اسئلة مراجعة للقصة"the summer parade" منهج jumpaboardللصف الرابع الابتدائى 0 ارجو الاستفادة منها
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بس ممكن اسئلة على قصة Jump Aboard Readers 4 Hobbies ويارب حد يقدر يساعدنى وجزاكم الله كل خيرا |
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![]() Jump Aboard Reader 4 (Non –Fiction) Hobbies Meaning Word Meaning Hobbies هوايات Glove اجونتى Juggling الشعوذة Half نصف Clubs عصى Vegetables خضروات Balls كرات Spoon ملعقة Catch يمسك Experiment تجربة Acrobatics العاب بهلوانية Careful حريص Century قرن(100سنة) Opposite عكس Modern حديث Rainbows ألوان الطيف Gymnastics جمانيزيوم Jar برطمان Handstand الوقوف على اليدين Mirror مرآة Backflip الشقلبة للخلف Torch كشاف Circus السيرك Adopt يتبنى Kite طائرة ورقية In danger فى خطر Diamond ماسة Charity جمعية Look like يشبه Cheetah فهد Animal حيوان Certificate شهادة Too أيضا Puffin البفن Tape Patrol دورية Shape شكل Leave يترك String خيط At night بالليل Tubes قنوات Take care of يهتم ب/يعتنى ب Tie يربط Birds الطيور Strong قوى The beach الشاطئ Recycling اعادة تصنيع Direction اتجاه Rubbish bin سلة القمامة Of course بالطبع Tin صفيحة Stars النجوم Bottle زجاجة Ago منذ Holder حاملة The internet الإنترنت Photography التصوير Follow يتبع Parents الوالدين Rules قواعد Worried قلق Centre مركز/وسط Subject موضوع Still ساكن Same نفس Unusual غير مألوف Ø People use balls and clubs for juggling . Ø Acrobatics is fun and it is good for your body. Ø There are two kinds of acrobatics: 1-Gymnastics 2-Acrobats in the circus. Ø Acrobatics became a sport about 70 years ago. Ø Marco Polo brought kites from China to Europe about 700 years ago. Ø There are different kinds of kites: 1-The simplest kite is a diamond shape. 2-Some kites look like animals. Ø We can recycle many things : old boxes, tins, bottles, toys, shopping bags, gloves and watches. Ø The trashasaurus Rex is made of about 300 plastic folders. Ø some children likes to make painting with Vegetables. [ Ø You can see the rainbows inside your house. [[[ Ø You can see the rainbows in the sky. Ø you can help the animals that are in danger by adopting them. Ø When you adopt an animal the charity sends you pictures of the animal and letters. Ø Photography is a nice hobby but it can be expensive. Ø To take a good pocture you need to stand still when you take your picture. Ø The internet is a good place to find information about hobbies. Ø Ø Answer these questions: 1-What people use for juggling? People use balls and clubs for juggling. 2-When did Marco Polo bring kites from China? Marco Polo brought kites from china about 700 years ago. 3-How can you help the animals that are in danger? We can help the animals that are in danger by adopting them. 4-what sort of things can you recycle? We can recycle many things : old boxes, tins , bottles, shopping bags, gloves and watches. 5-What do children help baby puffins to do during the puffins patrol? They help them to fly away in the correct direction. |
جزاك الله خيرا بس اذا امكن ياريت رفع الملف وشكرا استاذ Reda 2012
محتاجه ضروري ملخص قصهHobbiesوقصة summer parade
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