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قديم 10-06-2011, 05:21 PM
alaashawky alaashawky غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Mar 2010
المشاركات: 17
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
alaashawky is on a distinguished road
افتراضي The last touch The spiders

The last touch
: It's used by the robbers to show things behind a wall. They used it to find underground rooms that contained gold. The archaeologists didn't use it as it was too expensive.
: It's like a great library ,but information in this library is not books and it is not in one place, but it moves between thousands of computers around the world. It helped Ayman to communicate with Shereen who helped him to identify the female spider. It helped him to get information about the medical plant(Negra).
: Ayman could get in touch with Dr.Shereen and others to get a lot knowledge about the spider.
: It is a large store of computerized data, especially lists of topics or abstracts of reports. Susan Bennet the zoologist who worked at Oxford University could find out information about that species of the spider on it.
::We know from the story how the anti venom is made .Scientists put small quantities of venom into animals such as horses, and then the animals make anti bodies to fight the venom. Scientists can then extracts the anti bodies from the animals.
2:From an old medical text we know that the ancient Egyptians had used "Echinacea Negra" which was extracted from the roots of a plant called "Negra". The medicine was the only treatment for the bites of the spiders. Wafaa Sultan ,who was the botanist went to Sinai to the plant to save a young man's life from certain death.
: They played a very important role in the story. They are the people who are in charge of the security and safety. The chief of the police, Colonel Mikhail took decisive decisions in proper time. He ordered stronger protective suits for his men to protect themselves from the bites of the spiders. He ordered a barrier to be made
around the city to prevent anything in or out the town to make sure that the female spider would escape .He arranged for the Echinacea Negra to be brought from Sinai by Wafaa Sultan.
: With the helpof the internet ,Ayman could contact specialists of arachnology and zoology across the globe as Prof. Jones and Suzan Benett.
: It plays important role in the story although it was angry in Sinai.
: It was as big as a small apple. It had eight eyes and legs ,two fangs and its colour was black and yellow. It survived although the well equipped team's attack. It's also useful as it can eat insects and flies. It could produce about 2000 small spiders. It enclosed them in four silk sacs. It lost a leg during the fight with the well equipped team. It bit Ayman as a kind of revenge
1-A team of archaeologists in the desert
2-A band of four robbers.

3-An army of deadly spiders underground.
4-Excitement and greed robbers.
5-The robbers' fatal end.
6-A rescue helicopter.
7-Ayman's family.
8-Ayman's favourite hobby.
9-Surfing the internet for information.
10-Dr Shereen's eagerness to help Ayman.
11-Professor Malcolm Jones.
12-Uncle Walid's advice.
13-The fatal danger ;no anti venom.
14-Fighting the spider
15-Echinacea Negra; a new hope.
16- Wafaa Sultan.
17-A brutal battle against the spiders.
18- The search for Hamdayya's female spider.
19-The female spider attacked Ayman.
20-Ayman,terribly sick, in the hosp
21-Sinai rescue team.
22-Ayman 's life was in danger.
23-A great hero .
24-Certain death and strange rescue
25-The second bite.
26-Surviving the second bite
1-What does the story of" The Spiders" teach us?
1- It teaches us:1-how the internet is important 2- how to be agood observer.3- how to be a good citizen .4- how to cooperate for the good of humanity and to use modern technology.
2-"Professor Jones was very effective in the fight against the deadly spiders. "Explain .
As soon as he had heard about the big spider he traveled to Egypt with his equipment. He could identify the spider. He went with the officers and Ayman to the tomb. He got the venom. He offered Ayman to study at Oxford and a camera as a sign of honor. He was sincere and helpful.
3- How did Wafaa Sultan help to save Ayman's life?
She was in trouble but she managed to get the medical plan and drove so fast and arrived at the hospital on time. The doctors made some medicine and gave it to Ayman who soon recovered.
4- Why didn't the deadly female spider's bites kill Ayman?
