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أرشيف المنتدى هنا نقل الموضوعات المكررة والروابط التى لا تعمل

أدوات الموضوع ابحث في الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 29-12-2008, 06:27 AM
الصورة الرمزية مستر/ عصام الجاويش
مستر/ عصام الجاويش مستر/ عصام الجاويش غير متواجد حالياً
مدرس اللغة الانجليزية للمرحلة الثانوية
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2008
العمر: 57
المشاركات: 5,854
معدل تقييم المستوى: 21
مستر/ عصام الجاويش is on a distinguished road
Icon114 تراجم وموضوعات تعبير ومقالات بالانجليزيه عما حدث فى غزه

هذه المقتطفات كلها منقوله من النت من موقع الجزيره و the Egyptian Gazette واى حدث جارى تجده فيهم

A few days before the end of 2008, Israel has time and again lived up to its blood-soaked history. Scores of Palestinians were killed yesterday in cold-blooded Israeli raids, which came as no surprise for those familiar with the Jewish state's history.

_GAZA - Israel blitzed the populous Gaza yesterday with a wave of airstrikes that killed over 200 people in the besieged enclave, triggering a massive Arab condemnation.As Israel warned that the bombardment was "just the beginning," Hamas, which controls Gaza, told Israelis living near their Gaza stronghold to "prepare the funeral shroud". _______________________________________

Residents carry a body out of the Bureij refugee camp [AFP]

At least 220 Palestinians, including women and children, have been killed in an Israeli aerial bombardment on Hamas security installations.
Israel launched air attacks across the besieged Gaza Strip on Saturday, threatening that further operations would be carried out.
Emergency services said that at least 700 people had been wounded.
Witnesses reported heavy damage as at least 30 missiles were fired.
Ehud Barak, the Israeli defence minister, said that the operation would not be short.
"The operation will go on and be intensified as long as necessary," he said on Saturday.
An Israeli military spokesman added that any "Hamas target is a target".
As dusk fell, Israel continued to bomb the strip, firing on a metal foundry in the south.

Salam Fayyad, the Palestinian prime minister, condemned the attack and demanded an immediate cessation.
Hours after the Israeli assault, Gaza fighters fired home-made rockets into southern Israel, heeding calls by Hamas and other affiliated Palestinian groups to avenge the attacks, unprecedented in their scale.
One Israeli was killed in the rocket fire, medics said.
Taher al-Noono, a Hamas spokesman, described Israel's operation as a "massacre", adding: "However, our resolve cannot be dented and cannot be shaken. We will continue our struggle with absolute strength and steadfastness."
Islam Shahwan, a Hamas police spokesman, said a police graduation ceremony in Gaza City was struck by Israel. Among those killed was Tawfiq Jabber, the Gaza chief of police.
The Hamas-run interior ministry said all security compounds in the Strip had been destroyed.
Gaza is densely populated. Its 1.5 million residents area already experiencing shortages in medicine, power and basic supplies due to 18 months of an Israeli blockade.
'War crimes'
Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president and leader of Fatah, condemned the "aggression" in Gaza.
Smoke billowed into the air above the Gaza Strip [AFP]
Mousa Abu Morzouz, the deputy leader of Hamas, told Al Jazeera: "Until now the aggression didn't stop ... they are targeting all the police headquarters and offices.
"We will defend our people, we will retaliate against this aggression ... our military will retaliate."
Morzouz called on the world's most powerful nations to condemn the attacks: "Nobody in this world can accept what happened and the Israeli aggression ... [we expect] the international community to stand against this and say that it is not acceptable."
Mustafa Barghouthi, the former Palestinian information minister, said: "This is not an attack on the Hamas. It is an attack on the whole population and the free will of the people of Gaza."
He accused Israel of committing "war crimes" and demanded that Abbas and his government stop all relations with Israel.
'Only just beginning'
The Israel army released a statement saying "terrorist installations" were hit and that all Israeli pilots returned unharmed.
The operation against the Hamas is "only just beginning," Avi Benayahu, an Israeli military spokesman said.
The air raids follow the decision by the Israeli security cabinet to increase reprisals for cross-border rocket attacks against Israel, and the breakdown of a six-month-old Israel-Hamas truce earlier this month.
The ceasefire expired on December 19, with Hamas arguing that Israel had violated the truce by preventing vital food and medical supplies into the Strip.
Ayman Mohyeldin, Al Jazeera's correspondent in Gaza, said: "A series of explosions were heard over Gaza City.
"From where we are, there are at least seven different clouds of smoke from the strikes. We are seeing some casualties being evacuated in cars."
Egypt has opened the Rafah crossing with the Gaza Strip to receive injured people, Egyptian officials said. Ambulances have been sent to the crossing and two Egyptian hospitals emptied to take in the wounded.
Weakened security services
Mohyeldin said that Hamas, which rule the Gaza Strip, was being held responsible by Israel for any attacks from the territory into Israel, even if they are undertaken by other Palestinian factions.
Palestinian officials called on the international community to condemn the raids [AFP]
However, officials of the deposed government in Gaza which maintains law and order, while being Hamas member in the main, are separate from the group's military wing and other factions responsible for attacks into Israel.
"There is within Gaza a functioning ministry of interior that has security services, traffic control, emergency medical services," Mohyeldin reported.
"Those workers are seen as employees of the government in Gaza. So now that many of these installations have been targeted, it will have an immediate impact in terms of the law and order structure here in Gaza."
Jacky Rowland, Al Jazeera's correspondent in Jerusalem, said that Israel's decision to strike at this moment was down to Hamas withdrawing from the ceasefire and the intensified rocket fire coming from the Gaza Strip in recent days.
"In one day [in the past week] we saw 80 rockets ... which is a huge upsurge," she said.
Hamas won control of the Palestinian Legislative Council in elections in January 2005. The international community refused to accept a Hamas-led government, demanding that the faction recognise Israel and renounce violence. Economic sanctions by the EU and US followed.
Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip in June 2007 after bloody street battles against its rival, the Fatah movement.
Al Jazeera and agencies

