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المنتدى الأكاديمي للمعلمين ملتقى مهني أكاديمي متخصص للأساتذة الأفاضل في جميع المواد التعليمية (تربية وتعليم & أزهر)

أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 12-09-2009, 12:03 AM
fawzy almortada fawzy almortada غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2009
المشاركات: 6
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
fawzy almortada is on a distinguished road
افتراضي حتى تكون معلم ناجح

حتى تكون معلم ناجح
قديم 12-09-2009, 01:32 AM
الصورة الرمزية Mr operation
Mr operation Mr operation غير متواجد حالياً
مدرس اللغة الانجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2008
المشاركات: 1,337
معدل تقييم المستوى: 18
Mr operation is on a distinguished road

بارك الله فيك و جزيت خيراً
قديم 12-09-2009, 01:10 PM
الصورة الرمزية جواد عوض
جواد عوض جواد عوض غير متواجد حالياً
مشرف اللغة الانجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2008
المشاركات: 3,415
معدل تقييم المستوى: 20
جواد عوض is on a distinguished road

اليك ترجمة هذا المقال للانجليزية من جوجل حتى نستفيد بة اكثر كمعلمين للغة الانجليزية
There are very important steps must be taken into account by the teacher as much as possible in order to be successful in teaching

I know the process of teaching
Like any profession can not be donated by mastering what were not familiar with the assets and principles. And teaching which is the process of teaching and learning the principles and rules, including one for the teacher and those for the learner and those for the article and those for learning style and methods. This is what is going on and often educational psychology.
For example, your knowledge of the way in which they are learning, what are the things that affect it negatively or positively, it helps you to choose the right way in teaching you and your students and your article. Although there are different theories and views in this area, but the knowledge and study them critically and apply what is true of much benefit the teacher in teaching and help to avoid many of the errors made by many teachers.

I know the objectives of teaching the public and private behavioral

Of the targets in any work of great importance are summarized as follows:
Guidance-related activities in one direction, and prevent the dispersion and deviation.
Find the motivation to accomplish, and keep it active.
Working calendar to find out how success and failure.
These three things make the targets of great importance to the teacher during teaching. It is important to determine the teacher from teaching objectives, and clearly. Can not be taught successfully without the presence of clear objectives.
The types of targets, there is a general long-term goals and there are special objectives and progress. The relationship between the public and private objectives relative relationship, what is general as to what may be without special regard for it. For example, in the teaching of jurisprudence in the post, there are general objectives of teaching the material.
There is general objectives of teaching the material basis, and there are goals without the teaching of the curriculum at a certain stage and the objectives of teaching a specific decision in a given year and finally the goals of special education unit or a particular lesson. To familiarize themselves with these goals the teacher helps to coordinate efforts and make a concerted effort to reach the goal be in the final year of education policy ....
... Specific, which is expected to play the student as a result of activity in a particular lesson. When we say that a visible, specific to point out a certain behavior can be seen and identified and measured, and was not as persons can not see it. For example, if we say: We expect the student after this lesson to prepare from one to ten. This behavior apparently everyone can see and measure the success of the teacher and student to achieve. But if we said: We expect the student after the lesson to understand the relationship between such and such, this behavior is understanding the behavior of any internal mental do not see, although we may see some effects, hence it may be difficult to measure.
Link each activity chapter of seeking to achieve those goals. Make and prepare you in the first and prominently, there is nothing wrong to write a brief on the blackboard to ensure that your mind wandering about.
The behavioral objectives, although criticized by some researchers, have a significant impact in facilitating the process of teaching the teacher and the learner.
The most important reasons for the failure of many teachers in the performance of their lessons in the chapter, although it prepare them well prepared in writing is not footing the objectives of the lesson in mind, you see the teacher moves from activity to activity and does not seem unrelated and do not have a common goal.

I know your students - their level - ideas - characteristics of age

When entering the separation chamber for the first time you are facing a world unknown to you have to a large extent. But you often fall on the category of homogeneous in terms of age, psychological characteristics and emotional. Fmaraftk prior general characteristics of that category help you in setting the rules for dealing with them. For example, if you know the general characteristics of adolescence easy for you to explain many of the behaviors that make those who pass by of your students and you can expect to a large extent that could come from the behavior or learning problems occur.
Students also learn the level of social and cultural background and the quality of their ideas in the way help you brainstorm and view the lesson, and selection of examples.

