أرشيف المنتدى هنا نقل الموضوعات المكررة والروابط التى لا تعمل |
مشاهدة نتائج الإستطلاع: مارأيك؟؟؟!!! | |||
ممتاز | 209 | 72.82% | |
جيد جدا | 53 | 18.47% | |
جيد | 24 | 8.36% | |
ضعيف | 9 | 3.14% | |
إستطلاع متعدد الإختيارات. المصوتون: 287. أنت لم تصوت في هذا الإستطلاع |
أدوات الموضوع | ابحث في الموضوع | انواع عرض الموضوع |
شكرا يا مستر على المذكره |
thanks a lot Mr.Mahmoud
Mr.Khaled Farrag مدرس لغة انجليزية مدرسة الفراعنه القوميه للغات - الاسكندرية
كامعتاد لاتطبق القوانين الا على الغلابه
Mr.Khaled Farrag مدرس لغة انجليزية مدرسة الفراعنه القوميه للغات - الاسكندرية
اخي خالد
تحيه طيبه عمل جليل ولكن لو تم تنسيقه لظهر اجله ثانيا: الحق معك اخي خالد عذرا مستر محمود اما ان نطبق الحق علي الجميع والا فلا لقد صار الصرح الكبير اعلانا وتغيرت مقاصده تعقيب ليس الا تحياتي
In Loving Memory.....Father I carry a thorn and the tears I've cried
I carry you in my heart even though you have died I carry a rose For then I wept When one called Forever you slept |
بارك الله فيك يا مستر ايمن. وبالفعل تم رفع العمل بعد تنسيقه
Mr.Khaled Farrag مدرس لغة انجليزية مدرسة الفراعنه القوميه للغات - الاسكندرية
الإجابات النموذجية لأسئلة الكتاب المدرسى
Model answers to the questions of the set book الإجابات النموذجية لأسئلة الكتاب المدرسى Pre- reading Questions: 1 - Who are the main characters in this story? - Mr. D-, and the waiter the prisoner in the witness box, 2 - Why did Mr. D- get up in the middle of Ihe night? - Because he heard a voice ordering him to go down to the ferry. 3 - Why did Mr D-go to Exeter? - Because the word T.xeter! Exeter'Exeter!1 Continually sounded in his head. 4' Did Mr D- know the prisoner in the court ? - No, Mr. U-didn't know him personally but he had met him ,before at Mr. G's house at M. Write "T" for True or "F" for false next to each of the sentences. I'T 2-T 3-T 4-F 5-F 6-F 7-T 8-F Complete the sentences : 1 - Although it seemed foolish to go down To the ferry on The orders of an ordinary voice, Mr U-lell, in any case. Chat »„„.. - sleep w as impossible and i( was only a short walk to the ferry and back, and he need noT tell anyone about his journey. 2 - Although Mr D-hail heard nothing about the trials, he became interested when ,„„„„», - the waiter told him about the cases being tried in the court and his ideas about them. 3 - Mr D-was able to prove tliat the prisoner was innocent because ,«..».... - he had a notebook in which he had written the dale of his meeting with the prisoner at Mr G-'s house at M- while he was mending the window, Answerthe questions: 1 - How long had Mr D- been studying at Exmouth? - He had been studying since the beginning of the summer 2- Why did Mr D- find it impossible To ignore The second voice? - Because it was so commanding. 3 - What were Mr D-'s thoughbi and' feelings when he linil arrived in Exeter? - When he firsT arrived in Exeter, Mr, D- felT that his ideas and feelings had gone and he wandered about aimlessly, 4 - After ealing breakfast at the hotel, why did Mr D- decide to go to the counhouse? - Because he wanted to watch the trials after he had become interested in the waiter^ account of the cases being Iried there. 5 - Why had Mr D- gone to M- some months earlier ? ' In order to visit a friend there , 6 - Where had Mr D- waited when he found thai his friend was out? - He had waited in the library, 7-What did Mr. D-dolors the time while he was wailing for his friend? - Mr. D- spent some time walehing the man who was mending the window and talking to him about his work. 8 - At what point did Mr D- realize he could help prove the innocence of the man accused of murder? - When the prisoner had finished his speech protesting his innocence. Quotations 1 - ^Well, you've kept me wailing long enough tonight, I think. I've wailed nearly an hour for you," Why i-s Mr D- astonished lo hear Hie ferryman's voice calling to him? What does he conclude about Ihis? - He was astonisL- ' because The boatman couldn't possibly have known tha; M . i)- was going To be there- He concluded That the boatman fi.fd heard someone else call lo him from a passing boat. '' 2 - " There is one gentleman .„„ who could prove that I was there, r but I don't know who he is, nor where to look for him. Yes, I know that he could prove that I am "ot guilty." Who says (his? Which gcnileman is he talking about? Why does feelings had gone and he wandered about aimlessly, 4 - After ealing breakfast at the hotel, why did Mr D- decide to go to the counhouse? - Because he wanted to watch the trials after he had become interested in the waiter^ account of the cases being Iried there. 