![]() “ Indeed! You are the right person to advise!”
“ You wish you were going yourself! You , a Frenchman? You are wise adviser!” Mr Lorry said thses words to Darney. Mr Lorry is exclaiming because Charles Darney said that he wished to go to Paris and he is a Frenchman. There is a danger to the frenchmen especially after the revolution. “ You can have no idea of the difficulty our business is having and of the danger our books and papers pver there are in. the Lord above knows what seriouse resulty there would be for numbers of people if some of our ducuments were stolen or destroyed.” Mr Lorry said this to Darney. Mr Lorry is explaining to him the difficulty of working in the bank and the extent risk which papers and books oposed to. He is explaining to him that only God knows the results of stealing or destroying important documents. “ You must remember that getting things out of Paris at this present time, no matter what things, is next to impossible. Papers and precious things were brought to us even today by the strangest people you can imagine, everyone of whom had his head hanging by a single hair as he passed the Barrier. At another time our parcels would come and go as easily as in business-like old England, but now everything is stopped.” Mr Lorry said this to Darney. Here Mr Lorry is comparing between the case of the business before and after the revolution and how bad is the work under these circumstances. “ I have shown it, I think , to everybody now here, and nobody can tell me where this gentleman is to be found.” Mr Lorry said this to the manager of Tellson’s . Mr Lorry is talking about Darney as he is the reciever of the urgent letter sent by Gabelle. Mr lorry didn’t know that Darney was the reciever of that letter. “ I know the fellow” Darney said this to Mr Lorry. He meant by this that he know the reciever of this letter. Of course he is the reciever but nobody knows about this secret. “ Will you take the letter then? “ Do you know where to deliver it?” Mr Lorry said these words to Darney. He asked him to deliver the letter to the reciever of the letter. Mr Lorry didn’t know that Darney is the reciever of this letter. |
![]() “ For the love of Heaven, I beg you, Monsieur, to help me. My fault has been that I have been true to you. From this prison here of horror, where as every hour passes I get nearer and nearer to destruction.”
Gabelle said these words in his urgent letter to Darney, formerly the Marquis. Gabelle is asking Darney’s help to get him out of prison as he is innocent from any crime. “ I have delivered that letter,” “ I would not agree to you having to take back a written answer, but perhaps you will take a spoken message?” Darney said these words to Mr Lorry. Here he told Mr Lorry that he delivered the letter to the reciever and he asked him to take back a spoken answer to the letter not a written message. “ That I will , and gladly, if it is not dangerous” Mr Lorry said these words to Darney. He is telling Darney that he will take his spoken message back and deliver it. “ Simply, that he has received the letter and will come.” “ He will start upon his journey tomorrow night.” Darney said these words to Mr Lorry. This is the spoken message that Mr lorry will take back and deliver. He will deliver it to Gabelle, the good , old servant to Darney. He askend Mr Lorry to tell him that Darney would go to paris the following day at night. |
![]() لا انا جربته و شغال عادى انا حاولت انزلهم فى المرفقات لكن انا بشتغل ببرنامج الورد 2007 و امتداده مش موجود فى الامتدادت المسموح برفعها من قبل المنتدى ممكن حضرتك تحمليهم اظيط من اللينكات و لو عندك وورد 2003 و التلخيصات عجبتك تنزليهم مرفقات فى انتظار ردك احتراماتى |
thanks a lot waiting for the rest please
![]() Chapter 11 The sea still rises.
A week later the Revolutionaries knew that Foulon, a hated official who told them to eat grass, is still alive and has been captured. Foulon said that the starving people should eat grass. Mme. Defarge leads a mob to the hotel where Foulon is being held. There, she stuffs his mouth full of grass and hangs him from a lamppost. When he eventually dies they tore and put his head and heart on spears. They also capture Foulon’s son-in-law placing his head and heart on spears. The mobs are happy and hopeful for the future. Despite the pleas from the servants at the chateau, the local villagers burn it down and they threaten Gabelle, the village officer. Questions and discussions 1-who is the Vengeance? She is one of the revolutionists. She is short rather stout woman and a shopkeeper by trade Her name is suitable for her character. She is - like Madame Defarge - eager to take revenge on the nobles 2-who is Foulon? And why has he got a reason to fear the revolutionists? He was one of the responsible people in the country. He is the one who told the starving poor peole to eat grass instead of all sorts of food which they didn’t have. He has a reason to fear them because he knew that he was an aggressor to say such thing as the poor people have the same rights which the rich have. 3- describe the way that Foulon treated in. They brought him to the lamp,dragged and stuck at him with bunches of straw and grass that were pushed into his face. They torn and bleeded him and he was begging them for mercy. Women screamed at him, men called out for him to have grass stuffed in his mouth. They threw a rope over the lamp and put it round his neck. They pulled him up and after three times of trying to hung him , the rope held him and it was done. 4- describe the countryside after the revolution. The countryside was ruined. Every green leaf,every blabe of grass and grain was dry and poor as the miserable people. Everything was bent, oppressed and broken. Houses, fences, animals, men, women, children and the earth – all worn ou
Minds, like parachutes, only work when opened ![]() |
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شكرا على هذا المجهود
Minds, like parachutes, only work when opened ![]() |
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وأحيانا قمت بتبديل الأسلوب لنقل المعلومة بطريقة أبسط شكرا لك
Minds, like parachutes, only work when opened ![]() |
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مجهود عظيم شكرا جزيلا
Minds, like parachutes, only work when opened ![]() |
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Minds, like parachutes, only work when opened ![]() |
![]() اقتباس:
Minds, like parachutes, only work when opened ![]() |
ممكن طلب بس يا مس هودي
و يا كل الموجودين النسخة الي انا بدرسها chpter 11 (echoing footsteps( ده اسم الشبتر مشالي انتوا حطينه دي نسخة جديدة و ارجو اسئلة و شرح و كومنتات علي الترم التاني بس الي عندي يا ريت الي انا بدرسه |
شكرا جزيلا على الاضافات و التعديل يا مس هدى
استفدت كتير من تعديلك و ان شاء الله احاول اعمل اللى بعد كدة احتراماتى |
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For nothing
Waiting for your many points of discussion
Minds, like parachutes, only work when opened ![]() |
please the rest of chapters soonest
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انا كمان ده غنوان الشابتر عتدى مش اللى مكتوب نرجو وض |
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العلامات المرجعية |