Thank you Ashraf
"Be thankful whatever the situation you're in, because happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have" |
"Be thankful whatever the situation you're in, because happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have" |
شكرا جزيلا ممكن تستخدمها كما تشاء
"Be thankful whatever the situation you're in, because happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have" |
"Be thankful whatever the situation you're in, because happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have" |
Thank you a lot
"Be thankful whatever the situation you're in, because happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have" |
أولا أنا باعتمد على الكتاب المدرسى و امتحانات السنوات السابقة و قاموس كامبريدج ادفانسد ليرنرز اعتماد كلى ثانيا لو قلت فيه تشابه ففى العناوين أو بعض الجمل أو قطع الفهم لاننى باعتمد على امتحانات السنوات السابقة و نعتمد على نفس القاموس انما تقول منقولة بالحرف فهذا لم يحدث الرجاء عمل مقارنة بين أى و حدتين و اخبارى بالنتيجة و قد قررت التوقف عن تنزيل باقى المنهج لحين اخبارى بتلك المقارنة و شكرا
"Be thankful whatever the situation you're in, because happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have" |
بعد التحيه اعتقد انك ملاحظ لمدي تقدير الناس لعملك ولكن فردا واحدا اعطي رايا من وجهه تظره صحيح. تري لو كان هذا العمل منقولا هل كان قد لاقي هذا الاقبال اعتبر ان شيئا لم يكن واستمر |
لقد تركت رسالتك اثرا كبيرا فى نفسى و قد أكون تسرعت فى اتخاذ هذا القرار لن تصدقنى اذا قلت لك ان الوحدة 12 استغرقت منى اسبوعا كاملا حتى انتهى منها شكرا جزيلا مرة اخرى تمنياتى لك بعام جديد سعيد
"Be thankful whatever the situation you're in, because happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have" |
thanks alot
شكرا على هذا العمل
"Be thankful whatever the situation you're in, because happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have" |
"Be thankful whatever the situation you're in, because happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have" |
many thanks mister
"Be thankful whatever the situation you're in, because happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have" |
Thanks alot for your great efforts go ahead
Mr Gamal Eid Mabrouk |
العلامات المرجعية |