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ركن العائلة منتدى يهتم بكل ما يخص الأسرة ( زوج - زوجة - أبناء )

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قديم 05-08-2010, 09:37 PM
الصورة الرمزية faten forever
faten forever faten forever غير متواجد حالياً
نـجــم الـعـطــاء
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2009
المشاركات: 9,096
معدل تقييم المستوى: 25
faten forever is on a distinguished road
Icon Music موسوعه قصائد اسلاميه بالانجليزيه للأطفال

A Series of 50
poems specially written for children.


Allah is One

Allaah is the One true God
Truly He’s just One
He has no partner and no wife
And Allaah has no son!
Allaah is the One true God
He always hears us call
So we must only pray to Allaah
No one else at all!
Allaah is the One true God
He’s our Lord and King
So everyone believe in Allaah!
Worship none but Him!

Allah Lifts the Birds

Allaah's birds fly through the air
Sailing through the sky
Whizzing past the clouds they go!
See them up so high!
Look a moment at their body
See their two soft wings?
Do you know how they can fly
Without any strings?
Only Allaah is the One
Who makes the birds fly
Allaah lifts them up, up high!
To the giant sky!

Allah Makes Us Glad

Sometimes when you're feeling sad
You may start to brood
But Allaah will make you glad!
He will lift your mood!
Trouble or pain, do not worry
Leave it in His Hands
Try to be a bit more patient
Allaah understands.
Always ask Allaah for help
He hears what we say
Difficulty, pain and sadness
He will wipe away

Allaah's Angels

Allaah made His noble Angels
Made them all from light
They perfectly obey Allaah
And do their duties right.
The Angel Jibraa’eel came forth
And brought down al-Qur’aan
So peace be on this noble Angel
Say ‘Alayhis-salaam’.
The Angel Meekaa’eel takes charge
Of rain and plants, you see
So peace be on this Angel too
Who’s helping you and me!
The Angel Israafeel, one Day
Will blow the Trumpet clear
So peace be on this Angel too
That Day could be so near!
Then there are Angels writing things
One on the left and right
They know the things we say and do
They’re with us day and night.
Allaah has made lots of Angels
Good and kind and true
The Angels love and pray for us!
So let’s all love them too!

Allaah's Books

Allaah sent His Messengers
To guide us – me and you
And Allaah gave to them a Book
That showed us what to do
To Prophet Moosa Allaah gave
A Book that showed the way
This Book Allaah had named Tauraat
To follow every day
To Prophet Daawood Allaah gave
A Book that taught things right
This Book Allaah had named Zaboor
To follow day and night
To Prophet ‘Eesa Allaah gave
A Book that made things clear
This Book Allaah had named Injeel
For people far and near
And last Allaah gave Prophet Muhammad [s]
A Book today we find
This book Allaah named al-Qur'aan
To guide us for all time.

Where is Allaah?

Allaah tells us in Qur'aan
That to us He is near
What this means is so important
I'll explain it here.
Allaah, we should know is He
Who's high above the sky
High above the heavens too
Allaah is up high!
So when we say 'Allaah is near'
What it means is clear
Allaah knows and sees all things
And all things He can hear.
That is what His nearness means
Not physically with you!
He is near because He knows
Everything you do.
So Allaah is not everywhere!
Like I've told you so
High above the sky is Allaah
This we all now know.

Who is Allaah?

Allaah is the One Who made us
You and also me!
Allaah made the whole wide world
And all the things we see.
Allaah, He knows everything
He knows the things we do
Allaah hears and sees all things
And knows what we’re up to.
Allaah, He looks after us
And gives us life to live
He gives us clothes and food and health
All good things He does give.
Allaah, He protects us all
And keeps us far from harm
He gives us shelter from the cold
And keeps us safe and calm.
Allaah is the One Who guides
He tells us what to do
Allaah says to worship Him
This way we’ll be good too.
Allaah is our One best Friend!
There’s none like Him for sure!
The Kindest One and Merciful
So let’s love Allaah more

Allah's Creation

Fish in the Sea

Lots of fish upon the tide
They go swimming side by side
Underwater they abide
And on the waves they ride!
Allaah made their home, the sea
So the fish swim happily!
Colourful, big and small
Allaah made them all.

