ممكن ل سمحت تدينى الاميل بتاعك علشان اكلمك علشان اعرف حكاية الانجليزى دية
اولا احب اشكر الاستاذ هو فعلا عمل رائع
فعلا شغل رائع |
شكرا جزيلا جعله الله في ميزان حسناتك
ده حل نماذج الوزاره لامتحان الانجليزي
انا حسابي جديد مش راضي احمل النموذج
ممكن حد يرفعه علي اي سيرفر علشان احمله |
ده عباره عن حل بعض من نماذج الوزاره +امتحان السودان مجاب عنها
انا عندى الاصل وهى عباره عن جميع نماذج الوزاره +امتحان السودان مجاب عنها وانا تقريبا منزلها من ا/توفيق لوحد عايزها انا فى الخدمه وبشكر ا/ توفيق عليهم لانهم افادونى كتر وانا طباعتهم 6 ورقات |
انا عاوزهم
ارفعهم علي اي سيرفر |
شكرااا جزيلاااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا
شكرا استاذنا الغالي
دائما متميز جزاك الله كل الخير |
جميع محادثات النماذج مجاب عنها بالكاملççççإجابة السؤال الأول : سـؤال المحادثة
1-What is this ? è- This is a chair . 2- What is it made of ? è- It is made of steel . 3- Why is it made of it ? è- Because steel is tough . 4 – My grandmother passed away this morning . è- My condolences . 5- I have passed the examination ? è- Congratulations. 6- What are you planning to do ? è- I will go to Cairo as an engineer. 7- Where are you from? è- I'm from Italy. è- I'll stay for two weeks. 8- what dose land reclamation need? è - Machinery water and money . 9- What does it consist of ? è- It consists of …,….,….and…. . 10- Where do you work ? è- In Microtech computer company . 11- How much does it cost ? è- L.E 150 pounds . – That's expensive. 12- Can you ……….. ? è - Yes , I can 13 - When did you invent the robots ? è-- I invented them last April. 14 - Well done! Did you test them ? è-- I will test them in March next year. 15 - Ok,. I think I'll promote you! è-- Thank you . 16 - What is your job ? è--I'm a computer programmer. 17 - Is it your first visit to Egypt? è-- Yes . è-- No . 18- How often does the engine need to be lubricated ? = - When should the engine be drained and refilled with new oil ? è- every two weeks . 19- What happens if the engine is not often lubricated?è-It will become hot. 20 -where are your helmet, boots and gloves? You 're breaking the safety rules. è-I'll put on my gloves after opening these bottles. 21 - What is it called ? ماذا يسمى è It's called a hoverboard اجابات اسئلة : الثانى اختارChoose و الثالث: التوصيل Match 1. If you go windsurfing. You must put on your lifejacket. 2. Wings need to be lubricated before every flight. 3. Windows in aeroplanes are made of a tough plastic, which cannot be broken. 4. The fire extinguisher will prevent the fire from spreading. 5. Piston pumps can be used for pumping air or water. 6. A thermostat is a device which automatically switches on or off when it becomes Too hot or too cold. 7. The pedals of a car control its speed and acceleration. 8 . Copper is used in wires owing to its ability to be stretched. 9 - To take a good photograph with your camera, hold your breath while pressing the button. 10- People must not drive too fast in cities. 11-Rana is co- operative she works will with other people and helps them a lot. 12 . The top of the table is wet. Use this cotton cloth to dry it. The cotton will absorb the water. 13- Fiberglass is used for making the hulls of boats because of its toughness. 14 - The acceleration pedal functions as a controller of the speed of a car. 15 - Tempering is a process of heating and cooling metal in order to make it less brittle. 16 - The woman picked up her glasses from the table and put them on . 17. Allow me introduce my friend Gamil, to you. 18 . Batteries generate electricity. 19 .Iron does not float on water. 20 . If you move your weight forward, the hoverboard will go faster 21 . Vehicles cannot move without petrol . 22 . A tin opener is found in most kitchens. 23 . location means a particular place 24 . The purpose of the lens is to focus the beam to a point. 25 - Aluminium is used for making pots because of its heat conductivity . 26 - Carbon dioxide and Methane are greenhouse gases which cause global warming. 