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العودة   بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية > المنتدى التخصصي للمعلمين > المنتدى الأكاديمي للمعلمين

المنتدى الأكاديمي للمعلمين ملتقى مهني أكاديمي متخصص للأساتذة الأفاضل في جميع المواد التعليمية (تربية وتعليم & أزهر)

أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 07-10-2014, 07:25 PM
الصورة الرمزية s n ! P e r
s n ! P e r s n ! P e r غير متواجد حالياً
عضو ممتاز
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2011
العمر: 28
المشاركات: 284
معدل تقييم المستوى: 14
s n ! P e r is on a distinguished road
Icon7 شرح جديد لحل قطعه الفهم مع 45 قطعه للتدريب 2014

السلام عليكم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

شرح جديد لحل قطعه الفهم مع 45 قطعه للتدريب 2014



شرح لطريقه التحميل بالصور


تحياتى : SN!PER
عضو فريق الاسطوانات التعليميه
منتديات ثانويه
قديم 17-11-2014, 11:32 AM
الصورة الرمزية A Muslim Girl
A Muslim Girl A Muslim Girl غير متواجد حالياً
عضو خبير
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2011
المشاركات: 513
معدل تقييم المستوى: 14
A Muslim Girl is on a distinguished road

هي مش نافعة تتطبع ليه ؟؟؟
ادعولي بالتوفيق : )
قديم 13-12-2015, 02:04 AM
حسن شحاته حسن شحاته غير متواجد حالياً
مدرس اللغة الانجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2008
المشاركات: 94
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
حسن شحاته is on a distinguished road

Science and scientists

Unit 10

I wish I knew what I was going to do when I leave school. Do you know what you're going to do, Leila?
Yes. I want to go to university and study medicine. Then, after that I want to work as a doctor. Don’t you have any ideas, Sara?
No. I don’t, And I don’t think I've done very well in this year’s science tests at school.
I'm sure you'll be OK.
I don’t know. I wish I'd done more revision this year.
I expect you'll do better in next year’s tests.
I hope so. I just wish I'd worked harder this year I wish I hadn’t wasted my time in the holidays. So. You want to be a doctor?
Yes. I'd like to work as a hospital doctor for a few years, then I'd like to be a medical research scientist.
That sounds interesting.
Yes. You cannot know about everything, so research scientists have to specialise, It’s all about doing experiments and comparing your results with other scientists, then gradually developing theories.
What will you specialise in?
I'd like to specialise in studying the causes of serious illnesses, like cancer or diabetes.
Really? Perhaps I should specialise, I wish There was something I was really interested in, like you.
You will probably become interested in something soon.
I hope so. I do want to be successful.
I know! Let’s agree now to get together in five years' time, to see if we've achieved our ambitions.
Good idea! Let’s make sure we do.
Food from the air
Everyone has seen plants growing, but have you ever thought where they get their food? In 1652, a European scientist called Van Helmot asked this question. Like most people, he thought that plants must get their food from soil. However, Van Helmot decided to test the theory with experiments. First, he dried some soil, put it into a pot and weighed it. Next, he weighed a small tree, planted it in the pot and added rain water. Then, he watered it regularly with rain water. After five years, he removed the tree from the pot and weighed it again. He found that the tree had gained a huge amount of weight. When he weighed the soil, however, it was almost exactly the same as it had been five years earlier. Van Helmot thought this was strange, but decided that the extra weight of the tree must have come from the water. He did not realise that there was another invisible food which was feeding his tree. We now know that plants and trees make their own food. Their leaves are like factories producing everything they need, so that plants can change the energy from the sun into chemical energy. During this process, oxygen and sugar are produced. The oxygen is released back into the air, and the sugar is used by the plant as food.
رؤية - وضوح
يعمل كـــ
work as
منطقة - مجال
غير مرئى
إبصار- وجهة نظر
يٌطلق - يبعث
يكتسب وزناً
gain weight
يفقد وزن
lose weight
قابل للتحقيق
يختبر - إختبار
طب - دواء
علاج - يعالج
مرض السكرى
مريض بالسكر
يتخصص فى
specialise in
خاص - مميز
كمية من
amount of
عدد من
a number of
اناء- اصيص
دواء - طب
مثل - يحب
طاقة كيميائية
chemical energy
كـــ- لان
علماء البحث
research scientists
يقوم بعمل تجربة
do experiment
البحث الطبى
medical research

test….. with
مهتم بـــ
interested in
يتخصص فى
specialise in
خٌطة لــــ
plan for
يحصل على... من
يخطط لـــ
plan to
find out
يحول من....الى..
Dictionary work

