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أرشيف المنتدى هنا نقل الموضوعات المكررة والروابط التى لا تعمل

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قديم 10-06-2009, 01:46 AM
الصورة الرمزية indomitable
indomitable indomitable غير متواجد حالياً
عضو مشارك
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2008
المشاركات: 183
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
indomitable is on a distinguished road
New speaker بشكل جديييييييد

اقدم للطلبة الاعزاء هذه المذكرة واتمنى لهم التوفيق باذن الله

Speaker A ,B

1- Street : الشارع
Stranger غريب / passerby احد المارة / tourist سائح / policeman شرطي المرور / driver سائق / witness شاهد
من الكلمات الدالة
Accident/ license رخصة / finedيدفع غرامة / could you tell me the way to ---
2- Hotel : فندق
Receptionist موظف استقبال / Tourist سائح / Guest ضيف / customer زبون
من الكلمات الدالة
Book a room يحجز غرفة - single لفرد - double لفردين
3- School / Class room المدرسة / الفصل
Headmaster / Teacher / Student / Parent ولى الامر / Caretaker الفراش
4- Universiry الجامعة
Professor استاذ الجامعة / Student طالب / A friend صديق

5-Police station قسم الشرطة
Officer / citizen مواطن / criminal مجرم / witness شاهد
من الكلمات الدالة
Steal يسرق / stolen سرق / thief لص / killed قتل -------

6- Shopping center مركز تسوق / clothes shop / shoe shop محل أحذية / book shop مكتبة بيع / CD shop محل اسطوانات

Seller ( salesperson) بائع / Customer زبون

7- Restaurant / Café : مطعم/ كافتيريا
Waiter النادل ( جرسون ) /Customer زبون
8- Bank البنك :
Teller صرّاف / clerk موظف / Client عميل / Businessman
من الكلمات الدالة
Lend يقرض / Borrow يقترض / loan قرض / account حساب

9- Court محكمة :

Judge القاضى / Lawyer محامى /citizen مواطن / criminal مجرم / witness شاهد
من الكلمات الدالة
Law القانون / case القضية / prison السجن / accuse of يتهم بـ
10- Examination Room لجنةالامتحانات :

Supervisor مراقب / teacher مدرس / student طالب
من الكلمات الدالة
Exam امتحان / questions أسئلة / answer يجيب
11- Post office : مكتب البريد
Clerk موظف / citizen مواطن
من الكلمات الدالة
Letter خطاب / envelope ظرف / stamp طابع

12- Customs الجمارك :

Customs officer ضابط الجمرك / passenger مسافر / tourist
من الكلمات الدالة
Tax ضريبة / baggage حقائب السفر / luggage حقائب السفر

13- Library : المكتبة المدرسية
Librarian امين المكتبة / student طالب
من الكلمات الدالة
Book كتاب / shelf رف الكتب / borrow يستعير
14- On the platform : على رصيف المحطة
Passenger مسافر / porter شيال
15- Railway station : محطة السكة الحديد
Booking clerk قاطع التذاكر /Passenger مسافر
من الكلمات الدالة
Ticket تذكرة / Train قطار / platform رصيف المحطة

16- In a taxi فى التاكسي
Driver سائق / customer زبون / Passenger راكب
من الكلمات الدالة
Where to ? الى اين / drop me off here . انزلنى هنا
17- A plane الطائرة
Air hostess مضيفة الطيران / Passenger راكب
من الكلمات الدالة
Seatbelt حزام الامان
18- Service center مركز الصيانة:
Technician فنى التصليح / Customer زبون
19- Travel agency شركة السفريات :
Clerk موظف / Passenger مسافر
20-Computer center : مركز الكمبيوتر
Software engineer مهندس البرمجيات / Customer زبون
21- At the tailor`s محل الترزى
Tailor الترزى / Customer الزبون
22- Photo shop : محل التصوير
Photographer مصور / Customer الزبون
23- Cinema / Theater سينما / مسرح
Usher مرشد المكان / booking clerk قاطع التذاكر /friend/customer
من الكلمات الدالة
Ticket تذكرة / film / play مسرحية / actor ممثل / actress ممثلة / stage خشبة المسرح
24- At the barber's: صالون الحلاقة
Barber الحلاق / customer زبون
من الكلمات الدالة
Hair cut قصة شعر
25- Cleaning shop المغسلة :
Laundry man مسئول الغسيل / customer زبون
26- Hospital / Clinic مستشفى – عيادة
Doctor الطبيب / Patient مريض / nurse ممرضة / visitor زائر
من الكلمات الدالة
What is the matter? / what is wrong ? / What is up? مم تشكو / recovery شفاء / let me examine you
27- Workshop / Garage : ورشة

