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قديم 01-04-2011, 12:18 AM
alien2 alien2 غير متواجد حالياً
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2009
المشاركات: 1,567
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
alien2 is on a distinguished road
افتراضي موقع لونجمان الوحدات 1-15 كاملة

Unit 1
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1-In order to know what is wrong, the doctor must............................... the patient.
a) search b) steal c) examine d) think
2-Modern technologies such as the mobile phone make............................. easier.
a) procedure b) opinion c) process d) communication
3-The ride at the amusement park went down so fast that my body felt......
a) weightless b) purple c) disguised d) fascinating
4-We.............. …………………………………………………………………own a Fiat car.
a) professionally b) currently c) never d) once
5-My sister can easily do a spin, as she has been doing............................. for years.
a) side effects b) gymnastics c) football d) gravity
6-One of the.................. ………………………………on my bicycle wheel needs to be repaired.
a) handles b) pedals c) chains d) spokes
7-The rain was so heavy that the water wheel.......................... for three days.
a) launched b) leaked c) spun d) washed
8- ……………………………………………..is the force that keeps objects on earth.
a) Gravity b) Gymnastics c) Spoke d) Gravy
9-The doctor assured us that there would be no.......................... from the medicine.
a) systems b) feeling c) side effects d) fashioning
10-The fashion house is now..................... some new winter dresses.

a) launching b) lunching
c) condemning d) coaching

Find the mistake in each sentence, and then write it correctly.
Dalia, why are you so secret? No one really cares.
Mom, the air conditioner leak again.
I watch the news because I like to keep up with current events.
The whole situation has just spin out of control.
My sister is very flexible and wants to be gymnastics.
This little country has made great technology advances.
The police conducted a system search of the city block.
The currently course began on 15 October.

Unit 2
1 - The lawyer argued that his client's ............................ had been violated.
a) wills b) nose c) side effects d) rights
2 - Soha is so excited; her mother was invited................. the Queen of Spain's coronation.
a) to attend b) to extend c) to intend d) to offend
3 - Yes, I'm going. I am so glad to have another................................. to hear Dr. Shaimaa speak.
a) coronation b) occasion c) occasional d) speech
4 - Ali is enjoying reading the English................................ Right now he's reading Charles Dickens.
a) doctors b) classics c) technologies d) modern dramas
5 - Sally argues her points well and backs them with evidence. She'd be very good at ……
a) signing b) conversation c) speaking d) debate
6 - Oh, I'm not ready yet. Could you wait a............................... of minutes?
a) couple b) few c) sum d) plenty
7 - If you like stories, you'd probably prefer.............................
a) fiction b) non-fiction c) fact d) action
8 - For me, reading is a form of........................ in which I can forget what's going on around me.
a) conversation b) non-fiction c) escapism d) fact
9 - Jimmy should run for parliament. He gets along with everyone and he. likes
a) politics b) economics c) mathematics d) classics
10 - My uncle is very ................... , so he never has to worry about money.
a) alike b) wealthy c) popular d) occasional
3. Find the mistake in each sentence, and then write it correctly.
Nancy wrote a fiction account of her town’s history.
The gas was escapism from the tank.
There is another good publish on the benefits of reading.
Nisma is studying politics science next year.
George completed the test without much difficult .
Not often but occasion Omar meets his friends after work.
The pious man gave up his wealthy
I’m sorry. The doctor is not in. She is attend to a patient.
Soldiers must stand at attend when their commanding officer addresses them.
Your attend in class is obligatory if you wish to graduate.
Unit 3
1 - Wind is a type of...................... energy.
a) non-renewable b) atomic c) hydroelectric d) renewable
2 - Geothermal energy comes from heat........................... the earth's surface.
a) of the sun b) below c) above d) close to
3 - Lava is................... rock that comes from a volcano like Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull.
a) hot b) cold c) molten d) melt down
4 - Egypt is hoping to build some nuclear............................. to produce electricity.
a) power stations b) power houses c) power places d) powder positions
5 - One of Egypt's main sources of revenue.................................... from fossil fuels.
a) follows b) comes c) becomes d) deletes
6 - One concern of nuclear power stations is how to store the dangerous
a) energy b) water c) hydroelectricity d) waste
7 - Huda is under a lot of.................................. because she has exams coming up.
a) pressure b) power c) press d) pipe
8 - Many people travel by......................... or on foot to save energy.
a) car b) lorry c) taxi d) bicycle
9 - Air conditioning........................ the environment.
a) injures b) saves c) damages d) resolves
10 - Coal, oil, and gas are.................... forms of energy.
a) renewable b) sustainable c) non-renewable d) generated
Find the mistake in each sentence, and then write it correctly.
Some people think atom energy can be dangerous.
I love a bright, sun day.
Shut off the tap when you brush your teeth! Don’t waste water.
I’m feeling energy today. Let’s go to the club and play tennis.
Oil and water are two liquid that don’t mix.
Watch out for the pipe along the stairs. It can get very hot.
When you do not reuse plastic containers, you are very waste.
Wind turbines aid in the generate of renewable energy.
Review A
1 – The …………………. In the pipe is caused by too much pressure .
a) leak b) gravity c) launch d) escape
2 - We must make some adjustments in the communication………before it can work properly.
a) group b) mission c) gymnastics d) system
3 - Not many people study ….today, although many English words come from Latin and Greek.
a) politics b) classic c) classics d) classicists
4 - Oil and gas are fossil.......................
a) energies b) power c) stations d) fuels
5 - Molten lava comes from under the...........................
a) power stations b) earth's, surface c) stones d) geothermal energy
6 - Atomic energy is created by'.......................... atoms.
a) sitting b) spitting c) situating. d) splitting
7 - The government needs to ......... the value of investing in renewable energy.
a) interest b) examine c) observe d) secure
8 -................ Egypt has programs for the development of renewable energy.
a) Currently b) Sometimes c) Silently d) Once in a while
9 - The sisters are more........................... than you think.
a) a like b) twins c) alike d) allot
10 - Please don't put any more.................................... on me. I have so much to do as it is.
a) waste b) pressure c) launch d) expectation
3. Find the mistake in each sentence, and then write it correctly.
To conserve water, fix your leak pipes.
Your attend at school is required for you to take the final exams.
I occasion visit my neighbors without notice.
One of the five castle is very old.
Bill Gates has donated much of his wealthy to charity.
When I had surgery on my mouth, I couldn’t eat. Mother put my food in a liquid and I drank my meals.
Natural gas is pressure to turn it into a liquid.
Soha’s doctor is giving her a medical examine today.
The factory spin cotton into thread.
To find how a disease spreads, doctors must do a system study.
Unit 4
1 - The city has eight...................................... , each with a representative on the City Council
a) distinctions b) disruptions c) districts d) disputes
2 - Hundreds of athletes from across the nation came to................................... in the games.
a) complete b) conflict c) compete d) delete
3 - It is the ................... to greet someone when you meet them.
a) routine b) custom c) prize d) customer
4 - Using a typewriter is.......................... Now we use computers.
a) poetic b) vague c) ancient d) old-fashioned
5 - Dr Fathy has performed a new type of surgery. He is considered a(n)………in his field.
a) routine b) pioneer c) complication d) explorer
6 - This author uses long, complex sentences. That is her........................................ of writing.
a) routine b) pen c) fashion d) style
7 - With his book The Country of Men, Hisham Matar has become a(n) …………….author.
a) established b) literal c) eventual d) artistic
8 - The................... of vaccines to prevent diseases has helped to save many lives.
a) styling b) development c) establishment d) custom
9 - When the ………… requires you to follow a rule, you can receive a penaltyif you disregard it.
a) style b) law c) pioneer d) custom
10 - In eastern countries, it is ……………….. to remove your shoes before you enter a home .

a) legal
b) pioneering
c) routine d) customary
3. Find the mistake in each sentence, and then write it correctly.

Amr’s early music is style differently than that of his later years.

Soha wears her mother’s dresses to parties because they are still style

For Muslims, it is custom to eat dates to break a fast.

Yunus is a regular custom of that shop because he likes the service.

Jenna routine checks her work, which is why she does so well.

Yehia Haqqi is credited with the develop of modern Egyptian literature.

His pioneer style reflected his knowledge of the modern world.

Fahmy gets his competition personality from his father, who was another great athlete.

The establish of this charity was chiefly to assist orphans.

Her artistic style has develop considerably since she began studying with us.

