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العودة   بوابة الثانوية العامة المصرية > القرية الذكية > شروحات الحاسب الآلي والهاتف المحمول والدورات التدريبية والشهادات العالمية

شروحات الحاسب الآلي والهاتف المحمول والدورات التدريبية والشهادات العالمية قسم خاص بشروحات الكمبيوتر والمحمول وامتحانات الشهادات العالمية MicroSoft &CompTIA & Cisco & ICDL (ممنوع وضع مواد خاضعة لحقوق النشر)

موضوع مغلق
أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 02-12-2012, 10:49 AM
الصورة الرمزية ahmed_eldaly
ahmed_eldaly ahmed_eldaly غير متواجد حالياً
أستاذ الحاسوب والمعلوماتية بالكويت
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2008
المشاركات: 1,139
معدل تقييم المستوى: 18
ahmed_eldaly is on a distinguished road
Icon14 حماية الحاسوب من الفيروسات

هنا خطوات بسيطة كيف تحمي حاسوبك من الفيروسات؟
هناك نوع من
الفيروسات الجديدة، مثل "Trojan" و"Clampi"، يستطيع قراصنة الإنترنت الولوج من خلاله إلى حساباتك البنكية المستخدمة عبر الإنترنت.

وإليك عزيزي القارئ هذه الخطوات البسيطة لحماية حاسوبك من مثل هذه الفيروسات:

1. تأكد من أن حاسوبك به برنامج
حماية من الفيروسات ومحدث دائما. هناك بعض البرامج الممتازة المضادة للفيروسات وننصح باستخدام برنامج Avast أو AVG.

2. تأكد من أن
الحاسوب مزود ببرنامج Firewall لمراقبة تدفق روابط الإنترنت إلى وخارج جهازك. وننصح باستخدام برنامج Zone Alarm المجاني.

3. حمل وثبت أي تحديثات وتصليحات أمنية مهمة من بائع أنظمة التشغيل. ويمكنك إيجاد كل أحدث برامج تصليح
الفيروسات لنظام التشغيل ويندوز على موقع مايكروسوفت.

4. إذا كنت تستخدم شبكة WI-FI في المنزل، تأكد من أن كلمة المرور محمية ومأمونة، لمنع أي شخص آخر من التمكن من استخدام رابطك، والأسوأ من ذلك الولوج غير القانوني لشبكتك والتلاعب بالملفات والمعلومات المخزنة على حاسوبك.

5. عند تصفحك الإنترنت، لا تضغط على أي روابط مشبوهة، خاصة في البريد الإلكتروني غير المرغوب فيه من مرسلين مجهولين أو على مواقع الشبكات الاجتماعية وخدمات الرسائل السريعة.

6. فكر في استخدام بطاقة ائتمان مسبوقة الدفع عند شرائك عبر الإنترنت لعزل هذا الحساب من حسابك الائتماني أو تلك الحسابات المستخدمة للأعمال المصرفية عبر الإنترنت. وبهذه الطريقة، إذا نجح أي شخص في القيام بعملية احتيال باستخدام تفاصيل هذه البطاقات، يستطيع فقط إنفاق مبلغ محدود من المال المقيد على البطاقة، كما أن هذه الطريقة تعمل منفصلة على حسابك الجاري، بمعنى أن كل تفاصيلك البنكية لن تتعرض للخطر.

7. وإذا وقعت ضحية فيروس Clampi أو فيروسات مشابهة أخرى، تأكد من تغيير كلمة مرورك وتفاصيل التسجيل المتعلقة بجميع الحسابات المالية التي يمكن أن تتعرض لخطر العدوى.


آخر تعديل بواسطة mfa1 ، 10-02-2013 الساعة 11:52 PM
قديم 21-12-2012, 07:47 PM
الصورة الرمزية وليد خفاجه
وليد خفاجه وليد خفاجه غير متواجد حالياً
تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2008
المشاركات: 2,517
معدل تقييم المستوى: 19
وليد خفاجه is on a distinguished road

بارك الله فيكم وجزاكم خيرا
وليـد إبراهيم خفـاجه
لقانه - شبراخيت - البحيرة
قديم 24-12-2012, 09:37 PM
metometo2014 metometo2014 غير متواجد حالياً
عضو مجتهد
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2009
المشاركات: 111
معدل تقييم المستوى: 16
metometo2014 is on a distinguished road

قصيدة في مدح سيدنا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم ، وبعض أبياتها مكتوبة على المواجهة الشريفة ، بالمسجد النبوي الشريف .

يا خير من دفنت في الترب أعظمه
فطاب من طيبهن القاع والأكم

نفسي الفداء لقبر أنت ساكنه
فيه العفاف وفيه الجود والكرم

أنت الحبيب الذي ترجى شفاعته
عند الصراط إذا ما زلت القدم

لولاك ما خلقت شمس ولا قمر
ولا سماء ولا لوح ولا قلم

فكن شفيعا متى ما ثرت من جدثي
فإنني ضيفكم والضيف محترم

صلى عليك إله العرش ما طلعت
شمس وحن إليك الضال والسلم

وصاحباك فلا ننساهما أبدا
منا السلام عليهم ما جرى القلم

يا يا رسول الله خذ بيدي
فقد تحملت عبئا فيه لم أقم

أستغفر الله مما قد جنيت على
نفسي ويا خجلي منه ويا ندمي

إن لم تكن لي شفيعا في المعاد فمن
يجير لي من عذاب الله والنقم

مولاي دعوة محتاج لنصرتكم
يشكو إليكم أذى الأيام والأزم

إني أعوذ بكم دنيا وآخرة
مما يسوء وما يفضي إلى التهم

تبلي عظامي وفيها من مودتكم
هوى مقيم وشوق غير منصرم

ما مر ذكركم إلا وألزمني
نثر الدموع ونظم المدح في كلم

عليكم صلوات الله ما سكرت
أرواح أهل التقى في راح ذكرهم
قديم 25-12-2012, 06:14 AM
الصورة الرمزية عبدالنبي الحداد
عبدالنبي الحداد عبدالنبي الحداد غير متواجد حالياً
مشرف قسم تعلم الانجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2008
العمر: 49
المشاركات: 2,304
معدل تقييم المستوى: 19
عبدالنبي الحداد is on a distinguished road

بارك الله فيكم وجزاكم خيرا
قديم 02-01-2013, 03:29 PM
مخلصة مخلصة غير متواجد حالياً
العضو المميز لعام 2013
العضو المميز لقسم فلاسفة تحت التمرين لعام 2014
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2011
المشاركات: 2,015
معدل تقييم المستوى: 16
مخلصة is on a distinguished road

جزاك الله خيرا
قديم 10-01-2013, 10:24 PM
waleed mohamd waleed mohamd غير متواجد حالياً
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2009
المشاركات: 758
معدل تقييم المستوى: 16
waleed mohamd is on a distinguished road

thank you Very great work
قديم 16-01-2013, 03:17 PM
الصورة الرمزية السيد الحلوس
السيد الحلوس السيد الحلوس غير متواجد حالياً
عضو فعال
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2008
العمر: 57
المشاركات: 255
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
السيد الحلوس is on a distinguished road

