اهلا وسهلا بك فى بوابة الثانوية العامة ... سجل الان

العودة   بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية > منتــدى مُـعـلـمـــي مـصــــــر > الجودة والإعتماد التربـوى

الجودة والإعتماد التربـوى كل ما يخص الجودة و الدراسات التربوية و كادر المعلم

إضافة رد
أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 30-07-2008, 12:06 AM
الصورة الرمزية Essam Wahba
Essam Wahba Essam Wahba غير متواجد حالياً
مستشار اللغة الانجليزية بالمنتدى
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2008
العمر: 63
المشاركات: 1,040
معدل تقييم المستوى: 18
Essam Wahba will become famous soon enough
افتراضي تمارين علي قواعد اللغة الانجليزية للسادة الزملاء الأفاضل استعدادا لامتحان الكادر

الي الاخوة الزملاء الأعزاء أهديكم هذه المجموعة من التمارين - الجزء الأول
واذا نالت اعجابكم سأقدم لكم باقي الأجزاء
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc Advanced Grammar Exercises essam part 1.doc‏ (37.5 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 1741)
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 30-07-2008, 12:08 AM
عمر علي أبوشادي عمر علي أبوشادي غير متواجد حالياً
عضو مجتهد
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2008
المشاركات: 42
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
عمر علي أبوشادي is on a distinguished road

شكرا جاري التحميل
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 30-07-2008, 12:14 AM
الصورة الرمزية MohammeD el_SadaT
MohammeD el_SadaT MohammeD el_SadaT غير متواجد حالياً
عضو متألق
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2006
العمر: 35
المشاركات: 8,089
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
MohammeD el_SadaT is an unknown quantity at this point

جزاك الله خيراً
جعله الله لك فى ميزان حسناتك

Always remember two things
Don’t' take any decision when you are Angry
Don’t' make any promises when you are Happy
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 31-07-2008, 04:29 PM
الصورة الرمزية القديم1
القديم1 القديم1 غير متواجد حالياً
عضو مجتهد
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2008
المشاركات: 130
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
القديم1 is on a distinguished road

شكرا مستر عصام و أين الباقي
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 31-07-2008, 04:37 PM
abeernageh abeernageh غير متواجد حالياً
عضو مجتهد
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2008
المشاركات: 75
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
abeernageh is on a distinguished road

بالطبع ستنال اعجابنا فينك من زمان يا استاذنا
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 31-07-2008, 04:49 PM
الصورة الرمزية mirror
mirror mirror غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2008
المشاركات: 19
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
mirror is on a distinguished road

thank u very much
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 06-08-2008, 11:04 PM
tawfikezzaticdl tawfikezzaticdl غير متواجد حالياً
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2008
المشاركات: 33
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
tawfikezzaticdl is on a distinguished road

مدرس ابتدائى – اعدادى – ثانوى
مدرس اول – وكيل - ناظر – موجه – موجه اول – موجه عام
سوف تمتحن فى ثلاث مواد ..............هى : -
الكفاءة اللغوية اللغة العربية A 01 
الكفاءة التربوية P 02- 03 – 04 
الكفاءة فى مادة التخصص اللغة الانجليزية  C 29
ارسلت لك الوزارة على صفحتك الالكترونية التى تفتحها بالثلاث ارقام :
رقم الكود –الرقم القومى – كلمة السر
عناوين الموضوعات التى سوف تمتحن فيها و معها عدة تمارين عينات
موجودة هنا فى الصفحات من 1 : 10
و اضفنا لك تمارين العشوائيات فى اللغة الانجليزية الصفحات من 11 : 35
*** تمارين عشوائيات التربوى و العربى فى مذكرة منفصلة

كفايات معلمي اللغة الإنجليزية
عناوين الموضوعات التى تتكون منها اللغة الانجليزية ( حسب امتحانات العشوائيات )
1- Professional Competency

1.1- Theoretical Background
I-General information on language acquisition and learning, including factors affecting them:
1 -Familiarity with basic theories of first language acquisition:
- Behaviorist
- Cognitive-Code learning
2- Knowledge about main factors that affect 2nd language learning:
- Amount of exposure
- Motivation
- Attitude
- Aptitude
II- General Information on different language teaching methods:
1- Grammar Translation Method
2- Audio-lingual Method
3- Communicative Approach
4-Community language learning
5-Eclectic method
III- Contrastive and Error Analyses:
1-Transfer of first language
2-Error identification and classification
3-Remedial procedures
IV-Information on main type English language tests.
- Proficiency
- Achievement
- Aptitude
- Diagnostic
1.2- Practical Background:
I- Techniques of teaching:
(A) Language Elements:
[Discrimination exercises, minimal pairs, production….]
[Types of exercises: mechanical, meaningful communicative]
-Grammar & Structure:
(Types of exercises; mechanical, meaningful, communicative )
[Recognition and production :synonyms, antonyms, use of words in
Sentences, guessing meaning from context….]
( Skills
- Listening:
[Listening comprehension: sentences, dialogues, extended texts]
- Speaking:
[Teaching dialogues, activities that promote speaking: pair work, team work, games ……..]
- Reading:
[ loud reading, intensive and extensive reading , reading strategies: scanning, skimming ……]
- Writing:
[ copying , controlled, guided and free composition; mechanics and paragraph writing ]
(C) General knowledge about learning-teaching strategies
II-Techniques of testing:
-Techniques of testing students performance on English language elements and skills(sound system, grammatical structures, vocabulary, listening, speaking, reading and writing).

III- Use of educational aids in language teaching:
 Visual aids: pictures, maps, graphs...etc
 Audio aids: radio, tape recorder, language labs...etc.
 Video recording and computers
2. Linguistic Competency
2.1. Competencies in Language Skills and Functions
2.1.1. Listening Comprehension:

Ability to:
(1) understand face-to-face communication.
(2) follow speech and conversations about most survival needs and limited social conventions.
(3) follow an extended stretch of speech on general topics.