Unit 5
1 – Please ……………………………………….. which one is yours.
a) idealize b) identify c) irritate d) illegalize
2 - You'll find the company......................... in the new business park down the road.
a) headquarters b) traps c) quarts d) suspects
3 - Tommy and Tuppence Beresford are .................... ....
a) suspects b) secret agents c) soldiers d) solutions
4 - How can I send the signal if the ......................... is broken?
a) trap b) poison c) prison d) transmitter
5 - A simple................. has a spring catch and can be baited with cheese.
a) poison b) mousetrap c) spy d) science fiction
6 - When Ali was younger, he was not talkative because he was.................................
a) hot b) excavating c) spying d) shy
7 - After the accident I couldn't remember anything because I had....................................
a) invasion b) atom c) amnesia d) side effects
8 - There are many new discoveries from the………………………. around Luxor.
a) excavations b) archeology c) travel agents d) headquarters
9 - The young man claimed he was ………………..and had not stolen the watch.
a) poisonous b) suspect c) innocent d) murdering
10 - Sameh was on trial because he was …………………………….of spying.
a) suspected b) supposed c) transmitted d) invaded
3. Find the mistake in each sentence, and then write it correctly.
Tiger, our dog, was excavation in the yard for his bone.
Avoid snakes because they may be poison
The little girl shy took the candy from Aunt Mona.
This murder schedule is killing me as there is no time for anything but work.
To overcome her shy, she read many books and now she can speak on any subject.
The two were caught spy on a competing restaurant to steal its secret recipe.
The football match was transmit internationally by satellite.
Mahmoud’s innocent was finally proven in a court of law.
Many countries have a problem with invade species of plants.
Azzam Azzam was suspect of spying.
Unit 6
1 - When I paint, I need to use......................... to thin; the paint.
a) rubber b) toothpaste c) sap d) turpentine
2 - Rubber is made from the............................. of a rubber tree.
a) products b) rubber c) sap d) turpentine
3 - Please put those books in the study......................... . boxes.
a) tube b) transmitter c) instrument d) cardboard
4 - If you leave bread out too long, it will ..............................
a) freeze b) harden c) soften d) fasten
5 - The water formed....................... after the stone fell in.
a) rings b) barks c) tubes d) secrets
6 - Nowadays toothpaste comes in a....................... that you squeeze from the bottom.
a) ring b) transmitter c) product d) tube
7 – The ............... on a tree protects it.
a) ring b) tube c) bark d) branch
8 - A violin is one type of.......................... that is made from wood.
a) instrument b) product c) tube d) branch
9 - There are many useful medical............................ found in a hospital.
a) headquarters b) saps c) cardboards d) instruments
10 - The nurse put the blood in......................... to send it to the laboratory.
a) rings b) cardboard c tubes d) products
Find the mistake in each sentence, and then write it correctly.
Maher could not have won the championship without Yusuf’s help. Yusuf was instrument in Maher’s winning.
I felt the clay in my hands. It had a rubber texture.
Hisham felt as if the illness was sap his strength.
By not wasting our precious time, we can all live product lives.
As the molten lava cools, it becomes harden
The bark dog prevented all of us from getting a good night’s sleep.
Amber is a semi-precious stone that is actually harden sap.
The plastic tube was hard to reach, as it ran underneath the entire house.
Review B
1 - Put some....................................... on a brush,- and then clean your teeth for two full minutes.
a) turpentine b) toothpaste c) rubber d) product
2 - The..................... of a tree carry/carries food to all parts of the tree.
a) roots b) bark c) branches d) sap
3 - A..................... writes articles for newspapers.
a) lawyer b) doctor c) politician d) journalist
4 - A politician studies .........................
a) science fiction b) non-fiction c) political science d) medicine
5 - Nobel Prize winner Ahmed Zewail is seen as a............................... figure in chemistry.
a) pioneering b) customary c) developing d) stylish
6 - After..................... your examination, put your pencils on your desks.
a) excavating b) developing c) completing d) publishing
7 - Yehia Haqqi had a unique writing............................... , which is respected today.
a) bark b) district c) pioneer d) style
8 - The..................... of the bark beetle destroyed many trees.
a) development b) invasion c) transmitter d) identity
9 - After the accident mother had.................................... so she didn't remember who we were.
a) suspect b) invention c) sap d) amnesia
10 - It is .................. to offer your guests something to drink.
a) customary b) secretive c) poisonous d) shy
4. Find the mistake in each sentence, and then write it correctly.
The archeologists are excavate for the remains from the Third Dynasty.
Sami is with the doctor because he was bitten by a poison insect.
The factory has complex tube to carry the ingredients that will be mixed.
There are many instrument in the music room.
Sam was very product today. He cleaned the house and fixed the car.
I told you that I don’t want to competition with you!
The mobile phone is recharge for me to use tomorrow.
Fouad was so angry that he had a murder look in his eyes.
Madame, can I ask you to identity the person who stole your bag?
The police officer observed the group with much suspect
Unit 7
1 - The ………………… were stuck in the metro for three hours because of a power failure.
a) diameters b) commuters c) regions d) cliffs
2 – Shaimaa's ………………. skills got her a job with a well-known international company.
a) raising b) massive c) commuting d) engineering
3 - On the farm we.................. chickens.
a) raise b) farm c) rise d) position
4 -Because Yasser had worked hard, he. was to get the promotion.
a) based b) carved c) positioned d) raised
5 - The statue rests on an engraved.........................
a) base b) stone c) ray d) cliff
6 - The.................. of the pipe was 13 millimeters; perfect for the passage of the thick liquid.
a) commuter b) diameter c) base d) mass
7 - The candlelight.....a small part of the room, leaving the rest in darkness.
a) illuminated b) based c) excavated d) entered
8 - Don't get too close to the edge of the........................... because you will fall very far.
a) monument b) cliff c) bark d) stone
9 - The small statue in the museum was........................ I with a very fine instrument.
a) based b) positioned c) carved d) equipped
10 - The wealthy man's....................... increased his wealth.
a) excavations b) commute c) investments d) missions
Find the mistake in each sentence, and then write it correctly.
The entire hall was illuminate by the grand crystal light.
I have been commuter between Cairo and Sheikh Zaid for a year now.
To measure the massive of a small object, put it on triple-beam balance.
Soha lost a lot of money on her invest when the economy went down.
Moving such large monuments was an engineer genius.
Invest when you are young will help you when you are old.
For Fady, moving away was a monument decision.
Jailan’s wood carve displayed art and ability.
You are base your opinion on false evidence.
In class, Bassem always raise the most thoughtful questions.
Unit 8
1 - When Rana spilled paint on my new dress, I thought it would stain......................................
a) cowardly b) respectably c) permanently d) questionably
2 - I have to..................... that Donia was right.
a) understand b) admit c) steal d) knock
3 - Dalia spent three days in hospital to ............................ after her accident.
a) commit b) recuperate c) excavate d) profess
4 - Mr Hyde..................... three times upon the door.
a) regretted b) knocked c) professed d) drew
5 - Her................ was changed after the accident. She had scars and she was thinner.
a) finishing b) appearance c) competition d) failure
6 - Scientists have long been disputing whether we have one.................................. or many.
a) engineer b) colleague c) blackmail d) human nature
7 - Our................... in the science department disagree on the subject.
a) involvements b) excavations c) personalities d) colleagues
8 - John left a ..................... to say who would receive what after his death.
a) biography b) form c) will d) conscience
9 - The between the families went on long after the court battle was decided.
a) conflict b) appearance c) disaster d) human nature
10 - Two men have been accused of............................. a parliament member.
a) blackmailing b) appearing c) committing d) knocking
Find the mistake in each sentence, and then write it correctly.
Her recuperate after her surgery took a long time.
You should act respect towards your elders.
Business owners should behave profession in public.
Aunt Heba will her crystal necklace to me.
The book about Jane Goodall was biography
When the child hit his head, he was knock unconscious.
Some people say we have multiple human nature
If you’ve commit a crime, you’ll go to prison.
Dr Jekyll has multiple personality
What’s the matter? You appearance distressed.
Unit 9
1- The soil could not.............................. all the rain, so there was a flood.
a) occur b) commit c) frighten d) absorb
2 - You need to put sunscreen on your skin because of the.................................... ultraviolet rays.
a) blind b) sunny c) harmless d) harmful
3 - Tonight there is going to be an.............................. of the moon.
a) excavation b) elevator c) eclipse d) ellipse
4 - There are two types of...................... that come from the sun.
a) ultraviolet rays b) headquarters c) personalities d) sights
5 - ......... occurs when there ins little rain.
a) Lightning b) Rainfall c) Drought d) Flood
6 - The................................... part of the country has more severe weather.
a) yellow b) southern c) leaf-like d) innocent
7 - The child was struck by.............................. yet survived.
a) lightning b) balls c) rainfall d) thunder
8 - .................... is the opposite of southern.
a) Eastern b) Western c) Northern d) South
9 - What do you think............................ the statue to fall?
a) demolished b) infected c) caused d) divided
10 - Snow in Cairo would be considered an unusual...................................
a) drought b) rainfall c) biography d) phenomenon
Find the mistake in each sentence, and then write it correctly.
The damage was cause by the violent storm.
You have to drive to the north part of the city.
Sami and I were watching the thunder and light storm.
The average annual rain in Egypt is less than 30 mm.
The towel is made of an absorb material.
Look! The moon is eclipse the sun.
You shouldn’t look directly into the sun because of the harm rays.
Don’t worry about that little garden snake. It’s harm ()
Review C
1- Be careful when you dive off what is in the water below.
a) bases . b) carvings C) cliffs d) sights
2 - After the car accident, I couldn't ............... my arms above my head for several months.
a) illuminate b) excavate c) raise d) rise
3 - Soha is studying to become an................................. banker.
a) illuminating b) engineering c) irresponsible d) investment
4 - Tunneling under the English Channel was a/an..................... engineering achievement.
a) failing b) explanatory c) monumental d) respectable
5 - We don't know what.......................... , the machine to fail.
a) absorbed b) caused c) occurred d) knocked
6 - Drought occurs when there is too little ..................................
a) rainfall b) lightning c) diameter d) investment
7 - The ship will never sail again. It is .................................. disabled.
a) hopefully b) permanently c) harmfully d) slowly
8 - I hate to .......................... it, but Mona is smarter than me.
a) knock b) position c) admit d) cause
9 - I know Dina is a............................ lawyer because she has many clients.
a) respected b) careless c) permanent d) questionable
10 - I don't have a lot of time to stay, but I will make an....................................... at the party.
a) investment b) admission c) appearance d) inquiry
3. Find the mistake in each sentence, and then write it correctly.
This novel is so absorb that I forgot to eat my dinner!
Many older homes have a door knock in a style called “Hand of Fatima.”
No one will be admit to the concert without a ticket.
After you delete it, the song will be permanent removed from the disk.
After commit the crime, he was arrested by the police.
The children hid under the bed because of the thunder and light
You should base your opinion on fact.
The photographer is position the members of the wedding party for the photo.
I wish I lived closer to my work. I commuter more than an hour each way.
Abdel-Latif Abu-Heif had a phenomenon ability to swim long distances. ()
Unit 10
1- A virus is …………to the eye and can only be seen with a powerful microscope.
a) invisible b) obscure c) regular d) gradual
2- There is a……………….. tumor on her lung that needs to be removedimmediately.
a) cancer b) theoretical c) constant d) cancerous
3- The ……………………………………………………is believable, but can it be proven?
a) theory b) cancer c) specialty d) diabetes
4- Chemistry is very difficult for me, but I . am........understanding it better.
a) regularly b) specially c) gradually d) invisibly
5- It is a complex.......................... to generate electricity from nuclear energy.
a) process b) cure . c) amount d) theory
6- Dr Eman........................ in children's medicine.
a) releases b) considers c) specialises d) results
7- You need a certain........................... of sunshine to get enough vitamin D.
a) theory b) process c) invisible d) amount
8- Watch this film to understand the ……………..of photosynthesis, how a plant makes food.
a) release b) achievement c) process d) gain
9- The ……..Man is a famous novel and film about a man who could not be seen by anyone.
a) Incredible b) Diabetic c) Invisible d) Invincible
10- If you have.......................... you must not eat too much sugar.
a) cancer b) diabetes c) result d) experiments
Correct the mistakes in these sentences:
  • Achieve is to fail to do something you wanted to do
  • Diabetes is a disease in which there is too much water in the blood.
  • Gradually means quickly, over a short time.
  • A result is something that happens and leads to something else.
  • To Specialise is to work on many different subjects.
  • A theory is an explanation for something which has been proved to be true.
  • I saw Ali play football yesterday.
  • The child hid behind the tree and thought he was visible but we saw his head.
