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قديم 09-03-2009, 07:30 PM
الصورة الرمزية Mr Sheha
Mr Sheha Mr Sheha غير متواجد حالياً
مدرس اللغة الانجليزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Mar 2009
المشاركات: 146
معدل تقييم المستوى: 16
Mr Sheha is on a distinguished road
افتراضي Can you do it

Rewrite the following
1.The Egyptian approach to the Arab affairs is always brotherly. (Begin with: «The Egyptians ...... and make any necessary changes)
2.Without the computer, many technological miracles would be impossible.(Begin with:- It's the computer .......)
3.It is necessary to start earlier. You won't finish the job otherwise.(Join using: «If»)
4.He was very ill. That was why he didn't come. (Begin with:- If .........)
5.Going to summer resorts on holidays is difficult for government employees. (Begin with:- If living expenses had been lower, ........)
6.Critics influence people. (Rewrite using «influence» as a noun)
7.Some people think that money brings happiness. (Begin with:- Money .......)
8.He is growing old. His hair is going grey. (Join beginning with: «He feels worried ...... and make any necessary changes)
9.To wear trouser-like skirts is fashionable for girls now. (Begin with:- It is ........)
10.When they arrive, I'll leave. (Rewrite using: until)
11.First he finished his work. Then he went to bed. (Join using: Until)
12.1 like playing tennis more than swimming. (Begin with:- I prefer ......)
13.I want you to fetch my coat from the bedroom. (Rewrite using: mind ......)
14.For all his wealth, he was hated by most people. (Use «Wealthy as»)
15.I can see why he's afraid. (Rewrite using: the reason .......)
16.I prefer listening to music to watching TV. (Begin with:- I'd rather ......)
17.He got the best marks in our class. (Begin with:- Nobody .........)
18.This very old house was almost certainly built before 1900 (Use:- must)
19.He should be careful, otherwise he may make a mistake. (Rewrite using unless)
20.I wasn't able to hear your voice clearly. (Rewrite using: «could hardly» .........)
21.I didn't realize she was your sister until I saw her with you. (Begin with: It was only ........)
22.You cannot do less than help him with his work. (Join, using : least)
23.I said something to you. Did you understand it? (Join using: what)
24.She was certain of his telling the truth. (Rewrite using: «that»)
25.I last met him when we were in Spain. (Begin with:- I haven't .......)
26.«I'll buy you a cake if you type this letter out for me.» (Begin with: He promised .......)
27.It'll take us four hours and a half to fly to London. (Use the noun from «fly»)
28.I went to a show in Alexandria last Friday. It was marvelous. (Begin with: The show .......)
29.Without the rescuers’ efforts many people would have died.(Begin with:- If it ....)
30.He didn't get to the station in time, so he didn't catch the train. (Begin with:- If ........)
31.I want a key to open the box with. (Begin with:- If only .......)
32.She was kind enough to help. (Begin with:- It ........)
33.I most probably got there before midnight. (Rewrite using: «must»)
34.You mustn't smoke here. (Rewrite using: «forbidden» .......)
35.I said I was sorry that I had not warned him. (Begin with:- I apologized ........)
36.I'd rather play tennis than swim. (Begin with: I prefer .......)
37.He forgot paying his share. I forgot paying mine too. (Join using: and so .......)
38.Why did our friend Abeer keep away from the meeting? (Rewrite beginning with: I want to know ......)
39.He regretted making that mistake. (Begin with:- If .......)
40.Zaki is a big fool. He thinks that doing nothing is better than working.(Make one sentence using: so ...... that .......)
41.Ahmed didn't see our friends because he didn't attend my birthday party. (Begin with:- If ......)
42.You needn't hurry. You've already missed the train. (Begin with: It's no use ....)
43.No, thank you. I'd prefer to take a taxi. (Make a question)
44.It is said she is a widow. (Begin with:- People .......)
45.Where can I go if I want to have a good meal? (Begin with: Please tell me ......)
