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أرشيف المنتدي هنا نقل الموضوعات المكررة والروابط التى لا تعمل

أدوات الموضوع ابحث في الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 10-12-2008, 10:42 PM
الصورة الرمزية indomitable
indomitable indomitable غير متواجد حالياً
عضو مشارك
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2008
المشاركات: 189
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
indomitable is on a distinguished road
Neww1qw1 الوحدة التاسعة شكل جدييييد


Physicist *
عالم فيزياء
Feed- fed – fed *
يطعم – يغذى
Eat – ate- eaten
Microscope *
Telescope *
Tripod *
الحامل الثلاثى
Moisture *
Bunsen burner*
موقد بنزن
متساوى – يساوى
Stethoscope *
سماعة الطبيب
Test tube *
انوبة اختبار
Survive *
يبقى على قيد الحياه – ينجو
Extract *
يستخلص – ينتزع
Survival *
Investigate *
يحقق فى
Logic *
Logical *
Far objects
اجسام بعيدة
illogical *
غير منطقى
Apart from**
فضلا عن – ماعدا
Legal *
شرعى – قانونى
Nourish *
illegal *
غير شرعى
Nutrients **
المواد الغذائية
غير مرئى
Nutrient solution **
محلول غذائى
Frying pan
Specialize in *
يتخصص فى
مسموع ومرئي
Release = set free
يحرر – يطلق سراح
Laboratory (lab)
Hydroponics ****
الزراعة فى الرمال او المياه
بطريقة مؤثرة
Hanging gardens ****
الحدائق المعلقة
Floating gardens ****
الحدائق الطافية
غير متاح
Anchor *
يرسو – يثبت باحكام
Breathe in*
يشهق – يتنفس
Demonstrate *
يعبر عن
Breathe out*
يزفر الهواء
National income
الدخل القومى
لحسن الحظ
اوراق الشجر
لسوء الحظ
Chlorophyll **
Temperature *
درجة الحرارة
Function ***
وظيفة عضو او الة
Measure *
Balance *
Instrument *
Balanced *
الطب - دواء
ذو خبرة
A medical conference
مؤتمر طبى
Soil *
Reason for/why****
سبب لـ
Cause of *****
سبب لـ
Result from **
ينتج من
Take steps *
يتخذ خطوات
Result in ***
ينتج عنه
Take the pain away **
يزيل الالم
يحيط بـ
Incredible rate **
معدل لا يصدق
Compare with
يقارن بـ
(be) widely used **
يستخدم على نطاق واسع
Participate in = take part in
يشارك فى
Photosynthesis **
البناء الضوئى
Carbon dioxide
ثانى اكسيد الكربون
الهيكتر (وحدة قياس)
Forest clearance***
ازالة الغابات
Major supplier **
مصدر رئيسي
يقدّر – يقيّم
Soak up*
Poisonous= toxic *
Costumes *
ملابس قديمةتقليدية
Do research on*
يقم ببحث فى
Customs and traditions
العادات والتقاليد
Laboratory equipment
معدات المعمل
يعجب بـ
Develop theories*
يطور النظريات
A brain surgeon
جراح مخ
Genetically modified *
معدل ورائيا
Perform a drama*
يمثل مسرحية
Chewing gum
خلقى – اخلاقى
هش – سهل الكسر
مثير للجدل
Irrevocable damage
ضرر لا يمكن إصلاحه
علم الجينات
Food shortage*
المجاعة – نقص الطعام
اعشاب ضارة
فصيلة - فصائل

make money fromيكسب مال من
put up an umbrella يرفع الشمسية
dissolve in يذوب في
life on earth الحياة على الارض
have a quarrel withيتشاجر مع
make space for (buildings) يهيأ مكان لـ
be available for متاح لـ
at an incredible rate بمعدل لا يصدق
pull out plantsي***ع نباتات
be interested in مهتم بـ
lead toيؤدي إلى
shut the gate to the fieldيغلق بوابة الحقل
listen toيستمع إلى
increase in size يزداد في الحجم
answer toإجابة لـ
dry soil on a fire يجفف التربة علي النار
meet up يتقابل (باتفاق)
be surrounded by محاط بـ
dream ofيحلم بـ
combine with يمتزج أو يختلط بـ
home to موطن/مأوي لـ
important toهــام لـ
release into the airيطلق في الهواء
soak up يمتص
poisonous to سام لـ
breathe in يستنشق
take in يفهم / يمتص / يخدع
breathe outيخرج شهيق
give out = release يطلق
set up experiments يجري تجارب
tamper with يعبث بـ
ban something from use يحظر استخدام شيء
on a vast scale علي نطاق واسع
be beneficial to مفيد لـ
dependent on معتمد علي
research intoيقوم بأبحاث في
be concerned about قلق بشأن
welcome to (a place) يرحب
test ideas by experiment
يختبر أفكار عن طريق التجربة
to his amazement / astonishment لدهشتــه
on the opposite side of علي الجانب
المقابل من
Take for granted يأخذ كشيء مسلم به
grow on soil
experiment on / with يجري تجربة علي

