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قديم 02-10-2010, 05:26 AM
الصورة الرمزية مصراوى22
مصراوى22 مصراوى22 غير متواجد حالياً
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2008
المشاركات: 2,625
معدل تقييم المستوى: 19
مصراوى22 is on a distinguished road
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Learning aims of the unit

By the end of this unit, your students should be able to:

· make comparisons between past and present using appropriate language forms
· remember and use the positive, negative and interrogative forms of
q present simple tense
q past simple tense
q past habitual tense (used to)
· ask questions, make sentences and take part in dialogues
· scan a simple passage quickly for information.
· read a simple passage carefully and complete a table in note form.
· put words into alphabetical order and look them up in a dictionary.
· listen to a short radio interview and identify the main topics.
· write simple sentences comparing past and present.

Notes on the unit

· Ask your students to bring their Resource Book with them to every lesson, as there are some exercises in every unit which ask the students to use their Resource Book.

· On the other hand, when using the Student Book, encourage your students to use the Resource Book only as a last resort, when they are unable to discover the meaning of new words from their context. The meanings of many words will be clear either from the pictures or the other words on the page.

Teaching aids

· cassette

Lesson 1 SB page (1) WB page (2)

Learning objectives

· revising the present simple and past simple forms of the verb have
· practising these forms orally

Key structures

· People had telephones then. People didn’t have mobile phones then.
· Did people have mobile phones then?
· Yes, they did. No, they didn’t.

Key vocabulary

· mobile phone; personal computer; camera; video; telephone; televisions; car; cinema; painting; bicycle; letter.
· the 1970s, the 1990s, etc.
· before; after


q Discuss the picture in Exercise 1. Talk about technological and social changes that have taken place since you were a student. Ask them what changes have happened since they were born. Discuss inventions and introduce some of the vocabulary items from Exercise 4. Do they know when they were invented?

SB Ex 1

1. Discuss the picture and make sure that the students understand the context.
2. Play the cassette or read out the dialogue in the speech bubbles.
3. Ask the whole class to repeat each part after you.
4. Ask students to practise the dialogue in pairs.

SB Ex 2

1 Play the cassette or read out sentences from the table.
2 Ask the whole class to repeat sentences after you.
3 Ask individual students to say meaningful sentences from the table.
4 Conduct a fast-moving chain pattern practice around the class. (See Introduction for explanation of chain).

SB Ex 3

1 Explain what “the 1990s” means.
2 Ask the students to fill in the spaces.
3 Check their answers.

The 1980s = 1980 – 1989; The 1990s = 1990 – 1999.

SB Ex 4

1 Give the students time to study the table.
2 Explain that they must make true sentences.
3 Discuss the example.
4 Ask individual students to make true statements from the table.


(a) People didn’t have mobile phones before 1979.
(b) People didn’t have personal computers before 1977.
(c) They didn’t have cameras before the 1890s.
(d) We didn’t have videos before the 1980s.
(e) People didn’t have telephones before 1876.
(f) People didn’t have televisions before the 1940s.
(g) People didn’t have cars before the 1920s.

SB Ex 5

1 Explain that in this exercise they must make dialogues.
2 Explain that you will say either “before” or “after”, and they must use that word in their dialogues.
3 Get one pair to repeat the example.
4 Choose another pair of students for (b). Say the word “after”.
5 Continue in the same way. Say “after” or “before” randomly.

Possible answers

(a) Did people have mobile phones before 1979? No, they didn’t.
(b) Did people have personal computers after 1977? Yes, they did.
(c) Did people have cameras before the 1890s? No, they didn’t.
(d) Did people have videos after the 1980s? Yes, they did.
(e) Did people have telephones before 1876? No, they didn’t.
(f) Did people have televisions after the 1940s? Yes, they did.
(g) Did people have cars before the 1920s? No, they didn’t.

WB Ex 3

1 Tell the students to refer back to the table in Exercise 4 of the SB.
2 Ask them to do this exercise in writing.
3 Check their answers.