Restart your lessons well

Good preparation for the lesson is planned to be reached by the teacher to the objectives of the lesson and thus to study successful.
* Setup steps:
- Determine the Goals: the objectives of the lesson select the precision and clarity, and the formulation of Sgha incorrect. The targets are often specified in the book the teacher or a teaching plan in the decision, there is no room for interpretation there.
B - mental preparation: After carefully define the objectives of the lesson, start in the next step to draw up the plan to achieve those goals. Before I start writing must be the idea of the lesson plan had been developed in your mind.
C - Setup Written: after the full and coherent vision for the functioning of the lesson then recorded in the form of steps and a clear and specific, bearing in mind every step of the time factor and its relation to the objectives of the lesson.
And less concern about the preparation of written only because the teacher and the supervisor, sometimes! Became seen as a rigid routine work .. Not renewed in the creativity and growth.
D - prepared the requirements of the lesson: the teacher often needs to explain to some of the means of education and specific, and should interest the teacher prepares the means and validated and can be used in the place they will be used. We should not delay the preparation of the key to the beginning of the lesson as this wasted so much time, and may not be available or desired means unusable.
E - Try to predict learning difficulties: a successful teacher is one who can predict the elements of the lesson will be difficult for the students, is calculated to account during the preparation of lesson Vicu ready for it do not spoil it for the planning study.
And - training in teaching: some lessons or some of the steps, especially made for the first time may need some training, there is nothing wrong with the teacher by apprenticeship to ensure that a satisfactory manner by the front of the students (and see this clearly in the English language teaching ).

Use the appropriate method of teaching

Teaching in several ways, and there is no way of these methods valid for all conditions, but there are several factors that determine when the method is more suitable than others.
Do determine what suits you best roads in the light of the following criteria:
Lesson to be explained
The quality of students
You are your personality and abilities as a teacher is making that lesson.
* Remember that:
Clear objectives and specific correct way lesson = successful.
** In general, the lesson to be successful, the teacher should:
Prepares students for study of the new goals set for them and its importance.
Make sure students learn the lesson introductions and requirements of the former, even worked for a quick review of the best.
Submit a new lesson.
Cast questions on the students and Inaqchehem to see how their understanding.
5 gives students the opportunity to practice and application.
The students live and gives them immediate feedback about what they have achieved.
Gives due consideration.

Be creative and move away from routine
Your commitment in the same way in all lessons, making your lessons and then a monotonous work (routine) boring, let it suffice to see you coming to class to send the students boredom and laziness. Always try to deal with all studied independently of the way and style, and be creative in diversifying the modes of presentation.
It is what is most boring in the hearts of students initially monotonous for a lesson, word: Open your book page ..! Or start writing on the blackboard of the things that are used by more teachers, try to be always beginning each lesson interesting, Once the question and once again the story and offer the means of education and student activity time .. And so on. All she had initially unexpected as I was able to attract the attention of students more.
Of the things that bring boredom students, and make the lesson uninteresting sitting position students in the classroom. Valmatad of many teachers to be to separate classes compact, and change this situation from time to time to suit the lesson and the subject gives a bit of renovation to the environment chapter.
Try as much as possible to have each studied a different situation, it is once in the form of rows, and the other on a circle, and a third in the form of small groups .. Thus, although the performance of the lesson outside the classroom useful and help to achieve its objectives, why sit in class?!

Find your lessons fun

- Stop and see the way the lesson if I saw it the cause of the Imlal students, the objective was not to complete the lesson plan as written, but goal is to benefit the students if you see that the plan was not working use the contingency plan to save the situation and get them the greatest possible benefit for the students. Nothing is worse than a teacher employed in the chapter alone ..! Remember that the general objectives of education and the general objectives of the curriculum of the largest and most important a particular lesson may be postponed or change his own way.
- Use the method fiction when needed, Souls that fond of the follow-up story.
- Allow a little humor, and jokes Vada'abp light which does not harm the feelings of others or lie of things that claim self-defense, expel boredom.
- Try always possible that the activity the students themselves, do not have to do you and they see, and remember that the objectives of curriculum that the students themselves to work and not to see who does the work!
- Students want to do what you want them and make ideas come from them! For example, instead of saying Macarua the previous lesson and I will give you degrees of duty or to participate, tell them: What do you love to give you even more in the degree of participation?! .. What is your opinion on memorization of the previous lesson?!

