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قضايا سياسية وأخبار مصرية وعربية وعالمية منتدى يختص بعرض كافة الأخبار السياسية والإقتصادية والرياضية في جميع أنحاء العالم

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قديم 13-12-2011, 11:34 PM
osama_mma14 osama_mma14 غير متواجد حالياً
عضو متواصل
تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2008
المشاركات: 867
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
osama_mma14 is on a distinguished road

طلب مناظرة للعميل الخائن البرادعى

عندما يعلن بعض العلمانيين انكارهم لوجود الله أصلا, فلم يعد هناك مجال للكره, بل أتبرى منها و ألعنها. عندما يعلن بعضهم أن الله موجود و لكن اختصاصاته لا علاقة لها بحياة الانسان, هنا أيضا أنا أتبرى و ألعن ..عندما تصبح الفلسفة النفعية البراغماتية ركيزة للعلمانية, و مبادئ الميكافيلية روحا لها, هنا أغلق الباب في وجها..عندما تدعو الى فصل الدين عن الدولة و السياسة, و تقيم العالم على أساس مادي قبيح, هنا أحس بمدى خبث سريرتها
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 13-12-2011, 11:35 PM
osama_mma14 osama_mma14 غير متواجد حالياً
عضو متواصل
تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2008
المشاركات: 867
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
osama_mma14 is on a distinguished road


عندما يعلن بعض العلمانيين انكارهم لوجود الله أصلا, فلم يعد هناك مجال للكره, بل أتبرى منها و ألعنها. عندما يعلن بعضهم أن الله موجود و لكن اختصاصاته لا علاقة لها بحياة الانسان, هنا أيضا أنا أتبرى و ألعن ..عندما تصبح الفلسفة النفعية البراغماتية ركيزة للعلمانية, و مبادئ الميكافيلية روحا لها, هنا أغلق الباب في وجها..عندما تدعو الى فصل الدين عن الدولة و السياسة, و تقيم العالم على أساس مادي قبيح, هنا أحس بمدى خبث سريرتها
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 13-12-2011, 11:39 PM
osama_mma14 osama_mma14 غير متواجد حالياً
عضو متواصل
تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2008
المشاركات: 867
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
osama_mma14 is on a distinguished road

تجدون العلاقة الواضحة بين الضغوط الامركية لإضعاف الجيش عام 2008 وتصريحات البرادعى فى الجرائد الرسمية من تحويل مهام الجيش الى مكافحة الارهاب والقرصنة بدلا من مهمته الرئيسية لمواجهة العدو الاسرائليى،،يعنى يريد ان ينفذ ما فشلت امريكا فى تحقيقه

يجب ان يحاكم البرادعى بتهمة الخيانة العظمى

عندما يعلن بعض العلمانيين انكارهم لوجود الله أصلا, فلم يعد هناك مجال للكره, بل أتبرى منها و ألعنها. عندما يعلن بعضهم أن الله موجود و لكن اختصاصاته لا علاقة لها بحياة الانسان, هنا أيضا أنا أتبرى و ألعن ..عندما تصبح الفلسفة النفعية البراغماتية ركيزة للعلمانية, و مبادئ الميكافيلية روحا لها, هنا أغلق الباب في وجها..عندما تدعو الى فصل الدين عن الدولة و السياسة, و تقيم العالم على أساس مادي قبيح, هنا أحس بمدى خبث سريرتها
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 13-12-2011, 11:44 PM
osama_mma14 osama_mma14 غير متواجد حالياً
عضو متواصل
تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2008
المشاركات: 867
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
osama_mma14 is on a distinguished road

مثلث البرادعى جورج سوروس و cia

وثائق أمريكية....

أأمريكا أيضاً تشوه صورته؟!؟!!..الإحتمال الوحيد هو ان يكون معد البرنامج يافلول النظام يا سلفى

عندما يعلن بعض العلمانيين انكارهم لوجود الله أصلا, فلم يعد هناك مجال للكره, بل أتبرى منها و ألعنها. عندما يعلن بعضهم أن الله موجود و لكن اختصاصاته لا علاقة لها بحياة الانسان, هنا أيضا أنا أتبرى و ألعن ..عندما تصبح الفلسفة النفعية البراغماتية ركيزة للعلمانية, و مبادئ الميكافيلية روحا لها, هنا أغلق الباب في وجها..عندما تدعو الى فصل الدين عن الدولة و السياسة, و تقيم العالم على أساس مادي قبيح, هنا أحس بمدى خبث سريرتها
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 13-12-2011, 11:47 PM
osama_mma14 osama_mma14 غير متواجد حالياً
عضو متواصل
تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2008
المشاركات: 867
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
osama_mma14 is on a distinguished road