Number of comments : 66

Stop violance now.

I don't think any other country would have tolerated this amount of morter shells and missilEs. It's about time Israel do something about it. We do not like war, but they leave us no choise.


finnaly. israel should kill more terorists.

i dont get it, they think that they can attack israel and they wont respond, everything is because of the hamas. there could have been peace and quit...


Israel has just lost its right to exist!

If you first steel a country, then kill and expel their rightful citizens just to follow them and kill them in their refugee camps outside your stolen country - then - you’ve past all humanitarian lines and wherefore lost your own right to even exist. Sorry to say, but Israel must be terminated for the sake of all humans right to international peace.


Israeli missiles target Gaza

Palestinian helped you Israeli after World War 2 and this is the return! Why do not you Israeli find you dignity or at least focuses on who killed you in pass instead? Israeli has been killed by European not by Palestinian. Some day, Israeli will pay the price not by Palestinian by them self like USA. See USA is paying big time The very biggest is loosing their family value. People in USA shooting each other for nothing.

Russian Federation

israeli aggression

I don't understand why Aljazeera journalist has put the word agression in inverted commas. it IS aggression on the part of Israel, has been for years. they have occupied a sovereign country. and western countries, though condemning some of the Israeli actions, like the blockade of Gaza, do nothig to stop it. The hypocricy of the so-called democratic countries is amazing.


Peace for the World

Why...what did we do for you(Isreal)to do this to our Palastinians Brothers and Sisters , you did started the war not us , look what your doing now , and your telling that Arabs are the tourrists , what are you now,,,,we came with PEACE ,,,,,Stop the Violance(war)


Israeli attack to Gaza

This the same old Israeli technique: just a few days from the inauguration of new US Presidente, the Israelis create a new serious situation as they are sure that new US goverment will continue as their ally and ture friend. The Palestines have no chance as long the US reign in the planet.

United States

Terrorism is indiscriminate

Karman, This has nothing to do with terrorism. If you sit at home and your neighbor shoots through your window, I doubt you'd be sitting all pretty. Israel is finally responding after time and again requesting Hamas to stop the mortar. Instead of criticizing Israel, you might find it more logical to criticize the Hamas government. It's time Hamas realizes they won't get all of Israel back, they should start rebuilding the Gaza strip instead of harming its citizens

Jamal Es-sraidi

Israeli attack in Ghaza

Is it not the time for Egypt to do something to revenche the vecious behaviour of Israel? They have to open the terminals the keep helps for Ghaza(immediately)!!!!