Expressions , Phrases and idioms
Lead the world
يقود العالم

Practise the medicine
يمارس الطب
Result from
ينتج من
Result in
ينتج عنه
Hanging gardens
الحدائق المعلقة
Floating gardens
الحدائق الطافية
Logical explanation
شرح منطقى
Take the pain away
يزيل الالم
Incredible rate
معدل لا يصدق
(be) widely used
يستعمل على نطاق واسع
Gain a lot of weight
يزداد وزنا
Apart from
ماعدا – فضلا عن
I don’t know by any means
انا لا اعرف على الاطلاق
Take in nutrients
يمتص المواد الغذائية
Take steps
يتخذ خطوات
Take a test
Do researches on
يقوم بابحاث فى
Absolutely necessary
ضرورى للغاية
The function of ------- is to -----
وظيفة --- هى ان ----
It has been demonstrated that
انه من الواضح ان
Make sure
Know facts about
يعرف حقائق عن
So/setup/conduct/perform an experiment
يجرى تجربة
Oxygen making factories
مصانع تكوين الاكسجين
upset the balance of nature
يخل بتوازن البيئة

1- photosynthesis البناء الضوئى
- The way the green plants make their food using sunlight.
2- Thermometer الترمومتر
- An instrument for measuring temperature.
3- Microscope الميكروسكوب
- An instrument that makes extremely small things look larger.
4- Stethoscope سماعة الطبيب
- A medical instrument that is used by a doctor to hear the sound of the heartbeats.
5- Chlorophyll الكلوروفيل
- A green substance in the plant which enables them to make their food , It changes energy from the sun into chemical energy.
6- Hydroponics الزراعة فى الماء او الرمال
- The science of growing plants without soil ( in sand or water)
7- Hanging gardens الحدائق المعلقة
- Gardens set up on tops of mountains.

1§ reason for + n./ing سبب·He didn't give any reason for his absence.
§ reason why + جملة ·The reason why he was absent was not known.
§cause ofسبب+ n / ing ·No one knows the cause of the accident.
2- The function of ---- is to ----
1- The heart pumps blood around the body (The function)
* The function of the heart is to pump blood around the body.
bunsen burner موقد بنزن
The function of a Bunsen burner is to supply heat.
funnel قمع
The function of a funnel is to help to pour liquids.
The function of a microscope is to look at very small things.
test tube أنبوب اختبار
The function of a test tube is to hold chemicals during experiments
tripod حامل ثلاثي
The function of a tripod is to support equipment during experiments
The function of a thermometer is to measure temperature.

- So /Neither
بعدهما الفعل المساعد والفاعل- لاحظ ان so مع الاثبات أما neither مع النفى
-He speaks English well .so do I
-Samy is clever .so are his friends
-They answered the test. so did he
-Adel isn’t clever .neither are his friends.
-They didn’t win the match. neither did I

The past simple and the past perfect
الماضى البسيط :- التصريف الثانى للفعل – ويعبر عن حدث قد وقع فى الماضى وانتهى
- نفى الماضى البسيط:- التصريف الاول didn’t +
Ex :- He went (He didn’t go) / He slept (He didn’t sleep) ------
2- الماضى التام :- Had + pp
§يستخدم الماضى التام مع الكلمات الدالة علي المضارع التام إذا كان في الجملة ماضى بسيط
for / ever / never / already / yet / just

