اهلا وسهلا بك فى بوابة الثانوية العامة ... سجل الان

العودة   بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية > المرحلة الإبتدائية > الفصل الدراسى الأول > الصف السادس > اللغة انجليزية 6 أ ترم 1

إضافة رد
أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 03-12-2013, 09:01 PM
الصورة الرمزية ibrahimsafi
ibrahimsafi ibrahimsafi غير متواجد حالياً
عضو لامع
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2008
المشاركات: 1,148
معدل تقييم المستوى: 18
ibrahimsafi is on a distinguished road

thank u very much

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 07-12-2013, 08:57 PM
حماده درغام حماده درغام غير متواجد حالياً
عضو فعال
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2011
المشاركات: 187
معدل تقييم المستوى: 14
حماده درغام is on a distinguished road

ربنا يكرمك يانجم
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 26-12-2013, 02:35 PM
ناصرحرب ناصرحرب غير متواجد حالياً
عضو لامع
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2008
المشاركات: 1,071
معدل تقييم المستوى: 18
ناصرحرب is on a distinguished road

رائع يا مستر
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 27-12-2013, 06:00 PM
المستر e المستر e غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2011
العمر: 39
المشاركات: 40
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
المستر e is on a distinguished road

many thanks
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 03-01-2014, 10:21 AM
hussein_essa hussein_essa غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2008
المشاركات: 19
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
hussein_essa is on a distinguished road

الله يجزاكم خير
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 07-01-2014, 02:31 PM
الصورة الرمزية نجم فاقوس
نجم فاقوس نجم فاقوس غير متواجد حالياً
معلم لغة إنجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2011
المشاركات: 2,670
معدل تقييم المستوى: 16
نجم فاقوس is on a distinguished road
Star باقي وحدات المنهج للمراجعة

شكرا جزيلا لكل من شاهد هذا العمل المتواضع
وجزيل الشكر لكل من تفضل وسجل مشاركته
واليكم الجزء الباقي وانا مضطر لرفعه بهذه الطريقة وذلك لوجود خلل في النت والتحميل ولاادري ما هو السبب
ويارب يعجبكم وينال رضاكم ويظهر هذا من خلال ردود حضراتكم والله الموفق

UNIT ( 1 ) ONE At the Museumفي المتحـف

Part One
Lessons (1 2 3 -4)

Egyptian Museum
المتحف المصري
يفتح / مفتوح
under five
اقل من سن الخامسة
ثمن / تكلفة
يتضمن / يشمل
get in
nice day
يوم جميل / لطيف
You're welcome
أهلا بكم / العفو
قص شعر
barber's shop
محل حلاقة
عرض مسرحي
train station
محطة قطار
post office
مكتب بريد
let / allow
يسمح / يأذن
in front of
قريب من
across from
في المقابل
next to
Mummy rooms
حجرة المومياوات

Reading Dialogues

Receptionist : Good morning, the Egyptian Museum. Can I help you ?
Kareem : Hi! What are your hours?
Receptionist: We're open from 9:00 to 7:00.
Kareem : Are you open on Fridays?
Receptionist: Yes, we're open daily .
Kareem : How much does it cost to get in ?
Receptionist : It's two pounds for Egyptians and twenty pounds for foreigners .
Children under five are free .
Kareem : Does that include the Mummy rooms ?
Receptionist : No, it doesn't .
Kareem : Thanks for your help .
Receptionist : You're welcome . Have a nice day .
Learn these expressions
1- Welcome to + place ((مكان تستخدم عند الترحيب بشخص في مكان أتي إليه
Welcome to Egypt . You are welcome .
2- Thank …… for …… أشكرك علي تستخدم عند تقديم الشكر لشخص
Thank you for your help .
3- except … (for) ماعدا تستخدم للتحدث عن الجميع ماعدا البعض
They all came early except Maher .
4- How can I help you ? تستخدم عند عرض المساعدة علي شخص ما
5- How much does it cost ? كم الثمن ؟ تستخدم عند السؤال عن الثمن / السعر
How much does it cost to get in he Museum? == How much is the shirt ?
6- There is + …… اسم مفرد يوجد للمفرد (مضارع)
There is a bank near the school . Is there a book on the desk ?
7- There are …… اسم جمع يوجد للجمع (مضارع)
There are three books on the desk . Are there some people in the street ?
8- There was …… اسم مفرد كان يوجد للمفرد (ماضي)
There was a bank near the school . Was here a tree behind the cinema?
9- There were …… اسم جمع كان يوجد للجمع (ماضي)
There were many trees in our street. Were there three shops in the town?
وعند تكوين السؤال علي حروف الجر السابقة نستخدم (Where )
Where is (Where's) the tree ? It is (It's) …………… the chair .
وعند البدء بالفعل المساعد ( Was / Is / were / Are + subject + …… ) بمعني (هل يوجد)
وعند الاجابة نستخدم :
Yes, there ( is / was / are / were ) في حالة الاجابة المثبتة .
No, there ( isn't / wasn't / aren't / weren't) . في حالة الاجاب بالنفي
عند السؤال عن العدد نستخدم ( + are / were + there? اسم جمع How many + plural noun )
How many trees are there in the street ? There are four trees in the street .
How many boys were there in the room? There were ten boys in the room .
1- in يأتي قبل (المكان / السنة / الشهر / فصول السنة / جزء من اليوم)
in ( May / 2012 / the room / winter / the morning / ……………… )
2- on يأتي قبل (اليوم / التاريخ / علي الشيء / سيرا علي الأقدام)
(on Friday / on 5th March / on foot / on the table / on TV / ……… )
3- at يأتي قبل (المكان / الليل / الساعة)
at ( home / school / night / seven o'clock / …………… )
4- from …… to …… تستخدم عند التحدث عن مواعيد العمل وتعني من الساعة ... الي الساعة
What are your hours ? We are open from 10 am to 8 pm .
The supermarket is open from 6 am. to 11 pm .
Prepositions of placeحروف جر للمكان

beside behind across from

in front of near above
Look at the pictures and read the sentences:
1- The tree is beside the chair. 2- The tree is behind the chair
3- The tree is across from the chair . 4- The tree is in front of the chair .
5- The tree is near the chair . 6- The tree is above the chair .
2- Pronouns الضمائر
تنقسم الضمائر الي فاعل / مفعول / ملكية
Subject الفاعل
object مفعول
Possessive ملكية
Subject الفاعل
object مفعول
Possessive ملكية
ياتي ضمير الفاعل قبل الفعل وضمير المفعول بعد الفعل وضمير الملكية يتبعه الاسم اللملوك
غير عاقل
These are your things . Don't break your toy . You did your homework.
This is my book . She washed her hair . We ate our lunch.
M**** lost her bag. Omar cleaned his room. They lost their way.
************************************************** ********************************
How to make a question based on a picture ? كيف تكون سؤال علي صورة
1- إذا كانت الصورة لشئ { غير الإنسان } مفرد نستخدم :
What is it ? مــــــا هذا ؟ E It is a + أسم الشئ
What is it ? è It is a fan .
2- إذا كانت الصورة لشئ { غير الإنسان } جمع نستخدم :
What are these / those ? مــــــا هذا ؟ E These / Those are + أسم الشئ What are these ? è These are chairs .
3- إذا كانت الصورة لشخص مفرد نستخدم :
Who is he/she ? مـن هذا / هذه؟ E He / She is a + أسم الوظيفة
Who is he ? è He is a teacher .
4- إذا كانت الصورة لأشخاص جمع نستخدم :
Who are these/those ? مـن هؤلاء؟ E They are + أسم الوظيفة
Who are they ? è They are children.
5- إذا كانت الصورة لشخص يقوم بفعل من الأفعال نستخدم :
What is he / she doing ? ماذا يفعل / تفعل ؟ E He / She is + + الفعل ing.
What is he doing ? è He is drawing.
6- إذا كانت الصورة لأشخاص يقومون بفعل من الأفعال نستخدم :
What are they doing ? ماذا يفعلون ؟ E They are + + الفعل ing.
What are they doing ? è They are singing.
best wishes for you all
Mr najm facous

EXERCISES based on Part one
1- Finish the following dialogue with these words :
open - cost - except - help
Seller : Good morning. Al Najm supermarket. How can I …… ( 1 ) ……… you ?
Alaa : Hi! What are yours ?
Seller: We're …… ( 2 ) ………… from 6:30 am. to 10:30 pm .
Alaa : Are you open on Saturdays?
Seller: Yes, we're open daily …… ( 3 ) ……… on Fridays .
Alaa : Thanks for your help.
2- Read and choose the correct answer :
Yasmeen : How much does it cost to have this cake?
Nora : ………………… ( 1 ) …………………… .
a) It is very good . b) It is three pounds. c) It is on the desk.
Fuad : Where is my notebook ?
Ahmed: …………… ( 2 ) ……………… .
a) It is under the chair . b) It is darkbrown . c) It is very clean.
3- Read the following and match from (A) with (.
( A )
( B )
1- Omar went to the barbar's shop
a) She goes to the train station. ( )
2- Where can you read books?
b) You are welcome. ( )
3- Hayam wants to go to Cairo.
c) to get his haircut there . ( )
4- Thanks for your help.
d) We're open daily. ( )

e) At the library . ( )
4- Read the passage and answer the questions :
Every summer holiday, I go to Aswan with my family. We usually go to Aswan by train. Every morning we go to the Nile. We go back to the hotel in the afternoon to have lunch. In the evening, all the family walk along the Nile. We go back to Cairo in August. We always have a nice summer holiday.
A) Answer the following:
1- When do you go to Aswan? ……………………………………………………………………..…………………………… .
2- Why do you go back to the hotel? …………….…………………………………………….……………………………… .
Choose the correct answer :
3- We go back to ……………………………………… in August.
a- hotel b- Cairo c- Alex d- the Nile
4- They usually go to Aswan by ……………………………………………..
a- car b- bus c- train d- taxi
5- Choose the right answer from a, b or c:
1- There is a school across …………….. the train station .
a) of b) from c) to
2- My house is in front ……………… the mosque .
a) of b) to c) on
3- The shop is open ……………… .
a) day b) week c) daily
4- Is there a tree in your street ? = No, there ………………….. .
a) was b) isn't c) is
5- Thank you for your help . = You are ……………… .
a) welcome b) good c) fine
6- Rearrange the following to form sentences .
1- include – that – the mummy – Does – rooms – ?
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………….

2- behind – Was – the school – there – a bank – ?
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………….

3- from 9 – open – We're – daily – to 6 .
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………….

4- How – help – can – I – you – ?
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………….

5- does – to get in – How much – it – cost – ?
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………….

7- Find the mistake and write the correct answer in each sentence .
1- Hayam was born on 2001 . ( )
2- All pupils came early accept for Omar . ( )
3- There is a barbar's shop across to the cinema . ( )
8- Punctuate the following sentence .
/ she s reading english now /
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………….

9- Copy the following in good handwriting .
The Eguptian Museum is in Cairo .
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………….
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………….
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………….
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………….