Mechanic ميكانيكى / citizen مواطن
28-Bus اتوبيس
Conductor كمثارى / passenger مسافر

29- Museum متحف
Tour guide مرشد سياحى / tourist / teacher /student طالب
من الكلمات الدالة
Statue تمثال /exhibition نموذج عرض
30- Company شركة

Manager مدير /secretary/ applicant المتقدم للوظيفة / client عميل
من الكلمات الدالة
When did you graduate? متى تخرجت
What is your qualification? ما هو مؤهلك
I have an appointment عندى موعد
31- Pharmacy / Chemist's صيدلية
Chemist صيدلي / customer زبون
الكلمات الدالة :
Medicine دواء - pills أقراص
32- Airport المطار :
Clerk موظف / officer / Passenger مسافر / announcer معلن
الكلمات الدالة :
Flight رحلة طيران / baggage / luggage حقائب السفر
33- Stadium الاستاد الرياضى :
Coach مدرب / player لاعب / team فريق
34- Tv programme برنامج تليفونى

Interviewer مذيع / محاور / guest ضيف

35- Lab معمل
Teacher مدرس / student طالب
الكلمات الدالة :
Experiment تجربة / chemical substances مواد كيميائية / burner موقد
36- At home فى المنزل

Husband ( Father ) / Wife ( Mother ) / son ابن / daughter ابنة
37- Site موقع
Engineer مهندس / Workmen العمال
الكلمات الدالة :
Concrete خرسانة
38- Book fair معرض الكتاب
Supervisor مشرف / student طالب / customer زبون
39- Bus stop محطة الاتوبيس :
Passenger مسافر / booking clerk قاطع تذاكر / friend صديق
40- At the fruit seller's محل الفكهانى/ at the greengrocer's محل بائع الخضراوات
Seller بائع - customer زبون
41-Petrol station محطة البنزين
Car owner مالك السيارة / Driver قائد / worker عامل
Say where these mini-dialogues take place and who the speakers are .
1- A: I see you are wasting your time .
B: It's my spare time .
A: I think you haven't done your homework .
B: It's still early .

2- A: What sort of petrol do you prefer ?
B: Super , lead-free , please .
A: Do you need servicing .
B: Thank you , no need .

3- A: You have the pamphlet of the tours we
carry on . Which one do you prefer ?
B: I think Sharm is the best . Shall we
Travel by air ?
A: Yes , and you'll have full board .

4-A: I'd like a room for a week.
B: Single or double.
A: A single room with a bath .

5- A: Please , have a look at our shop front .
Which jacket do you prefer ?
B: It's all the same to me .
A: I recommend the blueone .

6- A: Why are you late ?
B: I'm sorry , I've missed the school bus.
A: If it's repeated , I won't allow to enter
The class .
7- A: Welcome back , have you got
anything that should be taxed ?
B: I've got this video camera . How much
Place : ………..
Speaker A : ………..
Speaker B : ………..

should I pay ?
A: Two hundred pounds .

8- A: What's the matter with you ?
B: I have a bad tooth .
A: Let me see .

9- A: It is good you have your mobile phone
Let us contact the police .
A: Yes , he hit the boy and ran away .
B: I have taken down his car number .

10- A:Why do you want to borrow L.E.30.000
B: I want to buy some more land ?
A: We need to see a business plan to
lend you the money .

11-A: Where to ?
B: The airport . could you hurry up ,
Please ? My plane leaves in half an
hour .
A: I'll do my best .

12-A: Today we are going to do an experiment ?
B: Do we have to heat the soil ?
A: Yes , but first you have to weigh it .
13- A: What's the mattre with you ?
B: I've insomnia .
A: Will you have exams soon ?
B: Yes , I will . I'm afraid .
A: Don't worry . Fear is the cause of your suffering .

14- A: Where can I find history book ?
B: They are on the third shelf .
A: Thanks a lot .

15- A: Write the answer on the board .
A: Is it right ?
B: No , it isn't . Who can correct it ?

16- A: Can you give me advice about the latest
fashion ?
B: The pink colour is the most fashionable.
A: Let me see that blouse .

17- A: Our teacher asked us to read about the
French Revolution . Can you advise me
About the best book to read ?
B: There are two books on the shelf on
the right . I think the first is the best .

18- A: I have got a bad grade in English this
term . What do you think I should do ?
B: Use the new words as possible as you
can and drill grammar .

