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أرشيف المنتدى هنا نقل الموضوعات المكررة والروابط التى لا تعمل

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قديم 06-06-2008, 03:46 PM
الصورة الرمزية samybassam
samybassam samybassam غير متواجد حالياً
مدرس اللغة الانجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2008
المشاركات: 346
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
samybassam is on a distinguished road
افتراضي who speaks to whom

Who speaks to whom?
من يتحدث مع من؟who speaks to whom ?
Mini - dialogues
أحفظ الكلمات التالية لتساعدك في إجابة سؤال
Mini - dialogues
witness شاهد Judge قاض
Lawyer محام Manager مدير
Interviewer محاور – مذيع salesperson بائعة – بائع
Customer عميل – زبون Client موكل – عميل لدي محامي
architect مهندس معماري engineer مهندس
Guest ضيف – نزيل في فندق civil engineer مهندس مدني
Professor بروفيسور – أستاذ دكتور Patient مريض
Software programme مبرمج كمبيوتر accountant محاسب
bank clerk موظف في بنك actor ممثل
actress ممثلة director مخرج
producer منتج journatist صحفي
reporter صحفي announcer مذيع
receptionist موظف استقبال scientist عالم
Florist بائع الزهور Footballer لاعب كرة
Coach مدرب An archaeologist عالم آثار
Egyptologist عالم في المصريات arachnologist عالم في الحشرات المفصلية
passenger مسافر booking clerk موظف حجز التذاكر
criminal مجرم porter حمال – شيال
mechanic ميكانيكي car owner صاحب سيارة
driver سائق taxi-driver سائق تاكسي
motorist سائق police officer ضابط بوليس
policeman شرطي traffic policeman شرطي المرور
Passport officer ضابط الجوازات Customs official موظف الجمارك
Hardware engineer مهندس كمبيوتر Director مدير عام
Manager مدير فرع Bus conductor كمسارة أتوبيس
Train conductor كمسارة قطار Usher مرشد في السينما
Usherette مرشدة في السينما Surgeon جراح
Optician متخصص في صنع النظارات الطبية Employee موظف
Clerk موظف Tour guide مرشد سياحي
chemist كيميائي Station – master ناظر المحطة
Librarian أمين – أمينة مكتبة Borrower مستعير
Lender معير Student طالب
Pupil تلميذ Post – graduate student طالب دراسات عليا
Postman ساعي البريد Post – office clerk موظف البريد
Businessman رجل أعمال Trader تاجر
Book seller بائع كتب Fruit seller بائع فاكهة
Shoe – maker جزمجى Waiter جرسون
Cashier الصراف Secretary سكرتير – سكرتيرة
Air hostess مضيفة طيران Green grocer بائع الخضار
احفظ الأماكن التالية
Court محكمة School مدرسة
Office مكتب Clothes shop محل ملابس
Department store متجر متعدد الأقسام (زي عمر أفندي) Hospital مستشفي
Street شارع Hotel فندق
Computer company شركة كمبيوتر Theatre مسرح
Cinema سينما Publishing house دار نشر
Publishing company شركة للنشر Bank بنك
An archaeological site موقع أثري Bus أتوبيس
Train قطار Railway station محطة سكة حديد
Bus stop موقف أتوبيس University جامعة
Amphatheatre مدرج في الجامعة Garage جراج
Police station قسم البوليس Airport مطار
Departure lounge صالة الرحيل (في المطار) Arrival lounge صالة الوصول (في المطار)
Clinic عيادة The optician’s محل صناعة النظارات
The chemist’s الصيدلية Library مكتبة
Post office البوستة Bookshop مكتبة لبيع الكتب
Shoe shop محل لبيع الأحذية Restaurant مطعم
The underground مترو الأنفاق Grocery محل بقالة
The grocer’s محل بقالة The green grocer’s محل الخضري
Fruit shop محل الفاكهة Clothes shop محل بيع ملابس
Coffee shop محل صغير لتقديم الشاي والقهوة والسندوتشات The florist’s محل بيع الزهور
Flower shop محل بيع الزهور Cyber café مقهى الإنترنت
Café كافيتيريا – مقهى Club نادي
Stadium الإستاد الرياضي Shoe – shop محل أحذية
Gymnasium صالة الألعاب الرياضية Airplane طائرة

Say where these mini-dialogues take place and who the speakers are :
1 - A For homework, please do Exercises B and C on
B- Could you repeat, please?
A- Certainly. Exercises B and C on .page 64.

Place : ---------------------------
Speaker A: ---------------------------
Speaker B: ---------------------------

2-A-What's the matter?
B- I can't sleep well and I have difficulty going up or down the stairs'.
A- Do you smoke?
B- Yes, I smoke about 20 cigarettes a day.
A- That's terrible. Let me examine your chest.

