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أرشيف المنتدى هنا نقل الموضوعات المكررة والروابط التى لا تعمل

أدوات الموضوع ابحث في الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 20-05-2008, 12:19 AM
الصورة الرمزية أ/ أحمد البسيونى
أ/ أحمد البسيونى أ/ أحمد البسيونى غير متواجد حالياً
مدرس اللغة الإنجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2006
المشاركات: 1,662
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
أ/ أحمد البسيونى is an unknown quantity at this point
افتراضي تعبيرات هامه للترجمه2

علي جميع القطاعات أن تتعاون
all sectors should co- operate
صالح لـ For the benefit of
لصالح For the good of
نضع نهاية(حد) لـ to put an end to
a peace masker = man of peace
رجل صانعسلامأزمة المرور/ازدحام المرور the traffic jams
ساعات الذروة rush hours
إيجاد مصادر بديلة للطاقة to find alternative sources of energy مصادر الطاقة بدل من البترول instead of oil
الطاقة الشمسية solar power
الطاقة المائية water power
سريعا سينفذ / سينتهي will soon run out = be exhausted
الإرهاب و ال*** terrorism and violence
ضربة مدمرة a destructive stroke
في كل مكان و كل عصر
everywhere and in all ages
علينا أننقف بحزم ضد We have to stand firmly against
كرجل واحد As one man
اقويكمبيوتر في العالم the most powerful computer in the world
القرن الحادي والعشرين the twenty first –century
شبكات الأقمار الصناعية Satellite networks
a revolution of information resources
ثورة في مصادر المعرفة
التفكير العلمي scientific thinking
تطبيق النظريات العلمية the application of scientific theories
المجالات العلمية the practical fields
نوادي العلوم science clubs
التكنولوجيا الحديثة Modern technology
مكانة اجتماعية مرموقة a good social position
مشروعات ضخمة (عظيمة great projects
حدث ثقافي a cultural event
لا يدخر وسعا to spare no effort
يبذل قصارى جهده to do(his)best
نزيدصادراتنا to increase our exports
يعمل بجهد و إخلاص to work seriously and sincerely
الإنتاج المحلي local production
لصالح بلدنا For the sake of our country
في كلأنحاء العالم All over the world
يلعب دور هاما في play an important part in
نعمل من اجل السلام to work for peace
لنشارك في to take part in
التنمية الاجتماعية social development
لنحيا حياة سعيد to lead a happy life
قديم 28-05-2008, 10:33 PM
الصورة الرمزية ibrahimsafi
ibrahimsafi ibrahimsafi غير متواجد حالياً
عضو لامع
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2008
المشاركات: 1,148
معدل تقييم المستوى: 18
ibrahimsafi is on a distinguished road

thank u very much
قديم 05-06-2008, 12:36 PM
الصورة الرمزية جواد عوض
جواد عوض جواد عوض غير متواجد حالياً
مشرف اللغة الانجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2008
المشاركات: 3,416
معدل تقييم المستوى: 20
جواد عوض is on a distinguished road
Neww1qw1 كل قواعد3ث فى برشامة

