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أرشيف المنتدى هنا نقل الموضوعات المكررة والروابط التى لا تعمل

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قديم 08-05-2008, 08:57 PM
الصورة الرمزية indomitable
indomitable indomitable غير متواجد حالياً
عضو مشارك
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2008
المشاركات: 183
معدل تقييم المستوى: 17
indomitable is on a distinguished road
افتراضي مشكلة المشاكل شرح وافى لادوات الربط

A)- Although = though = even though بالرغم من
تستخدم للربط بين جملتين متناقضتين
لاحظ ان الجملة عبارة عن الفاعل + الفعل
Ex :- Although he is rich ,he is miser.
Ex2: She was happy though she had no money.
Ex3:- Although the bag was heavy , he carried it easily.
- فى حالة عدم وجود فاعل وفعل فى الجملة الثانية يجب ان يوضعا لتكوين جملة كاملة
لاحظ المثال الاتى :-
-I like most subjects but not maths . (Although)
- Although I like most subjects , I don’t like maths.
فى الجملة السابقة اتينا بنفس فاعل وفعل الجملة الاولى مع مراعاة النفى .

-He plays most games but not tennis ( Although )
- Although he plays most games , he doesn’t play tennis.
النفى فى المضارع البسيط :-
1- اذا انتهى الفعل بـ s / es ينفى باستخدام المصدر doesn’t +
- Likes (doesn’t like) / plays (doesn't play)-----
2- اذا لم ينته الفعل بـ s / es ينفى باستخدام المصدر don’t +
- Like ( don’t like ) / play ( don’t play) --------
النفى فى الماضى البسيط :-
1- ينفى الفعل فى الماضى البسيط باستخدام المصدر didn’t +
- liked (didn’t like ) / played ( didn’t play) -------

- In spite of = Despite بالرغم من
تحل هذه الادوات محل Although / though / even though
ولكن يأتى بعدهما اما :-
اما v+ ing او – الاسم (n) او – (جملة كاملة ) The fact that +

لاحظ كيفية اضافةing للفعل :- تضاف ing الى المصدر وليس للفعل الماضى
- made ( making ) – went ( going ) – slept ( sleeping ) -------
- am –is –are – was- were ( being)
- Has – have – had ( having)

- اذا كان فاعل الجملة الاولى = فاعل الجملة الثانية يحذف الفاعل الذى بعد الاداة عند استخدام v+ ing

- اما اذا كان الفاعلان مختلفان لا نحذف الفاعل

Ex 1:- Although he is rich , he is miser ( Inspite of)
- In spite of being rich, he is miser
- In spite of his richness , he is miser .
- In spite of the fact that he is rich , he is miser.
لاحظ عند استخدامك the fact that توضع الجملة بدون تغيير
لاحظ ايضا فى الجملة السابقة انه عند استخدام v+ing حذف الفاعل لتكراره فى الجملة الثانية

Ex2: - She was happy though she was poor (despite)
- she was happy despite being poor.
- She was happy despite her poverty .
- She was happy despite the fact that she was happy.

Ex3:- Although the bag was heavy , he carried it easily (Despite)
- Despite the bag being heavy , he carried it easily.
- Despite the heavy bag ,he carried it easily
- Despite the fact that the bag was heavy , he carried it easily .
- لاحظ فى المثال السابق ان :-
- فاعل الجملة الاولى the bag يختلف عن فاعل الجملة الثانية he لذا فعند استخدام v+ ing لا يحذف الفاعل
- وعند استخدام الاسم : يحذف v to be مع التبديل كالاتى :-
- The bag was heavy (the heavy bag)
- The street is crowded (The crowded street )

Ex4 :- Although the day was rainy , he went out . (In spite of)
- In spite of the day being rainy , he went out.
- In spite of the rainy day , he went out
- In spite of the fact that the day was rainy , he went out.