46.It's wrong of you to waste your time. (Begin with:- It's no good ......)
47.I don't think Khartoum is bigger than Cairo. (Rewrite using: as ..... as .....)
48.Have you any other thing to do? (Use:- else)
49.It is better for you to do your work properly' (Rewrite using: had better ......)
50.It isn't safe to stand on that chair. ; (Begin with:- «That chair >.....»)
51.We'll always remember these days together at our meetings in the future. .(Begin with:- whenever ......)
52.The books written by Naguib Mahfouz are being read everywhere.(Begin with: Thousands of people .......)
53.Raghda is absent today. She must be ill. (Begin with:- The teacher told us ........)
54.I have been reading for the last two hours. (Use:- since)
55.The woman cried loudly when she saw the terrible accident.(Rewrite using: couldn't help .......)
56.He suggested a journey to Aswan with us. (Rewrite using: suggest ........)
57.He said to me, «You are ill; you must be tired.» (Change into Reported Speech)
58.Fashion houses decide what we should wear from year to year. (Begin with: What .......)
59.The faster you drive, the earlier you arrive. (Use:- If)
60.Being thirsty, I searched for something to drink. (Begin with: As ......)
61.He worked hard to achieve his hopes. (Use:- because ......)
62.He got someone to mend his bicycle. (Begin with:- He had ......)
63.She bought a lot of clothes as well. (Make negative)
64.I bought a shirt made in France. (Use French ......)
65.Have you anything else to do? (Begin with: I wondered .......)
66.I am clever. He is clever. (Join using: as well as)
67.You should take care, or you will hurt yourself. (Rewrite using: Without ......)
68.He had seen only a few policemen. They were all young. (Join beginning with:- The few ......)
69.Nobody-has ever beaten him at chess. (Begin with: He .......)
70.I had a good time in Port Said. Like Alexandria, it is on the sea. (Make one sentence)
71. we admire optimistic persons, not pessimistic ones. (Begin with:- Optimistic people ...
72.The children were each given a chocolate bar.(Begin with: Each ...
73.All pupils have got their books.(Begin with: Every .,
74.We won the October war. We restored Sinai.(Make one sentence using: if .........)
75.If you read a lot of books, you will gain more knowledge. (Begin with: The more ......,.)
76.The plumber was so clever that he could mend all the broken pipes in a short time.(Rewrite using: such ...... that)
77.By 2020 we may have eliminated pollution. (Begin with: Pollution .......)
78.We respect the faithful. (Rewrite using: who)
79.This piece of music sounds lovely. (Rewrite using «sound» as a noun)
80.She was too shy to speak to me. (Use:- so ...... that)
81.They saw him led by two policemen. (Begin with:-He .......)
82.If only you don't go so late for work everyday! (Find the mistake and correct it)
83.You can't park in this area. (Rewrite using: allow ........)
84.I'll have finished this work by two o'clock. (Begin with:- This work .......)
85.The lawyer's clients are consulting him about every thing. (Begin with:- The lawyer ......)
86.Increasing production in our country cannot be ignored. (Begin with: We .......)
87.She is the youngest girl in the class. (Use «younger» without changing the meaning)
88.He hurt his leg but he managed to win the race. (Begin with: In spite of ......)
89.When he had written the report, he felt relieved. (Begin with: On .........)
90.Although the suit is expensive, I'll buy it. (Begin with:- Expensive ......)
91.The flat was small. We could not live comfortably in it. We had to take it. There was no other one. (Make one sentence)
92.As more oil is used, its price will get higher. (Begin with: The more ........)
93.He attended the party although he wasn't invited. (Use:- without)
94.Mona's mother punished her severely. (Begin with:- Mona ......)
95.Egyptian farmers no longer live in houses of mud. (Begin with:- No longer .......)