The Good Tree

Before you cut down any tree
Look up high and you will see
Branches moving with the breeze
Green and healthy growing leaves.
Swaying in the morning sun
Allaah made the trees - each one
So we all must really try
Not to let the good tree die

Tiny Ant

As you’re walking down the street
One small friend you might just meet
If you're close you'll see one too
The tiny ant beside your shoe!
So as you walk further on
Do not on the ant step on!
They serve you and I you know
Love for them, let's all show!

The Little Spider

The little spider spins her home
A soft and silky bed!
So do not raise your hand to harm
Her gentle silver web!
Busy night and day she weaves
Spinning threads of beauty
She is Allaah's little creature
Carrying out her duty.

Busy Little Honey-Bee

Busy little honeybee!
Living in your hive
Working night and day for me
Allaah makes you strive.
Then upon my breakfast table
From you little bee
Comes your honey so delicious
Sticky, golden, yummy!
So for our little worker
Love for her let's send
Do not bother or disturb her
She’s our busy friend!

Silvery Moon

Silvery moon!
I see your face!
High in the sky
That is your place
Quietly you appear
When it is night
There I just see you
When I'm tucked tight!
Allaah has made you
You are His moon
But you will be hidden
From our eyes quite soon
That will be when
The daytime has come
When Allaah decides
To bring out the sun.

Why Am I Here ?

Allaah made us for a reason
Then it’s time for birth
Allaah gave our life to us
And put us on His earth.
Allaah made us Muslims, see
And gave us all eemaan
He told us we must worship Him
And follow al-Islaam.
So now you know why we are here
You and also I
To do the things that Allaah tells us
That’s the reason why.

Allah's Favours

Clothes I Wear

I thank Allaah for all my clothes

Lots I have to wear!
But there are people who have less
And their feet are bare.
No shelter from the cold they have
No woollies warm to wear
So I will try to help them all
And show them that I care.

Eyes and Ears !

Allaah gave me my two eyes
And He gave me ears
With my eyes I see the world
With my ears I hear.
So I thank Allaah for this
So much He's given me!
I will try with them inshaa Allaah
Good things - hear and see!

My Two Hands

Allaah gave me my two hands
With them I can hold
With them I can lift up things
Stretch and also fold.
So I thank Allaah for this
For giving me hands – two
They’re a blessing from Allaah
So much with them I do!

Yummy in my Tummy!

Lots of food for us to taste
They are blessings so don't waste!
Allaah gives us all food good
So eat it up we should!
I thank Allaah for all His favours
Food and drink with many flavours!
Meat and fruit and sweets, all yummy
All things nice for our small tummy!


Cool, fresh water that we drink
Comes from somewhere, have a think
From on high it tumbles down
Pitter-Patter comes the sound!
Pure and tasty for our thirst
For this water let us first
Thank Allaah, this we must
Allaah pours it all for us!

Planes, Buses and Trains!

I thank Allaah
For buses and trains
For ships on the sea
And sky's aeroplanes
All of our transport
Allaah helps us make
Distant and near
In comfort, He takes.

I thank Allaah
For cars that we drive
And for all things
Upon which we ride
Without these vehicles
A hard time we'd face
While we go travelling
From place to place!

Not Feeling Well?

If you're feeling not so well
Words of comfort let me tell
Something we must understand
There is good in Allaah's Plan.
So when a Muslim starts to feel
Sick, weak or does not heal
Then what happens on that day
Allaah wipes their sins away!
So when you're sick, do not fear
Allaah is Most Kind and near
Surely He looks after You
And He’ll always pull you through!