Oolon Khaloophy

Lets make peace!

The Israeli political leaders don't want this since there's an election coming up. They have done everything to avoid this but the Hamas terrorists shot hundreds of mortars and rockets in the past 2 weeks. Its simple: if Hamas stops shooting at Israel the killing will stop. Hamas are terrorist and derive their power from death destruction and militant Islam.

United States

Stop the occupation

And stop stealing my tax money. No Justice no peace. period.

M. H. Rahman
United Kingdom

Israeli missiles target Gaza

Israel has said to Hamas: Enough is enough. I want to say to Israel: Enough is enough. Either you kill all Palestinians using your nuke or whatever, or give them their land back and let them live in peace. Do not play this war game every now and then. We all know you will do neither. You have different profit-motive. You will say again and again: Enough is enough.

Pأ،draic Mac Coitir

Attack on Gaza

I condemn this murderous attack on the Palestinian people by the Israelis. No doubt we'll hear mealy mouthed excuses from the British and American governments and them trying to blame Hamas for this carnage.


to kamran, i invite you and specially your family, to spend some days in the area which is attacked by "few rockets" almost every day for years.

chris kanaan

Arab leaders, blame yourselves.

This incident, and so many past incidents would not be possible if it were not for the willingness of the Arab leader to comply and collaborate with Israel while their people are being destroyed. They say this attack was provoked by the Israeli blockades on Gaza, may I ask how about the Egyptian blockade on Gaza?

Ludo De Brabander

sanctions for Israel

These attacks come after a murderous siege against Gaza. Bombing civilians constitutes a War crime and should be sanctioned. The European Union should immediatly abolish all cooperation (Association Agreement and Neighbourhood Policy) with Israel.

Claus von Stauffenberg

Rocket attacks to blame

If Hamas had not started launching wave after wave of rockets into Israel, this would not have happened.


All Muslims should unite against Zionist

The mascaras of Israel Zionist against our Palestine brothers and sisters, Intentional community have responsibility to intervene the latest attack against Palestinians who suffers for the last decades and Hamas is legitimate power in Gaza, so I urge all Muslims to be aware what is happening in Gaza. And also to take actions at least to condemn.


Israel is right

Kamran of Afghanistan is a fool. OF course rocket launches into Israel is terrorism. Since Hammas is so defiant Israel should wipe them all out.


amounting to genocide

A great deal of power is being exercised over a helpless community. Dear friends, if you want to avoid seeing any further deterioration of the situation, declare Israel a state which is a threat to the peace of the world. These hypocrites are the worst of its kind in the history of mankind. And elimination of these Israelis are the only solution. Reprisals are obvious and it will be grave this time....


No justification to this!!!

Dear A.L. Israel puts a blockadeto Gaza!! vioaltes every charter in human rights!! kill innocent civilians, and do a virtual apartheid against a whole ethnic poplulation!!! Above all this, the cowardly world nations watch all that is happening, occassionally condemning them through press releases....what do you expect from this...flower bouquets to be thrown to israelis??? Now, AL how it is right to do all of this and justify an unprecedented attack kill 100' and blame it on a few rockets???


Its very simple - you, you and you!

It's very simple. You have started all the wars. You have lost in all the wars. You have always attacked, got hurt and had the nerve to complain about violence... If you want peace with us? We would welcome it - gladly. If you don't want peace - go to hell.

United Kingdom

Israel attacks Gaza

These attacks were nothing but a last ditch effort by the Israeli government to gain some support for the coming elections. 140, or more dead just to win some more votes and these are the same people that cry about Hitler and his actions! Yes, Palestinians fire rockets but they are almost completely ineffective. But how would anyone react to being crowded into a space like Gaza and then starved of basic needs by an occupier? Would you just sit back and take it seeing your family suffer?

United Kingdom

Thats it

I think this is it, people of palestine have tolerated enough, they should fight whole heartedly now. They cannot wait anymore, international community has done absolutely nothing, they could not supply food to hungry people in a small 40 km land how can they bring peace. People of palestine learn from what happened in Bosnia no one came to rescue you, just fight, fight really hard, thats the only way out.