27 - It is important to check the brakes on your car before driving for long distances. 28 - A hand drill is a tool that makes holes in wood. 29 - You will be an engineer if you get a degree in engineering. 30 - Khan El Khalili is a place where tourists can buy arts and crafts. 31 - Glass is a transparent material. You can see through it. 32 - Put on your boots so as to protect your feet from falling objects. 33 - You can see through glass . It is transparent . 34 - Hs works well in the team . He is cooperative . 35 - Paper is easy to bum . It is combustible . 36 - Workers in the company should be trained on first aid 37 – A durable material lasts along time. 38 - This metal is strong . It has strength . 39 - A windsurf board is covered with fiberglass. 40 - The material which does not sink in water is ............ 41 – Remember to wash your hands well after using chemicals . تذكر ان تغسل يديك جيدا بعد استخدام الكيماويات 42 – Fiberglass is used for making the hulls of boats because of its toughness . الفيبر جلاس يستخدم فى صناعة المراكب بسبب جموديته 43 – The TV antenna is mounted on the roof of the house . 44 – Plastic plates resist heat 45 – A thermostat prevents a room from becoming too hot or too cold . 46 – Cars should be fitted with air bags and safety belts . السيارات يجب ان تزود باكياس هواء عجلة القيادة و حزام الامان 47 – Cotton absorbs water . القطن يمتص الماء 48 – Tempering is a process in which a hard steel is made less brittle by heating it . التطرية هى العملية التى فيها الصلب يعمل اقل هشاشة بتسخينه 1 - A hammer is a tool.الشاكوش عدة يدوية 2 - Different materials have different properties.المواد المختلفة لها خواص مختلفة 3 - If a car battery is flat, it needs recharging.لو بطارية السيارة مهربة ( نائمة ) فانها تحتاج شحن 4 - A fire extinguisher puts out fires. 5 - Stain less steel doesn't rust easily 6 - A slip set Measures spaces accurately 7- An electric saw cuts wood quickly. 8 - A conductive material transmits heat and electricity 9 - we are happy to let you know that your salary will be raised 10 - Close the program and then switch off the computer 11- We regret that you have not won the prize 12 - it is impossible to repair this car because it is badly damaged 13 - Space shuttles carry astronauts to a space station. 14 - Put on your gloves before using chemicals. 15 - Forging is a process in which metals are beaten and shaped 16 - Polyester is used for making seat belts 17 - steel is d- impossible to bend 18 - Rubber is c- easy to bend. 19 - The ropes a- are made of nylon 20 - Soft drinks b- should be served in the school canteen . 1- Fusibility : the ability to become liquid when it is heated. 1 – الانصهارية - قابلية المعدن علىان يصبح سائل عندما يسخن 2- Qualified : with the correct degree for the job2 – مؤهل - بالدرجة العلمية الصحيحة للوظيفة 3- To ascend : to climb up 3 – ان تتسلق - ان تتسلق لاعلى 4- To assemble : to put together 4 – ان تجمع – ان تضع الاجزاء معا اجابات السؤال الرابع سؤال القواعد (Rewrite Grammar ) - What are they doing ? ماذا يفعلون ؟ - A new aquarium cannot be set up . - The workshop ( should must ) be cleaned - Wood is not harder than concrete.الخشب ليس اصلد من ا -Wood is softer than concrete.الخشب اطرى من الخرسانة 1- A spirit level is an instrument which is used for - It is necessary to complete this project by the end of January . - Polyester is often used for making boat sails owing to - A train is slower than a plane. – You need to learn foreign language nowadays. Aeroplans are faster than trains A hand drill is a tool which makes holes – let’s discuss the matter now. - A tennis court is about thirty times smaller than a Football field. - The computers must be carried carefully. - Batteries are used for generating electrical current - Turn off the lamp before removing the bulb. - The sail is made of polyester because it can not be cut. - Plastic foam floats on water . - Ahmed has intelligent . - Iron is used for for making vices . - Polyster is often used for making sails owing to its good water resistance . - Stainless steel has good (high) resistance to corrosion - Where does Hany work ? - Glass is used for windows because it is transparent . سؤال القطعة تحتها 7 اسئلة – السؤال الخامس قطعة الخشب Wood 1 - What are the properties of wood? - It is hard. It is also rust resistant. 