهة النظر
- What do you think of …….?
- How do you like / find …..?
Reply الرد
- Wonderful / fantastic (approval )
- It is bad / boring ( disapproval )
Apology الاعتذار
- Sorry for ……. I apologize for ……
- Never mind . Don’t worry
Thanking الشكر
Thank you very much
Reply الرد
Not at all . / Don’t mention it
Exclamations for صيغ التعجب
Good news
- My goodness/ How amazing
showing interest توضيح الاهتمام
- How interesting !
Showing lack of interest عدم الاهتمام م
- No , thanks
- I’m not interested in …..
Showing surprise الدهشة
- How amazing
Showing lack of surprise عدم الدهشة
- I’m not surprise
- Brilliant / Great !
- My congratulations
-what a pity يا للحسرة
- I’m sorry to hear that
Asking someone to wait طلب الانتظار
- Just a minute
Giving directionsاعطاء الاتجاه
- Go ahead , then turn left ( right )
Asking for instructions طلب تعليمات
- Could you tell ( show) me how to use this ……?
Giving instructions اعطاء تعليمات
- First you have to switch it on
- Remember not to ………
Reply ( deciding ) التقرير
- I don’t mind . It’s up to you
- Saying you don’t believe القولا بانك لا تصدق
- You must be joking ( kidding)
- You can’t be serious
Asking advise طلب النصيحة
- What would you advise me to ?
- What do you think should do about?
Telephoning المحادثة التليفونية
- hello , could I speak to …… please ?
Reply الرد
- one, moment , please
-I’ll put you through
- sorry , the line is engaged
- I’m afraid he’s out Can I take a message ?
1- You invite your friend to your birthday.……………………………………………………………….
2- You accept your friend's invitation to his party.…………………………………………………………….
3- You offer your friend some flowers.………………………………………………………………………….
4- Your friend suggests going to Alexandria but you are busy.…………………… ………………….
5. Your friend thinks the telephone is the most important invention. You don’t agree but you want to be polite………..………….
6. You tell your friend politely that his brother is dishonest. …………………………………………………….
7. Your friend is late for five minutes. ………………………………………………………………….
8. Your brother has turned on the radio while you are studying.…………… ………………………………….
9. You suggest going to the zoo with your friends.…………………………………………….
10. You want to suggest taking a taxi. ……………………………………………………….
11. Your friend suggests going camping. You like the idea. ………………………………………….
12. Your friend suggests going for a walk. You don’t like the idea.…………………………………………….
13. You stop someone in the street and ask him the way. …………………………………………………….
14. You visit a sick friend in hospital. …………………………………………………………………….
15. Your friend suggests, “What about going to the cinema? ……………………………………………………………….
16. Your mother is angry because your room is very untidy. ……………………………………………………………….
17-Someone abroad asks “Where do you come from?”…………………………………………………………….
18-Your friend said. “I’m afraid I have broken your glasses” ……………………………………….
19-You ask the policeman the way to the bank. …………………………………………………………….
20-Your friend appeared after you had waited for long. ………………………………………………………….
21-Your friend tells you some bad news ……………………………………………………….
22-Your friend suggests spending the weekend studying. You don't agree…………………………………………….
23-Your friend has lost your book that you lent him. ………………………………………….
24-1 think that life is better now than in the past ……………………………………………………….
25- You ask a friend about the ancient world wonders.…………………………………………………………….
26- Your brother thinks that students will learn at home by 2020.……………… ………………………………….
27- You want to get some information about cloning.………………………………………………………………….
28- Your friend tells you that people will live on the moon.……………………………………………………………….
29- You want to ask your friend if he heard of Jules Verne.…………………… ………………………………….
30- A friend thinks that science fiction is rubbish.هراء ……………………………………………………….
31- Your brother asked," What today's science fiction writers write about?"……… ……………………………………….
32 - Your father asked you "Would you like to be a lawyer or a writer?" ……………………………………………….
33- Your sister has a phobia about open places.…………………………………………………….
34- A friend thinks that high places are very frightened.…………………………………………………………….
35- Your brother asked," What should I do if I have a phobia?"…………………………………………………………….
36 - Your father asked you "Would you like to be after graduation?"…………………………………………………….
37-Someone asks your opinion of all these new TV channels we've got. …………………………………….
38-You ask someone about playing games on the internet. …………………………………………….
39-Your father asks you about your opinion of Indian films.……………………………………………………….
40-You are surprised that your brother playing games on the internet.……………………………….
41-You think your friend is at university. ………………………………………………………………….
42-You think your friend is studying medicine.…………………………………………………………….
43-You think your friend is going to be a doctor.…………………………………………………………….
44-Someone told you that your friend has just moved into a new flat.……………………… ………………….
45-Someone asks your opinion of Al-Nas TV.…………………………………………………………………….
46-You ask someone about playing games on the internet. ……………………………………….
47-Your father asks you about your opinion of Indian films.……… …………………………………….
48-Someone asks you if you like snorkelling.……………………………………………………………….
49-You stop someone in the street and ask him the way.……………………………………………………….
50-You visit a sick friend in hospital. ……………………………………………………………….
51-Your friend suggests, “What about going to the cinema? ……………………………………….
52-Your mother is angry because your room is very untidy.…………… ………………………………….
53-Your friend asked your opinion about his new mobile.…………………………………………………………….
55-Your father says that unemployment leads to deviation and you agree.……………………… ………………….
55-Watching too much TV wastes time. (Give your opinion)…………………………………………………….
الؤال الثالث