96.She ran ten miles. She didn't stop. (Make one sentence)
97.He spoke to her. She didn't reply. She didn't know what to say. (Make one sentence)
98.I'm to blame. My brother is to blame. (Join using «as well as»)
99.The rain stopped. The road was muddy. It was dangerous to drive on. (Make one sentence)
100.But for water, all living things would have perished. (Rewrite beginning with: If ......) ,
101.This examination was easier than any other exam we took. (Use: easiest)
102.Some students often worry about sitting for final exams. (Use:- «worried»)
103.There was a boy. He was very unhappy. He failed the test. He did not work hard enough. (Make one sentence)
104.Without your help, I would have lost my life. (Begin with:- Unless ......)
105.How old are you? (Begin with:- What ......)
106.No one can deny that Warda is a good singer. (Begin with: It .........)
107.We enjoyed our stay at the Sheraton a lot. (Rewrite using: during .........)
108.Without his intelligence, he couldn't answer it (Begin with: if he ........)
109.«I'm sorry-if we are a little late. (Begin with: He apologized ........)
110.Coal is expensive. It pollutes the atmosphere. (Join beginning with: Not only ......)_
111.In the past I met my girlfriends at dances, but now I don't mind. (Use: «used to»)
112.1 saw him - He was working in the garden. (Join without using any joining word)
113.He works like a horse, (use: «as if»)
114.You can have the day off. However, you must work on Saturday instead.(Use as long as)
115.Both Ahmed and his children were injured in the accident. (Use: «as well as»)
116.The robbers tried to break into the bank bur in vain. (Begin with: Vainly ... ....)
117.He doesn't play music well. (Ask a question)
118.The evening was so pleasant that we never forgot it. (Rewrite using: «Such»)
119.She said to me, «Why haven't you done what you were told to do?»(Begin with: She asked ........)
120.1 took a long time to write these letters. (Begin with: It ..........)
121.There is no law to prevent people from dealing with foreign currency. (Begin with: No law ......)
122.He lost his parents when he was a child. (Rewrite using: «childhood»)
123.He scored a goal a minute before the end of the match. (Use- «which»)
124.Thank you. You don't complain. (Join using: «for»)
125.I insist. You must pay the bill. (Join using: «paying»)
126.There was a boy. He was very busy. He failed the test. He did not work hard enough.(Join to make a sentence)
127.She must not see what you are doing. (Use: «be»)
128.He was late I suppose he probably missed the eight o'clock train. (Use: «have»)
129.That's most unlikely to be my pen. My pen fell in the river. (Use: «can»)
130.He sold the house at last. So, his joy was great. (Join using: «Selling»)
131.We are no longer getting many reports from abroad. (Begin with: «No longer ........ and use «news»)
132.Everyone on the staff with the exception of Samir liked the idea. (Use: «apart»)
133.Won't you move your car? I don't want to have to call the police. (Use: «unless»)
134.«I suppose they were found favourable.» (Answer: What did he suppose?)
135.His music was lovely. (Use: «played»)
136.The boys in our school are much (good-looking) than the boys in the other schools.(Correct)
137.Instead of waiting for the others, he went on ahead. (Use: «decide»)
138.Remind me to take the files with me. (Use: «let»)
139.Charles Dickens had a hard childhood. (Change this statement into an expression of belief)
140.The servant is going to clean the car for us at night. (Begin with: We are going .......)
141.He likes living alone. (Use the word «own»)
142.As you get older, you become weaker.(Begin with: The ....... the .....
143.It was only when I saw the picture that I realized he was the thief. (Use: «until»)
144.I could not sleep although I was tired. (Begin with: Tired .......)
145.The staff sent him a present when he got married. (Begin with: A present ......using «occasion” ,
146.As more demand is required, prices will get higher.(Begin with: The more .........)
147.He ought not to sleep late as he must wake up early tomorrow. (Begin with: Last Sunday ........)
148.The meeting is being held in the office. (Begin with: The office ........)
