كليات المجموعة العلمية (الطب البشري - طب الأسنان - الطب البيطري - العلوم الطبية التطبيقية - العلاج الطبيعي - الصيدلة - التمريض - العلوم - الزراعة) |
أدوات الموضوع | انواع عرض الموضوع |
الجامعه الامريكه تفتح دبلومه دوليه لخريجى العلوم
تماشيا مع كل دول العالم التى بها خريجى كليه العلوم هم رقم واحد في التحاليل الطبيه قامت الجامعه الامريكه بالقاهرة بفتح دبلومه دوليه لخريجى كليات العلوم دبلومه من الجامعه الامريكه وفى الاخر بتاخد تصريح من منظمه الكلينكال باثولجى الامريكيه انك اخصائى تحاليل معتمد وتصبح clinical lab scientist دولي ممكن تشتغل بيه في اي دوله اوربيه رئيس هذا البرنامج هو الدكتور حسن عزيزى وهو دكتور تحاليل طبيه خريج كليه العلوم قسم الكميا الحيويه بجامعه الاسكندريه و دكتور في الجامعه الامريكه في القاهرة وعمل دكتورا في بعض جامعات الامريكه في تخصصات التحاليل الطبيه وهو محاضر دولي في التحاليل الطبيه AUC Launches New Program for International Medical Technologist Certification The Engineering and Science Services unit of the School of Sciences and Engineering has launched a one-year program that trains students to become professional laboratory medical technologists. The first program of its kind in Egypt to meet the requirements of American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) certification, it constitutes a crucial addition to the medical profession in Egypt and supports patient care. As part of the program, U.S.-certified experts will train students on high-tech clinical laboratory instruments and in the interpretation of clinical data. Through four training modules in clinical chemistry, hematology, microbiology and transfusion medicine that each run for 10 weeks, the training program allows students with an academic background in medical technology or experience working in a clinical laboratory to receive instruction on how to accurately perform various laboratory tests and minimize laboratory errors that may adversely affect patient life. It also includes two weeks of phlebotomy training and concludes with two weeks of capstone sessions using clinical case studies to prepare candidates for the International Medical Technology ASCP certification exam. “This program is designed and implemented to support the healthcare system in Egypt to ensure public health and patient safety and to promote high quality laboratory practice standards, similar to international standards, in medical laboratories in Egypt and the region,” explained Hassan Azzazy, chair of the chemistry department and chair of the committee of medical laboratory professionals who developed this program. By taking advantage of some of the most advanced laboratories in Egypt including NAMRU-3 and Al-Mokhtabar, the program offers students not only extensive training but also hands-on experience. “We expect that this program will transform the medical technology profession in Egypt and will attract medical technologists from neighboring countries seeking international certification,” Azzazy added.
Dr ahmed chemist and microbiologist and clinical analysis specialist Bsc of chemistry and microbiology post graduated diploma of clinical biochemistry Niow in Msc of clinical microbiology ICDl , TOEFL. intermediate English , interpersonal ,communication skills , time management , chromatographic analysis courses |
العلامات المرجعية |