19- A: I know the Algebra rules well , but I
fail to work out the right answers of
the problems .
B: I think you do your work in a hurry .

20- A: On which platform is my train to Alex ?
B: You should go to platform 4 .
A: Will you carry my two bags ?
B: At your service , sir .

21- A: Can I help you , madam ?
A: Yes , my car It suddenly broke down .

22- A: It's raining. We haven't our umbrella .
B: the sandwiches we bought for our
children will be wet .

23- A: Passport and ticket , please ?
B: Here you are .
A: Smoking or non-smoking ?
B: Non-smoking , please .

24-A: Good morning , can I help you ?
B: Yes , I'd like a single room , please .
A: For how many nights ?
B: For two nights only .
25- A: My key , please . It's 22 . Is there any
messages for me ?
B: no , sir .

26- A: May I see the menu , please ?
B: OK . Here you are .
A: Please , bring me lamb with rice .

27-A: How can I help you ?
B: I want to return this dress .
A: What's wrong with it ?
B: It shrank when I washes it .

28- A: Where is your homework ?
B: I'm sorry , I've forgotten my notebook .
A: You have to bring it tomorrow .

29- A: This experiment proves that one fifth of
the air's volume is Oxygen .
B: Would you do it again , p[lease

30- A: What are you watching?
B: It is the final football match.
A: Have you finished all your studies?
B: Yes , my mother saw my homework too.

31- A: Help me to pack my clothes .
B: OK . Don't forget to bring our daughter
the present you promised her .

42-A: How much is a letter to the USA ?
B: Put an 80 piastres stamp on it .
A: Can I have a stamp ?
B: Here you are .
33- A: I 'd like to see the director .
B: Do you have an appointment ?
A: Yes , I'm Waleed Adel and I should
meet him now .
34-A: How can I go to the Egyptian Museum ?
B: Go straight on , then turn left . It's in
the square .

35-A: I'd like to swim for a while then I'm
going to lie on the sand under the sun
for a long time .
B: Won't your skin be suntanned? Let this
Be for our children .

36-A: What a shame ! He hit the old man and
ran away .
B: We have to phone the first Aid to
Rescue the miserable man .

37- A: I have bought the tickets . Let's enter
and see the film .
B: Let's wait for a while . I know our
friend Ali is late , but he may turn up .

38- A: May I see your ticket , please ?
B: Here you are ?
A: Your seat is the fifth to the left .
B: Thank you . When does the train reach
Alexandria ?
A: At twelve
39- A: What would you like to have , sir ?
B: Strong black coffee , please .

40- A: May I see your ticket , please ?
B: Here you are .
A: Seat 30A . That's this row .
B: What time does the film start ?
A: At 6.30.

41-A: Please , sit down Mr. Ahmed .
B: Thank you .
A: You've applied for a receptionist . Have
You got any experience ?
B: Yes , I worked at the Sheraton before .

42- A: Shall I put it in a bag for you ?
B: No, thank you . It's very cold outside ,
So I'll wear it now .

43- A: Excuse me , madam . May I have a look
inside your handbag , please ?
B: What for ?
A: It's only security measures before
boarding a plane .

44- A: I'd like to exchange some foreign
currency , plaese .
B: Yes , of course .

45- A: It's nice to see you. I hope you speedy
recovery .
B: Thanks. It's kind of you to visit me .

46- A: What's wrong with that computer ?
B: I spilt water on the keyboard .
A: Let me check it .

47- A: I've come to report the theft of my car .
B: How did this happen ?
A: I got up and didn't find it in front of my house .
48- A: How often is there a flight to Rome ?
B: We have flights to Rome every day .
A: Are there non-stop flights ?
B: Yes . Direct to Rome .

49- A: Have you got any thing to declare ?
B: To declare !
A: Any electrical appliances .
B: I haven't got any .

50- A: Helton Hotel , how can I help you ?
B: Could you put me through to Mr. Ali
Ahmed room 23 , please ?
A: Certainly .

51- A: Could you tell our viewers about your
new discovery ?
B: I've discovered a new treatment for a
disease that was thought to be incurable

52- A: Here you are madam . A kilo of carrots.
Anything else ?
B: Yes , a big cabbage , please .

53- A:I'm afraid , the flight has been delayed
due to the bad weather .
B: When will it take off ?
A: We don't have any information yet .

54- A: Where to ?
B: The airport , please . Terminal 2 .
Could you hurry up , please ? My plane
leaves in half an hour .
A: I'll do my best , but the traffic is heavy .

