جزاك الله خيرا
شكرررررررررررررررررررااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا ا
جزاك الله خيرا
سبحان الله وبحمدة
sawsan samy tanta school |
جزاك الله خيرا
جزاك الله خيرا
الرابط باااااااااااااااايظ
للاسف الروابط مش شغالة
*************************** صدقة جارية على روح صديقتى وبناتها توفوا يوم الجمعه 22\7\2011 فى حادث http://quransound.com/ |
الروابط شغالة وجربتها بنفسى الان
واللهي الروابط لا تعمل نهائيا
مستر هاني الدسوقي ![]() |
![]() Mr.M.A.A.Aleem's Notes مذكرات مستر / محمود عبد العليم ( الصف الأول الثانوي ) 1-Where did this story start? In a town in England. 2-When did this story happen? During the industrial revolution. 3-Why did most of the English towns need people? To work in the factories that opened all over the country. 4-How were the people who came to find work ? They were poor. They couldn't buy food to eat. They couldn't find a place to sleep. 5-Why did these people go to the workhouse? To have a bed and food. 6-Who were working in the small dark room of one workhouse? A nurse and a doctor. 7-Who was with them in the room? A new baby born boy ( Oliver Twist) , and his mother (Agnes) 8-Why did the doctor and the nurse think that the boy would die? Because , he was breathing difficultly. 9-Why didn't the nurse know the boy mother's name? Because ,the mother was too ill and weak to speak when she arrived. 10-What did the mother ask from the doctor and the nurse? To see her baby. 11-What did the mother do when she picked up the baby? She kissed him gently on his cheek , smiled and died. 12-What did the nurse say about Oliver's mother (Agnes) after her death? The nurse said she was beautiful and she wouldn't know anything about her. 13-To where was Oliver sent ? He was sent to a nearby old house ( old building) . 14-Why was Oliver sent to the old house? To live with the orphans. 15-Who were the orphans? They were the children whose parents were destitute.( had no money , no food , no home etc). 16-Why was Mrs. Mann given a little money? To look after the orphans. 17-Why didn't the boys have much food? Because , Mrs. Mann took some of the little money for herself. 18-Why wasn't Oliver happy to live with Mrs. Mann in the old house ? a) Mrs. Man was cruel (unkind ). b) He didn't have enough food. c) He didn't go to school. d) He didn't know the world outside. 19-Who was Mr. Bumble? He was an important official from the workhouse. 20-Why did Mr. Bumble visit Mrs. Man in the old house? Because ,Oliver became nine years old and had to go to the workhouse to work for his food. 21-Why was Oliver sad (wretched) to leave the old house? Because, he would leave his friends and the only home he knew. 22-What did the managers of the workhouse tell him when he cried? They said he was lucky to work there and they would give him food and a bed for nothing. 23-How did Oliver find the boys of the workhouse? a)They were thin and weak like him. Their clothes were old and too big for them. They had hard life. 24-Why was their life hard? a) The beds were uncomfortable . b) The food wasn't enough. C) Their food was only thin soup. 25-What plan did the children make in order not to starve? They decided to ask for more food and chose Oliver to do so. 26-Why was the food master furious when Oliver asked for more food? Because, no one dared to do so before. 27-To where did the food master take Oliver ? He took Oliver to the managers of the workhouse. 28-What did the managers decide to do with Oliver? a)To lock him in a cold dark room. ![]() 29-What was Oliver's feelings in the cold dark room? He felt alone. He couldn't sleep and was crying all the time. 30-When did they take him out of the room ? At the time of the food ( when it was time to eat). 31- How did Bumble punish Oliver in front of the boys? He made Oliver stand in front of them while they were eating. He also beat him. 32-Why did the managers of the workhouse allow Bumble to punish Oliver? Because, they didn't want any boy to ask for more food like Oliver again. 33-Who was Mr. Sowerberry ? He was a coffin maker. 34-Why did he decide to take Oliver? Because he needed an apprentice. 35-Why was Oliver crying while walking with Bumble to Sowerberry's house? Because he became without friends. 36-Why weren't the Sowerberrys happy on seeing Oliver? a) Mr. Sowerberry said he was very small. b) Mrs. Sowerberry said he would cost them money to feed him. 37-What did Mrs. Sowerberry do for Oliver? a)She gave him old food to eat. b) She asked him to sleep in the shop. 38-Why wasn't it easy for Oliver to sleep in the shop? Because , it was dark and surrounded by unfinished coffins. 39-Why did Oliver wake up suddenly in the morning? Because Noah kicked the shop door . 40-How did Noah treat Oliver badly ? Noah gave Oliver a small kick and ordered him to open the shutters. 41-How did Mrs. Sowerberry treated the two boys differently? a)She asked Noah to sit by the fire to have more breakfast. b)She gave Oliver a little bread that was freezing cold. 42-Why did Noah get angry with Oliver? a)Because, Mr. Sowerberry was pleased with Oliver's work. b)Because , Mrs. Sowerberry took Oliver to the outside work leaving Noah to work inside. 43-What made Oliver feel angry and ashamed? Noah insulted his mother saying that she wasn't good at anything. She was to be punished. 44-According to Oliver , how did his mother die? She died of a broken heart. 45-Why did Noah cry for help? Because , Oliver hit him hard. 46-How did the Sowerberrys punish Oliver for hitting Noah? They locked him in the dark cellar. 47-How did Bumble explain Oliver's strange behaviour ? He thought that Mrs. Sowerberry was kind to Oliver and gave him too much meat . 48-What solution did Bumble suggest for that strange behaviour? He suggested leaving him in the cold cellar without food for a few days , then give him only soup. 49- What final decision did Oliver make ? He decided to leave the Sowerberrys' house because his life there was unbearable . |
جزاك الله خيراً
يا حماعة موقع عز فايل ده مش حلو خالص و متعب و مش بيحمل معايا
نرجو من الأستاذ أخونا الفاضل أن يرفعها على موقع تانى |
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