Character & Manners

Better Character

We are Muslims so let's try
To never cheat or tell a lie
Nor to backbite or be rude
Or not show our gratitude.
We are Muslims so let's aim
Never to hurt, harm or pain
Nor show-off or mislead
Or do any unfair deed.
We are Muslims, try we should
To dig out wrong and plant what's good
To please Allaah a whole lot better
Let’s start with better character.

Loving Allaah's Creatures

From elephants so big and strong
To tiny ants so small!
From birds that fly to fish that swim
Allaah made them all!
He made the lions in the jungle
And the frogs that leap
He made the little worms that wriggle!
And the woolly sheep!
He made the rabbits soft and fluffy
And monkeys in the trees
He made the dolphins in the water
And the buzzing bees.
Allaah made each animal
The birds and insects too
He made every living thing
With special jobs to do!
We get warm milk from Allaah’s cow
And wool from Allaah’s sheep
So from them we get clothes to wear
And drinks and food to eat!
“Thank You Allaah for Your creatures
Birds and insects too”
So let’s all love each one of them
They’re helping me and you!

Say "Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam"

Each time we say “Allaah’s last Prophet”
Or say ”His Messenger”
Then we must say some words of blessing
It is only proper.
'Peace and blessings of Allaah
Upon Muhammad' say
But learn it now in Arabic
There’s more reward this way:
“Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam”
After Muhammad’s name
Muhammad – Allaah’s Messenger
All Muslims say the same.
So learn to say these special words
And say them nice and clear
Say them when you’ve said his name
And when his name, you hear.

Are You A Good Neigbour
For your neighbours lend a hand
Show them that you understand
They have rights we must protect
Show them kindness and respect.
For your neighbours try to care
When they're troubled, help repair
Lend an ear and listen too
If they're worried, help them through.
For your neighbours give a smile
Spend time with them for a while
Look after your neighbour’s needs
Allaah will reward your deeds!

Bismillah We Say

Before we start to do some things
Bismillaah we say
When we come home, when we eat
Say it everyday.
Full of blessing from Allaah
Is this sunshine ray!
Easy for our tongue is this
Bismillaah to say!


As we pass a sister, brother
Give Salaams to one another
Always with this we should greet
In our homes and on the street!
'Peace be upon you' we declare
To each Muslim for we care
These few words are good and pure
Spread this greeting more and more!
So for every Muslim, try
Say Salaam instead of 'Hi'
From your lips let these words part
Give Salaams with all your heart!

Are You Telling the Truth

As Muslims we must speak the truth
We all must really try
If we want to please Allaah
Then we must never lie!
Be careful then before you speak
Allaah’s watching you!
Allaah sees and hears all things
And knows what you’re up to!
Allaah does not like us lying
It is very bad!
But if we always tell the truth
Then Allaah will be glad!
Allaah will make things all right
When we just say what’s true
So tell the truth and don’t be scared!
He’ll give rewards to you!

Keep Allaah's Earth Tidy!

Keep Allaah’s earth tidy, clean
Allaah made her big and green
Save the plants and trees, let's try
They deserve to live not die.
The earth looks really bare today!
People throw her gifts away
We use so many things each day
But so much we just throw away!
Help we must, do not refuse!
Start with this, save what you use
And re-cycle what you can
Everyone must lend a hand.
So our planet, help to keep
Tidy, healthy and real neat
Every living thing has worth
Upon Allaah's good earth.

Don't Shout At Me Please!

Why do people have to shout?
My ears still hear the same!
OK! So I’ve done things wrong
And I’m the one to blame.
But even then, why must they shout?
It doesn’t help me much
I need a gentle word that guides
And someone's cuddly touch!
So if politely you could try
To tell me and explain
That’s a better start to help me
Not do it again.
I want to be a good Muslim
Please help me every time
So do not grumble, shout or mumble
Be a bit more kind!


Come and Read Qur'aan!