Eachieve(v)يحقق - ينجز ( achievable مربح / منجز - achievementsإنجازات )
To succeed in doing something good.
Ecure(n)علاج ( curableقابل للعلاج - incurableلا علاج له )
Medicine or treatment that can make an injury better.
Ediabetesمرض السكر (diabeticمريضبالسكر- comaغيبوبة- dessertالحلو)
A disease in which there is too much sugar in your blood.
Ecancerمرض السرطان( cancerous(adj.)سرطانى)
A serious disease in which body cells grow abnormally.
Egraduallyتدريجياً ( gradualتدريجى )
Happening slowly.
Eresultنتيجة - ينتج ( result ofنتيجة لــ - resultfromينتجمن- result inيؤدى الى)
Something that happens because of something else.
Especialize(in)يتخصص(special خاص / مميز- specially خصوصاً - specialistأخصائى )
To limit your study to a particular subject.
Etheoryنظرية (theoreticalنظرى - theoreticallyنظريا)
An explanation for something not true yet.
Einvisibleغيرمرئى (visibleمرئى- visionابصار - visibilityرؤية)
Impossible to be seen. ( unseen )
Egain(v)يزداد( gainweight = put on weight)
To increase in something.
Eprocessعملية طبيعية (operation عملية مخطط / مرتب لها )
A series of events or changes that happen naturally.
Eregularlyبإنتظام ( regularمنتظم - regularityانتظام )
Often at regular times
Ereleaseيطلق - يترك ( release Oxygen, release a prisoner)
Let go; stop holding something.
تمارين اللونجمانLongman Exercises (Voc.)

1. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
A virus is _____ to the eye and can only be seen with a powerful microscope.
a) invisible
b) obscure
c) regular
d) gradual
There is a _____ tumour on her lung that needs to be removed immediately.
a) cancer
b) theoretical
c) constant
d) cancerous
The _____ is believable, but can it be proven?
a) theory
b) cancer
c) speciality
d) diabetes
Chemistry is very difficult for me, but I am _____ understanding it better.
a) regularly
b) specially
c) gradually
d) invisibly
It is a complex _____ to generate electricity from nuclear energy.
a) process
b) cure
c) amount
d) theory
Dr Eman _____ in children’s medicine.
a) releases
b) considers
c) specialises
d) results
You need a certain _____ of sunshine to get enough vitamin D.
a) theory
b) process
c) invisible
d) amount
Watch this film to understand the _____ of photosynthesis, how a plant makes food.
a) release
b) achievement
c) process
d) gain
The ___ Man is a famous novel and film about a man who could not be seen by anyone.
a) Incredible
b) Diabetic
c) Invisible
d) Invincible
If you have _____, you must not eat too much sugar.
a) cancer
b) diabetes
c) result
d) experiments
Choose the correct answer:
1. The (result – outlet – insult – revolt) of the experiment surprised everyone.
2. You will never (relieve – approve – achieve – believe)very much if you do not work hard.
3. At school, students learn many subjects, but when they get to university, they usually (realize – economize – specialize – symbolize).
4. Scientists often do experiments to prove a particular (theory – habit – custom – tradition).
5. I found playing the guitar very difficult at first, but in the last two weeks I've (artificially – brutally - gradually – cheerfully) improved.
6. People who have (diagnosis – diabetes – dialects – diary) must be very careful about what they eat.
7. There are some sports where it is good to (earn – win – defeat – gain) weight, rather than lose it.
8. Farmers water their crops (regularly – bitterly – disorderly – formerly) to make sure they grow well.
9. The little boy who was hiding behind the door thought he was (divisible – edible – legible – invisible), but you could just see the top of his head.
10. If you don't turn the taps off, you can waste a huge (number - amount – account – discount)of water in a short time.
11. Leaves falling from trees in the autumn is a completely natural (excess – business – process – pretence).
12. She has been (diabetic – athletic – allergic - sympathetic) since she was a child. There is too much sugar in her blood.
13. His greatest (agreement – arrangement –achievement - discouragement) was becoming the captain of the national team when he was 16.
14. There was a (manual – punctual – spiritual -gradual) improvement in her schoolwork.
15. My doctor didn't know what was wrong with me, so he sent me to see a ……………. (geologist – specialist – physicist – zoologist).
16. (Artistically – Atomically – Theoretically - Historically), anyonecan travel to the moon.
17. To (attach – attribute – challenge – achieve) is to succeed indoing something.
18. A/An (theory – practice – experience - experiment) is anexplanation for something that has not yet been proved to be true.
19. A/An (operation – experiment – process - illness) is a series ofevents or changes that happen naturally.
20. (Fever – Paralysis – Flu – Cancer) is a serious disease in whichcells in someone's body grow in a way that is not normal.
21. Something which is (compatible – invisible – audible - flexible) isimpossible to see.
22. (Gradually – Actually – Mutually - Individually) meanssomething that happens slowly, over a long time.
23. A/An (cause – reason - result - explanation) is something thathappens or exists because of something else.
24. To (nationalize – terrorize – sterilize - specialize) is to limit mostof your study, business, etc., to a particular subject or activity.
25. An/A (amount – number – equal - extract) means how much ofsomething there is.
26. To (please – decrease – increase - release) means to stop holding something.
27. She gave a (supplies - series – process – service) of lectures atCairo University.
28. The balloon (raised – aroused - rose – arose) gently in the air.
29. Her parents died when she was a baby and she was (rose – aroused– arose- raised) by her grandparents.
30.(As – Like – So – If) it was getting late, I decided to book into a hotel.
31. I've been working all day, but I feel as if I've (attracted – attended- achieved – attempted) nothing.
32. (Gradually – Mathematically – Electrically – Archaeologically), she realized that he wasn't telling her the truth.
33.Some scientists still believe in Darwin's (function - theory – diary –delivery) of evolution.
34. I enjoy working in general medicine, but I hope to be able to(characterize – destabilize – specialize – familiarize) in the future.
35. His broken leg is the direct (result – series – process – sequence) of his own carelessness.
36. These bacteria are (visible – feasible – practical – invisible)unless viewed with a microscope.
37. I (won – took – did – gained) a lot of weight while I was on holiday.
38.They suspected that she had killed him but they could never actually(improve – deprive – prune – prove) that it was her.
39.She was arrested for shoplifting but was (released – based – chased – cheated) on bail.
40. A (clue – cube – pure - cure) has not been found for this disease yet.

Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1- Do you come here regularity? –No, I've only been here once before.
2- The scientist decided to test the theory with experiences.
3- How much do you weight?
4- As most people, he thought that plants get their food from soil.
5- These trees grow well in a sandy cell.
6- He planted a small tree in a put.
7- He proved the old wallpaper and filled the holes in the walls.
8- John has earned a lot of weight recently.
9- He paid regular numbers of money to a charity.
10- The company holds burglar meetings with employees.
11- His height was the like as it had been five years earlier.
12- Using a telescope, Galileo discovered stars that were indivisible tothe ***** eye.
13- Ageing is the natural recess of getting old.
14- Carbon stored in trees is pleased as carbon dioxide.
15- This restaurant realizes in seafood.

Wish \ if onlyياليت

تستخدم wish \ if only للتعبير عن الندم او التمنى
S. + wish \ If only + Past Simple أتمنى – يتمنى

أولاً: التعبير عن الندم فى المضارع.

Ex: I wish I knew his address. ( I don't know his address)
Ex: I wish I were a minister. ( I'm not a minister )
Ex: I wish I could speak Spanish. ( I can't speak Spanish )
S. + wish \ If only + had + P.P كنت أتمنى

ثانياً: التعبير عن الندم فى الماضى.