Place : ---------------------------
Speaker A: ---------------------------
Speaker B: ---------------------------

3- A- May I have your attention, please? I hope you are enjoying the beautiful views of the Sinai desert?
B- What's that huge building?
A- It is the monastery of St Catherine.
B-When was it built?
A: It was built in the sixth century by Justinian, the Roman Emperor.

Place : ---------------------------
Speaker A: ---------------------------
Speaker B: ---------------------------

4-A-May I see your ticket, please?
B- Here you are.
A-Seat 20A. The first row.
B- Thank you.. What time does the film start?
A: At 6.30.

Place : ---------------------------
Speaker A: ---------------------------
Speaker B: ---------------------------

5- A- Please sit down, Mr Adel.
B-Thank you..
A-Now, you've applied for a job as a receptionist at this hotel. Have you got
any experience?
B- Yes, I have. I worked at the Plaza Hotel for two years.

Place : ---------------------------
Speaker A: ---------------------------
Speaker B: ---------------------------

6- A- Passport and ticket, please.
B- Here you are.
A- Smoking or non-smoking?
B- Non-smoking, please.
A-Thank you. I've given you a window seat, 20B. Here's your boarding card.

Place : ---------------------------
Speaker A: ---------------------------
Speaker B: ---------------------------

7- A- What time is the next train to Assiut?
B- Nine thirty-five.
A-Which platform?
B- Platform twelve.
A- Thanks a lot.

Place : ---------------------------
Speaker A: ---------------------------
Speaker B: ---------------------------

8- A- Have you finished the work on my car?
B- I'm afraid not. We haven't got the parts yet,
A-Oh, that's a nuisance. When do you think it'll be ready?
B- Well, we're getting the parts in the morning. You'll be able to collect the car tomorrow evening.

Place : ---------------------------
Speaker A: ---------------------------
Speaker B: ---------------------------

9- A: How would you like to pay for it, sir? By credit or in cash?
B- In cash.
A- That's fine, sir. Shall I put it in a bag for you?
B- No, thank you. It's very cold outside, so I think I'll wear it now.
A- Certainly, sir.

Place : ---------------------------
Speaker A: ---------------------------
Speaker B: ---------------------------

10 - A- Get your books out and turn to page 28.
B- Excuse me, sir. Are we going to draw the map?
A- Don't draw the map, just write the answers.

Place : ---------------------------
Speaker A: ---------------------------
Speaker B: ---------------------------

11- A - Welcome, dear. What would you like to drink, tea or coffee?
B- Tea, please.
A- What about a piece of this cake? I made it myself this afternoon.
B- It's delicious. Thank you.
Place : ---------------------------
Speaker A: ---------------------------
Speaker B: ---------------------------

12- A- Excuse me, madam. May I have a look inside your handbag, please?
B-What for?
A- It's only security measures before boarding a plane.
B-Well. Go ahead.
Place : ---------------------------
Speaker A: ---------------------------
Speaker B: ---------------------------

13- A- May I take your order, sir?
B- Yes, I'll have the grilled fish, please.
A- How would you like it?
B- Well done, please.
A- Certainly, sir.

Place : ---------------------------
Speaker A: ---------------------------
Speaker B: ---------------------------

14- A-Excuse me. I'd like to send this letter by Express Mail, please.
B-Where to?
A- Paris.
B- You have to pay L.E; 15. -
A- No problem. Here is the money.

Place : ---------------------------
Speaker A: ---------------------------
Speaker B: ---------------------------

15-A-Can I help you?
B- Yes, I'd like to buy a pair of shoes.
A- What colour would you like?
B- Black, please.

Place : ---------------------------
Speaker A: ---------------------------
Speaker B: ---------------------------

16- A- We are going to talk about Imhotep in our history lesson.
B- Who was Imhotep?
A- He was an ancient Egyptian who lived in about 2650 BC.
B- Why was he a very important politician?
A- He was king Zoser' s prime minister.

Place : ---------------------------
Speaker A: ---------------------------
Speaker B: ---------------------------

17- A- I'd like to exchange some foreign currency.
B- Dollars or Francs.
A- American dollars.
B- How much do you have?
A - 500 dollars.

Place : ---------------------------
Speaker A: ---------------------------
Speaker B: ---------------------------

18- A- It's nice to see you. I wish you a speedy recovery.
B- Thanks a lot. It's kind of you to visit me.
A- When will you leave?
B- In two days' time.

Place : ---------------------------
Speaker A: ---------------------------
Speaker B: ---------------------------

19- A- Keep silent, please. You shouldn't make any noise here. The people here need concentration during reading.
B- I'm awfully sorry, sir.

Place : ---------------------------
Speaker A: ---------------------------
Speaker B: ---------------------------

20 - A-1 haven't been feeling very well lately.
B- What have you been suffering from?
A-When reading I don't feel at ease.
B- Don't worry. You must have a new pair of glasses. Let me examine your eyes.

Place : ---------------------------
Speaker A: ---------------------------
Speaker B: ---------------------------
21- A- Excuse me, madam. Have you got anything to declare?
B - To declare?
A -I mean do you have any electrical devices such as computers or radio sets?
B- No, I haven't got any.