  • Plants can change the energy from the sun into chemistry energy.
  • Scientists test their results by doing experiments.
Unit 11
1- The students......................... to the plan to extend school hours until 4 pm.
a) reject b) inject c) object d) subject
2- Do we put people in prison because we want ……….or because we hope to reform them?
a) revenge b) envy c) victim d) fiancée
3- The newspaper has a photo of a man with amnesia after a car accident. The police are asking
if anyone.................................................. .......... him.
a) accuses . b) objects c) revenges d) recognizes
4- I..................... 1 This plan cannot go forward as it is.
a) accuse b) release c) avoid d) object
5- When Hatem was visiting Barcelona, he became the................................... of a robbery.
a) result b) victim c) fiancée d) treason
6- Ehab was wrongly............................ of cheating during an exam.
a) accused b) released c) recognized d) changed
7- When there is a legal system,.............................. has no place in society.
a) concern b) review c) revenge d) a victim
8- The two people were accused of............................... and were imprisoned for life.
a) greed b) treason c) revenge d) fiancée
9- Farid gave his new.......................... A big diamond ring.
a) fiancée b) colleague c) victim d) genius
10- Hanan was so....................... of Farida's new dress that she went out and bought herself one.
a) concerned b) envious c) victimized d) cold
Correct the mistakes in these sentences:
  • Shakespeare is one of the world's most famous novelists.
  • She looks at my car with envoy.
  • We rescued her of the fire.
  • He got married with a doctor.
  • He works as a finance adviser to the president.
  • I really refuse to people using mobile phones in the library.
  • As he was very old, his son looked care for him.
  • He was brought about by his mother.
  • Why are you giving me this accused look?
  • Dumas was a success writer.
  • Alexander had alone childhood.
Unit 12
1 - Do you want to..................................... Hany's birthday on a felluca?
a) vary b) revive c) celebrate d) join
2 - Put the ball in the right..................................... to make it easy to hit.
a) fireworks b) mark c) drum d) position
3 - There were marching bands and politicians in the..................................
a) position b) procession c) landmark d) stop
4 - It is your........................ to clean your room and be home on time.
a) distinction b) event f c) folk d) responsibility
5 - Music has...................... quite a bit since the 1950s, from Elvis to Eminem.
a) evolved b) enjoyed c) eclipsed d) solved
6 - The tickets to the........................ were sold out three days after going on sale.
a) plan b) suggestion c) offer d) event
7 - The quality of these crops......from year to year depending on the rain.
a) varies b) evolves c) prefers d) stops
8 - Amr's voice has a........................... sound. You can recognize it anywhere.
a) eventful b) involved c) distinctive d) evolving
9 - The.................. were beautiful, -but the loud noise scared some of the children.
a) celebrations b) landmarks c) fireworks d) drums
10 - The Roman amphitheatre in Alexandria is a famous..................................
a) landmark b) position c) mark d) event
Correct the mistakes in these sentences:
  • Like other kinds of music, folk music develops in local communities.
  • Cities and villages often have their own distinctive styles of music.
  • Music was global, not influenced by music from other areas.
  • The musical instruments used in folk also various.
  • Folk songs were made in to describe important historical events
  • The oud involved into a number of modern instruments.
  • It is our responsibility to make everything to protect the traditional music.
  • The drummist is a person who plays a drum.
  • A line of people moving slowly as part of a ceremony is a process.
  • Sham El naseem Day remarks the beginning of spring.
  • Folk songs help people get over their day's work
  • Hokkaido is Japan’s second large island
Review D
1 - Scientists hope to find a........................... for cancer some day.
a) result b) cure c) theory d) release
2 - There are concerns about genetically modified grains being...................................... into the wild.
a) celebrated b) recognized c) accused d) released
3 - The....................... lit up the sky on Revolution Day.
a) fireworks b) landmarks c) folks d) cures
4 - Germs are..................... to the ***** eye.
a) released b) historical c) lecturer d) invisible
5 - The people...................... to the judge's ruling. They thought it was wrong.
a) released b) recognized c) objected d) accused
6 - The..................... man looked at the floor while he was in the courtroom.
a) revengeful b) victimized c) invisible d) accused
7 - The spy was sentenced to death for his crime of.............................. ...
a) treason b) folk . c) envy d) victim
8 - Soha's mood......................... with the weather. Some days she's happier than others.
a) evolves b) varies c) releases d) specializes
9 -This hospital ................................ in care for cancer patients.
a) results b) cures . c) releases d) specializes
10 - The.................. improvement in her grades shows her progress.
a) theoretical b) achieving c) gradual d) invisible
Unit 13
1 - Father put Belal in......................... of fixing the car.
a) role b) licence c) responsibility d) charge
2 - Salina thought this was a........................... gift for her teacher.
a) suitable b) effective c) charge d) solo
3 - Hesham has just got his driving........................ and already he wants to buy a car.
a) flight b) role c) licence d) degree
4 - Rania is optimistic. She always has a……attitude and thinks everything will turn out well
a) impressive b) personal c) encouraging d) positive
5 - Mr Selim is an ........................ manager because he is a good listener.
a) observing b) effective c) admissions d) enjoyable
6 - Mr Maged....................... all his students to do the best that they can do.
a) argues for b) effects c) encourages d) impresses
7 - Farouk is flying......for the first time tomorrow. He'll have no co-pilot.
a) role b) suits c) licence d) solo
8 - For my own........................ satisfaction, I paint or read in my spare time.
a) positive b) personal c) degree d) role
9 - Omar has received a master's ......................... in conservation management.
a) effect b) flight c) degree d) licence
10 - Yusuf's ability to speak French and German is very….Many companies will want to hire him.
a) impressive b) personal c) suitable d) solo
Correct the mistakes in these sentences:
  • Don’t interfere in this matter. It is a personnel affair.
  • You need a permit to drive a car.
  • He did his work lonely.
  • My parents have always discouraged me to work hard at school.
  • Amy did many other long-distance flights.
  • He was rewarded a degree in literature.
  • Nurses have an important rule in looking after patients in a hospital.
  • Her work had taken in much of her personal life.
  • He is better known for a lot of people.
  • She spent holidays visit European museums and universities.
  • He joined the university stuff as a research assistant.
  • He lost the record by two minutes.
Unit 14
1 - Because they are….. Selim and Ahmed went to Tanzania to climb Mount Kilimanjaro.
a) solo b) effective c) adventurous d) spontaneous
2 - Khadijah wanted to know what was in the box, but Mother told her she would have to, wait
until her birthday to.................................................. ..........................
a) bully b) lead c) find out d) look out
3 – Walid likes to do his.......................................... at the ATM or online.
a) books b) banking c) research d) finance
4 – Saleh tried to...................................... his way into the house, but the police were called.
a) fasten b) mix c) stop d) bully
5 – Before there was TV, traditional.............................................. entertained people.
a) funerals b) storytellers c) bankers d) bullies
6 – This writer is so ....................................... that her words are quoted everywhere.
a) missed b) influential c) stuck d) personal'
7 - When little children get too much………………… they can't sleep or even sit quietly.
a) excitement b) influence c) lifestyle d) regard
8 - The wedding was very…….The bride wore a long white dress, and the groom wore a suit.
a) spontaneous b) influential c) adventurous d) conventional
9 – Leila has a quiet......................................... She almost never goes out after work.
a) funeral b) lifestyle c) adventure d) flight
10 - Everyone at Uncle Sami's ………………..wore black, and most of them were crying.
a) funeral b) convention c) party d) banking
Correct the mistakes in these sentences:
  • Lifestyle is the way that someone dresses
  • Find out is to give information about something or someone
  • Funeral is a ceremony for someone who has just got married .
  • Lead to is to make something to happen
  • Adventurous is thinking and behaving in the normal and traditional way
  • Spotless is something that is done because you suddenly want to do it, not because you planned to do it.
  • She prefers traditional convention architecture.
  • My cousin believes in spontaneous . He never plans what to do.
  • Our holiday to Australia was a great adventures .
10.It is the conventional to shake hands whenever you meet.
  • I get boring if I have nothing to do.
12.You'd love Australia. It's an amazed place.
Unit 14
1 - With Mariam's new e-book reader, she can now . books.
a) download b) write c) promise d) admit
2 - If you like to shop online, this website has many new and used books
a) found b) authored c) available d) written
3 - ..................................... contain a lot of information about many things.
a) Newspapers b) Encyclopaedias c) Dictionaries d) Thesauruses
4 - We try to.......................................... paper, plastic and batteries to help our environment.
a) include b) mix c) reserve d) recycle
5 - To paint a large area of the wall quickly, try using a paint.................................................. .......
a) brush b) roller c) instrument d) utensil
6 - Yasmeen was so fluent that the words just.................................................. ....... off her tongue.
a) missed b) mixed c) stuck d) rolled
7 - Use..................... on your white clothes to get tough stains out.
a) soap b) bleach c) a scraper d) a roller
8 - We usually......................... beans overnight to soften before we cook them.
a) mix b) soak c) recycle d) roll
9 - Kareem is an........................ reader. He reads all the time.
a) enthusiastic b) soaking c) faulty d) criminal
10 - Rehm has a lot of.......................... as well as hardbacks in her library at home.
a) recyclables b) mixtures c) paperbacks d ) screens,
Correct the mistakes in these sentences:
1.Most of today's newspapers and magazines are made from recycling paper.
2.The type of tree giving us the better wood for making paper grows very quickly.
3.Every year, million of trees are cut down to make new paper.
4.To make paper of wood, logs are broken into small pieces.
5. Almost of today's newspapers and magazines are made from recycled paper.
6.The leaves of the grass were soached in water.
7.The first paper was made by Chinese two thousand years ago.
8.Paper was very expensive because it was made of cotton.
9.Water is removed from the mixture, which then passes through hot rulers.
10.For hundreds of years, an enormous quality of paper has been used to produce books .
11.He is enthusiastic at teaching English.
12.You upload them from the internet onto an e-book reader.
13.Encyclopedias000000000 can hold a lot of information and are small enough to carry in your pocket.
14.You can press white shirts to keep them looking clean.
15.Before you can cook these beans , you have to bleach them for three hours.
16.Today , paper , plastic and glass can all be replaced.
17.Bleach is to make something white by using fertilizers .
18.A rubber is a round piece of wood or metal that can be rolled.
Unit 15
1 - What's the temperature today? I think it's supposed to be 38....................................... Celsius.
a) banks b) licences c) roles d) degrees
2 - The customs officer........................... the bags at the border.
a) inspected b) involved c) encouraged d) argued for
3 - The lawyer ………………………………….for a reduction in the sentence of his client.
a) bullied b) argued c) encouraged d) charged
4 - There are several....................................... for children at the public library.
a) bankers b) storytellers c) bullies d) degrees
5 - Good deeds can......................... others to do good deeds.
a) argue for b) stop c) encourage d) regard
6 - Smile. Nothing can beat the power of.................................. thinking.
a) bullied b) positive c) personal d) inspecting
7 - With six accident victims, the feeling at the hospital was......................................
a) spontaneous b) like a lifestyle c) conventional d) like a funeral
8 - Robinson Crusoe is........................................ by many people as the first novel in English.
a) conventional b) regarded c) spontaneous d) excited
9 - In the US, after you complete your nursing degree, you still have to take an exam from the
state to get your ......
a) licence b) press c) flight d) role
Unit 1
The weather report says it __________ cloudy all day.
a) will be
b) going to be
c) is
d) is being
After seeing some of the competition, Leila thinks she __________ the bronze medal.
a) will win
b) wins
c) is winning
d) will be won
The twins __________ seventeen next week.
a) turning
b) is going to turn
c) turns
d) will turn
If you like, I __________ the salad.
a) am making
b) will make
c) makes
d) am going to make
Salma and Sarah have made plans. They __________ tomorrow.
a) are going skating
b) are skate
c) will skate
d) do skate
We’ve arranged everything. We __________ Hussein up at nine.
a) picks
b) picking
c) will pick
d) are picking
Samy can’t help you tonight. He __________ on a science project.
a) won’t be working
b) is working
c) worked
d) works
Fine. You set the table, and I __________ the bread.
a) am cutting
b) cut
c) will cut
d) am cutting
Find the mistake in each sentence, and then write it correctly.
Can you wait until 6.00 because I had lessons until then?
I can’t meet you on Tuesday because I be travelling that day.
Look! I buy that beautiful kitten for Yunus for his birthday.
Ask Sawsan because I think she probably knew the answer.
My flight tomorrow will be at 9.58 am.
I think Mother will finishes reading her novel tonight.
Sorry, I can’t come because I played tennis with Yehia tomorrow.
George’s family take him out tomorrow to celebrate his new job.
Unit 2
If you are riding a bicycle, fifty kilometres __________ not such a long way.