قديم 16-01-2013, 06:35 PM
aborabia aborabia غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2012
العمر: 54
المشاركات: 16
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
aborabia is on a distinguished road

قرأت النصيحة الخاصة بتحميل برنامج " zone alarm " وعندما كتبته في البحث ظهر موقع يحذر من استخدام هذا البرنامج نظرا لانه من صنع اسرائيل وكان نص البلاغ كما نسخته هكذا " بــــلاغ

بناء على التوصية الخاصة بموضوع البرنامج الإلكتروني المتخذ في المؤتمر السادس والثمانين لضباط اتصال المكاتب الإقليمية لمقاطعة إسرائيل الذي عقد في مقر الأمانة العامة في القاهرة بتاريخ 5-7/9/2011، وفيما يلي نص التوصية:
منع تداول برنامج ZONE ALARM في البلاد العربية باعتباره من المنتجات الإسرائيلية وما يشكله من خطر على أمن الدول العربية.
الطلب إلى المكاتب الإقليمية توجيه الجهات المعنية ومنظمات المجتمع المدني لديها لإطلاق حملة عبر المواقع الإلكترونية بهدف التوعية من مخاطر استخدام هذا البرنامج.
فإننا نبين فيما يلي منتجات ZONE ALARM وهي:

1- Zone Alarm Socialguard (Advanced Facebook Security) وهذا البرنامج:

-يعرف بشكل آني فيما إذا تم اختراق حساب الفيس بوك الخاص.

-ينبه حول الوصلات الخطرة وحيل الخداع.

-يمكن الآباء من مراقبة حسابات Facebook الخاصة بالأبناء.

2-Zone Alarm Extreme Security:

-وهي مجموعة شاملة لحماية الكمبيوتر ومتصفح الإنترنت والبيانات الخاصة.

3-Zone Alarm Internet Security Suite:

- يستخدم للحصول على الأمان متعدد الطبقات والذي يحافظ على جهاز الكمبيوتر ويجعله آمناً، كما يخبر عن أي برنامج أو ملف يحاول الاتصال بالإنترنت وبالإمكان السماح بهذا الاتصال أو منعه.

4-Zone Alarm Pro Firewall:

- يستخدم لمنع المتسللين والدخلاء من الوصول على جهاز الكمبيوتر.

5- Zone Alarm Antivirus + Firewall:

- يستخدم للحماية من أصعب الفيروسات وبرامج التجسس.

6- Zone Alarm Datalock:

يستخدم لمنع الآخرين من قراءة الكمبيوتر الخاص بك وكذلك المحمول (حتى لو فقدت أو سرقت).

يجب إلى جميع الوزارات والمؤسسات والشركات وسائر الجهات العامة والخاصة الإطلاع واتخاذ الإجراءات اللازمة لوضع التوصية أعلاه موضع التنفيذ. " انتهى
لذا أرجو من السادة القائمين على المنتدى بيان موقفهم من ذلك البلاغ وما تضمنه من معلومات ومدى صحة تلك المعلومات والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله
قديم 17-01-2013, 10:45 PM
ahmedmedomedoedo ahmedmedomedoedo غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2013
العمر: 28
المشاركات: 2
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
ahmedmedomedoedo is on a distinguished road

تسلم الايادى
قديم 17-01-2013, 10:49 PM
ahmedmedomedoedo ahmedmedomedoedo غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2013
العمر: 28
المشاركات: 2
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
ahmedmedomedoedo is on a distinguished road

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
مراجعة نهائية للصف الثاني الثانوي 2011
2nd Year final Revision
First term
1 – Respond to each of the following situations :
1. Ahmed asks you about your favorite subject.
2. A friend asks you about the subjects you are studying at school.
3. Your cousin offered you a computer as a birthday present.
4. Maha asks you why you like English.
5. You’re asked why you admire Dr. Magdi Yacoub.
6. A friend asks you what you would like to be after leaving school.
7. Salem wants to know the best thing about your school.
8. You’re asked why you’d like to be a civil engineer.
9 – A friend asks you a question, but you prefer not to answer.
10 – Your friend has lost his mobile , you comfort him.
11 – You want to know your friend's opinion about your new computer.
12 – A friend asks you why you enjoy reading novels.
13 - You are in a shopping mall when someone asks if you would answer questions about your shopping habits for a survey.
14 - Someone is taking a survey and asks you a question that you don't want to answer.
15 - You are working in an office and someone asks you why you like your job.
16 - Someone asks you where the nearest bank is. You think it's on the next street but you're not sure.
17 - You want to ask an uncle for advice about working in the summer.
18 - Your friend wants to take diving lessons. He/She asks for your opinion about it.
19 - Your mother asks you where her car keys are. You are certain they're on the table in the kitchen.
20 - You want to ask your uncle what kinds of games he played when he was young.
21 - You are at the club with your parents and you see your Arabic teacher, Mrs. Huda. Introduce her to your mother.
22 - Your class is discussing ideas for Sports Day. Make a suggestion.
23 - Your friend suggests going to Tahrir Square but you want to do something else.
24 - Your friend asks if you think charities are important. Reply with a reason.

2 – Say where these mini-dialogues take place and who the speakers are:
1. A: On which platform is the train to Aswan?
B: Platform No. 5
A: May you help me with my bags?
B: With pleasure.

2. A: How do you like this T-shirt?
B: Its lovely but I’d rather have it white.
A: Red is fashion now.
B: But I can not stand it.
A: All right. I’ll bring you a white one.

3 – A – It is good that you have got a mobile, lets phone the police about
the driver.
B – Yes, he hit the old man and ran away.

4 - A – Excuse me I am looking for some information about festivals around the world for the English class.
B - There are some books about festivals in the cultural section over there.

5 – A – Have you finished the annual tax report?
B - I am about to finish , sir.
A – Don't be late lest we should pay a delay fine.

6 – A - What is the matter Ola? – No homework for a week.
B – Sorry , sir. My mother was ill in hospital.

7 – A – Ashraf , read your article to your mates.
B – I am afraid sir, I forgot it at home.

8 – A – How long have you been feeling unwell?
B – Since Thursday.
A – Well, you need to take one of these tablets three times a day.

9 – A – Who won the world cup in 2006?
B – I think it is Italy, sir.
A – Well done.

10 – A - Let's go to the stadium to watch the final match.
B - But I failed to get a ticket.
A – Fortunately I have a spare one.
B – Ok , let's take a taxi.

11 - A – How long will the transplant take?
B – The operation will be about 10 hours long.
A – Will I have to stay in hospital long after it?
B – A week.

12 – A – Excuse me I am doing a survey , could I ask some questions?
B – Yes, Certainly.
A – Do you come here often?
B – No, I only come once a month to buy frozen food.

13 – A - Mr. Hani, I'm very nervous about the maths exam. What should I do?
B - You should solve lots of extra problems.
A - Is that all?
B - If you study and solve problems every day, I think you'll do well on the

14 – A - Let's talk about the new school magazine.
B - I think it should have news about the students and their families.
A - That sounds good. What about fiction?
B - Yes, we could have stories written by students.