Level of performance:
Vocabulary permits understanding of topics beyond basic survival needs such as personal history and leisure-time activities. Evidence of understanding all basic grammatical structures.
2.1.2. Speaking:

Ability to:
(1) satisfy most survival needs and social demands.
(2) initiate a conversation, and handle with confidence most social situations, including introductions and casual conversations about current events.
(3) give a short presentation on a general topic.
(4) reasonably describe and give precise information.

Level of performance:
 Articulation is comprehensible.
 Has sufficient working vocabulary to permit discussion of topics beyond basic survival needs.
 Has sufficient control of basic grammatical patterns.

2.1.3. Reading:

(1) Sufficient comprehension abilty to understand a passage for personal communication, information or recreational purposes.
(2) Has ability to read with understanding social notes, letters and invitations.
(3) Has ability to skim and scan texts to locate and derive main ideas of passages on familiar topics.
(4) Is able to read aloud in a proper manner with correct pronunciation of English sounds, observing prosodic features such as stress and intonation.
(5) Shows spontaneity in reading by ability to guess meaning from contexts.

Level of performance:
 Has a reasonable stock of passive vocabulary required to understand a text on a common topic.
 Has the knowledge of all grammatical structures needed for understanding any text of a general nature.
 Has a reasonable knowledge of common cohesive devices and their functions and meanings.

2.1.4. Writing:

(1) Has sufficient control of writing system to meet most survival needs and social demands.
(2) Has ability to write simple social correspondence.
(3) Has ability to take notes on familiar topics.
(4) Has ability to write cohesive summaries, and resumes, short narratives and descriptions on familiar topics.

Level of performance:
 -Has sufficient writing vocabulary to allow a person to express himself in different life situations.
 -Shows good control of basic grammatical constructions.
2.1.5. Translation:
(1) Has ability to translate a short and simple passage on a familiar topic from English into idiomatic Arabic and from Arabic into English.
(2) Shows ability to translate short oral communications between English and Arabic.
2.2. Language Components
2.2.1.Competency in Pronunciation:
Ability to recognize and produce the following:
Statements Falling
Yes/No questions Rising
Confirmation Question
Repetition Question
Long utterances sustained + Falling/ Rising
Question Tag
Placement of primary stress ( especially in bisyllabic words)
Phrasal stress ( normal x for emphasis)
Stress timed x syllable timed (English vs. Arabic)
i: seat, see
i x e sit x set
e: late
e let
æ x a cat x father
cut, mother
a father
u: pool, fool
u pull, full
xu pot x put
o x boat, coal, sow
bought, call, saw

ay high, light
au now, house
y boy, foil
p x b pin x bin
č x š chair x share
j x ž ‍ large x mirage
f x v
θ x s bath x bass (for speakers of some Arabic dialects)
ð x z though x zoo ( = = = = = = = )
š fish
ž measure , vision
 x ng long
l x l (clear x dark l) low x law
r ( retroflex in American English)
y and w yet, win
N.B. X means “in contrast with”
Consonant clusters
Initial consonant clusters:
especially s+consonant (+consonant) as in street , star, special
Realization of the {Z} and {D}morphemes
1- {Z} plural, Possessive, 3rd Person.
-s: /s/,/z/,/ iz/ ( books, figs, matches)
2- {D} past and past participle
--ed: / t/, /d/, / Id/ ( looked, rubbed, seated)
Allophonic Variants
(Discrimination for comprehension)
I. Inter vocalic t and d : matter, ladder (in American English)
II. Assimilation of t to (n) and (r) : center, twenty, thirty, forty (in American English)
Competency in Grammatical Structures
Ability to distinguish and use the following:
Sentence types
1- Declarative sentences ( affirmative and negative)
2- Interrogative sentences ( affirmative and negative)
2.1 Yes/no questions
2.2 Question-word sentences
3-Imperative sentences ( affirmative and negative)
3.1 Commands
3.2 Polite requests
4-Exclamatory sentences
Short sentences
1-Short answers (type: (Yes,) I am; (No,) I cannot)
2-Short questions (type: Are you? Can’t you)
3-Question-tags ( type: You aren’t afraid, are you?)
Sentence Types:
1--Simple sentences, up to those containing two complements
2- Compound sentences: Co-ordination with and, but, or
3-Complex sentences: Sentences containing object-clauses, Subject- clauses (type: It is a pity that you cannot ), adverbial clauses of time, place, condition, cause/ reason, relative clauses
1- Main verbs ( see vocabulary list)
2- Copula: BE
BECOME (I may become a doctor)
GET( He’s getting old)
FALL( He’s fallen ill)
FEEL ( I don’t feel quite well)
REMAIN ( Will it remain dry today)
STAY ( It won’t stay dry for long)
3- Auxiliaries and semi-auxiliaries:
HAVE: perfect and pluperfect
BE: present continuous and past continuous
BE GOING TO: future
WILL future
voice: BE
periphrasis : Do
modality : CAN: ability, capability, possibility, permission
COULD: see CAN; also: suggestion
BE ABLE TO: ability, capability
BE GOING TO: intention ; future
MAY: uncertainty ; permission
BE ALLOWED TO: permission
BE SUPPOSED TO: permission
MUST: logical conclusion ; obligation
HAVE TO: obligation
NEED (+ not)absence of obligation
OUGHT TO: advisability; right/wrong
SHALLin questions): offer, suggestion
SHOULD: right/wrong; disapproval
WILL: intention; request, capacity; future
WOULD: see WILL ; also enquiry, request
1- Finite forms
2- Infinitive:
2-1 plain infinitive ( V inf): with auxiliaries; with let’s, let me, I’d rather .