2 - What is wood made from? we can make wood from trees. 3 - Where is teak grown? Teak is grown in India and Burma. 4. Teak is yellowish brown in colour. 5.Three kinds of wood is mentioned in the passage. 6. The underlined word "It" refers to Teak . 7. Teak can be cut easily with sharp tools. ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــــــــ قطعة عن اعطال السيارات 1-What will happen if you don’t check the petrol in your tank? The car may stop suddenly in the middle of a crowded street causing a lot of trouble. 2- Why should you check the tyres before driving? I should do that because if I neglect that I will have to face the trouble of changing the flat tyre 3 – Do you think you should examine the brakes of the car ? Why ? Yes, I think that because if I don’t do that I’ll bang against the first tree in front of me 4 –What will happen if you don’t fasten your seat belts ? you may pay a fine . 5 – you must adjust the mirror in order to a void crashing into anther car behind you. 6 – ( It ) in line three refers to your car . 7- If you don’t check wipers, you would be sorry . ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــــــــــــــــــــ قطعة عن الروبوت ( الانسان الآلى ) 1- Where are robots used today? - Today robots are used in factories and hospitals. 2- When will robots replace humans? - Robots will replace humans by the end of the 22 nd century / In the future. 3- Who controls the robots which travel into space? - Astronauts control the robots which travel into space. 4 - scientists have already sent robots to planet Mars 5- Robots will make our life easier . 6- In the future, robots will drive taxis . 7- In hospitals, robots can help doctors . ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــــــــــــــــــــ قطعة عن خواص المواد المختلفة 1- What is copper used for ? - Copper is used for making wires . 2- Mention 3 things made of wood. - Furniture , ships , doors, windows 3- Why are roads made or tarmac ? - Because it has compressive strength . 4- Iron is used for making vices because it is heavy . 5- Roads are made of tarmac . 6- The underlined word "It" refers to wood . 7- "Squash" is a game . ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــــــــــــــــــــ 1 – A dynamic loudspeaker converts electrical energy into mechanical energy using a magnet . 2 – A cone is made of a light material such as paper or plastic . 3 – The coil becomes an electro magnet when electrical signals from an amplifier pass through it . 4 – The movement of the coil causes the cone to vibrate . 5 – The cone is made of a light material such as paper or plastic . 6 - The movement of the coil and the cone is used for producing sound waves . 7 - A dynamic loudspeaker is found in radios . السؤال السادس املأ الفراغات Fill in the spaces 1 - A computer is an electronic machine used to process data. 2 - The wind causes the blades of windmills to run. 3 - The filament in an electric lamp is surrounded by a vacuum. 4 - Sound waves are picked up by the microphone. 5 - The aerial at television station transmits electromagnetic waves. 6 - The secretary's report is very accurate 7 - Glass is a breakable material. 8 - Simultaneously means at the same time. 9 - ) Do you know how to save a computer file ? 10 - You should shake the paint can before spraying the paint. 11 – Our exports have Increased a lot since 2000 . 12 – The manager ’s Instructions were not very clear . 13 – You can state your Findings in visuals or in words. 14 – The secretary ’s report is very Accurate 15 – There is a Decrease in road accidents this year . 16 -Copper is very ductile . when it is pulled it stretches but does not break. 