( (By Mr.GAWADكل قواعد 3 ث في برشامة
1- .am-is –are supposed to=should/ought to+inf
• .You shouldn't waste your time=You aren't supposed to waste your time
• .was/were supposed to=should/ought to+have+pp
2- After/As soon as/The moment+فاعل + had+p.p…..past simple
• After I had finished my study, I traveled to Alex.
3- After+v.ing ……ماضي بسيط.
• After finishing my study, I traveled to Alex.
4- Having+التصريف الثالث …..Past simple.
• Having finished my study, I traveled to Alex.
5- فاعل+ didn't +الفعل في المصدر + till/until+فاعل+had +p.p.
• I didn't go home until I had finished my work.
6- فاعل+had+no sooner+p.p.+than+الحملة الثانية في الماضي البسيط.
• I had no sooner finished my study, than I went to Alex.
7- No sooner+had+الفاعل+p.p.+than+ الحملة الثانية في الماضي البسيط.
• No sooner had I finished my study, than I went to Alex.
8- Before/By the time+past simple+فاعل+had +p.p.
• Before I slept, I had done all my work.
9- Because/As /Since+فاعل+فعل+مفعول+الجملة الثانية كاملة.
• Because he is ill, he didn't go to school.
10- Because of /Owing to/Due to /As a result of+فاعلV+ing/noun+الجملة الثانية كاملة
• Because of his illness, he didn't go to school.
11- Although/Though/even though/Even if+فاعل+فعل….جمله ثانيه
• Although he is poor, he is happy.
12- In spite of/Despite+ving/اسم+الجملة الثانية كاملة
• In spite of being poor, he is happy.
• In spite of his poverty, he is happy.
13- However+صفه+فاعل+فعل, +الجملة الثانية كاملة
• However poor he is, he is happy.
14- Whatever+الاسم من الصفة+فاعل+haveجزء من الفعل, +الجملة الثانية كاملة.
• Whatever poverty he has, he is happy.
15- صفة + as +الفاعل +الفعل …الجملة الثانية كاملة
• Poor as he is, he is happy.
16- الجملة الأولي كاملة+to/so as to/in order to+الفعل في المصدر
• He studies hard to join a good faculty.
17- الجملة الأولي كاملة+that/so that/in order that/in the hope that+الفاعل+may-can/might-could+الفعل في المصدر
• He studies hard so that he may join a good faculty.
18- الفاعل+not only+الفعل+but also_الجملة الثانية كاملة.
• They not only played well, but also they won the cup.
19- Not only+فعل مساعد+الفاعل+الفعل في المصدر+تكملة الجملة+but also+.الجملة الثانية كاملة
• Not only did they play well, but also they won the gold medal.
20- Besides/In addition to/As wellas+v+ing/noun+الجملة الثانية كاملة.
• Besides studying my lessons, I watched the final match yesterday.
21- جملة سببية+so/therefore/that's why/consequently+نتيجة.
• I was ill, that's why I was absent from school yesterday.
22- Put(sth)awayيضع شىء/put(sth)offيؤجل.put(sb)offينفرةمن.put forwardيرشح شخص.put on يرتدى.put on weight يزدا د و زنا .put out يطفئ Take over يتولى الأمر .take---inيخدع-يستوعب.take offيخلع –تقلع الطائرة.take(sb)off يقلد.take afterيشبه.take(sth)apartيفك.take down.يدون.take awayيزيل.take upيشغل.take on(sb)يوظف
23- فاعل+have/has+not+p.p.+مفعول+since+فاعل+ماضي بسيط
• I haven't seen him since he left our village.
24- فاعل+have/has+been+v+ing+for…..now.
25- فاعل+have/has+been+v+ing+since…..still.
• They have been living in this old house for 13 years now.
• She has been learning English since 1999 and she is still learning it.
26- it's+مدة زمنية since+فاعل+ فعل في الماضي البسيط
• It's two years since I saw him.
27- فاعل+have/has+pp+تكملة+since+بداية مدة/تاريخ.
• I have learned English since 1998.
28- فاعل+have/has+pp+forمدة كاملة.
• I have learned English for five years.
29- فاعل+have/has been to……ذهب إلي مكان ثم عاد.
• She has been to France.
30- فاعل+have/has gone to……ذهب إلي مكان وما زال هناك.
• She has gone to France.
31- + جملة في الماضي البسيطin+سنه .
• My father traveled to France in 1990.
32- فترة زمنية +جملة في الماضي البسيط+ago.
• He got married three years ago.
33- جملة في الماضي البسيط+from+تاريخ+to+تاريخ.
• He worked in this factory from 1999 to 2002.
34- for+فترة زمنية.
• He went to secondary school for three years
35- Unless=if…not…
• You won't pass unless you study hard.
• You won't pass if you don't study hard.
36- If+فاعل+مضارع بسيط…will+الفعل في المصدر.
• If you study hard, you will pass.
37- If+فاعل+ماضي بسيط…would+الفعل في المصدر.
• If she went to the party, she would meet her old friends.
38- If+فاعل+had+p.p….فاعل+would+have+p.p.
• If we had played well, we would have won the match.
39- Wthout+noun/v+ing….if جواب شرط من حالات.
• Without helping me, I would have failed.
• Without his help, I would have failed.
لتحويل الجملة منactive إلى passive نتبع الخطوات التالية
( الفاعل +by ) + p.p + في زمن الجملة to be المفعول
الجدول التالي يوضح تركيب الأفعال في صيغة المبنى للمجهول
Passive Active
am , is are + p.p المضارع البسيط
was , were + p.p الماضي البسيط
have , has + been + p.p المضارع التام
had + been + p.p الماضي التام
will have been + p.p المستقبل التام
am , is , are + being + p.p. المضارع المستمر
was , were + p.p الماضي المستمر
will + be + being المستقبل البسيط
may , can , must , + be + p.p
have to , had to + be +p.p الأفعال الناقصة
will,may, shall, must
1- Some body cleans my office every day. - My office is cleaned everyday.
2- Ali presented a car to his son. - A car was presented to Ali’s son.
3- Someone is repairing my car. - My car is being repaired.
4- Someone was watching him. - He was being watched.
5- Some one has stolen his car. - His car has been stolen.
6- He has been repairing the car. - The car has been repaired.
7- She had cooked lunch. - Lunch had been cooked.
8- He had been painting the drawing. - The drawing had been painted.
9- Someone will meet you at the station. - You will be met at the station.
10- He can sell the car if you agree. -The car can be sold if you agree.

