variety = many different types of things or people collection = a group of objects of one type that have been collected by one person or in one place our local university offers a ( variety - collection ) of language courses among = amongst = in the middle of or surrounded by other things award (v) to give money or a prize following an official decision award (n) (often in names of particular awards) a prize such as money, etc. for sth that sb has done reward = something given in exchange for good behaviour or good work / an amount of money given to someone who helps the police or who helps to return stolen property to its owner See Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary
Once you stop learning, you start dying Albert Einstein آخر تعديل بواسطة Essam Wahba ، 16-05-2011 الساعة 10:21 PM |
يا لك من أستاذ رائع و شخص لا مثيل له فى مساعدة الاخرين
أنا من المبهورين بعلمك و جهدك تقبل الله منك كل ما تقوم به
Final Revision
Part 5 http://www.mediafire.com/?i531fxcklt1ho2b الاخوة الزملاء الفاضل هذا هو الجزء الأخير من المراجعة - , شكرا لكم جميعا علي ردودكم المشجعة وعذرا لأني لم أكن أجد الوقت الكافي للرد عليها كلِِِ علي حدة وكما لاحظتم حضراتكم لم أضع اسمي يوما علي عمل قدمته للمنتدي و لا أضعه علي المذكرات التي يستخدمها طلابي - وأكثر ما ضايقني في الفترة الأخيرة هو أنني وجدت أعمالي في كثير مما يُسمي بالمنتديات التعليمية وبأسماء أشخاص آخرين نسبوها لأنفسهم ظلما وعدوانا - سامحهم الله تمنياتي لكم جميعا بالتوفيق
Once you stop learning, you start dying Albert Einstein آخر تعديل بواسطة Essam Wahba ، 17-05-2011 الساعة 07:16 AM |
شكرا استاذي الفاضل
Show how Leila was a good observer While Leila was waiting for the doctor to examine Amalia after the accident, She noticed that the pattern of rocks at the village near Acomayo was similar to that at the site near Quenco and in this way she discovered a new Inca site Why was Ramon the first to enter the tomb Because he was small enough to go through the hole in the wall Amalia proved to be a good-natured woman - Explain When Leila was accused of stealing the gold figure and put in prison, Amalia went to the police station and explained everything to the police and Leila was set free How was Pablo disloyal to his country He helped Lander to steal treasures from the Inca tombs.These treasures should have been put in museums because they were part of the Inca heritage and civilization What should Leila have done instead of climbing down into the cave when she saw someone inside it at night ? What pushed her to do so
She should have called for help. She was angry that someone was in the tomb late at night
Once you stop learning, you start dying Albert Einstein |
الف مليون شكر لسيادتك و تمنياتى بالتوفيق
بصراحة حضرتك عميد هذا المنتدى و رائد فى أعمالك و نحن جميعاً نستفيد بكل أعمال حضرتك ..... أستاذ عصام أنت فى القلب
شكرا يا مستر عصام على مجهودك معانا طول السنة وعلى المذكرات الرائعة وعلى ردودك على كل سؤال ......
وهذة هى اخر مجموعة اسئلة لحضرتك : 1- ولماذاHe ( was working - had been working ) for 5 hours when it started to snow 2- drink lots of water to avoid became dehydrated حضرتك يا مستر مجاوب الجملة becoming ومش المفروض lots of مع العاقل بس 3- فى المراجعات بداية من 60 الى 65 فى جمل من الوحدات المحذوفة المفروض نذاكرها 4-فى جمل قاعدة IF اذا لم توجد كلمة دالة على حالة الجملة ينفع نغير اى جزء من الجزئين 5- فى الامتحان ايه الاسئلة اللى ينفع نعديها لو مش متاكدين من الاجابة ونعديها ازاى |
استاذي الرائع تعلمت على يديك الكثير ومن خلال أعمالك الجديرة بالاحترام استفدت الكثير و لا أعرف كيف أعبر لك عن مدى احترامي الذي ليس له حدود
غير أني أقول لك وبالصوت العالي وبكل مافي قلبي من حب لك وتقدير لإخلاصك الشديد في أعمالك رفع الله قدرك وحقق لك أمانيك أنت مثال في كل أعمالك شكر الله لك وأتمنى في يوم أن أحظي بلقائك لأشكرك وأتعرف على رجل من العظماء |
بارك الله فيك اخي الفاضل
وعلي فكرة اعمال مستر عصام وهبه معروفة علي مستوي مصر كلها ومش محتاجة كتابة الاسم كفاية للمدرس الذي ينسب العمل لنفسه الكل يعرف انه سارق لعمل غيره
thanks for your efforts
please in rev 1 units1-6 She is upset because her mother (has died-had died ) recently in the model answer (had died ) why we don't say has died as we have (is) and recently |
I think it'd be a good idea to rain to be a doctor
train Is it right to say I think it'd I think it'll lam I right if not could you please explain it |
1-She came to the class with a piece of work she would have given(out-in-over-away) last week.
2-Im my grandfather's village, they will still follow the same tradtional (habit-routine-technique-road)that he used to follow when he was a boy. 3-We could overcome a lot of obstacles(at -from - on - of) our trip to Matrouh. 4-How (high - tall) is the gaint Sequoia? 5-The(stems-tubes) carry water from a tree's roots to its leaves. 6-If wood is heated, ( monerals-fumes-wastes)are produced. 7-The company has cut production costs in an attempt to (lengthen-sharpen) its competition edge. |
Yes, there is something wrong here - I must apologize for that She is upset because her mother has died OR: She was upset because her mother had died
Once you stop learning, you start dying Albert Einstein |
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