Ex: I wish I had studied hard. ( I didn't study hard )
Ex: If only I had met her. ( I didn't meet her )
Ex: I quarreled with my brother yesterday. If only I hadn't quarrelled with him.
S. + wish \ If only + could \ would + Inf. كنت أتمنى

ثالثا: التعبير عن الندم فى المستقبل.

¨ في حالة التعبير عن المستقبل تستخدم could + inf مع كل الضمائر ويمكن استخدام would مع she / he / you / they / it
Ex: I wish I could ride a horse. ( I hope I will ride a horse )
Ex: I wish he would visit me next week. ( I hope he will visit me )
Ex: If only I could visit Honolulu next year.
خلاصة القول:
If only \ I wish ….( past simple )دلالة مضارع
If only \ I wish…..( had + P.P )دلالة ماضى
If only \ I wish……( could\ would + Inf. )دلالة مستقبل
ملحوظة للمتفوقين:
للتعبير عن ندم فى المضارع او المستقبل نستخدم الماضى البسيط بعد wish ويكون الفعل الذى يليها فى الجملة التبعية يكون ماضى.
Ex: I wish I knew what I was doing at the weekend.
تمارين اللونجمانLongman Exercises (Gramm.)

1-We have several........about how this disease spreads, but we need to do more studies.
a) theoretician b) theorize c) theoretical d) theories
2-Her.............. have gone beyond our expectations.
a) achieving b) achieve c) achievements d) achieves
3-Sami didn't work hard in school and now he......................he had studied more.
a) wishes b) wished c) wishing d) wish
4-Jenna wishes she............... play the guitar like him.
a) must b) could c) might d) can
5-Amina wishes she had.......................... another course.
a) choose b) chose c) chosen d) chooses
6-Rainy wishes he.................. where he put the fifty pounds he misplaced.
a) knowing b) known c) knows d) knew
7-If the children .......................all day, they would have been asleep by now.
a) were playing b) had played c) played d) play
8-If Bassein............... the office, it would be a disaster.
a) ran b) run c) had run d) runs
9-Salina wants to come but she is ill and has to stay at home. She wishes she..............with us.
a) could have b) could be c) could been d) could have been
10-Salina regrets that she was ill yesterday and had to stay at home. She wishes she ........with us.
a) were b) is c) has been d) had been
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write it correctly:
1- Nevine wish she could finance her daughter's new business.
2- If she called, I would have picked her up.
3- If it rains tonight, we would go to the mall instead of the park.
4- Leila wishes she had went with us to the lecture.
5- We never could have imagined Omar's fine achievings.
6- We. wish we haven't missed the eight o'clock train.
7- If wishes was horses, then beggars would ride.
8 - I wish I can paint better.
Choose the correct answer:
1. I don't have a washing machine. I wish I (have – am having – had – had had) one.
2. He wished he (had studied – was studying – has been studying – studied) medicine at university 5 years ago.
3. They wish they (can – shall – could – should) speak French.
4. She wishes she (has had – had – will have – can have) more time.
5. She wishes she (listens – is listening – would listen – had listened) to the teacher's advice last year.
6. If only I (hadn't forgotten – didn't forget – wouldn't forget – hasn't forgotten) where I put my mobile phone yesterday.
7. Leila wishes she (will – should – could – may) read faster.
8. I'm really tired this morning. I wish I (slept – was sleeping – had slept – could sleep) more last night.
9. Ali wishes he (might – ought to – has to - could) come to the party, but he is not feeling well.
10. I wish I (don't lend - had not lent – couldn't lend – haven't lent) her my dictionary. I found two pages missing.
11. I wish I (don't fall – couldn't fall - hadn't fallen - fell) off my bike. I broke my leg.
12. I wish I (hadn't driven – didn't drive – haven't drive – couldn't drive) so fast. I had a terrible accident.
13. If only I (do – did – had done – have done) more revision this year. I got very bad marks in the exam.
14. I just wish I (worked – had worked – work – had been working) harder last year. I would have earned more money.
15. I wish there (is – has been - were – to be) something I was really interested in.
16. They wish they (hadn't spent – didn't spend – haven't spent – weren't spent) all their money in the holidays last year.
17. I wish I (know – have known – were knowing – knew) where my friends were.
18. He wishes he (is - was – will be – may be) better at sport.
19. She wishes she (had remembered – remembers – has remembered – was remembering) to phone her parents to say she was going to be late.
20. I wish I (didn't say – wouldn't say – couldn't say - hadn't said) those things yesterday. My friend was really upset.
Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1. Ali wishes he may see his friends at the party tomorrow.
2. If only I stay in my last job. My current job is so boring.
3. I wish shops here deliver. You have to go and get everything by yourself.
4. If only you rolled up the carpet before painting the ceiling. Now you need to buy a new one.
5. I wish I went to the movie with you last night.
6. I wish I had yesterday off. I'd have gone swimming.
7. I wish I am in Alexandria now.
8. I wish I have time to watch TV, but I am so busy.
9. I hope I had time to watch TV tonight.
10. If only I apply for that job a year ago.
11. I wish I am old enough to vote. I am still 15.
12. The boss wishes speaking to you right now.
13. If only I can go with you tonight, but my parents won't let me.
14. I wish I don't listen to him. He only wasted my time.
15. I wish I may travel to London next year.
Test 10
A- Language Functions
1-Respond to the following situations:
1- A friend is looking worried. You want to know why. What do you ask?
2- Someone asks if you had a good holiday. You enjoyed your holiday, but the weather was not very good. This was a disappointment.
3- A friend asks what subject you would like to be better at.
4- Someone asks you about a school trip you went on. You learnt a lot, but you did not take as many photos as you had planned to.
Place : ……………
Speaker A : ……………
Speaker B : ……………
Function : ……………