Longman choice
3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
1 - All day yesterday I _____ famous surgeons for a magazine article.
a) interview b) was interviewing c) have interviewed d) had interviewed
2 - You have to study in university for five years to _____ as an engineer.
a) research b) publish c) qualify d) represent
3._____ he is a diplomat, he must be very careful what he says in public.
a) And b) But c) Although d) Because
4.My uncle is a politician _____ he studied engineering in university.
a) although b) if c) while d) because
5.I enjoy _____ the internet to learn new things.
a) stealing b) surfing c) tying d) doing
6.I don't understand this maths lesson. Can you give me a better _____?
a) commentary b) delegation c) research d) explanation
7.After he finished university, Hani _____ a journalist.
a) become b) became c) was becoming d) is becoming
8. When the teacher asked Maryam why she was late, Maryam told her a(n) ------------------------------ story about flying cars.
a) ridiculous b) bargain c) user-friendly d) online
9.I prefer to shop _____ so that I don't have to go out in bad weather or find a parking space.
a) in cash b) by broadband c) online d) traditionally
10.As soon as I came home, my brother _____ my car.
a) was borrowing b) has borrowed c) had borrowed d) borrowed
11.On their next holiday, Mum and Dad are going to take a _____ to the Canary Islands.
a) voyage b) bargain c) catalogue d) politician
12.My uncle is 73 years old. He _____ a lot of interesting things in his life.
a) did b) has done c) made d) has made
13.What _____ at nine o'clock last night?
a) did you do b) are you doing c) have you done d) you did
14.The police found five _____ mobile phones in the thief's car.
a) stolen b) transplanted c) published d) traditional
15.I'm studying hard _____ I want to get into a good university.
a) although b) but c) because d) if
16.Many companies now put their _____ online so that customers can choose what they want to buy.
a) research b) broadband c) activities d) catalogues
3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:

3. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.
17.When things go wrong, Maryam thinks everything will turn out well. She's always _____.
a) pessimistic b) cooperative c) optimistic d) shocked
18.Tomorrow is my cousin's birthday. We _____ dinner at his house.
a) 're having b) have c) go to have d) will
19.Would you like to live in _____ European Union?
a) a b) the c) an d) (no article)
20.Lions hunt their prey in _____.
a) parts b) navies c) herds d) packs
21.The hunters built a _____ to sleep in.
a) shelter b) string c) situation d) shoulder
22.We have three cars, green, black and orange. My mother drives _____ orange one.
a) a b) an c) the d) (no article)
23."We don't have any bread." "OK, I _____ and buy some now."
a) 'm going to go b) go c) 'll go d) 'm going
24.Professional _____ work far above sea level.
a) divers b) mountaineers c) diplomats d) surgeons
25.Mt Fuji is _____ mountain in Japan.
a) a highest b) highest c) most high d) the highest
26.Next year I probably _____ all my exams.
a) will pass b) am passing c) pass d) going to pass
27.I'm 178 cm tall. My brother is 179 cm. He is _____ taller than me.
a) much b) amazingly c) slightly d) more
28.Hani and Sami _____ to Luxor next weekend. They bought their tickets yesterday.
a) are will fly b) are flying c) going to flying d) are fly
29.Before you can climb mountains, you have to _____ your fear.
a) conquer b) bring up c) cooperate d) tolerate
30.Soha's book is a little boring. Heba's book is very boring. Soha's book is -------------------------------------------- Heba's book.
a) less interesting than b) interestinger than
c) as interesting as d) more interesting than
31.My family's economic _____ is not very good now because Dad lost his job.
a) situation b) challenge c) literature d) tolerance
32.The sky is very dark and cloudy. I think I'll buy _____ umbrella while I'm here in the shop.
a) (no article) b) a c) the d) an
3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:

33.My cousin is very good in basketball. He hopes to become _____ player for a famous team some day.
a) a professional b) an amateur c) an export d) a global
34.Gamal spent three hours reading the reports _____ Hani sent.
a) whose b) that c) who d) who's
35.Our club is going to _____ boxes of food to poor families this month.
a) canoe b) benefit c) distribute d) afford
36.My dad gave me a(n) _____ watch that was my grandfather's. It's worth a lot of money.
a) global b) valuable c) identical d) imaginative
37.Please arrange a time _____ we can meet for a few hours.
a) whose b) where c) which d) when
38.With this new method, we can get a higher crop _____ using less water.
a) yield b) economy c) goods d) collection
39.We _____ meat every day but now we eat it only two times a week.
a) use to eat b) used to eat c) used to eating d) used eat
40.I'm really annoyed. I _____ for my brother for half an hour and he hasn't even phoned.
a) had waited b) 'm waiting c) wait d) 've been waiting
41.My cousin made a film that will be shown at the Cairo International Film _____.
a) Holiday b) Ball c) Festival d) Ceremony
42.Jeanne's necklace, _____ Mathilde lost at the ball, was made of glass.
a) whose b) that c) which d) who's
43.Two things that are exactly the same are _____.
a) global b) obvious c) valuable d) identical
44.The library hours _____ for today. The library opens at 11 o'clock tomorrow.
a) have finished b) have been finished
c) have been finishing d) finish
45.Did your grandfather _____ as a civil engineer?
a) use to working b) used to working c) used to work d) use to work
46.Mrs Nagwa and Mr. Maher will be the _____ of our school at the National Teachers Conference.
a) corporations b) politicians c) representatives d) surgeons
47.Dr Samir, _____ grandfather was a poor farmer, is a famous professor.
a) whose b) which c) who d) that
48.Your heart will _____ from regular exercise such as walking, cycling or swimming.
a) act b) benefit c) admire d) take place

تمارين الدليل) –and workbook)