1- Our company has ......... in all the big towns.
a) branches b) ways c) desks d) leaves
2- Crusoe ......... that people from the mainland sometimes visited the island.
a) explored b) discovered c) made d) invented
3- The lion killed it's ......... before eating it.
a) guest b) victim c) prey d) friend
4- His business was very ..........
a) success b) successful c) successfully d)succeed
5-He is ........ of his son who won the first prize.
a) pride b) angry c) proud d)happy
6- ........ discover new ***** every year.
a) Scientists b) Dentists c)Sellers d)Customers
7- One ........ of the computer is that it wastes children's time.
a) merit b) disadvantage c) benefit d) advantage
8-The ......... is used for hunting.
a) zebra b) lion c) hound d) tiger
9- He left school at the .......... of twelve.
a) time b) month c) year d) age
10- Amira is very ......... in football. She likes it very much.
a) interesting b) keen c) interested d)clever
11- My uncle is a clever ........... He can solve crimes in a short time.
a) reporter b) thief c) detective d) criminal
12- How would you .......... sure that your friend is good?
a) do b) have c) invent d) make
13- Which school subject would you .......... like to study?
a) more b) most c) less d) many
14- .......... is a strong, unreasonable fear of something
a) Phobia b) Happiness c) Laziness d) Pleasure
15- .......... is a period of two weeks.
a) Season b) Decade c) Fortnight d) Century
16- My father is an inspector. He .......... schools.
a) inspects b) designs c) studies d) builds
17- I'm interested in English,..........?
a) aren't you b) are we c) aren't I d) am not I
18- Our flat is .......... the third floor.
a) with b) of c) on d) in
19- She prefers English .......... science.
a) for b) at c) into d) to
20- My sister spends the night.......... TV.
a) to watch b) watches c) watched d) watching
21- The gang ......... the professor's son and asked for much money.
a) entertained b) killed c) kidnapped d) welcomed
22- We should keep our homes clean to ......... illnesses.
a) bring b) protect c) avoid d) cause
23- I ......... my room in dark colours.
a) decorated b) built c) cleaned d) dirtied
24- ......... usually stay in hospitals?
a) Guides b) Pilots c) Tourists d) Patients
25- My son has ......... to the new school.
a) enjoyed b) adopted c) helped d) adapted
26- Hamed doesn't 't like playing chess because he finds it .........
a) bored b) useful c) interesting d) boring
27- You like swimming, .........?
a) are you b) aren't you c) don't you d) do you
28- Eman asked me where I ......... going.
a) have b) am c) was d) had
29- They have been playing all day. They ......... be very tired.
a) must b) needn't c)shouldn't d) should
30- The window is ......... mended at the moment.
a) been b) making c) be d) being
31- A ......... is a tower with a powerful flashing light that guides ships away from danger.
a) Lighthouse b) light show c) light bulb d) port
32- Did she ......... to school yesterday?
a) go b) goes c) going d) went
33- Crusoe taught Friday a ......... words of English.
a) little b) many c) much d) few
34- He will need ......... his English to work as a guide.
a) to improve b) improve c) improves d) improved
33-A ......... drive on busy roads of Cairo is difficult.
a) two hour's b) two hours c) two-hour d) two hours'
34- We ......... for two hours because of the heavy rain.
a) delay b) has delayed c) have delayed d) have been delayed
35- ......... means suddenly know something.
a) Remind b) Arrest c) Realize d) Explore
36- These toys are of very ......... quality. They break easily.
a) wealthy b) poor c) good d) rich
37- You can ......... with your friends through the internet.
a) communicate b) contribute c) join d) connect
38- ......... large is the area?
a) When b) Why c) How d)What
39- There is ......... any money left for shopping.
a) hard b) heavily c) hardly d) harden
40- That restaurant......... be very good. It's always empty.
a) might b) may c) can't d) must
41- Your homework ......... at home.
a) has to do b) is doing c) has done d) has to be done
42-I usually go ......... in summer.
a) swam b) swims c) swim d) swimming
43- I found the book ......... you had lost last week.
a) who b) that c) where d) whose
44- Dad looked ........ my little sister while mum was cooking.
a) out b) for c) after d) like
45- He's been living here since 2002,................?
a) isn't he b) hasn't he c) is he d) has he
46- They decided ........ at seven o'clock.
a) meeting b) meet c) met d) to meet
47- You ........drive so fast. It's very dangerous.
a) must b) should c) mustn't d)shouldn't
48- He asked me when I........ him.
a) visit b) have visited c) will visit d) would visit
49- Father is going to the village now,.........?
a) isn't he b) aren't they c) is he d) will he
50- If something is of poor quality, then it is ..........
a) very good b) tired c) not good d) expensive
51- You haven't finished your homework yet,.........?
a) did you b) have you c) do you d) haven't you
52- Satellites are devices which ......... the earth.
a) travel b) walk c) orbit d) forecast
53- The Mona Lisa ......... by Leonardo Da Vinci.
a) painted b) paint c) painting d) was painted
54- The last......... in the book shows Catherine dying.
a) scene b) film c) crime d) place
55- Sherlock Holmes is a famous fictional......... .
a) crime b) detective c) author d) doctor
56- Zeyad, Mazen and Khaled all live ......... the same flat.
a) on b)with c)in d) about
57- My diving ......... showed me how to use the diving equipment.
a) adventure b) expedition c) instructor d) experience
58- James asked if I......... England last summer.
a) had visited b) would visit c) visit d) am visiting
59- My sister Mona is three years older ......... me.
a) that b) as c) than d) for
60- Zeyad and Mazen are very good ......... now and do a lot of things together.
a) interviewers b) friends c) families d) brothers
61- Sometimes I wanted to be with Mona, but Mona didn't......... to be with me.
a) want b) wanted c) wants d) wanting
62-It's very .......... to have hot weather like this in April.
a) rarely b) rare c) hard d) necessary
63- The .......... journey of Columbus was in 1492.
a) invention b) adventure c) business d) exploration
64- I'd left all my money at home, so I couldn't.......... the bill.
a) cost b) sell c) pay d) buy
65- Ayah is in a difficult.......... at the moment.
a) stop b) station c) sitting d) situation
66- Crusoe was .......... because he was the only human on the island.
a) strong b) lonely c) tall d) only
67- The president arrived.......... London airport at six o'clock.
a) to b)at c)for d)in
68- He said he .......... to Paris for holiday.
a) had gone b) go c) goes d) going
69- The camera shouldn't.......... like that.
a) used b) use c) be using d) be used
70- We went out to have a delicious........ at a good restaurant
a) film b) mile c) meal d) lesson
41- Stay calm and don't......... when you see a wolf in front of you.
a) carry b) sleep c) breathe d) panic
72- The ship ......... to the bottom of the sea near Libya.
a) thanked b) saw c) sank d) flew
73- Amal did her best last year but........ she failed her exams.
a) happily b) unfortunately c) luckily d) fortunately
74- A ........ is a woman who owns a house and rents it for others.
a) landlady b) headmistress c) nurse d) secretary
75- I'd better ........ a note of your name and address.
a) do b) play c) speak d) make
76- Recent increases in crime have disturbed the whole .........
a) commerce b) social c) common d) community
77- She ........ born in Aswan.
a) was b) were c) has d) had
78- He ........ steal the mobile from my car.
a) has seen b) will see c) was seen d) saw
97 We ........ run. It's still early.
a) don't have to b) must c) have to d) should
80- She........ late, didn't she?
a) coming b) comes c)didn't come d)came
81- Father ........ how I went to the pyramids.
a) wondered b) said c)told d)spoke
82- The criminal was ......... inside the bank.
a) rewarded b) helped c) arrested b) praised
83- ......... means to tell about something bad or dangerous.
a) Warn b) Predict c) Plan d) Transmit
84- A group of experts are ......... the cause of the crash.
a) trying b) searching c) investigating d) making
85- Her car crashed ..:...... a tree.
a) of b) into c) with d )at
86- He is able to ......... his own problems with his neighbour.
a) answer b) dissolve c) melt d) solve
87- Scientists have made scientific ......... to Antarctica.
a) experiments b) expedition c) stories d) conversation
88- Terrorism ......... tourist industry in any country.
a) infects b) makes c) raises d) affects
89- The film was so ......... that I watched it many times.
a) boring b) interesting c) bad d) interested
90- A geologist studies ..........
a) biology b) archaeology c) geology d) science
91- Have they ......... any children?
a) got b) getting c) gets d) get
92- Crusoe ......... England and became a sailor.
a) leaves b) left c) leaving d) to leave
93-After Hend had finished........dresses, she sold them to her friends.
a) making b) made c) makes d) to make
94- My friend went to ......... hospital as he was very ill.
a) the b) an c) no article d) a
95- Asmaa ......... Amira at the party. She is still in hospital.
a) must see b) can't have seen c) must have seen d) can't see
96-A hen may ......... two eggs a day.
a) eat b) lie c) lay d) sell
97- Speaking foreign languages is a / an ..........
a) disadvantage b) fault c) advantage d) problem
98-People who do bad things in the society are called ..........
a) servants b) criminals c) geologists d) socialists
99- Satellites are ......... which orbit the earth.
a) stars b) devices c) moons d) planets
100-What are the effects of......... warming on the climate?
a) global b) globe c) national d) international
101- She got married ......... the age of twenty.
a) on b) at c) of d) to
102- I'm not sure he was not at home yesterday. He.…………with her friends to the club
a -must go b)may have gone c)must have gone d) might have gone
103- The teacher made us ......... the homework in class.
a) to do b) doing c) do c) did
104- Wild birds, plants and animals are called........ .
a) Wildlife b) wilds c) wild animals d) wild leaves
105- Most science ........ books tell stories about life in the future.
a) fiction b) lab c) worker d) experience
106- Asmaa ........ her tennis match because she didn't practise well.
a) won b)lost c) gained d) missed
107- Amr ........ if Basel would attend the party the next day.
a) told b) suggested c) said d) asked
108- Emad allowed me ........ his mobile phone.
a) use b) using c) uses d) to use
109- I asked him to close the door but he left it open. He........ have understood what I said.
a) should b) must c) can't d) needn't
110- We usually go home ........ the evening.
a) in b) on c) at d) for
111- A sales assistant enjoys ........ customers.
a) serve b) served c) serves d) serving
112- This dress .......... 150 pounds only.
a) buys b) pays c) costs d) owes
113- Does she have a mobile phone? Yes, she ..........
a) has b) did c) have d) does
114- Dalia was the first girl......... came to the party.
a) who b) which c) whom d) whose
115- A......... advises people about the law.
a) receptionist b) secretary c) lawyer d) novelist
117- The sun dries the ......... on the ground.
a) mixture b) moisture c) air d) sand
118- Phobias are ......... fears. The person shouldn't be so afraid.
a) irrational b) national c) international d) natural
119- ......... my opinion, Paris is the most beautiful city in the world.
a) On b)At c) In d) With
120- The letter ......... two days ago.
a) was sent b) is sent c) is being sent -
السؤال الرابع
Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets:
1. Can he drive a car? (able)
Is he able to drive a car?