(a) had
(b) have
(c) didn’t have; before; they had
(d) had; before; they didn’t have
(e) didn’t have cameras before the 1890s; they had
(f) had bicycles before the 1920s; they didn’t have cars
(g) had letters before 1876; they didn’t have telephones

Lesson 2 SB page (2) WB page (2)

Learning objectives

· revising the forms of the present simple tense to describe habitual action
· revising the forms of used to describing habitual action in the past
· practising these forms orally

Key structures

· These days people often drive cars. They don’t often ride horses.
· In those days people used to ride horses. They didn’t use to drive cars.
· Did people use to go to the cinema?
· Yes, they did. No, they didn’t.

Key vocabulary

· e-mail; theatre; public phone; camel; horse; taxi
· then; in those days; these days; nowadays


q Ask each student to think of something people used to do a long time ago, but don’t do nowadays. Then have a brainstorming session. (See Introduction for explanation of brainstorming.) Try to get everyone to contribute. Encourage them to come up with funny ideas. Write the best ideas on one side of the blackboard. You may want to use them for practise later.

SB Ex 6

1 Discuss the pictures. Explain the meaning of the tick and the cross. A tick means that people do the action nowadays. A cross means they don’t do it nowadays.
2 Explain that “these days” and “nowadays” both mean “in the present time”.
3 Get one student to repeat example (a).
4 Get another student to repeat example (b), and point out the difference.
5 Get individual students to make statements.


(a) These days people often watch videos, and they often go to the cinema.
(b) These days people often drive cars, but they don’t often ride horses.
(c) These days people often write e-mails, and they often write letters.
(d) These days people often use mobile phones, and they often use public phones.
(e) These days people often take taxis, but they don’t often take camels.
(f) These days people often watch TV, and they often go to the theatre.

SB Ex 7

1 Play the cassette or read out sentences from the table.
2 Explain that used to refers to a frequent or habitual action over a long period of time in the past.
3 Ask the whole class to repeat sentences after you.
4 Ask individual students to say meaningful sentences from the table.
5 Conduct a fast-moving chain pattern practice around the class.

SB Ex 8

1 Ask the students to look again at the pictures in Exercise 6.
2 Explain that this time they must make statements about the past.
3 Explain also that they should ignore the tick and cross, but make true statements about the past, 30 – 40 years ago.
4 Ask one student to repeat the example.
5 Get individual students to make true statements.


(a) In those days, they didn’t use to watch videos. They used to go to the cinema.
(b) In those days, they didn’t use to drive cars. They used to ride horses.
(c) In those days, they didn’t use to write e-mails. They used to write letters.
(d) In those days, they didn’t use to use mobile phones. They used to use public phones.
(e) In those days, they didn’t use to take taxis. They used to take camels.
(a) In those days, they didn’t use to watch TV. They used to go to the theatre.

SB Ex 9

1 Ask a pair of students to perform the example.
2 Get pairs to make dialogues.


(a) Did people use to watch videos in those days? No, they didn’t. They used to go to the cinema.
(b) Did people use to drive cars in those days? No, they didn’t. They used to ride horses.
(c) Did people use to write e-mails in those days? No, they didn’t. They used to write letters.
(d) Did people use to use mobile phones in those days? No, they didn’t. They used to use public phones.
(e) Did people use to take taxis in those days? No, they didn’t. They used to take camels.
(f) Did people use to watch TV in those days? No, they didn’t. They used to go to the theatre.

WB Ex 4

1 Tell the students to refer back to the pictures in Exercise 6 of the SB.
2 Ask them to do this exercise in writing.
3 Check their answers.