Astther motivation of pupils

It is very difficult if not impossible to learn a student has no motivation to learn. Start with the development of motivation of students and simulate them to learn and participate in the activities of the chapter, using all as it deems appropriate methods including:
- Link to students the objectives of high and sublime.
There is nothing makes motivation subside or fade away from lack of goals or objectives of a minimum, always face the minds of your students to the lofty goals of the Great and Plant a look in themselves to impressed with Excellency tied to stir them self-motivation is hardly fading.
- Use the encouragement and motivation.
To encourage and stimulate the physical and moral significant impact on the self-sent to work even if the job is desirable, Valtcjie praise and kind words and encouragement and to promote class prize and moral encouragement to put the name in the distinguished panel, all of these things have a significant impact in stimulating students to learn. These things easy does not cost a teacher something.
- Set targets as possible and challenging!
Select targets where the seminar is something difficult and they felt that you are defying their abilities and want them to prove themselves, like to ask them to keep the pages of the Koran once or to keep the ten words of English, you will find that many students respond to you and accept your challenge. But make sure that what they were requested not easy too, and not to throw him is not difficult too so as to cause them frustration, and give them sufficient time.
- Set of fair competition!
Such activity in the preceding paragraph opens the way for positive competition among students, simply using it to their benefit. But be wary of dragging them to this competition and to keep up their bickering, and hatred. And also watch out for the individual differences among students.
- Reward!
Use the reward of all kinds are possible with students doing what they were requested or make a great effort in the process, but make sure that an appropriate reward for the student, in terms of his effort level and in terms of age.

Stay away from violence

Always remember that you only come to learn not to punish those who do not learn! Also, remember that not all learning disabilities to be due to the student. Be patient and soothing Bbtiii learning and neglected documented that negligent if he considers that increases the concentration of neglect by the teacher and moderated by the Vsikv for his behavior. Often be caused by neglect, slow in learning and teacher inattention about it.
Refer back to your memory, especially if you're someone who exceeds thirty and remember your teachers, you will find that the first thing that comes to your mind a thick walrus teacher whose vision is awe-inspiring in the hearts of students, and feel your heart you will find how much of the anguish it caused to the day for you or for someone else of trauma in the days of the study.
There are teachers who were Banfem ***** crude brutality has also left many students to study who had enjoyed a good mentality and he is a good future please.
Muawiya ibn al-Hakam income may Allah be pleased with him in prayer with the congregation did not know that words had been denied in prayer, one of the Sahaabah Ftts Vcmth, Venbha reference some of the Companions did not understand and continued his speech, when he finished praying, whom the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him afraid he came to , so the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him kindly and Lin: This prayer is not the right place for some people's speech, but it is praise and tahmeed and read the Koran, Muawiya said, commenting on the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: my father and my mother is, what you saw the best educated and enclose it peace be upon him.

Find your direction towards the good pupils

Empirical research has proven that look the teacher to his disciples, a major impact on their educational and acceptance. If the teacher looks at his disciples that they are smart and able to learn and are serious and they feel that it will affect them positively, but if the teacher is perceived to be lazy and do not understand something, they will be as well.
- Be optimistic:
Optimism of the best qualities that should be enjoyed by the teacher, so be optimistic and they felt that your students see them as satisfied.
- Listing your assessment of the student responses and questions:
Do not neglect the efforts of students even if few, or no what to expect. Show your appreciation and thank you for the responses of students and ask them more, to become more sensitive to the difference between participation, and ascertaining whether or not you are attentive to their participation.
- Knowing the high energy and ambition:
High energetic component of magic mixer if the same student I saw him wonders. And many students have this element, but in the case of subsidence. Activate this element to evoke the enthusiasm of the students and hit them with parables and giving useful stories, connecting them to the objectives of Semitic.
Step for the successful teacher

Keep your development of scientific, educational and vocational

Many of the teachers in a big mistake when they thought that they graduate and the post is being granted to the end of the day and they have thus reached the resting stage. This is not true. Avoid falling into this error and I know that, over time the systematic study of assessments to graduate but it was time to self-study, The role of blending theoretical study by direct experience. Make sure to continue your development in the scientific and educational, it is not something of this world Drop in every grow at it wither!
You can develop yourself in one of the following methods:
- Directed readings: Consult your educational supervisor or a specialist to determine your books or chapters to read in your field or in the strict education in general, be sure to participate in specialized journals in education.
- Educational meetings: ensure the departments of Education and other educational institutions to establish educational meetings and symposia to discuss and consider the important educational issues, feel free to attend and participate actors that have as their object of interest, and you will see greatly appreciated by your colleagues.
- Training Courses: There will be sometimes in-service training courses for teachers, either singly wide enrollment to raise your level of scientific and professional development.