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة osama_mma14 مشاهدة المشاركة
تحرك الأسطول الأمريكى تجاه قناة السويس متزامنا مع ظهور البرادعى بوسط الميدان مع تغير موقف امريكا تجاه مبارك

وثائق أمريكية....
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة osama_mma14 مشاهدة المشاركة

لقد شاهدنا حاملة الطائرات الامريكية شرق ميناء بورسعيد ثم توقفت على بعد 20كيلو داخل مياهنا الإقليمية لدعم البرادعى الخائن

عندما يعلن بعض العلمانيين انكارهم لوجود الله أصلا, فلم يعد هناك مجال للكره, بل أتبرى منها و ألعنها. عندما يعلن بعضهم أن الله موجود و لكن اختصاصاته لا علاقة لها بحياة الانسان, هنا أيضا أنا أتبرى و ألعن ..عندما تصبح الفلسفة النفعية البراغماتية ركيزة للعلمانية, و مبادئ الميكافيلية روحا لها, هنا أغلق الباب في وجها..عندما تدعو الى فصل الدين عن الدولة و السياسة, و تقيم العالم على أساس مادي قبيح, هنا أحس بمدى خبث سريرتها
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 13-12-2011, 11:49 PM
osama_mma14 osama_mma14 غير متواجد حالياً
عضو متواصل
تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2008
المشاركات: 867
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
osama_mma14 is on a distinguished road

هذا نص تقرير البرادعى ضد مصر عام 2005

Date: 14 February 2005

Restricted Distribution

Original: English

For official use only
Item 6(c) of the provisional agenda

Implementation of the NPT SafeguardsAgreement in the Arab Republic of Egypt

Report by the Director General

1. The Agreement between the Arab Republic of Egypt (Egypt) and the Agency for the Application
of Safeguards in Connection with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (the
Safeguards Agreement1) entered into force on 30 June 1982. Egypt agreed on 1 April 1997 to modify
the Subsidiary Arrangements to the Agreement by including an undertaking to comply with the
Board’s decision on the early provision of design information.2
2. As of September 2004, Egypt had declared to the Agency three facilities, and five locations
outside facilities that customarily use nuclear material (LOFs). The three facilities (the 2 MW
Egyptian Atomic Research Reactor, the 22.5 MW Multi-Purpose Reactor and the Fuel Manufacturing
Pilot Plant) and one of the LOFs (the Nuclear Fuel Research Laboratory) are collocated on the site of
the Inshas Nuclear Centre.3
3. As part of its ongoing assessment of the correctness and completeness of States’ declarations
under comprehensive safeguards agreements, the Agency regularly reviews publications available
from open sources that may be relevant to the nuclear activities of a State. During the preparation of
the updated State Evaluation Report for Egypt for 2004, the Agency concluded that it was necessary to
follow up with Egypt indications derived from a number of open source documents published by the
Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority (AEA) and by former and current staff of the AEA suggesting the
possibility of nuclear material, activities and facilities in Egypt relating to uranium extraction and
conversion, irradiation of uranium targets and reprocessing that had not been reported to the Agency.
4. On 21 September 2004, the Deputy Director General for Safeguards met with the Chairman of
the AEA and other senior Egyptian officials to discuss a number of issues related to the
implementation of safeguards that the Agency had identified. During these discussions, the Agency
provided examples of the open source publications that had given rise to concerns that Egypt may
1Published as document INFCIRC/302.

2 Document GOV/2554/Att.2/Rev.2.

3The other LOFs are situated outside the Inshas site, and include a university, two hospitals, and a laboratory.

Page 2

have carried out some nuclear activities that it had not declared to the Agency. At that meeting, the
Egyptian officials agreed to permit an Agency visit to the Inshas site with a view to enabling the
Agency to assess the situation.