Palestinians deserve better leadership!

Peace could be achieved, economy would've thrive, Palestinians & Israeli children play together... If only Hamas leaders would recognize the right of Israel to exist. Instead, Hamas Covenant calls for WAR: "so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement...There is no solution except by Jihad." (Article 13) I have Palestinians friends. I truly do. They all deserve much better leaders. Peace!

Tami hachamooda

stop the war now


What goes around comes around

"a few rockets" ??? Kamran, it seems you lost count... well so did we. 8 years of rockets and morter shells, take a look at what the russian did to the georgian for moving a few tanks. We have left the Gaza strip a long time ago and population decided to elect Hamas as the ruling party (the only one today) and the palestinian goverment decided on launching rockets. We have no interest in Gaza, as long as they fire no rockets they'll live in peace. The egyptian border will be open aand so on.

Greg Taylor
United States

Israel Attack on Gaza

The Palestinians elected Hamas, an organization dedicated to the destruction of Israel. Hamas has continued to attack Israel daily with rockets and morters. Israel tell Hamas that unless they stop attacking Israel, they will respond. The Palestinians are now getting the outcome they want - more poverty, more death and more martyrs. There will never be peace until the Palestinians want it.


Why self defense and terrorism

This is called as self defense since it is targeting only military targets, while the rockets the palestinian government in gaza strip are targeting only, ONLY civilian targets.


the world must understand............

these recent air raids on gaza shows that it is always the zionist power who breaks the truce. the world must understand one thing. hamas can never be regarded as a terrorist organisation. it is just a group fighting for the freedom of their country just as many others in the world did. you can compare the map of palestine in 1940's and the present then you'll know why is all this havoc in palestine


A comment about the 2nd comment

Few missles? 80 missles a day in not a few missles and should not be tolerated by any country worldwide It about time Hamas will get punished for targeting civilians for more then a week


thank u and good bay

thats the answer for 8 year of missile on shderot if hamas smart stop shooting now !



Hamas send rockets, Israel send missiles, Hamas send rockets, and so on loosong their childs. No peace with terrorism, no peace with military actions. Seat and talk are the only way out. No guns, no bullets, no reason what so ever to no talks. Israel will not vanish and Palestine must rise by right. Greetings from a Brazilian Jew who believe that togheter this two brothers by History can make a difference to the World.

United States


My thoughts and prayers are with the Palestinian people, I wish only for peace and an end to this senseless killing...


gaza attacks

So far the death toll is 155:1. Crude rockets against the region's strongest army, unfettered support by timid western governments, and a brutal and inhumane siege by a so called democratic country. If Israel wants peace then live up to its legal obligations, negotiate in good faith, and there will be peace. Israel will never win this conflict.


Israel broke this ceasefire long time ago. The rockets from hamas are only a kulmination of response. What world is this, that let occupied people getting killed like this. Where is the democracy and liberty for all principles now? I am so embarrassed to be a part of a country, that once again supports this racist state of Israel by either their official statements or sometimes the complet silence to what is happening. Shame on this world for it's silence. I cry for the Palestinian people.

United States

Things Could Be Very Different!!!

The loss of life is tragic and is so unnecessary. The Palestinians people deserve better leadership. Leadership that recognizes Israel’s right to exist, leadership that understands you can’t keep launching missiles at Israel and think that there will be peace. Israel has ever right to defend and protect their citizens. The Palestinian people need to kick the terrorist Hamas out of their land and live in peace with their neighbor.

United Kingdom

Israeli Terrorism

Firstly, all those people who have replied above with their support for Israel should stop reading Al Jazeera. All those Egyptians who have responded above need to learn English and stop blaming the Palestinians for their own ineptitude and incompetence - you are all Western puppets who desperately emulate those who mock you. Where is the pride of the Arabs? Israel does not belong on any world map.

United Kingdom

israels terrorist attack

i am sickened by todays events. i am sickened that my taxes contribute to such events! where is the UN? where is the arab world and the rest of the world who are supposed believe in the basic right to life. they need to grow a spine! this is completely inhumane. palestine needs medical resourses - why does the rest of the world not help them with this at least? and to say that the palestinians have got what they have been asking for is beyond disgusting and unjustified.