Be a role model in high energy and the Secretariat and the grandfather

All your words to your students about good manners and noble qualities do not have a big benefit if you did not see the students be implemented effectively. So be an example to them on the high Hmtk not satisfy Bodnaha of things, and be role models in your grandfather is not your students see you you are not only humor and jokes. They were role models in your faithfulness you do not see the waste on the students neglect your duties and functional and educational.

Pay attention to between the lines of teaching

For granted that education is not filling the minds of students with the information, but acquire the necessary skills and the right directions and refinement of character and mental stimuli. What is acquired by the students of teacher personality and character and its guidance in dealing and education, their perception of things and his way of thinking may be more important and more beneficial for the education of giving them information, which can be called between the lines of teaching, there are always things that are not directly derived by students from a teacher, perhaps it is not feel may be positive or negative.
The teacher a hard good manners Comrade Btalabh and interested in gaining work by students love science and love for the school and create a good in dealing with others, whatever the material to be considered, and vice versa! Vchksitk a major impact on your pupils.

Say - I do not know - why not learn

Some teachers shy away if asked do not know what to say: I do not know! In fact, the answer to the question of what to do not know something we should not shy away from the teacher for several reasons:
1 must respect the flag, respect the mentality of students, if asked about what we do not know the answer and there is no Nteklv Nraog, but recognize that we do not know.
2 should be firmer in our minds and the minds of students are not required by the teacher (not from the student), not in a position to know everything, but one must know his knowledge and abilities, not speak with does not improve.
These 3 words: I do not know if uttered by the teacher with confidence when you increase the ability of students.
But it must be the teacher instructs students on how to obtain this information asked about or prepare them to search by himself.

Use the instructions for your media and educational effectiveness

When he wanted the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him to show to his companions the meaning of God's words: (this is My straight and follow him and do not follow the ways ...) line to a straight line and said the cause of God, the line of many lines on the right and north, and said: This means ...!
When he saw the companions are sensitive handkerchief of silk and marvel at the soft and Nahumich, he said peace be upon him: Otaajabun this?! Tissues for Saad in Paradise is better than this!
* The means of educational a significant impact on learning, are:
Provide the teacher a lot of rhetoric.
Attract the attention of students.
Break the monotony of explanation and dumping.
Prove the information.
- Use the means available prefabricated or prepared by you or your assigned students before the lesson so well in advance. You can use the share of the activity or the share of art education in it.
- Remember that your use of the real thing is much better as a means to clarify the use of his image and be first-hand experience for students, for example, in English class, rather than attend football and bring with you a real football. One of the teachers of English find it difficult to explain the meaning of the word so that the headmaster of the students have to be translated, although this is not desirable, not the least intention to take students to the manager's room and tell them: This is the headmaster. ! Although this would facilitate the process and reinforces the information in the minds of students and sends vital in class and makes the situation more natural.
- Make sure that the means clear that the goal that you want of it is visible to students, what you see in the way you may not understand students.
- Whenever the method is easy and far from the complexity that is preferable.
- Make and Celtic interesting and attractive.
- Be creative in the instructions for your media and away from tradition.
- Beware of the means by which there may be a danger to the students.
- Make sure that the place of the lesson is geared to the use of means, for example: a nail or tape to suspend the painting, the source of electricity, a dark chapter ... and so on. Fissei very means to bring the teacher and then spend time looking right and left for a place to hang or put in it.
- Do not use a means, not know how to run, this may cause any of the following:
. Corrupting the device, has affected students or the teacher to do so.
. Wasting time searching for the correct way to run it.
. Confusion and embarrassment, which is located where the teacher in front of his students as a result of its inability to run the device.