5. A team of Agency inspectors visited Egypt between 9 and 13 October 2004, at which time they
were provided access to a number of locations on the Inshas site. As a follow-on to that visit, another
meeting between Agency and Egyptian representatives was held in Vienna on 22–23 November 2004.
6. Between 11 and 15 December 2004, the Agency carried out inspections in Egypt, which were
followed by further discussions with Egyptian officials in Vienna on 17 January 2005 on the
safeguards issues. The Agency visited the Inshas site again between 29 January and 2 February 2005.
7. On 11 February 2005, in another meeting held in Vienna, Egypt provided additional information
on the previously undeclared material and activities, and submitted modified and new design
8. This report describes the nature of the safeguards issues involved and the Agency’s verification
activities to date, as well as the corrective actions taken by Egypt, and summarizes the initial findings
of the Agency and next steps.
A. Verification Activities
A.1. Uranium conversion experiments
9. In the course of the meetings and visits referred to above, Egypt informed the Agency that, prior
to the entry into force of its Safeguards Agreement, Egypt had imported nuclear material and had
carried out uranium conversion activities using some of that material. In response to the Agency’s
request in September 2004 for a complete list of nuclear material in Egypt and a chronology of
Egypt’s past nuclear activities, Egypt provided in December 2004 a preliminary list of nuclear
material which it had not included in its initial report in 1982, or which had been subsequently
produced from that material and not reported to the Agency.
10. During the Agency’s December 2004 inspections and January 2005 visit at Inshas, Egypt
presented the material for Agency verification, and provided the Agency with access to the
laboratories in the Inshas Nuclear Chemistry Building where the uranium conversion experiments had
been carried out. Egypt explained that these experiments had been carried out within the framework of
staff development for the front end of the fuel cycle, and that some of the equipment involved had
been dismantled and the contaminated parts stored at a disposal site at Inshas. The Agency has taken
samples of the nuclear material. Preliminary findings indicate that Egypt failed to include in its initial
report in 1982 approximately 67 kg of imported UF4, 3 kg of uranium metal (some of which had been
imported, and some of which had been produced from imported UF4), approximately 9.5 kg of
imported thorium compounds, and small amounts of domestically produced UO2, UO3 and UF4. The
Agency’s verification of Egypt’s declarations concerning these experiments is on-going.
11. Egypt also informed the Agency that it had had a project, carried out by the Nuclear Material
Authority (NMA) of Egypt, to recover uranium ore concentrate as a by-product of activities at a
Phosphoric Acid Purification Plant located on the Inshas site, which Agency inspectors visited during
the December 2004 inspections. Egypt indicated that, although the plant is operational, it was never
able to work as designed for the separation of uranium. In addition, Egypt provided information to the

Page 3

Agency about an on-going NMA programme for heap leaching of uranium ore in the Sinai and Eastern
deserts. Egypt has informed the Agency that none of the uranium ore concentrate produced as a result
of its leaching activities has been of a purity and composition that required it to be reported to the
Agency.4 Egypt has transferred some of the material to NMA headquarters in Cairo and provided the
Agency with access to it. The Agency intends to take samples from the material with a view to
assessing its status.

12. Egypt has agreed to submit corrections to its initial report on nuclear material. The Agency has
asked Egypt to submit design information for the Nuclear Chemistry Building, including the new
storage area in the basement where the recently declared nuclear material is now located.
A.2. Uranium and thorium irradiation experiments
13. In December 2004, Egypt acknowledged that, between 1990 and 2003, it had conducted
experiments involving the irradiation of small amounts of natural uranium in its reactors to test the
production of fission product isotopes for medical purposes, and that it had not reported these
experiments to the Agency. These activities are said to have involved 12 experiments using a total of
1.15 g of natural uranium compounds at the 2 MW research reactor (between 1990 and 2003), and
four experiments using a total of 0.24 g of natural uranium compounds irradiated at the 22.5 MW
reactor (between 1999 and 2000). In addition, Egypt informed the Agency that nine thorium samples
had been irradiated in the 2 MW research reactor. Egypt also informed the Agency that the irradiated
targets had been dissolved in three laboratories located in the Nuclear Chemistry Building, but that no
plutonium or U-233 was separated during these experiments. Egypt explained that the laboratories had
not been declared to the Agency because they had been intended only to be used for radioisotope
production. Egypt has indicated that it conducted similar experiments prior to the entry into force of its
Safeguards Agreement, and between 1982 and 1988, but that it has been unable thus far to locate
relevant source documentation with respect to such experiments.
14. In December 2004, the Agency took environmental samples from the Nuclear Chemistry
Building laboratories said to have been involved in these experiments with a view to confirming the
information provided by Egypt. Egypt also provided for Agency examination documentation relevant
to the irradiation experiments. In February 2005, Egypt provided modified design information for the
two reactors. Egypt has also agreed to submit relevant inventory change reports (ICRs).
A.3. Preparatory activities related to reprocessing
15. In March 2001 and July 2002, the Agency wrote to Egypt concerning the results of the analysis
of environmental samples taken from the hot cells at the 2 MW research reactor which indicated the
presence of traces of actinides and fission products. In July 2003, Egypt replied, attributing the
presence of the particles to the fact that damaged fuel cladding had resulted in contamination of the
reactor water, and the contaminated water had infiltrated the hot cells from irradiated sample cans. The
Agency has taken additional environmental samples to confirm this statement, and is awaiting the
results of their analysis.
16. In December 2004, Egypt acknowledged that it had also failed to include in its initial report
imported unirradiated fuel rods containing uranium enriched to 10% U-235, some of which had been
4 Article 34(c) of the Safeguards Agreement provides that “When any nuclear material of a composition and purity suitable
for fuel fabrication or for isotopic enrichment leaves the plant or the process stage in which it has been produced … the
nuclear material shall become subject to the other safeguards procedures specified in this Agreement.” In accordance with
paragraphs (a) and (b) of Article 34, the Agency need not be informed of the domestic production of any material containing
uranium or thorium which has not reached the stage described in Article 34(c).