infinitive with ( V to): with semi- auxiliaries ( have to, ought to, be going to, etc); with main verbs ( hate, like, try, want); with predicative adjectives (how nice, be sorry, be glad, be delighted)
3- Imperatives
4- Past participle ( V ed): in perfect and pluperfect; in passive; after causative HAVE
5- Present participle/gerund ( V ing): in continuous tenses; after come, enjoy, go, hate, like, remember; after prepositions

Aspect :
2-Past ( including ‘ modal past’ of auxiliaries : COULD, MIGHT, OUGHT TO, SHOULD, WOULD )
3-Future ( with will, be going to, and continuous tenses of verbs of motion)
1-Nouns as head of NP
2-Attributive nouns, especially material nouns

1-Positive degree
2-Comparative degree ( -er, more ); irregular forms of those ‘irregular’ adjectives, such as better.
Superlative degree ( -est, most ); irregular forms of those ‘irregular’ ajectives such as best.

1-Equality as ………….as
2-Inequality: not so… as; comparative + than; superlative
1- derivation with –ly
2- Non-derived adverbs, eg soon, fast: see the vocabulary list.

See under Adjectives
Definite article: the
Indefinite article: a (n)
Absence of definite article in cases such as to go to school, in summer, to have dinner
Pronouns( including pronominal adjectives)
1- personal: subject forms and object forms
2- possessive
2.1 adjectives: my, your, their, etc
2.2 pronouns: mine, yours, theirs, etc; used as complement, used as subject
3- demonstrative
3.1 adjectives: this, that, these, those, such
3.2 pronouns: this, that, these, those
4- interrogative
4.1 adjectives: whose, what, which
4.2 pronouns: who, whom, whose, what, which

5- relative: who, whose, whom, which, that
6- definite: someone, somebody, no-one, not … anyone, nobody, everybody, something, nothing, everything, all (as in: They all went home; and in: I want all of it ) some (as in Some of them went home ), any ( as in Have you got any money? I haven’t any money ), it ( as in: It is raining )
7- emphatic: myself, yourself, etc. (example: I’ve done it myself)
8- prop-word: one ( example : I like the red one better)
1- Cardinal: up to four digits, up to nine digits
2- Ordinal : up to two digits(first to 99th)
Also : half, quarter
Word order
Basic pattern:
Subject-predicate complement(s)
Derived patterns:
Yes/no question pattern
Wh-question pattern
Negative sentence pattern with not
Passive voice pattern
Imperative pattern
Indirect object replacement by to-adjunct
Position of adverbials : initial position, final position, after auxiliaries
Word formation
Adverb-derivation with –ly

Compounds and derivatives
2.2.3. Competency in vocabulary Has a reasonable stock of passive vocabulary required tounderstand a written or heared a text on common topics.
Has a reasonable stock of active vocabulary required to express himself in speaking and writing in topics beyond basic survival needs such as history and leisure time activities.
Section Three : Grammatical Structure
Directions : Questions 93-106 are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence you will see four words or phrases, marked (A), (, (C), and (D). Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
Proficiency Test
for English Language Teachers