Best use of the blackboard

Board of the oldest educational methods and the least expensive, can hardly do without a teacher, you can learn how to use them effectively. Some teachers believed that the use of the blackboard is not subject to random assets and rules, and this is not true. The teacher uses the blackboard successful in an orderly and specific objectives.
- Divide the blackboard for two or three, each section and select a certain quality of things written, which would put in an orderly and clear, for example, Department of the elements of the lesson, and a section of the sentences and phrases that are meant to stay the length of the lesson, and a section of the temporal expressions that can be removed during the commentary.
- Do not speak and you write on the blackboard.
- When you write on the blackboard try not to give back to students, but give them Ganbak.
- Do not write something wrong on the blackboard, and if an urgent need for the haste to remove.
- Use crayons in an orderly manner, so that helps students to absorb the processes of classification or link between things.
- Make sure that the writing is clear and can be seen for students in the last chapter.
- Use the display device over the head may be more effective if it had trained and prepared material well, is:
. Provides a time to him in writing on the blackboard.
. Students always make you face.
. Be a solution to the problem of poor line at some teachers.

Do not get angry

The teacher got in the chapter on the disciples of the things that make him more nervous and then lose control of his dismissal, and make the chapter in an atmosphere of fear and dread. Anger may lead to the teacher's actions and the consequences are dire. The chapter is the teacher angry environment suitable for the problems of students.
* How to avoid anger!!

1 - Learn about the characteristics of the behavior of the phase studied. More anger as the teacher is the behavior emanating from some students may be unintentionally, it is a prevent that anger to identify the characteristics of the phase behavior experienced by your students, it makes you look at that lens behavior more realistic and objective, it is not the size you envisioned. For example, if a student talking with his colleague during the explanation, this act in the eyes of adults who are not properly and truly an outrage, but if you look to him for that act of a child or adolescent in nature is difficult for him to stay for a long time silent and motionless, it seemed more natural to you.
2 expected behavior. You know the types of behavior also in the age of your students makes you expect certain behavior, if there was not a surprise, but they have prepared yourself for safe behavior on them.
Be sure to view the acquisition and reliable reference on the psychology of growth.
Not boasting it! Do not imagine that every act that is unwanted by the student meant by teasing the teacher or spoiling the atmosphere of the lesson, this perception brings anger already. Try as much as possible to look at these behaviors as errors only. And many of the behaviors that Ngillna but is natural, especially for students in primary and middle.
Moses, a prophet of God has spoken to can not help himself with his mentor Khader reiterated the question about the causes of what vegetables do things even though it had promised not to ask them and alert despite his vegetables after each question.
Beware of injustice ..! Anger is often a cause for punishment, and sometimes for revenge, and revenge is a sign of injustice, be aware of injustice, in addition to the impact caused by myself to the students, it is a sin to God and darkness on the Day of Resurrection.

Best to deal with the troublemakers of students

We are not perfect! In each chapter there are students or more cause to raise problems and impeding the process of teaching in one form or another. There are some methods to overcome this problem, or mitigation.

Hopes to me the following steps: Make your class is full of vitality and activity so as not to allow boredom to enter the hearts of students.
Always look on the reasons why the student to stir up trouble and remove it if possible. May be the reason he was next to another student then differentiate between them. May be to express embarrassment over a certain thing or to bring attention to it, deal with every reason, including convenience.
Find a student at the introduction of the chapter in order to be under your eyes, and near you.
Not every problem raised by the student need to stop the lesson and dealt with, the actions have to be just looking to the student or transit Altarpet him and on his shoulder enough to end it without the others are feeling.
To most of what is causing these problems the student vacuum Vochgl students, not enough that you're just busy teaching!
Use the method call after the end of the quota and understanding with the student in a friendly way. Try to take him promise not to repeat what happened.
Try moving the student to another chapter.
Use the Supreme Leader, Student.
And, above all, make sure that your students know exactly what you want them to do for what you want not to operate.
Do not use the battery! I will not go with you here in the usual debate on the subject, and different views on this. Thing is certain that the use of teacher beaten system is strictly forbidden, and this is sufficient to drop him.

Plans and ran out and the values and Shawar pupils and thank them in a bit of planning

Planning of the foundations for success in all work. Plans for its work in the period, or in the classroom or in the year. Activities and additional tasks that each needs to be planning to yield the desired results.
And planning does not help unless help him nicely accurate implementation and evaluation of what has been done.
Shower with your students intend to have to do as much as possible Iaudhm That the principle of consultation and opinion, and also makes them enthusiastic about what you want done.