2. Are you happy? ( Do )
Do you feel happy?
3. Do you have any future plans to build a palace? ( Will )
Will you build a palace?
4. Are you able to swim? ( Can )
Can you swim?
5. Could he answer the question? ( Was )
Was he able to answer the questions?
6. How old are you? ( What )
What age are you?
7. How heavy is the box? ( What )
What weight is the box?
8. How much did you pay for your phone? (cost)
How much did your phone cost?
9. Didn't anybody ever teach you how to behave? (Weren't….)
Weren't you taught how to behave?
10. Is she still studying? (yet)
Has she finished studying yet?
11. Do you usually go to school late? (Are)
Are you used to going to school late?
12. He said, "I'll attend the meeting. (He said that)
He said that he would attend the meeting
13. "Have you got any homework, Eman?" (Eman's mother asked)
Eman's mother asked if she had any homework.
14. We don't spend all our time at school " (They said that )
They said that they did not spend all their time at school
15. Mohamed said to me, "I killed your dog yesterday." (told ) ( admitted )
Mohamed told me that he killed (had killed) my dog the day before.
Mohamed admitted killing (that he had killed) my dog the day before.
16. Amira told me that she would buy a car the next day. ( said to)
Amira said to me," I will buy a car tomorrow."
17. He said to me, "Why did you come late?" (He asked me)
He asked me Why I came (had come) late.
18. They said to me, «Have you traveled to Paris? » (They asked)
They asked me if I had traveled to Paris
15: "Will you buy that old car, Mazen?" said Sharif. (Sharif asked …)
Sharif asked Mazen if he would buy that old car.
16: "When did you see him, Heba?" said May. (May asked...)
Mary asks Heba when she had seen him.
17: Can I go to the cinema, today, Dad? (Maha asked)
Maha asked her father if she could go to cinema that day.
18: Mr. Ramadan said to us: "I will do some experiments, tomorrow" (told)
Mr. Ramadan told us that he would do some experiments the following day.
19: "Why didn't you answer the exercise?" said the teacher. (The teacher asked me …)
The teacher asked me when I had answered the exercise.
20: "Have you visited the museum? I said. (I asked the tourist…)
I asked the tourist if he had visited the museum.
21: He said to them:"Don't smoke here." (He told..)
He told them not to smoke there.
22: He said to me:"Where is the post office? " (He asked)
He asked me where the post office is.
23: He asked me what the time was. (He said ...)
He said to me "What is the time?"
24:"Could you open the door, please?" (He asked me.)
He asked me to open the door.
19. You aren't allowed to carry a gun in public. (mustn't)
You mustn't carry a gun in public.
20. It isn't necessary for her to go shopping. (have to)
She doesn't have to go shopping
21. It is inadvisable to stay up late before exams. (should)
You shouldn't stay up late before exams
22. Was it necessary for you to come early? (Did)
Did you have to come early?
23. I'm sure he arrived late. (must)
He must have arrived late
24. I'm sure they didn't learn French. (can't)
They can't have learned learn French
25. It isn't very hot. We don’t have to take a taxi. (needn't)
We needn't take a taxi
26. Does Hany have a busy life? (Has)
Has Hany got a busy life?
27. Are you both hard workers? (Do)
Do you both work hard?
28. It's important to see a doctor if you feel ill. (should)
you should see a doctor if you feel ill.
29. It isn't possible that he caught the train (couldn't)
He couldn't have caught the train
30. Is he obliged to go to school? (Is it..?) (Does..?) (Must..?)
Is it necessary for him to go to school?
Does he have to go to school?
Must he go to school?
31. I'm sure that Asmaa is out (must)
Asmaa must be out.
32. I'm certain Andrew has passed his exams (must)
Andrews must have passed her exams.
33. Definitely Hussein hasn't finished his homework. (can't)
Hussein can't have finished his homework.
34. It is possible that he was ill. ( might)
He might have been ill.
35. Perhaps he will win the prize. ( may )
He may win the prize.
36. It is necessary for them to come on time. (They..)
They have to come on time.
37. It is unnecessary for her to get up so early. ( She)
She doesn't have to get up so early.
38. It wasn't necessary for us to go out ( didn't have)
We didn't have to go out.
39. There was no need to hurry to school. ( We needn't)
We needn't have hurried to school.
40. Was it necessary for him to drive so fast? ( have to)
Did he have to drive so fast?
41. It is possible that he didn't send her a letter. ( can't)
He can't have sent her a letter.
42. Noha is doing the homework now (being)
The homework is being done.
43. They built the museum two hundred years ago. (was built)
The museum was built two hundred years ago.
44. Many tourists visit Egypt every year. (Egypt)
Egypt is visited every year.
45. Viruses aren't seen by the ***** eye. (see)
We can't see viruses by the ***** eyes
The ***** eyes can't see viruses
46. You can buy the tickets on the day of the concert. (Tickets...)
The tickets can be bought on the day of the concert.
47. Asmaa has swept the floor. (The floor…)
The floor has been swept.
48. Ayah cleaned the flat. (The flat….)
The flat was cleaned.
49. Shukry is going to repair the car. ( be)
The car is going to be repaired.
50. This is the house. My uncle lives in it. (Where)
This is the house where my uncle lives.
This is the house in which my uncle lives.
51. Sayed is a doorman and he looks after the garden. (Who)
Sayed is a doorman who looks after the garden.
52. I can't buy the car because it is too expensive ( which )
I can't buy the car which is too expensive
53. He saw the thieves. They robbed the bank. ( The thieves who )
The thieves who He saw robbed the bank
54. My uncle is very kind with me. I'm living with him. ( with whom )
My uncle with whom I'm living is very kind with me.
55. This is the man and his car was lost yesterday. ( whose)
This is the man whose car was lost yesterday
56. Graham Bell invented the telephone. (was)
It was Graham Bell that invented the telephone
The telephone was invented Graham Bell
57. Fogg met Fix in Suez (where)
Suez is the place where Fogg met Fix.
58. London is a big city. There are a lot of high buildings in London. (where)
London is a big city where there are a lot of high buildings.
59. Hamed is an expert in computer. He lives next door. (who )
Hamed who is an expert in computer lives next door.
60. We like the break as it is the time we play and eat. (when)
We like the break when we play and eat.
61. The woman went to the police station as her car was stolen ( whose)
The woman whose car was stolen went to the police station
62. The plane was three years old when it crashed. ( that)
The plane that crashed was three years old.
63. Only clever students can do this exercise. ( who )
Only clever students who can do this exercise.
Only students who are clever can do this exercise.
64. A girl in blue jeans is asking for help. ( who )( whose)
The girl who wears blue jeans is asking for help.
The girl whose jean is blue is asking for help.
65. People build houses in different ways to suit the climate. (adapt)
People build houses in different ways to adapt to the climate.
66. This is Rana's car. (belong)
This car belongs to Rana.
67. The old man started his job when he was 13 years old. (age)
The old man started his job at the age of 13.
68. Computers waste children's time. (One disadvantage)
One disadvantage of computers is wasting children's time.
69. Yara took care of my cat. (look)
Yara looked after of my cat.
70. Father smoked a lot when he was young. (used to )
Father used to smoke a lot when he was young.
71. Smoking has a bad effect on our health. (affect)
Smoking affect s our health badly
72. The police could catch the thief as he was trying to escape. (arrest)
The police could arrest the thief as he was trying to escape
73. Huda got the highest marks because she studied hard . (so)
She studied hard so Huda got the highest marks
74. Ali is a clever student, but he can't answer this question (Although)
Although Ali is a clever student, he can't answer this question
75. No one in the classroom is taller than Rahma. (tallest)
Rahma is the tallest one in the class.
76. Ahmed lent me L.E 200. ( I )
I borrowed L.E 200 from Ahmed.
77. We use scales for weighing things. ( used for )
Scales are used for weighing things
78. I am eager to travel abroad. ( looking forward )
I look forward to travelling abroad.
79. If I were you, I'd study day and night. ( should ) ( advise ) ( advice) ( good idea) (Why) don't..?)
You study day and night
I advise you to study day and night
My advice to you is to study day and night
Why don't you study day and night?
80. I don't know why Mona is absent. ( the reason )
I don't know the reason why Mona is absent
I don't know the reason for Mona's absence.
81. Most boys show interest in playing football. (interested )
Most boys are interested in playing football
82. A cigarette end caused the fire. ( cause)
The cause of the fire was a cigarette end
83. Most of the Earth’s energy comes mainly from the sun. (source)
The sun is the main source of the Earth’s energy
84. I had to buy some sugar as there wasn't any left. (The sugar…)
The sugar ran out so I had to buy some
85. Do want to be a doctor? (Would …)
Would you like to a doctor?
86. Ahmed is younger than any other boy in the class. ( The )
Ahmed is the youngest boy in the class.
87. Rich people should help poor people. (The)
The Rich should the help poor.
88. He came early, didn't he? (did he?)
He didn't come late, did he?
89. We are going to agree, aren't we? ( disagree )
We aren't going to disagree, are we?
90. He is stupid, isn't he? ( intelligent )
He isn't intelligent, is he?
91. She doesn't come early, does she? ( late )
She comes late, does n't she?
92. This is the first time I've travelled by air. (never)
I have never travelled by air before.
السؤال الخامس
1. Orangutans live in the rainforests of Borneo. Although their ……(1)...... means wild man of the forest', they are quiet, rather lazy ……(2)...... They spend most of their ……(3)...... high up in trees. They sleep all night in nests which they make from the……(4)...... of trees in the morning they feed on fruits and insects, but then they rest before……(5)...... again in the evening. Strangely, they do not like……(6)...... so when it rains they protect themselves by holding leaves over their heads.
2. Are people still fond of reading? We wonder…..(1)…. a lot of us no longer…..(2)…. books. Has television…..(3)…. us forget reading?
We'd better resume going…..(4)…. libraries and look for different books…..(5)…. may increase…..(6)…. knowledge.
3. Thirty years ago, computers were huge, expensive machines. Not everyone could buy them because they……(1)….. so much. Today, yet, there are millions of cheap……(2)….. in offices and homes across the world. In some countries, many……(3)….. people have bought one or more computers, which are……(4)….. by the internet to shops, banks etc...More people are shopping……(5)….. their bills and……(6)….. many other things by computer.
4. Some phobias can be treated in a few sessions with the therapist. Some people with phobias need medicine to help them ……(1)…… before ……(2)……This treatment can be done in groups where people with the same ……(3)……are helped together. It is also possible to have treatment from a computer ……(4)……where the……(5)…is put into a virtual situation with the thing he or she……(6)……
5. Holidays are of great comfort. After working ……(1) …… all the year round, we look forward to ……(2) ……some rest and some fun as well. Many people…(3) …to spend their holidays …(4) … coastal towns ……(5) ……they enjoy the sea. Young people are fond of risk and enjoy taking……(6) ……expeditions.