Page 4

used in experiments, said to have been carried out at the Nuclear Chemistry Building prior to entry
into force of Egypt’s Safeguards Agreement. These experiments reportedly involved laboratory scale
testing of fuel dissolution in anticipation of the development of a reprocessing laboratory (see below).
Egypt has presented for Agency verification one intact fuel rod (said to contain uranium enriched to
10% U-235), a number of pieces of other fuel rods (natural and enriched uranium), and uranyl nitrate
solution with uranium enriched to 10% U-235. It is not possible at this stage to ascertain precisely how
much uranium these materials contain, but their total gross weight (including cladding and containers)
is estimated to be about a kilogram. The results of destructive analysis sampling are being assessed.
Egypt has agreed to correct its initial report to include these materials.

17. In addition to the above experiments, Egypt informed the Agency that, at the end of the 1970s,
motivated by its plans at that time to build some eight nuclear power plants for electricity generation,
and with a view to developing expertise in the nuclear fuel cycle, it had concluded several contracts
with a foreign company to build a laboratory (the Hydrometallurgy Pilot Plant) for carrying out
“bench scale radiochemistry experiments” involving the separation of plutonium and uranium from
irradiated fuel elements of the 2 MW research reactor. The first of the three laboratories of the Pilot
Plant consists of Modules 1 through 3 containing three hot cells: the first cell is a shielded alpha cell
designed for mechanical shearing of research reactor fuel, which Egypt has said was never finished
due to the fact that the foreign vendor had been unable to secure the necessary export licence for the
shearing equipment; the second cell contains a completed dissolver and mixer settlers for first stage
fission product separation; the third cell was designed for waste vitrification but no essential
equipment has been installed. The second laboratory consists of Module 4, a lead shielded glove box
for second stage fission product separation using mixer settlers, and Module 5, an unshielded glove
box for the separation of plutonium from uranium. The third laboratory consists of two connected
glove box lines suitable for plutonium chemistry but which contain no equipment.
18. In November 2004, Egypt acknowledged that, in 1987, it had conducted in the Hydrometallurgy
Pilot Plant acceptance tests using unirradiated uranyl nitrate in chemical reagents purchased on the
local market. In the more detailed information provided by it in January 2005, Egypt indicated that the
uranyl nitrate had been mixed with a solution obtained from the dissolution of domestically produced
scrap UO2 pellets (with an estimated total weight of approximately 1.9 kg of uranium compounds), and
that Egypt had reported to the Agency neither the materials nor their use in the tests. Egypt explained
to the Agency that, owing to its inability to complete the facility, a decision had been taken thereafter
to use one cell of the Pilot Plant within the framework of a project for the management of unused and
orphan radioactive sealed sources.
19. According to Egypt, at the time its Safeguards Agreement entered into force in 1982, it did not
include the Hydrometallurgy Pilot Plant in its initial declaration of existing facilities because Egypt
had not considered it to be a facility since it was being constructed only to carry out bench scale
radiochemistry experiments. In the view of the Agency, however, given its intended purpose and
design capabilities, the Hydrometallurgy Pilot Plant was a nuclear facility, as defined in the
Safeguards Agreement, and, as required pursuant to Article 42 of the Agreement, Egypt should have
declared the Pilot Plant to the Agency as early as possible prior to the introduction of nuclear material
into the facility.
20. The Agency has taken environmental samples from the hot cells and laboratories involved in the
acceptance tests. Egypt has provided the Agency with documentation relevant to the contracts and
information on their implementation. Egypt has submitted design information for the Hydrometallurgy
Pilot Plant and has agreed to provide ICRs with respect to the acceptance tests.
21. In the course of the Agency’s recent visits, the Egyptian authorities also showed the inspectors a
new Radioisotope Production Facility under construction at Inshas. Egypt has indicated that the