3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
1. Ahmed always .......... favour to his poor neighbours.
a- does b- gets c- makes d- comes
2 ............ my stay in London, I met my old friend, Ramy.
a- While b- When c- As d- During
3. Maha finds it very easy to ........... decisions quickly.
a- do b- get c- make d- come
4. . ........ he was sick, he attended the conference.
a- Because b- Although c- Despite d- During
5. He went abroad to ......... his postgraduate studies.
a- give b- do c- make d- take
6. Although she is over thirty, she is still ....... .
a- single b- alone c- one d- free
7. Hazem enjoys ........ tennis with his friends.
a- played b- plays c- playing d- to play
8. It is impolite to ............. an ass of anyone.
a- satire b- make c- mock d- reason
9 ........... you want to keep fit, you have to practise sports.
a- In case of b- But for c- Unless d- If
10.The people of Lilliput .......... Gulliver to the ground so as not to escape.
a- put b- fell c- made d- tied
l1.Have you .......... been to Cambridge University?
a- lately b- never c- ever d- already
12.Egypt always sends ........... to nearly all conferences abroad.
a- donors b- delegations c- generations d- volunteers
13.While Amal was writing an essay, Ahmed .......... TV.
a- watches b- was watching c- watched d- will watch
14.1f you have a ....... connection, you can contact to the internet very quickly.
a- broadband b- fax c- telex d- radio
I5.We sometimes .............. to the Opera House.
a- go b- goes c- are going d- will go
16. Mona has had a bank ..... '" since she was at the age of ten.
a- account b- delivery c- Insurance d- robbery
17.He is very .............. on their traditional music.
a- anxious b- eager c- fond d- keen
I8.The government spares no effort to .......... foreign investors.
a- forget b- fire c- attract d- exclude
19. She can't send e-mails because there is a problem with her internet
a- closure b- connection c- transmission d- disconnection
20. We sometimes prefer tea .............. coffee.
a- on b- with c- to d- for
21. Professor Magdi Yacoub's aunt died .......... a heart problem.
a- because b- in case of c- in spite of d- because of
22. Kidney ....... is to take an organ (kidney from person, animal and put it into another.
a- transform b- transport c- transmit d- transplant
23. The reason ........... his absence is unknown.
a- to b- for c- with d- of
24. There has been a real ......... in number of people living in Sinai.
a- grow b- to grow c- growing d- growth
25. He is affluent ........... he is miser.
a- when b- as c- but d- because
26. It is easy to change foreign ........ into Egyptian money.
a- currency b- language c- investment d- luggage
27 ...... the summer holiday, he helps his father with his work.
a- During b- When c- While d- As
28. He would like to work for a ........ organization to help the poor.
a- charity b- scientific c- charitable d- cheering
29 ... ……… his sickness, he -managed to win the gold medal.
a- In case b- Due to c- In spite of d- Although
30.Interestingly, many people prefer to use traditional banks .......... . than online banking.
a- worse b- other c- rather d- less
31. Dr. Magdi believes his work can .......... a difference to people's lives.
a- make b- bring c- do d- give
32 ........ in a system that cools and dries the air in a building or a car.
a- Airliner b- Air raid c- Airmail d- Air conditioning
3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
33. A / An ........... is a doctor who is trained to perform a medical operation in a hospital.
a- architect b- sergeant c- accountant d- surgeon
34 ............ got his degree, he worked as an engineer.
a- After b- Having c- Before d- No sooner
35. . .......... is money we carry in our pockets.
a- Cash b- Debt c- Debit d- Credit
36. No sooner ........ he stepped on my foot than apologized to me.
a- did b- have c- will d- had
37. A/An ......... is a fully grown person.
a- disabled b- adult c- child d- invalid
38. The police put handcuffs on the two men because they ....... their neighbor's house.
a- rob b- robbed c- had robbed d- will rob
39. A ......... is a person whose job is connected with politics.
a- musician b- magician c- electrician d- politician ..
40. Before they ............ , shopping, they had had their lunch.
p- went b- go c- will go d- are going
41. Professor Magdi was part of team which did the first British ........... transplant.
a- kidney b- heart c- liver d- stomach
42.Jonathan Swift's father was ........... .
a- Irish b- English c- French d- Russian
43.Ali .......... as an engineer last year.
a- beautified b- specified c- qualified d- purified
44. When I reached the platform, the train ... , ....... .
a-leaves b-Leave c- left d- had left
45.People use computers for many different .......... .
a- processes b- surgical operations c- actions d- activities
46.Look! he ........... math.
a- studies b- is studying c- studied d- was studying
47.Louis Pasteur discovered ways of .......... diseases from passing from person to person.
a- saving b- preventing c- protecting d- healing
48 -He has been learning English ........ six years.
a- for b- ago c- since d- just
49. He runs as fast .......... a train.
a- as b- just as c- such as d- like
50. It is ............ to believe in ghosts.
a- great b- brilliant c- ridiculous d- fantastic
51. She needs to learn English ........... she wants to be a journalist.
a- but b- while c- owing to d- because
52 ............ do their best to prevail world peace.
a- Astrologers b- Diplomats c- Archaeologists d- Astronomers
53. He made an interesting .......... by ship to England.
a- voyage b- journey c- flight d- tour
54. It's illegal to .......... other's properties.
a- donate b- search c- steal d- investigate
55. He works hard ........ succeed.
a- because b- so as not to c- so that d- so as to
56. Hoda doesn't agree ........... Rania to postpone her homework.
a- to b- an c- with d- that
57. By the time she went to bed, she ....... her parents.
a- had fed b- fed c- will feed d- is feeding
58.A ............ is a plastic card that can be used to take money directly from your bank account.
a- bill b- credit card c- debit card d- receipt
59.After .......... his homework, he watched TV.
a- had finished b- finishing c- finish d- finishes
60.People ........... at the age of sixty.
a- retire b- retreat c- resign d- relax
61.She wasn't presented the new mobile until she ..... the final exams.
a- will pass b- passes c- passed d- had passed
62.The .......... is the American currency.
a- pound b- dollar c- yen d- lira
63.He'll welcome us as soon as we ........ .
a- arrived b- '11 arrive c- arriving d- have arrived
64. They click the left ........... button twice to highlight a programme.
a- printer b- mouse c- keyboard d- scanner
65. He'd rather get up early, .......... he?
a- wouldn't b- had c- would d- hadn't
66. Mud bricks do not ... " ...... heat well.
a- conduct b- guide c- control d- govern
67. Having ........... a quick wash, he ironed his shirt.
a- have b- has c- had d- had had
68. The Farmer was .......... yesterday because he had been working hard all day.
a- proved b- fired c- exhausted d- teethed
69. We painted our room by .......... .
a- ourselves b- themselves c- itself d- yourselves
70. Mahmoud is good .......... playing computer games.
a- an b- at c- with d- by
71. All religions call for ........... .
a- aggression b- tolerance c- violence d- hostility
72. If I ........... you, I'd accept their offer.
a- have been b- 'm c- was d- were
73. Doctors are .......... to practise medicine.
a- modified b- qualified c- identified d- defined
74.My school ............ a new project about keeping fit soon.
a- has started b- started c- is starting d- starts
75.I've read a lot of Arabic writings, but I don't know much about French .......... .
a- grammar b-literature c- prose d- commentary
76. He is so ............ that he hanged a small cat.
a- cruel b- humane c- kind d- tolerant
77 ........... people look at the dark side of life.
a- Optimistic b- Tolerant c- Wise d- Pessimistic
78- .......... people always look at the bright side of life .
a- Pessimistic b- unkind c- Optimistic d- Wicked
79. Japan is ........ group of islands in the Pacific Ocean.
a- an b- a c- the d- no article
80. The hunters ........... the lion and took it to the zoo.
a- controlled b- imprisoned c- arrested d- captured
81. Adel became .......... English teacher in a secondary school.
a- no article b- an c- the d- a
82. The first thing they did was to build a ........... to protect them from the wind and rain.
a- fountain c- well b- shelter d- dam
83. Crete is an island in ........... Mediterranean Sea.
a- the b- a c- no article d- an
84. The teacher .......... his students into groups before the work shop.
a- split b- cut c- projected d- changed
85. My son enjoys .......... action films.
a- watch b- watching c- to watch d- watched
86. Hunters .......... a fire to frighten fierce animals at night.
a- put b- set c- make d- do
87. That's the ........ interesting story I've ever read.
a- least b- less c-little d- more
88.English is ........... interesting subject I have ever studied.
a- more b- least c- the more d- the most
89. "Lord of the Flies" was William Golding's .......... novel.
a- first b- second c- third d- fourth
90. Mount Fuji is not.............. dangerous as Annapurna.
a- like b- such c- as d- same
91. Countries should .......... for the sake of their people's welfare.
a- fight b- forget c- violate d- cooperate
92. Gold is ........... expensive than copper.
a- best b- most c- more d- less
29. A good leader is someone who is .......... .
a- unjust b- nervous c- respected d- pessimistic
93- Ali thinks that science is .......... than social studies.
a- easier b- easy c- easiest d- the easiest
94. All students should be ........ to be reliable.
a- weak b- honest c-senseless d- impatient
95. our school is ........... than yours.
a- beggar b- biggest c- big d- bigger