Make your experiences so well you also have to be assessed

The test is said to measure the performance of the officer and teacher-level grades for students. And the work of testing knowledge of rules and scientific basis in terms of development and selection of questions and types and each type controls, misses some teachers think that this set of questions to test students sufficient as long as the inside of the decision.
* Hopes these rules: - Put the target of the test.
- Select the time allocated to test and select the number and quality of the questions accordingly.
- Analyze the course material
4 - Put the questions so that there is proportionality between the questions asked and parts of Article 5 - Make the questions very clear and free of any confusion or mislead, and remember that genuine test measures what it is to measure!
* Questions of substance or essay?!
Use the substantive questions, if you want to measure the ability to remember facts, and if the time to correct the questions short.
Controls the drafting of substantive questions: * questions of right and wrong:
. Do not put the sentence verbatim text of the book, and even prepared a formulation so as not to be the answer for building a thousand words, not understanding.
. Avoid vague expressions or non-specific.
. Avoid general terms and formulas, such as: always, or all or never ... etc., as they often suggest that the words wrong
. The answer should be a single, specific and conclusive.
* Multiple choice questions:. Should preferably be three or four options
. Options must be correct in terms of pulse, so it is not the word express evidence of the box (this is not intended to measure the capacity of language!)
. Avoid placing the words: all of the above as an option, if that student's knowledge of the wrong choice shows the error of this option.
. Stay away from phrases or methods of exiled exception, because it confuses the student's understanding.
. Must be close and logical options.
. Find out the phrase (first part) includes only one issue, and ruled out any information that is not necessary.
* FAQ link:. Preferred to be elements of the first list more than the second list
. Should not be linked to the item in each list only one item from the second list, in the case otherwise warned his students.
. Find the link through the numbers or letters and not by drawing lines.
* Check the vacuum questions:. Find the sentence containing the signs and indications, determine the exact word you want
. Do not give more than Fragin in the sentence, since that makes it mysterious.
. Find the vacuum in the last sentence, if possible, until it was needed most.
* Use the essay questions if you want to:
. To evaluate the student's understanding of key terms is important in the decision.
. To know the student's ability to compare and balance between the events and concepts, objects or linked
3. To measure creative ability and imaginative with the student. * Controls put essay questions:
. Select the length of answer expected words or the page, so that the student's perception of the length of answer expected.
. Put a model for the correct answer and distributed by the grades accurately, so that the ***** over the subject
. Give enough time to answer.
. If you are held accountable for spelling or grammatical errors, or on-line students may know in advance.
Q: What about oral tests?! You may need to oral tests in some subjects to measure verbal skills such as reading aloud, and say aloud that the silent reading comprehension and is intended to have tested this in writing.
When test mode make sure to select the target and make sure of skill or educational aspect that you want to measure. Some teachers think that the difference between the oral test and written test is that a student speaks in the first answer in the second written by the writing, this is not true, the difference is that the oral test measuring verbal skills, and dumping Kalmhadtp and recitation, and so on. It is not correct, for example, ask the student in an oral test of English language to spell a word from the keepers, as this skill in writing.
* Sponsor the following rules in the oral tests:. Start easy questions to remove what may happen in the same student from tension.
. Light after the dismissal of the student peace salute and emotion some encouraging words, and more if I saw him awe exam 3. Avoid exam the student in front of colleagues, especially the shy student.

Facilitated in Tbeefoa.

Of teachers believed that success in education is measured by the extent of emphasis on students and the firm with them, they double Rather, duties must be the solutions of model, testing a difficult and frustrating. This is not true, Valtiser legitimate demand, educational, and the teacher is successful, which takes in the hands of students and their climb slowly catalytic and carrots and something of intimidation, and the emphasis and intransigence Every judge well! And always tend to the souls of things easier for them. And when God is fasting, and because of the hardship he said: () a few days in order to facilitate the order to the soul.

Be a teacher educator .. No tutors
Not the teacher that is injected into the minds of students with the information, but the teacher educator, it is not your priority is the development in knowledge when the student Bicassaph more information but not your goal to help students to grow in all aspects of mental, spiritual, physical, psychological, emotional, and make it the right directions, and make information and means, not an end in itself, it is not intended, for example, that the student knows that the truth status of benign, but that goal is honesty in its dealings and his words and his actions.