Israeli attacks on Gaza

During that very famous truce people have been surviving in the blockade without food without medicine without electricity. And yet it is still called a truce. Some say that they have been living under fire for more than 8 years. What about Palestinians who have been living under fire for more than 50 years? It is always good to think that we are right so we can sleep every night. The problem is that as long as their hands are smelling blood they cannot sleep. isn't it ironic...

Chase HM
United States

Condemn Israel AND Hamas

Israel broke the truce when declared economic war on Gaza by maintaining the blockade. Israel conducted a daytime raid against non-military targets with a disregard for civilian collateral damage when they could have renegotiated the truce by lifting the blockade. But I'm saddened when I read comments defending Hamas. It shows how much they care for their own people when they fire rockets at Israelis from residential districts in order to draw Israel to bomb civilians, and use this as propaganda


Israel has just lost its right to exist?

Chris, chris!!, what are you talking about?! steal a country? there was no palestinian countery or Israel before 1948(learn history). have you ever seen someone who is a refugee for over 60 years?!?! did you ever felt how is it to live in fear of rockets & morter shells for 8 years with no response from the israeli gov'? did you know that the Gaza-strip has no single israeli man, soldier, home or a cat inside? (and still the Hamas choose to keep on with the fire)

United States


how long will these idealogues in power let the common people bear the brunt of their beliefs? we have one world, we all need to learn to live together. peace.


Gaza attacked

Israel has the right to defend itself. They are doing the right thing by protecting their citizens, who were suffering from rocket attacks on a daily basis. If It takes Israel to destroy Hamas and put an end to the unwarranted attacks by Hamas then so be it. Go Israel!

United Kingdom


I was deeply saddened to see the footage of the Israeli attack on Gaza The victims have received the blame yet again rather than the aggressors Just what is going on in the world? How can this attack on the Palestinian people be justified by the US? It is shocking. Im afraid I have totally lost any confidence in the UN and all the democratic free countries around the world. How can they possibly sit back and watch these things happeneing? How can people sleep at night with a clear mind?

United Kingdom

Israeli bombings

Has there ever been a more morally bankrupt act than the killing of the innocents as an electioneering tool used by the Israeli government. They kill Palestinians by the hundreds yet still claim victimhood. Unsurpassed chutzpah.


Isreali Missiles target Gaza

These attacks can answer why the So-called extrimism or terrorism exits in this world, why shuuld this be declared as an act of self-defense while a few rocket fire to Isreal as terrorism?

United States

Jacky Rowland Should consider working for IDF

I think Jacky could make a very good IDF spokeswomen! She is good, "knows the facts" like the back of her hand. Most importantly she feels at home justifying Israeli crimes. Jacky, I think you better off if you go back to work for BBC or even better Foxviews.

United States

Enshallah, may peace be with you

I can't believe how some outsiders r ignorant & oblivious, however it is understandable due to the misleading USA Media. I have family in Gaza that have been living in conditions that would be imaginable for most human eyes-we just want to live. I cant believe that the world blames Palestinians &Hamas for situations that is out of their control.&for the Israelis to forget how it feels to have basic human rights stripped & masacre done unto them some 60yrs ago to unveil such horror onto others.

United Kingdom

who is the terrorist?

First of all, whosoever calls hamas or the palestinian militants terrorists has no basic view of history. It is israel and the zionist regime who occupies palestine. Fact! Therefore palestinian resistance and defence is a legitimate and undeniable right. Hamas are not terrorists -it is the people opposing human liberty and colonisation who are the terrorists ie zionists, bush, rice etc. This is the common misconception that the western world has of terrorism.

Gordon, Australia

Remember Lidice, 1942. Israel, what you sow is what you will reap.

United States

Peace On Earth

There will be peace when the Palestinians will love their children more than they hate the Israelis.


Our hearts and minds...

are with the Palestinian people. These atrocities have got to stop! Gaza is like a huge prison. How brave from the great "IDF" to murder an imprisoned people, mainly innocent civilians, from the air. The Israeli politicians that are responsible for these criminal actions are cowards, land robbers, basically a bunch of thugs. The whole world despises Israel for its inhumane treatment of the Palestinian people.