With my best wishes for you all MR. NAJM FACOUS
Part two
Lessons 5 6)

grocery store
محل البقالة
Who ………… ?
من .؟ تسأل عن العاقل
find – found
يجد – وجد
ثمرة الطماطم
a long history
تاريخ طويل
ماكينة ايس كريم
محل بيع الكتب
مكتبة ( للقراءة)
get a haircut
يقص شعره
الحلو – تحلية
play cards
يلعب الكوتشينة
ice cream
ايس كريم / جيلاتي
make a sandwich
يصنع سندوتش
bake bread
يخبز خبز
زميل / شريك
going to
الذهاب إلي
مدينة صغيرة
مدينة كبيرة
New York
مدينة نيو يورك
بالتيمور أمريكا
The United States of America (USA)
الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية

The story of Ice Cream in America قصة الايس كريم في امريكا
Who invented ice cream? We don't know, but ice cream has a long history in the United States. In 1843 , Nancy Johnson invented the first ice cream churn. The first ice cream factory opened in Paltimore in 1851. A man in St. Louis made the first ice cream cone in 1896. Ice cream is now one of America's favourite deserts.
The first ice cream shop in New York in 1876. Now there is an ice cream shop in every town, and you can buy ice cream at every grocery store. You can find a lot of flavours, from tomato to pickle. American's favourite flavours are vanilla and chocolate. What's your favourite ?
Answer these questions :
1- Do you know who invented ice cream ? ……………………………………………….…………………………………….
2- When did the first ice cream shop open ? ……………………………………………….…………………………………….
3- Who invented the first ice cream churn ? ……………………………………………….…………………………………….
4- Where the first cream factory open ? ……………………………………………….…………………………………….
5- What flaours are American's favourite ? ……………………………………………….…………………………………….
The Story of the Sandwich قصة الساندويتش
The Sandwich has a long history. In 1750, John Montagu invented the sandwich. He used bread and meat for the first sandwich. He liked to eat a sandwich and play cards. The sandwich is now one of America's favourite foods.
In the United States there is a sandwich shop in every town, and you can buy sandwiches at every grocery store. You can make a sandwich at home, too.
************************************************** *********************
Grammar items نقاط لغوية
1- Verb to Be فعل يكون
يُصَرَّ فْ فعل يكون في المضارع من ( am / is / are ) وفي الماضي من ( was / were )
ويستخدم مع الفاعل كما يلي :
Subject الفاعل
Present مضارع
Past ماضي
He / She / It / مفرد
We / You / They / جمع

3- Present Simpl Tense زمن المضارع البسيط
يتكون من الفعل في التصريف الاول ( اي المصدر بدون to ) ويراعي الاتي :
1- اذا كان الفاعل ( – They – You – We – I اسم جمع ) يكون الفعل بدون اضافة شيء .
We / I / They / You go to school on foot every day .
2- اذا كان الفاعل مفرد غائب ( It – She – He –اسم مفرد ) يضاف للفعل ( s / es )
He / She / It / M**** does to school on foot every day .
عند نفي الفعل نستخدم (مصدر الفعل don't / doesn't + ) حسب الفاعل كما يلي :
1- نستخدم (don't ) مع الفاعل ( – They – You – We – I اسم جمع ) ثم مصدر الفعل .
We / I / They / You (don't) play in the street .
1- نستخدم (doesn't ) مع الفاعل ( It – She – He –اسم مفرد ) ثم مصدر الفعل .
He / She / It (doesn't) play in the street .
They watch … . They don't watch … . = He studies …… He doesn't study ……
Learn these expressions ادرس هذه التعبيرات
لاحظ هذه الكلمات المركبة تاتي مع بعضها عند الاستخدام .
take a train
يستقل القطار
sleep at a hotel
ينام في فندق
post a letter
يرسل خطاب بالبريد
read a book
يقرأ كتاب
see a film
يشاهد فيلم
study at school
يتعلم في المدرسة
walk on the pavement
يمشي علي الرصيف
get money at the bank
يحصل علي نقود من البنك
Conjugation of Verbs
Regular Verbs أفعال منتظمة
Irregular Verbs أفعال غير منتظمة
have / has
يشتمل علي
get in
got in
يدخل مكان

***** BEST WISHES ***** Mr. NAJM FACOUS *****
EXERCISES based on Part two
1- Read and match from A with B .
1- We can find a lot of flavours
a) near the hospital ? ( )
2- Was there a barber's shop
b) when we are hingry . ( )
3- How much does it cost to get in ?
c) when we are thirsty . ( )
4- We have sandwiches
d) from tomato to pickle. ( )

e) ten poubds for foreigners . ( )
2- Read the passage and answer the questions :
We don't know who invented ***hari, but it has its lovers in Egypt . ***hari is now one of Egypt's favourite food. Now there is a ***hari shop everywhere . You can mix rice, pasta , spaghetti and lentilswith salt, pepper, hot sauce and tomato pasta to make an amazing ***hari dish. Egyptians like eating toast or bread with ***hari in order to be full.
Answer the following questions :
1- Who invented ***hari ? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2- How can you make a dish of ***hari ? ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3- To feel ……………… , we eat toast or bread with ***hari .
a) thirsty b) hungry c) full
4- ……………… love ***hari very much .
a) Pharaohs b) Egyptians c) Egypt
3- Choose the correct answers from a, b or c :
1- He put ……………. bag on the table .
a) my b) his c) her
2- These are …………………. photos.
a) we b) us c) our
3- Mr. Najm ………………. in Alexandria last week.
a) was b) is c) were
4- Nora …………….. like drinking coffee after lunch .
a) don't b) doesn't c) isn't
5- You can …………… the train to go to Zagazig .
a) take b) read c) post
4- Rearrange the following to make sentences :
1- a long – in – history – has – ***hari – Egypt .

2- a bank – there – across from – Is – your house – ?

3- a pavement – of the bank – There – in front – is .

5- Ask questions using the words in brackets :
1- The shop is open from 9:30 to 7:15 daily . ( What time )
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………

2- Omar invented a bean sandwich . ( Who )
……………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………… …………………

3- The barber's shop is next to the post office . ( Where )
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………

4- My favourite flavour sandwich is beans and eggs . ( What )
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………

5- Yasmeen eats fish and rice for lunch . ( What )
……………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………… ……………………

6- Punctuate the following sentences :
1- / the egyptian museum is in cairo /

7- Copy the following in good handwriting :
You can get your needs from this supermarket .

With my best wishes for you all to get the best marks.
test based on unit one
1- Complete the following dialogue using the words in the box :
help – cheese – How – Where
Ayman : Good evening. ………… ( 1 ) …………. can I help you ?
Manar : Hi! I like to have a sandwich .
Ayman : What kind of sandwich do you like ?
Manar : I like …………… ( 2 ) …………….. and eggs .
Ayman : Here you are . Have a nice time here .
Manar : Thank you for your ………… ( 3 ) ……..……………..
2- Choose the right answer from a, b or c :
a) Abdullah: ………………………………………….………………………………………….
Ahmed : You're welcom. Have a nice holiday .
a) It's very nice b) It's open daily c) Thank you for your hep
b) Hayam : Is there a bookshop near the school ?
Nora : …………………………………………………………………………………………….
a) Yes, there is . b) No, there wasn't c) No, there weren't
3- Read and match from A with B :
( A )
( B )
a- Who invented the first sandwich?
the first ice cream churn . ( )
b- What are your hours?
across from the train station? ( )
c- Nancy Johnson invented
under the table ? ( )
d- Was there a bank
John Montagu invented it. ( )

We're open from 10 am to 7 pm. ( )
4- Read the passage and answer the questions :
M**** likes to eat a sandwich and drink tea every day . Last night , she went to the kitchen to make a sandwich . She was very hungry . She used some bread and beans for the sandwich . Her favourite kind of sandwich is contained beans and taamya . Every day she goes to a sandwich shop in her street . In her town , there is a sandwich shop in every street . You can buy a sandwich at every grocery shop.
1- What does M**** like to eat every day ? ……………………………………………………………………….
2- Where did M**** make a sandwich last night ? ……………………………………………………………………….
3- Where can you buy a sandwich ? ……………………………………………………………………….
4- M**** used ………….. for her sandwich .
a) bread and cheese b) bread and beans c) beans and taamya
5- M**** likes to drink …………
a) coffee b) milk c) tea
5- Choosr the right answer from a, b, or c :
1- The ball is …………………………….……… the chair .
a) under b) next c) across
2- The super market is open ……………………………
a) day b) night c) daily
3- The first ice cream ………………… opened in the USA .
a) office b) factory c) station
4- Yasmeen's favourite ice cream ……………….. is pickle .
a) flavour b) favour c) flower
5- Omar often sits ………………….. to Abdul Monem .
a) near b) across c) next
6- You can have a haircut at the …………………. shop .
a) book b) barber's c) flower
6- Write questions using the words between brackets :
1- We're open from 9 :00 am to 9:00 pm . (What time)
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………..

2- No, it doesn't include the Mummy rooms . (Does)
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………..

3- It costs twenty pounds for tourists to get in . (How much)
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………..

4- The bridge is over the train statin . (Where)
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………..

5- Yes, we're open daily except for daily . (Are)
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………..

7- Rewrite the sentences using the words between brackets :
1- under – are – Children – five – free – . (rearrange)
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………..

2- The shop is across at the school . (correct the mistake)
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………..

3- / my favourite sandwich includes cheese beans and eggs / (punctuate)
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………..

8- Copy the following in good handwriting :
There is a pavement in front of the bank.
general test based on unit one 1
A- Listening ( 12 Marks )
1- Listen and circle : ( 6 Marks )
1- Where do you buy sandwiches ?
a) At the cinema. b) At the restaurant.
2- It's two pounds for Egyptians and twenty pounds for foreigners .
a) How much does it cost to get in? b) How many people can get in?
3- Where do you have a haircut ?
a) At the barber's shop. b) At the grocery store.
4- Yes , It is .
a) Was there a library near your school ? b) Is there a library near your school ?
2- Listen and complete: ( 6 Marks )
Teacher : Is there a cinema beside your house ?
Student : Yes, ............................... is.
Teacher : ............................... does it cost to get in ?
Student : It's ten pounds for ................ and children are free.
Teacher : ............................... a museum near your house ?
Student : No, there isn't .
Reading ( 14 Marks )
3- Circle the odd word and replace it with a correct one.
1- Egyptians Adults Mummies Foreigners .......................
2- pavement library bank theatre .......................
3- beside cross near behind .......................
4- doctor barber grocery teacher .......................
4- Fill in the gaps.
This picture shows an old town. What was in the town? We can see a .......................... over a river. There is a train ........................... . We can see a library, a school, a bank, a post .......................... , a barber's shop, a hotel and a theatre. There's a pavement in .......................... of the buildings. There are some students going to school .
5- Read the passage and answer the questions.
Steven Conner owns an ice cream sandwich shop. It's called Cold Sandwiches. In 1995, he bought his first ice cream churn. He made ice cream at home. Then in 1999, he bought an ice cream shop. Ice cream shops were on every block in his town. So he decided to sell just ice cream sandwiches at his shop. The delicious taste of ice ream between two cookies is his favourite. He uses all kinds of ice cream, from chocolate and strawberry to banana.
Answer the questions :
1- Why did Steven decide to sell just ice cream sandwiches ?
2- What flavours are Steven's ice cream ?
3- Steven bought his first ice cream shop ............................... .
a) in 1995 b) on every block d) in 1999
4- The delicious ...................... of ice cream between two cookies is Steven's favourite.
a) taste b) flavour c) churn
C) Writing
6- Look and write.

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………… .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .......................................
7- Write a letter of FIVE sentences.
Write a letter to your friend Adel who lives in Aswan telling him about your town and the buildings you can see in your street. Your name is Magdy and you live at 70, El-Salam Street, Tanta.
8- Punctuate the following sentences.
1- / what falvour are americas favourite /

.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .........