السؤال السادس
One of the great problems that face Egypt is over population. Many times President Mubarak has asked all Egyptians to pay great attention to this problem and to try by all means to lessen the increase of population. The food which is produced now is not enough and we have to import a good portion to satisfy the requirements of the great masses of people. Moreover, cities and especially the capital, Cairo, have become stuffed with people who leave their villages and go to them to earn their living. They give up farming, the occupation of their forefathers, to get jobs in offices at low wages. Agricultural projects will help to solve this problem. The ToshkaValley project, for instance, will help to-reclaim half a million feddans and plant them. In this way, huge amounts of food will be produced. They will not only provide all our needs but will also be exported to other countries. Thus, our economy will flourish and the standard of living will be raised.
A) Answer the following questions.*
1- Why are cities stuffed with people?
2- How will the ToshkaValley Project help to improve our economy?
3- What does the underlined word "them" refer to?
4- Find words in the passage which mean,-* a) filled with b) sent out of a country for sale
Choose the correct answer:*
5- President Mubarak persuades Egyptians …….. our population.
a) to increase b) to decrease c) not to care for d) to improve
6-The best means to solve the problem of over-population is……..
a) to leave village b) to work in offices c) to live in Toshka d) to carry out agricultural projects
7- When we reclaim half a million feddans, we will be able to……..
a) produce food for the people in villages. b) produce food for the people in cities and towns.
السؤال السابع
1. Which animals that have adapted to extreme heat and extreme cold are?
- Sand cats and Polar bears
2. How do you think these animals have adapted to their conditions?
They have developed their bodies and lifestyles to
3. How do you think the orangutan has adapted to its environment?
- It lives in cool trees to stay out of the heat.
4. Why don’t sand cats need to find water like other desert animals?
- Because they get moisture from their prey.
5. Polar bears have an incredible sense of smell. Discuss.
- They can smell their prey as far as 16 km away.
6. What is a first-aid box filled with?
- It’s filled with simple medical treatments,
7. What did Crusoe do against his parent’s wish?
He became a sailor.
8 What happened to him during his voyage? Why?
- He was shipwrecked because of a storm.
9. Why did Crusoe get surprised?
- To see a human footprint in the sand.
19. What do you know about Friday?
- He escaped from his people and Crusoe called him Friday.
10. What do you think of “Robinson Crusoe”?
- It was Defoe's most famous book.
11. In what ways was Crusoe able to adapt to life on the island?
- He built a safe home, hunted animals, grew crops for food.
12. What is the job of a fireman?
- It’s to stop “put out” fires.
18. Why doesn’t a fireman think of danger when he is working?
- Because he’s too busy rescuing people.
14. Why is it important for someone in a travel company to speak English well?
1) English is an international language.
2) To speak to people from many countries.
15. What qualities would you need to get these jobs?
(1) Work hard (2) good English
(3) Brave and active (4) be good with people.
16. Prove that a kangaroo is a strange wild animal.
- A kangaroo jumps and has a pouch where a baby kangaroo grows up.
17. Name some of the of the modern wonders
- The computer, X-rays, space travel
18. What do you think will be the wonders of the future world?
- I think that space stations and robots will be the wonders of the future world.
19. What were the seven wonders of the ancient world?
I- The Great Pyramids at Giza2- The Lighthouse at Alexandria
3- The Colossus of Rhodesتمثال "رودس" الضخم4- The HangingGardens of Babylon
5- The Statue of Zeus at Olympia 6- The Temple of Artemis
7- The Mausoleum of Mausoleum at Halicarnassusقبر موسولس في هاليكارناسوس
20. What does Fix think of Fogg?
- He thinks Fogg is a criminal.
21. What do you think of phobias?
- They are extreme and irrational fears.
22. Why are phobias dangerous?
- They can affect people’s lives and make them frightened
23. What do you know about a therapist?
- He is someone whose job is to do treatment of a mental or physical illness.
24 What are satellites?
- They are devices which orbit the Earth.
25. What do satellites transmit?
- TV pictures and telephone calls.
26. What are satellites mainly used for?
- Communication and navigation.
27. Who was Sherlock Holmes?
- He was a fictional detective
28. What are Global challenge Holidays?
- They are adventure holidays that also help communities.
29. What questions do you think the old people would ask you about your life?
- What I learn at school! watch on TV/ use of computer for / games /play, etc...
30. How could you help them?
I could help them with everyday jobs.
السؤال الثامن
أولا : The paragraph
موضوع ذو محاسن
Tourism السياحة – new project مشروعات جديدة - reclamation the desert استصلاح الصحراء Transport النقل -saving الادخار -culture الثقافة - education التعليم - press صحافة Mass media وسائل الإعلام - computer and the internet الكمبيوتر والانترنت -sport الرياضة -Summer camps for youth معسكرات الصيف للشباب -school activities الأنشطة المدرسية -Life in the new cities الحياة في المدن الجديدة – TV التليفزيون –Globalizationعولمة