There’s one Book in the whole wide world
Its guidance I sure need!
It’s the final Book of Allaah
Al-Qur’aan I read!
Allaah tells us in His Book
Many glorious things!
That’s why I love to read Qur’aan
It’s full of His blessings!
In Allaah’s name I start to read
To keep Shaytaan away
He’s the worst one in the world!
Who went so far astray!
I want to learn about Allaah
And so the pages turn
Each word I read from Allaah’s Book
A big reward I’ll earn!
I read about Allaah’s Messengers
And His Prophets, see
May Allaah bless each one of them!
And peace upon them be.
I read about my life Islaam
The best life, this is true!
It teaches me to say good things
And all good things to do!
There’s so much more that I will read
In al-Qur’aan you see
I love to read Allaah’s last Book!
So come and read with me!

Forgive Me!

When I do a thing that's wrong
A tear falls from my eye
I think about the bad thing done
Then I sit and cry.
I might have misbehaved this day
Said something not true
Then I feel upset and sad
But this is what I do.
I know that I must ask Allaah
Turn to Him and pray
Allaah is so full of mercy
"Forgive me please", I say.

Time for Salaah

When the time has come to pray
Put your little toys away
Then go wash like you're told to
It's time to do wudoo!
Then come calmly to Salaah
And concentrate before Allaah
We stand before our Lord to pray
He hears the things we say.
We praise Allaah and ask Him to
Keep us on His Path that's true
We must try to do things right
Pray our best each day and night.
Dear young Muslim! Guard your prayer!
Great reward for you is there!

When I Went on Hajj!

For Allaah’s Sake I travelled there
Where I turn my face in Prayer
It's a duty, this I know
So to Makkah I did go.
For Allaah’s Sake I packed my gear
Then to His House I came near
For my journey I was ready
Allaah made me strong and steady.
I walked around the Ka'bah wall
And tearsdrops from my eyes did fall!
Yearning was I for this day
To stand in Allaah's House and pray!
So happy there my heart had felt!
I thank Allaah for all His help
With Allaah’s Mercy I arrived
Then home I went, purified!

Fasting Tummy!

O my tummy! Do not eat!
Be strong this day on your feet!
Leave your drink and leave your meal
And think of how the hungry feel!
O my tummy! Take no drink!
Keep a fast, for others think
Not a drop will reach their lips
Though before you water drips.
We must help the hungry, poor
Give them food and things much more
When we all fast then indeed
We think of those in need!

So much I want to learn

There’s so much knowledge of Allaah
I really want to learn!
I love to read His Book, Qur’aan
So His rewards I’ll earn.
There’s so much knowledge of Islaam
I really want to read!
I know I must obey Allaah
His guidance I sure need!
There’s so much that our Prophet (s) did
That I will follow, see
Most surely he’s the best Muslim
We follow easily.
There’s so much that I want to learn!
To please Allaah my Lord
And Allaah loves it when we learn!
He’ll give the best reward!

Keep Shaytaan Far Away

Do you know about Shaytaan?
He’s the worst around!
He never does what Allaah says
And moves without a sound.
He whispers in a person’s ear
And says to do things wrong
He tells us, “Disobey Allaah”
All night and all day long.
So never do what Shaytaan says
He lies and wants to harm
But think of Allaah and be strong
And you can beat Shaytaan!
"I seek refuge in Allaah"
Say this every day
To keep the evil, wicked Shaytaan
Far, far, far away!
The Prophets

The Prophets and Messengers

A Muslim follows Allaah’s Prophets
And His Messengers, see
May Allaah bless each one of them
And peace upon them, be.

They came to teach us al-Islaam
And how we should behave
They were the best of all Muslims
Truthful, kind and brave.

They came at different times to people
Far into the past
From Aadam, Moosa, Aaron, ‘Eesa
And Muhammad (s) came last.

So let’s all learn about the Prophets
Read what they came for
‘Alayhimus-salaam we say
And love them more and more!

The Final Prophet and Messenger

Allaah sent a final Prophet
Showing us His way
This is Allaah’s Messenger Muhammad
‘Peace be on him’ say.