2 Mention the place , the speakers and the language function in each of the following two mini-dialogues:
1- A: Where can I find the dictionaries?
B: They are on the top shelf over there.
A: Can I borrow this one?
Place : ……………
Speaker A : ……………
Speaker B : ……………
Function : ……………

B: No, you can use it here only.

2- A: How much is this vacuum cleaner?
B: It's 2000 pounds.
A: OK. I'll buy it.
B- Vocabulary and Structure
3- Choose the correct answer:
1- She spent a considerable (mount – count – discount – amount) of money on clothes.
2- I have been working all day, but I feel as if I have (chained - achieved – charged – challenged)nothing.
3- (Diabetic – Parasitic – Aquatic - Gigantic) patients sometimes go into a coma.
4- (Annually – Manually – Gradually – Punctually), she realized that hewasn't telling her the truth.
5- The(ends - results – faults – salts)of the opinion poll showed thatmost women supported this action.
6- She's hired a lawyer who (vaporizes – sympathizes – summarizes –specializes)in divorce cases
7- I've asked my neighbour to (water – alter – barter – enter) theplants while I'm away.
8- You should check the plant for any (impossible – incredible - visible –admirable) signs of disease.
9- He is short. He wishes he (has been – had been – were – is) taller.
10- I wish I (know – knew – have known – was knowing) where my keys were.
11- I wish I (read – have read – was reading – had read) the exam questions morecarefully yesterday.
12- I wish you (didn't waste – haven't wasted – wouldn't waste – hadn't wasted)so much time last year.
13- I wish I (could – may – should –can) play the piano.
12- They hope (visiting – to visit – had visited – will visit) us next week.
15- Where(did the money hide – has the money hidden – was the moneyhidden – can the money hide)?
16- When (did the shopping do will the shopping be done can theshopping do – would the shopping do)?

4- Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1- My dad wished he has a bigger car. His car is too small for us.
2- I wish the school holidays are longer.
3- I wish the weather were fine yesterday.
4- She stayed in the job for give years, earning valuable experience.
5- It is important to exercise regionally.
6- According to the therapy of relativity, nothing can travel faster than light.

