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Is being acquainted with religious knowledge qualify one to give fatwas on simple matters?
Answer Issuing fatawa is an honorable and high ranking position, since the mufti fulfills some of the responsibilities of the Prophet in the community and acts on his behalf in delivering rulings. Imam Al-Nawawi said in al-Magmu‘: Take note that formulating legal opinions is the greatest of dangers, a grand position, and is full of merits. This is because a mufti is heir to the prophets, peace and blessings of Allah be upon them, and fulfills the communal obligation. However, he is subject to errors. Because of this, it is said that a mufti is the legal representative of Allah. (1:40) There is a huge difference between knowing one or several legal rulings by being well read on Islam and reporting it to others – this reporting to others is not called issuing a fatwa – and being a mufti who conveys the teachings of religion from Allah and instructs the masses on His intent, and knowing how the ruling of Allah applies appropriately to a situation in a manner which accomplishes the overall objectives of the Shari‘ah and which is consistent with the general interests of the people. Allah the Almighty knows best. http://eng.dar-alifta.org/foreign/Vi...a.aspx?ID=5938
Do angels refrain from entering a place where a dog exists?
Answer some people read in the Sunnah that angels do not enter a house where there is a dog or a statue. The hadith is authentic as the angels refuse to enter a place where there is a dog. This hadith is based on a narration that Jibril was once late in visiting the Messenger of God [peace and blessings be upon him] although he had promised him that he would visit him. The Messenger went out of his house to meet him and inquired about the reason for his delay. Jibril said, “You have a puppy.” which is a small dog that was under the bed of the Messenger of God [peace and blessings be upon him]. The point is that the angels’ refusal to enter a place where there is a dog does not evidence the impurity of dogs but it rather evidences that the angels, who are among the matters of the unseen, do not like to enter such a place where a dog is present. read more... http://www.dar-alifta.org/Foreign/Vi...a.aspx?ID=8376
Is there a prayer called the repentance prayer?
Answer Abu Bakr (may God be pleased with him) said: “I heard the Messenger of God (peace and blessings be upon him) say: “Anyone who commits a sin then purifies himself well and prays two rak’as [cycles of prayer] wherein he asks God for forgiveness, God will forgive him.” He then recited the Quranic verse: “And those who, when they commit an immorality or wrong themselves [by transgression], remember Allah and seek forgiveness for their sins” [3: 135].” This hadith demonstrates the permissibility of the repentance prayer which is recommended according to the consensus of the four schools of jurisprudence. In addition to the instructions contained in the hadith, it is recommended for a Muslim who commits a sin to perform ablution properly, offer a two rak’a prayer with humility and piety seeking God’s forgiveness, and God the Almighty will forgive him. Furthermore, he must fulfill the conditions of repentance which include regretting having committed the sin and resolving never to commit it again. If the sin is connected with the rights of another person, repentance entails restoring these rights. And God the Almighty knows best. http://eng.dar-alifta.org/foreign/Vi...a.aspx?ID=7907
Which hour coincides with the last third of the night so as to perform the night vigil prayer?
Answer This hour could be figured out by calculating the number of night hours which start at sunset and end at the break of dawn. The resulting number of hours is then divided by three. And God the Almighty knows best. http://eng.dar-alifta.org/foreign/Vi...a.aspx?ID=7920
Why should we procreate in a world where poverty is spread everywhere?
