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اجتماعيات طالب منتدى خاص بالطلاب لتبادل المعارف والحلول للمشكلات التعليمية والمسابقات والألغاز الهادفة

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قديم 01-09-2014, 08:41 AM
الصورة الرمزية Physician future
Physician future Physician future غير متواجد حالياً
طالبة جامعيه فى كلية الطب البشرى
تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2013
المشاركات: 727
معدل تقييم المستوى: 12
Physician future is on a distinguished road

The importance of energy

NO one can deny the importance of energy.It is like water for our life. Every thing in the universe need the energy.Machines need oil to work.Humans need energy to life.

So let.s ask ourselves about sources of energy.We find that we have a lot of these sources.We can use water power to generate electricity which is used in many fields . We also should exploit solar energy because it is renewable source of energy like water We have to build many wind turbines to make energy.All these things generate clean and cheap energy. So we should make the best use of it.

By using energy. Life becomes very easy. We can use electric cars Which are cheap and do not pollute nature.The law of energy is(energy does not waste but turns into its forms). So We must recycle waste things to use it again. We need energy in industry .Machines are are run up with it.So we should save it continuously.Man*s cells need energy to work. we find that energy in the food.In Egypt now. We need energy of youth to build our country. so if we use energy in peaceful thing. Our life will be better. Or our life will be Worse .In brief. Energy is the backbone of our life so we should exploit it.

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