Because when Ayman was bitten the first time his body produced a lot of antibodies which protected him the second time.
5- Why was Ayman the most popular young man in Egypt?
Because he was a brave young man who was ready to give his life to save others.
6- "There were a lot of people who were saved from the spiders." Discuss.
1- The pilot escaped death when when he returned to the helicopter to get on the radio. 2. If the officer at the police station hadn't gone to tell his superior about the treasures in the Land Cruisers, he would have died by the spider's bite. 3. Najat, Ayman's sister, was saved from the spider's attack by moving her foot away when her mother called her and her sister. 4-Lamia, Ayman's sister, was saved from the spider's attack when Ayman saw the female spider moving near her, he slowly and cautiously went to her and asked to keep still to take a photo of her.
7-Why was the female spider more dangerous?
This is because it could produce small spiders ,its bite was strong, it lived longer and it was very big.
8-How did they know that the spider bit some one? It left two red marks on the person.
9- How did the fighters protect themselves against the deadly spiders?
They were completely covered with large black suits, made of strong plastic. Each suit had a thick transparent window over the face. There were no openings for a spider to get through. They breathed through a filter like a gas mask.
10- Prove that Ayman was a brave young man.
1. When Ayman saw the spider in the garden he wasn't afraid and used the internet to get the information about it. 2. He went with Captain Ahmed, Professor Malcolm Jones and the convoy to the archaeological site and the empty house to fight the spiders. 3. He could save his sister Lamia from certain death when he blinded the spider with the camera's flashlight and knocked it into the aluminum case of the camera and shut it. 4. He was ready to sacrifice his life to save others.
11- Prove that Dr. Shereen Fakhry was helpful.
1. She worked at the Department of Egyptology at Oxford University. She had a lot of information to help people. 2. She consulted other scientists to give the correct information. 3. She gave the best advice needed, when she advised Ayman to tell the police about the spider. 4. She could link different people successfully together for the best results.
12- Give an example to show that Ayman was intelligent.
When Ayman saw the female spider on the wall behind his sister's head, he asked her not to move. He pretended to take a photograph but he used the camera's flashlight to blind the spider and catch it.
13- Prove that Professor Jones was a world famous archeologist.
1. He found three or four unknown species of spider every year during his trips to South Africa. 2. He wrote books on the spiders and other arachnids.
14- The female spider used its fangs not against the enemy but against itself. Explain how?
When the officer's insecticide tank landed on one of its legs, it used its fangs to cut through it.
15- Captain Ahmed, Ayman, Professor Jones went to the archaeological site for different purposes. Explain. 1-.Captain Ahmed wanted to kill the spiders. 2.Ayman would identify the spider he had seen. 3.Professor Jones would identify the species of the spider.
16- Technology played an important part in the "Spiders." Explain.
The equipment used in the "Spiders" was highly technological. 1.The robbers used Ground Penetrating Radar which showed what was behind the walls. 2.The pilot used the radio to contact the police when he found the robbers. 3.Professor Jones used the "smoker" to kill the spiders and insects. 4.The officers wore protective clothes to protect themselves from the spiders' bites. 5.Using high technology, doctors would make an anti -venom for the black and white spiders' bites.
17- What did Ayman's family think about Ayman's story about the spiders?
His family thought that half of the story was true and the other half was from Ayman's imagination.
18- Why would it be difficult to kill all the spiders?
Because: 1.The spiders were under the ground. 2.No one knew where the spiders lived. 3.They didn't even know how big the area was. 4.They could kill some of the spiders. But some of them would live. 5.But they would damage the important archaeological site.
19- How were the ancient Egyptians pioneers in the discovery of the antivenom against the killer spiders? They made this medicine from the roots of a plant called "Echinacea Negra."
20- "If you must fight an enemy, you should first understand the enemy." To what extent would this statement help in the fight against the spider?
They would study the biology of the spider and then find the suitable anti venom to treat its bite.