 هناك أفعال مساعده أخرى مثل :
Active Passive
Has to, have to, had to, would
Ought to, going to, be going to + المصدر
الفعل الناقص + be + p.p

1-Someone must show her what to do.
She must be shown what to do next.
2- They are going to draw a new plan.
A new plan is going to be drawn.
إذا وجد في الجملة فعل مساعد يتبعه ( have + p.p ) اتبع الآتي:
Will have
Must have
Can’t have
+ مفعول May have + been + p.p
Might have
Should have
Ought to have
1-They will have done the homework by 7.30 tonight.
-The homework will have done by 7.30 tonight
2- He can’t have known the truth
-The truth can’t have been known.
ملاحــظــات :-
1- إذا كانت الجملة منفية بـ “ t’doesn't “ أو “t’didn't " احذفها واستخدم :-
“am , is , are + not + p.p "
2- إذا كانت الجملة منفية ب “t’didn't “ احذفها واستخدم :-
“ was , were + not + p.p

Ex :-
Active :- The boy doesn’t drink the milk .
Passive :- The milk isn’t drunk .
Active :- They didn't write the lesson .
Passive :- The lesson wasn’t written .
عند تحويل السؤال إلى ( passive) :-
1- يحول السؤال إلى جملة خبرية ويحذف علامة الاستفهام .
2- تحول الجملة الخبرية إلى المبنى للمجهول .
3- توضع الجملة بعد تحويلها إلى صيغة الاستفهام
Ex :-
1- Do people speak English ?
Is English spoken?
2- Did he buy a car ?
Was a car bought ?
3- Can he answer the question ?
Can The question be answered ?
4- Where did they hide the treasure ?
Where was the treasure hidden ?
ملاحظات :-
* إذا بدأ السؤال بـ ( who ) تحول إلى ( by whom )
 Who killed the dog ?
By whom was the dog killed ?

+ p.p ? المفعول + في زمن الجملة + to be أداة الاستفهام *

Re write the following sentences:-
1- When will you buy the new car ? (be)
2- How did you do it ? (was)
3- I‘m cleaning my room . (being)
4- Who solve the problem ? (by whom )
5- Can you understand this lesson ? (passive )
6- No body answered the question . (passive)
7- They build a new house . (is)
8- I’m reading a story . (being)
9- I’ll have built a new house . (been)
10- You ought to help your friend . (be)
11- We haven’t told him the truth . (he)
12- This problem can’t be solved . (no body)
13- He didn’t invite me to his party . (I)
14- I’m going to lend her my camera . (she)
15- He paid me a lot of money . (was)
16- People will show here the new project . (she)