Page 5

facility is intended for the separation of radioisotopes from uranium enriched to 19.7% in U-235 to be
irradiated at the 22.5 MW reactor, but that no nuclear relevant equipment has yet been procured for it.
In accordance with its undertaking to provide early design information on new facilities, Egypt should
have reported the decision to construct the new facility no later than 1997 when it undertook to
provide early design information for new facilities. As a corrective measure, Egypt has provided the
Agency with design information for the facility.

B. Findings and Next Steps
22. To date, the Agency has identified a number of failures by Egypt to report to the Agency in
accordance with its obligations under its Safeguards Agreement, which can be summarized as follows:
Failure to report on its initial inventory imported UF4, imported and domestically produced
uranium metal, imported thorium compounds, small quantities of domestically produced
UO2, UO3 and UF4, and a number of unirradiated low enriched and natural uranium fuel rods;
Failure to report the uranyl nitrate and scrap UO2 pellets, and their use for acceptance testing
of the Hydrometallurgy Pilot Plant;
Failure to report the irradiation of small amounts of natural uranium and thorium and their
subsequent dissolution in the Nuclear Chemistry Building laboratories, including the
production and transfer of waste;
Failure to provide initial design information for the Hydrometallurgy Pilot Plant and the
Radioisotope Production Facility, and modified design information for the two reactors.
23. As indicated above, the research and development activities referred to in this report were the
subject of AEA and other scientific publications. Notwithstanding, and irrespective of the current
status of the previously undeclared activities and the small amounts of nuclear material involved, the
repeated failures by Egypt to report nuclear material and facilities to the Agency in a timely manner
are a matter of concern. Egypt has explained that its past failure to report was attributable to a lack of
clarity about its obligations under its Safeguards Agreement, particularly as regards small quantities of
nuclear material used in research and development activities. Egypt has indicated that it will report any
such material and activities in the future. As corrective measures, Egypt has provided modified design
information for the two reactors and new design information for the Hydrometallurgy Pilot Plant and
the Radioisotope Production Facility. In addition, following up on a previously discussed proposal by
the Agency, Egypt agreed to recategorize the Nuclear Fuel Research Laboratory at Inshas as a facility,
and has submitted design information for it.
24. The nuclear material and facilities seen by the Agency to date are consistent with the activities
described by Egypt. The conversion equipment has been largely dismantled, and the Hydrometallurgy
Pilot Plant is being used for radiological protection purposes, not for its originally planned purpose of
reprocessing. The continuing small scale irradiation experiments in the two reactors will now be
declared to the Agency and subject to verification. The Agency’s verification of the correctness and
completeness of Egypt’s declarations is ongoing, pending further results of environmental and
destructive sampling analyses and the Agency’s analysis of the additional information provided by
25. The cooperation extended by Egypt since the September 2004 meeting in clarifying these issues
and in granting the Agency access necessary for it to carry out its assessment of the correctness and

Page 6

completeness of Egypt’s declarations has been welcome. Egypt has also cooperated in searching for
and providing access to relevant documentation, although this effort is complicated by the fact that
some of the activities involved were carried out between 15 and 40 years ago. The Agency has
requested Egypt to continue to provide such cooperation.

26. The Director General will continue to report to the Board of Governors on the implementation of
safeguards in Egypt as appropriate.

