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قديم 05-07-2011, 06:18 PM
El Mared El Mared غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2010
المشاركات: 37
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
El Mared is on a distinguished road
Star نجم مستوي رفيع ازهر 2011

* ادخل وشوف امتحان المستوي الرفيع انجليزي ازهر 2011 * مع تحيات مستر نجم فاقوس * شرقية *

Al- Azhar Al-Sharif الأزهر الشريف
Sector of Al-Azhar Institutes قطاع المعاهد الأزهرية
Secondary Certificate Examination امتحان الشهادة الثانوية الأزهرية
First Session 2010 / 2011 الدور الأول 2010 / 2011
English Language ( Special Level) اللغة الإنجليزية (المستوي الخاص)
Time : Three Hoursالزمن : ثلاث ساعات
A- Essay Writing
1- Write an essay of about 25 lines on the optimistic and pessimistic predictions about life in thirty years' time. (2 l/2Marks )
B - Comprehension
2- Read the following passage and answer the questions : (2 l/2Marks )
Many of us who live in developed societies find ourselves in a vicious circle where we have to work hard to earn enough money to maintain our lifestyles. People that have a lot of money spend more; and because we spend more , we have to work even harder. We are trapped in a circle , going round and round. The result is not increased happiness , but more stress and less free time for ourselves and for our families and friends.
However , there is growing resistance to our consumer society . Many young people have formed protest groups which insist that the government should redistribute some of our money to the developing world. Workers' unions, which propose a shorter working week , are also suggesting a new style of working-jobs shared by two or more people to reduce unemployment, which seems a good idea.
As a society that has too much of everything , it's high time we took these issues more seriously . We should insist that advertising be more controlled , especially advertising which aimed at children. Young people , who are a big market for many businesses , should try not to be fooled into spending their money by advertising.
Answer the following questions :-
a-Why do those who live in developed societies try to earn enough
money ?
b-What results from trapping in the circle of continuous shopping ?
c-Who resists the consumer society ?
d- How can unemployment be reduced ?
e- Give words from the passage that mean :
1- labours 2- youth
C- Linguistics
3- Find the mistake in each of the following and then correct them:
( 21/2 Marks )
a- Amira is equally as good as Nora at cooking.
b- On no condition I can't lend you my new car.
c- History seems as if it repeating itself.
d- July 2009 was the 40th annual of man first walking on the moon.
e- Shall I give you a cheque ? No , I'd rather you pay cash.
D- Reading For Adults
4- Answer the following questions : ( 21/2 Marks )
a-When did the idea of the opera house at Sydney design come to
Utzon ?
b-What is the most serious problem created by the population explosion?
c-What has induced governments to find a suitable alternative for oil ? d-How can individuals help to solve the world food crisis ?
e-How does a computer help in medicine ?
E- Spotlights on Islam
5- Answer the following questions : (21/2Marks )
a- What did the chiefs of Mecca tell Abu Taleb about Mohamed ?
b- How can you prove that the Holy Quran is not of the prophet
Mohamed'smaking ?
c- According to the prophet what does " lman" mean ?
d- Why does Islam encourage " the marriage" ?
e- What is the Jurisprudence ?
F- Translation
6- A- Translate into Arabic : (11/2 Marks )
Researchers believe that the new generation will be much more likely to suffer from heart and liver disease.
B- Translate into English : ( 1 Mark )
لقد أحدثت ثورة 25 يناير تغييرا جذريا في مفاهيم الشعب المصري .
************************************************** **********
* With my best wishes for you all * Mr. Najm *
* Facus * Sharkya *
رد مع اقتباس

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