(استخدم المضارع التام هنا لعدم وجود مايدلعليالماضي) §
§ When the firemen arrived, we had already put out the fire.
§ When I got home, I found that someone had broken into my house and had
stolen my jewelry.
§She didn't go to the cinema because she had already seen the film
§I hadn't flown before, so I was nervous about getting on the plane.
عند وقوع حدثين كلاهما فى الماضى فان الحدث الأقدم يكون ماضى تام و الذى يليه يكون ماضى بسيط ( اى أن الماضى التام قد سبق الماضى البسيط فى الوقوع )
للتعبير عما سبق نستخدم هذه الأدوات
Afterبعد – as soon as بمجرد ان – whenعندما -becauseلان - / Before قبل -
By the time قبيل /- until = till حتى
1- ماضى بسيط

ماضى تام

As soon as

و اذا جاءت الأدوات فى منتصف الجملة ياتى بعدهم ايضا الماضى التام أما الماضى البسيط فيأتي فى الجملة الاولى
ماضى تام

ماضى بسيط

By the time

و اذا جاءت الادوات فى منتصف الجملة ياتى بعدهم ايضا الماضى البسيط اما الماضى التام فيأتى فى الجملة الاولى
ماضى تام


ماضى بسيط منفى

1- First , he finished his work, then he went home (After/Before/until)
1- نحذف First ونحول الزمن بعدها الى ماضى تام
2- نحذف Then ويبقى ما بعدها ( ماضى بسيط ) ثم نطبق القاعدة المطلوبة .
- After he had finishedhis work, he went home.
- Before he went home, he had finished his work.
-He didn’t go home until he had finished his work.
- يمكن استخدام Having + pp بدلا من After
Ex:- After he had written the letter , he sent it (Having)
Having written the letter, he sent it.
لاحظ عند عدم ودجود الفاعل بعد After / Before نستخدم v+ ing
Choose :-
1- After he -------- his friend, he went out
a)- had phoned b)- phoning
2-After ----------- his friend, he went out.
a)- had phoned b)- phoning
Re-write :-
1- After he had painted the wall, he went home (painting)
- After painting the wall, he went home.
لاحظ ان until لها قاعدة اخرى :-
It wasn’t until + ماضى تام + that + ماضى بسيط
-The workers painted the walls then we moved to the house (until / It wasn’t )
We didn’t move to the house until the workers had painted the walls
It wasn’t until the workers had painted the walls that we moved to the house.
لاحظ ان When لها قاعدة اخرى :-
It was only when + ماضى تام + that ماضى بسيط +

Ex :- First he wrote the letter , then he sent it ( when / It was )
When he had written the letter, he sent it
It was only when he had written the letter that he sent it.

لاحظ :
- No sooner ------------ than ---------------
= Hardly --------------- when ---------------
= Scarcely---------------when ---------------
لم يكد ------------ حتى ------------- (القاعدة للكلJ
No sooner + had +فاعل + pp ---- than + جملة ماضى بسيط
Or ) No sooner + did + فاعل + تصريف اول ---- than + جملة ماض بسيط
Ex 1:- He went out , It started to rain ( No sooner)
- No sooner had he gone out than it started to rain
- No sooner did he go out than it started to rain.
فاعل + had+ no sooner+ pp ------ than +ماضى بسيط
§ She left the house. She was run over by a car. (no sooner)
She had no sooner left the house than she was run over by a car.
§ He entered the office. His boss shouted at him. (hardly)
He had hardly entered the office when his boss shouted at him.
By the time he was 3 years old, he had lost his sight.
By past perfect
By + past simple past perfect
First the house collapsed. Then he got home. (By the time…)
ª By the time he got home, the house had collapsed.
ª By 10 o’clock yesterday, I had read three detective stories.