Pay attention to the talents of your students, and their development, do not be rigid on your course like
Say that the teacher educator, you should pay attention to the positive aspects and strengths of your students to develop them and help them to exploit and benefit from them. What you are not distracted from the teaching of your course like on the lookout for the point, some students have talents and skills do not take care of her decisions as required, then it is notified of the shortages, and Petkmih, do not forget that the teacher is part of the curriculum! How many innovations and how Idt minds of talent neglected or slept and headed the right direction because of the negligence or ignorance of the teacher. And those wasted resources and energy lost in vain!

Sponsor individual differences

Of Muslim education that students differ in their mental abilities, skills and psychological characteristics, do not leave to take into account this aspect in your dealings with your students. The student needs intelligent superior to the activities of its challenge to continue to excellence, and student learning needs to be slow-tan and attached to education, the shy student needs to be treated in a manner not subject to the serious embarrassment to his colleagues .. So with all the quality of the students, must be treated appropriately, and to make them more effective. And with this interest in this aspect, it makes the lessons more lively and diversified methods of explanation to deal with the students.

Use homework effectively

According to some teachers that homework for granted or is routinely performed without a goal, and the fact that homework is part of the lesson must be planned with specific objectives. It is not intended occupancy students or their fees.
- Some important points relating to homework:
The goal of giving duty, whether it is for the exercise and the application, or for the calendar ...?
Should not be onerous due to the student, or a lot so dominates on the time of other duties or rest time.
Make sure that the student understands what should be done, drag Fjhlh way to one of two things:
A. The wrong solution.
B. Transportation of his colleagues.
Desirable (and sometimes should) that the solution begins with the students in the classroom or give examples of unresolved.
Correct duties
If given, the duty must be corrected in some way, there is no point of duty not correct.
Correct does not mean to be pointing it, or write a review or seen, but it must be a ***** the ***** already.
Be precise in Tsahig, it is the ugliest of things that indicate a mark of right to wrong. Perception of the situation if the student compare his answers to another student answer correctly, or if your ruler does you the duties for the book when Tsahig exam paper!
Is not enough to indicate the error on the sign, but to answer the student must refer to the quality of the error. And often used by many of the teachers agreed codes method, for example, the circle on the floor show spelling error, and line the bottom of the floor shows grammar error .. Thus, it saves time on the teacher.

Turn your classroom effectively

Do not you only source of learning in the chapter always tried to not be learning activities centered around, but I work on making the students benefit from each other, and they are working with minimal effort from you, where your role is confined to oversee and facilitate the learning processes. Promises students to ask questions of their colleagues, and the conclusion and not to wait for spilling the information ready.
Be fair in the distribution of learning activities for students, many teachers find themselves without feeling often focus their activities on a small group of students in the classroom, they are Distinguished, and ignore or neglect the rest of the chapter. "They might have warranted a saying: The only this category gives vital lesson, let them and if we involved all students, including chapter vulnerable to the lesson slow and without vital! This is certainly not the ground of properly. The lesson for students not only good, but should benefit from it all, taking into account individual differences. And bestowed a whole chapter in his participation in the activities of the Chapter beyond what may confront the teaching process of slow or apathetic.

Keep the lesson time

The time is the lesson, without the time can not provide a lesson. Keep the lesson time and make every minute in which to serve the educational goals. You can use the following methods to save time.
1 Stay in your class on time
2 does not allow students to delay from the time of the lesson, and promises to attend, such as bell ringing.
3 charged as much as possible the plan of the lesson, and goes on only for a necessity.
4 Make sure you have everything you need in your lessons with you in the separation chamber and in good condition.
5 that the habits of regular Sunnah (routine) of the work that students should work in each lesson, such as collecting books to be cleared or the blackboard, rather than ask them to do so each lesson on how specific promises.
6 used the lesson until the last minute.
And certainly does not mean this to be a lesson on the pace and one of the seriously and activity, but the meaning is not lost anything from the lesson with no benefit.