a) are
b) is
c) were
d) was

Can you count how __________ grains of sand are on a beach?

a) much
b) many
c) some
d) any

One of the team members __________ usually very aggressive.

a) are
b) be
c) were
d) is

__________ water has gone under this old bridge.

a) Many
b) Plenty
c) Lots
d) Much

There is plenty of meat, but there is not __________ bread.

a) plenty
b) many
c) much
d) a lot

I’m sorry. I haven’t __________ change.

a) any
b) many
c) plenty
d) a

Six people __________ injured in a bus accident yesterday.

a) are
b) was
c) were
d) is

We have two litres of milk. __________ that enough for today?

a) Are
b) Was
c) Is
d) Were

Maths __________ my favourite subject when I was in school.

a) was
b) were
c) is
d) are

The police __________ arrested three suspects.

a) is
b) have
c) are
d) has

Find the mistake in each sentence, and then write it correctly.
Politics were his favourite subject in university.
The police is having a meeting to discuss safety measures.
The good news are that Fatma had twin baby girls.
We have some cake, but we don’t have many coffee.
Were they any problems with the mission?
I haven’t many patience with this sort of thing, but Sawsan has.
Lots of people wants to spend their summer at the beach.
Gymnastics ******* me more than playing tennis.
Unit 3
Energy _____ in many ways.

a) are produced
b) is produced
c) producing
d) produced

Wind turbines _____ to change wind energy to electric energy.

a) used
b) are used
c) is using
d) is used

Fossil fuels _____ from animals and plants that lived millions of years ago.

a) come
b) comes
c) are coming
d) were coming

_____ types of machines can generate energy.

a) much
b) any
c) many
d) no one

Electricity _____ by power stations.

a) is generates
b) is generated
c) is generating
d) is generate

There are power stations all over Egypt which _____ electricity.

a) generates
b) generated
c) generating
d) generate

Hydroelectric power harnesses the power of flowing water with _____ use of dams.

a) a
b) an
c) the
d) some

For geothermal energy, water _____ to the surface.

a) pumps
b) is pumping
c) pumped
d) is pumped

The film _____ only to the newcomers.

a) shows
b) is showing
c) was shown
d) shown

Isn’t it lovely! Hannah _____ it for me.

a) designed
b) is designing
c) designs
d) designing

Find the mistake in each sentence, and then write it correctly.
How many diamonds is set in the necklace?
That costs far too many money for me.
Hany would be liked to go to the park with us.
We can produced electricity by spitting atoms.
The party was enjoy by all.
The blades are drive by the wind.
How much forms of energy are renewable?
Steam from geothermal energy has been pipe all through Icelandic towns and villages.
Review A
Choose this one. I think that colour _____ good on you.

a) is looking
b) will look
c) looked
d) are looking

Did you just see that? The car _____ by a monkey!

a) was being driven
b) was being driver
c) will be driven
d) are been driven
Road safety can _____ if people just slow down.

a) has been
b) improved
c) be improved
d) be improving

The captain’s hat _____ off by the helicopter.

a) was been blown
b) blew
c) blows
d) was blown

The police _____ for more money to buy new equipment.

a) are asking
b) is asking
c) are asked
d) is asked

The team’s plane _____ next Tuesday at 6.05.

a) is going be
b) was arriving
c) arrives
d) arrive

Some day people _____ all of the ocean bottom in submarines.

a) are exploring
b) will explore
c) explores
d) going to explore
There has been _____ talk about how we can reduce our waste.

a) many
b) any
c) none
d) much

The monuments of Philae _____ to preserve our ancient heritage.

a) were moved
b) was moved
c) moved
d) is moved

I _____ my husband for lunch tomorrow at the new restaurant.

a) meets
b) ’m meeting
c) meeting
d) will meet

2. Find the mistake in each sentence, and then write it correctly.

There are a millions of grains of sand on the beach.

How much ice cubes do I put into each glass?

The whipping cream was ruining by the exteme heat.

I just had an idea. After we finish our lessons, we are gone for ice cream.

At a café, people usually chooses the coffee over the tea.

Fifteen minutes seem like a long time, but an hour seems like forever.

Are a kilo of iron equal to a kilo of feathers? Of course, they are both a kilo.

Their constant debating of politics bore me.

Unit 4

His style of painting _____ over the years.

a) have changed
b) changing
c) is changed
d) has changed

While he was working as clerk for a judge, he _____ himself as a great legal writer.

a) establishes
b) established
c) establishing
d) has established

Zeinab’s biographical accounts of her life _____ by her brother Ahmed.

a) were written
b) was written
c) wrote
d) had been written

Those old stories are still _____ by many children today.

a) loved
b) loving
c) being loved
d) love

As far as Hany _____ concerned, that team hasn’t a chance of winning.

a) were
b) been
c) is
d) was

Fawzi _____ already read some of Yehia Haqqi’s writing before learning about him in class.

a) have
b) had
c) is
d) was

Many of the students _____ questions for the speaker before he arrived.

a) had prepared
b) have prepared
c) was preparing
d) been preparing

What _____ you doing when the lights went out last night?

a) was
b) had been
c) have
d) were

The children _____ tails to their donkey pictures then hung them up.

a) are attaching
b) have attached
c) attached
d) had attached

Fatma _____ her own room since they moved to the new house in Sheikh Zaid.

a) is having
b) has
c) has had
d) had
Find the mistake in each sentence, and then write it correctly.