1- I ------------- the book but when I heard what the critics said I changed my mind.
a) was going to buy
b) would have bought
c) was buying
d) am going to buy
2 - She ------------- him before 1968.
a) has seen
b) saw
c) had seen
d) seen
3 - It was snowing when the refugees ------------- .
a) have arrived
b) arrived
c) had arrived
d) were arrived
4 - Mary is waiting ------------- the Queen.
a) to see
b) for seeing
c) for to see
d) at see
5 - She doesn’t want ------------- her.
a) anybody helped
b) that anybody helping
c) anybody to help
d) that any body helps
6 - In the year 2005,he ------------- working here for 50 years.
a) will have been
b) will be
c) has been
d) had been
7 - You ------------- drive carefully. The roads are slippery.
a) would better
b) would rather
c) had better
d) had rather
8 - He doesn’t smoke. -------------
a) I don’t too.
b) Neither I do.
c) I don’t neither.
d) Neither do I.
9 - It’s raining. We have to return home, ------------- ?
a) don't we
b) wouldn’t we
c) didn’t we
d) isn’t it
10 - He knew everything ------------- was going on.
a) what
b) where
c) whom
d) that
11 - Students have to spend a lot of time studying ------------- their own.
a) on
b) by
c) for
d) in
12 - He is very famous ------------- Great Britain.
a) whole
b) all over
c) in all
d) all of
13 - They’re staying with their parents ------------- the time being.
a) during
b) for
c) since
d) when
14 - ____________ all her efforts the party was ruined.
a) In spite of
b) Nevertheless
c) Although
d) However
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sentences with missing words or phrases. From the words or phrases below each choose the one that best completes the sentence.
الجمل بها كلمات او عبارات ناقصة . من الكلمات او العبارات الواردة ادناه اختار افضل كلمة أو عبارة تكمل الجمله.
15- Keep your children away from this medicine ! It’s -------------.
a) dead
b) deadly
c) death
d) dying
16- Shakespeare has written many poems. He is a ------------- poet.
a) large
b) huge
c) tiny
d) great
17- This new pot is -------------. You can put it on the stove.
a) waterproof
b) heatproof
c) bulletproof
d) soundproof
18- The patient is now in a ------------- condition.
a) series
b) medical
c) critical
d) psychological
19- The new Saudi ------------- are twenty and two hundreds.
a) currencies
b) money
c) coins
d) banknotes
20- I wish you a good result in your exam. When are you ------------- it ?
a) passing
b) taking
c) leaving
d) doing
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In each sentence below replace the boldface word with the one that has the nearest meaning to it في كل جمله ادناه الكلمة المكتوبة بحروف مائلة(البنط الكبير )يستعاض عنها بكلمة واحدة ( اقرب معنى لها)
21 - The Roman armies were defeated in 622 A.D.
a) inscribed
b) enlisted
c) retreated
d) beaten
22 - Bad deeds are disgraceful.
a) shameful
b) beautiful
c) shy
d) happy
23 - Birds expand their wings when they are flying.
a) protect
b) inflate
c) contract
d) shrink
24 - The population in Saudi Arabia increased from eight millions to fourteen millions in the past ten years.
a) produced
b) decreased
c) reduced
d) ascended
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Read the following text carefully. Then answer the questions on the basis of what is stated or implied by the text. Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence
أقرأ النص التالي بعناية. ثم الاجابه عن الاسءله على اساس ما ورد أو التي تنطوي عليها النص. اختار الكلمة او العبارة الافضل ان تكمل الجمله
1- Visitors to America are immediately struck by the tremendous numbers of automobiles filling the highways and crowding the city streets. The automobile, which has transformed the American way of life, is the most indispensable workhorse of the family. During the week, the father drives it to his job in the city, alone, or in a “car pool” arrangement with several of his fellow workers. When he leaves it at home, his wife uses it constantly to do errands, to haul groceries, to drive children to lessons or appointments, to shops or swimming pools. On weekends, the family drives out to the country for a picnic lunch or may take a trip of several hundred miles. On vacations, no corner of the country is beyond the family’s reach.
2- All of America has felt the changes, which came with the automobile and with the network of highways that have been built to serve it. Farmers, who live far from their neighbors, are no longer isolated. Tractors of the work of the many farmlands they cannot afford to hire, Trucks carry their products to market, to storage elevators or to railroads.
3- Traffic jams in cities and along the approaches to cities, especially at morning and evening rush hours and at the start and end of weekends, are difficult problems. How to find out enough parking space in the cities, even with underground parking lots and many-storied “pigeonhole” parking structures in another. More highways and wider ones are needed as fast as they can be built.
1 – الزوار الى امريكا يصطدمون على الفور بالاعداد الهائله من السيارات التى تسد الطرق السريعه وتكتظ بها شوارع المدينة . السياره ، التي حولت اسلوب الحياة الامريكى ، هى اكثر شيىء لا غنى عنها للاسرة . فى ايام الاسبوع يقودها الأب الى عمله في المدينة ، وحده ، او في "مجمع السيارات" السابق ترتيبه مع العديد من زملائه العاملين. و هو عندما يتركها في المنزل ، فان زوجته تستخدمها باستمرار للقيام بالمهمات ، إلى محلات البقاله ، لدفع الاطفال الى الدروس او التعيينات ، أو الى المتاجر وحمامات السباحه. في عطلة نهاية الاسبوع ، الاسرة تركب السيارة لتناول طعام الغداء في رحلة خلوية قد تستغرق عدة مئات من الاميال. فى الاجازات فان جميع اطراف البلد يمكن ان تصل اليها الاسرة
2 -- كل امريكا شعرت بالتغييرات ، التي جاءت مع السيارات ومع شبكة الطرق السريعه التي تم بناؤها في خدمتهم. المزارعين الذين يعيشون بعيدا عن جيرانهم ، لم يعودوا معزولين . الجرارات تعمل فى العديد من المزارع لأنهم لا يستطيعون استئجار شاحنات لنقل منتجاتهم الى السوق ، الى مصاعد التخزين اوالسكك الحديديه.
3 -- الاختناقات المروريه في المدن وعلى طول الطرق الموصلة لها ، وخصوصا في الصباح وفي المساء وساعات الذروة في بداية ونهاية عطلة نهاية الاسبوع ، هي المشاكل الصعبة. كيف تجد ما يكفي من اماكن لوقوف السيارات في المدن ، حتى مع مواقف السيارات تحت الارض - والعديد من اماكن وقوف السيارات المهملة في ابنية اخرى. المزيد من الطرق السريعه يحتاجون لبنائها سريعا بقدر المستطاع .
25- The main topic of this passage is ------------- .
a) The network of highways
b) The American highways
c) Trucks and Tractors in America
d) Cars and the American Life
26 - The automobile has had ------------- on the American society.
a) A little effect
b) hardly any effect
c) an obvious effect
d) no effect whatsoever
27 - The American father -------------.
a) always drives alone to work.
b) may share his car with other colleagues.
c) drives his children to lessons.
d) drives his wife to haul groceries.
28 - The American family may spend the weekend -------------.
a) abroad.
b) in downtown.
c) out of town.
d) in a family gathering.
29 - Thanks to the automobile, all American States have become -------------.
a) within reach.
b) more isolated.
c) beyond reach.
d) torn apart.
30 - Most American families ------------- cars.
a) cannot afford
b) do not badly need
c) do not have
d) cannot do without
31 - The word ‘ which ‘ in the first line of the second paragraph refers to -------------.
a) all Americans
b) automobiles
c) changes
d) traffic
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Linguistics and Pedagogy اللغويات وعلم التربيه