40- It+(is/was/will be)+necessary for+مفعول+to+الفعل في المصدر.
• It is necessary for you to follow the rules.
41- فاعل+beجزء من الفعل +not allowed/banned/forbidden/banned to+ المصدر.
• You are not allowed to park your car here.
42- الفاعل+mustn't+الفعل في المصدر.
• You mustn't park your car here.
43- …used to+الفعل في المصدر.
• I used to walk to school when I was a student.
44- ….be (am/is/are) used to+v+ing.
• I'm used to smoking.
45- can't stand+v+ing
• I can't stand sitting alone at home.
46- Keen+on+v+ing
• He is keen on attending the party.
47- I'd rather+toفعل في المصدر بدون .
48- فاعل+الفعل+so+الصفة+that+الجملة الثانية.
• He is so clever that he answers the exam in a short time.
49- فاعل اسم+الفعل+such a/an+الصفة+one+that+الجملة الثانية.
• The bag is such a heavy one that he can't carry it.
50- It+الفعل+such a/an+الصفة+اسم+that+الجملة الثانية.
• It is such a heavy bag that he can't carry it.
51- فاعل+الفعل+to+الصفة+to+الفعل في المصدر.
• He is too weak to lift this heavy box..
52- الفاعل+الفعل+not+عكس الصفة+enough to+الفعل في المصدر.
• He is not strong enough to lift this heavy box.
53- فاعل+let+مفعول+ to مصدر بدون
• My father lets me go to the party.
54- فاعل+allow+مفعول +to +مصدر
• My father allows me to go to the party.
55- فاعل+make+مفعول +مصدر
• He made me buy the camera.
56- فاعل+persuade+مفعول +to +مصدر
• He persuaded me to buy the camera.
Verbs followed by to + the infinitive:
افعال يتبعها to والمصدر فقط :
يعــد Promise يستطيع Manage يطلب Demand يوافق Agree
يقرر decide يشتاق Long يستحق Deserve يريد Want
يامل Wish يقصد Mean يتوقع Expect يخطط Plan
يهدد Threaten يعرض Offer يامل Hope يرفض Refuse
يمكن Enable يتظاهر pretend يتعلم Learn يحاول attempt
 He offered to help us  he decided to stay at home.
 She wants to be a teacher.  The thief managed to escape.
افعال يتبعها(gerund) الفعل + : ing
يشمل Involve يستمر Keep on يقترح Suggest يتجنب Avoid
Miss يمانع Mind يوصي Recommend يتمتع Enjoy
لا فائده It's no use يكره Dislike يتخيل Imagine ينكر Deny
لا أتحمل Can't help يغترف Admit يتخيل Fancy ينهي Finish
لا اتحمل Can't stand يؤجل Postpone يؤجل Put off يذهب Go
 I enjoy watching television.  He suggested going to the cinema.
 Hatem denied breaking the glass.  Fancy meeting you here.
افعال يتبعها(gerund) الفعل + ing أو to والمصدرمع تغيير طفيف في المعني. :
يكره hate يحب like يستمر continue يبدا begin
لا يتحمل can't bear يحب love يفضل prefer يبدا start
I like spending the weekend in Alexandria. (عموما )
I like to spend the weekend in Alexandria. (مناسبة خاصة )
افعال يتبعها(gerund) الفعل + ing أو to والمصدر مع تغييركبيرفي المعني. :
To + المصدر يتذكر ان يفعل الشيء
V + ing يتذكر انه فعل الشيء REMEBER
 He remembered to post the letter.
 He remembered posting the letter.
To + المصدر ينسي ان يفعل الشيء
V + ing ينسي انه فعل الشيء Forget
 He forgot to lock the car.
 He forgot locking the car.
To + المصدر ياسف انه مضطر لفعل الشيء
V + ing ياسف او يندم لانه فعل الشيء
 I regret to phone him late at night.
 I regretted phoning him late at night.
To + المصدر يبذل مجهود لكي يفعل الشيء
V + ing يجرب و سيري ما سوف يحدث
 He tried to fix the car but he couldn't.
 He tried taking the medicine.
To + المصدر يتوقف لكي يفعل الشيء
V + ing يتوقف عن فعل الشيء
 He stopped to have coffee.
 He stopped having coffee