Yesterday, my brother giving me a new soccer ball for my birthday.

Soha, who is now in university, had written poetry since primary school.

Eventually, you will had to give up your playful ways and get to work.

This novel was writing by Yehia Haqqi.

While Yusef was waiting for the bus, it starts to rain.

Before he took the medicine, he feels very ill.

One Thousand and One Nights has retold many times and on many continents.

The plumber tells us not to turn on the water until the leak has been fixed.

Unit 5
The Postman, by Yehia Haqqi, _____ first prize in 1968.

a) awarded
b) was awarded
c) was awarding
d) is being awarded
Yehia Haqqi is _____ as one of Egypt’s great literary figures.

a) remembering
b) being remembered
c) remembers
d) remembered
His _____ is the result of his amnesia.

a) shyly
b) shyness
c) shying
d) shies

Don’t touch that! It has _____ in it.

a) poisonous
b) poisoning
c) poison
d) poisoner

We cannot _____ here because of the flooding.

a) excavating
b) be excavated
c) to excavate
d) excavate

In the film, the killer left a _____ trail of death.

a) murderer
b) murdering
c) murderous
d) murders

Mrs Smith _____ of committing the murder, but I know that she is innocent.

a) is suspected
b) has suspected
c) is suspecting
d) suspected

The ring _____ while she was washing the dishes.

a) was lost
b) lost
c) is lost
d) was losing

Before the rabbit _____, it had eaten half the carrots in the garden.

a) was caught
b) had caught
c) was being caught
d) caught

When we were small, every day Sally _____ by Mother to serve the tea.

a) is chosen
b) was chosen
c) chose
d) choose

Find the mistake in each sentence, and then write it correctly.

Musa was wrongly called a crime when he punched the man for hitting a dog.

We looked at a lot of houses, but we couldn’t identity the one we saw before.

Before he become a writer, he had worked as a lawyer.

Some of these children knows the difference between right and wrong.

Hamlet is a classic that was wrote by William Shakespeare.

The famous glass pyramid at the Louvre Museum is designed by I.M. Pei in the 1980s.

How did the lawyer manage to prove George’s innocent?

Half of the pets had gone missing before I was assign the duty to take care of them.

Unit 6
If we plant trees, then we _____ cleaner air.

a) will be having
b) have
c) will have
d) will has

It _____ that trees protect us from global warming.

a) is believed
b) was believing
c) had believed
d) believes

When I work a lot in the garden, I _____ no energy at night.

a) had
b) have
c) has
d) will have

When molten glass cools, it _____.

a) is hardened
b) hardened
c) hardens
d) will harden

If a tree becomes weak, it _____ its leaves.

a) lost
b) is losing
c) has lost
d) loses

If it freezes tonight, we _____ heaters out around the orange trees.

a) places
b) place
c) are placing
d) will place

We should care about our trees _____ they protect us from global warming.

a) even though
b) although
c) when
d) because

If ice melts, you _____ water.

a) have
b) are having
c) has had
d) haven’t

If a tree has many rings, it _____ very old.

a) has been
b) was
c) is
d) will be

If you strip the bark off a tree, it _____.

a) died
b) is dying
c) die
d) will die

Find the mistake in each sentence, and then write it correctly.
Tarek plays the piano and three other musical tools.
If the climate is rainy, the rings on a tree grew faster.
If we cut down the trees, the oxygen level is decrease.
Turpentine is making from the sap of certain trees.
Rubber coming from the sap of rubber trees.
If you shower twice a day, you uses a lot of water.
When Samia painting, she uses turpentine to thin the paint.
Because we have use so much plastic, we require a lot of fossil fuels.
Review B
Oxygen _____ by trees.

a) is producing
b) has produced
c) was producing
d) is produced

If don’t wear glasses when you need them, your eyes _____.

a) will suffer
b) suffered
c) are suffering
d) will be suffering

Plastic goods _____ from fossil fuels.

a) is produced
b) are producing
c) are produced
d) produced

If you heat paper to the right temperature, it _____.

a) burns
b) burn
c) is burnt
d) will be burning

Hannah will be a good girl if you _____ her something to read.

a) has given
b) had given
c) giving
d) give

Many types of trees _____ in large gardens like the Orman Gardens.

a) is found
b) is finding
c) are found
d) finds

You waste your time if you _____ too much television.

a) watch
b) watches
c) watched
d) are watching

Before the trees were cut down, there _____ a beautiful landscape.

a) has been
b) is
c) were
d) had been

The team _____ uniforms while they played the practice match.

a) are wearing
b) wore
c) wears
d) were wearing

Rainforests _____ in areas that have a lot of rain.

a) grow
b) are grown
c) grown
d) grows

Find the mistake in each sentence, and then write it correctly.
The good thing is that if we went together, we arrive at the same time.
Colds are transmitter when you don’t cover your mouth while coughing.
Be careful what you say because there are spy in the district.
Seven of the suspect have been convicted.
If you don’t wear a hat in the sun, you would damage your skin.
If you went to bed early, you wake up *******ed.
Selma is visited her grandparents over the weekend.
Unit 7
Why don't you want any cake? You _____ eaten that much at dinner.

a) must not
b) cannot
c) mustn’t have
d) can’t have

Climbing Mount Everest _____ very difficult. The oxygen is very thin at the top.

a) must have be
b) must been
c) mustn’t been
d) must have been

Taking the metro would decrease the time we have to _____.

a) commute
b) being commuting
c) commuter
d) commuting

The _____ bank gave the company a large loan to build the dam.

a) investor
b) investment
c) investing
d) invest

If you had studied more, you _____ passed the exam.

a) must have
b) can’t have
c) might have
d) mightn’t have

The temple at Karnak contains _____ stone columns.

a) masses
b) massing
c) massive
d) mass

Mariam might have _____ a bone when she was eating the fish.

a) swallow
b) swallowing
c) swallowed
d) swallows

You can’t have _____ the toast because the toaster has a timer.

a) burnt
b) burning
c) been burnt
d) burns

Those shoes are gorgeous! They _____ cheap.

a) can’t have been
b) can’t have
c) mustn’t have
d) mustn’t been

Souad _____ remembered our phone number because she called us today.

a) must have
b) can’t have
c) mustn’t have
d) might have

Find the mistake in each sentence, and then write it correctly.

You must have like the film because you can’t stop talking about it.

Hieroglyphyics were carve into the monuments thousands of years ago.

After Hany had been sent to prison, his parents thought they must be raised him wrong.

Ahmed has a very good job so he can't have a lot of money.

Samia mightn’t have gone if she knew her favourite singer was going to be there.

Getting those tickets might have been easy because they have been sold out for weeks.

Nadine mightn’t have left because her coat is still here.

The monuments of Abu Simbel must been difficult to move here because they are massive.

Unit 8
Sami asked, “What do you mean, Sarah?” Sami asked Sarah what she _____.

a) was meaning
b) means
c) meant
d) is meaning

“I’m going out,” announced Bassam. Bassam announced he _____ out.

a) went
b) has gone
c) was going
d) is going

“Tomorrow I’ll see Hany,” Gamal said. Gamal said he would see Hany _____.

a) yesterday
b) the following day
c) again
d) today

“Sawsan won’t even consider it,” reported Selim. Selim reported that Sawsan _____ even consider it.

a) will
b) wouldn’t
c) isn’t
d) doesn’t

Tasneem asked, “What are you doing?” Tasneem asked _____ doing.

a) what am I
b) what was I
c) what I was
d) what I am

Fouad inquired, “Has Hadeer eaten dinner?” Fouad inquired if Hadeer _____ dinner.

a) has eaten
b) ate
c) had eaten
d) had

“This year we’re going to Dubai,” said Jenna. Jenna said they _____ to Dubai that year.
a) were going
b) have been going
c) is going
d) went

She _____ understood the question because she got it wrong.

a) shouldn’t have
b) can’t have
c) wouldn’t have
d) won’t have

The biologist said, “These fish swim upstream in the autumn.” The biologist said these fish _____ upstream in the autumn.

a) swim
b) swam
c) swum
d) are swimming

Mariam told us, “Many elephants are killed each year by illegal hunters.” Mariam told us that many elephants _____ each year by illegal hunters.

a) killed
b) have been killed
c) was killed
d) are killed

Find the mistake in each sentence, and then write it correctly.

On Tuesday Rishad said he will not have enough money.

Khadijah said she had finished the job the before day.

Nehad asked, “They are leaving at ten o’clock?”

I asked him what was he doing at nine o’clock tonight.

I asked her what was she reading.

Ten minutes ago, Nourhan told me you have left.

Leila can’t have answered the phone because it has stopped ringing.

Father asked mother when would dinner be ready.

