تعلم الانجليزية خاص بتعليم الانجليزية للكبار والصغار ، دورات الانجليزية بمراكز اللغات وشهادة TOEFL |
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Phrasal Verbs
Preface In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful All praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds ... I praise Him, seek His forgiveness and assistance Peace and blessings be upon our Prophet and Master Muhammad, his kith and kin, his companions, those who call to his message and follow his guidance until the Day of Judgment They are the most common phrasal verbs in English; ordered alphabetically from letter (A) to letter (Z), I collected them with examples from dictionaries such as Oxford, Cambridge, Longman, Webster … et cetera Finally, I hope to this work will be a beneficial to everyone who wants to enrich his English language Mr. Hatem Ahmed
آخر تعديل بواسطة Mr. Hatem Ahmed ، 13-07-2018 الساعة 07:28 AM |
Definition Phrasal Verb: A phrase which consists of a verb in combination with a preposition or adverb or both, the meaning of which is different from the meaning of its separate parts ******** الفعل المركب: هو عبارة عن شبه جملة تتكون من فعل وحرف جر أو ظرف أو كليهما معًا، والذي يكون له بعد اتحادهما معنًى مختلفًا تمامًا عن معنيهما منفردين.
(A) "1" يُوضِّح، يُفسِّر، يُبرِّر :Account for Ex: Students account for the vast majority of our customers "2" يُنَفِّذ :Act out Ex: The children acted out their favourite poem "3" يُعَبِّر :Act out Ex: Children's negative feelings often get acted out in bad behaviour "4" يَتصرَّف بطريقة سيئة :Act up Ex: She got bored and started acting up "5" لا يعمل بطريقة صحيحة :Act up
آخر تعديل بواسطة Mr. Hatem Ahmed ، 13-07-2018 الساعة 07:41 AM |
بسم الله ماشاء الله
نشاط وحضور متميز في كافة اقسام المنتدى بقسميه العام والتعليمي بارك الله فيكم وجزاكم الله كل الخير وبارك الله بصحتكم وعافيتكم دعواتي وتحياتي وتقديري |
أسعدني وشرفني مرور حضرتك الغالي أستاذتنا الكريمة
جزاكِ الله خير الجزاء وأنعم عليكِ بعظيم العطاء
"6" يَجمَع :Add up Ex: He added the bill up "7" يُراعِي، يَنتَبِه إلى :Allow for Ex: You should allow for the plane beingdelayed "8" يرُدّ بِوقَاحَة على كلام شخصٍ :Answer back Ex: Do not answer back to your mother "9" يَعترِف بمسؤوليته عن فعل خطأ ارتكبه :Answer for Ex: I expect parents to answer for their children's behaviour "10" يَتقدّم بطلب لِـ (يكون عن طريق مِلئ استمارة أو كتابة خطاب الخ) :Apply for Ex: People who apply for housing benefit must be means-tested
آخر تعديل بواسطة Mr. Hatem Ahmed ، 13-07-2018 الساعة 07:44 AM |
"11" يسأل عن صِحّة شخص ما :Ask for Ex: Tell your father I was asking for him "12" يسأل طلباً للمساعدة أو للمعلومات :Ask around Ex: Our babysitter's just moved away, so we are asking around for a replacement "13" يَسأل طلبًا لرؤية شخص ما أو للتحدُّث معه :Ask for Ex: A young man was here asking for you this morning "14" يَطلب مِن شخص الدُّخول لإحدى حُجُرات المنزل :Ask in Ex: I would ask you in for a coffee but I have to get up early for work in the morning "15" يَطلُب الخروج مع شخص إلى المطعم ...الخ :Ask out Ex: I have asked my wife out to the cinema this evening
آخر تعديل بواسطة Mr. Hatem Ahmed ، 13-07-2018 الساعة 07:46 AM |
(B) "16" Back down: يرجع في قراره أو رأيه Ex: Eventually, he backed down and apologized "17" Ex: They backed out of the deal the day before they were due to sign the contract Back out: يُقرِّر عدم فعل شيء قد وَعَد أن يقوم به "18" Ex: My family backed me up throughout the court case Back up: يُسانِد، يُساعِد "19" Ex: His claims are backed up by recent researchBack up: يُثبِت حقيقة ما "20" Ex: Make sure you back up your filesBack up: يعمل نسخة احتياطية لملفات على الكمبيوتر