32 - -------------- is a feature in human language that allows for the making and interpretation of an infinite number of messages.
a) Arbitrariness
b) Creativity
c) Interchange
d) Displacement
33 - The Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis is associated with ------------- .
a) the cognitive theory
b) the behaviorist theory
c) the native theory
d) none of the above
34 - ------------- validity refers to the correlation between test scores and a trustworthy external criterion.
a) empirical
b) content
c) face
d) rational
35- In constructing language tests, items are said to be satisfactory if ------------- .
a) they are at suitable level of difficulty
b) they discriminate among students
c) they improve students’ proficiency
d) A & B
36 - Transformational grammar -------------.
a) ignores the relationship between sentences with the same meaning
b) generates only the grammatical sentences of a language
c) tries to modify the learner’s linguistic behavior
d) is none of the above
37 - ------------- suffixes do not usually change the grammatical class of the words to which they are attached.
a) Inflectional
b) Derivational
c) Morphological
d) Functional
38 - A native speaker can in most cases -------------.
a) give an account of the rules of his language.
b) list all the possible sentences of his language.
c) A & B
d) None of the above.
39 - The Critical Period Hypothesis presents strong evidence for the ------------- theory of language acquisition.
a) cognitive
b) behaviorist
c) nativist
d) situational
40 - In the production of ------------- the passage of the air stream is relatively unobstructed.
a) vowels
b) nasals
c) sibilant
d) fricatives
41 - In the grammar translation method, ------------- .
a) elaborate explanations of the intricacies of grammar are given
b) grammar is taught inductively
c) there is little explanations
d) grammar is postponed to a later stage
42 - Within the cognitive approach, language acquisition is seen as ------------- .
a) rule formation
b) habit formation
c) skill formation
d) function formation
43 - The eclectic method of foreign language teaching necessitates that the teachers ------ .
a) apply the easiest from the various methods
b) choose the best from the various methods
c) apply one method in each class period
d) apply at lest two methods in each class period
44 - The best course design is the one that ------------- .
a) promotes a positive social climate in the classroom
b) enhances student motivation
c) makes teaching enjoyable for the teacher
d) all of the above.
45 - ------------- is such a natural and normal human activity that few aspects of it really need much overt instruction.
a) Listening
b) Speaking
c) Reading
d) B & C
46 - For students learning to read in a new language some previous ------------- ability is necessary.
a) written language
b) simple language
c) oral language
d) real language
47 - Teaching productive skills means teaching ------------- .
a) speaking and listening
b) listening and reading
c) speaking and reading
d) writing and speaking
48 - The technique of ------------- is an activity where a student needs information from others to complete a particular task.
a) filling in a blank
b) information gap
c) critical reading
d) matching
49 - The primary objective in teaching speaking is the development of ------------- ability.
a) oral communication
b) phonological
c) pronunciation
d) good English
50 - Grammar teaching is the explicit teaching of language ------------- .
a) forms
b) words
c) function
d) meaning
51 - Reading in a second language normally requires processes similar to reading in a ---------------- language.
a) first
b) second
c) third
d) foreign
52 - In preparing a test for intensive reading we should note that ----------- texts should used.
a) short, simple
b) short, complex
c) long, detailed
d) long, complex
53 - Process oriented writing instruction places more emphasis on the ----------- in producing a piece of writing.
a) stages that writers go through
b) knowledge that writers employ
c) experience that writers have
d) time that writers spend
54 - Good pronunciation requires the ability to correctly produce and use ----------- .
a) Sounds, stress, and intonation.
b) Sounds, stress, and meanings.
c) Sound, words, and meanings.
d) Sound, words and production.
55 - A crossword puzzle helps students develop ----------- knowledge.
a) reading
b) orthography
c) lexical
d) writing
56 - Teaching words in isolation is not recommended because -----------.
a) some words have different meanings
b) context helps to clarify the meanings of the word
c) the function of the word in a sentence helps to determine its meaning
d) all the above
57 - Techniques for guessing meanings of the words from context include : -----------
a) activating background knowledge.
b) Obtaining clues from structure and surrounding words.
c) Understanding pronunciation and punctuation.
d) All the above.
58 - Using technology in teaching helps teachers -----------.
a) present demonstrations
b) enhance course content
c) provide additional illustrations
d) all the above
59 -Using multimedia software helps ------ students to increase their learning ability.
a) disabled
b) shy
c) weak
d) all the above
60 - Road maps are generally used in the teaching of ----------- .
a) grammatical structures
b) reading comprehension
c) listening practice
d) A & B
61 - In effective language teaching, computers are best used as ----------- .
a) substitutes for teachers
b) aids to teachers
c) means of entertainment
d) substitutes for textbooks
62 - In preparing material for language lab practice, it is best to ----------- .
a) read from the textbook directly
b) use transcripts for the purpose
c) dictate to the recording person
d) memorize the material first
63 - A good language teacher uses magazine pictures to -----------.
a) teach language skills and elements
b) decorate the classroom
c) make teaching more enjoyable
d) teach good pronunciation.
64 - Flash cards are more commonly used to teach ----------- .
a) listening
b) vocabulary items
c) writing exercises
d) reading aloud
65 - We can use both flannel boards and magnetic boards to display pictures and cards. However, ----------- .
a) flannel boards are more effective
b) magnetic boards are easier to use
c) they are similar
d) chalkboards are better than both
66 -Composite pictures may be effectively used in the teaching of ____________ .
a) speaking and writing
b) reading comprehension only
c) grammatical structures mainly
d) young learners only
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Grammatical Structure
Questions are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence you will see four words or phrases. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
التراكيب النحويه
الاسئله هى جمل ناقصه. تحت كل جمله سترى اربع كلمات او عبارات. اختار افضل كلمة أو عبارة تكمل الجمله.
67- I will have been there ----------- .
a) for 3months
b) during 3 months
c) since 3 months
d) whilst 3 months
68 - I haven’t ----------- this week.
a) much people
b) anybody
c) no people
d) someone
69 - Send him to the baker’s ----------- some bread.
a) in order he buys
b) for to buy
c) to buy
d) for buying
70 - ----------- the baby while I’am in the kitchen.
a) Look to
b) Take care
c) Look after
d) Care
71 - It looks ----------- it’s going to rain.
a) that
b) as if
c) as
d) like that
72 - He was very angry -----------his wife.
a) on
b) to
c) at
d) upon
73 - When we arrived at the office we found that someone ----------- during the night.
a) had broken in
b) has broken in
c) broke in
d) have broken in
74 - Studying English is hard at first , but you soon ----------- .
a) are used to it
b) get use it
c) are use it
d) get used to it
75 - Not only ------ to London , but she also visited other less well known cities in England.
a) she went
b) went she
c) did she go
d) she did
76 - Now remember, you ----------- the test until the teacher tells you to.
a) are not starting
b) are not to start
c) haven’t started
d) needn’t start
77 - ----------- had we started watching the film when our friends came round for a chat.
a) Hardly
b) Slightly
c) Little
d) Rarely
78 - She was thought ----------- the car in London.
a) to buy
b) buying
c) to have bought
d) might buy
79 - Our house ----------- as soon as possible. It’s in an awful state.
a) needs redecorating
b) to redecorate
c) redecorated
d) is redecorated
80 - He eventually managed ----------- the door by kicking it hard.
a) open
b) opening
c) to open
d) to have opened
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Sentences with missing words or phrases. From the words or phrases below each choose the one that best completes the sentence.
الجمل بها كلمات او عبارات ناقصة . من الكلمات او العبارات الواردة ادناه اختار افضل كلمة أو عبارة تكمل الجمله.
81- The initials G.C.C. -----------Gulf Cooperative Council.
a) look for
b) account for
c) make for
d) stand for
82- You don’t have to be worried about the journey to the airport. Your brother is going to -------
a) take you off
b) see you off
c) bring you up
d) give you for
83 - My father and I have the same character, I ----------- him much more than my brother.
a) look at
b) take off
c) look up
d) take after
84 - Stop thinking about it. Don’t let this result ----------- .
a) get you off
b) get you down
c) get you on
d) get you up
85 - Please make your check -----------to Saudi Business Machine.
a) payment
b) paid
c) payable
d) pay
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In each sentence below there is a word in boldface. From the words below each choose the one that has the nearest meaning to the boldfaced word.
في كل جمله ادناه الكلمة المكتوبة بحروف مائلة(البنط الكبير )يستعاض عنها بكلمة واحدة ( اقرب معنى لها)
86 - The Roman armies were defeated in 622 A.D.
a) inscribed
b) enlisted
c) retreated
d) beaten
87 - Bad deeds are disgraceful.
a) shameful
b) beautiful
c) shy
d) happy
88 - He is an aggressive person. He does not care about other people’s feeling .
a) passive
b) offensive
c) attacking
d) opponent
89- Sorry! The general director is not available today.
a) active
b) passive
c) around
d) connected
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Linguistics and Pedagogy اللغزيات وعلم التربيه