Teach students how to learn

Complain about teachers and parents of students to neglect their studies and not have Mmakrthm, a fact that a clear and mutually agreed for the majority of students, even hard-working students are not doing everything in their ability to memorize.
The reasons were multiple, but one that is unthinkable, one of the most important reasons, namely, that many students do not know how to learn, and how Ivakron?!
Rather than make the student dependent on the teacher and guardian, why do not we know how and learns how to examine and Ndrih, the results will be good.
At the beginning of each year and in cooperation with the guide, then student teaching and training students in methods of studying the correct, practical steps and clear. I do not mean to urge the students to memorize, and show them the importance of revising the lessons, or tell them before attending the class explanation and after Oqrauh .. Only, but we must make clear to them and examples: how to read? And how to extract the information and key points, which they read? And how they can focus and attention on what they read? What are the things that help to memorize correct.

Science students to refer to sources of information

We are in the era of knowledge explosion, and it is not unreasonable to ask students to save all the information. Strangely enough, we ask them to keep the information if asked about who holds a high scientific qualification to that found nothing wrong to refer to the earliest scientific reference for them. So why not just from the student to know the whereabouts of the information and how it yields, without Nchglh conservation, which expires at the end of the test often. And certainly this does not apply to all information, there is as much of it is essential for students to save, but if we apply this rule is relaxed for a lot of stress on the students. Many of our students graduating he does not know Amat [4] References in the fields of basic knowledge in how to use it.
Teach students how to get information quickly and their sources have adopted open channels of supply continuous flow of scientific and renewable.

Teach students how to think
Returning students to work for them things and solve them questions, even if they work themselves, they often performed by a mechanical way. This is because the teaching methods in which we rely on memorization, and to give ideas ready.
Promises your students to use these devices and the tremendous Would God: their minds! Always ask them to think Rogge to solve the problems. Ask them questions .. Astther their minds, knowing the proper ways of thinking and how to solve problems. Their knowledge of creative thinking.
The notes of our young children will find in many of them native wit brilliant, but quickly turns off a large part of it during the study, even for almost feel sometimes you have before you creatures do not think! See who is responsible for this huge wastage in the mental energies? No doubt there are many reasons, but the teacher can consciously reform done.
Incidentally, creative thinking, contrary to what is common does not require a supernatural intelligence, but needs to be familiar with its own and train.
How do you teach your students creativity
Find Joe Chapter receptive to new ideas and alien.
Encourage students to sense and explore the environment, and express their feelings and thoughts towards them.
Had cut a bit of time to encourage creativity and generate ideas.
Encourage students to engage in multiple areas, and provided them with a variety of activities and new.
Tell students that each person can be creative to some extent.
Teach students the elements of creativity and
لاإله إلا الله
محمد رسول الله
قديم 12-09-2009, 01:11 PM
الصورة الرمزية جواد عوض
جواد عوض جواد عوض غير متواجد حالياً
مشرف اللغة الانجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2008
المشاركات: 3,415
معدل تقييم المستوى: 20
جواد عوض is on a distinguished road

ارجو معذرتى على بعض اخطاء الترجمة البسيطة لانى لم اراجع العمل جيدا
لاإله إلا الله
محمد رسول الله
قديم 10-06-2011, 12:29 AM
الصورة الرمزية eng_lish
eng_lish eng_lish غير متواجد حالياً
مدرس اللغة الانجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2011
المشاركات: 604
معدل تقييم المستوى: 14
eng_lish is on a distinguished road

بارك الله فيكم
قديم 30-06-2011, 12:37 PM
Abu Salma Abu Salma غير متواجد حالياً
عضو نشيط
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2010
المشاركات: 188
معدل تقييم المستوى: 15
Abu Salma is on a distinguished road

من أقوال الإمام على بن أبى طالب
(( من وضع نفسه مواضع التهمة فلا يلومن من أساء الظن به ))

Senior Teacher of English
Mr. Mohamed Abu El-Yazid
قديم 02-07-2011, 11:29 PM
يوسفحسين1000000 يوسفحسين1000000 غير متواجد حالياً
عضو مجتهد
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2011
المشاركات: 60
معدل تقييم المستوى: 14
يوسفحسين1000000 is on a distinguished road

بارك الله فيك وفي اجتهادك
قديم 09-07-2011, 02:04 PM
الصورة الرمزية النسر المصرى
النسر المصرى النسر المصرى غير متواجد حالياً
مدرس اللغة الانجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2009
المشاركات: 853
معدل تقييم المستوى: 16
النسر المصرى is on a distinguished road

جزاكم الله كل الخير
Mr.Mohamed Soliman
English Teacher


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