17 - You can watch television after you have finished your homework 18 - A ceiling lamp is Suspended from the ceiling by wires 19 - safety helmets are important to protect your head 20 - A memo is a short note to another person or persons in the same company 21- The boom is made of aluminum which is tough. 22- Glass can be broken easily . 23- Copper is used for making wires because it is ductile 24- He is honest. He never tells lies 25- This metal is strong when it is struck from the side. It has shear strength اجابات سؤال الباراجراف السؤال السابع Paragraph موضوع التعبير "The properties of materials" خواص المواد Different materials differ in their properties. Some materials break easily when you squeeze them. Others are strong in compression. Some materials don't break or stretch when pulled. They are strong intension. Sometimes, when you strike a material with a hammer, it doesn't break but changes shape. It is malleable. Some materials can be stretched without breaking. They are very ductile. ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــــــــــــــــ "Some safety rules on a building site" قواعد و تعليمات الامان فى موقع البناء Before entering building site , you should put on safety clothes . Wear your helmet to protect your head. Wear safety boots to protect your feet and legs. Wear your goggles to protect your eyes from injuring. You should keep gloves on when using chemicals. ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــــــــــــــــ “Glass” الزجاج Glass has been discovered a long time ago. Glass is a hard, brittle and transparent material which can be broken easily. Glass is used for making windows, mirrors, bottles and many other useful things. When glass is heated, it melts and changes into liquid. Glass is a useful material. ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــــــــــــــــــــ "Global warming" الاحترار الكونى Global warming Increases green house gases inside earth atmosphere . Gases prevent heat from escaping into space . The world temperature rises . The sea water expands . Deases increase اجابات السؤال الثامن الترجمة Translation 1. There are five main types of fire fire extinguishers. 1 - توجد خمس أنواع رئيسية لطفايات الحريق. 2. Rubber is used for making car tyres because of its flexibility. 2- يستخدم المطاط فى صناعة اطارات السيارات بسبب مرونته. 3 - We must keep on the environment and decrease from the pollution. 3 - يجب أن نحافظ على البيئة وأن نقلل من التلوث. 4- Always wash your hands after using chemicals.إغسل الأيدي دائماً بعد إستخدام الكيماويات. 5- You must lubricate all moving parts of this machine regularly. يجب أن تشحم كل الأجزاء المتحركة لهذه الآلة بإنتظام. 6 - We use computer to save information- نستخدم الكمبيوتر في تخزين المعلومات 7 – The brakes of your car need to be checked at once. تحتاج فرامل سيارتك ان يتم فحصها فى الحال / 8 – Company staff write monthly reports about all projects . يقوم موظفى الشركة بكتابة تقاريرشهرية عن كل المشروعات 9 - Ashraf, congratulations. you passed the driving test . اهنئك يا اشرف لقد اجتزت اختبار القيادة 10- Have you ever worked in a car repair workshop?هل سبق لك أن عملت في ورشة تصليح سيارات ؟ 11- I never go to school on Fridaysأنا لا أذهب إلى المدرسة أبداً في أيام الجمعة 12 - To get this job, you must be good ( skilful ) at using computer. للحصول على هذه الوظيفة يجب أن تكون ماهراً فى استخدام الكمبيوتر 13- You must put on your Lifejacket before swimming.يجب ان ترتدى سترة النجاة قبل العوم 14- Concrete doesn't break or bend.الخرسانة لا تنكسر و لا تنثنى 15 – Aluminium is used for making ship boom . يستعمل الألومونيوم في صنع صاري السفينة . 16 - The international space station generates its own power محطةالفضائية الدولية تولد طاقتها بنفسها 17 – I'm pleased to tell you that you have passed your exam .انا مسرور اذ اخبرك بأنك نجحت فى 18 – The fire extinguisher consists of a cylinder full of gas . تتكون طفاية الحريق من اسطوانة معدنية مملؤة ( مملوءة ) بالغاز انقل مباشرة فى ورقة الاجابة مع المتشابه من ورقة الاسئلة2011 |
![]() اقتباس:
