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المنتدى الأكاديمي للمعلمين ملتقى مهني أكاديمي متخصص للأساتذة الأفاضل في جميع المواد التعليمية (تربية وتعليم & أزهر)

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قديم 24-05-2016, 11:49 PM
الصورة الرمزية mahrousahmed
mahrousahmed mahrousahmed غير متواجد حالياً
معلم لغة إنجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2012
المشاركات: 1,049
معدل تقييم المستوى: 14
mahrousahmed will become famous soon enough
New شوية اختيارى على الvocabulary نااااااار

1. He is affluent which means that he is………….
a. wealthy b. poor c. healthy d. penniless
2. ……..is a violent anger.
a. Wrath b. Wealth c. Worth d. Wroth
3. Folk songs were made up to help people get………their day’s work.
a. out b. off c. through d. In
4. He saw the…….look in the other boy’s eyes.
a. envy b. enviable c. envious d. enviably
5. A………..of waiters appeared bearing trays of food.
a. process b. procession c. profession d. position
6. Her work was in………for most of her life. No one knew about it.
a. eclipse b. clips c. clipper d. ellipse
7. He promised to………his father’s murder.
a. revenge b. range c. avenger d. avenge
8. He is a ………man. He does not have a steady character.
a. change b. changing c. changed d. changes
9. The British Open University was the first university to provide degrees………distance learning.
a. for b. with c. through d. of
10. His novel The Grapes of Wrath won an…………prize.
a. influential b. influence c. influenced d. influencing
11. Egypt is two hours……..than the time in Britain.
a. letter b. latter c. later d. late
12. Dr Karimat El-Sayed is……..in the world of science.
a. specialist b. special c. specially d. especially
13. By……………he discovered that she was cheating him.
a. gradual b. degrees c. degree d. stairs
14. Long-distance students study…………
a. online b. at university c. in class d. broadband
15. I don’t like………….food.
a. ripen b. experienced c. processed d. spun
16. I hope to……………a good doctor.
a. do b. play c. give d. make
17. The temples are an amazing………..of ancient and modern engineering.
a. collection b. compounds c. combination d. mixture
18. The insurance policy covers all baggage and personal…………….
a. affects b. effects c. defects d. effective
19. Though a talented player, he was completely ………by his brother.
a. eclipsed b. collapsed c. absorbed d. orbited
20. Violence is a……….in our society.
a. diabetes b. amnesia c. cancer d. ill
21. She seemed totally….…………in her book.
a. absorb b. absorbed c. absorbing d. absorption
22. Her work was in………for most of her life. No one knew about it.
a. eclipse b. clips c. clipper d. ellipse
23. Napoleon is both historical figure and a legend and it is difficult to separate the……
a. couple b. pair c. double d. two
24. I don’t have a lot of time to stay, but I will make an………at the party.
a. investment b. admission c. appearance d. inquiry
18. The man’s…………….sat I the third row of the courtroom.
a. accusation b. accuser c. accusatory d. accused

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