2- / there s a bank near the school /

.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .........

UNIT ( 2 ) two in the restaurantفي المطعم

Part One
Lessons 1 2 3-4)

جاهز / مستعد
الطلب / الأمر
من فضلك
I think so
أعتقد ذلك
شرائح اللحم
مكرونة اسباجتي
sound good
يبدو جيدا
عصير الليمون
apple pie
فطيرة التفاح
نادر- ربع سوى
How about…… ?
ماذا عن .... ؟
well done
جيد جدا
كرات اللحم
baked potato
بطاطا مخبوزة
Here you are .
look delicious
يبدو لذيذ
roast beef
لحم بقرى مشوى
roast turkey
ديك رومى مشوى
chicken soup
شوربة دجاج
How much
كم كمية
orange juice
عصير برتقال
حيوانات اليفة
a cup of coffee
فنجان قهوة
hot dog
a can of lemonade
علبة عصير ليمون
fruit salad
سلاطة فواكه
a loaf of bread
رغيف خبز
قهوة ( مشروب )
a slice of turkey
شريحة لحم رومي
a piece of pie
قطعة من الفطير
a bottle of water
زجاجة مياه
loaves of bread
أرغفة خبز
a bowl of soup
سلطانية شوربة
How many
كم عدد
a glass of juice
كوب عصير
لاحظ التعبيرات الآتية :
1- How (What) about + noun / verbing …………… ? ماذا عن ......... ؟
2- How much + uncountable noun + ……… ? كم كمية ....... ؟
3- How many + countable noun + ……… ? كم عدد ......... ؟
4- What's your special today ? ما هو الطبق المخصوص اليوم ؟
5- Here you are . تفضل / ها هو .
6- Are you ready to ………… ? هل أنت مستعد لـ ............ ؟
7- I'm in the mood for ……… . أنا أميل إلي .........
in the restaurant

************************************************** ****************
Waitress: Hello! Are you ready to order ?
Woman : I think so. I'll have a steak .
Waitress: Rare, medium, or well done ?
Woman : Medium, please. And a baked potato .
Waitress: How about a salad ?
Woman : Sounds good .
Man : What's today's special ?
Waitress: Spaghetti and meatballs .
Man : Good ! I'm in the mood for spaghetti . I'll have that .
Waitress: Here you are .
Man : Thanks . It looks delicious .
من دعاء مدرس الرياضيات
اللهم اجعلني مستقيما في حياتي ولا تجعل الدنيا حادة عليَّ واجعلني موازيا لعبادك الصالحين.
Language Notes ملاحظات لغوية
1- look / sound + adjective (صفة) يبدو .......... للتعبير عن استحسان شيء
2- Are you ready to + verb + …… جاهز / مستعد لـ ...... للتعبير عن الاستعداد لـ
3- I think so . اعتقد ذلك (ردا علي السؤال السابق)
4- have / has + food = eat يتناول / يأكل
5- have / has + drinks ( (مشروب يتناول / يشرب
6- special (adjective) خاص ** special (noun) طبق اليوم / مخصوص
Grammar items نقاط لغوية
The Simple Past Tense زمن الماضي البسيط
يستخدم ليعبر عن حدث انتهي في الماضي
* She drank lemon juice yesterday . * We played tennis last week .
يتكون من التصريف الثاني للفعل مثل :
** have --- had ** want --- wanted ** rent --- rented ** bake --- baked
يستخدم مع كلمات دالة علي حدوث الفعل في الماضي مثل :
yesterday – last week …… – …… ago
عند نفي الفعل في زمن الماضي البسيط نستخدم didn't + verb)) ويتبعها الفعل في المصدر .
Soha want to Aswan last week . ** Soha didn't go to Aswan last week .
Mr. Najm watched the match yesterday . ** Mr. Najm didn't watch the film yesterday.
عند تكوين السؤال نستخدم (did) يتبعها الفاعل ثم الفعل في المصدر ثم المكملات .
1- Did + subject + verb + complements ?
وعند الإجابة نستخدم :
** Yes, + subject + did . إثبات ** No, + subject + didn't . نفي
Did you drink coffee an hour ago ?
* Yes, I did. * No, I didn't .
2- Question word ((كلمة استفهام + did + subject + verb + complements ?
Noha ate apple pie for lunch last night . What did Noha eat for lunch last night ?
Alaa bought a car a month ago ? When did Alaa buy a car ?
= Yasmeen had some tea after lunch .
** How much tea did Yasmeen have ?
= Hayam had three cups of lemon juice .
** How many cups of lemon juice did Hayam have ?
= Omar had three slices of roast meat .
** How many slices of roast meat did Omar have ?
** How much roast meat did Omar have ?
exercise based on part one
A) Listening
1- Listen and circle:
1- What's today special ?
a) It's ten pounds . b) Meatballs and cherry pies .
2- How about ice cream after lunch ?
a) Sounds good . b) Here you are .
3- Do you like apple pie ?
a) It's very expensive . b) I'm in the mood for it .
4- Hoe much roast beef did you have ?
a) No, thanks . b) I had three slices of it .
2- Listen and complete:
M**** : What are you going to have ?
Ahmed: …………… ( 1 ) ……………. Know .
M**** : I'm going to have spaghetti and salad . ……….. ( 2 ) ……… you ?
Ahmed: That sounds ………. ( 3 ) ………., I'll have that too .
M**** : What are you going to have after that ?
Ahmed: ……………… ( 4 ) ……………… juice .
Reading :
3- Circle the odd word and replace it with a correct one:
1- cherry pie – meatballs – spaghetti – lemonade ………………………………………….
2- school– restaurant – ice cream – hospital ………………………..………………..
3- eat – drink – meat – have ………………………………………....
4- book – pen – ruler – man ………………………………….……...
4- Fill in the gaps:
Yesterday was Ahmed's birthday. Everyone was …… ( 1 ) ……. . His mother was in the …….. ( 2 ) …….. . She was making cakes and sandwiches for the children . They were helping her . Hayam and Yasmeen were putting the food on the …… ( 3 ) ……… . Some boys was taking …… ( 4 ) …….. with his camera .
5- Read the passage and answer the questions:
Last week , Omar and Ahmed went to Al-Najm's new restaurant . Abdu is the chef . Abdu made a great lunch. Ahmed had spaghetti, roast turkey and a bowl of chicken soup. Omar had pizza, peach pie and lemonade . Omar and Ahmed love Al-Najm's restaurant because it is the best restaurant in the village .

A - Answer the following questions :
1- Where did Omar and Ahmed have lunch ? …………………………………………………..………………………..
2- What did Ahmed have for lunch ? …………………………………………………..………………………..
3- Why did they love Al-Najm's restaurant ? …………………………………………………..………………………..
B - Choose the correct answers :
4- Ahmed had roast ………………… for lunch .
a) beef b) meat c) turkey
5- Omar had …………….. pie .
a) cherry b) peach c) apple
6- Rearrange the following to form sentences :
1- serves – best – restaurant – food – This – the – .

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………

2- tubes – How many – do – of – you – toothbaste – have – ?

………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………… ….………………

3- Nawal – and – for lunch – pizza – ate – potatoes – fried – .

……………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………… …………….…
C) Writing .
7- Write questions using the words in brackets :
1- Salma had four meatballs for lunch . (How many)


2- Mona can make the best cakes . (What)


3- Yes, there are different kinds of food in the restaurant . (There)


8- Punctuate the following sentences:
1- / how many cups of coffee did mai have /


2- / i ll have orange juice please /


9- Copy the following in good handwriting :
We ordered meatballs and fruit juice .


UNIT ( 2 ) two in the restaurantفي المطعم

Part two
Lessons 5-6)

يقدم الطعام / يخدم
وسط المدينة
here × there
هنا × هناك
صاحب / مالك الشيء
جدو / جد
مدينة صني فيل أمريكا
وجبة الغذاء
طاه / رئيس الطهاة
kids (children)
under five
تحت سن الخامسة
I'm going to ……
the best
وجبة العشاء
on May 5th
في الخامس من مايو
وجبة الإفطار
طعام من الحبوب
زملاء الفصل
soda pop
مياه غازية
sit at the table
يجلس أمام المنضدة
ربما / احتمال

Important notes ملحوظات هامة
1- يستخدم حرف الجر in قبل شهور السنة و أسماء المدن و فترات اليوم و السنوات .
è in January – è in Giza – è in the morning – è in 2013 .
2- يستخدم حرف الجر at قبل الأوقات و بعض الأماكن المحدودة
è at home è at seven o'clock.
3- يستخدم حرف الجر on قبل المزرعة و أيام الأسبوع و كلمة أجازة و الطريق
è on Sunday – è on holiday – è on the farm – è on the road .
4- يستخدم حرف الجر for قبل وجبات الطعام مثل الإفطار و الغداء و العشاء .
è for breakfast – è for lunch – è for dinner .
5- يستخدم حرف الجر by بمعني بواسطة قبل اسم من يقوم بالعمل by myself – by Amal
6- ينطق حرف الـــــ c س إذا جاء بعده e i y أما إذا جاء بعده أى حرف آخر فينطق{ ك }
ما عدا حرف الــــ h لان الــ ch تنطق تش مثل
ك س ك س س ك
ice cream – circle – bicycle .
7- يأتي بعد كلمة Let's و to و doesn't – don't – didn't الفعل فى المصدر.
ÜLet's play football – ÜI want to play tennis – ÜShe doesn't study
8- الاختصار في كلمة Let's مكان حرف الــ u و فى كلمة o'clock مكان حرف الــ f
9- الحروف المتحركة هي:- {a – e – i – o – u } و هى توجد فى جميع الكلمات حتى وأن كانت
الكلمة مكونة من حرفين فقط .
10- تعامل حروف الــ y – w معاملة الحروف المتحركة
************************************************** ***********
How to write a letter كيف تكتب خطابا
عند كتابة خطاب باللغة الانجليزية يجب مراعاة الآتي :
1- نكتب العنوان في الجهة اليمني من اعلي الصفحة ويتبعه التاريخ ويكون كما يلي :
, اسم الشارع + رقم المنزل
, المنطقة / الحي
. المدينة
السنة + , الشهر + نهايته + اليوم
(ويكتب اليوم أرقام والنهاية بالحروف واسم الشهر بالحروف والسنة بالأرقام)
ويراعي أن كل سطر في العنوان ينتهي بـ ( ,) ماعدا السطر الأخير ينتهي بـ ( . )
2- بعد التاريخ نكتب التحية في الجهة اليمني بعد ترك فراغ بسيط وهي عبارة عن :
Dear + اسم المرسل إليه الخطاب ,
3- في السطر التالي نكتب جملة افتتاحية (مقدمة) بعد التحية وهي غالبا تشير الي موضوع الخطاب .
4- نكتب الموضوع حسب ما هو موجود في السؤال ويكون عبارة عن جمل بسيطة لكتابة الغرض من
ارسال الخطاب . وتكون جمل متتالية كلما انتهت جملة نضع نقطة ( . ) ونكمل في نفس السطر .
5- ننهي الخطاب بجملة خاتمة بسيطة في سطر مستقل بعد ترك فراغ قليل أول السطر .
6- التوقيع ويكون أسفل الخاتمة ويكون كما يلي :
Yours ,
اسم الراسل
7- تكتب نهايات الأيام في التاريخ كما يلي :
1 – 21 – 31 ----- (st) *** 2 – 22 ----- (nd) *** 3 – 23 ----- (rd)
4 – 20 , 24 – 30 ----- (th)
8- يمكن اختصار كلمة (Street) الي (St.) كما يمكن اختصار أسماء بعض الشهور الطويل بكتابة أول
ثلاثة حروف ونضع بعدها نقطة للاختصار مثل :
January ---- Jan. *** February ---- Feb. *** August ---- Aug. **** September ---- Sep.
October ---- Oct. *** November ---- Nov. *** December ---- Dec.
أما باقي الشهور لاتختصر عند الكتابة .
9- يراعي عند الكتابة استخدام كلمات بسيطة وسهلة في جمل بسيطة . وانه بعد انتهاء الجملة نضع نقطة ونكمل في نفس السطر أن أمكن ذلك وان كل جملة تبدأ بحرف كبتل .
10- جمل مفيدة تكتب في المقدمة :
Thanks very much for your letter. شكراً جزيلاً على خطابك
How nice it was to hear from you. انه من اللطيف ان سمعت منك
I am glad to write to you. How are you? انا سعيد لانى اكتب لك ، كيف حالك؟
It pleases me so much to write to you. لقد اسعدنى كثيراً انى اكتب لك.
11- جمل مفيدة تكتب في الخاتمة :
I am looking forward to hearing from you. انا أتطلع الى السماع منك.
I am looking forward to seeing you . انا أتطلع الى رؤيتك.
That's all for now. Please write soon with your news.
هذا ما استطيع إخبارك به الآن رجاء اكتب لي أخبارك قريبا
Example with model answer نموذج لخطاب بإجابة نموذجية
Write a letter to your friend Samy telling him about your self , your school , …… . Your name is Hany and you live at , 35 Orabi Street , Al Manshia , Zagazig .
The answer
25 Orabi Street ,
Al Manshia ,
Zagaig .
9th December, 2013
Dear Sami,
How are you? I write you this letter to tell you about myself . I'm thirteen years old . I go to school from Sunday to Thursday . I have six lessons daily . I love my school very much . My English teacher Mr. Najm is very kind and helpful .
See you soon.