90- ---------------------- Phonetics deals with the properties of sounds as represented in variations in the sound wave.
a) Acoustic
b) Articulatory
c) Auditory
d) Generative
91- When a speech sound undergoes a change in articulation in connected speech, becoming more like a neighboring sound, this process is known as ----------
a) Assimilation
b) Aspiration
c) Adaptation
d) articulation
92- The strong version of the Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis -------------- .
a) attempts to predicat all errors produced by L2 learners
b) deals only with errors resulting from L1 interference
c) does not predict L2 errors but only explains them
d) All of the above
93- According to the nativist theory, the key factor that determines success in first language acquisition is --------------- .
a) child general inteligence
b) amount of exposure to language
c) imitation of parents
d) teaching techniques employed
94- In standardized test --------------- .
a) the writing and evaluation of the test are done by the same person.
b) the number of subjects tested is usually large.
c) We make use of composition and short answer techniques.
d) All of the above
95---------------- serve to indicate the extent to which an individual has mastered specific skills or body of information acquired in a formal situation.
a) Proficiency tests
b) Aptiude tests
c) Achievement tests
d) Objective tests
96- Dictation is a useful testing technique that can be used to test ---------------
a) spelling
b) listening comprehension
c) general proficiency
d) all of the above
97- Objective tests are those in which individual items --------------- .
a) have only one correct answer
b) can discriminate among examinees
c) are balanced in length and difficulty
d) have appropriate distractors
98- According to Dell Hymes, the knowledge of rules for the conduct and interpretaion of speech is known as --------------- .
a) distinctive competence
b) grammatical competence
c) communicative competence
d) linguistic competence
99- In my opinion the errors that L2 learners produce are .
a) signs of imperfect learning and should be eradicated
b) natural by product of the learning process
c) signs of poor teaching
d) the result of L1 interference
100- The ideal linguistic input (i.e. speech addressed to L2 learners) for acquiring a second language should be ---------------.
a) comprehensible
b) relevant to the learners’ immediate interests
c) not too comples
d) all of the above
101- Individualized instruction is basically the recognition that ---------------
a) students have different needs and abilities
b) a single method may not be successful or appropriate to all students
c) students learn at different rates of speed
d) all of the above
102- Gardner defines integrative motivation as the learner’ desire to ---------------
a) be identified as a member of the target culture
b) get a high pay job
c) obtain a prestigious social status
d) B & C
103- In learning foreign languages, the critical period hypothesis stipulates that---
a) children are superior to adults
b) adults are superior to children
c) children and adults are equal
d) None of the above.
104- In the --------------- approach, there is dependence on mimicry, memorization of set phrases, and overlearning.
a) communicative
b) audiolingual
c) cognitive
d) linguistic
105 - In the audiolingual approach, there is emphasis on--------------- .
a) pronunciation.
b) communication
c) intonation
d) both A & C
106 - Of the four skills of language ---------------in the one that is least understood.
a) listening
b) speaking
c) reading
d) writing
107- Using monolingual dictionary work, and the key word method are widely used to teach --------------- .
a) speaking
b) reading
c) writing
d) vocabulary
108- Teaching grammar goes into the following three stages : ---------------
a) Presentation, demonstration and practice.
b) Teaching rules, providing examples and doing exercise.
c) Teaching, demonstration and homework .
d) Reading, demonstration and writing.
109- A literate student can acquire the details of reading in a second language
---------------an illiterate one.
a) shower than
b) as fast as
c) as slow as
d) faster than
110- Teaching receptive skills means teaching --------------- .
a) speaking and reading
b) listening and reading
c) speaking and writing
d) writing and speaking
111- Grammar teaching is concerned with explicit teaching of language --------------
a) forms
b) meaning
c) use
d) words
112- When we ask students to read a text, evaluate it, and react to it, we are teaching--------------- .
a) thorough reading
b) critical reading
c) scanning
d) skimming