There is no doubt that ……….plays an important Part in our daily life .يلعب دورا هاما في حياتنا because it has a lot of advantages which we cannot count but we can state some of it. First of all: it solves a lot of problems which face us in our life. it is considered The golden key to the happy life يعتبر المفتاح الذهبي للحياة السعيدة , it is the bass of our progress in all aspects انه الركيزة الأساسية للتقدم في كافة المجالات , it can help us to build our society يمكن أن تساعدنا في بناء مجتمعنا Above all, it's considered the backbone of any civilized country so we must encourage and support it. In other words we have to work together to improve and develop it
Finally; we can come to the end of this topic that we cannot imagine life in the absence of …….
موضوع ذو أضرار

War الحرب, terrorism الإرهاب, pollution التلوث, unemployment البطالة, disease الأمراض Taking ***** تعاطي المخدرات, over population الزيادة السكانية, cost of living أعباء المعيشة Selfishness الأنانية, illiteracy الأمية, floods الفيضانات, nature disaster كوارث طبيعية ……
There is no doubt thatنحن لا نبالغ عندما نقول أن….. is the most serious problems that faces us now a days هي أهم اخطر المشكلات التي تواجهنا هذه الأيام.because It has bad effects and disadvantages that we can't count it,حيث لها تأثيرات سيئة وعيوب لا نستطيع حصرها first of all : it causes more and more troubles and obstacles in our life .it may spread deviation and crimes in our society. It is considered as a hateful enemy that destroys our society so we should stand as one man لذا يجب أن نقف كرجل واحد to put an end to this bad phenomenonالظاهرة السيئة which has spread seriously التي تتفشى بخطورة in the recent days.
finally, we can come to the end of this topic that this problem is as bad as bad could beسئ بما تحمله كلمه سئ من معنى and we should get rid of itنتخلص in order to live in happiness.