96. There's always snow on the ............. of high mountains.
a- summit b- roof c- surface d- ceiling
97. Luxor is ........... from Giza than Tanta is.
a- the farthest b- far c- farther d- furthest
98. Omar Samra, was the first Egyptian who ........... the summit of Everest in 2007.
a- came near b- got c- reached d- arrived
99. A/An ......... is a very young child.
a- aged person b- teenager c- adult d- toddler
100. Landing on the surface of the moon was ......... for astronauts.
a- amazed b- amazing c- amazement d- amaze
101- ........ learning is a must for all people.
a- Life cycle b- Life coach c- Lifeless d- Lifelong
102. Few ........ climb mountains for themselves.
a- mountaineers b- astronauts c- gardeners d- pilots
103. Hazem is skilled at ............. quizzes ..
a- getting b- making c- reaching d- doing
104. More than 200 climbers ....... their lives during climbing Everest.
a- donated b- missed c-Lost d- saved
105. I wish all students would speak .......... English fluently.
a- a b- the c- no article d- an
106. The air at the, top of mountains is ------ than the air at the bottom.
a- thinner b- heavier c- thicker d- fatter
107. We always have ........... lunch in a very splendid restaurant.
a- a b- no article c- the d- an
108. Alan---------- is person who asks someone questions during an interview.
a- inventor b- investor c- interpreter d- interviewer
109. Egypt is the most important ....... country in the Arab world.
a- leader b- leading c-Leadership d- led
110. The summit of Everest is nearly 9000 meters .............. sea level.
a- under b- beyond c- behind d- over(above)
111. The ........ tree in the world is nearly 10.000 years old.
a- biggest b- heaviest c- oldest d- newest
112. . ............ computer has changed the way we work.
a- A b- The c- No article d- An
113. France is ........... of the European union.
a – part b - port c- portion d- a part
114. Mount Fugi is ........... beautiful than the Matterhorn.
a- more b- better c- little d- worse
115. Rules make it possible to ., ....... things.
a- know b- modify c- organise d- recognise
116. Football is the ......... popular game in Egypt.
a- less b- many c- much d- most
117. If there are no rules, life will be ....... .
a- modified b- predictable c- unpredictable d- identified
118 ......... River Nile is the longest river in the world.
a- No article b- The c- A d- An
119. Jack's group tries to ............. Poggy's glasses.
a- steal b- gain . c- give d- join
120. The wind is getting stronger. There ....... be a heavy rain.
a- is going to b- will c- shall d- would
121. it isn't allowed to talk about .......... in public.
a - policy b- politics c- politician d- political
122. I'm sure you ....... pass the final exam successfully.
a- will b- may c- would d- are going
123. Unlike basketball. boxing is a/an ......... ,. sport.
a- group b- individual c- personal d- team
124. Abu Traika ........... a famous goal yesterday.
a- gained b- earned c- scored d- won
125. Pupils join the primary stage at the ....... of six.
a- age b- year c- old d- period
126. Magdi ............. Ashraf at tennis.
a- earned b- gained c- won d- beat
127. It is easy for us to ........ predictions about tomorrow's weather.
a. do b. get c- make d- take
128. Ramadan,1973, was the month ...... our great army restored our dignity.
a- when b- which c- that d- where
129. Gad restaurant " ....... are used by 80% of the population.
a- springs b- chains c- series d- robes
130. This is the brave man ....... saved the young lady from drowning.
a- where b- which c- whose d- who
131. Our cotton ......... has increased since we used modern technology.
a- tax b- import c- yield d- income
132. Alexandria, ...... is the second capital city, has many comfortable resorts.
a- where b- which c- when d- whose
133. Mr. Wong is the ....... for a big Chinese company.
a- preservationist b- preserver c- presenter d- representative
134. Mr. Wong is at Cairo Airport ........ Mr. Latif the manager of Fruco, is meeting him.
a- that b- when c- where d- whose
135. "I'm ............. to meet you", said Mr. wong to Mr. Latif.
a- pleaser b- pleasing c- pleasurable d- pleased
136. Egypt imports iron ....... Italy and Turkey.
a- from b- to c- for d- with
137.Mr Latif .......... Mr Karmi to Mr Wong.
a- presented b- introduced c- offered d- produced
138. The young girl .......... eyes are blue, is American.
a- whose b- who c- whom d- that
139.1 have an /a ........... with the Prime minister today for my program.
a- conference b- interview c- appointment d- draft
140 ........... is a large business organization.
a- Corporation b- Cooperation c- Coeducation d- Coexistence
141. Mr. Hassan is the ....... buyer for an English supermarket chains.
a- chief justice b- chieftain c- chef d- chief
142.We shouldn't encourage trade .............. china to protect our products.
a- to b- for c- with d- in .
143. Miss Zizi, ..... bookshop is next to our school, is kind hearted.
a- that b- whom c- who d- whose
144. Mr. Karmi is our .............. manager.
a- sales b- sails c-seal d-sealing
145.Mr Wong is the representative for a Chinese .......... company.
a- import b- imported c- imports d- importer
146. Uncle Emad has ........... an appointment to meet Dr Omar at home.
a- fixed b- limited c- made d- done ,
147. Our plane arrived ........... Borg Alarab airport on time yesterday.
a- with b- at c- in d- for
148. "Mr. Ali '11 be with you .......... a minute", said the receptionist.
a- in b- at c- by d- for
149. Professor, would you mind ............... us about Maupassant life?, the presenter said.
a- to tell b- told c- tell d- telling
150. He joined the ........... and fought France in a European war.
a- university b- orphanage c- army d- institute
151. Maupassant used to enjoy .. , ........ .
a- fished b- fishing c- to fish d- fishy
152. Nagi moved to Cairo ........... he worked as a clerk.
a- where b- which c- when d- who
153. My favourite hobby is ........ tennis every friday.
a- played b- play c- playing d- to play
154 ...... work is an exercise in itself.
a- Spiritual b- Mental c- Pair d- Manual
155. Magdi spends all his free time ....... English novels.
a- read b- reads c- to read d- reading
156. I ........... the Olympic Games all day.
a- have watched b- have been watching c- watched d- watch
157.Tamer looked so .......... when he received the bronze medal for Judo.
a- jealous b. shameful c. ashamed d- proud
158.. Have you ever .......... judo?
a- done b- had c- taken d- made
159. He hasn't done Karate, ........
a-Do I have b- so I do c- neither have I d- neither I did
160. I wish Egypt would take part ...... the following football world cup championship.
a- on b- in c- at d- for
161 ............ players play football for money.
a- Amateur b- Voluntary c- Merchantable d- Professional
162. It is the money and training that drive the sport ...........................
a-off b - back c- forward d- away
163. Squash is a very good exercise, so it helps me to keep ......... .
a- fitness b- fat c- fit d- unfit
164. When I was young, I ...... live in a small flat, but now I live in a villa.
a- used to b- 'm used to c- use to d- 'm used
165. . ...... isn't an Olympic sport at the moment.
a- Squash b- Judo c- Karate d- Swimming
166. Ayman did not use to enjoy .. '" at home.
a- stayed b- to stay c- staying d- stay
167. I like ............. a part of a team to do well.
a- be b- bee c- being d- been
168. She ....... basketball for about ten years.
a- plays b- 've played c- played d- has been playing
169. Olympic Games have helped to ....... understanding between nations.
a- prevent b- develop c- concentrate d- hinder
170.A chemical business may not be good .......... the environment.
a- for b- at c- of d- on
171. . .......... "means affecting or including the whole world".
a- Regional b- Local c- National d- Global
172. Zaki used to drive a ten .......... old car.
a- years b- year c- year's d- years'
173. Computers, ....... in Japan, are of high quality.
a- are making b- are made c- which make d- made
I74.Mona can't .............. a new mobile phone because she has hardly any money.
a- offer b- bear c- borne d- afford
175. He bought a large villa ........ over the main street.
a- looking b- looks c- is looking d- looked
176. Ramy practises .......... to keep fit.
a- regular b- regulation c- regularly d- regularize
177. Hockey is a ........... game.
a- individual b- personal c- pair d- team
178. The film was so ........... that I went to bed.
a- boring b- interesting c- exciting d- inviting
179. We should be ......... of our football national team due to great achievements.
a- proud b- ashamed c- modest d- shy
180. My father ......... for his company for twenty years and he's still working.
a- works b- has been working c- has worked d- worked
181. Earthquakes shake the ....... of buildings, weaken and break them.
a- found b- finder c- foundations d- finding
182. I haven't played tennis ......... has Ahmed.
a- Either b- So c-Nor d- Neither
183. A/An . ............ is a person who does something for enjoyment.
a- engineer b- volunteer c- donor d- amateur
184. Hesham .......... my dictionary to look a difficult word up.
a- borrowed b- lent c-gave d-exported
I85.Governments can provide sports ........................ for sportsmen and sportswomen.
a- face powder c- facilities b- facelift d- face-off
186 .I look forward to .... ..... you.
a- meeting b- meet c- have met d- met
187.They decide to buy Alan ....... diamond necklace as a replacement.
a- different b- similar c- opposite d- identical .
188.A corporation ..... goods to shops and companies in a particular area.
a- invests b- distributes c- introduces d- imports
189.He needs to payoff all his ....... before he leaves the country.
a- debits b- cards c- debts d- coins
190 .My friend Samy, .............. is a pilot, lives in Tanta.
a- which b- who c- whose d- where
191. A chemical business could create a lot of jobs for ........ people in the area.
a- odd b- strange c- foreign d- local