21-How is antivenom made?
Scientistsput small quantities of venom into animals . Then the animals make anti —bodies to fight the venom. Scientists can then extract the anti bodies from animals.
22-What is Negra used for? Treating thespiders' bites
23-What precautions did they take before attacking the spiders?
They took with them protective clothing ,tanks of insecticides ,fencing wire ,masks ,weapons ,tools, and building materials. They would catch some spiders to be identified.
24-Why did the spiders come to our world again?
This is because people disturbed them as they lived inquiet ,cool safe and dark places under the grounds.
25-How did the robbers plan to rob the site?
1—They came to the site after midnight.2-They used two modern grey land cruisers 3-They switched off the lights and engines so as not to be seen or heard. 4-They used local number plates to deceive the archaeologists.
5-They used Ground Penetrating Radar (G .P. R) 6-They used modern technological equipments as: a large camera , a small computer
25-Do you wish if you were Ayman? Why?
Yes I do ,as he was a brave ,sincere ,loyal ,patriot ,good observer ,(with sharp eyes) young man. He proved that he was a good example of a rare young men who were ready to give their lives for their countries and others.
27-What difficulties did they face while driving back from Sinai?
1- The road was a narrow track , had no surface ,very steep. 2The weather was very bad. 3-There were a storm ,thunder ,and lightning. 4-The three wadis.(obstacles)
28-Why were the congratulations turned into a look of a horror?
This is because Ayman was bitten again.
29-Why didn't the spider live in Ayman 's house?
This is because Ayman 's house was light and full of noisy.
30What was Jones' hope? The spider hadn't produced yet
1- "We 'd better get on the radio."
1-Who did the engineer think they should get on the radio to?
He thought they should get on the radio to the police.
2-What did he do after hearing these words? 3-How was eh saved? He left the car and went back to the helicopter. But for the engineer's words the spiders would bite him and killed him.
"That's funny ! Spiders use webs to catch flies ,but I'm going to use the web to find a spider."
1-Who said these words? To whom? Ayman to himself.
2-What 's Ayman 's hobby? What was it used for? The internet.
He used it for making friends from over the world, and for his university studies.
3-What webs did he refer to? The first web refers to the woven strings made by spiders to catch flies and other insects.. and the second web refers to the World Wide Web.
3- " The story of the spiders may be just a story."
1-Does Dr Fakhery think the story is just a story or does she think it is true? What was strange about these spider? She thinks it just a story .Its speed and size surprised Ayman.
2-If the story isn't just a story, what might Ayman think ? It perhaps the spiders in the story are the same species he saw 3-What did Dr Fakhery advise him to do? He should tell police. Ayman didn't tell the police lest people should laugh at him.
4-" I haven't seen anything like this before "
1-Who says these words? Professor Jones. To Shereen &Susana
2-What was the speaker looking at when he said these words?
He was looking at a very old picture of a spider .
3-What did he mean by these words? They were unknown species of spiders.( These spiders found in a tomb near Bawiti)
5-" What a nuisance! I had to cancel my next trip
1-Who said this quotation? To whom? Jonesto his guests
2-Why was he angry? He was angry as he was in bad temper when he had to cancel such an interesting trip to South America.3-What was meant by a nuisance? As he was keen on making this trip to study the un known species of the spiders
6-"Spiders!Men don't die from spider bites! How……?
1-Who said these words? Ayman's father.
2- Is it true that people don't die from spider bites? Yes
3-Why had men died from these spider bites? As they were unknown spiders. How didthe spiders kill men? How might people die of the spiders' bites? Ayman 's father)
7"-I will pass your opinion to the colonel."
1-Who was speaking? To whom? Captain Ahmed to Jones
2-What exactly does 'your opinion' refer to ? The professor ' opinion is that it is impossible to kill the spiders at the archaeological site.
3-What was the matter? The matter is the issue of whether to attempt to kill the spiders which are underground.