Must be لابد انه ----------
تعبر عن شبه تأكيد في الوقت الحاضر.
 He always gets top mark. He must be intelligent.
Must have + p . p لابد انه كان --------------
تعبر عن شبه تأكيد في الماضي.
 He was absent yesterday, he must have been ill.
 The door was broken; the thief must have entered through it.
Can't be لا يمكن أن يكون -----------------
تعبر أن المتكلم شبه متأكد من عدم كونيه الشيء في المضارع.
 He has a car, he can't be poor.
Can't have + p . p لا يمكن انه كان ------------
تعبر أن المتكلم شبه متأكد من عدم كونيه الشيء في الماضي.
 I phoned you but no one answered, he can't have been at home.
Could + مصدر
May be تعبر عن استنتاج غير مؤكد في المضارع
 This tourist could \ may be French, I'm not sure.
Could have + p . p تعبر عن استنتاج غير مؤكد في الماضي
 The thief could have escaped through the window.
Might be غير متأكد تماما (احتمال بعيد في المضارع)
 He speaks German, he might be Egyptian.
Might have + p . p في الماضي ) غير متأكد تماما ( احتمال بعيد
 He might have answered the exam, he answered nothing.
درجات التأكيد في المضارع
 He is ill (certain)
 He must be ill. (near certain)
 He may be certain (uncertain)
 He might be ill. (very uncertain)
درجات التأكيد في الماضي

 He was ill (certain)
 He must have been ill. (near certain)
 He may have been certain (uncertain)
 He might have been ill. (very uncertain)

السؤال المذيل

هو سؤال تضعه فى نهاية الجملة الخبرية مسبوقا بـ ( ,) للتأكيد ومعناه أليس كذلك .
كيفية تكوين السؤال المذيل
ضمير فاعل + فعل مساعد منفى  جملة مثبتة .
ضمير فاعل + فعل مساعد مثبت  جملة منفية .
 Ahmed is a teacher, isn’t he?
 They aren’t foreigner. Are they?
يراعى عند تكوين السؤال المذيل
1- إذا كانت الجملة مثبتة يكون السؤال منفى والعكس
2- نستخدم نفس الفعل المساعد الموجود في الجملة am – is – will – can
3- إذا لم يكن في الجملة فعل مساعد تستخدم Do does – did حسب زمن الجملة
4- نستخدم نفس الفاعل الموجود إذا كان ضمير ، أما إذا كان ضمير نستخدم الضمير الذي يعود عليه .
- Karima works hard. Doesn’t she?
- She is studying, isn’t she?
- He wrote the lesson, didn’t he?
هناك بعض الشواذ لابد أن تدرسها جيداً .
 I’ m not a teacher, am I?
 I’m late, aren’t I?
 Open the door, with you? الجملة الأمرية
 Don’t open the door, will you?
 Let’s go out, shall we?
 Let us go out, will you?

إذا وجدت فى الجملة إحدى هذه الكلمات فى الجملة تكون الجملة منفية وبالتالي يكون السؤال المذيل مثبت .
Hardly No …… Seldom نادراً Rarely نادراً
Never Scarcely نادراً Very little very few
 She hardly cooks fish, does she?
وهذه الكلمات تعوض عنها بالضمير ( They ) .
Everyone Every body Someone Some body
 Every one attended the party didn’t they?
 No thing is lost, is it?
 No one came late, did they?
Few and little تعطى معنى النفى ولذلك يكون السؤال المذيل مثبت
 Few people know the answer, did they?
 Little progress has been made, has it?
معناها قليل ولكن يكفى والجملةمثبته السؤال المذيل يكون منفى a few, a littl
 A few people knew the answer, didn’t they?
 A little progress has been made, hasn’t it?

Put a question tag: - .
1- Elephants are very strong animals ………?
2- She will miss the tram,
3- I never drink tea,
4- Let’s go and see the film ………?
5- You needn’t leave so early,
6- No one could tell me the answer ………?
7- No one warned you ………?
8- No thing could stop him ………?
9- The car broke down,
10- She can’t write ………?