113- The purpose of teaching speaking is to allow students to---------------
a) express themselves
b) repeat sentences
c) repeat what they heard in the classroom
d) express language function
114- A test that measures the learning of material in a particular course is called a (n) --------------- test.
a) close
b) multiple choice
c) aptitude
d) achievement
115- --------------- are not based on a particular program.
a) Progress Tests
b) Placement Tests
c) Achievement Tests
d) Proficiency tests
116- A test that requires filling in words in words that have been deleted from a paragraph is called a (n) --------------- test.
a) close
b) achievement
c) multiple-choice
d) true.valse
117- Testing experts consider dictation as a test of --------------- .
a) spelling
b) general language proficiency
c) listening
d) all the above
118- A close test is generally used to test the --------------- skill.
a) reading
b) writing
c) listening
d) speaking
119- Language test results are beneficial for --------------- .
a) teachers and the administration
b) students and parents
c) curriculum and syllabus designers
d) using word functions and meanings
120- While one prepares his test, one should --------------- .
a) spend adequate time in development
b) match his tests to the content
c) make his test valid, reliable, and balanced
d) be all the above

121- The language lab is best used in the teaching of --------------- .
a) good writing
b) reading comprehension
c) free conversations
d) listening comprhension
122- An overhead projector can effectively be used to teach--------------- .
a) reading and writing only
b) speaking and other skills
c) listening comprehension especially
d) grammatical structures mainly
123- Flash cards are commonly used to teach --------------- .
a) grammatical structures
b) vocabulary items
c) writing exercises
d) reading aloud
124- We can use both flannel boards and magnetic boards to display pictures and cards. However, --------------- .
a) flannel boards are more effective
b) magnetic boards are easier to use
c) they are similar
d) chalkboards are better than both
125- Composite pictures may be effectively used in the teaching of ---------------
a) speaking and writing
b) reading comprehension only
c) grammatical structures mainly
d) young learners only
126-Using technology in teaching help to --------------- .
a) present demonstrations
b) enhance course content
c) provide additional illustrations
d) all the above
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Advanced Grammar Exercises
Exercise 1
Fill in the gaps using the word(s) in the following list:

was - once - however - were - such - used to - that - owing to - 'd rather - since - little - not - do - so - to

1- I -------------------------- that you didn't drive so fast.
2- Although fraternal twins are born at the same time, they do not tend to resemble each other any more than ------------------other siblings.
3- Not -------------------I started school have I had so much spare time.
4- ----------------------afraid were the townspeople that they hardly ventured out of their neighbourhoods.
5- --------------------- did the soldiers know about the attack of the enemy.
6- --------------------- have not been invited to the party made her upset.
7- --------------------- unless I do my homework will my parents allow me to go to the party.
8- Caroline ------------------------ to have spent the entire summer sculpting, but she ended up working at a bank for a month.
9- Not ------------------ have I missed my English class this year.
10- It ------------------ be my brother who did all the cooking, but now we all help.
11- --------------------- the fact that we had been burned by the sun, we applied a soothing ointment to our faces.
12- ---------------------- languages have many differences is obvious.
13- He would send me a post card ------------------ he to know my address.
14- You can't move that stone ----------------------- strong you are.
15- The police thoroughly investigated the burglary. They concluded that only experienced thieves could have accomplished --------------- a heist.

Advanced Grammar Exercises
Exercise 2
Fill in the gaps using the word(s) in the following list:

whose - such - as - there - nothing - much - if - never - be - happen - nor - are - that - seem - is

1- If you ------------------- to meet Peter, tell him to phone me.
2- The Colorado River is used so much for irrigation, urban water supplies, electricity generation and many other purposes ------------- the water is often used up before it reaches its mouth in the Gulf of Mexico.
3- I wouldn't recommend this movie to any of my friends. -------------- would I recommend it to my enemies.
4- I --------------- to have forgotten my homework assignment. Oh, wait, here it is in my notebook.
5- A number of students ---------------------- taking the TOEFL exam today.
6- The number of female students in my class ------------------------ 13.
7- I can't believe the things he told me about his friend. In my opinion, he really shouldn't divulge ---------------- personal information.
8- The ordinary cold, which is our most common sickness, is a viral disease ---------------- cure has not yet been found.
9- Migraines are usually worse than tension headaches and can be so intense ------------------- to cause vomiting and vision problems.
10- -------------------- in all my life have I heard such nonsense.
11- What ---------------- I came tomorrow instead of this afternoon?
12- It's essential that the application ------------------- sent very quickly.
13- ----------------- is the matter with the car. You are just a bad driver!
14- ----------------- happens to be a lecture going on.
15- It wasn't so ----------------- his appearance I liked as his personality.