Grandpa Ali's Restaurant Opens
Grandpa Ali's is a new Italian restaurant in downtown Sunnyville. It opened on May 5th . Who is Grandpa Ali? Is it the owner? No! The real Grandpa Ali is the owner's grandfa- ther and the chef at therestaurant.
Last Saturday, Laila Abdallah and her friend Dina Smith had lunch at Grandpa Ali's. "Their pizza is the best pizza in the town", Laila said. Dina said, " I'm going to bring my children here. Kids under five eat free!".
Grandpa Ali's clean and the prices are good. The Address is 12 Pine Street. They're open daily from 11:00 a.m. to 10:0 p.m. They serve lunch and dinner .
With my best wishes * MR najm facous
Exercise based on part two
1- Complete the following dialogue with these words :
{ went – go – saw – visited }
Ameer :Where did you ……. ( 1 ) ……… on the holiday ?
Ahmed:I went to Aswan . Where did you go ?
Ameer :I ………. ( 2 ) ………. to my grandfather's farm in Facous .
Ahmed:What did you see there ?
Ameer:I ………. ( 3 ) ………… a cow and the donkey . And you?
Ahmed : I visited the temples in Luxor .
2- Read and match from :
1- Grandpa Ali's
a) special ? ( )
2- Grandpa Ali's serves
b) Cherry pie and salad . ( )
3- What's today's
c) is a restaurant . ( )
4- What's your favourite food?
d) is a bakery . ( )

e) lunch and dinner. ( )
3- Read the passage and answer the questions :
Yesterday afternoon, Heba and I went to a restaurant to have lunch . Heba ordered spaghetti, salad, meatballs and ice cream . I ordered apple pie, slices of beef rice and lemonade because I'm in the mood for beef and rice . The waiteress served lunch in a good way. We thanked her as the food sounds delicious .
- Answer the following questions :
1- Who went to the restaurant ? ……………………………………………………………………….………………..
2- What did Heba order for lunch ? ……………………………………………………………………….………………..
3- We went to a restaurant to have ……………………… .
a) breakfast b) lunch c) dinner
4- We went to the restaurant in the ……………………… .
a) morning b) evening c) afternoon
4- Choose the right answer from a, b or c :
1- How ……….. milk is in the fridge ?
a) many b) much c) long
2- Noha drank two …………… of orange juice .
a) bowls b) tubes c) glasses
3- Who is the ………….. of the shop ?
a) owner b) farmer c) waiteress
4- Pupils go to school at 8:00 …………… in the morning .
a) P.m. b) A.M. c) B.C.
5- Nawal had three ……………… of bread .
a) cups b) loaf c) loaves
5- Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:
1- Italian - serves -That - pizza - chef.

……………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………… …………….…
2- lunch - at - had -We - restaurant - this.

……………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………… …………….…
3- dinner - and -They - lunch - serve.

……………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………… …………….…
4- good - are - prices -The.

……………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………… …………….…

6- Letter Writing .
Write a letter to your friend Nura congratulating her on her success and getting high marks in the midterm exam . Yoyr name is Alaa and you live at , 15 Adly Street , Abdeen , Cairo .
7- Punctuate the following sentences :
1- / thanks it s delicious /

……………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………… …………….…

2- / what s today s special /

……………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………… …………….…

8- Copy the following in good handwriting ?
We're in the mood for orange juice .
دعاء مدرس التربية الرياضية
اللهم اجعلني هدافا للخير ومهاجما للشر ومدافعا علي الحق وحارسا لكلمتك وظهيرا للدين ولا تجعلني متسللا علي الناس ولا معرقلا لسير الحياة آمين يارب العالمين *
مع تحيات مكتبة نجم بالحجاجية القديمة * كمبيوتر * تصوير مستندات * ادوات مدرسية *
General test based on unit two
A) Listening.
1- Listen and circle :
1- Grandpa Ali's .
a- how is he ? b- What ia the name of the restaurant ?
2- What is your favourite food ?
a- Roast beef . b- Coffee .
3- How about a salad ?
a- Fruit salad is unhealthy . b- Sounds good .
4- Are you ready to order ?
a- No, I haven't . b- I think os. I'll have hot dog and
2- Listen and complete :
Waitress : Hello !. …………… ( 1 ) ………………. ?
Woman : I think so. I'll have slices of turkey .
Waitress : Rare , medium or well done ?
Woman : Well done , please. And a baked potato .
Waitress: ………………. ( 2 ) …………… dessert ?
Woman : ……………… ( 3 ) ……………. Ice cream .
Man : What's today's special ?
Waitress: Spaghetti and meatballs ?
Man : ………………. ( 4 ) …………… that .
Reading .
3- Circle the odd one out and replace it with a correct one .
1- bowl – loaf – glass – cup …………………………………..
2- tea – juice – lemonade – chair …………………………………..
3- brink – had – opened – said …………………………………...
4- wife – husband – son – spaghetti ……………………………………
4- Fill in the gaps .
Yesterday, we went to Hoksh's new restaurant. Hoksh is the ………. . Hoksha made a great lunch . I had a …….. of chicken soup , rice and meat. My friend had spaghetti , three …………. of pizza and a ………….. of lemonade . We loved Hoksha's restaurant . It serves delicious food .
5- Read the passage and answer the questions :
There is a big pie restaurant in our street. They serve the best pie in town. Many people come to enjoy their favourite French pie . Kids under five are free. So parents come with their children. The restaurant is clean and the prices are very good. They serve pie at noon and in the evining .They serve different kinds of pies .
Answer the questions :
1- What does the restaurant serve? • .................................................. .................................................. ................
2- Why do people come with their kids? • .................................................. .................................................. ..............
3- The prices are not .........................
a) cheap b) expensive c) good
4. The restaurant is ............................
a) dirty b) busy c) clean
C) Writing .
6- Look and write:
- Look and write a paragraph of FOUR sentences on “What they have for lunch” :
Ahmed Yasmeen Omar Abdu Hayam

………………………………………………………………… . …………………………………………………………………… . ………………………. ……………………………….…………………………… . …………………………………………….………………………………………… .
7- Letter Writing :
Write a letter to your friend Ahmed congratularing him on buying a new car . Your name is Abdalla and you live at , 125 Taha Husein Street , Al-Kawmya , Zagazig .
……………………………………… ,
…………………………………………………………………………………………… . ……………………………………………………………………. ……………………………….…………………………… . …………………………………………….…………………………………………………… . ………………………………………………………………………….……………………. .
8- Punctuate the following sentence:
/ let s play tennis on friday /


UNIT ( 3 ) three daily activitiesالأنشطة اليومية

Part One
Lessons 1 2 3-4)

بسكويت / مخبوزات
غالي الثمن
نوع / طيب
لطيف / رائع
سوداني / مكسرات
each one
لكل واحد
What kind … ?
ما نوع ... ؟
too expensive
مكلف للغاية
out of
لم يبقي - نفد
go to the dentist
يذهب الي طبيب أسنان
wash …… hair
يغسل ...... شعر
iron a shirt
يكوي قميص
walk to school
يمشي الي المدرسة
slice fruit
يقطع الفكهة شرائح
buy groceries
يشتري طلبات البقالة
stay home
يبقي في المنزل
chop vegetables
يخرط الخضراوات
take a bus
يركب / يستقل أتوبيس
do laundry
يقوم بالغسيل

Conjugation of verbs تصريف الأفعال
Regular verbs افعال منتظمة
Irregular verbs أفعال غير منتظمة
have - has
يفرم - يقطع
يقطع شرائح
يبقي - يظل
do - does
يفعل – يقوم بـ

* تذكر دائما أن العمل الجاد يؤدي الي النجاح والتفوق والحصول علي اعلي الدرجات * مع تحيات مستر نجم *
look at the pictures and read the dialogues

1- Baker : Goodmorning. Can I help you ?
Customer : Yes, please. What kinds of pie do you have today .
2- Baker : We have lemon, peach, and apple.
3- Customer : Do you have any cherry pies ?
Baker : Sorry. We're out of cherry. But the apple pies are very nice.
4- Customer : How much are they ?
Baker : They're ten pounds each.
5- Customer : Oh, that's too expensive. How much are the peach pies ?
Baker : They're five pounds each.
6- Customer : Okay, III take one.
Baker : Great! I'll get a fresh pie for you.
learn these expressions
1- Can I help you ? هل يمكنني مساعدتك ؟
2- Yes, please . …………………. نعم . من فضلك . (تقال للرد علي السؤال السابق)
3- What kind of ……… do you have today ? ما نوع الـ .......... التي لديكم اليوم ؟
4- We're out of ………. . ليس لدينا ............... .
5- That's too expensive . انها مكلفة للغاية
6- Okay. I'll take one . حسنًا . سآخذ واحدة .
look at the pictures and read the dialogues
A : Was there a mouse beside that tree?
B : Where?
A : Beside that tree, on the pavement.
B : I don't know.
A : Hi, Mr. Adam. How much is a medium a pple juice?
B : It's two pounds.
A : Great! I'll take one, please.
B : Here you are.
A : Look! My apple is bigger than your apple.
B : But I'm so hungry.
A : Here. You can have mine.
B : Thanks!
************************************************** *********************
Reflexive pronouns الضمائر المنعكسة
الضمير المنعكس يعكس حدوس الفعل بواسطة الاسم او الضمير الذي يعود عليه ويسبقها حرف الجر ( by ) وتعني بمفردي – بمفردها – بمفردنا ( بدون مساعدة ) وهي :
Subject pronoun ضمير الفاعل اوالمفعول
حرف الجر
Reflexive pronoun
الضمير المنعكس
أنا (للمتكلم المفرد)
انت (للمخاطب المفرد)
هو (للغائب المفرد)
هي (للغائبة المفردة)
هو / هي (لغير العاقل المفرد)
بنفسه (غيرعاقل)
نحن (للمتكلمين الجمع)
انتم / انتن (للمخاطبين الجمع)
هم / هن (للغائبين الجمع)