Place : ---------------------------
Speaker A: ---------------------------
Speaker B: ---------------------------

22- A- I've come to report the theft of my car.
B- How did this happen?
A-1 left it in a side street in Shubra Street and went shopping. When I came back after about an hour, I didn't find it.

Place : ---------------------------
Speaker A: ---------------------------
Speaker B: ---------------------------

23-A-Can I help you?
B- Yes, please. I'd like to have a cup of tea.
A- How do you like your tea?
B- With little sugar, please.

Place : ---------------------------
Speaker A: ---------------------------
Speaker B: ---------------------------

24- A- How often is there a flight to Rome?
B- We have flights to Rome every day.
A- Are they non-stop flights?
B- Yes. Direct to Rome.

Place : ---------------------------
Speaker A: ---------------------------
Speaker B: ---------------------------

25- A- May I take your order?
B- Yes, I'd like to have black coffee.
A- Certainly. In no time, sir.

Place : ---------------------------
Speaker A: ---------------------------
Speaker B: ---------------------------

26- A: I want to book a train ticket to Aswan.
B: All right. The price is L.E. 40 one way and L.E. 70 return.
A : I want it return, please.

Place : ---------------------------
Speaker A: ---------------------------
Speaker B: ---------------------------
27- A : I don't know how to pronounce some English words
B : Dictionaries are on the second shelf in the comer.
You can look up the words using the special symbols that represent sounds.
A : Thanks a lot. I'll take your advice.

Place : ---------------------------
Speaker A: ---------------------------
Speaker B: ---------------------------

28- A car hit my car and broke its door.
B : Have you got the number of the car ?
A: Taxi 37645
B : O.K. we'll fine the taxi - driver.

Place : ---------------------------
Speaker A: ---------------------------
Speaker B: ---------------------------

29- A : I am fascinated by chemistry.
B : That's fine, you can join our research team in the field of bacteriology.
A : Alright. Thanks for your advice.

Place : ---------------------------
Speaker A: ---------------------------
Speaker B: ---------------------------
30- A : I got to grips with the instructions for the new video player.
B : I'm sure, you would be very pleased as you use our products.
A : Thanks a lot for your help.

Place : ---------------------------
Speaker A: ---------------------------
Speaker B: ---------------------------

31- A : Can I buy ten couples of colour birds ?
B : Of course, after you fill in a form and pay the price.
A : Where ?
B : At the Zoo manager office on your left.

Place : ---------------------------
Speaker A: ---------------------------
Speaker B: ---------------------------

32- A : I come from England.
B : Are you coming for work ?
A : Yes, I have some work in the New valley project near Siwa.
B : I wish you would enjoy your stay. Don't forget to take dates back with you to England; they are the best dates.
Place : ---------------------------
Speaker A: ---------------------------
Speaker B: ---------------------------

33- A : A thief broke into my house and broke the wooden window.
B : I'll bring my tools and come to your house to repair it in half an hour's time.
A : Thanks a lot, I'm waiting for you at home.

Place : ---------------------------
Speaker A: ---------------------------
Speaker B: ---------------------------

34. A. I'd like to deposit LE 50 to my savings account, please.
B. Of course. Just complete one of these forms and return to this counter.
A. Where can 1 fill in this form ?
B ? You can stand here on the side next to the queue.

Place : ---------------------------
Speaker A: ---------------------------
Speaker B: ---------------------------

35- A : What time will you be checking out tomorrow ?
B : I have to leave early to catch my flight. I'd like a 6 a.m. wake-up call.
A : Well, you can check out tonight and 1 will arrange it. I hope you have enjoyed your stay with us.
B : Yes, I have. Thank you.

Place : ---------------------------
Speaker A: ---------------------------
Speaker B: ---------------------------

36- A. : How long have you been feeling unwell ?
B : Since Thursday
A : I see. Well, you need to go to bed, keep warm and rest for a few days. Take one of
these tablets : three times a day. They should bring your temperature down and help with the headaches.
B : Thank you.

Place : ---------------------------
Speaker A: ---------------------------
Speaker B: ---------------------------

37- A. How quickly can you get me to the airport ?
B : It's a 40-minute drive using the 6th of October bridge.
A : Can't you get there faster ? I'm very late.
B : I know a shortcut that will get you there in 30 minutes and that will be for
the same fare.
A: Thank you very much for your help. Lets go.
Place : ---------------------------
Speaker A: ---------------------------
Speaker B: ---------------------------
38- A. Excuse me, I'm interested in buying this skin but the price isn't marked on it.
B : Just a minute. Let me check the price on the computer. Here you are.
The price is LE 120.
A : This is really expensive. It's unbelievable. Do you offer any discounts.
B : I'm sorry. All our prices are fixed.

Place : ---------------------------
Speaker A: ---------------------------
Speaker B: ---------------------------

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