United States


The killing of civilians is always wrong, but I think people are forgetting to ask themselves why Hamas would want to fire rockets into Israel in the first place.

United States


The Israelis bring more trouble to us than any one combined. the USA is supposed to be a land of Life, Liberty, and pursuit of happyness, and we support a corrupt military bully, who attacks countries smaller than itself, and denies the people the freedoms that the USA has. . More Palestinian children die than Israeli children, and even if Israel attacks them first, its "defense," and for Hamas its a "terrorist act." Killing 225 ppl and injuring 700 isnt retaliation for killing 1 Israeli.

Batool Arhamna Haider

Israeli terrorism!

No matter what justifications are provided by the Israel's government, there are no words unfortunately in any language's literature that can help them justify this bloodbath. And just look at the ratios: 3000 people killed in Lebanon for 2 armed Israeli soldiers & now 200 Palestinians killed & nearly as many injured, for Hamas' rockets that killed 1 israeli & barely injured 5 others. Truly we live in a world where terrorists are called victims & victims are called terrorists.


Israeli Air Strikes

How many Palestinian deaths will it take to satisfy Tzipi Livni's political ambition?


Hamas - in the name of Alla take us to chaos

Israel exists with the recognition of the United Nations (i.e. most countries of the world support the right of the Jews to build their homeland in Israel). The peace process terminated because of more than 1000 Israelis killed in terror attacks came from Hamas and their partners. Israel withdraws from Gaza and Hamas replied with 7 years of attacks on CIVILANS. Day by day. Hamas declare that they will not stop till all Israel will be "liberated". I wish that god will bless us with peace.


we didnt want this war

our goverment did the best she could to avoid this attack ,in case you forgot this is after all the left goverment that pull out from gaza a few years a go ,but the hamas enjoy to bomb israeli towns non stop .so after 8 years of bombarment israel finly is doing something to stop it ,like any normal country will do to her citzents.


finnaly Hamas get what he deserve

After 6 years that HAmas continue to send missils and morters shell on israel and he continue do this even after israel retreat from all gaza strip its abut time that israel will respons. It is essential that Hamas understand that Israel will not tolerate any more of this Israel is like a bear that Hamas wake up. And for the people of gaza I like to say that all this situation is result to Hamas government as soon as you rid of this trorist government your life will back to normal



55 years ago indian revolutinary was terrorist b cause they were fighting for freedom from british and today hamas is terrorist b cause they are asking freedom from isreal . and americans who are sitting in iraq afghanisthan or pakistan they are heros because they are occupiers .

Trudi Edinburgh
United Kingdom


There has been one Israeli death..yet there almost 300 Palestinians dead, these include women and children. Tell me who are the ones suffering? Another form of collective punishment from Israel. The people in Gaza are an easy target, without food, no electricity or gas, little employment. This is a humanitarian crisis, we should boycott all products from Israel.

United Kingdom

Hundreds die in Israel Raid On Gaza

A disproportionate response of collective punishment and state terrorism committed by the Israeli Government against innocent non combatants and the infrastructure of the Gaza strip. There is no difference between Hamas, and the Israeli governement, as they both are not bothered by collateral damage to any of the civilian populations in this "war".

United States

Israel attacks on Gaza

I'm embarrassed to be a part of a country that currently says they "do not support terrorism" but when it comes to supposed allies such as Israel my government seems to have no problem with the murder of innocents. It's condemned when it's perceived Muslim based but not otherwise? What about the innocent victims? Eygpt needs to leave borders open forgetting political issues, helping their Brothers. InShallah peace will be here. Both sides make peace NOW. Think of the children if nothng else


مستر/ عصام الجاويش
معلم خبير لغه انجليزيه بمدرسه التل الكبير الثانويه بنات بمحافظه الاسماعيليه
قديم 29-12-2008, 06:14 PM
الصورة الرمزية امنيه المصرى
امنيه المصرى امنيه المصرى غير متواجد حالياً
عضو ممتاز
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2008
المشاركات: 256
معدل تقييم المستوى: 16
امنيه المصرى is on a distinguished road

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