لاحظ التحويل العكسي :-
Ex1:- In spite of being weak , he fought bravely ( Although )
ناتى بالفاعل والفعل ( لاحظ ان الجملة الثانية ماضى لذا يتم تحويل being الى was / were )
- Although he was weak, he fought bravely.

Ex 2:- Despite having no money , she was happy (Although )
ناتى بالفاعل والفعل ( لاحظ ان الجملة الثانية ماضى لذا يتمتحويل having الى had )
- Although she had no money , she was happy.

Ex3:- Inspite of his illness , he played well (Although / poor )
ناتى بالفاعل والفعل ثم v to be والصفة من illness وهى ill )
- Although he was ill, he played well.

Ex 4 :- In spite of the high mountain , he could climb it easily
- Although the mountain was high, he could climb it easily.

C)- Because = as = since لان
ياتى بعدها سبب
- تستخدم للربطبين جملتين ( اىان بعدها فاعل وفعل مثل although )
- He couldn’t come because he was ill.
- He couldn’t answer the test as she didn’t study hard.
- He came late since he was tired.

D)-Because of = due to = owing to = thanks to = on account of بسبب
تستخدم هذه الادوات نفس استخدام despite / In spite of بالضبط
Ex1 :-He couldn’t come because he was ill ( because of )
- He couldn’t come because of being ill
- He couldn’t come because of his illness
- He couldn’t come because of the fact that he was ill.

Ex2:- He didn’t go sailing as the sea was rough . (owing to )
لاحظ اختلاف الفاعلين كما سبق شرحه
- He didn’t go sailing owing to the sea being rough.
- He didn’t go sailing owing to the rough sea.
- He didn’t go sailing owing to the fact that the sea was rough.

- Although / though / even though / because / as / since

يأتى بعدهم الفاعل والفعل
- In spite of / despite / because of / owing to / doe to / on account of / thanks to
يأتى بعدهم :- اما v+ ing او – الاسم (n) او – (جملة كاملة ) The fact that +

E):- so as to = in order to = to لكى / حتى
ياتى بعدهم المصدر بدون فاعل
- عند وجود الفعل want to او اى فعل ناقص (can – could – may – might – will –would --- ) يتم حذفهم
-He came in time because he wanted to meet the manager ( so as to)
- He came in time so as to meet the manager.

- He hurried up so that he could catch the bus. ( in order to )
- He hurried up in order to catch the bus.

لاحظ اذا كان الجملة الثانية منفية نضع not قبل to
1- He came in time as he didn’t want to be punished (so as to )
- He came in time so as not to be punished.

2- He got up early because he didn’t want to miss the bus (in order to )
- He got up early in order not to miss the bus.

لاحظ :- عند وجود فاعل اخر قام بالحدث فى الجملة الثانية نستخدم بعد الاداة الفاعل be + pp + by +
Ex 1:- He ran away because he didn’t want the officer to arrest him ( so as to )
- He ran away so as not to be arrested by the officer.

Ex 2:- He came in time so that his father couldn’t punish him ( in order to)
- He came in time in order not to be punished by his father.

F)- so that= in order that = that لكى
يأتى بعدهم فاعل وفعل ناقص
الفعل الناقص هو can / may فى المضارع و could / might فى الماضى
لاحظ:- عند وجود الفعل want to فانه يحذف
- فى حالة النفى يتم نفى الفعل الناقص
Ex 1:- He came in time because he wanted to meet the manager ( so that )
- He came in time so that he could meet the manager .

Ex 2:- He arrived early to say goodbye to his friend before he left ( in order that )
- He arrived early in order that he could say goodbye to his friend before he left.

Ex 3:- He got up early in order not to miss the bus ( so that )
- He got up early so that he couldn’t miss the bus.