149.He has never driven a car before. (Use; «the first time»)
150.It was a through train, so it was not necessary for us to change trains.(Rewrite without using: «necessity»)
151.She passed me in the street without speaking. I think she didn't see me. (Use: «can't»)
152.The bridge was so low that the truck couldn't go under it.(Begin with: It was .........)
153.They do not eat shrimps nor are they eating shellfish. (Identify and correct the word or phrase that should be corrected)
154.It seems that experts are finding new uses for computers all the time.(Change into passive and use a question-tag at the end of the new sentence)
155.Don't smoke here, please. (Use «I’d rather» and make the necessary changes)
156.«If I were you I'd wait until tomorrow.)) (Change into reported speech)
157.There is a fall in death rate as a result of improvement in public health services.(Begin with: «But for the improvement in public health services .........»)
158.Country people are moving to the town and cities in the hope of finding a better standard of living. (Use: «So that»)
159.Unemployment leads to further poverty. (Begin with: «Further poverty ,.........
160.When people’s living standards begin to rise birth rates begin to fall.(Begin with: «The higher ........»)
161.People's incomes are so low that they have nothing to spare for savings.(Begin with: So low .......)
162.Food production cannot keep up with the population increase.(Use: «too»)
163.Poor people's conditions cannot be improved unless there is a reduction in the rate of population increase.(Use: «improvement» and «reduce»)
164.There is a shortage of schools, teachers and hospitals in developing countries.(Begin with: «Developing countries ......»)
165.Lorries are not allowed into the centre. (Begin with : The police)
166.Sorry, I delayed you. You were in a hurry but I didn't know. (Begin with : If)
167.This is the woman. I met her last Friday. (Join)
168.No one can find a solution to such a problem but him.(Begin with : He)
169.He informed me that he had been studying since I had left. (Give the actual words)
170.They have to change the date of the meeting. (Begin with : The date ..............)
171.It will take us four hours to fly to London.(Use the noun from "fly")
172.1 can't get my feet into these tight shoes.(Use : too ........ to ...)
173.Heba said to me, "You mustn't phone here earlier". (Begin with : Heba warned me ..)
174.Is Maha coming to the meeting ? '(Begin with : I don't know .....................)
175.It is not necessary to answer all the questions.( Use : needn't )
176.1 want to give up smoking, but I can't. ( Begin with,: I wish ................. )
177.The car will have to be sold. ( Change into active)
178.Should you be interested, I have a book on the subject you might like to see.(Rewrite beginning with : «If ............)
179.a) He attended the meeting as an observer. b) She's a good observer, really, as though she had eyes at the back of her head. (Show the difference in the meaning of «observer»)
180.She didn't say «yes» until he had promised to be there.(Rewrite beginning It was not)
181.I started to read. The lights went off (Join using «no sooner»)
182.You were really lucky. Nothing serious has happened, but ........ worse.(Complete)
183.The others do not exactly see you as you see yourself. They do not exactly hear the same voice you think it's yours. (Join)
184.There is a big difference between the two. (Begin with «The two .............»)
185.Without your advice, I'd lose clear sight of things. (Begin with «Unless ..........»)
186.Having lost the game, they left in sadness. (Use : Owing to)
187.Tired as I was, I couldn't sleep well. (Use : Although)
188.I don't expect to see you here. (Use : Fancy)
189.She didn't attend the lecture because she was unwell.(Use : If)
190.I have never found him friendly ; (Change into passive)
191.Leaves become yellow in autumn .(Use .another verb instead of become)
192.She'd better wear a uniform , ...........?(Add question tag)
193.Someone took his money , so he couldn't buy new books .(Use : If)
194.Some people think that money brings happiness. (Begin with : It is ................)