ثانيا : The letter

الشكل العام للخطاب :

اسم الشارع ورقم المنزل
اسم الحي أو المدينة
اسم الدولة ( إذا كان مرسل للخارج )
تاريخ يوم الامتحان
Dear ……اسم أو صفة قرابة الشخص المرسل له الخطاب
…………………………………….( مقدمة الخطاب أو تحية الخطاب )………………………………..
………………………………………..( موضوع الخطاب )………………………………………..
……………………………………..( خاتمة الخطاب )……………………………………………
اسم الراسل إن وجد

1- العنوان :
? يكتب في أقصى اليمين في أعلى الصفحة ويكتب كالاتى
17, el Nasser street, ( اسم الشارع ورقم المنزل )
Boulak , ( اسم الحي وفى آخرة علامة , )
Cairo, ( اسم المدينة وفى أخرها علامة , )
Egypt. ( اسم الدولة لو مرسل إلى الخارج )
15th may 2006 ( تاريخ يوم الامتحان )
Jيراعى عند كتابة التاريخ أن يكون تاريخ يوم الامتحان وتكتب أرقام الأيام كالاتى
( 1st , 2nd , 3rd , 4th , …………….21st , 22nd , 23rd ,………29th , 30th , 31st )
2- التحية :
ΠDear Safy,
I `m very pleased to write you this letter. I hope that you are well when you receive this letter
.أنا في غاية السعادة وأنا اكتب لك . أتمنى أن تكون بخير عندما يصلك خطابي
ثانيا التحية الغير سارة : (في التعذية – والمرض – والفقدان – والحادثة )
Dear Amr,
I can't tell you how sad I feel when I heard that …..
3- جسم الخطاب
غالبا ماياتى موضوع الخطاب ( الغرض من الرسالة ) في رأس السؤال كالاتى
Write a letter to your father thanking him تشكره
Telling him تخبره , informing him تخبره , congratulating himتهنئه , advising himتنصحه , consoling himتواسيه , inviting himتدعوه, Asking him تطلب منة ,