1- Abdo can do this by himself . 2- They made the cakes bythemselves .
2- I ironed the shirt by myself. 3- You walk to school by yourself. مفرد
3- Soha washed her hair by herself. 4- We did the laundry by ourselves .
5- The cat caught the big mouse by itself . 6- He bought the bike by himself.
7- You should make the by yourselves. جمع
8- M**** and Alaa chopped the vegetables by themselves .
look at the example and make sentences in thr same way
= He / took a bus / himself . * He took the bus by himself
1- I / sliced fruit / myself / …………………………………………………………………..
2- We / take the bus / ourselves/ ………………………………………………………………
3- She / didn't go to the dentist / herself /………………………………………………………
4- They / did the laundry / themselves / ……………………………………………………….
5- Yasmeen / didn't stay at home / herself / …………………………………………………..
6- You / can't wash your hair / yourselves / …………………………………………………..
************************************************** *********
E-Mail writing
يجب مراعاة الآتي عند كتابه البريد الالكتروني:
1- مراعاه الشكل العام للبريد الالكترونى.
2- مقدمه مناسبه ثم الموضوع وبعدها جمله ختاميه.
3- مراعاه علامات الترقيم وتكوين الجمله ( ...... فعل + فاعل).
4- التوقيع.
To: عنوان بريد المرسل إليه
From: عنوان بريد الراسل
Subject: عنوان الموضوع
Dear + .. اسم المرسل إليه,
…………………………………..مقدمه……………………… . ………………….………………..……………
…………………………………...…الموضوع ………………….. . …………………………………………………..
…………………………………………………… . ……………………………………………………………………… .
……………………………………………… خاتمه……………………………………………
اسم الراسل

Write an e-mail to your new pen friend, Jan:
Use the following points:
· Start the e-mail and ask about your friend's health.
· Tell her that you're coming to visit her on July 15th.
· Ask her to meet you at the airport.
· Tell her how long you are going to stay.
· Finish the mail.
(Jan's e-mail address is jan*********** and your name is Yasmeen and your e-mail is yasmeen***********)
The Answer
To: jan***********
From: yasmeen***********
Subject: I miss you.
Dear tom,
How are you? I hope you are in good health. I'm coming to visit you on July 15th. Could you please meet me at the airport? I'm going to stay for a week.
With my best wishes.

exercise based on part one
1- Choose the correct answer from a or b .
1- Samy : Can I help you ?
Hany : ………………………………………
a) Yes, please . b) No, please .
2- Faten : Do you have any orange pies ?
Noha : ……………………………………….
a) They are eight pounds each . b) Sorry. We're out of them today.
3- Ahmed : Oh, that's too expensive .
Abdo : ……………………………………..
a) It's very cheap . b) It costs much money .
4- Alaa : Did you make that cake ?
M**** : …………………………………………
a) I made it by myself . b) She made it by herself .
2- Circle the odd one out and replace it with a correct one :
1- bus – go – home – school ………………………………………..
2- slice – cup – tube – wash …………………………………………
3- T-shirt – play – shirt – blouse …………………………………………
4- himself – herself – good – myself ………………………………………….
3- Fill in the gaps with the right words :
Last week I stayed at home by myself . My sister ……… ( 1 ) …… laundry . My mother …… ( 2 ) ….…. to the dentist . My father bought groceries ……… ( 3 ) …… himself . My brother ironed the shirt by ………… ( 4 ) ………… .

4- Read the passage and answer the questions :
My family went to Giza on holiday. It was amazing. We went to Giza by bus. We visited the Pyramids. I took some photos with my camera. The Pyramids were very nice. I bought a small statue and a postcard. My brother rode a camel. We were very happy. We went home in the evening .
Answer the questions :
1- What did the family visit in Giza?
2- How did they go to Giza?
3- I bought a ..................... and a postcard.
a) bike b) ball c) statue
4- We went home .................. .
a) in the morning b) in the evening c) in the afternoon
5- Choose the correct answer from a , b or c :
1- Feel at home , help …………………… .
a) myself b) yourself c) himself
2- Nawal ………….. wash the dishes yesterday .
a) didn't b) don't c) doesn't
3- The boys should depend on ……………….
a) herself b) yourself c) themselves
4- Mum is going to ……………. vegetables .
a) chop b) slice c) iron
5- " Cheap " is the opposite of ………………………
a) tall b) expensive c) bad
6- E-mail writing
Write an e-mail to your friend Tamer thanking him for his present he sent you last week . Tamer's e-mail is, " tamer*********** " . Your name is Shadi and your e-mail is, "shadi*********** "
7- Punctuate the following sentences :
1- / be quiet omar / 2- will you clean the board walaa /

……………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………….

8- Ask questions using the words in brackets :
1- Sorry. We don’t have cherry pies . ( Do )

2- Sahar went to the market by herself . ( Who )

UNIT ( 3 ) three daily activitiesالأنشطة اليومية

Part two
Lessons 5 -6)

arrive - arrived
يصل - وصل
want - wanted
يريد – أراد
مستلزمات البقالة
مكان دفع الحساب
من فضلك
on Tuesday
في يوم الثلاثاء
this morning
هذا الصباح
عربة صغيرة بالمحل
صف - خط
run back home
يعود للمنزل
يغير – الفكة
محل بيع كتب
drive a car
يقود سيارة
bake cookies
يخبز كيك
ride a bus
يركب أتوبيس
push - pushed
يدفع شيء للأمام
pull - pulled
يجر شيء خلفه

Conjugation of verbs تصريف الأفعال
Iregular verbs افعال غير منتظمة
Irregular verbs أفعال غير منتظمة
يغادر – يترك
run back
ran back
يعود مسرعا
يدفع الحساب

Learn these prepositions حروف الجر
1- pay for يدفع ثمن شيء
* Basant forgot to pay for the groceries .
2- pay to يدفع الي شخص
* Salwa paid to the waiter .
3- arrive in يصل الي مدينة / دولة
* Some tourists arrived in Cairo last week .
4- arrive at يصل الي مكان داخل المدينة
* We arrived at the supermarket early .
5- get to يصل الي
* Gehan usually gets to school before the bell rings .
language notes ملاحظات لغوية
1- can يستطيع (للتعبير عن القدرة علي عمل شيء في المضارع)
* Samy can use a computer by himself .
2- can't لا يستطيع (للتعبير عن عدم القدرة علي عمل شيء في المضارع)
* Omar can't use a computer by himself .
عند تكوين السؤال نضع الفعل المساعد ( Can ) قبل الفاعل وتعني "هل تستطيع أن" وعند الإجابة :
Yes, subject + can . إثبات No, + subject + can't . نفي
* Can you drive a tractor ?
= Yes, I can . = No, I can't .
* What can you do , Abdo ?
= I can wash my face . = Abdo can't do the laundry by himself .
read the text and answer the questions
"Ramy," said his mother, "Will you go to the supermarket for me, please?" She put a grocery list and some money on the table by the door.
"No problem, Mum," said Ramy. Ramy arrived at the supermarket. "Oh, no! Ramy said. "I forgot the list." He went home and got the list. Then he ran back to the supermarket. Ramy put the groceries in the trolley. Then he went to the checkout.
"Oh, no!" he said. "I forgot the money!" He ran home, got the money, and ran back to the supermarket. Then he paid for the groceries and went home.
"Hi, Ramy," said his mother. "Where are the groceries?"
"Oh, no!" he said." I left them at the supermarket!"
1- Where did Ramy go ? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2- Who wanted Ramy to go there ? …………………………………………………………………………………………….
3- What did Ramy forget ? ……………………………………………….………………………………………………………….
4- What did Ramy leave at the supermarket ? ………………………………….………………………………………
إن استخدامك لسلسلة النجم في اللغة الانجليزية يدفعك للحصول علي اعلي الدرجات
مع تحيات مستر نجم * مكتبة النجم بالحجاجية تلبي لكم كافية احتياجاتكم الدراسية
بجوار مدرسة الشهيد فاروق نجم / ت / 01149765102

exercise based on part two
1- Read and circle the right answer :
1- Can you help me clean the room , Reda ?
a) Yes, please . b) Yes, of course .
2- I forgot the money at home .
a) No problem . b) Good morning .
3- We have nice peach pies today .
a) It's very expensive . b) Okay , I'll take two .
4- Faten went to the post office .
a) Where did Faten go ? b) How are you ?
2- Complete thefollowing dialogue :
Baker: Good morning. Can I help you?
Customer: ........... ( 1 ) ................ . What kinds of pie do you have today?
Baker: We have lemon, peach, and apple.
Customer: …………………….. ( 2 ) ……………......?
Baker: Sorry. We're out of cherry. But the apple pies are very nice.
Customer: .............................. ( 3 ) ....................................?
Baker: They're five pounds each .
Customer: Oh, that's …………. ( 4 ) .................. . How much are the peach pies?
Baker: They're five pounds each.
Customer: Okay. I'll take one.
Baker: Great! I'll get a fresh pie for you.
3- Read the following, then answer the questions
Ahmed is an assistant at Egypt Supermarket. He saw a boy. The boy ran into the store. He stopped and said, "Oh, no! I forget the list!11 He ran out. Then the boy ran back into the supermarket. He had the list in his hand. He got a trolley and put the groceries in it. He came to Ahmed's checkout. The boy paid for the groceries and went home. He left his trolley with the groceries in the supermarket. The boy's mother walked in with him. Ahmed showed her the trolley. She took it and walked out.
A- Read the question. Write the answer.
1- Who showed the boy's mother her trolley ? …………………………………………………….………………………
2- Where did Ahmed work ?…………………………………………………….………………………
3- Did the boy forget his list ? …………………………………………………….………………………
4- Did the boy's mother pay for the groceries ? …………………………………………………….………………………

B- Read and circle True or False.
1- Ahmed saw a girl. true false
2- The boy forgot the money. true false
3- The boy came to Ahmed's checkout. true false
4- Ahmed left his trolley with the groceries in the supermarket. true false
4- Match from (A) with (
1- Nora ironed the dress
a- They are seven pounds each . ( )
2- Ahmed bought the groceries
b- I'll get you fresh one . ( )
3- How much are the cherry pie ?
c- by her self . ( )
4- Okay . I'll take one .
d- They are too expensive . ( )

e- by himself . ( )
5- Fill in the gaps.
I can take a bus by myself. I can ........ ( 1 ) .......... groceries by myself . Mybrother can walk to school by ....... ( 2 ) .......... . My sister can iron a ....... ( 3 ) .......... by herself . My parents can chop vegetables ....... ( 4 ) .......... themselves .
6- Letter - Writing .
Write a letter of not less than four sentences to your friend Ahmed who lives in Asuit. Tell him about your family, your friends, your class and your teachers. Your name's Abdalla, and you live at : 32, Tahrir Street, Al-Qawmya , Zagazig.
7- Look at the pictures and write a sentence describing each one :