55- A: I'd like a ticket to Luxor , please .
B: Here you are . Plat form 4 .
A: Thank you

56- A: May I see your ticket , please ?
B: Here you are .
A: Your seat is the eighth on the left .
B: Thank you . How long does the bus
take to reach Fayoum .

57- A: How can I help you ?
B: I have an appointment with Mr. Salem ,
the sales manager .
A: Could you tell me your name , please ?
B: Gaber Mahmoud .
A: Take a seat , please .I'll tell him .

58- A: Can I help you ?
B: Yes , I'd like to make an appointment .
I have a terrible toothache .

59- A: Can I buy this couple of birds?
B: Of course . Pay the price at the
manager's office on your right .

60- A: can I get in , please ?
B: You are late.
A: I', so sorry , I've missed the bus . This
is the first time to be late .

61-A: can I help you, sir ?
B: Can you carry these bags to a taxi?
A: Of course , sir .

62- A: Give me a bunch of flowers , please .
B: here you are .

63- A: can I leave today ? I feel well .
B: I'm sorry , your temperature is still high .

64- A: Why are you throwing rubbish here ?
B: Well , what would you like me to do
with it ?
A: You should put it in the garbage bin .
65-A:Today We're going to play the film
" The Spiders " . If you have questions ,
keep them till the end .
B: will we discuss our questions later ?
A: Yes , but you have to follow up the
incidents carefully .

66- A: What do you think of university life ?
B: Every thing is so big in comparison with
school .
A: You're good at rowing. Why don't you
Join our rowing team .

67- A: When did you graduate ?
B: In 1995 .
A: Do you speak English fluently ?
B: Yes , sir . I have worked as a translator
In a big company for two years .

68- A: Do you mind if I smoke , doctor ?
B: Yes , smoking isn't allowed here . In
the hospital smoking is dangerous to
patients and to you also .

69- A: How do you want your hair cut ?
B: Very short all over , please .

70- A)- The brakes have to be checked regularly
-Ok. Go on , and please have a look at the motor.
A)- certainly.

71- A)-How long have you been feeling unwell?
-Two days. is it serious?
A)- No, just you have to stay in bed for a week.

72- A)- Shall I have a look at your luggage?
- Of course.
A )-Ok , you may leave.

73-A)-Could you book me a flight for tomorrow evening?
-Certainly sir , first or second class ?
A)- First please.

74-A)-May I see your ticket please?
- Here you are.
A)-Seat 15, the next row.
- Thank you. What time does the film start?
A)-At 6:30

75-A)-Stop here , that's where I want to get off, How much?
-The meter indicates seven pounds.
A)- Here you are , keep the change.
- Thank you.

76-A)- Excuse me , I want to check my account statement .
- Ok sir , but you have to fill in this form
A)- Ok.

77-A)-Good morning . I'd like some information about trains , please.
- Where do you want to go ?
A)- To Aswan . what time does the next train leave?
- At 8 o'clock.

78-A)-Look at the letters on this chart. Can you see "W" and "X"?
- No , I can see only "S" and "Y"
A)- I think you need glasses.

79-A)-I`d like to return this book, sir.
-Let me see. It is a week late. Why didn’t you return it in time?
A)- I'm very sorry , next time I will follow the rules.

80-A)-Can I change this book. It has some pages missing.
-certainly sir, here is another one.
A)- Thank you very much.

81--A)-Now , look at the mirror
-Wow, That is the hair cut I want. Thank you
A) :- At your service sir
82-A)- My key please. It is one twenty, is there any message for me?
- No sir.
A)-If someone asks for me I'll be in the lobby.

83-A)-How can I help you?
- I bought this dress only yesterday and I'd like to return it.
A)-What's wrong with it ?
-It shrank when I washed it.

84-A)-Where is your homework , Nada?
-Sorry , I forgot the notebook.
A)- You have to bring it tomorrow.

85-A)-Open this suitcase, Have you anything to declare?
- No, sir.
A)- Very well , You may go through.

86-A)-Swear that you will tell the truth and nothing but the truth.
-I swear sir
A)-Tell us what happened.
-I saw those thieves robbing the bank

87-A)-Fasten the seatbelt ,please.
-Can I have an asprin
A)- Sure.

88-A)-Can I have a room for one night?
- sure sir, single or double?
-Single please.

89-A)-Good morning , can I see your ticket and passport, please?
-Here you are.
A)-Thank you . Boarding time is 8:15 gate 19.
-Thank you.

90-A)- You have to pay a fine.
- Why , sir?
A)-You exceeded تجاوزت the speed limit حدود السرعة

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