I write this letter in order to thank you ( tell you , inform you , congratulate you …..
يراعى تحويل الضمائر كالاتى ( الضمائر الواردة في رأس السؤال تحول في داخل الرسالة كما يلي )
He , him , she , her F you you F me
His F your you F I your F my

4- الخاتمة
? لابد وان تكتب في نهاية المضمون وفى منتصف السطر أو بعد ترك مسافة لاتقل عن2 سم من ناحية اليسار
Œ I'm looking forward to seeing you soon. أتطلع بحرارة لروياك
 my best regards to all at home . أسمى تحياتي لكل العائلة
Ž give my hands to all your family بلغ سلامي إلى أسرتك
 with my best wishes ,
5- التوقيع
? تكتب في نهاية الموضوع في أقصى اليمين ويمكن استخدام التوقيعات الآتية على حسب الخطاب
Yours المخلص , yours sincerely المخلص لك وللأصدقاء , your loving son ابنك المحب
نماذج على الخطاب
Πwrite a letter to your friend Hussein inviting him to spend the weekend at your home. You live at 15 el sadat street, Cairo.
الرد على الخطاب
ΠYou receive the following letter from your English pen-friend , read it carefully , then write a letter in reply. Your name is Hussein and you live at 19 El Sadat street, Cairo.
17, windmill street,
Brixham ,
England .
26th . Jane 2006
Dear Hussein ,
I was very happy to receive your letter. I have been looking for a pen-friend from Egypt for two years. Now I've got one, there's so much things to ask you about. I know little about your country . what is like? Is it very hot ?
Please write soon and tell me every thing
Best wishes,
19 , El Sadat street,
Cairo ,
15th . oct., 2006
Dear Robert ,
Thank you very much for your kind letter. I can't tell you how happy I feel when I receive your tender letter . I have read it and known that you want me to tell you everything about Egypt .
I like to inform you that Egypt is very beautiful country , it has a fine weather all the year round , it has a civilization that attract tourists from all the world. It has a good people who welcomes visitors with smiles .
I'm looking forward to seeing you,

تكتب إيميل المرسل له
تكب إيميل الراسل
موضوع الرسالة

Dear……المرسل له……,
اسم الراسل


السؤال التاسع
Quick Thinking
1. What kind of a story do you think “Quick Thinking” is?
- It’s a tragic story.
2. What is the most important quality of a policeman according to Benting?
Taking quick decisions and acting quickly.
3. What was Mckeown’s view about the most important qualities of a policeman?
- Meeting, talking and listening to people saying
4-How did Van Lutjens deal with his precious stones?
- He called them his children
5. Describe the two diamonds.
- They were perfectly matched.and unreal pink.
6. Why did Van Lutjens employ Benting?
- To watch over his Rozelles diamonds.
7. What happened when the sea was “rough”?
-The ship gave a sudden and violent roll
8. Why did Mr. Benting throw the table and chairs into the sea?
-So that they would float at the place of the diamond
9. What did Woodward suggest to restore the box?
Telling the captain to stop the ship
10. What did Mckeown suggest to restore the box?
- diving swimming to get back the box.
11. How did Van meet his end?
- He died of a heart attack.
12. Why didn’t Van Lutjens reward Benting?
- Because, unfortunately, died
13. Why did the writer entitle his story “Quick Thinking"?
- Because it required quick decisions and to act quickly.
Quotations with answers
1. “When the ability to make a quick decision brought the only hope of success”.
a. Who said this?
b. At which point in the story did he say it: at the beginning, the middle or the end?
c. How did this quotation relate to the story?
Answers a- Mr. Benting. b- The beginning. c- This case needs a quick decision.
2. “Thoroughness and method in the solution of a crime have helped me better than any quick decisions “
a. Who was the speaker? b. To whom were these words said?
c. What were the reasons behind saying them?
Answers a- Mr. Woodward. b- To Mr. Benting. c- He was against Benting’s opinion that quick decision helps to solve a crime.
3. “But I must admit that I have rarely had to make any sudden decisions myself.”
a. Who said these words? b. Where and when were these words said?
c. Why did the speaker rarely make sudden decision?
Answers a- Mr. Mckeown. b- They were sitting in Singapore’s Raffles hotel. When they were talking about the qualities of a policeman.
c- Because he believes that his work has been done mostly by meeting people.
4. “I must go down and look at my children”
a. Who said this statement? b. Who were the children?
c. Why did he call them his children?
Answers b- The two stones (jewels). a- Van Lutjens. c- He loved them greatly.
The face on the face
1. What were the speakers talking about?
unusual events.
2 What did the stranger say about his story to attract their attention to him?
ü It was a true story happened to him personally
3. Why were there *****es on the wall of the storyteller's room?
The house was old. The place was damp.
4.What was the strange about one of the *****es?
ü It looked like the face of a real man.
5. How did the face on the wall control the storyteller?
ü He thought of him as his fellow-lodger.
6. Where did the storyteller look for the real man?
In crowded places.
7-Where did the storyteller see a man with that face ?
He saw him in a taxi .
8. Who was standing with that man ?
Two ladies and a little girl.
9- Why did Mr. Ormond Wall give his card to the stranger ?
He thought he was a mad man
10- What happened to the face on the wall when the millionaire had an accident? - The face was faint.
11- What happened to the face on the wall at the same time Mr. Ormond wall died? - It completely disappeared
12- What were the three extraordinary things about the story ?
ü The face on the wall was like the face of a gentlemen.
ü It disappeared when the man died .
ü The gentleman's name should have a relation to the place on which his face appeared .
ü He made the story up have an hour before telling it .
Quotations with answers
1- " Well, not a story in the ordinary sense of the word.
a- By whom and to whom was this statement said?
By the storyteller to Dabny and the friends.
b- What was the speaker asked to do?
He was asked if he had any story which couldn't be explained .
c- To what extent was his statement true?
It was not true
2-" I could tell you of an event which happened to me personally,
a- What was the event that happened to the speaker?
He saw a face of a real man on the wall of his room.
b- What two things couldn't be explained about that event?
It looked like the face of a real man . It didn't change as the other *****es round it .
c- How did it complete itself that afternoon?
The *****es disappeared when the real man died.
3-" One of these (*****es) -as indeed often happens- was exactly like a human face."
a- What was that *****?
It was a face of a real man on the wall of his room.
b- What was the strange thing about that *****?
It looked like the face of a real man .
c- When did the ***** disappear - when the real man died.
4-" It was that this face began to get a firmer hold of me.
a- When did that face begin to get a firmer hold of the storyteller?
When it and looked like the face of a real man.
b- What did the storyteller intend to do?
To search for the real man whose face appeared on the wall of his room?
c- Where did he search for the face?
In crowded places such as political meetings, football matches and railway stations.
5- " And then, at last I saw him. He was in a taxi driving east a long Piccadilly."
a- Who was that man going east a long Piccadilly? Mr. Ormond
b- What did the story teller do when he saw that man? He took another taxi and followed him
c- Where was the storyteller able to talk to that man? What did he tell him?
In front of the door. He asked him to give him his card
One of the hot spots