…………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………

……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………

8- Punctuate the following sentence :
1- / i bought an apple pie for you asmaa /

general test based on unit 3
1- Listen and choose the right answer :
1- Who wanted to have a peach pie for lunch ?
a) Murad did . b) No, thanks .
2- Where did Mr. Najm go yeasterday ?
a) He was very happy . b) He went ot the post office .
3- How many slices of pizza do you want ?
a) Three please . b) It's too expensive .
4- Okay , I'll have two apple pies .
a) What kinds of pie do you have. b) How much are the apple pies .
2- Circle the odd word and replace it with a correct one :
1- go – leave – forget – bought ……………………………….
2- door – window – trolley – forget ………………………………...
3- juice – lamonade – coffee – table ………………………………...
4- yourself – himself – checkout – herself ………………………………..
3- Match from (A) with (
1- Here you are .
a- Here you are . ( )
2- Mr Najm didn't iron the shirt
b- In downtown . ( )
3- We'll have a baked potato .
c- In my bag . ( )
4- Where is Grandpa Omar's ?
d- by himself . ( )

e- Thanks. It looks delicious . ( )
4- Fill in the gaps with one word each :
Yeaterday , my fathe asked me to go to the post office to post a letter . I arrived there, but I …….. ( 1 ) …….. the letter . I went …….. ( 2 ) ……. and got it . Then , I went to the supermarket to buy sugar and tea . I put them on the trolley . I went to the …… ( 3 ) ……. and paid ….. ( 4 ) …… them and went home .
5- Read the passageand answer the questions :
The Ancient Egyptians were very clever. They made statues and gold jewellery. They built the Pyramids at Giza. They built many temples at Luxor and Aswan. They also built long roads. They were good engineers. People come from many countries to see these amazing things.
1- Why do people come from many countries? • .................................................. ............................
2- What did the Ancient Egyptians make? • .................................................. ............................
3- The Ancient Egyptians were very clever ............................
a) fishermen b) engineers c) athletes
4. The Pyramids are .................................................
a) at Luxor b) at Aswan c) at Giza
6- Look at the pictures and write four sentences :

……………………… . …………………………………………………………….. …………...……………………………………. . .……………………………….. ………………………..…………………………………………… . ……………… ……………………………..……………………………………………… ………. .
7- E-mail Writing :
Write an e-mail to your friend Hayam asking her to go shopping with you next Friday and telling her about the things you are going to buy there . Hayam e-mail is : hayam***********. Your name is M**** and your e-mail is : m*************** .
To : ……………………………….…….……………..
From : ………………………..……………………..
Subject : …………………..……………………..

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… .
8- Punctuate thefollowing sentence :
1- / afnan bought peach pie cheese and pizza last monday /

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………

9- Copy the following in good handwriting :
There are many things in my bag .
……………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………… …………………………
* دعاء مدرس الدراسات الاجتماعية *
* اللهم ارزقني جبالا من الحسنات وانهارا من الخيرات وهب لي خريطة للهداية واجعل تاريخي مشرفا *
UNIT ( 4 ) four visiting a film studio
زيارة الي ستوديو أفلام سينمائية

Part One
Lessons 1 2 3-4)

speak – spoke
يتحدث - تحدث
give – gave
يعطي - أعطي
got it
استلمت الرسالة
make up
sports car
سيارة رياضية
رقم – عدد
بطاطس مقلية
اسمرار البشرة
(be) back
يرجع – يعود
حمام شمس
What time …… ?
كم الساعة ...... ؟
talk on the phone
يتكلم في التليفون
يتصل – يدعو– يسمي
wear a wig
يلبس باروكة
drive a sports car
يقود سيارة رياضية
get a suntan
يأخذ علي حمام شمس
have an accident
يصاب في حادث
listen to music
يستمع الي الموسيقي
hardly ever
نادرا ما – قليلا ما
make friends
يكون أصدقاء
أبدا – مطلقا
put on make-up
تضع مكياج
في أي وقت
sign autographs
يوقع اوتوجرافات
take a nap
يأخذ غفوة
wear – wore
يلبس - لَبِسَ
know – knew
يعرف – عرف
take – took
يأخذ - اخذ
drive – drove
يقود - قاد

Language Functions وظائف لغوية
عبارات تستخدم عند التحدث في التليفون
1- May I speak to …… , please ? هل يمكن أن أتحدث الي ...... , من فضلك ؟
2- …… not in right now . ليس موجودا الآن
3- Can you take a message ? هل يمكن أن تأخذ رسالة؟
4- What's your number ? ما هو رقم تليفونك ؟
5- Who is calling ? من المتصل ؟
look at the pictures and read the dialogue

1- Man : Hello ?
Woman: Hello. May I speak to Ahmed, please ?
Man : He's not in right now.
2- Woman: What time will he be back?
Man : I'm sorry. I don't know.
3- Woman: Can you take a message ?
Man : Sure. Who's calling ?
4- Woman: This is Salwa Kamel. I'm going to be late for lunch today. I'll see him at 1:00.
5- Man : Got it. What's your number ?
Woman: 35551839.
6- Man : Okay. I'll give him your message.
Woman: Thanks.
Man : You're welcome.
with my best wishes mr najm facous
look at the pictures and read the conversations
1- A : I'll have a bottle of water, please, (man and woman at *******ments table)
B : Sorry. We're out of water. But the lemonade is very nice.
A : Okay. I'll take a can of lemonade and some chips.
2- A : Hello. May I speak to balia, please ?
B : She's not in right now.
A : Oh! Can you take a message ?
B : Sure.
3- A : Can you do it by yourself ? (man and an actor in make-up area)
B : No, I can't.
A : Okay. I will do it for you.
************************************************** *********************************
لاحظ ارتباط الفعل مع الاسم في الصور التالية Verb + noun

لاحظ أن ظرف التكرار في زمن المضارع البسيط يأتي بعد (verb to be) قبل وقبل الفعل الاساسي
always - usually - sometimes - often (إثبات)- never - hardly ever (نفي) - ever سؤال
* Naglaa usually wears a school uniform .
* Sameer is never late for school .
* She sometimes gets up late .
* We are often early for the lessons .
* Does Mr Najm ever play chess ? لاحظ عند الاجابة علي مثل هذا السؤال
Yes, subject + always + verb + ………… في الاثبات
No, subject + never / hardly ever + verb + ………. في النفي
exercise based on part one
1- Read and finish the dialogue :
write – May – know – time
Noha : Hello. ...... ( 1 ) ....... I speak to Salwa, please?
Maha : She is not in right now.
Noha : What ...... ( 2 ) ......... will she be back?
Maha : I'm sorry. I don't ............ ( 3 ) ........
Noha : Thanks.
Maha : You are welcome.
2- Read and match from A with B
1- Can you take a message ?
a- 231546890 .
( )
2- What is your number ?
b- have accidents .
( )
3- Actors usually sign
c- have prizes .
( )
4- Bad drivers often
d- Sure. Who's calling ?
( )

e- autographs .
( )
3- Circle the odd woed and replace it with a correct one :
1- make – take – bus – sign ……………………….………..
2- drives – cat – makes – speaks ……………………….………..
3- Where – When – Why – friends ……………………….………..
4- listen – always – never – sometimes ……………………….………..
4- Fill in the gaps :
Abdo is very rich . He usually …………. a sports car . He often goes to the beach and gets a ………. . He sometimes ……… to music . He hardly ………. studies his lessons.
5- Read the passage and answer the questions :
Magdy is a clever pupil. He is in class six. He likes his school very much. He gets up at six thirty every morning . He usually goes to school on time. He often has a nap in the afternoon. He always does his homework before he goes to bed. He never tells lies. All Magdy's teachers loves him .
Answer the questions :
1- Does Magdy ever tell lies ? ……………………………………………………………..
2- What does Magdy do in the afternoon ? ……………………………………………….
3- Magdy is …………………… years old .
a) eight b) fifteen c) twelve
4- Magdy does his homework …………………
a) in the morning b) in the evening c) in the afternoon
6- Look at the picture and write four sntences :
7- Rearrange the following to make sentences :
1- / meet – your – do – How – you – often – friend – ?

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……..………………………………………….

2- usually – at noon – has – a nap – My father – .

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……..………………………………………….

3- three times – bakes – Mother – the bread – a month – .

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……..………………………………………….

4- Nora – a – have – Hello, – seat – .

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……..………………………………………….

5- to – that – sorry – hear – I'm – .

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……..………………………………………….

8- Punctuate thefollowing sentence :
/ let s play tennis next tuesday /

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……..………………………………………….

9- Copy the following in good handwriting :
How often does Marwa take medicine ?

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……..………………………………………….
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……..………………………………………….
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……..………………………………………….
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……..………………………………………….
إن اعتمادك علي سلسلة كتب النجم في اللغة الانجليزية
يقودك الي التفوق والحصول علي اعلي الدرجات
مع تحيات مكتبة النجم بالحجاجية

Part two
Lessons 5-6)

مكتبة للقراءة
adventure film
فيلم مغامرة
Qaitbay Citadel
قلعة قايتباي
film star
نجم سينمائي
kinds of films
أنواع الأفلام
شاطئ – بلاج
water parks
ملاهي مائية
have a good time
يقضي وقتا طيبا
film studio
ستوديو تصوير الأفلام
يؤدي بروفة
مشهد في فيلم
be going to
سوف يفعل
أسرة – عائلة
مدينة صنيفيل (أمريكا)
لطيف – جميل
Green Street
شارع جرين
بارد – رائع – مدهش
ثم – بعد ذلك
مرح – متعة
see a film
يشاهد فيلم
go to the beach
يذهب الي البلاج
by yourself
بنفسك – لوحدك
wait – waited
ينتظر – انتظر
have / has – had
يمتلك – يتناول
watch – watched
يشاهد – شاهد
visit – visited
يزور - زار
borrow - borrowed
يستعير - يستلف
lend - lent