I wish / If only
- المعنى : كنت اتمنى / يحول معهما الزمن الى الماضى الابعد
· اذا كان الفعل مضارع بسيط يحول الى ماضى بسيط (المثبت منفى والعكس)
1- He doesn’t have a flat
= I wish / If only he had a flat.
2-The weather is cold today.
= I wish / If only the weather weren't cold today
3-I am not good at maths
=I wish / If only I were good at maths
· اذا كان الفعل ماضى بسيط يحول الى ماضى تام ( المثبت منفى والعكس)
1- I didn’t meet him yesterday
= I wish/ If only I had met him yesterday
2- He came late last week
= I wish / If only he hadn’t come late last week (or) I wish / If only he had come early last week.
· فى المستقبل نستخدم could مع I / we و نستخدم would مع باقى الضمائر
(لاحظ: فى المستقبل يبقى المثبت مثبتا والمنفى منفيا )
1- I am looking forward to traveling to the moon
= I wish / If only I could ravel to the moon
2-I want to be a doctor
= I wish / if only I could be a doctor.
3- He hopes to be a pilot
= I wish/ if only he would be a pilot.
If only / I wish + (فاعل) + could + inf ------- would + inf
- If only / I wish I could play football, I would join Al Ahly team.
يمكن ان تحل if only / I wish محل iF فى القاعدة الثانية والثالثة
- If only I had free time , I wouldgo on holiday.
- If only he had arrived early, he would have met the man in charge.
1- Stages of Certainity مراحل التأكد
1- عندما يكون الشخص متأكد : Sure / Certain
أ)- فى المضارع يستخدم:-
Must be لابد انه ( اثبات ) Can't be لا يمكن ان يكون (نفى)
ب)- فى الماضى يستخدم :-
Must have + pp اثبات Can't have + pp نفى
لاحظ ان الجملة يكون بها دليل يؤدى الى الاستنتاج Deduction
ومن الادلة الصريحة :-
I'm sure- I'm certain – certainly – definitely – sure – for sure – absolutely – It is most likely – There is no doubt that------
Ex1 :-I'm sure that he is out. (must)
- He must be out.
Ex2:- I'm sure that he was out. (must)
- He must have been out.
لاحظ ان الجملة الاولى مضارع والثانية ماضى
التصريف الثالث من am / Is / are / was / were هو been

Ex3 :- I'm sure that he isn’t home ( can't )
- He can't be home.
Ex4:- I'm sure that he wasn’t home (can't)
He can't have been home.
قد تحتوى الجملة على بعض الادلة الاخرى : انظر الامثلة الاتية :-
-There is no cheese in the fridge, I think that Adel ate it. (must)
-There is no cheese in the fridge, Ali must have eaten it.
فى المثال السابق كانت الجملة الاولى هى الدليل – والجملة الثانية هى الاستنتاج
لاحظ ان زمن الجملة الثانية ماضى فيتم استخدام must have+pp
Choose :-
1- I phone him but no one answered, he --------- out.
a)- must be b)- must have been c)- can't be d)- can't have been
2- I phoned him ,but no answered, he -----------home.
a)- must be b)- must have been c)- can't be d)- can't have been
3- She is a good teacher, she ---------- a clever student.
a)- must be b)- must have been c)- can't be d)- can't have been
2- عندما يكون الشخص غير متأكد not sure /uncertain
وذلك لعدم وجود الادلة يستخدم:-
1- فى المضارع :-
- may be/ can be / could be /might be
ب)- فى الماضى :-
- may have + pp / can have +pp /could have + pp / might have+pp

ونستخدم ذلك عند وجود :
I'm not sure- uncertain – I doubt اشك – I suspect اشك – It is possible – perhaps – probably

Ex1:- I'm not sure that Ali is home (may)
- Ali may be home.

Ex2:- I'm not sure that Ali was home ( may)
- Ali may have been home.
Rewrite the following sentences:
1- I’m sure he didn’t forge his brother's signature on the cheque. (can’t)
2- Perhaps she was dishonest. (might)
3- It’s quite possible that he committed the crime. (may)
4- It’s possible that they didn’t know about the accident. (might)
5- It is not possible that he caught the bus. (couldn't)
6- It is impossible that he didn't hear the warning. (must)
7- I am sure he is at home. (must)
8- Perhaps they will travel to Koala Lumpur. (may)
9- It’s possible that they are at school. (might)
Re-write the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning :-
1- First, he did his home work , then he visited his uncle
-After he had done his home work, he visited his uncle.
-After doing his home work, he visited his uncle.
-Before he visited his uncle , he had done his homework
- Before visiting his uncle, he had done his homework.
-He didn’t visit his uncle until he had done his homework
-It wasn’t until he had done his homework that he visited his uncle
-It was only when he had done his homework that he visited his uncle
-Having done his homework, he visited his uncle

2-He finished his work, the light went out (No sooner)
- No sooner had he finished his work than the light went out
4- I didn’t turn off the radio until I had listened to the news report (After)
- After I had listened to the news report, I turned off the radio.
5- He felt tired from playing too much (because / After )
- He felt tired because he had played too much.
- He felt tired after he had played too much.
1-Ahmed and his friend Magdy who are talking about spending a day outdoors :
Ahmed : What about spending a fun day outdoors next Friday ?
Magdy : ………….(1)……………., shall we go to the club ?
Ahmed : No, we always go there.
Magdy : Well, what do you suggest ?
Ahmed : ………….(2)……………the Media Production city.
Magdy : Good, that's a wonderful suggestion. Have you ever
been there ?

