أرشيف المنتدى هنا نقل الموضوعات المكررة والروابط التى لا تعمل |
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اريد كتابة paragraph about one of your good friends
ارجوكم ياأساتذتى الافاضل بسرعة |
ممكن حل البرجراف عن good friends بسررررررررررعععععةةةةةةةةةة خالص
Usually when we talk about money, time, distance, or other quantities such as volume (litres, cubic metres, etc.) or weight (kilos, tonnes, etc.), we are thinking of the entire quantity as one "lump sum" rather than the individual parts of that sum.
Look at another sentence: (4) Ten pounds is on the table. I'm looking at the whole amount, something that is called ten pounds. It might be one 10-pound note, it might be two 5-pound notes, it might be one 5-pound note and ten 50-piastre coins, it might be forty 25-piastre coins. The parts are not important. The sum — ten pounds — is important and that quantity takes a singular verb. http://www.longmansec.com.eg/QuestAns.aspx?QA_ID=1906 |
find the mistake
I fixed the lake in the petrol
مَن رَطّب قَلبِه [ بذِكَر اللہّ ] . .لنْ يَتعْب من جفْآفَ الحياَة . . ألا بِذِكْرِ اللَّهِ تَطْمَئِنُّ الْقُلُوبُ |
[quote=داندن;2812872]find the mistake
I fixed the lake in the petrol[ leak
قال القاضي للمتهم لا تتكلم حتى اسمح لك بذلك لو كنت قلقا اسال والديك النصيحة
مَن رَطّب قَلبِه [ بذِكَر اللہّ ] . .لنْ يَتعْب من جفْآفَ الحياَة . . ألا بِذِكْرِ اللَّهِ تَطْمَئِنُّ الْقُلُوبُ |
If you were worried , you could ask you parents' advice
فى جملة عايز اعرف ترجمتها
يستخلص زيت التربنتينة من اشجار الصنوبر والذى يستخدم فى الدباغة |
turpentine is extracted from pine trees and is used in tanning
كنت أريد أن أعرض هذه الأسئلة التى كانت فى كتاب senior وقد أجبت عليها لكن كنت أريد أن أتأكد من إجاباتى Find the mistake 1. If you won’t wear a coat in the winter, you get sick. 2. If you mix water with oil, the oil will float. 3. If water was boiled, it turns to steam. 4. If you cross an international date line, the time will change. 5. Phosphorus will burn if you expose it to air. 6. If the sea is stormy, the waves will be high. 7. I get a headache if I will spend too long on the computer. 8. Butter will melt if you leave it in the sun. 9. If he finds a good job, he would pay all his debts. 10. If the bus is late, we would walk to school. 11. If the mobile costs too much, I will buy it. 12. We won’t eat out if there is no food at home. و شكراً |
كنت أريد أن أعرض هذه الأسئلة التى كانت فى كتاب senior وقد أجبت عليها لكن كنت أريد أن أتأكد من إجاباتى 1Find the mistake 1. If you .don't wear a coat in the winter, you get sick 2. If you mix water with oil, the oil floats 3. If water isboiled, it turns to steam. 4. If you cross an international date line, the time changes 5. Phosphorus burns if you expose it to air. 6. If the sea is stormy, the wavesare high. 7. I get a headache if I spend too long on the computer. 8. Butter melts if you leave it in the sun. 9. If he finds a good job, he willpay all his debts. 10. If the bus is late, we will walk to school. 11. If the mobile costs too much, I won'tbuy it. 12. We will eat out if there is no food at home. |
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته. كنت أريد أن أعرض هذه الأسئلة التى كانت فى كتاب senior وقد أجبت عليها لكن كنت أريد أن أتأكد من إجاباتى Find the mistake 1. If you won’t wear a coat in the winter, you get sick. 2. If you mix water with oil, the oil will float. 3. If water was boiled, it turns to steam. 4. If you cross an international date line, the time will change. 5. Phosphorus will burn if you expose it to air. 6. If the sea is stormy, the waves will be high. 7. I get a headache if I will spend too long on the computer. 8. Butter will melt if you leave it in the sun. 9. If he finds a good job, he would pay all his debts. 10. If the bus is late, we would walk to school. 11. If the mobile costs too much, I will buy it. 12. We won’t eat out if there is no food at home. و شكراً |
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته. كنت أريد أن أعرض هذه الأسئلة التى كانت فى كتاب senior وقد أجبت عليها لكن كنت أريد أن أتأكد من إجاباتى Find the mistake 1. If you won’t wear a coat in the winter, you get sick. don't 2. If you mix water with oil, the oil will float.floats 3. If water was boiled, it turns to steam.is 4. If you cross an international date line, the time will change. changes 5. Phosphorus will burn if you expose it to air. burns 6. If the sea is stormy, the waves will be high. are / become 7. I get a headache if I will spend too long on the computer. spend 8. Butter will melt if you leave it in the sun. melts 9. If he finds a good job, he would pay all his debts will . 10. If the bus is late, we would walk to school. will 11. If the mobile costs too much, I will buy it. won't 12. We won’t eat out if there is no food at home will. و شكراً
مش فاهم اى حااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا اااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا اااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااجة
find the mistake
1-the space station willbe orbiting around the earth 2-she intends to visiting her aunt next friday |
العلامات المرجعية |