Answer I do not think that you should address some question about the number of children a family may have to a person like myself. You should address it to every married couple and let them tell you why they have eight or ten or even more children. It is for a married couple who can take measures to determine the number of children they may have. If they have proper information, a married couple may realize that too frequent pregnancies and childbirth may have adverse effects on the health of the mother and child as well as the upbringing of the children. It certainly has its advantages, because the children can grow up with a keen sense of cooperation and mutual care and love. On the other hand, the means of the family may not be sufficient to give them a sound education. The parents may, as a result, be too keen to get their sons to start work before they have completed their education and to get their daughters married at an early age, in order to reduce the family burden. The disadvantages are numerous indeed. But this is an individual choice, particularly in this day and age when safe methods of birth control are available to all and sundry. I am intrigued by the emphasis you place on producing daughters, rather than sons. If all families stop producing daughters, [as though they can choose the *** they want] human life will some day come to a halt. The balance between girls and boys in society is controlled by God at a particular level, which ensures the continuity of human life and a proper balance between males and females. However, your emphasis seems to have a rather social slant. You speak of the domination and subjugation of women by their men folk. While this is sadly true in many societies, it is not always the case. Islam provides for the equal treatment of boys and girls, men and women. It is true that in practice this may not be properly maintained, but this is the fault of people, rather than the fault of the system God has devised for human life. We often assume that men are superior to women, but Islam says otherwise. read more... http://eng.dar-alifta.org/foreign/Vi...a.aspx?ID=8012
I feel that the Qur`an is meant for practicing its teachings and not for learning it by heart. Am I correct?
Answer It is true that the Qur`an is primarily meant for implementing its teachings. However, this can only come about as a result of learning and understanding it. How is it possible for someone who has not read the Qur`an or learnt any part of it to implement it? While the reader’s desire to act upon the teachings of the Qur`an and apply them in real life is highly commendable, he cannot do so without reading the Qur`an regularly and learning the meaning of its verses. The two go hand in hand. Moreover, reading the Qur`an is an act of worship. God rewards us for reading it and recompenses us with ten rewards for each letter of every word. God says in the Qur`an, “Keep up prayers when the sun is on its decline, in the darkness of the night, and recite the Qur`an at dawn, for the recitation of the Qur`an at dawn is indeed witnessed. At night, rise from your sleep to recite it in prayer, as an additional offering from you. Your Lord may thus raise you to an honorable station” [Children of Israel — “Bani Israel”: 78-79] read more... http://eng.dar-alifta.org/foreign/Vi...a.aspx?ID=7801
My relatives and my boss don't like my hijab...what to do?
Answer Hijab is a religious requirement for every Muslim woman who reached puberty and it necessitates covering the whole body except for the face and the hands. Hijab in Islam is a sign of modesty. Modesty is a grace which is required by both men and women in terms of lowering their gaze and guarding their chastity. When it comes to the first part of your question about your relatives, it would be important to understand that personal convictions differ from one person to another. These convictions stem from personal traits, religious bases, cultural backgrounds and social milieu. read more... http://eng.dar-alifta.org/foreign/Vi...a.aspx?ID=6147
Am I obliged to follow only one of the four Sunni legal schools of jurisprudence? Answer Regarding this issue, there is a difference between learning and applying. When it comes to applying, abiding by a certain legal school of jurisprudence for lay people is not obligatory in every matter as they are eligible to adopt the legal opinion of other juristic scholars and mujtahids. Therefore, lay people have no certain legal school of jurisprudence because they follow the juristic opinion of the scholar they ask. This is the established opinion for the Hanafis. The renowned Hanafi scholar Ibn ‘Abdeen stated in his commentary in reference to Imam al Sharnibali that he said, “one does not have to abide by a certain legal school and he is permitted to follow an opinion which opposes the opinion of the juristic legal school which he follows. He is allowed to adopt two opposite opinions in two separate incidents that are not related to each other. He is not permitted to nullify an action he did by the virtue of following the juristic opinion of another scholar because engaging in an action is similar to passing a verdict by a judge with no appeal. This opinion is supported with God as He asserted the obligation of following scholars in general with no specification or dedication to one scholar over the other. God says in the Quran, “So ask the people of knowledge if you do not know” 16:43. Also when people posed their questions at the time of the Prophet’s companions and the scholars of the next generation, they did not abide by a certain school but they rather asked eligible scholars without limiting themselves with the opinion of someone while denying the opinion of the other. read more... http://eng.dar-alifta.org/foreign/Vi...a.aspx?ID=5916
Using illegal means to claim rights , is it permissible?