Advanced Grammar Exercises

Exercise 3
Fill in the gaps using the word(s) in the following list:

But - to - that - even - should - there - do - as - so - had - rarely - much - of - that - until

1- Marine reptiles are among the few creatures that are known to have a possible life span greater than ---------------------- of men.
2- She works in advertising ------------------ does her husband.
3- He didn't so ----------------- as say thank you after all we had done for him.
4- I had never before met --------------------- gentle a person.
5- ------------------- the two books, this one is more interesting.
6- Sam used to live in Arizona, but his company ------------------- him transferred to a better position in Georgia.
7- -------------------- dolphins catch diseases from humans is true.
8- -------------------- will honeybees sting unless provoked.
9- Not ----------------- I get my degree can I apply for this job.
10- -------------------- have not been killed by the robbers when they broke into the bank made the clerk very happy.
11- If you -------------------finish your work early, give me a ring.
12- Egyptian students score better on IQ tests than ----------------- Japanese students.
13- ------------------- are thought to be more than 3,000 languages in the world.
14- He seems nice. -----------------so, I don't trust him.
15- I was last ----------------- two in the race yesterday.

Advanced Grammar Exercises
Exercise 4
Fill in the gaps using the word(s) in the following list:

be - as - whose - so - that - not since - such - whoever - since - are - but - to - is - though - for

1- Was it out of pity -------------------- he let the old man move into his house?
2- His request that she -------------------- promoted was turned down.
3- -------------------- I was in elementary school have I been to the theatre.
4- Plants are known to need about the same vitamins for growth and development -------------------- do animals.
5- The committee is thinking of raising the subscription. I would oppose ------------------ a decision.
6- For ------------------- benefit were all these changes made?
7- ------------------- told you that was lying.
8- We have had -------------------- little success with the natural remedies that we are considering using other techniques.
9- ------------------- they had spent too much time considering the new contract, the students lost the opportunity to lease the apartment.
10- Especially important to many people -------------------- legislation against pollution.
11- Primary candidates for heart diseases -------------------- people who exhibit impatience and hostility.
12- Many missiles, -------------------- developed principally as weapons, have been adapted for research.
13- I can't help -------------------- wonder what's going to happen to us all.
14- -------------------------- us to fail now is a disaster.
15- She's the only scientist -------------------------- have won three Noble prizes.

Advanced Grammar Exercises
Exercise 5

Fill in the gaps using the word(s) in the following list:

to - after - ever - not - much - as - if - none - that - nonetheless - only - but - besides - likewise - unless

1- The profits, -------------------- a little slower than last year's, are still good.
2- None ------------------ a dedicated scientist would want to read such a detailed report.
3- The assistant was ------------------ too helpful. He didn't give us all the information we needed.
4- My brother goes to school. ----------------- this, he manages to work 20 hours a week.
5- The garlic should be minced; -------------------- is, you chop it into very small pieces.
6- Peter turned in his paper on Friday. John did ------------------.
7- I know mountain climbing can be dangerous. I'd like to try it ---------.
8- ------------------ purified, oil can't be used.
9- ------------------ if my parents give permission, can I go on the weekend trip.
10- ---------------- have lost so many lives in the war is a tragedy.
11- --------------- for anything would I leave this town.
12- He was angry ------------------ the way she behaved at the party.
13- We -------------- prefer the country to the town.
14- How ------------- did you manage to start the car?
15- If he so much -------------------looks at another woman, I'll kill him.
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 06-08-2008, 11:56 PM
الصورة الرمزية Essam Wahba
Essam Wahba Essam Wahba غير متواجد حالياً
مستشار اللغة الانجليزية بالمنتدى
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2008
العمر: 63
المشاركات: 1,040
معدل تقييم المستوى: 18
Essam Wahba will become famous soon enough

أستاذنا الفاضل / توفيق....
لا أدري ماذا تقصد ؟؟
وعلي فكرة ستجد علي الموقع اختبارات الكفاية A / B في اللغة الانجليزية بعد أن قمنا باجابتها
أتمني لك كل التوفبق
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 07-08-2008, 08:32 AM
الصورة الرمزية امال عبد الهادى
امال عبد الهادى امال عبد الهادى غير متواجد حالياً
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2008
المشاركات: 1,555
معدل تقييم المستوى: 18
امال عبد الهادى is on a distinguished road

مستر عصام ارجو استكمال موضوعات التخصص فى موضوعك المثبت واى جديد ارجو ان يكون فى ذات الصفحة توفير على الاخوة الافاضل فى البحث والتشتت بين صفحات موضوع الكادر نظرا لكثرة الموضوعات فيه وشكرا
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 07-08-2008, 10:49 PM
الصورة الرمزية mirror
mirror mirror غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2008
المشاركات: 19
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
mirror is on a distinguished road

شكرا علىالمجهود الرائع ونرجو الاجابات على تمارين advanced grammer part 1
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 08-08-2008, 09:14 PM
مستر رمضان عيسى مستر رمضان عيسى غير متواجد حالياً
تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2008
المشاركات: 854
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
مستر رمضان عيسى is on a distinguished road

thanks 4 ur great efforts
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 09-08-2008, 05:28 PM
zaftour zaftour غير متواجد حالياً
عضو نشيط
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2008
المشاركات: 151
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
zaftour is on a distinguished road

many thhanks
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 09-08-2008, 05:30 PM
zaftour zaftour غير متواجد حالياً
عضو نشيط
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2008
المشاركات: 151
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
zaftour is on a distinguished road
Icon14 zaftour greets you

many thanks
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 09-08-2008, 08:23 PM
intelligence intelligence غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2008
المشاركات: 6
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
intelligence is on a distinguished road
Thumbs up السلام عليكم

الف شكرا على المجهود الرائع يا أستاذ عصام وهبه
و نرجو من سيادتكم حل تمارين ال

Advanced Grammer Excercises
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 23-03-2009, 06:16 PM
astroid astroid غير متواجد حالياً
عضو مجتهد
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2007
المشاركات: 98
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
astroid is an unknown quantity at this point

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