need I be thanked too fat to get |
that man is too fat to get through the door
The fact that he will pass the exams is possible
What you are doing seems logical -He laughed at what I said. I don't know the time of her return. Do you know the reason for his anger?
ملحوظه السؤال الاول يمكن ايضا حذف the fact وتبقى that وتعطى نفس المعنى شكرا سلامى الى يوسف شكرا |
الاجابه ممتازه ولكن يمكن ايضا ان نقول
He is too fat a man to get through the door.فصلنا ما بين الاسم والصفه بa شكرا جزيلا لحضرتك شكرا |
covered with He is too fat a man to get through the door. That man is too fat to get through the door. شكرا لحضرتك |
شكرا لحضرتك
covered with That man is too fat to...... He is too fat a man to get through the door. شكرا |
يا ترى فى فرق ولا لا ؟
I heard him come in last night.
I heard him coming in last night .................................................. .................................... I saw him work in the garden yesterday. I saw him working in the garden yesterday. |
الرد عندى there is adifference after these verbs an inf. suggests that we hear or see the whole action or event an ing- form suggests that we hear or see something in progress , going on is that enough? but add hear that---see that are often used to introduce pieces of news which one has heard, read or seen on television e.g I see that the firemen are going on strike
بارك الله فيكما
He is too fat a man to get through the door
بالطبع انا متابعة حضرتك والمعلومات الخطيرة التى تزود المنتى بها وهى مساعدة للمدرسين من قبل الطلبة ولكن اعذرنى فهذة الجملة لم استوعبها فرجاء تفسيرها |
لذا جاءت الصفه فقط بعد too He is so clever a boy that he answered all the questions. شكرا جزيلا شكرا |
With the infinitive we are more interested in the fact of the completion of the action . I heard him come in .so I know that he did come in. With the ...ing form our interest was more in the continuity or the performing of the action . I heard him coming in ...and what a lot of noise he made .وقس على هذا الباقى شكرا جزيلا لحضرتك مستر احمد لك منى كل احترام وتقدير المرجع A Comprehensive English Grammar |
بعد اذنكم اقول حاجة
I saw the man kill the old woman. It means that I saw the action from the first beginning, so I Knew the reasons. I saw the man killing the old woman It means that I saw the action in the middle, so I didn't know the reasons
أحمد عبد الجواد عطية البسيونى معلم خبير فى اللغة الانجليزية بمدرسة صهرجت الصغرى الثانوية المشتركة - أجا - الدقهلية آخر تعديل بواسطة أ/ أحمد البسيونى ، 11-11-2009 الساعة 01:19 PM |
العلامات المرجعية |