1- What kind of story is “One of the Hot Spots”?
- It’s a travel story.
2- What sortنوع of island is Semarang?
- It is the hottest place in the whole of the islands.
- It lacked colour and gaiety. كان ينقصها اللون و البهجة

3- Why was the island Semarang very hot?
- Because the mountain behind it kept the wind off. يحجز الرياح

Why did the officer like to speak English?
- Because he didn’t get many opportunities to do so.

4- How did the passenger jump into the sea?
- he jumped, feet first, with his leather جلد shoes on.
5- What did the passenger do when he reached the water?
- He climbed up the ladder and back onto the ship.
6- Who did the writer feel sorry for?
- He felt sorry for all the people who had to live in Semarang.
7- How did the writer feel when the ship began to leave Semarang?
- He felt as if he was getting out of prison.
8- What was the writer’s wish at the end of the story?
- It was not to see Semarang again.

السؤال العاشر

ý A person's character is usually influenced by his friends.
عادة ما تتاثر شخصية المرء باصدقائه
ý Nurses should be patient and kind-hearted to look after their patients.
يحب على الممرضات ان يكن صبورين وطيبى القلب ليعتنوا بمرضاءهم
ý Visitors from all over the world come to see buildings from the time of the ancient Egyptians, especially the Pyramids.
ياتى الزوار من جميع انحاء العالم المبانى المصرية القديمة وبخاصة الاهرامات
ý The Arabs had a great civilization in the past.
لقد كان العرب اصحاب حضارة قديمة فى الماضى
لقد حققنا الكثير من التقدم فى بعض المحلات .
ý We have made a lot of progress in some areas.
كنت ضمن المشاركين فى المؤتمر الاسبوع الماضى.
ý I was one of the participants in the conference last week.

1- Many animals have adapted to life in extreme heat and cold.
2- One of the animals best adapted to heat is Egypt's sand cat.
3- Some animals are very rare nowadays .We must look after their habitat or they will soon
4-Many animals have adapted to life in extreme climates. There are many different environments throughout the world, but they are rich in wildlife.
5-Sand cats do not need to drink water even in the extreme heat of the desert. They get it from their preys.
6-Sand cats are not often seen because they sleep underground during the day and only come out to hunt at night.
7-Daniel Defoe was one of the first writers of novels in England. Defoe was born in London in 1660. His father was a butcher
8-Defoe wrote his most famous book Robinson Crusoe in 1719. It’s about the adventures of a man who was shipwrecked alone on a desert island.
9-One of the advantages of work is that it makes holidays much more delicious when they come. Young people like to have adventure holidays where they enjoy facing danger.
10-If any man works hard, he will increase his income and enjoy a high standard of living. Working hard helps him to gain money necessary for him.
1.تعيش الحيوانات فى بيئات مختلفة وتكيف نفسها مع ظروف كل بيئة .
2-لا تشرب الجمال الماء لفترات طويلة
3-هناك بعض الطيور لا تستطيع الطيران لانها ليست لديها اجنحة .
4-ان الدب القطبي لديه حاسة شم قوية جدا .
5-يستمتع الإنسان بتربية الحيوانات لأنها قد تكون مصدر للغذاء أو وسيلة مواصلات أو للزينة.
6-هناك نوعان من الحيوانات ، حيوانات أليفة وحيوانات مفترسة.
7- تتأقلم الحيوانات مع الظروف المناخية التى تعيش فيها.
8-قام دانيل ديفو بكتابة العديد من القصص الرائعة و من أشهرقصصه" روبنسون كروزو".
9-لم يكن روبنسون كروزو كسول ’ بل قام ببناء بيت له على الجزيرة ثم بنى حوله سور.
10-من الضرورى أن تجيد تحدث وكتابة اللغة الإنجليزية وإستخدام الحاسب الألى لكى تحصل على فرصة عمل.

قديم 04-05-2012, 07:51 AM
hagadela2 hagadela2 غير متواجد حالياً
عضو لامع
تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2010
المشاركات: 8,884
معدل تقييم المستوى: 23
hagadela2 will become famous soon enough

قديم 24-05-2012, 03:14 PM
hshmy hshmy غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2008
المشاركات: 14
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
hshmy is on a distinguished road

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