- لاحظ عند وجود فاعل اخر قام بالحدث فى الجملة الثانية فان هناك حلان
Ex4 :- He came in time because he didn’t want his father to punish him ( so that )
- He came in time so that his father couldn’t punish him.
- Or) He came in time so that he couldn’t be punished by his father ( مجهول )

Ex5 :- He ran away because he didn’t want the officer to arrest him ( in order that )
- He ran away in order that the officer couldn’t arrest him
- Or) He ran away in order that he couldn’t be arrested by the officer.( مجهول )

G)- so ----- that جدا لدرجة ان
يأتى بينهما الصفة او الظرف
- الصفة توجد بعد am – is – are – was – were – be
- اما الظرف فينتهى فى الغالب بـ ly
لاحظ عند وجود very / extremely يتم خذفهم
Ex 1:- He was very clever, he could answer the test ( so ---- that )
- He was so clever that he could answer the test.

Ex2:- He ran quickly , he could reach the station in time ( so --- that)
- He ran so quickly that he could reach the station in time.

H)- Such ------ that جدا لدرجة ان
يأتى بينهما موصوف + صفة a / an +
- الصفة التى يبدأ بحرف ساكن تسبق بـ a والتى تبدأ بحرف متحرك تسبق بـ an
الموصوف :- اذا كان الفاعل مذكر نستخدم man / boy واذا كان مؤنثا نستخدم woman / girl

لاحظ عند وجود very / extremely يتم خذفهم
Ex 1:- He was very clever , he could answer the test ( such ---- that )
- He was such a clever boy that he could answer the test

Ex 2:- She was very intelligent, every one admired her (such --- that )
- She was such an intelligent girl that every one admired her.

اما اذا كان الفاعل غير عاقل فانه يتم حذفه من بداية الجملة ونضع it بدلا منه ويستخدم الاسم المحذوف كموصوف بدون the
Ex 3:- The car was very expensive , I couldn’t buy it ( such --- that )
- It was such an expensive car that I couldn’t buy it .

Ex 4:- The mountain was very high , I couldn’t climb it ( It was such )
- It was such a high mountain that I couldn’t climb it.

لاحظ التحويل من such that الى so ---- that
Ex 1:- It was such a rainy day that couldn’t go sailing ( so --- that )
نأتى باصل it وهو الموصوف The+
- The day was so rainy that I couldn’t go sailing.

Ex 2:- It was such a beautiful flower that I couldn’t help looking at it ( The flower )
- The flower was so beautiful that I couldn’t help looking a it .

I)- Too ----- to جدا لدرجة الا
ياتى بينهما صفة وبعدهما التصريف الاول للفعل بدون فاعل - وتستخدم مع الجمل المنفية مع تحويل النفى الى الاثبات
لاحظ عند وجود very / extremely يتم خذفهم
Ex 1:- The mountain was very high , he couldn’t climb it ( too --- to)
- The mountain was too high to climb.
- Or) The mountain was too high for him to climb
لاحظ : عند وجود صفة منفية تحول الى الاثبات مع الاتيان بعكسها
The bag wasn’t light , he couldn’t carry it ( too ---- to )
- The bag was too heavy to carry
- Or) The bag was too heavy for him to carry.

Ex2:- The classroom isn’t big enough to hold all the pupils ( too --- to)
- The classroom is too small to hold all the pupils.
لاحظ عند التحويل من too --- to اى so --- that او such ---- that ناتى بالفاعل والفعل الناقص منفى
Ex 1:- The mountain was too high for him to climb ( so --- that / such --- that)
- The mountain was so high that he couldn’t climb it
- It was such a high mountain that he couldn’t climb it.

J)- as well as تماما مثل
قبها فاعل الجملة الاولى وبعدها فاعل الجملة الثانية
الفعل معها هو فعل الفاعل الاول وليس الثانى
Ex1:- I am tall , he is tall ( as well as)
- I as well as he am tall

Ex2:- She has a car , I have a car ( as well as )
- She as well as I has a car.

Ex 3:- I as well as he am clever (is)
نبدل الفاعل الاول بالفاعل الثاني
- He as well as I is clever.