الملف المرفق للتسهيل لمن لا يعرف كيفية تنزسل الملف جميع محادثات النماذج مجاب عنها بالكاملççççإجابة السؤال الأول : سـؤال المحادثة 1-What is this ? è- This is a chair . 2- What is it made of ? è- It is made of steel . 3- Why is it made of it ? è- Because steel is tough . 4 – My grandmother passed away this morning . è- My condolences . 5- I have passed the examination ? è- Congratulations. 6- What are you planning to do ? è- I will go to Cairo as an engineer. 7- Where are you from? è- I'm from Italy. è- I'll stay for two weeks. 8- what dose land reclamation need? è - Machinery water and money . 9- What does it consist of ? è- It consists of …,….,….and…. . 10- Where do you work ? è- In Microtech computer company . 11- How much does it cost ? è- L.E 150 pounds . – That's expensive. 12- Can you ……….. ? è - Yes , I can 13 - When did you invent the robots ? è-- I invented them last April. 14 - Well done! Did you test them ? è-- I will test them in March next year. 15 - Ok,. I think I'll promote you! è-- Thank you . 16 - What is your job ? è--I'm a computer programmer. 17 - Is it your first visit to Egypt? è-- Yes . è-- No . 18- How often does the engine need to be lubricated ? = - When should the engine be drained and refilled with new oil ? è- every two weeks . 19- What happens if the engine is not often lubricated?è-It will become hot. 20 -where are your helmet, boots and gloves? You 're breaking the safety rules. è-I'll put on my gloves after opening these bottles. 21 - What is it called ? ماذا يسمى è It's called a hoverboard اجابات اسئلة : الثانى اختارChoose و الثالث: التوصيل Match 1. If you go windsurfing. You must put on your lifejacket. 2. Wings need to be lubricated before every flight. 3. Windows in aeroplanes are made of a tough plastic, which cannot be broken. 4. The fire extinguisher will prevent the fire from spreading. 5. Piston pumps can be used for pumping air or water. 6. A thermostat is a device which automatically switches on or off when it becomes Too hot or too cold. 7. The pedals of a car control its speed and acceleration. 8 . Copper is used in wires owing to its ability to be stretched. 9 - To take a good photograph with your camera, hold your breath while pressing the button. 10- People must not drive too fast in cities. 11-Rana is co- operative she works will with other people and helps them a lot. 12 . The top of the table is wet. Use this cotton cloth to dry it. The cotton will absorb the water. 13- Fiberglass is used for making the hulls of boats because of its toughness. 14 - The acceleration pedal functions as a controller of the speed of a car. 15 - Tempering is a process of heating and cooling metal in order to make it less brittle. 16 - The woman picked up her glasses from the table and put them on . 17. Allow me introduce my friend Gamil, to you. 18 . Batteries generate electricity. 19 .Iron does not float on water. 20 . If you move your weight forward, the hoverboard will go faster 21 . Vehicles cannot move without petrol . 22 . A tin opener is found in most kitchens. 23 . location means a particular place 24 . The purpose of the lens is to focus the beam to a point. 25 - Aluminium is used for making pots because of its heat conductivity . 26 - Carbon dioxide and Methane are greenhouse gases which cause global warming. 27 - It is important to check the brakes on your car before driving for long distances. 28 - A hand drill is a tool that makes holes in wood. 29 - You will be an engineer if you get a degree in engineering. 30 - Khan El Khalili is a place where tourists can buy arts and crafts. 31 - Glass is a transparent material. You can see through it. 32 - Put on your boots so as to protect your feet from falling objects. 33 - You can see through glass . It is transparent . 34 - Hs works well in the team . He is cooperative . 35 - Paper is easy to bum . It is combustible . 36 - Workers in the company should be trained on first aid 37 – A durable material lasts along time. 38 - This metal is strong . It has strength . 