C- Reading Comprehension
5- Read the passage then answer the questions: (August, 2005)
Some people say they have no memory at all. But of course we all have a memory. Our memory tells us who we are and helps us to make use in the present of what we have learnt in the past. In fact we have different types of memory. For example, our visual memory helps us recall faces and places. Some people have a strong visual memory, they can remember exactly what they have seen, for example, pages of a book, as a complete picture. Our verbal memory helps us remember words and figures we may have heard but not seen written: items of a shopping list, a chemical formula, dates or recipe. With our emotional memory, we recall situations or places where we had strong feelings, perhaps of happiness or unhappiness. We also have special memories for smell, taste, touch and sound, and for performing physical movements. We have two ways of storing any of these memories. Our short-term memory stores items for up to thirty seconds. Our long-term memory, on the other hand, may store items for a lifetime. Older people in fact have a much better long-term memory than short-term. They may forget what they have done only a few hours ago, but have the clearest remembrance of when they were very young. You might assume that the more we remember the better. In fact, forgetting is as important as remembering. If we remember all our unhappy times, we would become mentally ill.
A) Answer the following questions:
1-Explain in your own words why we could not survive without a memory?
2-What kinds of memory are used when we do the following?
a) play the guitar. b) feel alarmed when we smell burning.
3-Why is forgetting as essential as remembering?
Choose the correct answer:
4- ------------is a word in the last paragraph that means accept as true.
a) Remember b) Record c) Assume d) Forget
5-Our short-term memory stores items for up to---------- .
a) 80 seconds b) 50 seconds c) 40 seconds d) 30 seconds

6- Read the passage then answer the questions:
Sir Magdi Yacoub has performed more transplants than any other surgeon in the world and, as a scientist; his interest in the basic mechanisms of heart structure and function in health and disease has improved transplant surgery and patient care. He was born and raised in Cairo where he qualified as a doctor in 1957. He came to Britain in 1962 and since then has made great achievements in heart surgery. He specialized in working with children with heart problems and performed complex operations on the tiny hearts of babies in their first days of life. He has always combined surgical work with scientific research, which he sees as the key to improving patient care and eliminating heart disease. He has conducted a lot of research. Sir Magdi Yacoub's work is all about helping people live. His strong sense of social responsibility led him to establish the Chain of Hope charity, which sends medical teams to the developing world to treat children suffering from heart disease free of charge.
A) Answer the following questions:
1- Why did transplant surgery and patient care improve?
2- In which field did Sir Magdi Yacoub specialize?
3- What does the Chain of Hope charity do?
Choose the correct answer:
4- Sir Magdi Yacoub sees ……as the key to improving patient care.
a) surgical work b) heart problems
c) scientific research d) heart disease
5- The underlined word "which" refers to …………………………. .
a) medical teams b) developing world
c) social responsibility d) the Chain of Hope charity
D- Writing
8- Write a letter to your friend Ahmed telling him about the job you'd like to do in the future. Your name is Adam:
9- A)Translate into Arabic: (August, 2005)
Most of the energy we use today comes from coal, oil and gas. But these will not last forever, and burning them slowly harms the environment. So, we need to look for other ways of supplying energy.
Translate into English:
1- لقد أصبح متاحا لكل طالب اقتناء جهاز حاسب آلي.
2- الزلازل والأعاصير والبراكين من الكوارث الطبيعية التي تسبب دمارا هائلا.
قديم 13-12-2015, 02:06 AM
حسن شحاته حسن شحاته غير متواجد حالياً
مدرس اللغة الانجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2008
المشاركات: 94
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
حسن شحاته is on a distinguished road

مع اطيب التمنيات بالتوفيق وشكرا علي هذا العمل الرائع
قديم 13-12-2015, 10:44 AM
Mr. Bayoumy Ghreeb Mr. Bayoumy Ghreeb غير متواجد حالياً
معلم لغة انجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2013
المشاركات: 9,181
معدل تقييم المستوى: 20
Mr. Bayoumy Ghreeb is on a distinguished road

اشكر جهدك اخي الكريم
قديم 20-06-2018, 09:42 PM
عمر2000 عمر2000 غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2010
المشاركات: 42
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
عمر2000 is on a distinguished road

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