المعنى الثانى :- وايضا وذلك عند وجود فاعل واحد قام بحدثين معا – وياتى بعدها v- ing

Ex 1:- He visited his uncle and bought some vegetables (as well as)
- He visited his uncle as well as buying some vegetables.

K)-butولكن , howeverومع ذلك
قبلهما جملة وبعدهما جملة ايضا ( فاعل وفعل )
- الجملة التى بعد although تاتى قبلهما

Ex1:- Although he is fat, he could run fast ( but / however)
- He is fat but he could run fast
- He is fat , however he could run fast.

Ex2:- He was happy though he was poor ( however )
- He was poor , however he was happy.

لاحظ ان However فى بداية الجملة يأتى بعدها صفة وفاعل وفعل
Ex 1:- Although he is tired , he runs fast (However)
- However tired he is , he runs fast .

Ex2:- Although she was poor , she was happy ( However )
- However poor she was , she was happy.

L)- Not only ------- but also ------
= Not only ---------but ----------as well
ليس فقط ------ ولكن ايضا
Not only + فعل مساعد + فاعل + فعل ---- but also + جملة ( فاعل – فعل )

Ex 1:- He bought a car and a villa (Not only)
Not only did he buy a car but also he bought a villa
لاحظ اننا وضعنا فاعل وفعل الجملة الاولى فى الجملة الثانية
Ex2:- He plays tennis and football (Not only)

- Not only does he play football but also he plays tennis

Ex3:- He went shopping and visited his uncle (Not only)
- Not only did he go shopping but also he visited his uncle.

M)- No sooner -------than -------
= Hardly ----------- when -------
= Scarcely----------when -------
- لم يكد ---------------------------حتى -------------
القاعدة للكل :-
No sooner + had +فاعل + pp ---- than + جملة ماضى بسيط
Or ) No sooner + did + فاعل + تصريف اول ---- than + جملة ماض بسيط

Ex 1:- He went out , It started to rain ( No sooner)
- No sooner had he gone out than it started to rain
- No sooner did he go out than it started to rain .

N)- In addition = besides that بالاضافة الى ذلك
قبلها جملة وبعدها جملة ( فاعل وفعل )
-He bought a car and a villa ( in addition )
- He bought a car in addition , he bought a villa .

Ex2:- She went shopping and visited her uncle ( besides that)
- She went shopping besides that she visited her uncle .

O)- In addition to = besides بالاضافة الى ذلك
ياتى بعدها :

اما v+ ing او – الاسم (n) او – (جملة كاملة ) The fact that +
اى مثل inspite of / Despite
Ex1:- He bought a car and a villa ( in addition to )
- He bought a car in addition to buying a villa
- Or) He bought a car in addition to a villa.
- Or) - He bought a car in addition to the fact that he bought a villa.

P)- Neither --------- nor --------------
المعني :- لا --------- ولا ---------------
الاستخدام :- للربط بين جملتين منفيتين مع ملاحظة ان النفي يحول الى إثبات
لاحظ ان الفعل بعدها يطابق الفاعل الثاني وليس الأول
-She isn't clever , I am not clever ( Neither )
Neither she nor I am clever.

-Ali doesn’t like fish , samy doesn`t like fish ( Neither )
Neither Ali nor Samy likes fish

لاحظ عند الإثبات تحذف doesn`t مع وضع s / es للفعل

لاحظ الجملة الاتية :-
-Neither she nor her sisters are clever ( is )
نقوم باستبدال الفاعلين
Neither her sisters nor she is clever

بعد هذه الادوات
Although – though- even though / because – as – since / so – therefore / in addition – besides that – however – but
ياتى الفاعل والفعل ( جملة )

- اما يعد هذه الادوات
In spite of – despite / Because of – due to – owing to – thanks to – on account of / besides – in addition to
ياتى :- اما v+ ing او – الاسم (n) او – (جملة كاملة ) The fact that +

مع تحيات : ياسر على محمد - طهطا- سوهاج

العلامات المرجعية

أدوات الموضوع ابحث في الموضوع
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