Ahmed : Yes, it is a lot of fun.
Magdy : ……………(3)……………. ?
Ahmed : Of course, there is a dolphin show, entertainment
stages, restaurants and plenty of rides .

Magdy : Ok, I hope……………..(4)…………….. .

2- Supply the mini-dialogues)
a) A girl asks her mother about the weather today.
Girl : ………………………(1)………………………. ?
Mother : Cloudy and rainy. You have to wear something

b) Maha invites Laila to go with her to the club on Friday. Laila could not accept the invitation.
Maha : Would you like to come with me to the club on Friday ?
Laila : ………………………..(2)…………………………. .
c) My father suggests watching the news on television and my mother agrees.
Father : …………………………(3)……………………………….. ?
Mother : ………………………….(4)………………………………. .
3-Choose :
1. The doctor used a .......... to hear the sound of the patient's heart.
a) thermometer b) microscope c) stethoscope d) spade
2. The scientist used a .......... to examine the insect's body.
a) thermometer b)microscope c) stethoscope d) spade
3. The doctor used a .......... to measure the patient's temperature.
a) thermometer b) microscope c) stethoscope d) spade
4. The gardener used a .......... to dig the earth.
a) thermometer b) microscope c) stethoscope d) spade
5. There are some stars that are .......... and can only be seen by
powerful telescopes.
a) visible b) invisible c) clear d) obvious
6. Trees get their .......... from the soil and the sun.
a) stems b) leaves c) branches d) nourishment
7.1 hate sitting in cafes breathing ......... the cigarette smoke around me.

a) out b) up c) in d) off
8. In forests the struggle for .......... is for the fittest.
a) survival b) damage c) destruction d) injury
9. Man has upset the environmental.......... with his own deeds.
a) equality b) balance c) climate d) equation
10. His lecture was .......... with pictures he had taken during the expedition.
a) translated b) hidden c) dimmed d) illustrated
11........... going to Italy and Spain, he will also visit Britain.
a) Except for b) Apart from c) Despite d) Notwithstanding
12. When I made the chemical experiment, I used several test...........
a) pipes b) funnels c) tubes d) burners
13. This lawyer is very famous and he .......... in divorce cases.
a) learns b) specializes c) makes d) inquires
14. He is a well-known .......... ; he is specialized in light.
a) chemist b) physicist c) biologist d) zoologist
15. A group of experts are .......... the cause of the plane crash.
a) investigating b) overlooking c) neglecting d) catching
16. The yellow line on the map .......... the minor roads.
a) reports b) represents c) relates d) retains
17. It is the ......... of a doctor to treat those who are sick.
a) job b) function c) purpose d) action
18.......... is the green substance in plants that enables them to get food.
a) Chlorophyll b) Photosynthesis c) Hydroponics d) Pasteurization
19........... is the way that green plants make their food using sunlight.
a) Chlorophyll b) Photosynthesis c) Hydroponics d) Pasteurization
20. .......... is the science of growing plants without soil.
a) Chlorophyll b) Photosynthesis c) Hydroponics d) Pasteurization
21. She goes on a diet because she has .......... a lot of weight.
a) got b) made l ) obtained d) gained
22. He could not find .......... the reason why he did not go to hospital
a) on b) up c) out d) over
23. To his ........... he won the lottery. It was a great surprise.
a) expectation b) certainty c) amazement d) confidence
24. The ceremony took .......... in the great park.
a) part b) place c) apart d) steps
25. The prices are increasing at.......... rate. They have doubled.
a) a credible b) a normal c) an ordinary d) an incredible
26. Sponge takes .......... water.
a) up b) on c) in d) over
27. The scientist makes his .......... in his laboratory.
a) experiments b) experiences c) explanation d) exploration
28. Plants take ............ carbon dioxide and give out oxygen.
a) up b) in c) out d) on
29. In order to use seawater in watering plants, salt is ...........
a) moved b) removed c) produced d) used
30. The government took .......... to reduce the number of crimes.
a) part b) apart c) steps d) place
31. Egypt was formerly an English .......... .
a) colonist b) colony c) colonial d) colonize
32. Egypt does its best to increase production in order to increase our national.......... .
a) wages b) salaries c) money d) income
33. Could you tell me the ..... to the post-office?
a) root b) rot c) route d) rate
34.1 have .... with the dentist on Monday. I'll have a tooth pulled,
a) an appointment b) a lecture c) a conference d) a meeting
35. Scientists fear that more forest...... will lead to the destruction of thousands of plants and animals
a) clearances b) cleansing c) clearness d) cleanliness
36. The leaves of a tree are ...... factory.
a) oxygen b) oxygen making c) oxygen-made d) oxygen-maker
37. During the photosynthesis ....... oxygen and sugar are produced.
a) process b) operation c) action d) interaction
38. In hydroponics nutrients are …... in water .