39 - A windsurf board is covered with fiberglass. 40 - The material which does not sink in water is ............ 41 – Remember to wash your hands well after using chemicals . تذكر ان تغسل يديك جيدا بعد استخدام الكيماويات 42 – Fiberglass is used for making the hulls of boats because of its toughness . الفيبر جلاس يستخدم فى صناعة المراكب بسبب جموديته 43 – The TV antenna is mounted on the roof of the house . 44 – Plastic plates resist heat 45 – A thermostat prevents a room from becoming too hot or too cold . 46 – Cars should be fitted with air bags and safety belts . السيارات يجب ان تزود باكياس هواء عجلة القيادة و حزام الامان 47 – Cotton absorbs water . القطن يمتص الماء 48 – Tempering is a process in which a hard steel is made less brittle by heating it . التطرية هى العملية التى فيها الصلب يعمل اقل هشاشة بتسخينه 1 - A hammer is a tool.الشاكوش عدة يدوية 2 - Different materials have different properties.المواد المختلفة لها خواص مختلفة 3 - If a car battery is flat, it needs recharging.لو بطارية السيارة مهربة ( نائمة ) فانها تحتاج شحن 4 - A fire extinguisher puts out fires. 5 - Stain less steel doesn't rust easily 6 - A slip set Measures spaces accurately 7- An electric saw cuts wood quickly. 8 - A conductive material transmits heat and electricity 9 - we are happy to let you know that your salary will be raised 10 - Close the program and then switch off the computer 11- We regret that you have not won the prize 12 - it is impossible to repair this car because it is badly damaged 13 - Space shuttles carry astronauts to a space station. 14 - Put on your gloves before using chemicals. 15 - Forging is a process in which metals are beaten and shaped 16 - Polyester is used for making seat belts 17 - steel is d- impossible to bend 18 - Rubber is c- easy to bend. 19 - The ropes a- are made of nylon 20 - Soft drinks b- should be served in the school canteen . 1- Fusibility : the ability to become liquid when it is heated. 1 – الانصهارية - قابلية المعدن علىان يصبح سائل عندما يسخن 2- Qualified : with the correct degree for the job2 – مؤهل - بالدرجة العلمية الصحيحة للوظيفة 3- To ascend : to climb up 3 – ان تتسلق - ان تتسلق لاعلى 4- To assemble : to put together 4 – ان تجمع – ان تضع الاجزاء معا اجابات السؤال الرابع سؤال القواعد (Rewrite Grammar ) - What are they doing ? ماذا يفعلون ؟ - A new aquarium cannot be set up . - The workshop ( should must ) be cleaned - Wood is not harder than concrete.الخشب ليس اصلد من ا -Wood is softer than concrete.الخشب اطرى من الخرسانة 1- A spirit level is an instrument which is used for - It is necessary to complete this project by the end of January . - Polyester is often used for making boat sails owing to - A train is slower than a plane. – You need to learn foreign language nowadays. Aeroplans are faster than trains A hand drill is a tool which makes holes – let’s discuss the matter now. - A tennis court is about thirty times smaller than a Football field. - The computers must be carried carefully. - Batteries are used for generating electrical current - Turn off the lamp before removing the bulb. - The sail is made of polyester because it can not be cut. - Plastic foam floats on water . - Ahmed has intelligent . - Iron is used for for making vices . - Polyster is often used for making sails owing to its good water resistance . - Stainless steel has good (high) resistance to corrosion - Where does Hany work ? - Glass is used for windows because it is transparent . سؤال القطعة تحتها 7 اسئلة – السؤال الخامس قطعة الخشب Wood 1 - What are the properties of wood? - It is hard. It is also rust resistant. 2 - What is wood made from? we can make wood from trees. 3 - Where is teak grown? Teak is grown in India and Burma. 4. Teak is yellowish brown in colour. 5.Three kinds of wood is mentioned in the passage. 6. The underlined word "It" refers to Teak . 7. Teak can be cut easily with sharp tools. ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــــــــ قطعة عن اعطال السيارات 1-What will happen if you don’t check the petrol in your tank? The car may stop suddenly in the middle of a crowded street causing a lot of trouble. 