(a) watches; doesn’t go
(b) ride; drives
(c) These days; writes; doesn’t write
(d) Nowadays; doesn’t use; uses
(e) These days; takes; but he doesn’t take
(f) Nowadays; doesn’t go to the; but she watches

Lesson 3 WB page (1) SB page (3)

Learning objectives

· learning work-related vocabulary

· using a dictionary to check newly learned vocabulary

· practising the vocabulary in context by labelling a picture

· practising forms of used to in a work-related written context

Key structures

· revision of used to/ didn’t use to

Key vocabulary

· desktop computer; notebook computer; telephone; mobile phone; international phone; fax machine; video machine; filing cabinet; express mail; air conditioner


q Ask the students to look for ten seconds at the picture of the office in Exercise 10 of the SB, and then close their books. Then ask them to write down as many items as they can remember from the picture. You could make this into a short competition between two groups of students to see which team remembers most items.

WB Ex 1

1 Get the students to write in as many words as they can from their own knowledge, without looking at the Resource Book.
2 After allowing some time for their attempt, ask them to use their Resource Book to check their answers.


(a) telephone
(b) mobile phone
(c) video machine
(d) desktop computer
(e) fax machine
(f) air conditioner
(g) international phone
(h) express mail
(i) notebook computer
(j) filing cabinet

SB Ex 10

1 Get the students to close their Workbook.
2 Play the cassette or read out the words from the list.
3 Get the students to repeat the pronunciation of the words.
4 Get the students to write the correct words on the picture.


(a) air conditioner
(b) international phone
(c) fax machine
(d) desktop computer
(e) express mail
(f) mobile phone
(g) notebook computer
(h) filing cabinet

SB Ex 11

1 Get the students to write out the complete passage with all spaces filled.
2 Check their answers.


Rehab: “This office is very modern now. But ten years ago it was very uncomfortable and it used to be difficult to work here. Now the office has an air conditioner and is very cool, but in those days we didn’t use to have an air conditioner. It used to be very hot, so we used to open the windows and switch on small fans. We now have an international phone. In those days we didn’t use to have any telephone here. We used to walk across the road to a big hotel and we used to make the calls from there. Now we have a phone in the office. We can also use the mobile phone. In those days the mail used to be very slow. But now we send it by express mail and it only takes one or two days. Ten years ago we didn’t use to have computers. We used to write everything on paper and we used to have many filing cabinets. Nowadays, we don’t have many filing cabinets, but we keep all our files on the computer.”

Lesson 4 SB page (4) WB page (1)

Learning objectives

· scanning a passage quickly to locate information

· reading a passage carefully to complete a table with information
· using alphabetical order to look up words in a dictionary

Key structures

· revision of present simple, past simple and used to.
· can

Key vocabulary

· friend; doctor; time; route; post office; journey; village; CD player
· to talk; to phone; to telephone; to travel; to write; to read; to see; to hear; to listen; to last (a long time); to take (a long time); to get up; to walk; to talk; to send; to receive; to like.
· favourite; immediately.


· Make sure all the Student Books are closed. Tell the students that they will have just 30 seconds to read two passages as quickly as they can to find the answer to this question. The question is this:
How many Egyptian towns or cities are mentioned all together in the two passages?
· Check that the students know what to do, then look at your watch and give them 30 seconds to read the two texts in SB Exercise 12.
· When the 30 seconds are up, get them to close their books. Can anyone give the right answer.
· The answer is four: Cairo, Assiut, Alexandria and Tanta.

SB Ex 12

1 Let the students read the passage again quickly to answer the questions.
2 Check the answers.


(a) Assiut
(b) Alexandria
(c) Om Khalsoum

SB Ex 13

1 Ask the students to read the passages one more time and complete the table.
2 Tell them that they can write the answers in note form.
3 Check the answers.
4 In a few cases, if there is time, ask the students to elaborate their answers into full sentences, using the present simple and used to. For example: In those days, to talk to a friend, people used to walk to their house and talk in a coffee shop. Nowadays they use a mobile phone.

Possible answers

(a) walk to house; mobile phone
(b) phone from post office; phone from home
(c) one day; three hours
(d) through Tanta; by the desert road
(e) three weeks; a few seconds
(f) go to cinema; watch videos
(g) go to theatre; listen to CD

WB Ex 2

1 Set this as a written exercise.
2 First get the students to put the words in alphabetical order in the left-hand column.
3 After checking that the answer is correct, get them to use their Resource Book to fill in the right-hand column with the meanings.