a) distrusted b) dissolved c) disgusted d) distressed
39. Photosynthesis means ...... .
a) making with water b) making with light
c) forming the leaves d) growing the plants
40. Trees are major .. .of oxygen through photosynthesis .
a) doers b) suppliers c) manufactures d) absorbent

41. Each animal has its habitat; "habitat means" its natural..... .
a) kind b) field c) custom d) environment
42. Scientists are always looking for solutions ........ the world's problems.
a) to b) from c) for d) of
44. 1 wish they ......... come tomorrow .
a) should b) would c) were d) had been
45. 1 wish he ... in London yesterday
a) were b) is c) has been d) had been
46. If only I ... near you
a) live b) am living c) have lived d) lived
47. 1 wish I .... in your place .
a) am b) were c) have been d) will be
48. She went to the cinema and ...... .
a) so did I b) so I did c) neither did I d) neither I did
49. 1 shall study ...... history or English.
a) both b) either c) as well as d) neither
50.1 want to stay in Alexandria for ....... two weeks .
a) others b) other c) another d) else
(4) Re-write the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1. He made a speech and then we left the place. (until)
2. After playing football for two hours, he went home. (had)
3.1 hadn't eaten Chinese food before. (first)
4. That was the only play he had watched. (never)
5,1 am sure he is at home. (must)
6.1 am sure he was at home. (must)
7,1 am sure he is not at home. (be)
8,1 am sure he was not at home. (been)
9. Immediately on lying in bed, he slept. (As soon as)
10. As soon as he had finished his meal, he felt sick. (No sooner)
11. The teacher finished the lesson then the bell rang. (By the time)
12. The teacher allowed him to go after he had finished answering his exercise.(until)
13. He arrived at school after the bell had rung. (when)
14. He revised his lesson and sat for the exam (before)
15. The criminal escaped then the police arrived. (By the time)
- يقدم العلماء الجديد كل يوم لخدمة البشرية .
قديم 10-12-2008, 10:45 PM
الصورة الرمزية مستر محمد الشاذلي
مستر محمد الشاذلي مستر محمد الشاذلي غير متواجد حالياً
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2008
المشاركات: 579
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
مستر محمد الشاذلي is on a distinguished road

بارك الله فيك اخي الفاضل
مستر / محمد الشاذلي
قديم 13-12-2008, 10:43 PM
الصورة الرمزية مستر/ عصام الجاويش
مستر/ عصام الجاويش مستر/ عصام الجاويش غير متواجد حالياً
مدرس اللغة الانجليزية للمرحلة الثانوية
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2008
المشاركات: 5,959
معدل تقييم المستوى: 21
مستر/ عصام الجاويش is on a distinguished road

مشكور يامستر بس انت نسيت قاعده هامه جدا فى الوحده دى وهى I wish/ If only
مستر/ عصام الجاويش
معلم خبير لغه انجليزيه بمدرسه التل الكبير الثانويه بنات بمحافظه الاسماعيليه
قديم 23-12-2008, 03:52 AM
alaaelmassry alaaelmassry غير متواجد حالياً
مدرس اللغة الإنجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2008
المشاركات: 794
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
alaaelmassry is on a distinguished road

مجهود مشكور حقاً
مستر / علاء المصرى
أستاذ اللغة الانجليزية
قديم 23-12-2008, 03:57 AM
alaaelmassry alaaelmassry غير متواجد حالياً
مدرس اللغة الإنجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2008
المشاركات: 794
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
alaaelmassry is on a distinguished road
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تعليم مفتوح- فن الترجمة
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مستر / علاء المصرى
أستاذ اللغة الانجليزية

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