آخر تعديل بواسطة Mr. Hatem Ahmed ، 13-07-2018 الساعة 07:49 AM |
"21" Back up: يُرجِع السيارة للخَلف Ex: I backed the car up several hundred yards "22" Bail out: يَدفع كفالة مالية ليُخرِج شخص ما من السجن Ex: He called his father to bail him out "23" Bail out: يُساعِد شخصًا ليخرج من مشكلة Ex: She keeps running up huge debts and asking friends to bail her out "24" Ex: I will be back in a minuteBe back: يَرجع، يَعود "25" Be off : يُغادِر مكان Ex: I am just off to see the doctor
آخر تعديل بواسطة Mr. Hatem Ahmed ، 13-07-2018 الساعة 07:52 AM |
"26" مَفصُول، غير مُتَّصل :Be off Ex: The power was off about three hours "27" مُتعفِّن، غير صالح للأكل :Be off Ex: I think this milk is off "28" تم إلغاؤه:Be off Ex: Due to the many last minutes cancellations, tonight's party is off "29" يَصدُر، يُصبِح مُتاحًا للناس:Be out Ex: When is the new magazine out "30" غير موجود بالمنزل أو العمل:Be out Ex: The manager is out now
"31" يَفقِد الوَعِي :Black out Ex: He blacked out and when he woke up, he was in hospital "32" يُظلِم، يُغطِّي منافذ الضوء :Black out Ex: The entire city was blacked out overnight "33" يُطفِئ :Blow out Ex: After dinner, she blew out the candles. "34" مَفصُول، غير مُتَّصل :Blow out Ex: She was supposed to get the full marks in the exam, but she blew me out "35" يتم نسيانه :Blow over Ex: I thought that after a few days the argument would blow over
آخر تعديل بواسطة Mr. Hatem Ahmed ، 24-07-2018 الساعة 06:54 AM |
"36" يَنسِف، يُفجِّر :Blow up Ex: They threatened to blow up the plane if their demands were not met "37" يُصبِح غاضبًا فجأةً :Blow up Ex: My father blew up at me when he saw the phone bill "38" يُملِئ شيئاً بالهَواء :Blow up Ex: Would you help me blow up these balloons "39" يتكلَّم بدون تفكير :Blurt out Ex: She suddenly blurted out, "I can't do it" "40" يرجع لسبب أساسي هو... :Boil down to Ex: The problem boils down to one thing - lack of money
"41" يَستَعِيد نَشَاطه أو قُوَّته مرةً أخرى :Bounce back Ex: Stock prices bounced back after a steep plunge earlier this week "42" يَعطَل بِسَبب مُشْكِلة :Break down Ex: Our car broke down and we had to push it off the road "43" يَنهَار (عَاطِفياً) :Break down Ex: When we gave her the bad news, she broke down and cried "44" يَقتحم مَكَانًا بِقَصد السَّرِقَة :Break in Ex: The burglars broke in through the kitchen window "45" Ex: The boss did not believe in breaking his staff in gentlyيُساعِد شَخْصًا عَلَى التَّكيُّف مَعَ وَظِيفة أَو وَضعٍ جَدِيد :Break in
"46" يُنهِي علاقة ما :Break off Ex: They have broken off their engagement "47" يَتوقَّف فجأةً عن الكلام أو فعل شيئ :Break off Ex: She broke off in the middle of a sentence "48" Ex: Second World War broke out in 1939 يَبْدَأ، يَنْشُب، يَنْدَلِع ... وبخاصة للأشياء الخطيرة أو الغير مُحَبَّبة :Break out "49" يَهْرَب :Break out Ex: They broke out of prison and fled the country "50" Ex: The meeting broke up at one to threeيَنتَهِي :Break up
آخر تعديل بواسطة Mr. Hatem Ahmed ، 30-07-2018 الساعة 07:01 PM |
"51" يُنهِي علاقة :Break up Ex: Nader and Heba have broken up "52" يُحطِّم :Break up Ex: The company has been broken up and sold off "53" يَتسبَّب في :Bring about Ex: He brought about his company's collapse by his reckless spending "54" يَصطحِب شخصًا معه إلى مكان ما :Bring along Ex: Can I bring a friend along to the party "55" يُحضِر، يجيئ بِــ :Bring back Ex: Can you bring me back some milk
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