عندما يعلن بعض العلمانيين انكارهم لوجود الله أصلا, فلم يعد هناك مجال للكره, بل أتبرى منها و ألعنها. عندما يعلن بعضهم أن الله موجود و لكن اختصاصاته لا علاقة لها بحياة الانسان, هنا أيضا أنا أتبرى و ألعن ..عندما تصبح الفلسفة النفعية البراغماتية ركيزة للعلمانية, و مبادئ الميكافيلية روحا لها, هنا أغلق الباب في وجها..عندما تدعو الى فصل الدين عن الدولة و السياسة, و تقيم العالم على أساس مادي قبيح, هنا أحس بمدى خبث سريرتها
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 13-12-2011, 11:51 PM
osama_mma14 osama_mma14 غير متواجد حالياً
عضو متواصل
تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2008
المشاركات: 867
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
osama_mma14 is on a distinguished road

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة raf11111 مشاهدة المشاركة

إضغط على الرابط:

صورة ضوئية من تقرير البرادعى ضد مصر عام 2005

الآن فرق التفتيش فى مصر معتمده على هذا التقرير

صورة ضوئية من تقرير البرادعىضد مصر

عندما يعلن بعض العلمانيين انكارهم لوجود الله أصلا, فلم يعد هناك مجال للكره, بل أتبرى منها و ألعنها. عندما يعلن بعضهم أن الله موجود و لكن اختصاصاته لا علاقة لها بحياة الانسان, هنا أيضا أنا أتبرى و ألعن ..عندما تصبح الفلسفة النفعية البراغماتية ركيزة للعلمانية, و مبادئ الميكافيلية روحا لها, هنا أغلق الباب في وجها..عندما تدعو الى فصل الدين عن الدولة و السياسة, و تقيم العالم على أساس مادي قبيح, هنا أحس بمدى خبث سريرتها
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 13-12-2011, 11:55 PM
osama_mma14 osama_mma14 غير متواجد حالياً
عضو متواصل
تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2008
المشاركات: 867
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
osama_mma14 is on a distinguished road

What is Social Justice? Ask 10 people, get 10 different answers ranging from social responsibility, racial equality, and economic distributism to the ubiquitous "isms" of the 20th Century: Marxism-Leninism, Fabian Socialism, Maoism, Islamic Collectivism, and European Socialism that inspired the latest utopianism, Global Collectivist Society.

In a relativist world where all ideas are thought to be created equal, any and all ideas that advanced the development of "the human being" in history are subject to reinterpretation and adulteration.

Therein lies The "Social Justice" Trap.

"Social Justice" originates in the 19th Century writings of Italian Jesuit Luigi Taparelli who articulated the idea that free will is not the sole condition of the dignity[1] of man. Rather, man's social existence (natural dependence) carries moral dimensions. As such, one cannot equate "the good" with the pleasurable nor the useful; in fact, the autonomous individual who pursues material existence cannot experience true transcendence, for it is grace that transforms the (informed) conscience and moves us to choose the greater good over the fulfillment of individual desires.

In 1887, Pope Leo XIII (Taparelli's student) advanced "Social Justice" as a transcendent ideal by personally appealing to America's wealthiest socialite Katharine Drexel to become a missionary in the service of America's poor and dispossessed blacks and natives. Miss Drexel resisted at first, but accepted her calling as "Mother Drexel" and founded her Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, dedicated to Social Justice. Pope Leo also inspired fellow Italian Mother Francesca Xavier Cabrini who set sail for America in 1890 to care for poor Italian immigrants. The next year, Leo published his encyclical Rerum Novarum that laid the foundation for integrating materialist ideas (property rights, worker rights to unionize) into Catholic social teaching, without fully articulating their context and origins within free will, transcendence, and the key social themes, life and dignity.

As Mother Drexel quietly established schools in 48 states across America for the children of newly freed slaves and American natives, Mother Cabrini established her first center in New York City and 79 more. When the Great Depression of the 1930s hit, journalist Dorothy Day witnessed the need for direct assistance to America's poor, converted to Catholicism, and established the Catholic Worker Movement, advocating the Catholic economic theory of Distributism with its mission to directly aid the poor and homeless with food and shelter, including nonviolent direct action on their behalf.

By the mid-20th Century, life and dignity were presumed to be foundational in Western democracies that defended freedom and prosperity. The term "Social Justice" had attained popular use in the American media and cultural elite for its transcendence as well as its materialist ideas[2], without fully articulating its origins in free will, the culture of life, and the dignity of man. This void presented an open invitation to opportunists and plagiarists who sought to reinvent the term for willful, materialist, and political purpose.

The first to co-opt "Social Justice" was Egyptian Islamist writer Sayyid Qutb[3] who, in 1949, published "Social Justice in Islam" featuring collectivism (as opposed to transcendence) as its foundational concept. His thesis attracted the endorsement of the Muslim Brotherhood whose leader Amin Al-Husseini[4] (The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem) had colluded with Adolf Hitler (as of 1933) to eradicate the Jews from the world. Qutb's popularized work served its purpose to radicalize Muslims against the West, and he was quickly promoted to chief propagandist of the Brotherhood, inciting the overthrow of the Egyptian government in 1952.