Prepositions حروف الجر
* at في (تستخدم مع الاماكن الصغيرة)
at a studio film – at a restaurant – at home – at school – ……………
* in في (تستخدم مع الاماكن الكبيرة ومع فترة من اليوم ومع الشهور)
in Alexandria – in Zagazig – in the morning – in May – in summer – ……….
* of من (اداة تجزئة تستخدم لتعني جزء من)
kinds of – kilo of – tube of – a lot of – a cup of – ………………………..
* on (footتاتي مع ايام الاسبوع وقبل التاريخ وقبل كلمة (
on foot – on Sutarday – on Friday – on TV. – on the internet – …………………..
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Look at the picture and write a letter about a visit to Alexandria .
Hi, Eman!
I'm having a good time in Alexandria with my family. We visited Alexandria Library yesterday. Today we visited Qaitbay Citadel. It was fun! In the afternoon, we went to a film studio. They make all kinds of films at this studio. Today they were making an adventure film. We watched the actors rehearse. It was so cool! Then we talked to a film star. He's really nice.
Tonight we're going to eat dinner at a nice restaurant. We're going to go to the beach tomorrow. I can't wait!
See you on Sunday!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
exercise based on part two
1- Listen and circle the right answer :
1- Hello. May I speak to Yasmeen, please ?
a) I'm sorry. I don't know . b) He's not in right now .
2- What time will he be back ?
a) I'm sorry. I don't know . b) I'll see him at three o'clock.
3- How do you go to school ?
a) By my father's car . b) I'm sorry . I can't .
4- No, I never put on make-up .
a) Do you ever take a nap ? b) Do you ever put on make-up ?
2- Complete the following dialogue :
Tamer : Where did you go last Friday ?
Ahlam : ………………. ( 1 ) ………………… studio .
Tamer : What kinds of films do they make ?
Ahlam : ………………... ( 2 ) …………………… .
Tamer : ………………… ( 3 ) …………………. ?
Ahlam : I met Hoksha , a very famous film star .
Tamer : …………………. ( 4 ) ………………… ?
Ahlam : I went there by bus .
3- Circle the odd word out and replace it with a correct one :
1- Tanta – Zagazig – Cairo – school …………………………
2- car – bus – book – train …………..……………..
3- doctor – father – mather – sister …………………………..
4- Sunday – week – Tuesday – Wednesday …………………………
4- Fill in the gaps in the following :
Mr Najm had a good time in Alexandria last week . He visited Alexandria ….. ( 1 ) …. . He visited Qaitbay …… ( 2 ) ………. . It ……... ( 3 ) ……….. . In the afternoon , he want to a film ……….. ( 4 ) ………… . He saw the actors rehears . He had a happy time .
5- Choose the right answer from a , b or c :
1- You can borrow books at our school ……………………
a) street b) library c) studio
2- We can go to the …………….. in summer .
a) beach b) peach c) school
3- Can you take a message ?
a) Hello! b) Sure c) Got it
4- Does Hayam ever put …………… make-up ?
a) in b) of c) on
5- Famous people always …………….. autographs .
a) sign b) aing c) hear
6- Write questions using the words in brackets .
1- Hatem often drives a sports car . ( Who )
2- Noha always wears a wig . ( What )
3- No, Ali never has lunch outside . ( Does )
4- Sally went to a film studio last week . ( Whee )
5- We go to Aswan by train . ( How )
7- Read the passage and answer the questions :
Hi, Mona,
I'm having a good time in Luxor! I visited the Valley of the Kings yesterday. Today I visited Universal Studios, a film studio. They make all kinds of films. Today they were making an adventure film. I watched the actors rehearse a scene. Then I talked to a film star. I'm going to go to Karnak tomorrow. I can't wait! See you on Monday!
Your friend,
Answer the questions :
1- Where is the Valley of the Kings ?………………………………………………………………………………….…………………….
2- When will Dalia see Mona ? ………………………………………………………………………………….……………………
3- Dalia warched the actors ………………… a scene .
a) write b) rehearse c) sign
4- Dalia will visit Karnak in …………………….
a) Aswan b) Cairo c) Luxor
8- Punctuate the following sentence :
/ she s having a good time in asuit /
………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………….……… ……………
general test based on unit 4
1- Listen and circle.
1- Can you take a message ?
a) Sure. Who's calling ? b) I'm not in right now.
2- Does she ever talk on the phone ?
a) Yes, she sometimes feels tired. b) Yes, she always talks to her friends.
3- No, he hardly wears a wig .
a) Does he ever wear a wig ? b) Did he ever wear a wig ?
4- Yes, I sometimes send e-mails .
a) Do you ever talk on the phone ? b) Do you ever use a computer ?
2-Listen and complete.
Hisham : ............................................... for the holidays ?
Adel : I visited Disney World and the .................................... .
Hisham : Where are they ?
Adel : They're in Florida.
Hisham : .................................. at the Universal Studios.
Adel : They make .................................................. .
3- Circle the odd word and replace it with a correct one.
1- studio school house email .......................
2- always hard often usually .......................
3- yesterday today evening tomorrow .......................
4- rehearse talks make take .......................
4- Fill in the gaps.
Mr Hany lives in the next house to ours. Yesterday he had an ............................ with his car. We asked him about it. He said he was ............................ and he didn't see the other car. Mr Hany is a film ......................... . He likes driving a sports car. He .................... ever has an accident, but yesterday he was tired.
5- Read the passage and answer the questions.
Dear Hala,
Thank you for your nice letter. I'm happy you like my films. Yes, I often sign autographs and take photographs with people, too. It's my favourite thing to do. I like my hair, but I sometimes wear a wig. We're going to make my next film at the train station in Alexandria. You can come and watch.
Answer the questions
1- What's Zoba's job ? …………………………………………………………………………
2- Where are they going to make the next film ? …………………………………………….
3- Zoba invites Hala to see her ...............................
a) sign autographs b) wear a wig c) make a film
4- Zoba likes her hair, but she sometimes ............................
a) wears a wig b) takes photographs c) makes films
C- Writing.
6- Look and write four sentences .
7- E-mail Writing .
Write an email to your friend Fady whose email is fady2014*yahoo.cm. Tell him about your visit to a Film Studio and what you saw there. Your name is Magdy and your email address is magdystar***********
To :………………………………………………..……………………..
From: …………………………………………………………………...
Subject : ………………………………………………………….…..
Dear ,
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . ……………………………………..
…………………………………………… . ………………………………………………………..……………………………………………..
…………………… . ……………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………… . ……..
…………………………………………………………………………………………. .
1- / where is mona having a good time / …………………………………………………………………………
2- / we re going to the beach tomorrow / …………………………………………………..……………………
دعاء مدرس اللغة العربية
ا للهم اجعلني فاعلا للخير ومرفوعا عن الشر وبعيدا عن النصب ومضافا لعبادك الصالحين ومجرورا لتقواك ومبتدئا بالسلام
مع تحيات مكتبة النجم بالحجاجية بجوار مدرسة الشهيد فاروق نجم * ت / 01149765102.
UNIT ( 5 ) five in townفي المدينة

Part One
Lessons 1 2 3-4)

خطير – جاد
That's right
ذلك صحيح
دواء – طب
جريدة – جورنال
غائم – ملبد بالسحب
كلام – حديث
maths test
اختبار رياضيات
حلاقة – قص الشعر
خطاب – حرف هجاء
take care !
احذر - احترس
مترو أنفاق
piece of
قطعة من
يمين – صحيح
do better
Have a seat
تفضل بالجلوس
(would) 'd better
من الأفضل
start to
يبدأ في أن
visit a museum
يزور المتحف
go home
يذهب للمنزل
bake bread
يخبز خُبْز
think - thought
يعتقد – اعتقد
feed the birds
يغذي / يطعم الطيور
once a day
مرة في اليوم
get a haircut
يحصل علي قصة شعر
twice a week
مرتان في الأسبوع
give a speech
يلقي كلمة
three times
ثلاث مرات
meet a friend
يقابل صديق
four times
أربع مرات
read a newspaper
يقرأ الجور نال
take maths test
يؤدي اختبار رياضيات
take medicine
يأخذ الدواء
فطيرة محلاة
take underground
يركب المترو

In today's conversation , two people meet in the park. They're friends, so they
stop and talk.
1- Kamal : Hi, Mr Samy!
Mr Samy: Hello, Kamal. Have a scat.
2- Kamal : Thanks. Oh! It's cold today.
Mr Samy: That's right. It's 23 degrees!
3- Kamal : Wow! Do you think it's going to rain?
Mr Samy: Maybe. It's getting cloudy.
4- Mr Samy: So, how's your family, Kamal?
Kamal : They're fine. But my sister has the flu.
5- Mr Samy: I'm sorry to hear that.
Kamal : It's not serious. She's much better today.
Mr Samy: Good!
6- Kamal : Look ! It's starting to rain.
Mr Samy: I'd better go home. Take care, Kamal.
Kamal : Bye, Mr Samy .
مستر نجم ينصح لكم بان تراجعوا دروسكم باستمرار مع سلسلة النجم لتحصلوا علي اعلي الدرجات
مع تحيات مكتبة النجم بالحجاجية التي توفر لكم جميع احتياجاتكم الدراسية
ت / 01149765102

Look at the pictures and read the verbs with the nouns with each picture

Language Notes ملاحظات لغوية
1- زمن المستقبل باستخدام ( going to + verb )
Subjct + am / is / are + going to + verb + complements .
She is going to feed the goats . They are going to have a maths test .
I'm going to visit my aunt .
وعند النفي نضع كلمة ( not ) الفعل المساعد (am – is – are) وتختصر الي ( n't )
She isn't going to have a haircut . We aren't going to go outside .
وعند تكوين السؤال نضع الفعل المساعد (am – is – are) قبل الفاعل .
* What are they going to do tonight ?
= They are going to bake some bread .
* Is Nawal going to take the underground tomorrow ?
= Yes, she is . = No, she isn't .
2- عند السؤال عن عدد المرات ( التكرار) في زمن المضارع البسيط نستخدم :
How often + do / does + subject + verb + …………… ?
وعند الإجابة نستخدم كلمات دالة علي التكرار مثل :
often – always – usually – sometimes – never – once – twice – three times – …….
* How often does Alaa take medicine ?
= She takes medicine three times a day .
* How often do you feed the chicken ?
= I feed them twice a day .
* How often does Samar bake bread ?
= She bakes bread once a month .
* How often Does Thanaa visit Karnak ?
= She never visits Karnak .
3- عند التحدث عن حالة الطقس اليوم نستخدم :
It's ( cold – cloudy – rainy – hot – windy – raining ) today .
4- عند التعبير عن الموافقة أو الرفض لآراء شخص آخر نستخدم :
That's right . للموافقة That's wrong . للرفض
5- عند الرد علي أخبار سارة أو سيئة نستخدم :
Good news ( I'm happy to hear that ) أخبار حسنة / أنا سعيد لسماع ذلك
Bad news ( I'm sorry to hear that ) أخبار سيئة / انأ حزين لسماع ذلك
***** MR NAJM ***** FACOUS ***** Best wishes *****
exercise based on part one
1- Listen and circle the right answer :
1- Do you think it is going to rain ?
a) Maybe. It's getting cloudy . b) Maybe . Abdo has flu .
2- How is your family ?
a) I'm sorry to hear that . b) They are fine .
3- She puts on make-up twice a week .
a) How often does she put on make-up ? b) Where are you going ?
4- My brother had an accident yesterday ?
a) I'm happy to hear that . b) I'm sorry to hear that .
2- Circle the odd word and replace it with a correct one :
1- soup – juice – bread – tea ………………………
2- fine – good – nice – look ………………………
3- book – pen – ruler – dog ………………………
4- bird – visit – feed – take ………………………
3- Fill in the gaps in the following :
The weather in Egypt is fine all the year . In winter the weather is ……. . In summer the weather is …………. . In ……….. the weather is ……….… nice . In ………... the weather is dusty and most trees are not green .
دعاء مدرس العلوم
اللهم اجعل تفاعلي مع الحياة تفاعلا حسنا وهب لي عاملا مساعدا في حياتي واجعلني عاملا مختزلا للحسنات ومؤكسدا للشر
وتقبل نشاطي يا كريم ***** مع تحيات مكتبة نجم بالحجاجية * كمبيوتر وتصوير وأدوات دراسية *
4- Complete the following dialogue :
Maher : How's your family ?
Hatem: ……………… ( 1 ) ……….………. .
Maher : But you look unhappy. What's the matter ?
Hatem: ………………. ( 2 ) ……………….. .
Maher : ……………… ( 3 ) …………………. ?
Hatem: Yes, he saw a doctor .
Maher : ………………. ( 4 ) ………………… ?
Hatem: No, thank you .
5- Look at the picture and write four sentences describing what are they doing .