Note: students write meanings from the Resource Book in the right-hand column of the table:

(a) e-mail
(b) fan
(c) file
(d) mail
(e) office
(f) route
(g) site
(h) video

Lesson 5 SB page (5) WB page (2)

Learning objectives

· practising the key structures of the unit in a game format

· having some fun in English

Key vocabulary

· fat; thin; old; young
· hot air balloon; desert; prize
· to climb; to swim; to camp; to win; to fly


q Tell the students you are going to play a game. Get them to write down, secretly, two true things about themselves, and one false thing.

SB Ex 15 – 19

Note: These exercises are all stages in the same game. Guide the students through the instructions, and then they play it in pairs.

You can also play it as a game involving the whole class. Follow these steps:

1 Get all the students to write down the two true things and one false thing about themselves in a table (see Exercises 15-16).
2 Make sure that they don’t let each other see what they have written.
3 Get the whole class to stand up.
4 You should start the game off. Say two true things and one false thing about yourself.
5 The student who guesses the false thing correctly takes the next turn.
6 When another student guesses correctly, the first student sits down. He or she is now out of the game.
7 Continue with the game until there’s only one student left standing. The whole class tries to shout out the answer, and the game is over.

WB Ex 5

1 Set this as a written exercise.
2 Students write true sentences about themselves.
3 Check their answers.

Possible answers

(a) I used to watch cartoons on TV, but I don’t now.
(b) I didn’t use to do my homework, but I do now.
(c) I used to ....
(d) I didn’t use to ...
(e) I don’t eat chocolates any more, but I used to.
(f) I work hard at English now ...
(g) I do exercise every day now, but I didn’t use to.
(h) I don’t ............
(i) I drink coffee nowadays, but I didn’t use to.

Lesson 6 WB page (3)

Learning objectives

· listening for the main topics in a radio interview

· writing simple sentences comparing past and present

Key structures

· revision of present simple, past simple and used to.

Key vocabulary

· health; improvement; project; canal; internet; development; industry; building; cities; services


q Before you begin the listening exercise in WB Exercise 7, discuss the rubric (heading) of the exercise with them. It says the listening text will be about “how Egypt has changed over the last thirty years”. Ask them to write down a few notes about what they think may be mentioned in the tape. This will help them to listen more actively.

WB Ex 7

1 Get them to read through all the topics in the table.
2 Make sure they understand what the topics mean. Explain any vocabulary items.
3 Tell them they can hear the tape more than once.
4 Play the tape and get them to do their best to complete the table.
5 Play the tape some more times, until they can complete the table.
6 To check their answers, play back the tape and pause between each short section.

Listening text


Thank you for coming to talk to us. I would like to ask you this question. What changes have you noticed in Egypt over the last thirty years?


Well, one big change which you notice immediately is the fact that telephones in Egypt are much better. Thirty years ago, people used to go to post offices or other public buildings to use the telephone. But nowadays, the phones work very well and there are many mobile phones as well. People carry their mobile phones everywhere, even on public transport. Another big improvement is in the health service. Doctors are well trained and the hospitals are much better. People used to be afraid of hospitals, but not today. The third big change is that, if you go into any office, in any city, you will see computers everywhere. And they are all connected to the internet. In the old days, thirty years ago, people didn’t use to have computers. They used to write letters with a pen, and put all their papers into a filing cabinet.


(a) true
(b) false
(c) true
(d) false
(e) false
(f) false
(g) false
(h) true

WB Ex 8

1 Set this as a written exercise.
2 Check the answers.


(a) we used to use fans; we use air conditioners.
(b) we have express mail; we used to have slow mail
(c) we didn’t use to use computers; we use them
(d) we don’t phone from hotels; we used to
(e) we keep our files on computers; we don’t use filing cabinets
(f) we had local phones; we didn’t have international ones

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