Workbook practice tests
192. My father has just bought a camera ........... .
a- by internet b- by website c- online d- on computer
193. I'd ............ be a doctor than a dentist.
a- rather b- prefer c- want d- like
194. I have a very important decision to .......... next week.
a- make b- have c- come d- do
195. In the evenings, I like ..... the internet.
a- surfing b- traveling c- going d- running
196. Scientists are doing .......... into new kinds of energy.
a- study b- research c-work d- experiment
197 ........... people live with their families before they are married.
a- Single b- Individual c- Alone d- Professional
198. Application forms often ask people about their ...... status.
a- married b- waiting c- marital d-famous
199. My father works very hard, and he ............. working even when he doesn't feel well.
a- gets on b- goes back c- gets up d- goes on
200. Surgeons ........... operations to help people get better.
a- do b- make c- take d- bring
201. Professor Magdi Yacoub is a famous heart. ......... surgeon.
a- change b- move c- transport d- transplant
202. Mother Teresa really ............ a difference in people's lives.
a- making b- made c- did d-does
203. It's OK to ............. mistakes when we are learning something for the first time.
a- do c- take b- have d- make
204. My father is a .......... He works in politics.
a- diplomat b- politician c- surgeon d- pilot
205. Can you give me an ............. for being late to class today?
a- example b- imagination c- explanation d- invitation
206 ....... I studied as hard as I could, I only scored 70% on my exam.
a- Although b- If c- Because d- However
207- It's.......... to think that horses can fly!
a- famous b- ridiculous c- availab1e d- traditional
208. It isn't very polite to make .......... of people.
a-laugh b-joke c- funny d- fun
209. If you are a policeman, you have to wear a special ............. .
a- shirt b- dress c- uniform d- trousers
210. In most shops, you can pay by ......... , cheque or credit card.
a- cash b- money c- debit d- coin
211. Squash is ................ sport.
a- a team b- a single c- an individual d- a personal
212. To be successful, the members of a sports team must ........... with each other.
a- cooperate b- leave c- pass d- prove
213. They have just ...... ... a good decision.
a-done b- made c- found d- brought
214. He's very ................ He always thinks the worst is going to happen.
a- sensible b- happy c- pessimistic d- intelligent
215. Shakespeare and Dickens are two of the most famous names in English
a- music b- books c- writers d- literature
216. My brother's ........... ambition is to climb Mount Everest.
a- lifelong b- life c- long d- wrong
217. While I was doing the shopping, I .............. one of my teachers.
a- was meeting b- met c- have met d- am meeting
218. I could sleep anywhere ----------------------- I was extremely tired.
a- while b- although c- because d- however
219. As soon as I got to the station, I realized that I. ............ my train.
a- had missed b- missed c- have missed d- miss
220 ................. author of Lord o/the Flies is William Gelding.
a- An b-A c- The d- No article
221. Europe is not as large .............. Asia.·
A-an b- as c-to d-so
222. Next Monday, I ........... my brother for lunch. We've already booked the restaurant.
a- meet b- met c- will meet d- am meeting
223. Go and see that film. I'm sure you .............. it.
a- will enjoy b- enjoy c- are enjoying d- are going to enjoy
224. We went to Italy by sea. Our ............. took two days.
a- flight b- drive c- crew d- voyage
225. It's quite safe to swim here. The water's not very .............. .
a- deep b- high c- tall d- long
226. The ............ of that mountain is always covered in snow.
a- head b- bottom c- summit d- height
227. My father's company ............ people from many different countries.
a- plays b- works c- keeps d- employs
228. I'm afraid we can't ............ a holiday this year.
a-buy b-pay c- afford d- earn
229. There are many ............... pictures in the museum. Some are 1.000 years old.
a- valuable b- cheap c- rich d- high
230. I'd love to take ............. in the Olympic Games, j:-.:1t I'll never be good enough.
a- place b- care c- turn d- part
231. The ............ of the year for my family was my sister's wedding.
a- height b- highlight c- benefit d- worst
232. Have you ever ................ a dangerous spider?
a- see b- saw c- seen d- seeing
233. I was so tired that I fell asleep ................ I was doing my homework.
a- while b- because c- if d- but
234. That was one of ............... books I've ever read.
a- best b- the best c- better d- good
235. I expect it ................ sunny and warm tomorrow.
a- will be b- is being c- is d- is going to be
236. A supermarket is a large shop ........... '" you can buy many different things.
a- who b- what c- which d- where
237. In the past, many people ............ to pay for things in cash.
a- use b- uses c- using d- used
238. The first person ................ I spoke to this morning was my sister.
a- which b- that c- what d- when
239. Where .............. your brother use to live?
a- does b- do c- did d- doing

4. Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write them correctly:
1. He’s 70 but he keeps working although the normal retire age is 65.
2. With a few clicks of the account, you can order almost anything online.
3. Dr Hamid has published three books last year.
4. Before I arrived at school today, I have already read 50 pages of the novel.
5. The charity will send a diplomat of four people to the UN conference.
6. Your national status says whether you are married or single.
7-Safwat will going on holiday tomorrow to Hurghada.
8.The teacher chose Magdy to the team captain.
9-Golding was shocked to see how violence people can be.
10.Some animals live in groups to bring above their young.

11.Sicily is the island in the Mediterranean Sea.
12.The summit of the Matterhorn is 4,478 metres above sea height.
13. We had to borrow a lot of money to pay the doctor, so now we are in savings.
14. France has was buying potatoes from Egypt for fifteen years now.
15. Maupassant used to spent all his free time writing.
16. Tamer does hands work because he didn't go to secondary school.
17. The Oxford English Dictionary, that gives a history of the words, was first published in 1929.
18- The navy fights on land and the air force fights in the air.
19. He is good at doing friends.
20. Prof. Magdi Yacoub was borne in the village of Belbeis.

21. We're going to ring him up when he arrived.
22. Hare field became the most important transmit centre in the country under Prof. Magdi's leadership.
23. Have you visited the national museum already?
24. Germs could be killed in milk by condensing it and cooling it again.
25. However darkness it was, I could see them.
26. The people of Lilliput are taller than Gulliver.
27. If I'm a doctor, I'd treat poor patients for free.
28.Prof. Magdi Yacoub resigned as a surgeon in 2001.
29. He'd rather left at once.
30.Prof. Yacoub was part of a team which made new heart parts from human organs.

31.She has no sooner bought a new mobile phone than she lost it.
32.Many people work for a charitable which helps children with heart problems
33.While the wedding party, we enjoyed watching a horse dance.
34.After finished his university education, he got a good job,
35, Thanks for Pasteur's discoveries, more people live healthy lives .
36.In the past, everyone used to go into their bank to put money into their accounting
37. It's impossible to make without water.
38. Prof. Magdi Yacoub learnt to adopt to different situations.
39. Look! they read silently.
40. Hardly as she studies, she gets low marks.

41. People do online shopping and radio banking.
42. He doesn't write the article until he had welcomed his visitors.
43. I'd like you to make me a favour.
44. Professor Magdi Yacoub provided to be sociable by nature.
45. She always tells lies. She is reliable.
46. People have their food delivery by supermarkets.
47. Having had had his lunch, he went out for a walk.
48. No sooner had he known the good news, then he congratulated them.
49. To succeed, you will have to show intolerance.
50. She is going to be thirty next Friday.

51. Handball is a individual game.
52. He'd liked to being a surgeon.
53. Pessimistic people believe that good things will happen in the
54. A passed car carried the injured old man to hospital.
55. Shelter protects people of the heat of the sun.
56. Peaceful films encourage terrorism.
57. Pessimism is a very good quality.
58 ..Ahmed Hassan is the leading of our football national team.
59. We will go out for a walk after the supper.
60.Cairo is a capital of Egypt.

61.EIephants fight to bring up their young and protect ill family
62.I'm sure you're going to enjoy your flight to Nebal.
63.Cooperation shows a high degree of stupidity
64.If a nurse refused to help a doctor, the doctor would not be able to make his job properly.
64.He has just finished reading 'Lord of the Mice' written by William Golding.
65.Annapurna is not as popular like Mountain Fuji.
66. London is much beautiful than Amsterdam.
67. Ramy does his best to win Samy at swimming.
68. I don't remember what it was like being a kid.
69. She's just read a article which said that Ali was shocked by things he
had seen.
70. The Amazon is in North America.

71. Do you know something about William Golding?
72. Mount Fuji is the less dangerous if it is compared with Annapurna.
73. In my opinion, mountaineers are very coward people.
74. During a second world war, Golding was a sailor in the British navy.
75. A good leader discourages the boys to cooperate.
76. Wolves usually hunt by packs.
77. We travelled to France and spent too weeks in Paris.
78. The Olympic Games takes up every four years.
79. We should make sports to keep healthy.
80. He deposits all his safes in Swiss bank accounts.

81. It was such an amazed car that he decided to buy it.
82. Professionals do sports for fun.
83. While he was walking, he saw a double of cars coming fast.
84. Omar has been working like a pilot for about ten years now.
85. We all despise our maths teacher for his mental quickness.
86. They promised to go canoe tomorrow morning.
87. The Romans left Greece during the second century BC.
88. Athletes were only interested on money, so in 349, the games were
89.Astronomers discovered the Ancient Olympic stadium.
90. It was believed that the games would help world to be a less
peaceful place.

91.Computer technology has changed the way in which companies attract and distribute their goods.
92.A queen is someone who husband is the king of a country.
93.Local economy means that companies do not need to stay in one
94.Corporations, controlled together as a single organization, trade in
other countries.
95.He often goes to Suez which he can visit his relative.
96. The Olympic Games are an international ceremony.
97. All students should benefit of the educational programmes on TV.
98. He ran fast, but fortunately, he lost the race.
99. Would you mind helps me with this heavy bag?
100. They make Karate to be able to defend themselves.

101. Mr. Kamal visits our school every day part from Saturdays.
102. Omar is terrible in remembering phone numbers.
103. The western desert should be deserted to provide different crops.
104. If 1 had a lot of money, I will go to Italy.
105. Water is used for fertilizing the f1elds.
106. Is she to buy a car, she would give me a lift.
107. The reason of the accident is unknown.
108. This car factory does parts for cars and buses .
109. Have you ever meet a famous person?
110. When you pay with money, you pay in credit.