At the same time, Westerners adopted their own use of "Social Justice" to call for social responsibility in business or economic terms, prompting ambitious political dictators to claim the phrase to justify overthrowing authoritarian governments and impose their own totalitarian regimes. In 1979, after The Shah of Iran and Nicaragua's Samosa were replaced by totalitarian regimes, then Georgetown University Professor Jeane J. Kirkpatrick[5] briefly referenced "the abstract idea of social justice" in her prescient essay, "Dictatorships and Double Standards" in which she clarified that economic distributism occurs most successfully in Western capitalist societies, not totalitarian collectivist regimes. Dr. Kirkpatrick, an ardent supporter of union rights, remarked these paradoxical events from 1979 as "disastrous" to American strategic interests.

In 1981, Egypt's Anwar Sadat was assassinated, and Al-Husseini's Egyptian-born protégé Yasser Arafat proclaimed the collectivist "Qutbism"[6] mantle for the Palestinian Liberation Organization, fueling a new form of international terrorism, based on anti-American, anti-Israeli rhetoric to delegitimize the State of Israel. With that, "Social Justice" lost its Jesuit hallmark of transcendence, and the trap was set.

After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, America became the world's sole superpower and defender of human rights. As a ripe democracy, America thrived as a free society in which all ideas were equally disseminated, as if that implied all ideas were created equal, and therefore, true. Even the relativist culture of death rivaled the culture of life, ensnaring America into The "Social Justice" Trap.

In 1993, the term was ready for a public lynching at the hand of Osama bin Laden whose first attack on New York's World Trade Center made him a household word to those following the "Social Justice" bouncing ball. Bin Laden latched onto the word, boldly bastardizing its popularity to recruit Islamic jihadists to kill the infidels (Jews and Christians) in the name of Allah. He laced his diatribes with anti-biblical hate-speech to expand the ranks of Al Qaeda, fueling his worldwide terrorist network to destroy Israel and America, termed "Little Satan" and "Big Satan."

By 2001, the once-pristine "Social Justice" was successfully perverted into culture of death, the perfect storm for Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to launch his own totalitarian (Shi'ite) Islamic Regime in Tehran. In 2005, he usurped absolute power, denied the existence of the Jewish Holocaust and Israel's right to exist, and announced the goal to push Israel back into the Mediterranean Sea, the first step in establishing the (Shi'ite) Islamic Caliphate from Tehran, with its long-term goal to destroy America: "A world without America is not only desirable, but conceivable."

Not to be outdone, Sunni Muslims (via Al Qaeda) mounted behind-the-scenes offensives against American forces in Iraq, but were defeated in 2008, under the leadership of General David Petraeus who led the Iraqi Surge.

Anti-Christian killings resumed in Baghdad in October of 2010 when Islamic terrorists bombed a Catholic Church, killing 68. Another bomb exploded on Christmas Eve in Nigeria, where six Christians were killed and 25 injured. On New Year's Day of 2011, a third explosion occurred in Saints Church in Alexandria, Egypt where 1,000 Coptic Christians were attending Mass. Six were killed, and 25 injured.

While the culture of death "Social Justice" triumphed over the culture of life "Social Justice" on Christmas Day of 2010, the Vatican and America stood silent.

In January of 2011, the prevailing Islamist "Social Justice" triumphed in the Egyptian public square through the voice of Mohamed ElBaradei, former U.N. Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency. In the afterglow of the Cairo uprising in Tahrir Square, Google's 30-year-old Wael Ghonim's secular youth movement gave Egypt and the world hope for a new horizon, while ElBaradei positioned himself for the cameras as Egypt's new Islamic savior of "Social Justice." He denounced Hosni Mubarak, negotiated the terms of a new Egyptian government, and guaranteed the ascendancy of the formerly banned anti-Zionist Muslim Brotherhood[7] with Yusef Al Qaradawi in command. So much for Mr.Google Who.

The time has come to reclaim Fr. Taparelli's original concept of "Social Justice" for its true and universal elements that advanced the idea of "the human being" in history, for this is the transcendent ideal that flourished throughout world, inspired by grace.