2- Why should you check the tyres before driving? I should do that because if I neglect that I will have to face the trouble of changing the flat tyre 3 – Do you think you should examine the brakes of the car ? Why ? Yes, I think that because if I don’t do that I’ll bang against the first tree in front of me 4 –What will happen if you don’t fasten your seat belts ? you may pay a fine . 5 – you must adjust the mirror in order to a void crashing into anther car behind you. 6 – ( It ) in line three refers to your car . 7- If you don’t check wipers, you would be sorry . ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــــــــــــــــــــ قطعة عن الروبوت ( الانسان الآلى ) 1- Where are robots used today? - Today robots are used in factories and hospitals. 2- When will robots replace humans? - Robots will replace humans by the end of the 22 nd century / In the future. 3- Who controls the robots which travel into space? - Astronauts control the robots which travel into space. 4 - scientists have already sent robots to planet Mars 5- Robots will make our life easier . 6- In the future, robots will drive taxis . 7- In hospitals, robots can help doctors . ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــــــــــــــــــــ قطعة عن خواص المواد المختلفة 1- What is copper used for ? - Copper is used for making wires . 2- Mention 3 things made of wood. - Furniture , ships , doors, windows 3- Why are roads made or tarmac ? - Because it has compressive strength . 4- Iron is used for making vices because it is heavy . 5- Roads are made of tarmac . 6- The underlined word "It" refers to wood . 7- "Squash" is a game . ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــــــــــــــــــــ 1 – A dynamic loudspeaker converts electrical energy into mechanical energy using a magnet . 2 – A cone is made of a light material such as paper or plastic . 3 – The coil becomes an electro magnet when electrical signals from an amplifier pass through it . 4 – The movement of the coil causes the cone to vibrate . 5 – The cone is made of a light material such as paper or plastic . 6 - The movement of the coil and the cone is used for producing sound waves . 7 - A dynamic loudspeaker is found in radios . السؤال السادس املأ الفراغات Fill in the spaces 1 - A computer is an electronic machine used to process data. 2 - The wind causes the blades of windmills to run. 3 - The filament in an electric lamp is surrounded by a vacuum. 4 - Sound waves are picked up by the microphone. 5 - The aerial at television station transmits electromagnetic waves. 6 - The secretary's report is very accurate 7 - Glass is a breakable material. 8 - Simultaneously means at the same time. 9 - ) Do you know how to save a computer file ? 10 - You should shake the paint can before spraying the paint. 11 – Our exports have Increased a lot since 2000 . 12 – The manager ’s Instructions were not very clear . 13 – You can state your Findings in visuals or in words. 14 – The secretary ’s report is very Accurate 15 – There is a Decrease in road accidents this year . 16 -Copper is very ductile . when it is pulled it stretches but does not break. 17 - You can watch television after you have finished your homework 18 - A ceiling lamp is Suspended from the ceiling by wires 19 - safety helmets are important to protect your head 20 - A memo is a short note to another person or persons in the same company 21- The boom is made of aluminum which is tough. 22- Glass can be broken easily . 23- Copper is used for making wires because it is ductile 24- He is honest. He never tells lies 25- This metal is strong when it is struck from the side. It has shear strength اجابات سؤال الباراجراف السؤال السابع Paragraph موضوع التعبير "The properties of materials" خواص المواد Different materials differ in their properties. Some materials break easily when you squeeze them. Others are strong in compression. Some materials don't break or stretch when pulled. They are strong intension. Sometimes, when you strike a material with a hammer, it doesn't break but changes shape. It is malleable. Some materials can be stretched without breaking. They are very ductile. ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــــــــــــــــ "Some safety rules on a building site" قواعد و تعليمات الامان فى موقع البناء Before entering building site , you should put on safety clothes . Wear your helmet to protect your head. Wear safety boots to protect your feet and legs. Wear your goggles to protect your eyes from injuring. You should keep gloves on when using chemicals. ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــــــــــــــــ “Glass” الزجاج Glass has been discovered a long time ago. Glass is a hard, brittle and transparent material which can be broken easily. Glass is used for making windows, mirrors, bottles and many other useful things. When glass is heated, it melts and changes into liquid. Glass is a useful material. ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــــــــــــــــــــ "Global warming" الاحترار الكونى Global warming Increases green house gases inside earth atmosphere . Gases prevent heat from escaping into space . The world temperature rises . The sea water expands . Deases increase اجابات السؤال الثامن الترجمة Translation 1. There are five main types of fire fire extinguishers. 1 - توجد خمس أنواع رئيسية لطفايات الحريق. 2. Rubber is used for making car tyres because of its flexibility. 2- يستخدم المطاط فى صناعة اطارات السيارات بسبب مرونته. 3 - We must keep on the environment and decrease from the pollution. 3 - يجب أن نحافظ على البيئة وأن نقلل من التلوث. 4- Always wash your hands after using chemicals.إغسل الأيدي دائماً بعد إستخدام الكيماويات. 5- You must lubricate all moving parts of this machine regularly. يجب أن تشحم كل الأجزاء المتحركة لهذه الآلة بإنتظام. 6 - We use computer to save information- نستخدم الكمبيوتر في تخزين المعلومات 7 – The brakes of your car need to be checked at once. تحتاج فرامل سيارتك ان يتم فحصها فى الحال / 8 – Company staff write monthly reports about all projects . يقوم موظفى الشركة بكتابة تقاريرشهرية عن كل المشروعات 9 - Ashraf, congratulations. you passed the driving test . اهنئك يا اشرف لقد اجتزت اختبار القيادة 10- Have you ever worked in a car repair workshop?هل سبق لك أن عملت في ورشة تصليح سيارات ؟ 11- I never go to school on Fridaysأنا لا أذهب إلى المدرسة أبداً في أيام الجمعة 12 - To get this job, you must be good ( skilful ) at using computer. للحصول على هذه الوظيفة يجب أن تكون ماهراً فى استخدام الكمبيوتر 13- You must put on your Lifejacket before swimming.يجب ان ترتدى سترة النجاة قبل العوم 14- Concrete doesn't break or bend.الخرسانة لا تنكسر و لا تنثنى 15 – Aluminium is used for making ship boom . يستعمل الألومونيوم في صنع صاري السفينة . 16 - The international space station generates its own power محطةالفضائية الدولية تولد طاقتها بنفسها 17 – I'm pleased to tell you that you have passed your exam .انا مسرور اذ اخبرك بأنك نجحت فى 18 – The fire extinguisher consists of a cylinder full of gas . تتكون طفاية الحريق من اسطوانة معدنية مملؤة ( مملوءة ) بالغاز انقل مباشرة فى ورقة الاجابة مع المتشابه من ورقة الاسئلة2011 |
ايه اللى انت كاتبه ده يا استاذ احمد:-
انقل مباشرة فى ورقة الاجابة مع المتشابه من ورقة الاسئلة2011 لعلم حضرتك اى مجموعة جمل تؤدى الغرض ازاىىىىىىىىىىىىىىىى؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ مثلا سؤال اختار : 8 جمل ... لو الاسئلة جاءت مختلفة تماما عن الموجود ... الطالب يعمل ايه ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ الطالب ينقل اى 8 جمل كاملة و بخط مقروء و نظافة و نظام يأخد 6 من 8 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! صدقنى و اسأل !!!؟؟؟
لا للفلول - لا للبلطجية - لا لقتلة الشهداء - لا للحزن الوثنى لا إله إلا أنت سبحانك إنى كنت من الظالمين أ/توفيق عزت عبدالعزيز
فكره حلوه بس المصحح بيعديها؟
على ما اظن انه معاه نموذج الاجابه |
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العلامات المرجعية |