Could you please Mr. Essam Answer these two sentences: 1-I'm saving up for my grandparent's golden................( feast - feastival - wedding ) 2- The..........in the north of the counntry is extremely serious . ( postion - location - situation - weather ) |
تمنياتي بالتوفيق
Once you stop learning, you start dying Albert Einstein |
رائععععععععععععععععععععععععععععععععععععععععععععععع عععععععععععععععععععع
Thank you very much
Thanks a lot Mr Essam for your priceless effort.
Thanks a lot Mr Essam for your priceless effort.
meralll |
Mr. Essam Why don't you provide us with a great number of difficult comperhensions like the ones in the second year exam last year or a name of a book on the internet that contains these passages ?
Here are some comprehension passages , but the questions need modification
Once you stop learning, you start dying Albert Einstein |
Thanks a lot Mr Essam for your priceless effort.
meralll |
Mr Essam I want more and more passages. What a great man you are !
كم انت جدير بالاحترام و الثقة !
Thank you everybody - I really appreciate your kindness, support and encouragement Here is a book that has some challenging comprehension passages
Once you stop learning, you start dying Albert Einstein |
والله العظيم رائع يا Mr Essam وبارك الله فيك
thanksssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssss i havent the art to express my gratitude |
العلامات المرجعية |
الكلمات الدلالية (Tags) |
great |