6- Read the passage and answer the questions :
Nader is a pupil in a primary school. He likes helping his mother in the kitchen. Yesterday he told his mother about his school day. The teacher talked about food from other countries. She talked about pancakes from France. Nader's mother liked the idea. She wanted to make pancakes for dessert. She asked Nader to go to the shops and buy two eggs, a kilo of milk and a bag of flour.
1- What does Nader like doing? .................................................. .................................................. .........................................
2- What were the things in Nader's shopping list? .................................................. .................................................
3- Nader's mother wanted to make pancakes for ..............
a) lunch b) dessert c) school
4- Nader's mother wanted .............. of flour to make pancakes.
a) a kilo b) a bag c) two
7- Punctuate the following sentence ?
/ how is your family omar /
.................................................. .................................................. .....................................

8- Copy the following in good handwriting :
Many people like driving sports cars .
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..........
UNIT ( 5 ) five in townفي المدينة

Part two
Lessons 5-6)

مضايق – مزعج
صبور – مريض
all the time
طوال الوقت
tell …… to ……
يخبر / يبلغ ... أن ...
go into
يدخل الي
spend time with
يقضي وقتا مع
very much
كثيرا جدا
يزعج – يضايق
انتباه – اهتمام
find - found
يجد – وجد
like – liked
يحب – أحب
there × here
هناك × هنا
اكبر سنا – أقدم
مدينة صغيرة
have to – has to
يجب أن
مدينة كبيرة
It's not fair
ليس من العدل
grow / grew up
يكبر (للأشخاص)
Word الكلمة
Opposite العكس
love – like
dislike - hate
يكره – لا يحب
غير صبور

Language Notes ملاحظات لغوية
1- have / has + noun يمتلك / يتناول / لديه
* I have a sports car . * We have lunch at two o'clock .
* She has a new dress . * He has a serious problem .
2- have to / has to + verb يجب أن
* You have to get up early . * She has to come back early .
3- don't have to / doesn't have to + verb لايجب أن
* Noha doesn't have to forget her book . * I don't have to waste my time .
4- without + verbing / noun ( ing بدون (يتبعها اسم او فعل مضاف اليه
* She took my bag without asking . * He went to school without his book .
5- ………………….. because + subject + verb ( سبب ) ……………………
يسبقها جملة دالة علي النتيجة ويتبعها جملة دالة علي السبب (ما بعدها سبب لما قبلها)
* He arrived late because he missed the train .
6- help + object + (to) + verb) (toأو بدون to يساعد (يتبعها المصدر مسبوقا بـ
* She helped me finish my work . * She helped me to finish my work .
***** MR NAJM ***** BEST WISHES *****
exercise based on part two
1- Read and circle the right answer :
1- Where do you go ?
a) I'm very well b) To my uncles farm
2- My little has the flu .
a) What did the doctor give her ? b) Good news
3- Yes , it is very cold today .
a) Are you fine today? b) Is it cold today ?
4- Mr. Najm gives a speech every Friday .
a) How often does Najm give a speech ? b) Where does Najm go on Friday ?
2- Complete the following dialogue :
Yara : How are you today , Ola ?
Ola : I have a serious problem .
Yara : …………………. ( 1 ) …………………. ?
Ola : My little sister usually bothers me during studying .
Yara : ………………….. ( 2 ) ………………… ?
Ola : He often follows me and takes my things without asking .
Yara : Does ha bother your friends ?
Ola : …………………… ( 3 ) …………………… .
Yara : I think he wants much attention .
Ola : …………………….. ( 4 ) ……………………. .
3- Circle the odd word and replace it with a correct one :
1- once – bag – three times – four times …………………………….
2- winter – Sunday – Monday – Tuesday ……………………………...
3- donkey – goat – sheep – flower ………………………………
4- English – maths – pizza – science ………………………………
***** With my best wishes ***** MR NAJM FACOUS *****
4- Fill in the gaps in the following passage :
A lot of people like driving cars . My brother often drives a …… ( 1 ) ……… . He is very careful . So, he hardly has ……. ( 2 ) …. while driving . He sometimes talks ….. ( 3 ) …… the phone or …. ( 4 ) …. to music . My brother's car is very fast and comfortable .
5- Read the passage and answer the questions :
Yasmeen is a clever pupil . She is in primary six . She has a big problem with her little sister. Her sister is a pest. She follows her all the time . She bothers her and her friends, too. Her little sister goes to her room and takes Yasmeen's things . Their mother told Yasmeen to be patient .
Answer the questions :
1- What's Yasmeen's problem ?
2- How does Yasmeen's sister bother her ?
3- Yasmeen is ………….. years old .
a) ten b) twelve c) eight
4- Their mother wants Yasmeen to ……………
a) be patient b) study hard c) help her
6- Look at the picture and write four sentences :
…………………………………………………………………………………………………............. ...........
7- Letter – Writing :
Write a letter to your friend Hagar in Luxor telling her about the weather in your town these days and what you do in this weather. Your name is Merfat and you live at: 17 AlFaluga Street , Zagazig , Sharqia .
8- Punctuate the following sentences .
1- / no it s hot in summer /


2- / how often does hend bake bread /


9- Copy the following in good handwriting .
Hello , Samy . Have a seat .
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………

general test one
A- Listening ( 12 Marks )
1- Listen and circle : ( 6 Marks )
1- What did you did last night ?
a) I did my homework . b) He ironed his shirt .
2- Do you like washing up the dishes ?
a) Yes, they do . b) No, I don't .
3- They are fine .
a) How are you today ? b) How are your family ?
4- They are 15 pounds each .
a) How much are they ? b) How many are they ?
2- Listen and complete the dialogue : ( 6 Marks )
Salwa : What does your school start ?
Manar : ………….. ( 1 ) ……………………… .
Salwa : …………... ( 2 ) ……………………….. ?
Manar : I go to school on foot .
Salwa : ……………. ( 3 ) ……………………….. ?
Manar : I have English , Arabic , Maths and science .
Salwa : What places do you like at school ?
Manar : ……………. ( 4 ) ………………………. ?
B- Reading ( 14 Marks )
3- Circle the odd one out and replace it with a correct one : ( 6 Marks )
1- peach – apple – banana – tiger …………………………
2- in – at – forget – of …………………………
3- arm – cherry – apple – peach …………………………
4- bathroom – bedroom – living room – book ……………………….
4- fill in the gaps in the following passage : ( 4 Marks )
In summer, the weather is hot. It's about 40 …… ( 1 ) …… . People ….. ( 2 ) ….. much water . They eat cold things like ice …… ( 3 ) ……… . They go to the ……. ( 4 ) …….. and sit in the open air .
5- Read the passage and answer the questions : ( 4 Marks )
Our bodies need healthy food like meat, rice, vegetables and fruit to grow well . We need a healthy diet to give us energy. When we do sports, our bodies use more energy and more food. Watching TV doesn't need large quantities of energy. Eating healthy diet and doing sports are important. People of all ages should sports to be fit .
Answer the questions :
1- What does a healthy diet give us ?
2- What should people of all ages do to be fit ?
3- Our bodies need …………. energy when we do sports .
a) less b) more c) little
4- To be ………… we should have a healthy diet .
a) fat b) thin c) fit
C- Writing ( 14 Marks )
6- Look and write four sentences . ( 6 Marks )

……………………………………………………………….......................... ..........................
7- E-mail writing : ( 5 Marks )
Write an e-mail to your friend Hatem to tell him about your favourite school subjects . Hatem's e-mail is : hatem*********** . Your name is Nagy and your e-mail is : nagy*********** .
To : ………………………………………..………………
From : ………………………………………..…………
Subject : ………………………………….……………
Dear ………………….. ,

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .…………………………
………………………………………………………………………………………… . ……………………………..………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… . ………………………………………………………………… .
8- Punctuate the following sentences : ( 3 Marks )
1- / she s doing her homework now / 2- / does hala play tennis /
……………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………
*****Mr najm wishes you the best luck*****
general Test two
A) Listening
1- Listen and circle.
1- Is there a restaurant near the post office ?
a) No, there isn't ? b) No. It was behind the post office.
2- How much chicken soup did you have ?
a) One bowl. b) One piece.
3- I washed it by myself .
a) Who helped you wash your hair ? b) What did she do by herself ?
4- It's 2 pounds for the Egyptians .
a) How long does it take to get in ?b) How much does it cost to get in ?
2- Listen and complete.
Ayman : .................................................. ....... your family ?
Magdy : They're fine. But my brother has the flu.
Ayman : I'm .................................................. ........ that.
Magdy : It's not .................................................. ....... .
Ayman : .................................................. ....... better today ?
Magdy : Yes, he is.
3- Circle the odd word and replace it with a correct one.
1- barber doctor daughter teacher .......................
2- library pavement bank theatre .......................
3- students adults children haircut .......................
4- daughter dad mum sun ......................
4- Fill in the gaps.
Shaimaa wants to talk to Mr Najm on the phone. Mr Najm is not ............. right now. So, she wants to leave him a ............... . The secretary asks her about her name and telephone ................. . Then he asks her about her message. Shaimaa says she's going to be ..................... for lunch today.
5- Read the passage and answer the questions.
Hi, Hany !
I'm having a good time in Cairo with my family. We visited the Pyramids yesterday. It's a great place to visit, but the weather was hot. Today we visited Al-Najm Film Studios. Hoksha was making a new film. We watched him and the other actors rehearse. We talked to him and took pictures with him. It was so cool !
1- Where's Ahmed now ? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2- What did they watch at the film studio ? ……………………………………………………………………………
3- They took pictures with …………….
a) Hoksha b) the actors c) the Pyramids
4- They visited ........................ in Cairo yesterday.
a) three places b) one place c) two places
C) Writing
6- Look and write.
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7- Letter writing .
Write a letter to your friend Sahar to tell her about a restaurant in your town and the food they serve there . Your name is Maha and you live at : 20 Al-Tahreer Street , Tal Pasta , Zagazig .
8- Punctuate the following sentences.
1- / do you want to try today s special /

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. .

2- / najm doesn t buy groceries by himself /

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. .

تم بحمد الله الجزء الأول من المراجعة للترم الأول وانتظروا الجزء الخاص بالامتحانات
مع سلسلة النجم أنت في أمان من غدر الامتحان ( أزهر أو عام )
مستر نجم ومكتبة النجم يتمنيان لكم النجاح والتفوق ويوفران لكم احتياجاتكم الدراسية
مكتبة النجم بجوار مدرسة الشهيد فاروق نجم بالحجاجية * ت / 01149765102

دعاء بعض البنات كل يوم صباحا
اللهم ارزقني برجل من ارقي العائلات وحاصل علي اعلي الشهادات ويمتلك اغلي السيارات وملايين الدولارات ويتكلم معظم اللغات ويُهدي اغلي الالماسات ويقضي شهر العسل بين القارات والاهم أن تكون أمه وأخته ميتات
معذرة اذا وجدتم اي خطا غير مقصود بسبب السرعة لإنجاز هذا العمل حتي تتم المراجعة لمن اراد ذلك قبل وقت الامتحان
وادعو الله ان ينفع الجميع بهذا العمل مع خالص تمنياتي للجميع بالنجاح والتفوق
ولا تنسونا من صالح دعواتكم ومشاركاتكم لا بداء رايكم في هذا العمل
* مستر نجم فاقوس * شرقية * 01149765102

مع تحيات نجــــم فاقوس
* سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم *
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 28-04-2014, 10:47 PM
أحمد النوبى محمد أحمد النوبى محمد غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2008
المشاركات: 16
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
أحمد النوبى محمد is on a distinguished road

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