He was so gentle and so brave
And always said words true
Allaah sent him to mankind
To teach us what to do.

The Prophet taught us many things
All about Islaam
He taught us to obey Allaah
And also have eemaan.

He loved to help the poor and weak
He loved to share and give
Allaah’s Prophet was so kind
And people he’d forgive.

Our Prophet was the best Muslim
He did all good things right
So we must follow what he taught us
Do this day and night.

My Family

My Big Sister

My big sister is to me
Like a best friend actually
We are sisters you can tell
We always try to get on well.

We talk together and we laugh
We also share each other's scarf
If our homework we can't do
We’ll try to help each other through.

My sister’s really kind to me
Like a sister should just be!

My Dad

My dear dad! Each weekday
You go out to earn some pay
Working hard, this I see
To support your family.

My dear dad! Hard you earn
So that I can grow and learn
Struggling and cheerfully
So you can look after me.

My dear dad! Rest your side
You have worked so long outside
So much of your time is spent
Paying for the bills or rent.

Dearest dad! I will pray
Allaah guides you every way
And that Allaah High above
Gives you all His love!

My Mum

Mum is special, this I know
She loves and cares for me
She guides me and she helps me grow
And does so tenderly.

She’s by my side when I feel down
And when I get upset
Mum is there to comfort me
And dry my eyes all wet!

I pray that Allaah keep us close
That's my mum and me
And keeps us strong upon Islaam
To serve Him lovingly.

My Two Brother

With my brothers I must be
Good to them I'm older, see
They need my help and also care
So I try to be real fair.

I always try hard to be kind
I want to help them every time
I try not to be mean or yell
My brothers are my friends as well.

Allaah loves when we be
Good to all our family.

The Hereafter

The Day of Judgement

This is a Day
That will arrive
When everyone
Is brought back alive
It is a Day
We all must know
Where everyone
Will some place go.

The kind, good people
They will be
Sent to Jannah
And people bad
They will sigh
They'll be punished!
So that they cry.

So we must do
The things we know
To help us into
Jannah go
And stay away
From all things bad
So on that Day
We won't be sad.

Obey Allaah
We all must do
And do the things
He tells us to
We must be good
Be kind and fair
We must be patient
And show care.

So do these things
And also more
Inshaa Allaah then
Forever more
On Judgement Day
Allaah will give
A place in Jannah
Forever there to live!


There's a Garden, beautiful
Allaah says He'll give
To each Muslim who has tried
A good life to live.

It's a place we've never been
Where people never die
Happy always, they will be
And they will never cry.

So if we all obey Allaah
Do our fasts and Prayer
Allaah will give us that Garden
Forever we'll live there!

The Muslim Community

One Islaamic Family!

Black or white, brown or yellow
We are sisters, brothers
All the Muslims come together
And we love each other.

Colour does not matter to us
Side by side we stand
Ready to give all our help
With a caring hand.

Rich or poor, young or old
All of us unite
One Islaamic family we are
Under Allaah's Sight!

I Want To Share

Allaah gives me food to eat
But there are people on the street
With no water and no bread
But thanks to Allaah, I am fed.

I thank Allaah for all things good
But to please my Lord, I should
Share my food with people poor
Bring a smile and give them more.

Allaah kindly gives to me
Food and drink so generously
So His gifts I'm going to share
And for others, I will care.

Will You Be My Friend ?

A friend is someone who is with you
They’ll be by your side
You’ll trust them with just everything
And from you they won’t hide.

A friend is someone who will help
And they will lend a hand
They’ll sit with you and bring you comfort
And they’ll understand.

A friend is someone who is giving
They will share with you
They’ll share their toys, books and sweets!
All kinds of things too.

A friend is someone who shows love
The kind that doesn’t fade
The kind that brings a smile and laughter
When you feel afraid.

A friend is someone really special
Someone precious too!
And everybody needs a friend
so will that friend be you?

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