02-05-2016, 10:07 AM
عضو لامع
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2008
المشاركات: 11,687
معدل تقييم المستوى: 29
فتاوى بالانجليزية من دار الافتاء المصرية ( متجدد بإذن الله )
Throwing papers containing Quranic verses and the beautiful Names of God in trash cans, is it permissible?
It is necessarily known in the religion that it is impermissible to treat the names of Allah Almighty and the Prophet [pbuh] and Qur`anic verses with contempt. Whoever purposely practices such abuse is considered an apostate. But the person who does so unintentionally out of carelessness and lack of concern—tempted by the temporary life of this world and heedless of the everlasting world of the Hereafter—commits an enormity as long as he remembers the ruling but ignores it without being forgetful of it, mistaken or coerced.
It has become common to write the names of Allah Almighty and Qur'anic verses on pieces of paper, plastic bags, containers, on governmental envelopes and requests and so forth. This causes excessive difficulty for those who are legally responsible upon whom it is obligatory to observe the rulings of Allah. This is because this responsibility demands that they dispose of these objects in a manner that befits the sanctity of Allah, His Book and the Prophet but which may include excessive hardship upon them due to lack of time or resolution. They have no other alternative but to desecrate the name of Allah, His Book, and the name of the Prophet [pbuh] under the pretext that the practice is common and it is difficult to dispose of these objects in any other manner.