195.The thief saw the policeman. He ran away. (Begin with : On )
196.I started to read. The lights went off. (Join using : No sooner)
197.The manager can't see you now. He is at a conference. (Use -. until)
198."Everybody , remain in your places" the police said to us.(Reported speech)
199.1 saw him work as a bee in the camp. (Use -. as though)'
200.1 won't leave until he returns . (Use : after)
201.They told him informally that he'd get the job. He wished (Complete)
202.You ......... be right, but I don't expect so. (Supply a suitable modal)
203.He said to her. «Shall I help you ?» «Yes, please,» she " said (Change into Reported Speech)
204.I hardly ever go out these days. (Begin with : Hardly......)
205.By the time the news is announced, they already (start) (prepare) for the great occasion. (Correct the verb forms)
206.The bad weather frustrated our hopes of going out. Begin with «We could ...........»)
207.History seems to be repeating itself. (Rewrite, using «as if»)
208.What she says doesn't correspond with what she does. This is the problem.( Begin with «The
209.He almost does no work. (Rewrite using: hardly ....)
210.I haven't enjoyed myself so much for years. (Begin with: It's years ....)
211.Next patient, please (Rewrite beginning with: Would ...,
212.I would prefer you not to smoke in here.( Begin with: I'd rather ....
213.I didn't realize he was the author and was so rude about his new book.(Rewrite, beginning with «If I ........»)-
214.Before making the speech, he had a drink to steady his nerves.(use «not ........ until ........»)
215.They're going to put up a bronze statue of the great scientist.(Change into passive)
216.His refusal to help us dealt a death blow to our plans. (use «because»)
217.We can't solve the problem easily. (Rewrite using : solution ..........)
218.People say that Farouk El Baz is a genius. (Begin with : Farouk El Baz ........)
219.They will finish their exams next July. (Use : by next July)
220.Hundreds of people lost their lives. (Passive)
221.We met them at your birthday party. (Begin with : It was)
222.Without your advice, I'd have lost much. (Begin with : Unless)
223.I feel like (drink) a cold sweet (drink). (Rewrite a correct sentence)
224.Drunken driving causes thousands of deaths every year. (Change into passive)
225.He lost his job. He's living a day today existence. (join, using «since»)
226.Persuading her it's a good idea is half the battle. (Rewrite, using «if»
227.Most of the news (be) false. (Correct the verb)
228.My sister and I are students. (Rewrite beginning with » «My sister as well as I ......)
229.A computer can solve a mathematical problem in no time. (Rewrite using «capable»)
230."Don't go out in the rain" She ordered them .......................... (Complete)
231.He was going to post the letter on Wednesday but then he waited until Thursday. He delayed..................... (Complete)
232.He said he was thinking of going to Paris for a holiday and asked me whether I would like to join him. He said,"................... (Complete)
233.I wish I (work) harder when I was at school.
234."It wasn't me who broke the glass" said Kamal. (Begin with : Kamal denied ..........)
235.Ali helped the old man and carried his heavy bag. (Begin with : It was ...............)
236.Eating the right food has a good effect on health.(Rewrite using : affect)
237.Will you see "Hard Times" on the TV this afternoon ? (Begin with : Hatem asked Mohsen ........)
238.Ahmed did not receive his friend at the airport because he was ill. (Begin with : If)
239.Ahmed is a nice fellow. He lives next door to us. (Join using : who)
240.This jacket is very tight. I cannot wear it. (Join using : ........too........to..........)
241.I really hate it when I have to stand in queues .I can't bear .............. (Complete)
242.He said to me. "Why did you write that awful letter? He asked me .......... (Complete)
243.It is such a dirty restaurant that no one wants to eat there. The restaurant is ..........(Complete)
244.If I (be) younger, I would study languages.(Correct the verb in brackets)
245.I advise you (wait) before (make) a final decision.(Put the verbs in the correct form)
246.He said he didn't take the money. He denied....................... (Complete)
247.He didn't pass the examination because he didn't work harder. If he............. (Complete)
248.1 caught him (read) my letter. Fancy him (do) a thing like that.(Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form)
249.He begged me not to tell anybody what had happened. He said to me,"......." (Complete)
250.I shall tell her to make several copies. I shall get...................(Complete
251.I tried to interest her in a cup of tea but she refused politely. (Rewrite using : despite .........)