Unit 9
A paper towel with several layers can _____ more liquid than a towel with one layer.

a) absorb
b) absorbing
c) absorbtion
d) absorbency

If LGD had served pizza, I _____ there.

a) will eat
b) will have eaten
c) would have eaten
d) ate

If you are in a rain forest, you _____ rain almost every day.

a) would see
b) see
c) have seen
d) saw

If I had taken the time to do it correctly, it _____ out better.

a) would had come
b) would come
c) would have came
d) would have come
If you ride the bus to Dahab, it _____ seven hours to get there.

a) would take
b) took
c) would have taken
d) will take

The test _____ been very difficult. You got an A.

a) can’t have
b) could have
c) might have
d) must have

When Hazem returned from the desert, he said it _____ a terrible night there.

a) is
b) will be
c) had been
d) is going to be

If you stay up all night tonight, you _____ all day.

a) will sleep
b) slept
c) will have slept
d) sleep

When Sami stays in Tanta, he _____ in a hotel.

a) will have slept
b) sleeps
c) would sleep
d) will sleep

If I were you, I _____ more time studying.

a) would spend
b) spent
c) am spending
d) would have spent

Find the mistake in each sentence, and then write it correctly.

If you hadn’t stopped that day, I would never met you.

If the moon goes between the earth and the sun, there is an eclipsed.

When Zainab finished her homework, she usually reads a book.

I asked her how long she had be waiting.

If Hisham had walked all the way, he would been there by now.

If it had rained more, we not have had a drought.

If I get sick, I would not go to school.

If Suzy had be a better speller, she would have won first place.

Review C
If I _____ you, I would close that door to save energy.

a) was
b) were
c) had been
d) have been

The doctor said if I had been more careful, I _____ surgery.

a) had been required
b) had never required

c) never required
d) wouldn’t have required

Yusuf asked if _____ thirty pounds that day.

a) could he borrow
b) he could borrow
c) he can borrow
d) had he borrowed
The biologist said the body _____ new blood each year.

a) was produced
b) produce
c) produces
d) has produced

I’m not sure where he is. It’s possible that Tarek went to fix his car.

a) Tarek must have gone to fix his car.
b) Tarek has gone to fix his car.

c) Tarek might have gone to fix his car.
d) Tarek can’t have gone to fix his car.

Jehan asked, “What were you doing all day?”

a) Jehan asked me what was I doing all day.

b) Jehan asked me what I had been doing all day.

c) Jehan asked me what did I do all day.

d) Jehan asked me what had I done all day.

Hatem _____ the dog because she doesn’t seem hungry.

a) must have fed
b) had fed
c) can’t have fed
d) mightn’t have fed

She _____ caught her bus because she would have been here by now.

a) can’t have
b) might have
c) could have
d) must have

If you _____ all night, you will be exhausted at the time of the test.

a) are studying
b) study
c) studied
d) have studied

I would live in Marina if I _____ a million pounds.

a) have
b) am having
c) had
d) has

Find the mistake in each sentence, and then write it correctly.

If I start now, I will finishing in one hour.

If you hadn’t sent me that text saying not to come, I would been there already.

She said the insect bit the child several times.

Hany said he will be there the next day.

Sarah asked me if I was mailed the letter the previous day.

Mahmoud and I love electrical storms when they occurence at night.

When the Yellow River flooded in 1887, a million people were killing.

Zeinab asked Sara what was she doing with the green notebook.