8-"Ayman Hassan doesn't have much more time"
1-Who said ,to whom? The colonel said this to The captain
2-What does it mean? This means that Ayman doesn't have much more time to live.
3-Why doesn't he have 'have more time'? This is because he has been bitten by the spiders.
9-I'll be happy to do what I can"
1-Who said this quotation to whom? Jones to captain Ahmed.
2-what was the response of the speaker? He expressed his happiness when the captain expressed his thankfulness for letting them join in a dangerous process.
3-How did the speaker find happiness in doing such a dangerous task? He found happiness because it was a scientific mission and a discovery that benefit him in his field.
10-" We are running out of time"
1-Who said these words to whom? Osama to Wafaa.
2-What were they running out of time to do? To reach the third valley before it was impossible to cross.
3-Was another reason why it was important not to run out of time? Yes there was another reason. Ayman needed the Echinacea Negra soon or he would die.
11-We have a young man's life in our hands.
1-Who said this statement? Why? Wafaa to push her companions to go on with their human mission., to save Ayman
2-what troubles did they face? They faced lightning ,thunder ,heavy rain and rocky road .She could save Ayman's life
12-It's up to you now. Good luck.
1-Who said this quotation to whom? Osama to Wafaa 2-What was the occasion of this quotation? Her task was to watch out for the group while they were trying to save the third car and to press the horn if she saw a tree coming
3- Why did the speaker wish the addressee good luck? To save the plants and bring them in time to save Ayman.
13-" We can only guess how many thousands of people might have died without the intelligence and bravery of this young man."
1-Who said this to whom? The minister to the reporter.
2-Why might thousands of people have died? They mighthave died if the two thousand young spiders and the big female had not been found.
14-"I feel like a new person with a new future!"
1-Who was the speaker? The speaker was Ayman.
2- Why did the speaker feel so? He felt so because Profeesor Malcolm said that Ayman could go and study at Oxford university if he wanted to. Uncle Walid also said that all the best employers would want a man like Ayman.
3-What sacrifices did the speaker offer to humanity? He saved thousands of people from certain death when he warned the police and guided them to th place of the deadly female spider and the army of spiders that hatched. He deserved every honour for his great sacrifices.
1-Nobody knew that the cars contained treasures and a deadly spider.
2- The Egyptian archaeologists don't often use G.P.R as it is rather expensive.
3-The treasures blinded the officer's eyes when he opened the boxes the he went to report the matter to his superior.A fence was built to prevent the robbers to go in.
4-Shereen Fakhery felt 'a cold shiver' when the spider in the picture was like the spider Ayman had described.
5-The towns people burnt the town to get rid of the spiders but they couldn't so they gave up hope and deserted it./Wafaa said that Negra would be no good for a female spider.
6-Ayman didn't have time to read Dr Fakhery 's second e-mail so ,he printed it to read it.later.7-It could be many years before a safe anti venom is produced in large quantities.
8-Inside the empty house there were two thousands spiders.
9-As the light fell on the floor of the room, the floor moved like the waves on the sea. The moving floor wasn't water , it was 2,000 small black and yellow spiders.
10 Osama and Farouk tried to attach the other end of the towrope to the car in the water. 15-Ayman thought that the spider came to the hospital through the ambulance.
11- Captain Osama switched on the car's lights as it was dark during the storm.
12-Farouk cupped his hands to shout at the third car because he wanted it to hurry.
13-Ayman was in intensive care because his case was dangerous so he was put on a ventilator to keep alive.
14-Scientific researchers help people get rid of the spider and keep our archaeological and historical safe by developing a safe anti venom as quick as they can and producing suitable insecticides to kill the spiders put save for people
16-Ayman was knocked off balance when the female spider had bitten him
17-Professor Jones went to his hotel to get his equipments .
18- If the newspapers knew about the spiders , the business , the restaurants , the food factories would lose a lot of money.
Alaa Shawky

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