The Unired Snes ond Nortb Africa
subject to certain restrictions, and, finelly, can take exceptional measuras if the safery and independence of the Republic are threatened.
Compared to that, the prerogatives of the Assembly are somewhat restricted. Ies members are elected at the same time as the President for five years, and all deputes represent the country as a whole instead of a purticular discrict. The Assenbly can pass bills over presidential veto by a rwo-thirds majority on second reading, bur is most relling power is char of firing the finai figures of the budget Ia practice the legislature has been overshadowed during the seven years of Tunisin independence by the execuaive, but that is not too unusual in the first stages of a new counay which is tempted to dramapze the national will in one personaliry, especially when the magnetism of that individual is such that it is impossible to imagine the country wichout him.
Grouped around the presidency is the executive office, beginning with the cabinet which bas been staffed with little change by members of the neo-Destour. The Secretary of State to the Presidency functions as a vice-president and is also responsible for national defense. The forces under his command include a smmall ammy of about 20,o00 men, which has enhanced its reputation in the Congo, a naval concingent for coastal defense, a parachutist elice unit, a few officer pilots, and the gendarmerie.
Military service is compusory, but the rate of rejection is high and many trainees are enrolled in a civil corps which has done excellent work in the economic development program.
On the regional level, the country is divided into thirteen governorates, with each governor assisted by an elected advisory council. These have limited powers but provide a useful testing ground of local opinion. It is in the competence of its regional administration that Tunisia has particularly disinguished itself. On the whole the governors have been able and conscientious younger Destourians, and a neat balance berween centralization and decentralizaion has been kept. The governor