Unit 10
1-We have several....................... about how this disease spreads, but we need to do more studies.
a) theoretician b) theorize c) theoretical d) theories
2-Her.............. have gone beyond our expectations.
a) achieving b) achieve c) achievements d) achieves
3-Sami didn't work hard in school and now he........................... he had studied more.
a) wishes b) wished c) wishing d) wish
4-Jenna wishes she............... play the guitar like him.
a) must b) could c) might d) can
5-Amina wishes she had.......................... another course.
a) choose b) chose c) chosen d) chooses
6-Rainy wishes he.................. where he put the fifty pounds he misplaced.
a) knowing b) known c) knows d) knew
7-If the children .................................. all day, they would have been asleep by now.
a) were playing b) had played c) played d) play
8-If Bassein............... the office, it would be a disaster.
a) ran b) run c) had run d) runs
9-Salina wants to come but she is ill and has to stay at home. She wishes shewith us.
a) could have b) could be c) could been d) could have been
10-Salina regrets that she was ill yesterday and had to stay at home. She wishes she with us.
a) were b) is c) has been d) had been
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write it correctly:
1-Nevine wish she could finance her daughter's new business.
2-If she called, I would have picked her up.
3-If it rains tonight, we would go to the mall instead of the park.
4-Leila wishes she had went with us to the lecture.
5-We never could have imagined Omar's fine achievings.
6-We. wish we haven't missed the eight o'clock train.
7-If wishes was horses, then beggars would ride.
8 - I wish I can paint better.
Unit 11
1 - Fouad Hassan is the ......... director of our local bank.
a) finances b) finance c) financial d) financier
2 - The man's sat in the third row of the courtroom.
a) accusation b) accuser c) accusatory d) accused
3-After Salina................. to the market, she made a delicious meal for us all.
a) has gone b) goes c) ) go d) had gone
4-A group of us ............. . the film already, so we didn't want to see it again.
a) sees b) had seen, c) have seen d) were seeing
5-How many times.....to the north coast before you bought a chalet there?
a) are you been b) have you been c) had you been d) were you
6-We recently learned that Sarnia...................... as a secret agent for years.
a) has acted b) is acting c) acted d) had been acting
7-Hany....................... to Turkey last year.
a) had gone b) went c) has been d) has gone
8-Before the fireworks went off, we ................................. sitting in the square.
a) had . b) have been c) had been , d) are
9-While we were waiting, Dawud........................ on the results of his exam.
a) checks b) checked c) is checking d) had checked
10- The girls were going to a restaurant after they............................. some shopping.
a) had done b) were doing c) did d) have done
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write it correctly:
1-Mona admitted that she has finished the chocolate before Mother came home.
2-If I was you, I'd avoid that altogether.
3-Before having dinner with my family, I picks up a gift for my mother.
4-After the meeting, we returning to our offices to finish ourwork.
5-After we had had dinner, we have eaten Hany's chocolate cake.
6-Sherif never heard of her before he met her.
7-This is not the point to which Seif objective.
8-I haven't thought of that before Ahmed mentioned it.
Unit 12
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1-Tamer and I agreed.................. seven pounds each.
a) paying b) pay c) to pay d) was paying
2-Selim is so funny. He stopped ………..television because he said it was rotting his brain.
a) to watch b) is watching. c) watch d) watching
3-Hesham likes................ a nap in the afternoon.
a) to take b) is taking c) took d) taken
4-The school arranged................... a new charity this year.
a) supported b) supporter c) to support d) supporting
5 - Kareem finished……………………………………… his dinner at 6.30.
a) to have eaten b) to eat c) eating d) eaten
6-Amina admitted not.................... how to open the door.
a) to be known b) knowing c) to know d) known
7-Ali prefers ....................................... to Dahab.
a) to have flown b) to fly c) is flying d) flew
Hany and his sister practise...................... tennis every day after school.
a) playing b) to play c) played d) play
9-I regret………..you that Nabil will not be joining the team. I know you wanted him with us.
a) telling b) to tell c) have told d) am telling
10-Nehad regrets.............. her mother on her birthday. She should have done it.
a) not phone b) not phoned c) not phoning d) not to phone
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write it correctly:
1-Does Sarnia want come to the mall with us?
2-Khadijah recommended to read the book Three Cups of Tea.
3-Rehan enjoys to visit foreign countries because she gets to see so many new things.
4-I don't need a ride because I prefer I walk home.
5-Leila is planning visiting her sister in Aswan this summer.
6-The company offered paying the travel expenses for each of the employees.
7-Sam expected his sister coming home early from school since there was a half day.
8 - Since her mother liked going to the opera, Leila hoped buying tickets for next week's show.
Review C
1-When I walked by the shop again, the green dress ........................... sold.
a) have been b) is c) being d) had been
2-Can you return this book to the library? I............................ reading it.
a) was just finished b) have just finished
c) just have finished d) had just finished
3-Hany wishes he could.................... the spelling contest last week.
a) have won b) be winning c) won d) had won
4-When we go to the Chinese restaurant, I want.......................... something different.
a) have tried b) to try c) try d) trying
5-I hate................ to wash the floor. It's so much work.
a) was having b) have c) having d) had
6 - Shereen forgot …………………………eggs at the supermarket when she was there.
a) bought b) buying c) having to buy d) to buy
7-After Dumas had become a famous playwright, he.......... The Count of Monte Cristo.
a) was writing b) had written c) wrote d) to write
8-When the doctor arrived at the house, it was too late. The patient................................
a) had died b) dying c) is dying d) died
9-Hany wishes he.................. where his car keys were.
a) is knowing b) have known c) knows d) knew
10-The new graduates hoped.................... jobs soon.
a) getting b) have gotten c) to get d) to have gotten
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write it correctly:
I- The girls wish I had bake a cake instead of biscuits.
2-The company agreed to paying back the money to the dissatisfied customer.
3-Salma wishes she were taller because she would like to been a basketball player.
4-Yesterday, I meta man who has travelled to Russia years ago.
5-Oh no, I forgot to stopping by Hazem's house to pick up those papers.
6-Mother offered taking Suzy home with us, but she refused.
7-Father remembers to receive his grandfather's watch when he was a teenager.
8-Father suggested to go to Alexandria for the weekend.
Unit 13
1-Jailan, ........... lives on my street, said there was a problem with the water.
a) whom b) who c) which d) whose
2-Selim asked................ my mobile phone for the evening.
a) to borrow b) borrowing c) for borrowing d) borrowed
3-These are the fields.................. we grow corn.
a) in which b) for which c) that d) at which
4-Hans,................ car I borrowed last night, is from Holland.
a) whom b) whose c) who d) that
5-Five of the girls,.................... names I don't remember, won awards in maths.
a) those b) which c) whom d) whose
6-The brother.................. lives in, Moscow is coming home on Friday.
a) whom b) where c) that d) whose
7-Moscow,................ the smog from wildfires was thick, was having air quality problems.
a) where b) who c) that d) which
8 - The meetings....................................... I attended today were long and boring.
a) to which b) where c) in where d) which
9 - I have no idea...................................... was at the door.
a) who b) which c) where d) that
10 - The restaurant..................................... Fady is having dinner has a great salad bar.
a) for which b) which c) where d) that
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write it correctly:
1-Yasser argues at better salaries for teachers.
2-Miss Mona inspires all her students to working hard.
3-Her work, that was not appreciated when she was young, made her famous when she was older.
4-Dr Aisha, who work took up much of her time, was a professor of Arabic.
5-These are the stories with whose we were brought up.
6-Cairo University is the university in where Eman studies medicine.
7-Rehan wanted us coming to her birthday party on Saturday.
8 - Florence Nightingale, which changed the way hospital care was given, opened
a school of nursing.
Unit 14
1 - ................. his poor behaviour, Bassein is a really sweet boy.
a) While b) Despite c) Although d) But
2 - ............. visiting Rome, Aisha broke her camera.
a) Because b) Despite c) While d) Although
3 - ............. Mona had many challenges to overcome, she worked very hard to achieve her goals.
a) Although b) Despite c) So d) Before
4 - I always brush my teeth................... going to bed.
a) before b) after c) while d) when
5 - Rolex watches are costly.................. they are made with expensive materials.
a) but b) when c) because d) although
6 - Yara is short, ................ her perfect posture makes her appear tall.
a) before, b) while c) despite d) but
7 - Enas couldn't find her crystal earrings, ......................... she asked her sister to look in the car.
a) because b) but c) so d) after
8 - ............. leaving his home town, he founded a company and became well known.
a) Although b) Because c) While d) After
9 - ............. losing her arm in a car accident, Heba was always positive.
a) Despite b) Because c) Although d) While
10 - ……………………………… on vacation, I met my future fiancee.
a) After b) While c) Although d) Despite
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write it correctly:
1-Although her low grades, Ghada did well on her project and passed.
2-The traffic jam was ten kilometres long, while we decided to take another road.
3-Dr. Ghali, who clinic is down the street, is a cancer specialist.
4-Can you tell me which the bookshop is?
5-Hany's shop has a good meat selection, although Farid's has fabulous baked goods.
6-Tarek was having a great time despite we were waiting for him.
7-He was often punished although he bullied the other children.
8-Although he was a student at Oxford, he joined the debating club.
Unit 15
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 - Scientists say that by 2020, the glaciers in Montana..............................
a) are melting b) will have melted c) melt d) have melted
2 - Environmentalists hope that in the next ten years more electricity………..by alternative
Energies .
a) will be produced b) has been produced c) produced d) is being produced
3 - By the time your children are in university, will physical books……………… by e-books?
a) have replacing b) have replaced c) replaced d) have been replaced
4 - By 2100, many of our jobs………………………………………………….. over by robots.
a) will be taken b) will have taken c) will have been taken d) have been taken
5 - What changes……………………………………………………..by 2060?
a) will be making b) will be made c) made c) will make
6 - What changes ………………………………………over the next 50 years?
a) will have been made b) will have been making c) have been made d) will make
7 - Marwa entered university in 2010 . By 2014, she……………………………… her studies.
a) has completed b) did complete c) will have completed d) will be completing
8 - Marwa entered university in 2010. By 2014, her studies…………………
a) will complete b) will have been completed c) will have completed d) completed
9 - Many people hope that petrol ………………. so much in the future.
a) will not have been used b) has not been used c) will not be used d) is not used
10- It's nine o'clock now. By two o'clock three meetings................................... in our company.
a) will be holding b) will have held c) will have been held d) held
I I - By 2020 the International Space Station ........................... in orbit for 22 years.
a) will keep b) will be kept c) will have been kept d) will have been keeping
12- Scientists are concerned whether enough food....................................... in the future for sp many people.
a) will be produced b) is produced c) will have produced d) was produced
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write it correctly:
1-By the time Dad gets home, the children 'Will have being fed.
2-All the police cars will have been wash by noon today.
3-By 2016, the bridge will has been completed.
4-By tomorrow morning, the book will has been bought by 30,000 people.
5-The game will delayed if it rains this evening.
6-Over the next twenty years, 4 million Go-Go Pops will have been sold.
7-For hundreds of years, an enormous quantity of paper have been used to produce books.
8 - By next year, the old museum will has been replaced by a new one.
1-This is the place.................. Hany broke his leg last year.
a) whom b) who c) which d) where
2-By 2020, the ICDL certificate........................ by hundreds of millions.
a) earned b) will have been earned c) have earned d) will have earned
3 - you go to the supermarket, buy some tea, please. There's no hurry.
a) Whoever b) Wherever c) Whatever d) Whenever
4- we were eating our breakfast, the phone rang.
a) Although b) But c) While d) So
5-Despite..................... too much work, Othman still made time for his daughter.
a) had had b) he had c) to have d) having
6-This is the letter................... was returned unopened.
a) who b) that c) where d) how
7 - By the end of this month, 500,000 meals……………… in this restaurant since its opening.
a) will have been served b) will serve c) had served d) will be served
8-Maher is a good basketball player...................... he is short.
a) because b) despite c) so d) although
9-The town................ I grew up in had only 2,400 residents.
a) where b) who : c) which d) when
10-. ……………Basma had never met Doaa before, she felt as if she had known her all her life.
a) Despite b) Although c) While d) When
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write it correctly:
I- After trying on shoes, you should always wear socks.
2-Although he worked hard, he became a leader in" his field.
3-Susan highly recommends the book Middle***, who won the Pulitzer Prize in 2003.
4-By this time tomorrow, the suspect's photo will have being distributed to all the newspapers.
5 - So it was unusual for women to study at university, Marie Curie did so.
6-Farida; who father was recently imprisoned, has been very unhappy.
7-Before Dawud took the stomach medicine, he felt better,
8 - Kareem was in a car accident who nearly cost him his life.
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write it correctly:.
1-Many people are rowing in front of the cinema to buy tickets.
2-Attraction is the force that makes objects fall to the ground.
3-The space station is like a spinning wheel with wires.