5 - Why had Mr D- gone to M- some months earlier ? ' In order to visit a friend there , 6 - Where had Mr D- waited when he found thai his friend was out? - He had waited in the library, 7-What did Mr. D-dolors the time while he was wailing for his friend? - Mr. D- spent some time walehing the man who was mending the window and talking to him about his work. 8 - At what point did Mr D- realize he could help prove the innocence of the man accused of murder? - When the prisoner had finished his speech protesting his innocence. Quotations 1 - ^Well, you've kept me wailing long enough tonight, I think. I've wailed nearly an hour for you," Why i-s Mr D- astonished lo hear Hie ferryman's voice calling to him? What does he conclude about Ihis? - He was astonisL- ' because The boatman couldn't possibly have known tha; M . i)- was going To be there- He concluded That the boatman fi.fd heard someone else call lo him from a passing boat. '' 2 - " There is one gentleman .„„ who could prove that I was there, r but I don't know who he is, nor where to look for him. Yes, I know that he could prove that I am "ot guilty." Who says (his? Which gcnileman is he talking about? Why does he say this ? - The prisoner who is accused of the murder. He is talking about Mr, D- . Tie says it because he knows that Mr. D- could tell the court that at the Time of The murder he was mending a window, therefore proving his innocence. Choose the correct answer : l-c 2-b Match the beginnings and the ends of the sentences: A->iv B-^ih C-^i D-^ii Complete the notes on Mr. D-'s journey to Exeter: 1 - Being unable to ignore the voice, Mr D-,,,,, - decided to ^o down to the ferry / he jumped form hi bed, dressed quickly and set out. 2 - Before he reached the ferry,...., - he was astonished To hear the boaTmaiTs rough voice calling to him thought The darkness. 3 - On The Stare russ side, ,„„„„ - Mr. D- decided thai he should go To Exeter. 4 - In Exeter, Mr D- „„.,«.... - wandered aimlessly about The streets and decided to return home hy the ne\t train, bul when he came to a hotel he went inside to order some breakfast. 5 - After hearing aboul the trials taking place, he decided ....... - to go to the court house to listen to the cases being tried there. Put the events in the correct order : A, B, E, D, F, C, G. |
شكراا على المذكره الرائعه جعل الله هذا العمل في ميزان حسناتك
أتمنى الفائدة لطلابنا الأعزاء وشكرا لكل من قام بالمرور على هذا الموضوع
التوقيع : مستر / عصام عبد الحميد مدرس أول اللغه الإنجليزيه بمدرسه سيدى غازى الثانوية - كفر الشيخ ت: 0161146050 0111921255 0473288788 |
مذكرات جميلة يا مستر*عصام* مرسيي كتير ليك عليها
الحمد لله على نعمة الاسلام وكفى بها نعمة *سلاااااااااااااااااام يا ااكتر منتدى فرحت وزعلت اتبسطت وتعبت فيه .... اكتر منتدى قعدت فيه كل ده وسيبته بعد كل ده* من فات قديمه تاه وانا من القديم اللى مش بقي ليه مكان هنا *استودعكم الله الذى لا تضيع ودائعه* Cl0sD 4 EvEr
شكراا كتير مستر عصام
وربنا يجعله فى ميزان حسانتك |
شكرا يل استاز
انا مش عارغ ادخل الغرف ماذا افعل
شكرا جزيلا
الاستاذ/أمجد مرحبا بك في المنتدي ومجهود مشكور ولكن لي ملاحظات.ففي الجزء الخاص بالمراجعة لم اجد مراجعة ولكن وجدت نصائح وشكل الامتحان مع ان الجميع يعرفه ولا اعرف ما دخل موضوع التعبير في شكل الامتحان ثم وضعت عنوان عن كتابة الخطاب ثم لا شيء.اما في سؤال المواقف من جهة نظري كان يمكن استبدال الاسئلة بمجموعة من المواقف وحلها مع وضع بعض الاسئلة لحلها.اما باقي الاسئلة فهي مجرد اسئلة كنا نتمني ان نري بها ابداعك الخاص في العرض او توصيل المادة العلمية ولكنني للاسف وبدون زعل لم اجد ما يشدني..وانا اتمني قبل رفع المادة علي المنتدي ان يسال كل منا نفسه هل ما سوف يتم رفعه يوجد به اضافة ام انه مجرد تضييع للوقت.عزيزي الاستاذ/امجد انا لا اريدك ان تزعل فهذا رايي ويمكنك ان تبدي ملاحظاتك علي اي شيء يخصني فانا والله العظيم لا ازعل بل اعتبر ذلك حافزاًٍ لمزيد من التفوق.والسلام عليكم
فى البداية أشكر الأستاذ diemido على ملاحظاته ولايظن اطلاقا ان ما كتبه يغضب كل ذى عقل
بل اننى سعيد بوجهة نظره لكن أود أن أقول أن مارفعته لم يكن ابداعا شخصيا وأظننى ذكرت ذلك مسبقا فهو مجموعة تدريبات من كتب خارجية( وهذا ليس به ابداع) وعمل بعض الزملاء فى المنتدى (قمت بتنقيحه وتنظيمه) وهذا العمل مقدم فى الأصل لطلابنا الأعزاء ولزملائنا المدرسين الذين قد يستعينوا به فى عمل مراجعات لطلابهم وهنا المقصد والهدف مع ارق امنياتى للجميع بالنفع والفائدة مستر / عصام عبد الحميد مدرس أول أ بمدرسة سيدى غازى الثانوية- كفر الشيخ ت /0161146050 0111921255 |
العلامات المرجعية |
الكلمات الدلالية (Tags) |
مدرس اللغة الإنجليزية, all about first year, جديد ومفيد, listening 1st secondary, mr ali esmael, newcomer in english, unit 1 first year, windows file, طارق فؤاد |