252.In the event of rain, the party will be held indoors. (Rewrite using «if».)
253.When you read more books, you gain more knowledge. (Begin with: The more ........)
254.He reached the station late, therefore he missed the train. If...............(Complete)
255.In Strafford, we saw Shakespeare's birthplace -We saw the house .............. (Complete)
256.I tried to lift the box but it was too heavy. The box .................. (Complete)
257.The bus strike prevented me from going to work. I wasn't.............. (Complete)
258.I'm sorry that I have to ask you this question. Forgive me ................(Complete)
259.1 don't know many people but I'd like to. (Begin with : I wish................)
260.Everyone will have owned a car by the end of this century. (Change into passive)
261.He didn't see his friends because he didn't come to the party. (Begin with : If ......)
262.I last saw him when we were in London. (Begin with: I haven't........)
263. “I will buy you a coke if you type this letter out for me” (Begin with: He promised
264.It'll take us four hours and a half to fly to London(Use the noun from " fly " and make the necessary changes.)
265.1 went to a show in Alexandria last Friday. It was marvelous. (Make one sentence beginning with : The show __.)
266.Without the rescuers' efforts many people would have died. (Begin with : If it .......)
267.Explain the difference the meaning between these 2 sentences:
1.My friend arrived to the railway station very late.
2.My friend arrived to the railway station too late.
268.My brother said to me. "I have started reading a new novel and I'll finish it in two days". (Begin with: My brother told me ....)
269.First he finished his homework. Then he slept. (Join using: After .-..)
270.Trying to get tickets for the play is a waste of time. It's no use..... Complete
271.It was such bad news that Jane burst into tears. The news.————— complete
272.Hishani regretted asking Amr to lend him £20. Hisham wished—Complete
273.The doctor should have signed my insurance form . My insurance form......... Complete
274.John missed the ferry because his car broke down. If.............. complete
275.I’m not sure Nagi doesn't want to go to the party I don't................... (Complete)
276.I'm sorry I arrived late. Excuse me............ (Complete)
277.Samy said. "I gave up smoking last week". Samy said............. (Complete)
278.That picture (hang) in the same place since I (buy) it. (Correct tense).
279.They didn't go on holiday because they didn't have enough money.( Begin with if they ....................
280.I wasn't able to buy the books I wanted because I didn't have enough money. (Rewrite beginning with : If ..................
281.The play was so successful that all the tickets were sold. (Rewrite beginning with : It was............)
282.I really regret ever starting to smoke. (Rewrite beginning with : I wish ............)
283.There's a chance they'll arrest him if he tries to leave the country. Begin with: He might..........)
284.I didn't think the party would be so expensive. Begin with : The party .................)
285.He insisted on paying for our meal. (Begin with: «He wouldn't .......»)
286.It's out of fashion. I'm going to buy it. It's well worth keeping. (Join to make one sentence)
287.He hates losing the match. (Use: «would»)
288.It's forbidden not to carry a passport. (Make active)
289.We shall watch TV; there is nothing better to do and there is no reason not to do it.(Use: «as well»)
290.I'm not keen on the play but I think I should go because I have a free ticket.(Use: «as well»)
291.The cities have not been able to provide housing, and the new-comers live in crowded slums. (Begin with: «That the new-comers live ..........»)
292.Wider acceptance of family planning means basic changes in attitude.(Begin with: Unless .......)
293.No one can deny that he is a millionaire. (Begin with : It is ...................... )
294.A ten-pound note doesn't go very far these days. It ......buy ....(Fill in each space with one word)
295.He gave me the help peculiar of a friend.(Rewrite, replacing the underlined words by an adjective)
296.He is not a capable engineer. You will be wrong if you give him the apparatus.(Make one sentence using : Unless ........)


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