4-Making gymnastics keeps you fit and healthy.
5-Astronauts float in space because they are weight.
6-Tom and Jerry cartoon is popular of children.
7 My boss celebrated his 10f'' eddin festival at a big hotel.
8-Escaping is entertainment that helps you to forget about your worries and think of something mom enjoyable.
9-His last novel was polished in 2002.
10-The child was brought up and the gang demanded a large sum of money.
11-It is not a suitable accusation to speak to him. He is very angry and worried.
12-Escapism helps people forget about their happiness.
13-He graded from Oxford University.
14-Literate is the study of the language and history of a country. Unit 3
15-Underground rocks are always hot and it melted form.
16-Scientists do their best to make use of underground hydroelectric power.
17 - Energy from the sun and the wind is non-renewable.
18-Decayed fuels such as oil and coal should be replaced by renewable energy sources.
19-Everyone is under pleasure with a lot of workloads.
20-We produce electricity in an energy station.
21-The High Dam offers Egypt with electricity.
22-The time he spent working in the bank gave him experience in baking affairs.
23-A habit is something that all people do in a society.
24-One sometimes gets bored with his life custom doing the same things everyday.
25-My father works out a computer company m.Cairo‑
26-This girl loves clothes and buys very old-fashioned dresses.
27-He is a brilliant poet. He writes good novels.
28-My sister gained the first prize in singing.
29-Nesma worked as a nurse and looked after wanted soldiers in wars.
30-Theft is the crime of killing someone.
31-Our neighbour is a retried teacher, he is over sixty now.
32-The police found the young woman death in her flat.
33-A mouse trip is a device for catching mice.
34-Astronauts discovered a new site near Saq4ara.
35-My brother travelled aboard to get his PhD.
36-Exploration means digging up the ground in order to find things from the past.
37-Trees have tubes which carry water from the bark to the leaves.
38-Food in trees is carried by a liquid called snap.
39-The age of the tree can calculated by the manual rings in it.
40-Farmers usually use pests to'make soil rich.
41-Branches are considered the food factory of the tree.
42-The guitar and the lute are musical tools.
43-Turpentine is a substance used for cleaning our teeth.
44-Car tyres are made of plastic.
45-All the Egyptians are pride of their ancestors who built the pyramids.
46-The farmer built a high fence to stop the wolves' attacks on his farm.
47-This pipe has a meter of 60 cms.
48-The Pyramids and other statues are amazing works of engineered.
49 - This book made me two hours to read.
50-There is too much noise in the room. Please rise your voice.
51-The river floated the village and many houses were submerged.
52-The Cairo Metro is the only underground highway system in Africa.
53-The teacher congratulated to the headmaster about some bad students in his class.
54-I read an interesting photography written about the writer. of this story.
55-This tourist visited Egypt many times. Now he decided to live in Egypt permanent.
56-He took a long time to reform from his illness.
57-We started do our homework.
58-My brother is studying engineer in the university.
59-You'd rather to stay at home tonight.
60-Most of ultraviolet rays are soaked in the atmosphere.
61-It is believed that the sun is made of hot liquids.
62-The heavy rain has caused fleets in our country.
63-Rich and advanced countries have strong economics.
64-My elder sister studies economy at the university.
65-There was an electric storm last night.
66-People who use the computer or sit in front of the television for a long time sometimes have poor site.
67-There was draught because there was no rain for a long time.
68-Smoke and dust blocked off the rays of the sun.
69-He made this experiment to test his theoritical.
70-Up till now, scientists couldn't find a care for cancer.
71-During photosynthesis, the oxygen is trapped back into the air.
72-The doctor didn't know what was wrong with my sister, so he sent her to a special.
73-He takes insulin injections regularly as he suffers from sugar.
74-His Laziness was the main reason of his failure.
75-Scientists often do experiments to prove a particular theorist.
76-There is no reason of his delay.
77-She works hard at school to chef her goal in life.
78-A professor gives lessons at the university.
79-They've had some difficulty raising financial for their project.
80 - I didn't talk to his finance, she looked a bit dull. 81-Most children enjoy adventurous of
82-Her father works as a lecture at one of the most famous universities in Egypt.
83-The Eiffel Tower in Paris is considered the most famous landfill there.
84-Yesterday there was loud music and fire markers on the occasion of the new year.
85-This old kind of music involved into modern music.
86-All-the family gathered to recommend my father's promotion.
87-Students always worry at their exam. results.
88-.Plants need good soil to grow successful.
89-She got her university mark from Cairo University.
90-Hany was very angry because he wasn't evolved in the team.
91-She played an impressed role in bringing up her children.
92-Teaching and training make up much of his personal life.
.93- The prim minister was in change of the country while the president was in China.
94-She was honoured for her great achieving.~
95-Bankrupt is very profitable these days.
96-Don't let anyone pulley you into doing something you don't want to do.
97-The entire village went to the, church for Tom's celebration. His death was a surprise to everyone.
98-Tamer was influence in persuading the producers to put money into the film.
99-Osama was unhappy at school because his teachers were friendly to him.
100-I regret reading useful books is a good way to spend my free time. .101- People who live in the county have a different life system from people in cities.
102-In ancient Egypt paper was used for writing and drawing on.
103-Wood is bleached during the operation of making.
104-My wife has a special equipment for cutting vegetables.
105-Life is a mixing of happy and sad events.
106-Bottles and paper can be cycled nowadays.
107-My mother asked me to suck my clothes before washing them.
108-He'had to go at a business trip to London.
109 - My father gave my friend. a heat welcome.
110-Doing sports and exercise make you energy the whole day.
111-Ambition people always look forward to getting good positions in the society.
112-She is social by nature. She likes meeting and talking to people.
113-Everyone should win experience from their work.
114-The manager asked me to be fluently in English.
115-Everyone should cure about his education.
116-After publishing his book, he became a celebration.
117-He worked as a war sender, for a famous TV channel.
118-I'd like to help my country by working as a citizen servant.
119-Drivers are searching for the lost car at the bottom of the river.
120-Many people all over the country lost their jobs during the terrible economic procession.
121-Retired people prefer to work for a charitable.
122-The owner of the company soaked his employees because of the financial problem.
123-Many people believe teaching is an awarding profession.
124-Nada rolled her name in the English course.
125-My father asked me to make a course in English.
126-Lifeless learning helps applicants to get new skills.
127-My teacher recommends this book for me to read, it is worth when.
128-He did up his mind to marry Ola.
124 - My father punished me because I subjected to his decision.
1-Five litres of petrol are enough for me to get to work.
2-My five-year-old sister will start a school in September.
3-The police is going to get new uniforms.
4-Fifty degrees are a very high temperature.
5-Athletics were my father's favourite. sport.
6-I've decided that I'm doing more exercise in the future.
7-It's a really good film; I'm sure you enjoy it.
8-Thirty kilometres -are a long way to walk in hot weather.
9-Millions of cars produce by Japanese companies every year.
10-In many. countries, children take the right to go to school until the age of 16.
11-Electricity is produced in, energy stations.
12-Twenty million people will see the new film already.
13-My parents use to live in a small flat in the city centre.
14-Yesterday evening, we revised for our English test when all the lights went out.
15-I've attended this school for five years.
16-Our school was opening exactly 25 years ago today.
17-She played the piano since the age of six and she still plays every day.
18-If you leave now, you catch your train.
19-Water will freeze if the temperature is zero or below.
20-If you throw that stone, you break the window.
21-I get a headache if I'll spend too long on the computer.
22-If she trains. hard, she wins next week's -race.
23-If you'll mix red and white, you get pink.
24-My father loves his job; he worked for the same company for 25 years.
25-When I was younger, I use to want to be a pilot.
26-If you kick the ball too hard, you break that window.
27 - The "Mousetiap" written by Agatha Christie.
28 - Travelling by plane sometimes makes me a headache.
29.The street where I live is only three metres width.
30.I'm not sure how well I did in the test at school today, but I think I might pass .
31.You can't have been very thirsty; there's no orange juice left in the bottle.
32.I asked him where had he been all morning.
33.If it had been too hot, we wouldn't go to the beach.
34.What about go shopping this afternoon?
35.How in earth is it possible to irrigate the desert?
36.She's going meet her sister in town.
37.I fixed the lake in the petrol tank.
38.How many time do I need to drive to the city centre?
39.Oil and gas are find under the ground.
40.Water is the solid form of ice.
41.The married team went to Italy on their honeymoon.
42.I need to get fit, so I've made a decision; I do more exercise.
43."The Prisoner of Zenda" was wrote by Anthony Hope.
44.We moved to this house two years ago today, so we lived here for exactly two years.
45.Before I entered the university, I had to show my credit card.
46.If you heat water, it melts.
47.RaTat El-Haggan and Goma'a El-Shaww'an were very famous Egyptian kings.
48.Let's try to find them; they can't have went very far.
49.Teachers and supervisors belong to the teaching confession.
50.He asked me if saw his newspaper.
51.The statue of Ramses 1.1 is a very important Ancient Egyptian magnet.
52.People can waste lots of money by using the underground.
53.The accident wouldn't happen if he hadn't used his mobile phone.
54.I wish the school holidays are longer.
55.If only I haven't forgotten where I put my mobile phone.
56.Leila wishes she can sad faster.
57.I'm really tired this morning; I wish I had sleep more last night.
58.Ali wishes he can come to your party, but'lie's not feeling well.
59.I wish I didn't lent her my dictionary; she's taken it home with her.
60.He hopes winning a prize for his school work.
61.I regret to go to the cinema; it was not a very good film.
62.She offered taking me to the station in her car.
63.We've just finished to watch a TV programme about Egyptian history.
64.When did you decide studying biology at university?
65.We've arranged picking my brother up from the airport.
66-Ali is planning to spend all weekend revise for next week's maths test.
67-Their teacher agreed helping them find an English pen friend.
68-It was nearly midnight by the time he has finished his homework last night.
69-She is very hungry when the rescue team. found her; she had eaten nothing for nearly three
70-If only they 'write more quickly.
71-I wish there is something I could do to keep fit.
72-She has decided studying medicine when she goes to university.
73-My sister suggested to go to the zoo at the weekend.
74-Queen Victoria, who husband Albert died in 186-1, lived until 1901.
75-The town which I was born is in the northeast of the country.
76-Mustafa was happy despite he came third in the race.
77- NOn hear the good news, Eman phoned her parents.
78-We won't be tell the results of the test until the day after tomorrow.
79-Scientists believe that by 2020, a replacement for oil will have found.
80-My friend asked me if had I enjoyed reading the book she had lent me.
81-Parents often warn their children to not cross the road without looking.
82-I don't expect them arriving yet.
83-You can buying clothes in some supermarkets now.
84-If you couldn't see what you want in a shop, you should ask an assistant.
85-You must to remember to post this letter; it's very important.
86-I want to make some sandwiches; have we got a bread?
87-Soha shouldn't eat too many sweets'because she is weighty.
88-I asked my mother whether had she seen my English book.
89-Sylvia is on a low-fat diet because recently she's lost a lot weight.
90-She has always enjoyed to go to the theatre.
91-Alfred Farag is a famou~ s Egyptian playwrite.
92-When I have nothing to do, I feel really boring.
93-The person who's job is to clean the school is not here today; he's ill.
94-When Umm Kalthoum died, thousands of people attended her wedding.
95-We should reinvent paper rather than throw it away.
96- Some people believe that in the future, water will. use as a fuel for cars.
97- Despite he is 68, my grandfather is still working.
98- I wish I can read more quickly.
99-She asked her friend weather she had finished. her homework.
100-My parents have invited one of my friends stay for the weekend.
101-When Wagdy was five years old, he was sting by a scorpion.
102-I need to go to the university to buy some medicine.
103 - A civil servant is someone who works for the army.
1-Queen Victoria, who husband Albert died in 1861, lived until 1902.
2-The town which I was born is in the northeast of the country.
3-Mustafa was happy despite he came third in the race.
4-On hear the good news, Eman phoned her parents.
5-We won't be tell the results of the test until the day after tomorrow.
6-Scientists believe that by 2020, a replacement for oil will have found.
7-We're not going on holiday this year, simply although we can't afford it
8-James decided not to go out despite he was still really tired
9-Because we were at school together. I haven't seen her for years
10-We had to move to London as my job.
11- I was feeling hungry, but I made myself a sandwich.
12- It is an expensive book, because it is very useful.
13- My bicycle is broken, as I'll have to walk.
14-Passers-by stopped to watch the fungal procession.
15-He doesn't have a very healthy hairstyle – a lot of stress, a lot of food and no exercise.
16-It is vital that food is made available to the famine areas.
17-The mixer of flour, water and yeast is then left in a warm place for 3 hours.
18-There was a horrible picture in the paper of a man where leg had been blown off.
19-He showed me round the town, where was very kind of him.
20-He rang Ahmed, that was a good friend as well as the family doctor.
21-Osama, where father is a businessman, went to China last summer.
22-The Chinese people, what Ahmed met, were very friendly.
23-Because they didn't speak any Chinese, Mona and her mother managed to communicate
with the people of China.
24-Ali wants to improve his English, while he went to England for a month.
25-By 2050, we invent new ways of generating electricity.

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