Answer Such procedures for claiming and gaining rights are prohibited in Islamic law; rather, they are considered major sins. Punishing people for crimes committed by others is corruption on earth and considered judgments based on capriciousness and injustice. It is established in the principles of Islamic law that a person is not to be punished for another's crime and that it is impermissible to blame a person for a sin he did not commit. Allah the Almighty says, Nor can a bearer of burdens bear another's burdens if one heavily laden should call another to (bear) his load. Not the least portion of it can be carried (by the other). Even though he be nearly related. [Fatir: 18] and, And if any one earns sin. He earns it against His own soul: for Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom. But if any one earns a fault or a sin and throws it on to one that is innocent, He carries (on himself) (Both) a falsehood and a flagrant sin. [An-Nisaa`: 111-112] Islamic law forbids banishing people from their homes unjustly and regarded this act an aggression deserving of punishment. Allah Almighty says, After this it is ye, the same people, who slay among yourselves, and banish a party of you from their homes; assist (Their enemies) against them, in guilt and rancor. [Al-Baqarah: 85] read more... http://eng.dar-alifta.org/foreign/ViewFatwa.aspx…
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My husband wants me to take off my hijab. What should I do?
Answer It is not allowed for a husband to force his wife to take off her hijab; it is impermissible to obey anyone with respect to disobeying Allah. You should be patient towards your husband's conduct, treat him kindly and do not renounce wearing hijab except for a necessity. Such as if things between you both reach the degree of divorce, thus taking off your hijab in this case would be form among taking the lesser of two harms. http://eng.dar-alifta.org/foreign/Vi...a.aspx?ID=6839
I am a teenager girl and I wonder if chatting with boys on social media is considered a sin?
Answer The matter is not restricted to this extent. The male-female relationship is based on chastity. Communication between both ***es is allowed if the manners prescribed by shari'ah (Islamic law) are observed and it was for a purpose deemed valid by shari'ah, such as work, study and so forth. If a relationship exceeds these restrictions it becomes prohibited. In shari'ah, a woman is commanded to avoid anything that might make her an object of desire for men or an object for forbidden feelings. http://eng.dar-alifta.org/foreign/Vi...a.aspx?ID=7036
Men getting tattoos, is it permissible?
Answer Women love of adornment is something innate God Almighty created women and endeared adornment to them. God described women in the Quran as a creature who is naturally brought up on adornment. He Almighty says: “A creature who is brought up in adornments (wearing silk and gold ornaments, i.e. women)…” [Qur'an 43: 18]. For this reason, the primary texts on tattoos are mainly addressed to women based on their innate love to adornment. However, generally speaking, tattooing in which the skin is pricked by a needle until blood oozes and different kinds of dyes are placed in these opening wounds to penetrate the skin and remain there with no removal is prohibited according to the opinion of the majority of scholars such as Shafi'i jurists and others. This is because it causes unnecessary pain and harm and it is considered impure. This is based on the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), "Allah cursed the woman who makes the tattoos and the one being tattooed." God Almighty says, "[Satan said] I will order them to deface the (fair) nature created by Allah." [An-Nisa':119]. read more.... http://eng.dar-alifta.org/foreign/Vi....aspx?ID=10762
What are woman's rights after divorce?
Answer A woman is entitled to kind treatment from her husband during their marriage. Allah the Almighty says, O ye who believe! Ye are forbidden to inherit women against their will. Nor should ye treat them with harshness, that ye may take away part of the dower—Ye have given them—except where they have been guilty of open lewdness; on the contrary live with them on a footing of kindness and equityif ye take a dislike to them it may be that ye dislike a thing, and Allah brings about through it a great deal of good. [An-Nisaa`: 19] She is also entitled to expenses for food and drink and clothing, as well as expenses for her needs depending on her husband's financial status in accordance to the words of Allah Who says,Let the man of means spend according to his means: and the man whose resources are restricted, let him spend according to what Allah has given him. Allah puts no burden on any person beyond what He has given him. After a difficulty, Allah will soon grant relief. [At-Talaq: 7] A woman's rights after divorce In the case of a revocable divorce, a wife is entitled to receive the deferred dowry included in the marriage contract after her waiting period ends. She is likewise entitled to receive financial support during the waiting period which expires after any of the following: Three menstrual cycles (if she experiences menstruation). read more... http://eng.dar-alifta.org/foreign/Vi...a.aspx?ID=6008
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