But then, America and her few remaining allies, especially Israel and the Vatican, would be compelled to reassert the values that truly advanced the idea of "the human being" in history, the same values that blessed America and made her the greatest nation on earth.

And those values are America's unique belief in "the human being" born free and transcendent with Creator-based rights, based on the sanctity of life and dignity of man.


1. Behr, Thomas C. (© Septiembre de 2003). Luigi Taparelli on the Dignity of Man, Barcelona: E-aquinas - Instituto Santo Tomas de la Fondacion Balmesiana.

2. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Theories of Social Justice.

3. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Sayyid Qutb

4. Timeline, Photos, Documents: (1893-1974) "Amin Al-Husseini, Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Saddam Hussein, Muslim Brotherhood" http://www.tellthechildrenthetruth.com/

5. Kirkpatrick, Jeane J., Ph.D. "Dictatorships and Double Standards," © 1979, Commentary Magazine.

6. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Qutbism.

7. Slackman, Michael, "Islamist Group is Rising Force in a New Egypt," page one, March 24, 2011, NEW YORK TIMES.

عندما يعلن بعض العلمانيين انكارهم لوجود الله أصلا, فلم يعد هناك مجال للكره, بل أتبرى منها و ألعنها. عندما يعلن بعضهم أن الله موجود و لكن اختصاصاته لا علاقة لها بحياة الانسان, هنا أيضا أنا أتبرى و ألعن ..عندما تصبح الفلسفة النفعية البراغماتية ركيزة للعلمانية, و مبادئ الميكافيلية روحا لها, هنا أغلق الباب في وجها..عندما تدعو الى فصل الدين عن الدولة و السياسة, و تقيم العالم على أساس مادي قبيح, هنا أحس بمدى خبث سريرتها
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 14-12-2011, 07:56 PM
الصورة الرمزية محمد.فوكس
محمد.فوكس محمد.فوكس غير متواجد حالياً
عضو قدوة
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2008
المشاركات: 1,250
معدل تقييم المستوى: 18
محمد.فوكس is on a distinguished road

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة osama_mma14 مشاهدة المشاركة

أأمريكا أيضاً تشوه صورته؟!؟!!..الإحتمال الوحيد هو ان يكون معد البرنامج يافلول النظام يا سلفى
انت واخدها هزار؟
طبعاااااا امريكا تشوه صورته ... ده امريكا اكتر بلد شوهت صورته

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 15-12-2011, 11:40 AM
الصورة الرمزية Golden Eagle
Golden Eagle Golden Eagle غير متواجد حالياً
عضو قدوة
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2008
العمر: 32
المشاركات: 1,721
معدل تقييم المستوى: 18
Golden Eagle is on a distinguished road

الا يا باشمهندس مش البرادعي دا اللي صور بنته مليانه ع النت ؟؟؟ و نعم الرئيس
و مش هو برضو اللي قال ان الحجاب موضه و هاتختفي و كان بيناقش امه ف اسباب انها لبست الحجاب ؟؟؟
و مش هو دا برضو اللي كان بيقول شعر ف المجلس العسكري و الناس بتتضرب ف ميدان التحرير ؟؟؟
الا مش هو دا صاحب فكرة المواد الفوق دستورية اللي اتترجمت ف صورة وثيقة السلمي ؟؟؟
مش هو دا اللي اول حاجة كتبها علي صفحته ف الفيس بعد المذبحة الاخيرة ف ميدان التحرير اننا لازم نحط بنود فوق دستورية تحدد حقوق الانسان ( قبل ما يقول حتي الله يرحم اللي ماتوا و اترموا ف الزباله ؟؟؟ )
الا مش هو دا اللي كان قبل الانتخابات قاعد يقول الديمقراطيه يا لبني الديمقراطيه يا شريف الديمقراطيه يا معتز الديمقراطيه يا عبصمد و لازم نحترم اختيار الشعب
و بعد المرحلة الاولي ع طول عمل مؤتمر صحفي يقول ان الانتخابات لا تعبر عن الشعب و اتنبأ ثورة غضب ثانيه ؟؟؟
البرادعي اللي كان مقضيها مبوسه ف جنينة الفيلا بتاعته ؟؟؟
بالنسبة للجيرل فريند اليهودية مش ممكن يطلعلي عيل يقولي دا انا ابن رئيس الجمهورية بتاعك و امي كانت الجيرل فريند دي ؟؟؟
من حقك تأيد اللي انت عايزه
لكن تقولي هو الوحيد اللي ينفع يبقي لأ بقي

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