الكلام غير المباشر

تحويل الجملة الخبرية :
 الجملة الخبرية هي الجملة التي تتكون من فاعل وفعل
 عند تحويل الجملة الخبرية إلى غير المباشر نتبع الخطوات الآتية :-
أولاً : يتغير فعل القول كما يلي :
Say  say that Says  says that
Say to  tell + مفعول + that Says to  Tells + مفعول + that
Said  Said that Said to  told + مفعول + that
* يمكن الاستغناء عن كلمة That
ثانياً :- يتغير زمن الجملة كالتالي :_
 إذا كان فعل القول ماضي Said / Said to يتغير الزمن كالتالي :
ماضي بسيط Went  مضارع بسيط Go
ماضي مستمر Was going  مضارع مستمر is going
ماضي تام had gone  مضارع تام has gone
ماضي تام / ماضي بسيط had gone / went  ماضي بسيط Went
Will go مستقبل بسيط  would go
Can  could Shall  should
Have to  had to Has to  had to
Must  had to
ملحــوظـــة :- إذا كان فعل القول مضارع أو مستقبل say – says have said – has said – tell
تتغير الضمائر فقط ولا تتغير الأزمنة . تتغير الضمائر حسب المعنى
 He said “ I missed the train “ He said “ that he missed the train
 He said to me “ I’ll reach London tomorrow
He told me ( that ) he would reach London the next day
يتغير الظروف وأسماء الإشارة كالتالى :
Direct Indirect Direct Indirect
This That Tomorrow The next day
These Those Next ( week ) The following (week)
To day That day Here There
Tonight That night Yesterday The day before
Now Then Last (week) The previous week

Choose the correct answer:
1- He said that he ………… T. V then
a- is watching b) was watching c) had watched
2- My brother told me that he ………… at Cairo air port the next day.
a) Will arrive b) would arrive c) has arrived b) had arrived
3- He …… he would spend the weekend on his farm .
a) Said b) told c) asked d) ordered
4- He told me that he ………… answer my questions then
a) couldn’t b) didn’t c) doesn’t d) wouldn't
5- Mr. Hassan told me that he ………… the meeting the month before
a) Wouldn’t attend b) doesn’t attend c) hadn’t attended . d) didn't attended
Rewrite the following sentences.
1- He said to me “ I didn’t send her any letters “ " he told me "
2- He said to me “ If you like it , I’ll Take you to my house “ told “
3- You must take the medicine “ “ The doctor told me “
4- Ashraf told me that he didn’t want to go out that evening “ Ashraf said to me "
5- She told me that she had spent a lot of time in hospital the previous year
“ She said to me “
6- You can’t go out until you have finished “ Our teacher said that "
7- He said to me “ I’ll help you in our home work “ He told me
8- I’m going to move to Tanta “ Said Saim ‘ Salim said “ .
9- The price of the car is 20,000 pounds ‘ He told me
10- I’ m sure you mode many mistakes” " he told me"
11 - They said “ we’re writing the report now hey told me” . " the said that"

تحويل السؤال إلى غير مباشر
أولاً : إذا كان السؤال يبدأ بفعل مساعد .
1- يتغير فعل القول Said أو said to إلى asked .
2- تحذف الأقواس ونربط بـ if أو whether يليها فاعل ثم فعل ثم بقية الجملة ( جملة خبرية ) .
3- تتغير الأزمنة مثل الجملة الخبرية .
4- الترتيب يكون كالتالى :
باقي الجملة + فعل + فاعل + if + Asked فاعل
بدائل كلمة Asked :
 He Enquired  I didn’t know …………
 He wonted to know  Tell me …………
 He wondered  He would like to know
Ex .
 “Are you coming to the party “ she asked me”
She asked me if I was coming to the party.
 Did you get a computer ‘ He asked “
He asked if I had got a computer
 He said to her “ Have you done your homework “ He wondered”
He wondered if I had done my home work

ملحوظة :
 إذا كان السؤال يبدأ بأداة استفهام تحذف الأقواس ونربط بنفس أداة الاستفهام .
 تحذف does / do وتحول الفعل إلى ماضي
 تحذف did ويحول الفعل إلى ماضي تام ( had + P. P )
 باقي الجملة – فعل – فاعل + أداة استفهام + asked فاعل
 He said “ where can you get bread ?
He asked where I could get bread
 He said “ what is your home ?
He asked what my name is