111. I don't like meat. I prefers to eat fish .
112. Something that contains new and interesting ideas is traditional.
113. The children of our children are called our grandparents.
114. Ali is the faster runner in our school.
115. I'd like to be the doctor when I'm older.
116. Mona jogs the internet for long hours every day.
117. Egypt, Greece and Italy are all on a Mediterranean Sea.
118. My father was a sailor in the army.
119. The children in Lord of the Flies were kind to each other.
120. How long are you been learning English?
121. What is the more enjoyable thing about learning English?
122. In the past, Egyptian children didn't used to learn English until they
were 11 or 12 years old.
123. People describe today's world as a local economy.
1124. Diamond necklaces are cheap pieces of jewellery.
125. People who come third in a race win a gold medal

5- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
In the mid-19th century, a part of London called Soho did not have proper sanitation services. On 31 August 1854, there was an outbreak of a serious disease called cholera in Soho. In just three days, 127 people died. By 10 September, 500 people had died. John Snow, a doctor, visited the houses in Soho and asked, "How many people have died of cholera in this house? Where do you get your drinking water?" He drew a black dot on a street map for every house where someone had died. The dead people had all drunk water from one pump on Broad Street. If people took their water from another pump, they didn't get cholera. Although he could not find cholera germs in the water from Broad Street, the City Council closed that pump until the cholera outbreak ended. Snow's research showed that disease can spread in dirty water.
a. Give short answers to the following questions:
1. How many people died in the first three days of the cholera outbreak?
2. Why was Snow's research important?
3. Why did the City Council close the pump on Broad Street?

b. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4. Why did John Snow visit the houses in Soho?
a) He wanted to give medicine to the people who had cholera.
b) He wanted to learn how cholera spread.
c) He wanted to look for cholera germs.
d) He wanted to make a map of Soho.
5. Which sentence is not true?
a) Snow showed that disease can spread in dirty water.
b) The dead people had all drunk the same water.
c) Snow found cholera germs in the Broad Street water.
d) The City Council closed the Broad Street pump.

6 - Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
How do scientists map the ocean floor? They can use a submersible, which is a small vehicle that can travel deep under water. The submersible has sonar equipment that makes sound waves. The sound travels through the water and when it hits the ocean floor, it bounces back up to the sonar equipment. The equipment measures how much time it takes the sound to travel to the bottom and back. Then it calculates the distance that the sound travelled. The sonar finds low and high points and draws a map of the ocean floor. The lowest known point on Earth is the Challenger Deep. Scientists measured its depth with sonar and found that it is about 11,000 metres. It is deeper than Mt Everest is high. You could put Mt Everest at the bottom of the Challenger Deep and there would still be 1600 metres of water above it!
a. Give short answers to the following questions:
1. What is sonar used for?
2. Where is the sonar equipment that scientists use?
3. How deep is the lowest known point in the ocean?
b. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4. What does the underlined it mean in it bounces back up?
a) the sound b) the equipment c) the water d) the ocean floor
5. Which of these statements is correct?
a) Mt Everest is at the bottom of the Challenger Deep.
b) Mt Everest is less than 11,000 metres high.
c) Mt Everest is more than 11,000 metres high.
d) Mt Everest has water above it.

8 – Writing
8 – Writing
1 – الموضوعات الايجابية مثل التعليم/السياحة/اختراعات-----
المقدمة لأي موضوع ايجابي :
We all agree that -------- is one of the most important things in our life these days. It is very useful as it has a lot of good effects in all fields.
جمل عامة للموضوع الآيجابي:
1 – It is a thing that we can't do without.
2 – It helps in the development of our country.
3 – We should do our best to develop it.
جملة ختامية
Finally , we can sum up by saying that ----------- is very useful , so we must benefit from it by all means.
2 – الموضوعات السلبية مثل أمراض / زيادة السكان/ احتباس حراري ---
المقدمة :
We all agree that we face a lot of dangerous problems these days. But , in my opinion the most dangerous one is ----- because it has bad effects in all fields.

جمل عامة للموضوع السلبي :
1 – It is one of the worst problems.
2 – it is a global problem.
3 – All countries should cooperate to solve this problem
الجملة الختامية
Finally , we can sum up by saying that----- is a bad problem , so we must do our best to solve it.

1 - Write a paragraph on " Charitable Organizations"
2 - Write a paragraph on " Money is the root of every evil"
3 - Write an e-mail to your friend Omar saying why cleanliness is a must , your name is Hassan Gamal.
4 - Write a letter to Tom asking him to visit Egypt next summer as one of the most civilized countries in the Middle East, Your name is Hesham.
5 - Write a paragraph of about 100 words about whether people should be allowed to continue to work in their 70s or 80s. Give reasons for your opinion.
6 - Write a letter to your uncle Maher and tell him what you think students can do now to make Egypt a better place to live. Your name is Dina.

9 – Translation
A – Translate into Arabic :
1 - The high cost of living is one of our most difficult problems. The rise in prices is due to inflation. To bring the prices down , both the government and the individuals should work together, investment should be encouraged , production should be increased and consumption should be cut down.

2 – Our great big cities don't suit modern living. They have been set up with no regard to their inhabitants and their comfort. They consist of a variety of buildings and narrow streets full of petrol fumes and noise which affect people's health, nerves and even mental health.

3 – Many plants and animals have adapted to survive in the extreme conditions. Human beings have done so. People can live in hot deserts and cold places like the Arctic.

4 – A heart is a blood filled bag of muscles about the same size as a fist. The muscle contracts about ten times a minute to pump blood around the body. The heart muscle needs a good supply of oxygen which it gets from blood vessels.

5 – Egyptians are proud of Professor Magdy Yacoub . Thanks to his great achievements and contributions in the field of heart transplant operations.
6 - The Olympic Games in ancient Greece were part of a religious festival. The Games lost their religious meaning when the Romans ruled. The modern Games began in 1896.

B – Translate into English :
1 – أحب قراءة قصص المغامرات لأنها ثير عندي حب الاستطلاع
2 – تقينا المظلات من حرارة الشمس صيفا والمطر شتاءا
3 – يجب علينا معاملة ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة بطريقة انسانية وذلك بدمجهم مع قرنائهم
4 – يجب أن يتعاون الجيران على حل مشاكلهم بالطرق الودية
5 – توسع قصص الخيال العلمي المدارك وتجدد المعلومات وتثري المعرفة
6 – يجب أن يكون القائد مثالا طيبا للشباب وأن يكون متواضع واخلاقة حميدة
7 – الشخص المتفائل غالبا ما يلتزم بعمله عكس المتشائم
8 – ليست الحرية أن تعمل ماتحب وإنما أن تعمل ما يجب عمله
9 – تستطيع المؤسسات العالمية أن تبدأ تجارتها في أي مكان فى العالم
10 – زادت التجارة العالمية بشكل عظيم بفضل وسائل المواصلات السريعة
قديم 25-01-2013, 03:29 PM
الصورة الرمزية hishmet
hishmet hishmet غير متواجد حالياً
مشرف سوبر متميز ركن القرية الذكية سابقا
تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2008
العمر: 61
المشاركات: 1,816
معدل تقييم المستوى: 18
hishmet will become famous soon enough

قديم 10-02-2013, 10:12 PM
zxzx0100960 zxzx0100960 غير متواجد حالياً
عضو مبتدئ
تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2012
المشاركات: 66
معدل تقييم المستوى: 12
zxzx0100960 is on a distinguished road
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قديم 23-02-2013, 08:19 PM
السيد القهوجى السيد القهوجى غير متواجد حالياً
عضو مجتهد
تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2008
المشاركات: 366
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
السيد القهوجى is on a distinguished road

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