الجملة الأمرية أو الطلب أو النصيحة
عند التحويل إلى غير مباشر
 تحويل فعل القول asked  said – said to
 وهنا بدائل أخرى لكلمة asked
ترجاني begged me نصحني advised me
طلب منى request me أراد منى wanted me
أمرنى ordered me أمرنى told me
تربط الجملة بـ to أو not to ثم المصدر
To  للجملة المثبته Not to للجملة المنفية
 He asked me to + المصدر  He asked me not to + المصدر
 My teacher said “ Study hard to succeed”
My teacher advised me to study hard
Hazem said “ go home Mona “
Hazem told me to go home.
She said “ Don’t play with matches ‘
He told me not to play with matches.
 I said to him “ please, writhe your name clearly “
I asked him to write his name clearly .
Rewrite the following sentences.
1- Do you speak English? “ I wondered “
2- Have you finished doing your exercise? “ I asked him “ .
3- He asked me what I was doing then. “ He said to me “
4- “ Where can I exchange some money ? “ He wonted to know “
5- Can you come to dinner on Fridays ? “ He asked me “
6- He said to me “ How long have you been waiting? “ " He asked "
7- “ Would you like to go sailing? “ “ He wondered “
8- “ Is mother making food? “ “ He wanted to know “.
9- He said to me, “ Give me your pen “ " He asked "
10- Mother said to her children “ Don’t play with matches “ " Mother warned"
11- He said “ Don’t go hear the sea, Ali " " he warned -----"
12- Could you open the door, please.? "He asked"
13- “ How did you get to school” she said " She asked "
14- I said to him “ where did you buy your car ? “ "I asked Ibrahim"
15- "What time does the train arrive? “ " I asked "
16- “ Have you had any thing to eat " "He asked me"
17- “ Who will come to the cinema with me” "Samy wondered”.
18- Don’t make too noise, please “ he said “He asked "
19- “ leave your keys on the desk, please” “ He told me “
20- Would you talk more quietly? "He asked "
21- “Would you turn on the T.V” “ She asked “ .
24- Don’t spend too much money on holidays “ My father told me”
الرجاء عدم استخدامها في الغش اللهم قد بلغت اللهم فاشهد و ألقاكم على خير دائما والسلام عليكم ورحمةاللة مستر جواد 0102389716
قديم 06-06-2008, 04:29 AM
Mr. ayman Mr. ayman غير متواجد حالياً
مدرس اللغة الانجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2008
المشاركات: 412
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
Mr. ayman is on a distinguished road

استاذنا الفاضل
جهد مشكور، ولكن وددت لو انك جمعته في صفحة ورد ثم رفعتها لكان في ابهي صوره

وافر احترامي
قديم 08-06-2008, 07:09 PM
الصورة الرمزية Mr abdallah ibn shirbeen
Mr abdallah ibn shirbeen Mr abdallah ibn shirbeen غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2008
المشاركات: 44
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
Mr abdallah ibn shirbeen is on a distinguished road

جهد رائع جزاك الله كل خير
great effort

God bless u , sir
قديم 14-09-2008, 07:20 PM
يوستينا اسامة العبد يوستينا اسامة العبد غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2008
المشاركات: 2
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
يوستينا اسامة العبد is on a distinguished road

thank you very much
قديم 15-09-2008, 03:45 PM
الصورة الرمزية الهاوى
الهاوى الهاوى غير متواجد حالياً
طالب جامعى ( صيدلة القاهرة )
تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2008
المشاركات: 210
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
الهاوى is on a distinguished road

لكم جميعا فائق الشكر والاحترام
قديم 05-11-2008, 11:32 PM
الصورة الرمزية mr ashraf ezzat
mr ashraf ezzat mr ashraf ezzat غير متواجد حالياً
مدرس اللغة الانجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2008
المشاركات: 717
معدل تقييم المستوى: 16
mr ashraf ezzat is on a distinguished road

قديم 30-08-2009, 10:10 PM
egyptianfox egyptianfox غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2009
المشاركات: 11
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
egyptianfox is on a distinguished road

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